Aura Schussler | Babes-Bolyai University (original) (raw)
Books by Aura Schussler
Papers by Aura Schussler
Journal for The Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2017
Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipula... more Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipulating the interface between current political communications and information. This is because, within the new paradigms of power, political communication is under the influence of netocracy, a new and mythical form of cybertechnological superpanopticism. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of cybertechnological globalization where, according to Alexander Bard and Jan Soderqvist, this new form of political and communicative superpanopticism is the result of netocracy. This is related not just to the undermining of capitalism, but also to the myth of internet transparency as the site for communicational freedom. In theoretical terms, this paper seeks to deconstruct this hypothesis based on Slavoj Zizek's position on netocracy. He claims this phenomenon is little more than a new and perverse form of capitalism which engages new methods of manipulating politic...
Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021
As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21st Century, technology has already extend... more As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21st Century, technology has already extended far beyond mere instrumental status. In the not too distant future we can expect technology to move towards a new dimension in terms of fusing with human nature; most notably in the field of intimacy towards what are known as erobots (i.e., sexbots, augmented erotic characters, erotic chatbots, erotic avatars, etc.). Given that these erobots have every chance to become part of a future eroticism, this places erobots beyond the onto-metaphysical grounding of the Western tradition regarding objects. This is an aspect that attracts the dissolution of the anthropocentric legacy of Western metaphysics, within the parameters of OOO, by showing that, in this paradigm, so-called human uniqueness is suffering an ontological twist. To show this I am investigating, the scenario that involves the relationship between a sexbot and a human, alongside of that between two sexbots, within the limits o...
Postmodern Openings, 2020
The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, init... more The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, initially through the incorporation of weak AI, and then in conjunction to strong AI, an aspect that, ongoing, will no longer have a simple medical role, as is the case at present, but one of surveillance and monitoring of individuals—an aspect that is heading us towards a future techno-panoptic singularity. Thus, the general objective of this paper raises the problem of the ontological stability of human nature which, within the limits of the technological singularity of mind-reading machines, leads to the loss of autonomy and a reduction in freedom when it comes to human thoughts. In this paradigm, the hypothesis of a future era of technological singularity is prefigured to be a cumulation of factors in which artificial intelligence holds a dominant position in relation to the human agent, in a techno-panoptic system of human supervision, in the form of a new world order of manifestation/i...
Postmodern Openings, 2017
The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philo... more The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philosophy, are increasingly more often found in the individual's incidence space, through the effects of the augmentation, technologization and artificialization of sexuality, through pornography. Here, pornography leads to a deterritorialization of the natural regions of sex and to a reterritorialization of artificial and technologized pornography into a simulacrum of sexuality. The general objective follows the operating mechanism, together with the possible effects/benefits of a situation where we are talking about sexuality/pornography within the limits of singularity, starting from Ray Kurzweil's theories. That is where sexuality in pornography transitions from the physiological and natural paradigm, to the artificial paradigm of neural implants or nanobots. The theoretical objective is aimed at analyzing the shift of paradigm (in the sexual field) from the humanist man to the transhumanist individual, involving the Nietzschean argument of the Overman. With the purpose of emphasizing the often-ignored importance of technology's imminence into the life of human nature, resulting in the death of metaphysics and, in this situation, to human sexuality being reduced to functionalism. The methodology used is the argumentation of Friedrich Nietzsche's and René Descartes' philosophy, of Ray Kurzweil's theories, of Gilles Deleuze's deconstruction, together with the principles of Max More's extropianism.
Postmodern Openings, 2012
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the fact that the consumption phenomenon constitutes a ... more The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the fact that the consumption phenomenon constitutes a characteristic of postmodern culture, in this case played by the process of objectification of the body, under the auspices of pornography. The concept of 'cultural recycling' analyzed by Jean Baudrillard brings out not only the undermining of the values of cultural and historical tradition by postmodern culture, but also the establishment of reference systems built around simulation and simulacrum, making possible the capitalization of pornography in the name of advertising and sexual entertainment. With this process of body objectification, especially with the female gender body, pornography becomes the cultural fetish the mass culture needs. 'Sexual solipsism', analyzed by Rae Langton, within whose limits this objectification mechanism is being built, is helped by the shift in paradigm produced between soul and body, the body being the one taking the soul's place and governing the cultural-human existence, through a mechanical deconstruction of sexuality and a technological fetishism, as we see in J. Ballard's novel, Crash or in the homonymous film directed by David Cronenberg. The manipulative mechanism through which the pornographic device infiltrates mass culture environments makes it present in art, in the form of a presence, through absence for starters, given by what Brian McNair conceptually calls 'porno-chic'. And then, through 'pornographic imagination', analyzed by Susan Sontag, pornography enters postmodern culture and constituted a way of life for the contemporary individual.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Postmodern Openings, 2016
The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Fouca... more The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Foucauldian biopolitical system, of biotechnologies and the digital sphere, where sexuality represents the area of manifestation for the new power games, within the limits of a global and technological capitalism. The general objective seeks to approach the issue of sexuality and pornography from the perspective of posthumanism and postgender as new forms of knowledge-power, of the shaping and supervision of the individual, where biomedicine and pharmacy are the key to the standardization of the body and its sexual performances, through technological immersions. The theoretical objective is aimed at demonstrating the fact that, in the current conditions, the pornographic world is going through a major shift in paradigm due to the virtual space of biodigital machinery, together with artificial intelligence. This is how it is possible to shift from the utopic world of pornography (pornotopia), to the dystopic world of pornography, which is governed by technology and the technologization of human nature. The methodology used is argumentation and Foucauldian philosophical criticism, Deleuzian deconstruction and argumentation, based on the philosophy of Derrida and Žižek, in the approach of a perverse biopolitical system.
Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022
As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21 st Century, technology has already exten... more As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21 st Century, technology has already extended far beyond mere instrumental status. In the not too distant future we can expect technology to move towards a new dimension in terms of fusing with human nature; most notably in the field of intimacy towards what are known as erobots (i.e., sexbots, augmented erotic characters, erotic chatbots, erotic avatars, etc.). Given that these erobots have every chance to become part of a future eroticism, this places erobots beyond the onto-metaphysical grounding of the Western tradition regarding objects. This is an aspect that attracts the dissolution of the anthropocentric legacy of Western metaphysics, within the parameters of OOO, by showing that, in this paradigm, so-called human uniqueness is suffering an ontological twist. To show this I am investigating, the scenario that involves the relationship between a sexbot and a human, alongside of that between two sexbots, within the limits of OOO. Consequently, I am addressing the issue of how a sexbot relates to both a human agent and to another sexbot. I am also analyzing the perspective in which a future presence of erobots in the intimate life of the individual will twist the traditional image of eroticism in Western culture. This perspective is opening a deconstructing process with regard to human exceptionalism-analyzed within the limits of the 'deterritorialization' of eroticism-from the traditional structures of Western metaphysical heritage. Such deterritorialization emphasizes the paradigm shift in which eroticism is leaving the familiar terrain of the metaphysics of presence and the fixed structures of societies' 'strata'. Thus, following the philosophical thinking of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the 'reterritorialization' of eroticism-in the fluid, transversal and rhizomatic network of technology-is an ongoing, ever-changing process, taking place in the immanent sphere of techno-eroticism's 'plane of consistency'.
The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Fouca... more The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Foucauldian biopolitical system, of biotechnologies and the digital sphere, where sexuality represents the area of manifestation for the new power games, within the limits of a global and technological capitalism. The general objective seeks to approach the issue of sexuality and pornography from the perspective of posthumanism and postgender as new forms of knowledge-power, of the shaping and supervision of the individual, where biomedicine and pharmacy are the key to the standardization of the body and its sexual performances, through technological immersions. The theoretical objective is aimed at demonstrating the fact that, in the current conditions, the pornographic world is going through a major shift in paradigm due to the virtual space of biodigital machinery, together with artificial intelligence. This is how it is possible to shift from the utopic world of pornography (pornotopia), to the dystopic world of pornography, which is governed by technology and the technologization of human nature. The methodology used is argumentation and Foucauldian philosophical criticism, Deleuzian deconstruction and argumentation, based on the philosophy of Derrida and Žižek, in the approach of a perverse biopolitical system.
The acceleration of scientific and technological developments in recent decades has brought both ... more The acceleration of scientific and technological developments in recent decades has brought both hope and concern for mankind regarding its wellbeing and future existence. In this context, the cultural-philosophical movements of transhumanism, posthumanism and metahumanism have had an important imprint on what currently represents the finding of alternative methods to improve human and non-human living conditions. Thus, the general objective of this paper is to analyze the three aforementioned movements, using Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's book On Transhumanism (2016/2020) as a starting point. In the first part of my study, I will emphasize some of the philosophical theories and approaches that brings transhumanism and posthumanism together in their common path towards the 'posthuman', as well as those that separate them. The second part of the paper seeks to highlight the possibility that metahumanism-and especially what Sorgner calls "weak transhumanism"-is a more appropriate approach when considering the various advanced technologies designed to improve human health and lifespan. This perspective also serves to illustrate that any advanced technologies such as bio-and nano-technology, genetic engineering etc. should first of all preserve negative freedom-in terms of achieving a good life, by adopting a pluralistic, naturalistic, non-dualistic and relational understanding of our worldly existence-merged with dynamic adaptation and critical thinking regarding the challenges revealed by these future technologies.
For those who are more, or less, familiar with posthuman theories, the volume is initiating a phi... more For those who are more, or less, familiar with posthuman theories, the volume is initiating a philosophical inquiry-by gathering together many researchers from all over the world-regarding the leading philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's book On Transhumanism: The Most Dangerous Idea in the World?!. In the following papers the readers may discover many intriguing questions related to the paradigm shift that the posthuman may bring to the present/future life of the individual. The papers cover a wide range of what transhumanism, as a philosophical/cultural movement or a thinking approach, represents nowadays. The volume encompasses both a Nietzschean approach to transhumanism-in which we may discover both the convergences and the divergences that Nietzsche's concept of the Overhuman (and not only this) brings to transhumanist discussionsas well as a cartography regarding the multiple scenarios that transhumanism reveals, in close connection to the present/future technological developments and human enhancements such as bio-nanotechnology, AI technology, climate change, moral enhancements, education, gene editing, mind uploading etc. The volume is not only an invitation to reflect on the paradigm shifts that the posthuman dimension brings into discussion, but also an introduction to the multiple concepts, philosophical theories and movements related to this field (e.g., transhumanism, transhuman, posthumanism, post-human, metahumanism/weak transhumanism, weak posthumanism). That's why, in these pages, the reader may discover that, in Sorgner's view, transhumanism, as a philosophy is linked to Nietzsche's perspectivism and non-dualist philosophy, being also grounded in the Anglo-American bioethical tradition and analytical philosophy. Another important aspect to consider is that for other transhumanist philosophers such as Nick Bostrom, transhumanism seems to be closely connected to the Enlightenment heritage in terms of its goal of achieving human perfection (Bostrom, 2005)-being thus an intensification of humanism. Furthermore, in Max More's view, transhumanism seeks the perpetual progress and evolution of human life by going beyond the current natural-biological human limitations, embracing scientific and technological developments and innovations, 'morphological freedom' and 'proactive attitude', in order to
Postmodern Openings , 2020
The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, init... more The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, initially through the incorporation of weak AI, and then in conjunction to strong AI, an aspect that, ongoing, will no longer have a simple medical role, as is the case at present, but one of surveillance and monitoring of individuals-an aspect that is heading us towards a future techno-panoptic singularity. Thus, the general objective of this paper raises the problem of the ontological stability of human nature which, within the limits of the technological singularity of mind-reading machines, leads to the loss of autonomy and a reduction in freedom when it comes to human thoughts. In this paradigm, the hypothesis of a future era of technological singularity is prefigured to be a cumulation of factors in which artificial intelligence holds a dominant position in relation to the human agent, in a techno-panoptic system of human supervision, in the form of a new world order of manifestation/imposition of power-that of a "singleton." The theoretical objective analyzes the phenomenon of "deterritorrialization" (Deleuze & Guattari, 2000, 2005) of the Foucauldian panoptic mechanism (Foucault, 1995, 2003, 2006, 2008)-which is based on the "biopolitical" system of "biopower"-and its "reterritorialization" in the "territory" of the techno-panoptic singularity, where the scenario of a strong AI "singleton" (Bostrom, 2004, 2006), represents the alienation of the Being into a hard technological determinism.
