MOHAMMAD SHOLICHIN | University of Brawijaya (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Model of Flow Pattern and Scouring on the Variation of Turn Before and After Installing the Permeable Crib of Laboratory Scale Nail Poles Construction

Technology Reports of Kansai University, 2020

River is as a channel that is naturally formed. One of the river shape that is interesting to be ... more River is as a channel that is naturally formed. One of the river shape that is interesting to be studied is meander river. The condition of river morphology and characteristic that are river moving direction, meander symptom, local scouring danger, and the surface geology condition that indicates river cliffs need indirect protection so the current velocity can flow safely. The usage of nail poles as the river cross crib structure for the protector of clifft and indirect scouring has been more applied, however, there are many function failures of nail poles crib structure construction. This research intends to investigate the most effective of crib formation that is used in three variations of turn starting from the sharp, medium, and normal turn. In addition, as is the modelling in this research, it will be known how is the flow pattern and scouring before and after to be installed the crib on the three variation of turns. The result shows that the perpendicular crib formation is the most effective in decreasing the scouring and sedimentation that is happened.

Research paper thumbnail of Installing Model of Nail Poles Crib on the Three Variation of River Turn by Using iRIC Software

Technology Reports of Kansai University, 2020

The use of nail poles construction as the crib structure that crosses river for protecting clifft... more The use of nail poles construction as the crib structure that crosses river for protecting cliffts and scouring has indirectly been applied. However, the phenomenon in the field there are many function failures of the nail poles crib construction. This research intends to investigate the the most effective crib formation that is used in the three variation of river turn. beginning from the sharp. moderate. and non-sharp turn. The modelling uses the iRIC software. This research conducted in Ciasem River. Wesi Java Province. Indonesia. The result shows that the perpendicular formation of crib is the most effective in decreasing the souring and sedimentation that is happened.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Acacia Wood Charcoal and Coconut Shell Analysis in Reducing Concentrations of Cr (VI) Pollution from Industrial Waste Using Adsorption Method at Laboratory Scale

Moh Sholichin, 2023

Controlling the concentration of Cr(VI) in industrial wastewater is imperative to adhere to envir... more Controlling the concentration of Cr(VI) in industrial wastewater is imperative to adhere to environmental quality standards and mitigate the risk of polluting river waters, ensuring the safety of living organisms and public health. Acacia wood charcoal and coconut shell charcoal have emerged as effective adsorbents capable of reducing Cr(VI) levels. This research seeks to identify the optimal adsorption pH and evaluate the impact of initial adsorbate concentration on Cr(VI) removal, comparing the efficacy of acacia wood charcoal and coconut shell charcoal. The study systematically manipulated process variables, encompassing 2, 4, and 6 pH levels and adsorbate concentrations of 30, 40, and 50 ppm. Charcoal characterization techniques, such as XRF, FTIR, and SNI, were employed alongside analyzing Cr(VI) levels utilizing UV-visible spectrophotometry. Results elucidated that coconut shell charcoal exhibited a higher percentage removal of Cr(VI) at concentrations of 30% (41%), 40% (38%), and 50 ppm (31%), outperforming acacia wood charcoal, which displayed removal percentages of 16%, 14%, and 7%, respectively. Consequently, the research underscores the superior efficacy of coconut shell charcoal in Cr(VI) removal compared to acacia wood charcoal under the specified conditions. The findings contribute valuable insights to optimizing adsorption processes for industrial wastewater treatment, promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Evaluasi Kelayakan Sistem Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Gadang Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Aug 15, 2018

