Rocio Da Riva | Universitat de Barcelona (original) (raw)
Books by Rocio Da Riva
Babilonia. Una introducción a su historia más reciente [900-539 a.C]. Bellaterra, Barcelona, 2022
Esta obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar unos conocimientos básicos sobre la historia más recie... more Esta obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar unos conocimientos básicos sobre la historia más reciente de Babilonia, la del I milenio a.C., a un público de habla hispana lo más amplio posible, intentando el muy difícil equilibrio entre rigor y entretenimiento. Dado que la época anterior a la dinastía caldea suele estar poco o nada tratada en los manuales, se ha decidido incluir tanto el periodo post-kassita como el de la dominación asiria (900-631 a.C.). Sin embargo, esta obra no abarca la época de dominio persa (539-331 a.C.), pues aunque económica, social e institucionalmente no se aprecie una cesura marcada tras la llegada de Ciro al poder en 539 a.C., se ha considerado que la relativa abundancia de buenas monografías haría redundante incluirla. La ausencia de un estudio de conjunto sobre el periodo transcurrido entre 900 y 539 a.C. es lo que me ha animado a intentar suplir esta carencia.
Pero, más que aspirar a la exhaustividad, lo que persigue esta obra es presentar una panorámica histórica. He buscado limitarme a lo fundamental y proporcionar referencias y recursos para quien desee ampliar conocimientos más específicos. Además, para no monopolizar el discurso, he incluido traducciones de diversos textos tanto asirios como babilonios, para que los lectores sientan la inmediatez
y la frescura de la cultura antigua.
Da Riva analyses the book keeping practices and administration of the famous temple Ebabbar in Si... more Da Riva analyses the book keeping practices and administration of the famous temple Ebabbar in Sippar during the Assyrian reign in Babylonia until the first half of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (pp. 15-57). The author examines the agricultural activities of the temple (pp. 59-171), the involvement in cattle breeding (pp. 173-309), and the prebendal system (pp. 311-338). Special attention is given to the archive of Remut-Nabu of the family of Bel-eteri (pp. 339-361). Smaller chapters deal among others with the scribes of the temple and the role of Babylon as presented in texts from Sippar (pp. 363-404). The study concludes with a prosopographical list of personal names as attested within the texts (pp. 405-469), indices (pp. 471-486) and copies of several cuneiform tablets (pl. i-xxv).
"Rocío Da Riva provides the reader with a detailed overview of the Neo-Babylonian royal inscripti... more "Rocío Da Riva provides the reader with a detailed overview of the Neo-Babylonian royal inscriptions that were among the first cuneiform documents discovered in Mesopotamia by early western travellers and scholars: "The scope of this book is to give a brief introduction (.) and to familiarize the non-specialist with this textual corpus without sacrificing the precision an Assyriologist would expect." Her study covers various aspects of these texts: their findspots, the process of their creation, their writing and the language of the inscriptions, questions of chronology, and their structure and contents.
1. Introduction
2. Definition, classification and function of the royal inscriptions
3. The media of the royal inscriptions
4. The process towards the creation of a royal inscription: circumstances of composition
5. The findspots of the inscriptions
6. Dating the royal inscriptions
7. Writing
8. The language of the inscriptions
9. Structure of the inscriptions
10. The contents of the inscriptions
11. Conclusions
12. Appendices
13. Abbreviations
14. Bibliography
15. Indices
16. Concordance of inscriptions"
Actas del workshop "Descubriendo el Antiguo Oriente: estudiosos de Mesopotamia y Egipto a finales... more Actas del workshop "Descubriendo el Antiguo Oriente: estudiosos de Mesopotamia y Egipto a finales del s. XIX y principios del s. XX" celebrado en la Universidad de Barcelona 25-26 de noviembre de 2013. Todas las ponencias del workshop giraron en torno a la cuestión de los orígenes y el desarrollo de las disciplinas de asiriología, arqueología oriental y egiptología entre mediados del s. XIX y la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Papers by Rocio Da Riva
B. Sass and L. Battini (eds.), Mortals, deities and divine symbols. Rethinking ancient imagery from the Levant to Mesopotamia Studies offered to Tallay Ornan, Series Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, Archaeopress.