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2020
The early 21 st century climate crisis and environmental degradation has brought environmentalism... more The early 21 st century climate crisis and environmental degradation has brought environmentalism closer to religion and postmodern feminist theories, in the paradigm of ecofeminist theology and philosophical posthumanist thinking. This era we live in, that of the Anthropocene-which asserts itself through the normativity of a hierarchical and dominant structure of man over non-human others/nature-is about to bring us to the threshold of the Sixth Extinction. This means that ecofeminist theology focuses both on the ecological health of Earth and on that of the dissolution of masculine(culture)-feminine(nature) binary oppositions, but especially regaining the sacred dimension of Earth. This aspect requires a rethinking of the current condition of life, from the perspective of posthumanist and Deleuzian deconstructivist theories of "becoming", within the transversal, multilayered and nondualistic limits of differences-a paradigm in which the Earth and all human/non-human others are seen, symbolically, materially and spiritually, as being rhizomatic living agents. Thus, the general objective of the paper follows an approach from the ecofeminist theology perspective, regarding the dimension of nondualist spirituality as an alternative method of rethinking man's spiritual relationship with the Earth. The theoretical objective focuses on the symbolic-cultural deconstruction of zoē-bios dualism, from the perspective of Rosi Braidotti and Francesca Ferrando's posthumanist philosophical theories, in a Zoē-centered way of thinking-an aspect that leads to a rhizomatic and transversal relationship with the "vital materiality", in a post-anthropocentric and post-dualist paradigm.
Journal of Posthuman Studies, 2020
This article aims to question-from the perspective of posthumanist theories-the normativity of hu... more This article aims to question-from the perspective of posthumanist theories-the normativity of human sexuality, located at the borderline between the technological imminence of AI sexbots and the humanistic legacy of Western socio-cultural constructions, governed by masculine bias. The purpose is to emphasize that as long as this normativity remains encapsulated within the boundaries of the culture of Western metaphysics-characterized by the anthropocentrist, dualist, and speciesist paradigm-the sexual domain will permanently constitute an antagonistic ground of discrimination and binary hierarchical relations, an aspect that will permanently attract the possibility of manifesting sexual solipsism. The general objective follows the paradigm shifts that this hypothesis of sex with weak/strong AI sexbots can bring about on an ethical level, along with the risks/benefits that may appear on the social level. The theoretical objective consists of a posthumanist analysis of the phenomenon of weak/strong AI sexbots, which calls into question both the ontology of the person and Rae Langton's sexual solipsism theory-specific to the humancen-tric paradigm. The methodology used is that of the critics/arguments brought from the perspective of posthumanist philosophy (Rosi Braidotti, Francesca Ferrando), supplemented by the deconstructivist philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, in the direction of arguing for a postdualistic rhizomatic sexuality, which upholds an ethic of diversity and of continuous becoming within the limits of an emergent ontology of differences.
Journal for Social Media Inquiry, 2020
I am pleased to write the editorial note dedicated to this special volume, which is the result of... more I am pleased to write the editorial note dedicated to this special volume, which is the result of the first edition of the National Conference "Human Nature, Culture, Technology (NUCT)"-with the theme "Posthumanism-new philosophical approaches of the Anthropocene"-which I organized from the desire to open an inter-transdisciplinary dialogue, regarding the analysis of paradigm shifts, from human to post-human, aspect that implies a convergence between posthumanism and post-anthropocentrism, along with the critique and decentralization of the anthropos, in this context of the Anthropocene era.
Apel la contribuții, pentru Prima Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnolo... more Apel la contribuții, pentru Prima Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnologie (NUCT)", cu tema: Postumanismul-noi abordări filosofice ale Antropocenului, care se va desfășura în perioada, 9-10 mai 2020. Conferința va fi organizată în cadrul Universității "Babeș-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie, Departamentul de Filosofie, în colaborare cu Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată (CFA) și Cercul de Transumanism, Postumanism, Metaumanism (CTPM). Evenimentul este o invitație către studenții, masteranzii, doctoranzii și tinerii cercetători din domeniul filosofiei și științelor umaniste conexe, în vederea analizării și regândirii, din perspectiva filosofiei postumaniste și a teoriilor interdisciplinare, a vieții, existenței și relației omului cu mediul înconjurător, precum și cu celelalte entități non-umane. Încălzirea globală, schimbările climatice, dispariția anumitor specii de animale/plante, reprezintă doar câteva din efectele nefaste ale hegemoniei omului în Antropocen. Întrebări precum: Ce înseamnă să fii uman/postuman în Antropocen?; Cum influențează teoriile postumaniste relațiile natură-cultură/zoē-bios?; Ce implică o condiție postumană-în artă paradigma tradițională a metafizicii occidentale, în vederea deschiderii unor relații non-ierarhice și post-dualiste cu celelalte entități non-umane și cu mediul.
Invităm la discuții pe următoarele teme (dar nu exclusiv):
-Natură vs. Cultură-Etici postumaniste în era Antropocenului
-Globalizare, consumerism, schimbările climatice și raportul binar zoē-bios
-Post-antropocentrism-uman vs. non-uman
-Ecofeminism, post-esențialism, post-specisism
-Arta postumanistă-BioArt, artă robotică/inteligență artificială, hibrizi om-animal etc.
