Idi jahidi | Bina Nusantara University (original) (raw)

Papers by Idi jahidi

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Consumer Behavior on Online Food Ordering System (Go-Food) in The Metropolitan City

The recent development of the Internet has boosted the extension of online food services by enabl... more The recent development of the Internet has boosted the extension of online food services by enabling people to search, compare prices and conveniently access these services. Because, only with an online system, small and medium-sized economic actors can compete with established food company such as McD and KFC. Therefore, it is important to know consumer behavior patterns from online food ordering systems for developing marketing strategies. Exploring online consumer behavior provides a better understanding of consumer segmentation in food demand and thus helps to lay the foundation for developing an online marketing strategy for competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to finding factors affecting attitude towards online food retailing. This study uses a quantitative approach by involving respondents who often use online food ordering systems (Go-Food) applications in Bandung. The results showed that hedonic motivation and price saving orientation had no significant effe...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of University in Creating Entrepreneur

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership: The Growth of Commitment Through the Integration of the Four Factors (Study of Leadership of Local Government of Cimahi)

PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2021

Leadership is a factor that enables a leader to mobilize and direct all resources in achieving th... more Leadership is a factor that enables a leader to mobilize and direct all resources in achieving the organization's vision, mission, and goals. In transformational leadership, influencing and mobilizing subordinates are through the idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the goals. The strength of the transformational leadership lies in the ability of a leader in developing subordinate's commitment by integrating categories of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Transformational Leadership Characteristics of Cimahi Regional Head, West Java, Indonesia and Their Implication for Subordinates Commitments in Achieving Organizational Goals

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2020

Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. ... more Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. In this study examines the problem of how the characteristics of transformational leadership and the extent of its impact can foster employee commitment to achieve organizational goals. By using qualitative research methods, it is expected to be able to discuss issues that are examined more broadly and in depth. Based on the research method, it can be explained that the transformational leadership characteristics of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia through ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration can foster employee work commitment in achieving organizational goals. The Cimahi Regional Head in his transformational leadership is able to correlate and integrate transformational leadership characteristics (ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration). The regi...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Nation and Bureaucracy: An Indonesian Case

Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. ... more Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. In this study examines the problem of how the characteristics of transformational leadership and the extent of its impact can foster employee commitment to achieve organizational goals. By using qualitative research methods, it is expected to be able to discuss issues that are examined more broadly and in depth. Based on the research method, it can be explained that the transformational leadership characteristics of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia through ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration can foster employee work commitment in achieving organizational goals. The Cimahi Regional Head in his transformational leadership is able to correlate and integrate transformational leadership characteristics (ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration). The regi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Style And Characteristics Transformational Leadership: How The Regional Head Of Cimahi, Indonesia In Mobilizing Employees In Achieving Vision?

The leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia is very influential in mobilizing a... more The leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia is very influential in mobilizing and directing all employees in achieving the organizational vision. The Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia, in mobilizing employees to adopt a transformational leadership style through the characteristics of idealized leadership, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. This study uses qualitative methods with the aim of being able to deeply analyze how the styles and characteristics of the transformational leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia in achieving the vision. The results of this study are that the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia has carried out the style and characteristics of transformational leadership in mobilizing and mobilizing employees to achieve a vision based on developing employee commitment by integrating transformational leadership characteristics, namely: ideal influence, inspirational motivat...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Improving Creativity and Innovativity of Cimahi Municipality's Human Resource Policy

Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015), 2016

Cimahi Municipality is a relatively big municipality with twelve million population at West Java ... more Cimahi Municipality is a relatively big municipality with twelve million population at West Java Indonesia.This municipality has visions, misions and aims in improving creativeness and innovativeness its human resource to improve their local revenue. However, there are obstacles in the implementation of improving creativity and innovativity of Cimahi municipality’s human resources policy, namely unsustainable training programs, lack of capacity of loans, lack of quality of human resources, lack of infrastrucure, and lack of marketing. This paper’s aim is to analyse the implementation of improving innovativiness and creativity in human resource policy in Cimahi Municipality, Indonesia. The writer argues that the implementation of improving creativity and innovativity of Cimahi Municipality’s human resources should be based on communication between government and its people, the quality of human resources, and leaders’ commitment, honesty and democratism value and bureaucratic sructure. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. The writer uses a literature review technique to analyse data and information in this research. The results of this research are communication beween government and it’s society needs to be improved by conducting focus group discussion and workshops in improving creativity and innovativity in local products. There is an urgently need of srategic planning in conducting training that should be based on local human resource needs, restructuring standard operating procedure of local government that handling these issues. The implication of this research is providing strategic solution in improving creativity and innovativity of human resource policy at Cimahi Municipality, Indonesia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformasional Leadershif Dan Servant Leadership: Tantangan Kepemimpinan Dalam Menghadapi Era Global


