Diego Cohen | Universidad de Buenos Aires (original) (raw)
Papers by Diego Cohen
Neuro-psychoanalysis, 2006
Greetings to our neuropsychoanalytic colleagues around the globe! This issue contains reports fro... more Greetings to our neuropsychoanalytic colleagues around the globe! This issue contains reports from three continents. We are very happy to hear news both from colleagues who have recently connected with us and others, like many represented in these current reports, who have been engaged in the neuroscience/psychoanalysis dialog for a good number of years now. We look forward to the interesting hypotheses and generative empirical work that will continue to emerge from such centers of neuropsychoanalytic activity.
Hospital Ramos Mejía GCBA Resumen Introducción: En este trabajo optamos por un abordaje dimension... more Hospital Ramos Mejía GCBA Resumen Introducción: En este trabajo optamos por un abordaje dimensional de los síntomas negativos, que tiene en cuenta la presencia y extensión de los síntomas atravesando los diferentes cuadros clínicos y no como parte, únicamente, de la esquizofrenia. Objetivos: Determinar la presencia de síntomas negativos (SN) y su distribución en una población de pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos no esquizofrénicos, en tratamiento ambulatorio en Hospitales Públicos. Métodos: Se estudiaron pacientes con criterios definidos de acuerdo al DSMIV para trastornos afectivos, alimentarios, por sustancias, de ansiedad y de personalidad y pacientes con epilepsia temporal. En todos pacientes se administró la subescala negativa de la PANNS para síntomas negativos de la esquizofrenia. Se calculó el test de student para determinar la existencia de diferencias de frecuencia de SN entre los diferentes trastornos psiquiátricos estudiados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 106 pacientes, 60 mujeres, y 46 hombres, edad 38 ± 12.1 años. El 90% de los pacientes presentaron SN con un puntaje bajo; media 11.6; rango 9.38-14.29. El retraimiento emocional fue mas frecuente en el trastorno alimentario en comparación con el trastorno afectivo y con la epilepsia p<0.05 y el retraimiento social fue mayor en el trastorno por sustancias en comparación con la epilepsia p<0.05. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a los resultados se detecta la presencia de algunos síntomas negativos leves a moderados en diferentes trastornos psiquiátricos no esquizofrénicos, incluso en la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal.
Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The presence of negative symptoms (NS) in different clinical entities other than schizophrenia, w... more The presence of negative symptoms (NS) in different clinical entities other than schizophrenia, with a dimensional approach of negative symptoms, was considered in this work. Determine the presence and distribution of NS, in a population of patients with non schizophrenic psychiatric disorders attending ambulatory treatment at public hospitals. Patients with define DSM IV diagnosis criteria for different disorders; affective, alimentary, substance abuse, anxiety, personality disorders and patients with ILAE diagnoses criteria for temporal lobe epilepsy were included. All patients underwent the subscale PANNS for negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Student T test was calculated to determine the differences of frequency for NS among psychiatric disorders. 106 patients were included; 60 women, 46 men, 38 years +/- 12.1. The 90% of patients have a low score of NS. Media 11.6, Max/min 9.38 -14.29. Emotional withdrawal and passive social withdrawal were more frequent in alimentary disorde...
Psicofarmacologia (B. Aires), 2014
Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The traumatic memory is conceptualized by means of an amplified Freudian neuropsychoanalytic mode... more The traumatic memory is conceptualized by means of an amplified Freudian neuropsychoanalytic model using a contemporary memory system based on its contents, conscious and unconscious recollection (explicit and implicit memories) highlighting the validity of the Freudian discoveries. This is then related to the psychoanalytical theories of consciousness, affects and thinking. Particular importance is given to Freud's seduction theory, its relation to memory and the clinical application of these concepts to the basic organization of the personality, together with the relation to Bowlby's concept of emotional deprivation. The development and working trough of trauma is postulated as a vector to make "real" or phantasized trauma unconscious through repression in neurosis, splitting in borderline personality organization, and primitive mechanisms of projection in psychosis.