Despite the political and symbolic importance of royal seals, and the frequent references to them... more Despite the political and symbolic importance of royal seals, and the
frequent references to them in the contemporary documents, there is hardly any material evidence of their existence in Babylon. The only example of a royal glyptic, dating from the reign of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, is actually a modeled relief on a tablet imitating a seal impression. But if its manufacture is surprising, the scene represented is even more so: it depicts the king of Babylon, armed with a sickle sword, fighting a wild goat. The present article analyses the implications of the iconographic motif and its symbolic connotations with the aim of improving our understanding of Babylonian royal ideology during the first millennium BCE.
Israel Oriental Studies, 2023
R. Da Riva and J. Novotny, 2023. “A Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar II from Uruk in the Cindy and Davi... more R. Da Riva and J. Novotny, 2023. “A Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar II from Uruk in the Cindy and David Sofer Collection displayed in the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem”, Israel Oriental Studies 22: 3-29.
One of the aims of the 2016 campaign in as-Sila was to conduct a survey in order to identify cist... more One of the aims of the 2016 campaign in as-Sila was to conduct a survey in order to identify cisterns, channels and structures related to water use at the top of the settlement, using the 2015 survey map of the site as a base. The investigations have revealed a complex and sophisticated hydrological network with a great diversity of water structures (carved in the sandstone and designed for the collection, storage, transport and distribution of rainwater). All the structures have been identified and described using a total station, their location associated with the general topography of the site, and the contexts photographed. This study presents the results of recent analyses of lime-based mortars from rock-cut hydraulic structures collected during the 2016 archaeological campaign at the site of as-Sila/Sela, in the governorate of Tafilah in southern Jordan. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses were performed on 16 samples of mortars by means of x ray diffraction (XRD) and thin...
Nabuchodonosor II fut un roi charismatique et ses realisations politiques et militaires ont trans... more Nabuchodonosor II fut un roi charismatique et ses realisations politiques et militaires ont transforme Babylone en une puissance mondiale. Sous son long regne (605-562 avant J.-C.), Babylone atteignit son extension territoriale maximale en annexant de vastes zones qui se trouvaient precedemment sous controle assyrien et en reduisant l'influence egyptienne en Syrie et au Levant (Carte). Regions et villes sous controle de l'Empire neo-babylonien. Suite a ses campagnes militaires, les matieres ...
The site of as-Sila has been identified with Edomite Sela, frequently mentioned in the Bible. The... more The site of as-Sila has been identified with Edomite Sela, frequently mentioned in the Bible. The site was important in the Iron Age (as demonstrated by the presence of many structures and the Neo-Babylonian cuneiform rock-inscription of king Nabonidus, 556-539 BCE), and also during the Nabatean and Roman periods. The survey work at Sela has revealed a very large site with a considerable number of structures related to water, and architectonic structures of varying sizes: rock-cut houses, remains of rock-cut large buildings, towers, etc. A comprehensive study of the site would help us to analyse the relationship between the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the West (Edom) in the context of Nabonidus' Arabian campaigns.
Iraq, 2019
BM 32482 + is a Late Babylonian tablet with descriptions of rites and ceremonies held in the Etur... more BM 32482 + is a Late Babylonian tablet with descriptions of rites and ceremonies held in the Eturkalamma temple of Bēlet-Bābili (Ištar of Babylon). The text refers to prayers and recitations to appease the goddess. Cult personnel from her temple (išippu priest) are also mentioned, as is music, a nigûtu performed by a nadītu priestess, a ritual involving a sakkikuddītu, a cultic commentary, omens involving birds, and astrological observations. Despite the fragmentary condition of the tablet, it seems that the performance of the nigûtu was in one way or another related to the preservation of the temple rituals, which would otherwise have been forgotten.
Historiae, 2007
Nam castum esse decet pium poetam ipsum, uersiculus nihil necesse est, qui tum denique habent sal... more Nam castum esse decet pium poetam ipsum, uersiculus nihil necesse est, qui tum denique habent salem ac leporem, si sint molliculi ac parum pudici (Catullo, Carmina 16) Scastagnamo ar parlà, ma aramo dritto! (G. Belli, Sonetti
Babilonia. Una introducción a su historia más reciente [900-539 a.C]. Bellaterra, Barcelona, 2022
Esta obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar unos conocimientos básicos sobre la historia más recie... more Esta obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar unos conocimientos básicos sobre la historia más reciente de Babilonia, la del I milenio a.C., a un público de habla hispana lo más amplio posible, intentando el muy difícil equilibrio entre rigor y entretenimiento. Dado que la época anterior a la dinastía caldea suele estar poco o nada tratada en los manuales, se ha decidido incluir tanto el periodo post-kassita como el de la dominación asiria (900-631 a.C.). Sin embargo, esta obra no abarca la época de dominio persa (539-331 a.C.), pues aunque económica, social e institucionalmente no se aprecie una cesura marcada tras la llegada de Ciro al poder en 539 a.C., se ha considerado que la relativa abundancia de buenas monografías haría redundante incluirla. La ausencia de un estudio de conjunto sobre el periodo transcurrido entre 900 y 539 a.C. es lo que me ha animado a intentar suplir esta carencia.