ABSTRAK Era globalisasi dapat memungkinkan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidu... more ABSTRAK Era globalisasi dapat memungkinkan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, baik politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lain-lain. Demikian pula perubahan pada lembaga-lembaga baik yang bergerak dalam bidang profit maupun nonprofit. Kondisi ini menuntut para pemimpin memiliki perilaku kepemimpinan yang adaptif dan dapat mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan tersebut. Kepemimpinan transformasional dipandang mampu melakukan transforming of visionary dalam menghadapi berbagai perubahan, sehingga organisasi dapat merealisasikan visi menjadi kenyataan. Demikian pula dengan kepemimpinan pelayanan memiliki kredibilitas, integritas, ketekunan, dan semangat berbasis pelayanan memberikan kontribusi katalis perubahan dalam pencapaian visi organisasi. ABSTRACT The era of globalisation can allow for major changes in various aspects of human life, good political, economic, social, culture and others. So also the changes on the good institutions are engaged in the fiel...

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE

 Abstract: Reuse of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement material in construction and maint... more  Abstract: Reuse of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement material in construction and maintenance of flexible pavement is called recycling of bituminous pavement. Removed and reprocessed deteriorated pavement material which is recycled is termed as Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). In India during construction of flexible pavement different types of bituminous layers are in practice depending upon CBR of sub-grade and traffic count i.e. CVPD of the road stretch. Depending upon types of bituminous layer i.e. PC Seal Coat, Bituminous Macadam(BM), Dense grade bituminous Macadam (DBM), Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC) or Bituminous Concrete(BC) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement can classified in different groups These classified RAP groups materials will have different characteristics i.e. Rap aggregates and Recovered bitumen of different group of RAP will have different characteristics. In this study characterization of RAP limited to Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) and Aggregate Abra...

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership in Nonprofit Organization

Proceedings of The International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016), 2016

To achieve its objectives, the success of the local government as a nonprofit organization, is de... more To achieve its objectives, the success of the local government as a nonprofit organization, is determined by the success of the leader. In the case of City of Cimahi, leader success in achieving its objectives, reflected in the type of transformational leadership that is able to influence and mobilize subordinates through idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the objectives of the organization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Mainstreaming di Bidang Pendidikan: Antara Peluang dan Tantangan

Mimbar, Sep 14, 2004

Sebagai strategi, pengarusutamaan gender dilakukan secara rasional dan sistematis untuk mencapai ... more Sebagai strategi, pengarusutamaan gender dilakukan secara rasional dan sistematis untuk mencapai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender dalam sejumlah aspek kehidupan manusia, melalui kebijakan dan program yang memperhatikan pengalaman, aspirasi, kebutuhan, dan permasalahan perempuan dan laki-laki ke dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan, dan evaluasi dari seluruh kebijakan dan program di berbagai bidang kehidupan dan pembangunan. Dalam pelaksanaannya akan dihadapkan pada masalah-masalah dan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya berbagai gejala ketidaksetaraan gender dalam bidang pendidikan. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan berwawasan gender akan terwujud jika semua informasi penting (program-program) dapat dijangkau semua stakeholder pendidikan, sehingga semua unsur tersebut memahami arah pengembangan pendidikan, berbagai problem yang dihadapinya, dan langkah-langkah yang sedang dan akan ditempuh.