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2017
Adolescence is a critical period of rapid biological and social development and early signs of ad... more Adolescence is a critical period of rapid biological and social development and early signs of adult mental disorders emerge during this life stage. Previous studies suggest that mentalizing failures, specifically difficulties in reflective functioning (RF) are linked with psychological symptoms. However, relatively little is known about the association between RF and psychological adaptation in typical development. In this study, the relationship between RF, internalizing and externalizing symptoms were investigated in 95 adolescents using the revised Reflective Function Scale-Adolescent version. Results indicate that RF is associated with more self-reported internalizing symptoms. Moreover, the relationship between RF and externalizing symptoms are accounted for by the co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in typically developing adolescents. The implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future studies are presented.
Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, 2021
This study sets out to investigate the mechanisms by which psychoanalytical psychotherapy can ind... more This study sets out to investigate the mechanisms by which psychoanalytical psychotherapy can induce neurobiological changes. From Neuroscience which, in accordance with his thinking at the time, Freud never disregarded, the concepts of neuronal plasticity, enriched environment and the neurobiological aspects of the attachment process. From Psychoanalysis, the theory of transference, M. Mahler’s psychological evolution model, the concept of the regulating function of the self-objects and Winnicott’s holding environment concept. Together these provide a useful bridge toward the understanding of the neurobiological changes resulting from psychoanalytical psychotherapy. One concludes that psychoanalytical psychotherapy, through transference, acts as a new model of object relation and learning which furthers the development of certain brain areas, specifically, the right hemisphere, and the prefrontal and limbic cortices, which have a regulating function on affects.
Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy, 2015
The aim of this study is to estimate the frequency of personality disorders in patients with recu... more The aim of this study is to estimate the frequency of personality disorders in patients with recurrent unipolar or bipolar affective disorders and the possible relationship of the categorical model with two dynamic psychopathological configurations. Forty-eight patients were studied using semi-structured interviews for assessing Axis I and Axis II disorders. We found that approximately 70% of patients had some types of personality disorder according to the DSM-IV TR classification model. The most frequent personality disorders were cluster C dependent personality disorder and cluster B borderline personality disorder. The most common affective disorders were depressive bipolar I subtype disorder and manic bipolar I subtype disorder. The high frequency of personality disorders in patients who are in partial or complete remission of recurrent affective disorders can be explained by a combination of two subtypes of psycho-pathological configurations (the anaclitic or introjective configurations are based on the Blatt model) and neuro-biological interactions.
Development and Psychopathology
Studies suggest that the relationship between psychosocial well-being and type 1 diabetes (T1D) i... more Studies suggest that the relationship between psychosocial well-being and type 1 diabetes (T1D) is bidirectional, with T1D typically having a negative influence on psychological functioning, which in turn negatively affects the course of T1D. Here, we investigate the potential role of the capacity for mentalizing, or reflective functioning, in children and their mothers in diabetes control. We tested differences in mentalizing as assessed by the Reflective Functioning Scale in two groups of mother–son dyads with good (GDC) versus poor (PDC) diabetes control. Fifty-five boys (8–12 years old) and their mothers were recruited from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation in Santiago, Chile. The mothers were interviewed with the Parental Development Interview and the children with the Child Attachment Interview, and both were scored for reflective functioning by using the Reflective Functioning Scale. Self-report measures of stress and diabetes outcomes were completed by the mothers and childre...
Neuropsychoanalysis, 2015
... Basili, RM, & Sharpin de Basili, I. (2002). ... The CEINP transdisciplinary team, represe... more ... Basili, RM, & Sharpin de Basili, I. (2002). ... The CEINP transdisciplinary team, represented by Dr. S. Soussumi, Dr. Cristina Bottesini, Dr. Y. Soussumi, Dr. Adriano Resende de Lima, Ms. Betty Kogan, and Ms. Luci Mara Tosi Soussumi have also proposed a presentation on the ...