Pero, más que aspirar a la exhaustividad, lo que persigue esta obra es presentar una panorámica histórica. He buscado limitarme a lo fundamental y proporcionar referencias y recursos para quien desee ampliar conocimientos más específicos. Además, para no monopolizar el discurso, he incluido traducciones de diversos textos tanto asirios como babilonios, para que los lectores sientan la inmediatez
y la frescura de la cultura antigua.
Da Riva analyses the book keeping practices and administration of the famous temple Ebabbar in Si... more Da Riva analyses the book keeping practices and administration of the famous temple Ebabbar in Sippar during the Assyrian reign in Babylonia until the first half of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (pp. 15-57). The author examines the agricultural activities of the temple (pp. 59-171), the involvement in cattle breeding (pp. 173-309), and the prebendal system (pp. 311-338). Special attention is given to the archive of Remut-Nabu of the family of Bel-eteri (pp. 339-361). Smaller chapters deal among others with the scribes of the temple and the role of Babylon as presented in texts from Sippar (pp. 363-404). The study concludes with a prosopographical list of personal names as attested within the texts (pp. 405-469), indices (pp. 471-486) and copies of several cuneiform tablets (pl. i-xxv).
"Rocío Da Riva provides the reader with a detailed overview of the Neo-Babylonian royal inscripti... more "Rocío Da Riva provides the reader with a detailed overview of the Neo-Babylonian royal inscriptions that were among the first cuneiform documents discovered in Mesopotamia by early western travellers and scholars: "The scope of this book is to give a brief introduction (.) and to familiarize the non-specialist with this textual corpus without sacrificing the precision an Assyriologist would expect." Her study covers various aspects of these texts: their findspots, the process of their creation, their writing and the language of the inscriptions, questions of chronology, and their structure and contents.
1. Introduction
2. Definition, classification and function of the royal inscriptions
3. The media of the royal inscriptions
4. The process towards the creation of a royal inscription: circumstances of composition
5. The findspots of the inscriptions
6. Dating the royal inscriptions
7. Writing
8. The language of the inscriptions
9. Structure of the inscriptions
10. The contents of the inscriptions
11. Conclusions
12. Appendices
13. Abbreviations
14. Bibliography
15. Indices
16. Concordance of inscriptions"
Actas del workshop "Descubriendo el Antiguo Oriente: estudiosos de Mesopotamia y Egipto a finales... more Actas del workshop "Descubriendo el Antiguo Oriente: estudiosos de Mesopotamia y Egipto a finales del s. XIX y principios del s. XX" celebrado en la Universidad de Barcelona 25-26 de noviembre de 2013. Todas las ponencias del workshop giraron en torno a la cuestión de los orígenes y el desarrollo de las disciplinas de asiriología, arqueología oriental y egiptología entre mediados del s. XIX y la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
B. Sass and L. Battini (eds.), Mortals, deities and divine symbols. Rethinking ancient imagery from the Levant to Mesopotamia Studies offered to Tallay Ornan, Series Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, Archaeopress.
Despite the political and symbolic importance of royal seals, and the frequent references to them... more Despite the political and symbolic importance of royal seals, and the
frequent references to them in the contemporary documents, there is hardly any material evidence of their existence in Babylon. The only example of a royal glyptic, dating from the reign of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, is actually a modeled relief on a tablet imitating a seal impression. But if its manufacture is surprising, the scene represented is even more so: it depicts the king of Babylon, armed with a sickle sword, fighting a wild goat. The present article analyses the implications of the iconographic motif and its symbolic connotations with the aim of improving our understanding of Babylonian royal ideology during the first millennium BCE.
