Ide Bagus Siaputra | UBAYA (original) (raw)
Papers by Ide Bagus Siaputra
Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi
The Brief Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) scale is widely used for measuring cop... more The Brief Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) scale is widely used for measuring coping strategies. However, concerns persist regarding the dimensions captured by the scale and the accuracy of item representation. This study examined the relevance of adapted Brief COPE items using discriminant content validity (DCV). A panel of experts (n = 15) assessed the extent to which the items corresponded to their intended dimensions. Intraclass correlation (ICC) estimates ranged from 0.640 to 0.828, indicating agreement among experts. A one-sample t-test evaluated DCV, revealing that 21 out of 28 items distinctly and exclusively measured intended dimensions, confirming their discriminant content validity. Seven items were excluded: three did not measure coping strategies (non-dimension), and four measured them in different dimensions (wrong-dimension). The discriminant content-validated Brief COPE scale improves coping assessment, benefiting psychological therapies and providing...
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
TIM RaDaR is an initiative to discover common standards for scientific publications in the field ... more TIM RaDaR is an initiative to discover common standards for scientific publications in the field of psychology in Indonesia. Through this standard, authors (i.e., researchers, students, or lecturers) may prepare their manuscripts to meet the basic criteria for scientific publication. The writing criteria comprise of Title, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and References. This article also provides a checklist to aid authors and journal editors in evaluating manuscripts to be published. As an initiative, this article aims to become a starting point in synergizing better quality scientific publications in the field of psychology in Indonesia. TIM RaDaR adalah sebuah inisiatif untuk menggali standar bersama publikasi ilmiah psikologi Indonesia. Melalui standar ini, penulis (peneliti, mahasiswa, atau dosen) dapat mempersiapkan tulisan yang mereka susun untuk memenuhi kriteria dasar publikasi ilmiah. Kriteria tersebut mencakup penulisan Judul, Pendahuluan, Metode, Hasil d...
International Journal for Educational Integrity
ensured that the Australians have the last word, so to speak, as we conclude with the voices of t... more ensured that the Australians have the last word, so to speak, as we conclude with the voices of two academic elders, professors emeriti, who have supported the journal as members of the editorial board, and Tracey's work for many years. Although many individuals have contributed to this editorial, we recognize that we are not alone in being inspired by Tracey. For every person who has shared their reflections in this collective editorial, there are likely at least a hundred others with similar sentiments and have their own personal connections to Tracey. We recognize that our words cannot begin to represent the worldwide impact Tracey had through her work and her vision. And now on to my own reflection… My first connection with Tracey was through IJEI. The manuscript I had submitted for consideration was one of the first pieces I'd taken the lead on after finally securing a full-time tenure track position, after 22 years of being a sessional lecturer (otherwise known as a precariously-employed academic). The piece was a literature review about the research conducted in Canada on academic integrity. Through the revision process Tracey encouraged me to be bold, to go beyond a literature review, and set the stage for a research agenda in Canada on educational integrity, and to conclude with an evidence-informed call to action. I was inspired by her energy, her clarity of thought, and her passion for the work. I made the revisions and the piece was published (Eaton and Edino 2018). From there, we stayed in touch and she became a mentor, colleague, and friend, all in one. She joined us as they keynote speaker for the inaugural Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity at the University of Calgary in April, 2019. She felt unwell during the symposium, but none of us knew at the time, including her, how serious it was. As it turned out, her trip to Canada was one of her last journeys abroad. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her in person during her visit. I have not known Tracey as long as some of my fellow contributors and colleagues. She had an astounding ability to change your life within moments of talking with her. Each time we connected, wisdom, ideas, and inspiration flowed from her as unlimited gifts she gave just by being herself. Though this collection of tributes, you will see that we grieve individually and collectively, and our heartbreak echoes across continents. Tracey not only contributed to our field, she catalysed it. Through these reflections we remember her, we celebrate her, and most of all, we honour her.
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
Critical thinking is a highly valued learning outcome in all educational levels. This study explo... more Critical thinking is a highly valued learning outcome in all educational levels. This study explores students ability to evaluate arguments as one manifestation of critical thinking. Using a newly developed instument (the Argument Evaluation Test), we describe high school graduates’ (N = 2201) ability to distinguish between sound and fallacious arguments, without explicit instruction. The results indicate that about half of the participants were able to spontaneously evaluate arguments and identify logical fallacies. This is significant considering that argumentation and logical fallacies are not part of the school curriculum in Indonesia. Thus, the ability to identify at least some types of logical fallacies could be obtained through informal learning and therefore the knowledge underlying this ability is likely to be implicit. Another finding was that the ability to evaluate arguments seem to vary depending on the type of fallacy, with ad hominem arguments easier to be identified ...