Resumen: en el presente trabajo a partir de una perspectiva de integración cerebro/mente, el auto... more Resumen: en el presente trabajo a partir de una perspectiva de integración cerebro/mente, el autor, estudia los cambios posibles que la psicoterapia psicoanalítica puede producir desde el punto de vista neurobiológico. Se consideran modelos de interacción para tener en cuenta a la psicoterapia psicoanalítica como un tratamiento psicobiológico Por medio del estudio de procesos neurofisiológicos de plasticidad cerebral, facilitación sináptica y potenciación a largo plazo en interacción con modelos psicoanalíticos basados en la teoría de la transferencia, el modelo evolutivo de M. Mahler (60), los procesos de attachment de acuerdo a ideas de Bowlby (10, 11), junto con los aportes de autores como Winnicott (80), Alexander (2, 3, 4) y Kohut (51), se puede llegar a la idea de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica como un ambiente enriquecido que induce cambios en áreas corticales y subcorticales relacionadas con el procesamiento de afectos y memoria que puede conducir a mayor grado de integració...
Resumen Se conceptualiza la memoria traumática utilizando un modelo neuropsicoanalítico freudiano... more Resumen Se conceptualiza la memoria traumática utilizando un modelo neuropsicoanalítico freudiano, ampliado con un modelo contemporáneo de los sistemas de memoria en base a sus contenidos y recolección consciente e inconsciente (memorias explícitas e implícitas respectivamente), destacando la vigencia de los descubrimientos freudianos. Se lo relaciona con las teorías psicoanalíticas de la conciencia, afectos y pensamiento. Se otorga importancia a la teoría de la seducción de Freud, la relación con la memoria y la aplicación clínica de estos conceptos a las organizaciones básicas de la personalidad y a la relación con el concepto de discarencia afectiva de Bowlby. Se postula que el trabajo psíquico del trauma facilita hacer inconsciente el trauma psíquico "real" o fantaseado; este trabajo estaría a cargo de la represión en las neurosis, de la escisión en la organización borderline de la personalidad, y de formas primitivas de proyección en las psicosis. Palabras clave: Trauma psíquico-Memoria-Consciente-Inconsciente-Organizaciones de la personalidad.
Neuro-psychoanalysis, 2006
Greetings to our neuropsychoanalytic colleagues around the globe! This issue contains reports fro... more Greetings to our neuropsychoanalytic colleagues around the globe! This issue contains reports from three continents. We are very happy to hear news both from colleagues who have recently connected with us and others, like many represented in these current reports, who have been engaged in the neuroscience/psychoanalysis dialog for a good number of years now. We look forward to the interesting hypotheses and generative empirical work that will continue to emerge from such centers of neuropsychoanalytic activity.
Hospital Ramos Mejía GCBA Resumen Introducción: En este trabajo optamos por un abordaje dimension... more Hospital Ramos Mejía GCBA Resumen Introducción: En este trabajo optamos por un abordaje dimensional de los síntomas negativos, que tiene en cuenta la presencia y extensión de los síntomas atravesando los diferentes cuadros clínicos y no como parte, únicamente, de la esquizofrenia. Objetivos: Determinar la presencia de síntomas negativos (SN) y su distribución en una población de pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos no esquizofrénicos, en tratamiento ambulatorio en Hospitales Públicos. Métodos: Se estudiaron pacientes con criterios definidos de acuerdo al DSMIV para trastornos afectivos, alimentarios, por sustancias, de ansiedad y de personalidad y pacientes con epilepsia temporal. En todos pacientes se administró la subescala negativa de la PANNS para síntomas negativos de la esquizofrenia. Se calculó el test de student para determinar la existencia de diferencias de frecuencia de SN entre los diferentes trastornos psiquiátricos estudiados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 106 pacientes, 60 mujeres, y 46 hombres, edad 38 ± 12.1 años. El 90% de los pacientes presentaron SN con un puntaje bajo; media 11.6; rango 9.38-14.29. El retraimiento emocional fue mas frecuente en el trastorno alimentario en comparación con el trastorno afectivo y con la epilepsia p<0.05 y el retraimiento social fue mayor en el trastorno por sustancias en comparación con la epilepsia p<0.05. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a los resultados se detecta la presencia de algunos síntomas negativos leves a moderados en diferentes trastornos psiquiátricos no esquizofrénicos, incluso en la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal.
Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The presence of negative symptoms (NS) in different clinical entities other than schizophrenia, w... more The presence of negative symptoms (NS) in different clinical entities other than schizophrenia, with a dimensional approach of negative symptoms, was considered in this work. Determine the presence and distribution of NS, in a population of patients with non schizophrenic psychiatric disorders attending ambulatory treatment at public hospitals. Patients with define DSM IV diagnosis criteria for different disorders; affective, alimentary, substance abuse, anxiety, personality disorders and patients with ILAE diagnoses criteria for temporal lobe epilepsy were included. All patients underwent the subscale PANNS for negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Student T test was calculated to determine the differences of frequency for NS among psychiatric disorders. 106 patients were included; 60 women, 46 men, 38 years +/- 12.1. The 90% of patients have a low score of NS. Media 11.6, Max/min 9.38 -14.29. Emotional withdrawal and passive social withdrawal were more frequent in alimentary disorde...
Psicofarmacologia (B. Aires), 2014
Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The traumatic memory is conceptualized by means of an amplified Freudian neuropsychoanalytic mode... more The traumatic memory is conceptualized by means of an amplified Freudian neuropsychoanalytic model using a contemporary memory system based on its contents, conscious and unconscious recollection (explicit and implicit memories) highlighting the validity of the Freudian discoveries. This is then related to the psychoanalytical theories of consciousness, affects and thinking. Particular importance is given to Freud's seduction theory, its relation to memory and the clinical application of these concepts to the basic organization of the personality, together with the relation to Bowlby's concept of emotional deprivation. The development and working trough of trauma is postulated as a vector to make "real" or phantasized trauma unconscious through repression in neurosis, splitting in borderline personality organization, and primitive mechanisms of projection in psychosis.
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2017
Adolescence is a critical period of rapid biological and social development and early signs of ad... more Adolescence is a critical period of rapid biological and social development and early signs of adult mental disorders emerge during this life stage. Previous studies suggest that mentalizing failures, specifically difficulties in reflective functioning (RF) are linked with psychological symptoms. However, relatively little is known about the association between RF and psychological adaptation in typical development. In this study, the relationship between RF, internalizing and externalizing symptoms were investigated in 95 adolescents using the revised Reflective Function Scale-Adolescent version. Results indicate that RF is associated with more self-reported internalizing symptoms. Moreover, the relationship between RF and externalizing symptoms are accounted for by the co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in typically developing adolescents. The implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future studies are presented.
Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, 2021
This study sets out to investigate the mechanisms by which psychoanalytical psychotherapy can ind... more This study sets out to investigate the mechanisms by which psychoanalytical psychotherapy can induce neurobiological changes. From Neuroscience which, in accordance with his thinking at the time, Freud never disregarded, the concepts of neuronal plasticity, enriched environment and the neurobiological aspects of the attachment process. From Psychoanalysis, the theory of transference, M. Mahler’s psychological evolution model, the concept of the regulating function of the self-objects and Winnicott’s holding environment concept. Together these provide a useful bridge toward the understanding of the neurobiological changes resulting from psychoanalytical psychotherapy. One concludes that psychoanalytical psychotherapy, through transference, acts as a new model of object relation and learning which furthers the development of certain brain areas, specifically, the right hemisphere, and the prefrontal and limbic cortices, which have a regulating function on affects.
Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy, 2015
The aim of this study is to estimate the frequency of personality disorders in patients with recu... more The aim of this study is to estimate the frequency of personality disorders in patients with recurrent unipolar or bipolar affective disorders and the possible relationship of the categorical model with two dynamic psychopathological configurations. Forty-eight patients were studied using semi-structured interviews for assessing Axis I and Axis II disorders. We found that approximately 70% of patients had some types of personality disorder according to the DSM-IV TR classification model. The most frequent personality disorders were cluster C dependent personality disorder and cluster B borderline personality disorder. The most common affective disorders were depressive bipolar I subtype disorder and manic bipolar I subtype disorder. The high frequency of personality disorders in patients who are in partial or complete remission of recurrent affective disorders can be explained by a combination of two subtypes of psycho-pathological configurations (the anaclitic or introjective configurations are based on the Blatt model) and neuro-biological interactions.