Israel Oriental Studies, 2023
R. Da Riva and J. Novotny, 2023. “A Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar II from Uruk in the Cindy and Davi... more R. Da Riva and J. Novotny, 2023. “A Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar II from Uruk in the Cindy and David Sofer Collection displayed in the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem”, Israel Oriental Studies 22: 3-29.
One of the aims of the 2016 campaign in as-Sila was to conduct a survey in order to identify cist... more One of the aims of the 2016 campaign in as-Sila was to conduct a survey in order to identify cisterns, channels and structures related to water use at the top of the settlement, using the 2015 survey map of the site as a base. The investigations have revealed a complex and sophisticated hydrological network with a great diversity of water structures (carved in the sandstone and designed for the collection, storage, transport and distribution of rainwater). All the structures have been identified and described using a total station, their location associated with the general topography of the site, and the contexts photographed. This study presents the results of recent analyses of lime-based mortars from rock-cut hydraulic structures collected during the 2016 archaeological campaign at the site of as-Sila/Sela, in the governorate of Tafilah in southern Jordan. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses were performed on 16 samples of mortars by means of x ray diffraction (XRD) and thin...
Nabuchodonosor II fut un roi charismatique et ses realisations politiques et militaires ont trans... more Nabuchodonosor II fut un roi charismatique et ses realisations politiques et militaires ont transforme Babylone en une puissance mondiale. Sous son long regne (605-562 avant J.-C.), Babylone atteignit son extension territoriale maximale en annexant de vastes zones qui se trouvaient precedemment sous controle assyrien et en reduisant l'influence egyptienne en Syrie et au Levant (Carte). Regions et villes sous controle de l'Empire neo-babylonien. Suite a ses campagnes militaires, les matieres ...
The site of as-Sila has been identified with Edomite Sela, frequently mentioned in the Bible. The... more The site of as-Sila has been identified with Edomite Sela, frequently mentioned in the Bible. The site was important in the Iron Age (as demonstrated by the presence of many structures and the Neo-Babylonian cuneiform rock-inscription of king Nabonidus, 556-539 BCE), and also during the Nabatean and Roman periods. The survey work at Sela has revealed a very large site with a considerable number of structures related to water, and architectonic structures of varying sizes: rock-cut houses, remains of rock-cut large buildings, towers, etc. A comprehensive study of the site would help us to analyse the relationship between the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the West (Edom) in the context of Nabonidus' Arabian campaigns.
Iraq, 2019
BM 32482 + is a Late Babylonian tablet with descriptions of rites and ceremonies held in the Etur... more BM 32482 + is a Late Babylonian tablet with descriptions of rites and ceremonies held in the Eturkalamma temple of Bēlet-Bābili (Ištar of Babylon). The text refers to prayers and recitations to appease the goddess. Cult personnel from her temple (išippu priest) are also mentioned, as is music, a nigûtu performed by a nadītu priestess, a ritual involving a sakkikuddītu, a cultic commentary, omens involving birds, and astrological observations. Despite the fragmentary condition of the tablet, it seems that the performance of the nigûtu was in one way or another related to the preservation of the temple rituals, which would otherwise have been forgotten.
Historiae, 2007
Nam castum esse decet pium poetam ipsum, uersiculus nihil necesse est, qui tum denique habent sal... more Nam castum esse decet pium poetam ipsum, uersiculus nihil necesse est, qui tum denique habent salem ac leporem, si sint molliculi ac parum pudici (Catullo, Carmina 16) Scastagnamo ar parlà, ma aramo dritto! (G. Belli, Sonetti
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013
Historiae, 2008
The present article analyses the information supplied by cuneiform documents written in periods o... more The present article analyses the information supplied by cuneiform documents written in periods of political conflict. One has tried to focus on the consequences that had the siege of cities on civil populations and institutions, using the administrative documentation of 7 th century BC Babylon, Uruk and Nippur.
Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001
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This project intends to present annotated editions of the entire corpus of Babylonian royal inscr... more This project intends to present annotated editions of the entire corpus of Babylonian royal inscriptions from the Second Dynasty of Isin to the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty (1157-539 BC). This rich, open-access corpus has been made available through the kind permission of Rocio Da Riva and Grant Frame and with funding provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. RIBo is based at LMU Munich (Historisches Seminar, Alte Geschichte) and is managed by Jamie Novotny and Karen Radner. Alexa Bartelmus, Rocio Da Riva, Grant Frame, and Jamie Novotny are the primary content contributors.