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Grace is the main and foremost construct in Christian life whose existence cannot be empirically ... more Grace is the main and foremost construct in Christian life whose existence cannot be empirically measured. Nevertheless, Bufford, Sisemore, and Blackburn (2017) succeeded in developing a scale that can measure Christian's experience, belief, and attitudes towards grace called Dimensions of Grace Scale (DGS). The purpose of this research was to evaluate the internal structure of DGS using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis. The DGS scale was translated into Indonesian language and distributed to 401 Christians over 17 years of age. The DGS scale has five dimensions which are Experiencing God's Grace, Costly Grace, Grace to Self, Grace from Others, and Grace to Others. However, the EFA shows that six factors are the best grouping for DGS. Moreover, Costly Grace dimension was separated into two dimensions that are Grace and Responsibility and Graceful Avoidance of Personal Legalism, in line with Costly Grace theory.
International Journal for Educational Integrity
Plagiarism is considered to be a serious transgression in the academic world. Due to the percepti... more Plagiarism is considered to be a serious transgression in the academic world. Due to the perception that plagiarism is rampant among both students and professors, the Indonesian government has established policies to prevent plagiarism in academia. Varieties of sanctions, ranging from score reduction to the revocation of granted academic titles have been applied to those who are caught committing this serious academic offense. However, the severity of the sanctions seems unable to put an end to plagiarism. Because severe sanctions seem unable to eradicate or even alleviate plagiarism, it might be assumed that the tendency towards plagiarism is a personal trait. Regardless of the presence or absence of opportunities and the severity of the potential sanctions, some individuals seem to be prone to plagiarism. In this study, five variables were used as predictors of plagiarism: procrastination, performance, personality, perfectionism, and achievement motivation. They were chosen to rep...
Prokrastinasi terdiri atas beberapa jenis, salah satunya adalah decisional procrastination (Ferar... more Prokrastinasi terdiri atas beberapa jenis, salah satunya adalah decisional procrastination (Ferari, Johnson, & Mann, 1995). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalihbahasakan dan menguji validasi alat ukur DP ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. SUbyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 112 mahasiswa fakultas psikologi angkatan 2010. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan membagikan skala DP dalam dua babasa sekaligus kepada masing-masing subyek. Berdasarkan dua kriteria uji validitas yang diusulkan oleh AERA. APA, dan NCME (1999) diketahui bahwa DP dalam versi terjemahan (bahasa Indonesia) terbukti memenuhi kaidah sebapi alat ukur psikologis yang valid dan reliabel.
Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2016
This study aims to investigate whether the impostor phenomenon exists among students, and to expo... more This study aims to investigate whether the impostor phenomenon exists among students, and to expose its relation with self-esteem and self-efficacy. Subjects (N = 124) were obtained through purposive sampling towards psychology students. Data were collected through a questionnaire adapted from a standard scale. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted, followed with a chi square test, and Pearson correlation. Results reveal that 29.8 % subjects are impostors. Data analysis show that it correlates negatively with self-esteem and self-efficacy. The impostor phenomenon as an entity interconnected with self-image fulfillment are discussed. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran mengenai impostor phenomenon pada mahasiswa, dan mengungkap keterkaitannya dengan self esteem dan self efficacy. Subjek penelitian (N = 124) diperoleh melalui purposive sampling terhadap mahasiswa psikologi. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari skala baku. Analisis dengan t...
The scientific "wrestling" between qualitative and quantitative approaches seems to be interestin... more The scientific "wrestling" between qualitative and quantitative approaches seems to be interesting, yet also a never-ending story in the research inquiry. A great deal of literature argue that this unfinished struggle stems from the differences in philosophical background and research method, which accompany each research approach, and even, sometimes, the personal preference and competence of the researcher. Through a systematic pursuit of a substantial classical as well as recent literature, the author try to propose a new, but actually a disregarded ancient standard in order to bridge the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches, especially concerning the criteria of the research holy-trinity (validity, reliability, and objectivity). Except the extremists, many people, unsurprisingly, seldom dichotomize research inquiry as pure qualitative or quantitative. Some people even already try to promote consolidation between the two poles of research approach and encourage the broadening of "traditional" criteria so that they can be legitimately applied across the entire spectrum of research approaches. While alternative criteria may not in the end be feasible or even, desirable, it will certainly still be useful to prevent confusion among the newcomers in this discussion. However, these alternatives do serve to remind us that qualitative and quantitative approaches are not as discrete as many people thought earlier.