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Research paper thumbnail of European Journal of Molecular Clinical Medicine

Nowadays, in all spheres in the world arena and in our country, large scale reforms and best trad... more Nowadays, in all spheres in the world arena and in our country, large scale reforms and best traditions are being introduced in all spheres. Today, great steps are being taken to explore the humanities in innovative ways. Historical periods, events, archives and other material and written sources are modeled through information technology and focuses on the quick and easy study of history, comparing events, sources, summarizing and comparing statistics. The article analyzes issues related to archival documents and written sources, electronic copies, digitization of the total number of periods and topics, presentations for lessons, audiovisual, animated and electronic materials, manuals and textbooks. The article emphasizes the study of the ancient Turkic peoples' writing, their culture, their modern-day territories, languages, language families and networks, and should be explored through digital humanities and more.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam, Antagonisme, dan Sikap Bermuka Dua Barat

Mimbar, Dec 14, 2003

Dunia mengira berakhirnya permusuhan antara blok Barat (berpaham materialisme kapitalis) dengan b... more Dunia mengira berakhirnya permusuhan antara blok Barat (berpaham materialisme kapitalis) dengan blok Timur (berpaham materialisme komunis) merupakan akhir dari semua konflik yang terjadi selama ini dan awal terciptanya perdamaian global, tatanan dunia baru. Justru sebaliknya konflik semakin menjadi-jadi dan yang dihadapi pada saat ini adalah Islam. Serangan anti Islam dilancarkan Barat dengan segala upaya untuk menghambat proses revitalisasi nilai-nilai dasar (tauhid) Islam. Dengan politik bermuka duanya, Barat memanajemen konflik yang terjadi untuk kepentingan ekonomi, politik, dan budaya hegemoninya. Sehingga resistensi dan kebangkitan Islam diatur untuk mendinamisasikan kepentingannya dan secara sadar ataupun tidak bersamaan dengan itu di sisi Islam ulah dan strategi Barat dapat mendinamisasikan umat Islam dalam memperkuat solidaritas.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Servant Leadership” dan “Ethik Leadership”: Tantangan Kepemimpinan dalam Pemerintah Indonesia

Prosiding Snapp Sosial Ekonomi Dan Humaniora, Feb 11, 2011

Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan saat ini dan kedepan, dibutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki pemikiran ba... more Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan saat ini dan kedepan, dibutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki pemikiran baru tentang kepemimpinan publik. Kepemimpin pelayanan (servant leadership) dan kepemimpinan etik (ethik leadership) yang memiliki kredibilitas, integritas, ketekunan, kerendahan hati, semangat berbasis pelayanan, memiliki kontribusi merupakan katalis perubahan dengan cara membantu para bawahan yang terlibat dalam proses penetapan tujuan, mengarahkan, sangat hormat kepada bawahan, rendah hati guna menghadapi tantangan.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Consumer Behavior on Online Food Ordering System (Go-Food) in The Metropolitan City

The recent development of the Internet has boosted the extension of online food services by enabl... more The recent development of the Internet has boosted the extension of online food services by enabling people to search, compare prices and conveniently access these services. Because, only with an online system, small and medium-sized economic actors can compete with established food company such as McD and KFC. Therefore, it is important to know consumer behavior patterns from online food ordering systems for developing marketing strategies. Exploring online consumer behavior provides a better understanding of consumer segmentation in food demand and thus helps to lay the foundation for developing an online marketing strategy for competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to finding factors affecting attitude towards online food retailing. This study uses a quantitative approach by involving respondents who often use online food ordering systems (Go-Food) applications in Bandung. The results showed that hedonic motivation and price saving orientation had no significant effe...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of University in Creating Entrepreneur

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership: The Growth of Commitment Through the Integration of the Four Factors (Study of Leadership of Local Government of Cimahi)

PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2021

Leadership is a factor that enables a leader to mobilize and direct all resources in achieving th... more Leadership is a factor that enables a leader to mobilize and direct all resources in achieving the organization's vision, mission, and goals. In transformational leadership, influencing and mobilizing subordinates are through the idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the goals. The strength of the transformational leadership lies in the ability of a leader in developing subordinate's commitment by integrating categories of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Transformational Leadership Characteristics of Cimahi Regional Head, West Java, Indonesia and Their Implication for Subordinates Commitments in Achieving Organizational Goals

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2020

Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. ... more Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. In this study examines the problem of how the characteristics of transformational leadership and the extent of its impact can foster employee commitment to achieve organizational goals. By using qualitative research methods, it is expected to be able to discuss issues that are examined more broadly and in depth. Based on the research method, it can be explained that the transformational leadership characteristics of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia through ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration can foster employee work commitment in achieving organizational goals. The Cimahi Regional Head in his transformational leadership is able to correlate and integrate transformational leadership characteristics (ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration). The regi...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Nation and Bureaucracy: An Indonesian Case

Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. ... more Leadership as a leader factor can influence in moving employees to achieve organizational goals. In this study examines the problem of how the characteristics of transformational leadership and the extent of its impact can foster employee commitment to achieve organizational goals. By using qualitative research methods, it is expected to be able to discuss issues that are examined more broadly and in depth. Based on the research method, it can be explained that the transformational leadership characteristics of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia through ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration can foster employee work commitment in achieving organizational goals. The Cimahi Regional Head in his transformational leadership is able to correlate and integrate transformational leadership characteristics (ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration). The regi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Style And Characteristics Transformational Leadership: How The Regional Head Of Cimahi, Indonesia In Mobilizing Employees In Achieving Vision?

The leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia is very influential in mobilizing a... more The leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia is very influential in mobilizing and directing all employees in achieving the organizational vision. The Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia, in mobilizing employees to adopt a transformational leadership style through the characteristics of idealized leadership, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. This study uses qualitative methods with the aim of being able to deeply analyze how the styles and characteristics of the transformational leadership of the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia in achieving the vision. The results of this study are that the Regional Head of Cimahi City, Indonesia has carried out the style and characteristics of transformational leadership in mobilizing and mobilizing employees to achieve a vision based on developing employee commitment by integrating transformational leadership characteristics, namely: ideal influence, inspirational motivat...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Improving Creativity and Innovativity of Cimahi Municipality's Human Resource Policy

Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015), 2016

Cimahi Municipality is a relatively big municipality with twelve million population at West Java ... more Cimahi Municipality is a relatively big municipality with twelve million population at West Java Indonesia.This municipality has visions, misions and aims in improving creativeness and innovativeness its human resource to improve their local revenue. However, there are obstacles in the implementation of improving creativity and innovativity of Cimahi municipality’s human resources policy, namely unsustainable training programs, lack of capacity of loans, lack of quality of human resources, lack of infrastrucure, and lack of marketing. This paper’s aim is to analyse the implementation of improving innovativiness and creativity in human resource policy in Cimahi Municipality, Indonesia. The writer argues that the implementation of improving creativity and innovativity of Cimahi Municipality’s human resources should be based on communication between government and its people, the quality of human resources, and leaders’ commitment, honesty and democratism value and bureaucratic sructure. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. The writer uses a literature review technique to analyse data and information in this research. The results of this research are communication beween government and it’s society needs to be improved by conducting focus group discussion and workshops in improving creativity and innovativity in local products. There is an urgently need of srategic planning in conducting training that should be based on local human resource needs, restructuring standard operating procedure of local government that handling these issues. The implication of this research is providing strategic solution in improving creativity and innovativity of human resource policy at Cimahi Municipality, Indonesia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformasional Leadershif Dan Servant Leadership: Tantangan Kepemimpinan Dalam Menghadapi Era Global


ABSTRAK Era globalisasi dapat memungkinkan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidu... more ABSTRAK Era globalisasi dapat memungkinkan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, baik politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lain-lain. Demikian pula perubahan pada lembaga-lembaga baik yang bergerak dalam bidang profit maupun nonprofit. Kondisi ini menuntut para pemimpin memiliki perilaku kepemimpinan yang adaptif dan dapat mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan tersebut. Kepemimpinan transformasional dipandang mampu melakukan transforming of visionary dalam menghadapi berbagai perubahan, sehingga organisasi dapat merealisasikan visi menjadi kenyataan. Demikian pula dengan kepemimpinan pelayanan memiliki kredibilitas, integritas, ketekunan, dan semangat berbasis pelayanan memberikan kontribusi katalis perubahan dalam pencapaian visi organisasi. ABSTRACT The era of globalisation can allow for major changes in various aspects of human life, good political, economic, social, culture and others. So also the changes on the good institutions are engaged in the fiel...

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE

 Abstract: Reuse of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement material in construction and maint... more  Abstract: Reuse of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement material in construction and maintenance of flexible pavement is called recycling of bituminous pavement. Removed and reprocessed deteriorated pavement material which is recycled is termed as Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). In India during construction of flexible pavement different types of bituminous layers are in practice depending upon CBR of sub-grade and traffic count i.e. CVPD of the road stretch. Depending upon types of bituminous layer i.e. PC Seal Coat, Bituminous Macadam(BM), Dense grade bituminous Macadam (DBM), Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC) or Bituminous Concrete(BC) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement can classified in different groups These classified RAP groups materials will have different characteristics i.e. Rap aggregates and Recovered bitumen of different group of RAP will have different characteristics. In this study characterization of RAP limited to Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) and Aggregate Abra...