Etude d'une tablette conservee au British Museum de Londres, datee du regne du souverain baby... more Etude d'une tablette conservee au British Museum de Londres, datee du regne du souverain babylonien Samas-Sumu-Ukin et portant une inscription en caracteres cuneiformes decoree d'un relief imitant l'empreinte d'un sceau royal.
Geographia Antiqua, 2009
Información del artículo Desde la muralla de Media a los cedros del Líbano:: unos apuntes de geog... more Información del artículo Desde la muralla de Media a los cedros del Líbano:: unos apuntes de geografia del Próximo Oriente Antiguo.
Aula Orientalis Revista De Estudios Del Proximo Oriente Antiguo, 2004
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
National Geographic, 2021
En este podcast viajamos al yacimiento de Sela, en Jordania, conocido como "la pequeña Petra" po... more En este podcast viajamos al yacimiento de Sela, en Jordania, conocido como "la pequeña Petra" por su indudable parecido a este. Los arqueólogos han constatado la presencia de canales, depósitos, cisternas y otras estructuras relacionadas con el almacenamiento, el transporte y la gestión de agua. Además, han encontrado una inscripción cuneiforme con un relieve del rey Nabónido de Babilonia (556-539 a.C.), tallada a unos 120 metros de altura en la ladera oriental del promontorio de Sela. Escúchanos en tu plataforma de podcast preferida:
Guión Laia Colomer / Locución: Laia Colomer y Javier Flores
“Nabuchodonosor au Liban: les inscriptions de Brisa dans leur contexte historique”, ArcheOrient... more “Nabuchodonosor au Liban: les inscriptions de Brisa dans leur contexte historique”, ArcheOrient-Le Blog.
La historia del Líbano es larga y rica como consecuencia de su situación en el centro del mundo... more La historia del Líbano es larga y rica como consecuencia de su situación en el centro del mundo antiguo. Fue un cruce de caminos y un lugar de encuentro para muchas civilización. El país está lleno de lugares y objetos de gran importancia que revelan su historia, uno de los lugares más elocuentes es Nahr el-Kalb, que forma parte del Registro de la Memoria del Mundo de la UNESCO desde 2005.
Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation ha estado trabajando con el Ministerio Libanés de Cultura (APSAD), con especialistas locales y académicos, en un esfuerzo por documentar la deteriorada estela en Nahr el-Kalb. La estela se ha resentido desde que se construyó una autopista sobre los cimientos de una vía romana que discurría a lo largo del promontorio donde se encuentra. El proyecto es la primera fase de lo que esperamos que sea una importante y duradera colaboración con el país.
The so-called Divine Love Lyrics (DLL) is a corpus of several 1st millennium BCE texts, stemming ... more The so-called Divine Love Lyrics (DLL) is a corpus of several 1st millennium BCE texts, stemming from Assyria and Babylonia. The texts describe in detail the complex rituals and verbal ceremonies that involved Marduk, his wife Zarpanitu and his lover Ištar of Babylon. These texts may be connected in more than one way to other compositions dating from the Old Akkadian period to the Hellenistic times, dealing with rituals of divine love (Nissinen 2001).
Considering the blunt and provocative language of the texts, the term "lyric" is hard to maintain; but following W. G. Lambert, the first to treat this difficult corpus (Lambert 1975), we keep this term in our project. Thematically, more than love, the DLL deals with amorous jealousy, so "divine jealousy lyrics" might be a more appropriate appellation... Jealousy is expressed in the texts with salacious and offensive words, with vivid, even daring metaphors and similes. No doubt, this group of texts should be viewed from a gender perspective, as they probably made part of women's rituals which allowed the verbalization of jealousy and sexual desire in the framework of otherwise typically patriarchal society.
The DLL texts had clear cultic setting. The colophon of the ritual tablet of the set – after listing the cultic instructions and the incipits of the dicenda – informs that the series is a qinayyâtu, "rites against a (female) rival." Thus, it appears that the DLL texts record a ritual in which a divine ménage-à-trois, involving Marduk, his wife Zarpanitu and his lover Ištar of Babylon, was performed publically in different locations in the city of Babylon, mirroring, so we believe, human, not only divine, emotions.
When accomplished, this project will offer a complete edition, translation, commentary, and indices of the DLL texts – and present them online and in a book-form.