ABSTRAK: Total limbah yang dihasilkan peternakan dan proses penguraian menjadi faktor dalam kelay... more ABSTRAK: Total limbah yang dihasilkan peternakan dan proses penguraian menjadi faktor dalam kelayakan sistem IPAL. Lokasi studi di Rumah Potong Hewan Gadang, Malang. dengan melihat kandungan BOD, COD, TSS, Minyak&Lemak, NH 3 -N serta pH pada IPAL serta mengevaluasi kelayakan eksisting IPAL dan prosesnya. Kemudian dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah dalam PermenLH No.02 Tahun 2006. Hasil proyeksi debit 10 tahun kedepan dengan memprediksi efektifitas daya tampung IPAL. Debit yang dihasilkan pada proses pemotongan tersebut sekitar ±158,014 m 3 /hari dengan jumlah per sapi sekitar 4,515 m 3 /ekor/hari sebanyak ±35ekor/hari tahun 2017. Setelah pengolahan IPAL, limbah cair menuju sungai yang berada ±200m dari lokasi RPH. Hasil tersebut sebagai acuan untuk 2018-2027, Debit tersebut melebihi batas maksimum dalam Baku Mutu limbah sapi yaitu 1,5 m 3 /ekor/hari. Pada IPAL terdapat dua parameter diambang batas yaitu Minyak&Lemak dan COD disebabkan parameter yang masih belum terurai. Pada bak pengendap tidak ada alat atau desain guna mengurangi kadar parameter dan tidak efektifnya bak pemisah lemak. Untuk mengoptimalkan proses pengolahan, kondisi eksisting perlu dilakukan perbaikan atau perluasan pada bak minyak dan lemak agar kinerja bak selanjutnya bekerja maksimal dan mengalihfungsikan bak disinfektan dikarenakan ada bak biofilter yang fungsinya lebih efisien dan tampungan lebih luas. Kata kunci: Pengolahan IPAL,Pemotongan Hewan,Evaluasi Kelayakan IPAL, Efisiensi Sistem IPAL ABSTRACT: The total waste generated by the farm and the decomposition process is a factor in the feasibility of the WWTP system. Study l ocations at Gadang Animal House, Malang. by looking at the content of BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & Fat, NH3-N as well as pH at WWTP as well as evaluating the feasibility of existing WWTP and its process. Then compared with the quality standard of waste water in PermenLH No.02 Year 2006. The result of debit projection 10 years ahead by predicting the effectiveness of the capacity of WWTP. The discharges produced at the cutting process are approximately ± 158,014 m3 / day with the number of cows per 4.515 m3 / head / day as much as ± 35k / d in 2017. After the processing of WWTP, the wastewater into the river is ± 200m from the RPH location. The result is as a reference for 2018-2027, the Debit exceeds the maximum limit in Cash Waste Quality Standard which is 1.5 m3 / head / day. In the IPAL there are two parameters at the boundary that is Oil & Fat and COD due to parameters that still have not decompose. In a sedimentary tub there is no tool or design to reduce the level of parameters and ineffectiveness of the fat separator. To optimize the process of processing, the existing condition needs to be repair or extension on the tub oil and fat for subsequent maximum performance of the tub and disinfectant tube functioning because there is a biofilter tub that function more efficient and wider. Key words: IPAL Processing, Animal Cutting, IPAL Feasibility Evaluation,Efficiency of WWTP System ABSTRACT: The total waste generated by the farm and the decomposition process is a factor in the feasibility of the WWTP system. Study l ocations at Gadang Animal House, Malang. by looking at the content of BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & Fat, NH3-N as well as pH at WWTP as well as evaluating the feasibility of existing WWTP and its process. Then compared with the quality standard of waste water in PermenLH No.02 Year 2006. The result of debit projection 10 years ahead by predicting the effectiveness of the capacity of WWTP. The discharges produced at the cutting process are approximately ± 158,014 m3 / day with the number of cows per 4.515 m3 / head / day as much as ± 35k / d in 2017. After the processing of WWTP, the wastewater into the river is ± 200m from the RPH location. The result is as a reference for 2018-2027, the Debit exceeds the maximum limit in Cash Waste Quality Standard which is 1.5 m3 / head / day. In the IPAL there are two parameters at the boundary that is Oil & Fat and COD due to parameters that still have not decompose. In a sedimentary tub there is no tool or design to reduce the level of parameters and ineffectiveness of the fat separator. To optimize the process of processing, the existing condition needs to be repair or extension on the tub oil and fat for subsequent maximum performance of the tub and disinfectant tube functioning because there is a biofilter tub that function more efficient and wider. Key words: IPAL Processing, Animal Cutting, IPAL Feasibility Evaluation,Efficiency of WWTP System

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pendugaan Laju Erosi Dengan Menggunakan Model Agricultural Non Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) di Sub Das Lesti Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air, 2021

Changes in landuse and the topographic are undulating and hilly with a slope of 8-45%, as well as... more Changes in landuse and the topographic are undulating and hilly with a slope of 8-45%, as well as the intensity of precipitation impacts on increased erosion rates in sub-watershed Lesti area. Continuous erosion of land causes shallows rivers in Sub-watershed Lesti. An analysis and mapping of the greater existential rates on erosion and sedimentation along with the erosion of sub-watershed Lesti as well as land conservation efforts to reduce the effects of such erosion.Calculations using a model Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) obtained an average watershed erosion rate of 163,119 tons / ha / year. The results analysis of the danger erosion levels and area based on erosion danger index by hammer (1981) is obtained with a low level index (<1) 13,770 km2, a moderate level (index 1-4) 13,521 km2, a high level (index 4-10) 14,623 km2, and an exorbitant level (index >10) 16,342 km2. Based on sediment delivery ratio (SDR), results of sediment are 144,820.54 tons / yea...


Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Kecamatan Hulu Palik merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, daerah tersebut memiliki ket... more Kecamatan Hulu Palik merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, daerah tersebut memiliki ketersediaan air bersih yang besar dan kontinu sepanjang tahun pada mata air Batu Layang. Namun, pendistribusian air bersih masih kurang baik. Sehingga, diperlukan suatu upaya untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan ketersediaan air dengan merencanakan sistem jaringan distribusi air bersih yang nantinya dapat dirasakan manfaatnya bagi masyarakat Kecamatan Hulu Palik. Studi ini melakukan perencanaan jaringan baru dengan usia guna hingga tahun 2041, sehingga perlu dilakukan proyeksi jumlah penduduk dan mengetahui debit kebutuhan air hingga tahun 2041. Analisa terhadap aspek hidrolika pada jaringan perpipaan, kualitas air terhadap sisa klorin dan perhitungan RAB pipa yang mengacu pada Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara menggunakan Software WaterCAD V8i. Berdasarkan RAB, dapat menghitung Analisa Ekonomi hingga penentuan harga air. Pada tahun 2041 jumlah penduduk daerah layanan sebanyak 14...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Evaluasi dan Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih di Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki sepuluh desa dengan satu desa telah dilayani oleh ... more Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki sepuluh desa dengan satu desa telah dilayani oleh Perum Jasa Tirta 1 untuk kebutuhan air bersihnya yaitu Desa Sedayulawas. Dalam rencana pembangunan hingga tahun 2040 terdapat penambahan daerah pelayanan untuk 2 desa lainnya, yaitu Desa Sendangharjo dan Desa Brengkok. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kondisi eksisting dengan memperhatikan kuantitas dan kontinuitas air pada jaringan eksisting. Hal ini digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melaksanakan perencanaan pembangunan pada tahun 2040 di masa yang akan datang. Perencanaan jaringan air bersih menggunakan apliaksi WaterCAD V8i dimana gunanya untuk mensimulasikan juga memodelkan keadaan hidrolika jaringan air bersih. Menghitung biaya dan analisis ekonomi dilakukan secara manual, mengacu pada SNI 06-4829-2005, hasil analisis hidrolika telah sesuai dengan kriteria standar yang ada, dengan velocity berkisar antara 0,10 – 1,60 m/s gradien headloss mulai dari 0,00 – 14,79 m/km, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pengendalian Erosi dan Sedimentasi di DAS Waduk Nawangan Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

awangan Reservoir accommodates flow of water that is useful for irrigation, resulting in sediment... more awangan Reservoir accommodates flow of water that is useful for irrigation, resulting in sediment carried by the water flow causing dead storage to be filled with sediment, indicating the reservoir's useful life has been exceeded. This studyoaims to calculate the rate ofoerosion and sedimentation, level ofoerosionohazard and land criticality in an effort to increase the usefulilifeiofithe reservoir that has been exceeded. Also propose handling in the Nawangan watershed that is predicted as a way to manage the troubles. The erosion rate became calculatedousingotheoUSLE. The data needed are rainfall for erosivity (R), soil type for erodibility value (K), slope for LS value, and land use for CP coefficient. The result erosion rate before handling is 70.445.74 tons/ha/year, the SDR calculation it is estimated the sediment is 6.298.19 tons/year. Knowing of the erosion rate, the proposed conservation management uses 2 methods, namely the vegetation and mechanical strategy. The calcula...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Erosi Dan Sedimentasi Tambang Batubara Pada Pit Pinang South Pt. Kaltim Prima Coal Menggunakan Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Penambangan batubara oleh PT.Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan penambangan terbuka, sehingga dapa... more Penambangan batubara oleh PT.Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan penambangan terbuka, sehingga dapat menimbulkan hilangnya bentuk permukaan bumi, meninggalkan lubang-lubang besar di permukaan bumi, erosi, sedimentasi, maupun penurunan produktivitas tanah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan reklamasi dan rehabilitasi lahan bekas tambang. Dalam proses reklamasi pasca tambang dibutuhkan spesifikasi khusus agar hasil dari reklamasi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Faktor-faktor erosi yang memenuhi persamaan USLE dapat diolah dengan mudah menggunakan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Dari hasil perhitungan pada Pit Pinang South PT.KPC, didapatkan laju erosi 32,62 (ton/ha/tahun), daerah yang mengalami erosi sangat ringan seluas 27,26 ha (35,12%), erosi ringan seluas 27,89 ha (35,94%), erosi sedang seluas 20,60 ha (26,54%), erosi berat seluas 1,62 ha (2,08%), dan erosi sangat berat seluas 0,21 ha (0,27%). Berdasarkan perhitungan SDR, didapatkan hasil sebesar 1440,8 ton/tahun, sedangkan perkiraan bes...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Peningkatan Usia Guna Waduk Songputri Akibat Dampak Sedimentasi