Development and Psychopathology
Studies suggest that the relationship between psychosocial well-being and type 1 diabetes (T1D) i... more Studies suggest that the relationship between psychosocial well-being and type 1 diabetes (T1D) is bidirectional, with T1D typically having a negative influence on psychological functioning, which in turn negatively affects the course of T1D. Here, we investigate the potential role of the capacity for mentalizing, or reflective functioning, in children and their mothers in diabetes control. We tested differences in mentalizing as assessed by the Reflective Functioning Scale in two groups of mother–son dyads with good (GDC) versus poor (PDC) diabetes control. Fifty-five boys (8–12 years old) and their mothers were recruited from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation in Santiago, Chile. The mothers were interviewed with the Parental Development Interview and the children with the Child Attachment Interview, and both were scored for reflective functioning by using the Reflective Functioning Scale. Self-report measures of stress and diabetes outcomes were completed by the mothers and childre...
Neuropsychoanalysis, 2015
... Basili, RM, & Sharpin de Basili, I. (2002). ... The CEINP transdisciplinary team, represe... more ... Basili, RM, & Sharpin de Basili, I. (2002). ... The CEINP transdisciplinary team, represented by Dr. S. Soussumi, Dr. Cristina Bottesini, Dr. Y. Soussumi, Dr. Adriano Resende de Lima, Ms. Betty Kogan, and Ms. Luci Mara Tosi Soussumi have also proposed a presentation on the ...
Resumen: en el presente trabajo a partir de una perspectiva de integración cerebro/mente, el auto... more Resumen: en el presente trabajo a partir de una perspectiva de integración cerebro/mente, el autor, estudia los cambios posibles que la psicoterapia psicoanalítica puede producir desde el punto de vista neurobiológico. Se consideran modelos de interacción para tener en cuenta a la psicoterapia psicoanalítica como un tratamiento psicobiológico Por medio del estudio de procesos neurofisiológicos de plasticidad cerebral, facilitación sináptica y potenciación a largo plazo en interacción con modelos psicoanalíticos basados en la teoría de la transferencia, el modelo evolutivo de M. Mahler (60), los procesos de attachment de acuerdo a ideas de Bowlby (10, 11), junto con los aportes de autores como Winnicott (80), Alexander (2, 3, 4) y Kohut (51), se puede llegar a la idea de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica como un ambiente enriquecido que induce cambios en áreas corticales y subcorticales relacionadas con el procesamiento de afectos y memoria que puede conducir a mayor grado de integració...
Resumen Se conceptualiza la memoria traumática utilizando un modelo neuropsicoanalítico freudiano... more Resumen Se conceptualiza la memoria traumática utilizando un modelo neuropsicoanalítico freudiano, ampliado con un modelo contemporáneo de los sistemas de memoria en base a sus contenidos y recolección consciente e inconsciente (memorias explícitas e implícitas respectivamente), destacando la vigencia de los descubrimientos freudianos. Se lo relaciona con las teorías psicoanalíticas de la conciencia, afectos y pensamiento. Se otorga importancia a la teoría de la seducción de Freud, la relación con la memoria y la aplicación clínica de estos conceptos a las organizaciones básicas de la personalidad y a la relación con el concepto de discarencia afectiva de Bowlby. Se postula que el trabajo psíquico del trauma facilita hacer inconsciente el trauma psíquico "real" o fantaseado; este trabajo estaría a cargo de la represión en las neurosis, de la escisión en la organización borderline de la personalidad, y de formas primitivas de proyección en las psicosis. Palabras clave: Trauma psíquico-Memoria-Consciente-Inconsciente-Organizaciones de la personalidad.