The Indonesian journal of geography
Results of a meta-analysis towards 43 effect sizes of 11643 subjects reveal that procrastination ... more Results of a meta-analysis towards 43 effect sizes of 11643 subjects reveal that procrastination is negatively correlated with academic achievement, r =-0.270. The highest negative correlation was found on training completion (r =-0.940) and subject matter's grade (r =-0.870). In accordance with the picoeconomics approach, the negative effect of procrastination becomes more visible in undervalued activities (doing exercises compared to final grades). This study reveals that procrastination could decrease academic achievement Abstrak. Hasil meta-analisis terhadap 43 ukuran efek dari 11643 subjek menunjukkan bahwa prokrastinasi berkorelasi negatif dengan prestasi, r =-0.270. Koefisien korelasi negatif terbesar ditemukan pada penyelesaian latihan (r =-0.940) dan nilai mata kuliah (r =-0.870). Sejalan dengan pendekatan picoeconomics, pengaruh negatif prokrastinasi semakin terlihat untuk aktivitas yang dinilai lebih tidak bermakna (pengerjaan latihan dibanding nilai akhir). Tampaknya...
Procrastination is frequently associated with postponing to make a decision or to act. Such pheno... more Procrastination is frequently associated with postponing to make a decision or to act. Such phenomenon could be found in almost all walks of life. Therefore a comprehensive understanding to alleviate it is urgently needed. This article compared four approaches which tend to explain procrastination: psychoanalytic and psychodynamic, behavioristic, cognitive, and temporal motivation theory (TMT). As a recent and comprehensive approach, TMT was used as the main theoretical framework (Steel, 2007). TMT approach was believed to accommodate the other three previous theoretical approaches. Further explanation and critical elaboration on TMT are discussed. Prokrastinasi seringkali dihubungkan dengan perilaku menunda mengambil putusan atau bertindak. Fenomena tersebut dapat dijumpai di hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan. Karena itu pemahaman yang lebih terpadu untuk mengatasinya sangatlah diperlukan. Artikel ini membandingkan empat pendekatan untuk menjelaskan prokrastinasi, yaitu psikoanalitik ...
Although it has been studied since 1980s, the theoretical framework for procrastination has just ... more Although it has been studied since 1980s, the theoretical framework for procrastination has just been comprehensively developed about two decades later. This study applied Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) as a theoretical framework to develop thesis writing procrastination instruments, using self report and Sim's behavior observation methods. Self-report results of 232 undergraduate students have fulfilled psychometric norms, concerning either the reliability or validity aspects. Observation of Sim's behaviors, performed by 48 students, also fulfilled some of the psychometric criteria. The discovery of contradictory patterns of academic activities in the real world against The Sims 2 World was perceived as evidences of basic value differences and manifestation of defense mechanism. Inclusion of subject's responses on The Sims 2 game play pattern scale in the hierarchical linear regression equation improved the prediction power toward latency of thesis completion.
O r * , o r t h m o s l~b u t. I s o t h m o s l~d s l h a c P l t e d n i q u e i s lhe atatisti... more O r * , o r t h m o s l~b u t. I s o t h m o s l~d s l h a c P l t e d n i q u e i s lhe atatistical rigniffwme test. I& exidance Is offen ~~ cis one of h badc pcvcmet8nd-gurP(y.-h-testbrg.Onth-hPMJ,it(l w a k o e. n w h-. n d-t o r b & p e n d e n c s t o t h s ~r h e .~e b o u l i l s~8 n d a l t a M I f i v e~a r e~e d. Wywonia :dgnlRcance, oontmverdw and cldutkn PENDAHULUAN "Smal wander that &dents have trouble [with statistical hypothesis testing]. They may be trying to think" (Derning, 1975, p.150). Kutipan di ataa hanyalah sekelumit dari komentar-komentar yang dilontarkan untuk mempertanyakan keabsahan pengujii stgnitikansi (s~gniff#moe fesfhg), at& yeng Wkadang d i i ju& nun hVp0ines-b signiiicannce testing (NHST) etau statkticel sigMcance testing (SST).
Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi
The Brief Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) scale is widely used for measuring cop... more The Brief Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) scale is widely used for measuring coping strategies. However, concerns persist regarding the dimensions captured by the scale and the accuracy of item representation. This study examined the relevance of adapted Brief COPE items using discriminant content validity (DCV). A panel of experts (n = 15) assessed the extent to which the items corresponded to their intended dimensions. Intraclass correlation (ICC) estimates ranged from 0.640 to 0.828, indicating agreement among experts. A one-sample t-test evaluated DCV, revealing that 21 out of 28 items distinctly and exclusively measured intended dimensions, confirming their discriminant content validity. Seven items were excluded: three did not measure coping strategies (non-dimension), and four measured them in different dimensions (wrong-dimension). The discriminant content-validated Brief COPE scale improves coping assessment, benefiting psychological therapies and providing...
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
TIM RaDaR is an initiative to discover common standards for scientific publications in the field ... more TIM RaDaR is an initiative to discover common standards for scientific publications in the field of psychology in Indonesia. Through this standard, authors (i.e., researchers, students, or lecturers) may prepare their manuscripts to meet the basic criteria for scientific publication. The writing criteria comprise of Title, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and References. This article also provides a checklist to aid authors and journal editors in evaluating manuscripts to be published. As an initiative, this article aims to become a starting point in synergizing better quality scientific publications in the field of psychology in Indonesia. TIM RaDaR adalah sebuah inisiatif untuk menggali standar bersama publikasi ilmiah psikologi Indonesia. Melalui standar ini, penulis (peneliti, mahasiswa, atau dosen) dapat mempersiapkan tulisan yang mereka susun untuk memenuhi kriteria dasar publikasi ilmiah. Kriteria tersebut mencakup penulisan Judul, Pendahuluan, Metode, Hasil d...
International Journal for Educational Integrity
ensured that the Australians have the last word, so to speak, as we conclude with the voices of t... more ensured that the Australians have the last word, so to speak, as we conclude with the voices of two academic elders, professors emeriti, who have supported the journal as members of the editorial board, and Tracey's work for many years. Although many individuals have contributed to this editorial, we recognize that we are not alone in being inspired by Tracey. For every person who has shared their reflections in this collective editorial, there are likely at least a hundred others with similar sentiments and have their own personal connections to Tracey. We recognize that our words cannot begin to represent the worldwide impact Tracey had through her work and her vision. And now on to my own reflection… My first connection with Tracey was through IJEI. The manuscript I had submitted for consideration was one of the first pieces I'd taken the lead on after finally securing a full-time tenure track position, after 22 years of being a sessional lecturer (otherwise known as a precariously-employed academic). The piece was a literature review about the research conducted in Canada on academic integrity. Through the revision process Tracey encouraged me to be bold, to go beyond a literature review, and set the stage for a research agenda in Canada on educational integrity, and to conclude with an evidence-informed call to action. I was inspired by her energy, her clarity of thought, and her passion for the work. I made the revisions and the piece was published (Eaton and Edino 2018). From there, we stayed in touch and she became a mentor, colleague, and friend, all in one. She joined us as they keynote speaker for the inaugural Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity at the University of Calgary in April, 2019. She felt unwell during the symposium, but none of us knew at the time, including her, how serious it was. As it turned out, her trip to Canada was one of her last journeys abroad. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her in person during her visit. I have not known Tracey as long as some of my fellow contributors and colleagues. She had an astounding ability to change your life within moments of talking with her. Each time we connected, wisdom, ideas, and inspiration flowed from her as unlimited gifts she gave just by being herself. Though this collection of tributes, you will see that we grieve individually and collectively, and our heartbreak echoes across continents. Tracey not only contributed to our field, she catalysed it. Through these reflections we remember her, we celebrate her, and most of all, we honour her.
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
Critical thinking is a highly valued learning outcome in all educational levels. This study explo... more Critical thinking is a highly valued learning outcome in all educational levels. This study explores students ability to evaluate arguments as one manifestation of critical thinking. Using a newly developed instument (the Argument Evaluation Test), we describe high school graduates’ (N = 2201) ability to distinguish between sound and fallacious arguments, without explicit instruction. The results indicate that about half of the participants were able to spontaneously evaluate arguments and identify logical fallacies. This is significant considering that argumentation and logical fallacies are not part of the school curriculum in Indonesia. Thus, the ability to identify at least some types of logical fallacies could be obtained through informal learning and therefore the knowledge underlying this ability is likely to be implicit. Another finding was that the ability to evaluate arguments seem to vary depending on the type of fallacy, with ad hominem arguments easier to be identified ...