-Politici postumaniste-ipoteza societăților biotehnologice
-Postumanism și religie
-Utopii/distopii culturale în teoriile postumaniste
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2019
Perceived as the century with the fastest developments in technology, the 21 st century has impos... more Perceived as the century with the fastest developments in technology, the 21 st century has imposed a series of paradigm shifts, which implicated both the concepts of religion and spirituality. In this new paradigm, transhumanism represents a mechanism of the relative deterritorialization of religion/spirituality from their traditional-metaphysical system, and of their reterritorialization within the rational-scientific system that characterizes technological progress of the 21 st century. At this level, personal development mechanisms go from the register of traditional methods to the improvements brought by the principles of transhumanist philosophy (the principles of extropy). The general objective of this paper is to analyze these new mechanisms of the transgression of human limits, and those of the traditional concepts of religion, personal development and spirituality, within the paradigm of transhumanist philosophy-governed by a techno-optimistic ideology. At this level, according to interpretations of Michel Foucault's theories, we encounter a new technological 'régime of truth' regarding the new dimensions of religion and spirituality, both found under the dominance of technology: an aspect that permits us to talk about a 'techno-religion' and a 'technological spirituality'. This theoretical objective follows the process of deterritorialization-reterritorialization (approached within Gilles Deleuze's philosophy), applied to the philosophical theories of Ray Kurzweil and Max More, in order to emphasize the phenomenon of the fusion of the concept of spirituality with that of technology, forming a new territorial system: that of the rhizomatic post-transcendence technology, generated by technological singularity.
Journal for The Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2017
Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipula... more Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipulating the interface between current political communications and information. This is because, within the new paradigms of power, political communication is under the influence of netocracy, a new and mythical form of cybertechnological superpanopticism. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of cybertechnological globalization where, according to Alexander Bard and Jan Soderqvist, this new form of political and communicative superpanopticism is the result of netocracy. This is related not just to the undermining of capitalism, but also to the myth of internet transparency as the site for communicational freedom. In theoretical terms, this paper seeks to deconstruct this hypothesis based on Slavoj Zizek's position on netocracy. He claims this phenomenon is little more than a new and perverse form of capitalism which engages new methods of manipulating politic...
Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021
As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21st Century, technology has already extend... more As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21st Century, technology has already extended far beyond mere instrumental status. In the not too distant future we can expect technology to move towards a new dimension in terms of fusing with human nature; most notably in the field of intimacy towards what are known as erobots (i.e., sexbots, augmented erotic characters, erotic chatbots, erotic avatars, etc.). Given that these erobots have every chance to become part of a future eroticism, this places erobots beyond the onto-metaphysical grounding of the Western tradition regarding objects. This is an aspect that attracts the dissolution of the anthropocentric legacy of Western metaphysics, within the parameters of OOO, by showing that, in this paradigm, so-called human uniqueness is suffering an ontological twist. To show this I am investigating, the scenario that involves the relationship between a sexbot and a human, alongside of that between two sexbots, within the limits o...
Postmodern Openings, 2020
The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, init... more The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, initially through the incorporation of weak AI, and then in conjunction to strong AI, an aspect that, ongoing, will no longer have a simple medical role, as is the case at present, but one of surveillance and monitoring of individuals—an aspect that is heading us towards a future techno-panoptic singularity. Thus, the general objective of this paper raises the problem of the ontological stability of human nature which, within the limits of the technological singularity of mind-reading machines, leads to the loss of autonomy and a reduction in freedom when it comes to human thoughts. In this paradigm, the hypothesis of a future era of technological singularity is prefigured to be a cumulation of factors in which artificial intelligence holds a dominant position in relation to the human agent, in a techno-panoptic system of human supervision, in the form of a new world order of manifestation/i...
Postmodern Openings, 2017
The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philo... more The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philosophy, are increasingly more often found in the individual's incidence space, through the effects of the augmentation, technologization and artificialization of sexuality, through pornography. Here, pornography leads to a deterritorialization of the natural regions of sex and to a reterritorialization of artificial and technologized pornography into a simulacrum of sexuality. The general objective follows the operating mechanism, together with the possible effects/benefits of a situation where we are talking about sexuality/pornography within the limits of singularity, starting from Ray Kurzweil's theories. That is where sexuality in pornography transitions from the physiological and natural paradigm, to the artificial paradigm of neural implants or nanobots. The theoretical objective is aimed at analyzing the shift of paradigm (in the sexual field) from the humanist man to the transhumanist individual, involving the Nietzschean argument of the Overman. With the purpose of emphasizing the often-ignored importance of technology's imminence into the life of human nature, resulting in the death of metaphysics and, in this situation, to human sexuality being reduced to functionalism. The methodology used is the argumentation of Friedrich Nietzsche's and René Descartes' philosophy, of Ray Kurzweil's theories, of Gilles Deleuze's deconstruction, together with the principles of Max More's extropianism.
Postmodern Openings, 2012
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the fact that the consumption phenomenon constitutes a ... more The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the fact that the consumption phenomenon constitutes a characteristic of postmodern culture, in this case played by the process of objectification of the body, under the auspices of pornography. The concept of 'cultural recycling' analyzed by Jean Baudrillard brings out not only the undermining of the values of cultural and historical tradition by postmodern culture, but also the establishment of reference systems built around simulation and simulacrum, making possible the capitalization of pornography in the name of advertising and sexual entertainment. With this process of body objectification, especially with the female gender body, pornography becomes the cultural fetish the mass culture needs. 'Sexual solipsism', analyzed by Rae Langton, within whose limits this objectification mechanism is being built, is helped by the shift in paradigm produced between soul and body, the body being the one taking the soul's place and governing the cultural-human existence, through a mechanical deconstruction of sexuality and a technological fetishism, as we see in J. Ballard's novel, Crash or in the homonymous film directed by David Cronenberg. The manipulative mechanism through which the pornographic device infiltrates mass culture environments makes it present in art, in the form of a presence, through absence for starters, given by what Brian McNair conceptually calls 'porno-chic'. And then, through 'pornographic imagination', analyzed by Susan Sontag, pornography enters postmodern culture and constituted a way of life for the contemporary individual.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Postmodern Openings, 2016
The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Fouca... more The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Foucauldian biopolitical system, of biotechnologies and the digital sphere, where sexuality represents the area of manifestation for the new power games, within the limits of a global and technological capitalism. The general objective seeks to approach the issue of sexuality and pornography from the perspective of posthumanism and postgender as new forms of knowledge-power, of the shaping and supervision of the individual, where biomedicine and pharmacy are the key to the standardization of the body and its sexual performances, through technological immersions. The theoretical objective is aimed at demonstrating the fact that, in the current conditions, the pornographic world is going through a major shift in paradigm due to the virtual space of biodigital machinery, together with artificial intelligence. This is how it is possible to shift from the utopic world of pornography (pornotopia), to the dystopic world of pornography, which is governed by technology and the technologization of human nature. The methodology used is argumentation and Foucauldian philosophical criticism, Deleuzian deconstruction and argumentation, based on the philosophy of Derrida and Žižek, in the approach of a perverse biopolitical system.
Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022
As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21 st Century, technology has already exten... more As a result of its accelerated evolution in the early 21 st Century, technology has already extended far beyond mere instrumental status. In the not too distant future we can expect technology to move towards a new dimension in terms of fusing with human nature; most notably in the field of intimacy towards what are known as erobots (i.e., sexbots, augmented erotic characters, erotic chatbots, erotic avatars, etc.). Given that these erobots have every chance to become part of a future eroticism, this places erobots beyond the onto-metaphysical grounding of the Western tradition regarding objects. This is an aspect that attracts the dissolution of the anthropocentric legacy of Western metaphysics, within the parameters of OOO, by showing that, in this paradigm, so-called human uniqueness is suffering an ontological twist. To show this I am investigating, the scenario that involves the relationship between a sexbot and a human, alongside of that between two sexbots, within the limits of OOO. Consequently, I am addressing the issue of how a sexbot relates to both a human agent and to another sexbot. I am also analyzing the perspective in which a future presence of erobots in the intimate life of the individual will twist the traditional image of eroticism in Western culture. This perspective is opening a deconstructing process with regard to human exceptionalism-analyzed within the limits of the 'deterritorialization' of eroticism-from the traditional structures of Western metaphysical heritage. Such deterritorialization emphasizes the paradigm shift in which eroticism is leaving the familiar terrain of the metaphysics of presence and the fixed structures of societies' 'strata'. Thus, following the philosophical thinking of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the 'reterritorialization' of eroticism-in the fluid, transversal and rhizomatic network of technology-is an ongoing, ever-changing process, taking place in the immanent sphere of techno-eroticism's 'plane of consistency'.
The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Fouca... more The purpose of this study is to approach the pornographic field from the perspective of the Foucauldian biopolitical system, of biotechnologies and the digital sphere, where sexuality represents the area of manifestation for the new power games, within the limits of a global and technological capitalism. The general objective seeks to approach the issue of sexuality and pornography from the perspective of posthumanism and postgender as new forms of knowledge-power, of the shaping and supervision of the individual, where biomedicine and pharmacy are the key to the standardization of the body and its sexual performances, through technological immersions. The theoretical objective is aimed at demonstrating the fact that, in the current conditions, the pornographic world is going through a major shift in paradigm due to the virtual space of biodigital machinery, together with artificial intelligence. This is how it is possible to shift from the utopic world of pornography (pornotopia), to the dystopic world of pornography, which is governed by technology and the technologization of human nature. The methodology used is argumentation and Foucauldian philosophical criticism, Deleuzian deconstruction and argumentation, based on the philosophy of Derrida and Žižek, in the approach of a perverse biopolitical system.
The acceleration of scientific and technological developments in recent decades has brought both ... more The acceleration of scientific and technological developments in recent decades has brought both hope and concern for mankind regarding its wellbeing and future existence. In this context, the cultural-philosophical movements of transhumanism, posthumanism and metahumanism have had an important imprint on what currently represents the finding of alternative methods to improve human and non-human living conditions. Thus, the general objective of this paper is to analyze the three aforementioned movements, using Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's book On Transhumanism (2016/2020) as a starting point. In the first part of my study, I will emphasize some of the philosophical theories and approaches that brings transhumanism and posthumanism together in their common path towards the 'posthuman', as well as those that separate them. The second part of the paper seeks to highlight the possibility that metahumanism-and especially what Sorgner calls "weak transhumanism"-is a more appropriate approach when considering the various advanced technologies designed to improve human health and lifespan. This perspective also serves to illustrate that any advanced technologies such as bio-and nano-technology, genetic engineering etc. should first of all preserve negative freedom-in terms of achieving a good life, by adopting a pluralistic, naturalistic, non-dualistic and relational understanding of our worldly existence-merged with dynamic adaptation and critical thinking regarding the challenges revealed by these future technologies.