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership in Nonprofit Organization

Proceedings of The International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016), 2016

To achieve its objectives, the success of the local government as a nonprofit organization, is de... more To achieve its objectives, the success of the local government as a nonprofit organization, is determined by the success of the leader. In the case of City of Cimahi, leader success in achieving its objectives, reflected in the type of transformational leadership that is able to influence and mobilize subordinates through idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in achieving the objectives of the organization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Mainstreaming di Bidang Pendidikan: Antara Peluang dan Tantangan

Mimbar, Sep 14, 2004

Sebagai strategi, pengarusutamaan gender dilakukan secara rasional dan sistematis untuk mencapai ... more Sebagai strategi, pengarusutamaan gender dilakukan secara rasional dan sistematis untuk mencapai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender dalam sejumlah aspek kehidupan manusia, melalui kebijakan dan program yang memperhatikan pengalaman, aspirasi, kebutuhan, dan permasalahan perempuan dan laki-laki ke dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan, dan evaluasi dari seluruh kebijakan dan program di berbagai bidang kehidupan dan pembangunan. Dalam pelaksanaannya akan dihadapkan pada masalah-masalah dan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya berbagai gejala ketidaksetaraan gender dalam bidang pendidikan. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan berwawasan gender akan terwujud jika semua informasi penting (program-program) dapat dijangkau semua stakeholder pendidikan, sehingga semua unsur tersebut memahami arah pengembangan pendidikan, berbagai problem yang dihadapinya, dan langkah-langkah yang sedang dan akan ditempuh.

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Research paper thumbnail of European Journal of Molecular Clinical Medicine

Nowadays, in all spheres in the world arena and in our country, large scale reforms and best trad... more Nowadays, in all spheres in the world arena and in our country, large scale reforms and best traditions are being introduced in all spheres. Today, great steps are being taken to explore the humanities in innovative ways. Historical periods, events, archives and other material and written sources are modeled through information technology and focuses on the quick and easy study of history, comparing events, sources, summarizing and comparing statistics. The article analyzes issues related to archival documents and written sources, electronic copies, digitization of the total number of periods and topics, presentations for lessons, audiovisual, animated and electronic materials, manuals and textbooks. The article emphasizes the study of the ancient Turkic peoples' writing, their culture, their modern-day territories, languages, language families and networks, and should be explored through digital humanities and more.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam, Antagonisme, dan Sikap Bermuka Dua Barat

Mimbar, Dec 14, 2003

Dunia mengira berakhirnya permusuhan antara blok Barat (berpaham materialisme kapitalis) dengan b... more Dunia mengira berakhirnya permusuhan antara blok Barat (berpaham materialisme kapitalis) dengan blok Timur (berpaham materialisme komunis) merupakan akhir dari semua konflik yang terjadi selama ini dan awal terciptanya perdamaian global, tatanan dunia baru. Justru sebaliknya konflik semakin menjadi-jadi dan yang dihadapi pada saat ini adalah Islam. Serangan anti Islam dilancarkan Barat dengan segala upaya untuk menghambat proses revitalisasi nilai-nilai dasar (tauhid) Islam. Dengan politik bermuka duanya, Barat memanajemen konflik yang terjadi untuk kepentingan ekonomi, politik, dan budaya hegemoninya. Sehingga resistensi dan kebangkitan Islam diatur untuk mendinamisasikan kepentingannya dan secara sadar ataupun tidak bersamaan dengan itu di sisi Islam ulah dan strategi Barat dapat mendinamisasikan umat Islam dalam memperkuat solidaritas.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Servant Leadership” dan “Ethik Leadership”: Tantangan Kepemimpinan dalam Pemerintah Indonesia

Prosiding Snapp Sosial Ekonomi Dan Humaniora, Feb 11, 2011

Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan saat ini dan kedepan, dibutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki pemikiran ba... more Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan saat ini dan kedepan, dibutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki pemikiran baru tentang kepemimpinan publik. Kepemimpin pelayanan (servant leadership) dan kepemimpinan etik (ethik leadership) yang memiliki kredibilitas, integritas, ketekunan, kerendahan hati, semangat berbasis pelayanan, memiliki kontribusi merupakan katalis perubahan dengan cara membantu para bawahan yang terlibat dalam proses penetapan tujuan, mengarahkan, sangat hormat kepada bawahan, rendah hati guna menghadapi tantangan.

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