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Grace is the main and foremost construct in Christian life whose existence cannot be empirically ... more Grace is the main and foremost construct in Christian life whose existence cannot be empirically measured. Nevertheless, Bufford, Sisemore, and Blackburn (2017) succeeded in developing a scale that can measure Christian's experience, belief, and attitudes towards grace called Dimensions of Grace Scale (DGS). The purpose of this research was to evaluate the internal structure of DGS using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis. The DGS scale was translated into Indonesian language and distributed to 401 Christians over 17 years of age. The DGS scale has five dimensions which are Experiencing God's Grace, Costly Grace, Grace to Self, Grace from Others, and Grace to Others. However, the EFA shows that six factors are the best grouping for DGS. Moreover, Costly Grace dimension was separated into two dimensions that are Grace and Responsibility and Graceful Avoidance of Personal Legalism, in line with Costly Grace theory.
International Journal for Educational Integrity
Plagiarism is considered to be a serious transgression in the academic world. Due to the percepti... more Plagiarism is considered to be a serious transgression in the academic world. Due to the perception that plagiarism is rampant among both students and professors, the Indonesian government has established policies to prevent plagiarism in academia. Varieties of sanctions, ranging from score reduction to the revocation of granted academic titles have been applied to those who are caught committing this serious academic offense. However, the severity of the sanctions seems unable to put an end to plagiarism. Because severe sanctions seem unable to eradicate or even alleviate plagiarism, it might be assumed that the tendency towards plagiarism is a personal trait. Regardless of the presence or absence of opportunities and the severity of the potential sanctions, some individuals seem to be prone to plagiarism. In this study, five variables were used as predictors of plagiarism: procrastination, performance, personality, perfectionism, and achievement motivation. They were chosen to rep...
Prokrastinasi terdiri atas beberapa jenis, salah satunya adalah decisional procrastination (Ferar... more Prokrastinasi terdiri atas beberapa jenis, salah satunya adalah decisional procrastination (Ferari, Johnson, & Mann, 1995). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalihbahasakan dan menguji validasi alat ukur DP ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. SUbyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 112 mahasiswa fakultas psikologi angkatan 2010. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan membagikan skala DP dalam dua babasa sekaligus kepada masing-masing subyek. Berdasarkan dua kriteria uji validitas yang diusulkan oleh AERA. APA, dan NCME (1999) diketahui bahwa DP dalam versi terjemahan (bahasa Indonesia) terbukti memenuhi kaidah sebapi alat ukur psikologis yang valid dan reliabel.
Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2016
This study aims to investigate whether the impostor phenomenon exists among students, and to expo... more This study aims to investigate whether the impostor phenomenon exists among students, and to expose its relation with self-esteem and self-efficacy. Subjects (N = 124) were obtained through purposive sampling towards psychology students. Data were collected through a questionnaire adapted from a standard scale. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted, followed with a chi square test, and Pearson correlation. Results reveal that 29.8 % subjects are impostors. Data analysis show that it correlates negatively with self-esteem and self-efficacy. The impostor phenomenon as an entity interconnected with self-image fulfillment are discussed. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran mengenai impostor phenomenon pada mahasiswa, dan mengungkap keterkaitannya dengan self esteem dan self efficacy. Subjek penelitian (N = 124) diperoleh melalui purposive sampling terhadap mahasiswa psikologi. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari skala baku. Analisis dengan t...
The scientific "wrestling" between qualitative and quantitative approaches seems to be interestin... more The scientific "wrestling" between qualitative and quantitative approaches seems to be interesting, yet also a never-ending story in the research inquiry. A great deal of literature argue that this unfinished struggle stems from the differences in philosophical background and research method, which accompany each research approach, and even, sometimes, the personal preference and competence of the researcher. Through a systematic pursuit of a substantial classical as well as recent literature, the author try to propose a new, but actually a disregarded ancient standard in order to bridge the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches, especially concerning the criteria of the research holy-trinity (validity, reliability, and objectivity). Except the extremists, many people, unsurprisingly, seldom dichotomize research inquiry as pure qualitative or quantitative. Some people even already try to promote consolidation between the two poles of research approach and encourage the broadening of "traditional" criteria so that they can be legitimately applied across the entire spectrum of research approaches. While alternative criteria may not in the end be feasible or even, desirable, it will certainly still be useful to prevent confusion among the newcomers in this discussion. However, these alternatives do serve to remind us that qualitative and quantitative approaches are not as discrete as many people thought earlier.