For those who are more, or less, familiar with posthuman theories, the volume is initiating a phi... more For those who are more, or less, familiar with posthuman theories, the volume is initiating a philosophical inquiry-by gathering together many researchers from all over the world-regarding the leading philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's book On Transhumanism: The Most Dangerous Idea in the World?!. In the following papers the readers may discover many intriguing questions related to the paradigm shift that the posthuman may bring to the present/future life of the individual. The papers cover a wide range of what transhumanism, as a philosophical/cultural movement or a thinking approach, represents nowadays. The volume encompasses both a Nietzschean approach to transhumanism-in which we may discover both the convergences and the divergences that Nietzsche's concept of the Overhuman (and not only this) brings to transhumanist discussionsas well as a cartography regarding the multiple scenarios that transhumanism reveals, in close connection to the present/future technological developments and human enhancements such as bio-nanotechnology, AI technology, climate change, moral enhancements, education, gene editing, mind uploading etc. The volume is not only an invitation to reflect on the paradigm shifts that the posthuman dimension brings into discussion, but also an introduction to the multiple concepts, philosophical theories and movements related to this field (e.g., transhumanism, transhuman, posthumanism, post-human, metahumanism/weak transhumanism, weak posthumanism). That's why, in these pages, the reader may discover that, in Sorgner's view, transhumanism, as a philosophy is linked to Nietzsche's perspectivism and non-dualist philosophy, being also grounded in the Anglo-American bioethical tradition and analytical philosophy. Another important aspect to consider is that for other transhumanist philosophers such as Nick Bostrom, transhumanism seems to be closely connected to the Enlightenment heritage in terms of its goal of achieving human perfection (Bostrom, 2005)-being thus an intensification of humanism. Furthermore, in Max More's view, transhumanism seeks the perpetual progress and evolution of human life by going beyond the current natural-biological human limitations, embracing scientific and technological developments and innovations, 'morphological freedom' and 'proactive attitude', in order to
Postmodern Openings , 2020
The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, init... more The present study focuses on the situation in which mind-reading machines will be connected, initially through the incorporation of weak AI, and then in conjunction to strong AI, an aspect that, ongoing, will no longer have a simple medical role, as is the case at present, but one of surveillance and monitoring of individuals-an aspect that is heading us towards a future techno-panoptic singularity. Thus, the general objective of this paper raises the problem of the ontological stability of human nature which, within the limits of the technological singularity of mind-reading machines, leads to the loss of autonomy and a reduction in freedom when it comes to human thoughts. In this paradigm, the hypothesis of a future era of technological singularity is prefigured to be a cumulation of factors in which artificial intelligence holds a dominant position in relation to the human agent, in a techno-panoptic system of human supervision, in the form of a new world order of manifestation/imposition of power-that of a "singleton." The theoretical objective analyzes the phenomenon of "deterritorrialization" (Deleuze & Guattari, 2000, 2005) of the Foucauldian panoptic mechanism (Foucault, 1995, 2003, 2006, 2008)-which is based on the "biopolitical" system of "biopower"-and its "reterritorialization" in the "territory" of the techno-panoptic singularity, where the scenario of a strong AI "singleton" (Bostrom, 2004, 2006), represents the alienation of the Being into a hard technological determinism.
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2020
The early 21 st century climate crisis and environmental degradation has brought environmentalism... more The early 21 st century climate crisis and environmental degradation has brought environmentalism closer to religion and postmodern feminist theories, in the paradigm of ecofeminist theology and philosophical posthumanist thinking. This era we live in, that of the Anthropocene-which asserts itself through the normativity of a hierarchical and dominant structure of man over non-human others/nature-is about to bring us to the threshold of the Sixth Extinction. This means that ecofeminist theology focuses both on the ecological health of Earth and on that of the dissolution of masculine(culture)-feminine(nature) binary oppositions, but especially regaining the sacred dimension of Earth. This aspect requires a rethinking of the current condition of life, from the perspective of posthumanist and Deleuzian deconstructivist theories of "becoming", within the transversal, multilayered and nondualistic limits of differences-a paradigm in which the Earth and all human/non-human others are seen, symbolically, materially and spiritually, as being rhizomatic living agents. Thus, the general objective of the paper follows an approach from the ecofeminist theology perspective, regarding the dimension of nondualist spirituality as an alternative method of rethinking man's spiritual relationship with the Earth. The theoretical objective focuses on the symbolic-cultural deconstruction of zoē-bios dualism, from the perspective of Rosi Braidotti and Francesca Ferrando's posthumanist philosophical theories, in a Zoē-centered way of thinking-an aspect that leads to a rhizomatic and transversal relationship with the "vital materiality", in a post-anthropocentric and post-dualist paradigm.
Journal of Posthuman Studies, 2020
This article aims to question-from the perspective of posthumanist theories-the normativity of hu... more This article aims to question-from the perspective of posthumanist theories-the normativity of human sexuality, located at the borderline between the technological imminence of AI sexbots and the humanistic legacy of Western socio-cultural constructions, governed by masculine bias. The purpose is to emphasize that as long as this normativity remains encapsulated within the boundaries of the culture of Western metaphysics-characterized by the anthropocentrist, dualist, and speciesist paradigm-the sexual domain will permanently constitute an antagonistic ground of discrimination and binary hierarchical relations, an aspect that will permanently attract the possibility of manifesting sexual solipsism. The general objective follows the paradigm shifts that this hypothesis of sex with weak/strong AI sexbots can bring about on an ethical level, along with the risks/benefits that may appear on the social level. The theoretical objective consists of a posthumanist analysis of the phenomenon of weak/strong AI sexbots, which calls into question both the ontology of the person and Rae Langton's sexual solipsism theory-specific to the humancen-tric paradigm. The methodology used is that of the critics/arguments brought from the perspective of posthumanist philosophy (Rosi Braidotti, Francesca Ferrando), supplemented by the deconstructivist philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, in the direction of arguing for a postdualistic rhizomatic sexuality, which upholds an ethic of diversity and of continuous becoming within the limits of an emergent ontology of differences.
Journal for Social Media Inquiry, 2020
I am pleased to write the editorial note dedicated to this special volume, which is the result of... more I am pleased to write the editorial note dedicated to this special volume, which is the result of the first edition of the National Conference "Human Nature, Culture, Technology (NUCT)"-with the theme "Posthumanism-new philosophical approaches of the Anthropocene"-which I organized from the desire to open an inter-transdisciplinary dialogue, regarding the analysis of paradigm shifts, from human to post-human, aspect that implies a convergence between posthumanism and post-anthropocentrism, along with the critique and decentralization of the anthropos, in this context of the Anthropocene era.
Apel la contribuții, pentru Prima Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnolo... more Apel la contribuții, pentru Prima Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnologie (NUCT)", cu tema: Postumanismul-noi abordări filosofice ale Antropocenului, care se va desfășura în perioada, 9-10 mai 2020. Conferința va fi organizată în cadrul Universității "Babeș-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie, Departamentul de Filosofie, în colaborare cu Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată (CFA) și Cercul de Transumanism, Postumanism, Metaumanism (CTPM). Evenimentul este o invitație către studenții, masteranzii, doctoranzii și tinerii cercetători din domeniul filosofiei și științelor umaniste conexe, în vederea analizării și regândirii, din perspectiva filosofiei postumaniste și a teoriilor interdisciplinare, a vieții, existenței și relației omului cu mediul înconjurător, precum și cu celelalte entități non-umane. Încălzirea globală, schimbările climatice, dispariția anumitor specii de animale/plante, reprezintă doar câteva din efectele nefaste ale hegemoniei omului în Antropocen. Întrebări precum: Ce înseamnă să fii uman/postuman în Antropocen?; Cum influențează teoriile postumaniste relațiile natură-cultură/zoē-bios?; Ce implică o condiție postumană-în artă paradigma tradițională a metafizicii occidentale, în vederea deschiderii unor relații non-ierarhice și post-dualiste cu celelalte entități non-umane și cu mediul.
Invităm la discuții pe următoarele teme (dar nu exclusiv):
-Natură vs. Cultură-Etici postumaniste în era Antropocenului
-Globalizare, consumerism, schimbările climatice și raportul binar zoē-bios
-Post-antropocentrism-uman vs. non-uman
-Ecofeminism, post-esențialism, post-specisism
-Arta postumanistă-BioArt, artă robotică/inteligență artificială, hibrizi om-animal etc.
-Politici postumaniste-ipoteza societăților biotehnologice
-Postumanism și religie
-Utopii/distopii culturale în teoriile postumaniste
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2019
Perceived as the century with the fastest developments in technology, the 21 st century has impos... more Perceived as the century with the fastest developments in technology, the 21 st century has imposed a series of paradigm shifts, which implicated both the concepts of religion and spirituality. In this new paradigm, transhumanism represents a mechanism of the relative deterritorialization of religion/spirituality from their traditional-metaphysical system, and of their reterritorialization within the rational-scientific system that characterizes technological progress of the 21 st century. At this level, personal development mechanisms go from the register of traditional methods to the improvements brought by the principles of transhumanist philosophy (the principles of extropy). The general objective of this paper is to analyze these new mechanisms of the transgression of human limits, and those of the traditional concepts of religion, personal development and spirituality, within the paradigm of transhumanist philosophy-governed by a techno-optimistic ideology. At this level, according to interpretations of Michel Foucault's theories, we encounter a new technological 'régime of truth' regarding the new dimensions of religion and spirituality, both found under the dominance of technology: an aspect that permits us to talk about a 'techno-religion' and a 'technological spirituality'. This theoretical objective follows the process of deterritorialization-reterritorialization (approached within Gilles Deleuze's philosophy), applied to the philosophical theories of Ray Kurzweil and Max More, in order to emphasize the phenomenon of the fusion of the concept of spirituality with that of technology, forming a new territorial system: that of the rhizomatic post-transcendence technology, generated by technological singularity.
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2017
Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipula... more Technological augmentation in the field of communication is a new way of controlling and manipulating the interface between current political communications and information. This is because, within the new paradigms of power, political communication is under the influence of netocracy, a new and mythical form of cybertechnological superpanopticism. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of cybertechnological globalization where, according to Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist, this new form of political and communicative superpanopticism is the result of netocracy. This is related not just to the undermining of capitalism, but also to the myth of internet transparency as the site for communicational freedom. In theoretical terms, this paper seeks to deconstruct this hypothesis based on Slavoj Žižek's position on netocracy. He claims this phenomenon is little more than a new and perverse form of capitalism which engages new methods of manipulating political communication. The methodology used in this paper draws on Bard and Söderqvist's arguments, Žižek's critique and Gilles Deleuze's deconstruction.
The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philo... more The principles of extropy, supported by Max More, which are the foundation of transhumanist philosophy, are increasingly more often found in the individual's incidence space, through the effects of the augmentation, technologization and artificialization of sexuality, through pornography. Here, pornography leads to a deterritorialization of the natural regions of sex and to a reterritorialization of artificial and technologized pornography into a simulacrum of sexuality. The general objective follows the operating mechanism, together with the possible effects/benefits of a situation where we are talking about sexuality/pornography within the limits of singularity, starting from Ray Kurzweil's theories. That is where sexuality in pornography transitions from the physiological and natural paradigm, to the artificial paradigm of neural implants or nanobots. The theoretical objective is aimed at analyzing the shift of paradigm (in the sexual field) from the humanist man to the transhumanist individual, involving the Nietzschean argument of the Overman. With the purpose of emphasizing the often-ignored importance of technology's imminence into the life of human nature, resulting in the death of metaphysics and, in this situation, to human sexuality being reduced to functionalism. The methodology used is the argumentation of Friedrich Nietzsche's and René Descartes' philosophy, of Ray Kurzweil's theories, of Gilles Deleuze's deconstruction, together with the principles of Max More's extropianism.
Apel de participare la cea de-a șasea ediție a Conferinței Naționale “Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehn... more Apel de participare la cea de-a șasea ediție a Conferinței Naționale “Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnologie” (NUCT 2025), cu tema: Comunicare, tehnologie, inteligența artificială și postumanul, care se va desfășura în data de 24 mai 2025 (online).
Pe măsură ce lumea contemporană devine tot mai dependentă de noile tehnologii emergente, iar inteligența artificială devine o parte integrantă a vieții noastre, apar noi întrebări cu privire la impactul acestora asupra comunicării și condiției umane. Cum evoluează comunicarea într-o epocă postumană? Ce rol joacă tehnologia în deconstrucția sau consolidarea noțiunilor tradiționale despre uman? Ce considerații etice apar din interacțiunile mediate de AI? Cum remodelează inteligența artificială relațiile interpersonale și redefinirea normelor sociale? Această conferință își propune să exploreze modul în care aceste tehnologii transformă comunicarea, identitatea, societatea, etica și politica. De asemenea, urmărește să investigheze impactul inteligenței artificiale asupra modului în care comunicăm și ne conectăm, remodelând structura relațiilor umane. Subiectele includ, de la chatbot-uri bazate pe inteligență artificială și ‘virtual companions’, la modul în care aceste tehnologii provoacă noțiunile tradiționale de empatie, prezență și conexiune.