The Indonesian journal of geography
Results of a meta-analysis towards 43 effect sizes of 11643 subjects reveal that procrastination ... more Results of a meta-analysis towards 43 effect sizes of 11643 subjects reveal that procrastination is negatively correlated with academic achievement, r =-0.270. The highest negative correlation was found on training completion (r =-0.940) and subject matter's grade (r =-0.870). In accordance with the picoeconomics approach, the negative effect of procrastination becomes more visible in undervalued activities (doing exercises compared to final grades). This study reveals that procrastination could decrease academic achievement Abstrak. Hasil meta-analisis terhadap 43 ukuran efek dari 11643 subjek menunjukkan bahwa prokrastinasi berkorelasi negatif dengan prestasi, r =-0.270. Koefisien korelasi negatif terbesar ditemukan pada penyelesaian latihan (r =-0.940) dan nilai mata kuliah (r =-0.870). Sejalan dengan pendekatan picoeconomics, pengaruh negatif prokrastinasi semakin terlihat untuk aktivitas yang dinilai lebih tidak bermakna (pengerjaan latihan dibanding nilai akhir). Tampaknya...
Procrastination is frequently associated with postponing to make a decision or to act. Such pheno... more Procrastination is frequently associated with postponing to make a decision or to act. Such phenomenon could be found in almost all walks of life. Therefore a comprehensive understanding to alleviate it is urgently needed. This article compared four approaches which tend to explain procrastination: psychoanalytic and psychodynamic, behavioristic, cognitive, and temporal motivation theory (TMT). As a recent and comprehensive approach, TMT was used as the main theoretical framework (Steel, 2007). TMT approach was believed to accommodate the other three previous theoretical approaches. Further explanation and critical elaboration on TMT are discussed. Prokrastinasi seringkali dihubungkan dengan perilaku menunda mengambil putusan atau bertindak. Fenomena tersebut dapat dijumpai di hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan. Karena itu pemahaman yang lebih terpadu untuk mengatasinya sangatlah diperlukan. Artikel ini membandingkan empat pendekatan untuk menjelaskan prokrastinasi, yaitu psikoanalitik ...
Although it has been studied since 1980s, the theoretical framework for procrastination has just ... more Although it has been studied since 1980s, the theoretical framework for procrastination has just been comprehensively developed about two decades later. This study applied Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) as a theoretical framework to develop thesis writing procrastination instruments, using self report and Sim's behavior observation methods. Self-report results of 232 undergraduate students have fulfilled psychometric norms, concerning either the reliability or validity aspects. Observation of Sim's behaviors, performed by 48 students, also fulfilled some of the psychometric criteria. The discovery of contradictory patterns of academic activities in the real world against The Sims 2 World was perceived as evidences of basic value differences and manifestation of defense mechanism. Inclusion of subject's responses on The Sims 2 game play pattern scale in the hierarchical linear regression equation improved the prediction power toward latency of thesis completion.
O r * , o r t h m o s l~b u t. I s o t h m o s l~d s l h a c P l t e d n i q u e i s lhe atatisti... more O r * , o r t h m o s l~b u t. I s o t h m o s l~d s l h a c P l t e d n i q u e i s lhe atatistical rigniffwme test. I& exidance Is offen ~~ cis one of h badc pcvcmet8nd-gurP(y.-h-testbrg.Onth-hPMJ,it(l w a k o e. n w h-. n d-t o r b & p e n d e n c s t o t h s ~r h e .~e b o u l i l s~8 n d a l t a M I f i v e~a r e~e d. Wywonia :dgnlRcance, oontmverdw and cldutkn PENDAHULUAN "Smal wander that &dents have trouble [with statistical hypothesis testing]. They may be trying to think" (Derning, 1975, p.150). Kutipan di ataa hanyalah sekelumit dari komentar-komentar yang dilontarkan untuk mempertanyakan keabsahan pengujii stgnitikansi (s~gniff#moe fesfhg), at& yeng Wkadang d i i ju& nun hVp0ines-b signiiicannce testing (NHST) etau statkticel sigMcance testing (SST).