Apel de participare la cea de-a doua Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehno... more Apel de participare la cea de-a doua Ediție a Conferinței Naționale "Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnologie (NUCT 2021)", cu tema: Viața și moartea în contextul crizei COVID-19-O abordare Postumanistă, care se va desfășura în data de, 15 mai 2021 (Online). Conferința va fi organizată în cadrul Universității "Babeș-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie, Departamentul de Filosofie, în colaborare cu Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată (CFA) și Cercul de Transumanism, Postumanism, Metaumanism (CTPM). Evenimentul este o invitație către studenții, masteranzii, doctoranzii și tinerii cercetători din domeniul filosofiei și științelor umaniste conexe, în vederea analizării, din perspectiva filosofiei postumaniste, a vieții/morții în contextul pandemiei de COVID-19. În timpul actualei pandemii, dependența omului față de tehnologie a evoluat în direcția unei digitalizări a vieții cotidiene. Mai mult decât oricând, conștientizarea iminenței morții și a vulnerabilității noastre ca specie, ne-a adus împreună într-o lume în care, o serie de valori cu privire la viață, sănătate, libertate, artă, religie etc., au avut de suferit. Propunem o abordare postumanistă a interdependenței noastre globale-în sensul solidarității/reciprocității dintre oameni, natură, artă, știință și tehnologie-alături de analizarea efectelor pandemiei asupra societății, împreună cu schimbările de paradigmă survenite la nivel de existență. Astfel, o regândire a interconectărilor dintre oameni, mediu și tehnologie, în paradigma post-umană, atrage un proces de reafirmare a conexiunilor noastre cu o lume comună, prin adoptarea unei atitudini radical incluzive, care îmbrățișează diversitatea umană, tehnologică, culturală etc.
Invităm la discuții pe următoarele teme (dar nu exclusiv):
-O analiză postumanistă a vieții și a morții în contextul crizei generate de pandemia COVID-19; criza sanitară, distanțarea fizică, vaccinarea etc.
-O critică postumanistă a digitalizării vieții-cum afectează interfețele digitale relațiile interumane, afectele, identitatea, experiențele întruchipate etc?
-Mediul înconjurător în pandemia COVID-19
-Religia în contextul crizei generate de pandemia COVID-19
-Arta/cultura în contextul crizei generate de pandemia COVID-19
-Efectele post-adevărului în pandemia COVID-19
-O critică postumanistă a riscurilor etice/politice în criza COVID-19
-Scenarii utopice/distopice într-o lume post-pandemie
-O abordare postumanistă a supravegherii digitale; problema libertății în pandemie
In order to explore the relevance of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical ideas and theories in te... more In order to explore the relevance of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical ideas and theories in terms of the posthuman paradigm shift, it is essential to adopt an open and critical approach. Such an approach should not only focus on Nietzsche's philosophical legacy but also delve into the antagonisms and convergences between Nietzsche's philosophical theories and concepts and Critical, Speculative, and Philosophical Posthumanism, Classical, and Euro-Transhumanism, as well as Metahumanism. The aim of this conference is to thoroughly explore the multitude of questions that arise from the ongoing and complex challenge of understanding the potential impact of Nietzsche's philosophy on the posthuman paradigm shift. These aspects include the way we address the complexities associated with the emergence of new sciences and technologies, human enhancements, anthropocentrism, the realm of posthuman art and aesthetics, bioethics, and the realm of posthuman education, among other significant topics. The conference endeavors to encourage open and creative dialogues among researchers, philosophers, humanists, transhumanists, posthumanists, and metahumanists, who will present their research in diverse fields such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, music, arts, bioethics, emerging technologies, sociology, education, cultural studies, and more.
Apel de participare la cea de-a patra ediție a Conferinței Naționale “Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehn... more Apel de participare la cea de-a patra ediție a Conferinței Naționale “Natura Umană, Cultură, Tehnologie (NUCT 2023)”, cu tema: O abordare postumană a actualelor crize globale, care se va desfășura în data de 6 mai 2023 (online).
Conferința va fi organizată în cadrul Universității “Babeș-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie, Departamentul de Filosofie, Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată (CFA) și Cercul de Transumanism, Postumanism, Metaumanism (CTPM).
Evenimentul este o invitație către studenții, masteranzii, doctoranzii și tinerii cercetători din domeniul filosofiei, al științelor umaniste conexe, dar nu numai, în vederea analizării într-o optică postumană (transumanistă și postumanistă) a actualelor crize globale cu care omenirea se confruntă: crizele umanitare, criza climatică, economică, energetică, politică, de securitate etc. Scopul conferinței constă într-o analiză critică transumanistă și postumanistă a acestor crize, pornind de la o cartografiere a acestora, nu numai în prezent (cu întreaga paletă de provocări cu care omenirea se confruntă la ora actuală); ci și în trecut (în vederea analizării/identificării atât a cauzelor, cât și a verigilor lipsă care au dus la declanșarea sau, dimpotrivă, la adâncirea crizelor actuale); și viitor (în sensul propunerii unor demersuri/acțiuni, care să vină în sprijinul existenței umane/non-umane, a planetei Pământ etc.). Tonul acestei critici postumane cu privire la ideea de ‘criză/crize’ nu este unul pesimist, de lamentare sau de descurajare. Dimpotrivă, este unul care dorește să propună o poziție critică, afirmativă, etică, productivă, dinamică și inter-relațională—departe de a privi aceste crize ca pe un punct terminal, ci ca pe un întreg proces de ‘devenire’ și de identificare de posibile soluții alternative.
Invităm la discuții pe următoarele teme (dar nu exclusiv):
- O analiză trans-/postumanistă a crizei refugiaților
- Criza energetică
- O analiză trans-/postumanistă a crizei climatice globale
- Criza economică
- O analiză trans-/postumanistă a crizei alimentare
- Noile crize politice
- Atacurile cibernetice și securitatea informatică
- Criza climatică și industria fashion
- O abordare postumanistă a drepturilor femeilor asupra propriului corp
- Efectele crizei sanitare COVID-19