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Songputri Reservoir located in Wonogiri Regency which was built in 1977-1984 needs to be handled ... more Songputri Reservoir located in Wonogiri Regency which was built in 1977-1984 needs to be handled such as vegetation, checkdam construction, and dredging to find out how much additional the reservoir's useful life, besides that it is also necessary to calculate the erosion and sedimentation in the Songputri watershed. The data needed is monthly rainfall data, number of rainy days, and maximum daily data used to calculate the value of erosivity (R), a soil type map to determine the erodibility value (K), a slope map to determine the LS factor, and a land use map to determine the CP value. The calculations will using USLE method assisted by the ArcMap 10.4 application. From the results, it is known that the erosion is 23,157.57 tons/year, the sedimentation is 1,976.71 tons/year, and the reservoir useful life is 22 years. After that, reforestation is carried out on an area of 14.28 ha, construction of 6 checkdams, and dredging in the Songputri Reservoir. After that, the erosion and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelayakan Pengadaan Tanah guna Penanggulangan Banjir pada Sungai Kali Lamong Kabupaten Gresik

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khusus... more Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khususnya di Desa Jono dan Desa Tambakberas, Kecamatan Cerme, Kabupaten Gresik. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengurangi masalah banjir, diperlukan pembangunan tanggul. Akan tetapi, pembangunan tanggul memerlukan adanya pengadaan tanah pada lokasi yang direncanakan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah melakukan analisa banjir dengan program HEC-RAS, melakukan studi kelayakan terhadap pembangunan tanggul yang meliputi kelayakan ekonomi, analisa dampak lingkungan, dan memperkirakan pengadaan tanah yang diperlukan untuk pembangunan tanggul. Dari analisa hidrologi dengan menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintesis (HSS) Nakayasu, debit yang digunakan dalam perencanaan tanggul adalah Q10 = 346.81 m3/dt. Lalu dilakukan running dengan HEC-RAS dan didapatkan dimensi tanggul parapet beton yang mampu mengatasi banjir dengan dimensi H = 3,5m. Pembangunan tanggul memerlukan nilai biaya (cost) sebesar Rp. 23.090.600.000,- dan m...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelayakan Pengadaan Tanah guna Penanggulangan Banjir pada Sungai Kali Lamong Kabupaten Gresik

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khusus... more Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khususnya di Desa Jono dan Desa Tambakberas, Kecamatan Cerme, Kabupaten Gresik. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengurangi masalah banjir, diperlukan pembangunan tanggul. Akan tetapi, pembangunan tanggul memerlukan adanya pengadaan tanah pada lokasi yang direncanakan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah melakukan analisa banjir dengan program HEC-RAS, melakukan studi kelayakan terhadap pembangunan tanggul yang meliputi kelayakan ekonomi, analisa dampak lingkungan, dan memperkirakan pengadaan tanah yang diperlukan untuk pembangunan tanggul. Dari analisa hidrologi dengan menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintesis (HSS) Nakayasu, debit yang digunakan dalam perencanaan tanggul adalah Q10 = 346.81 m3/dt. Lalu dilakukan running dengan HEC-RAS dan didapatkan dimensi tanggul parapet beton yang mampu mengatasi banjir dengan dimensi H = 3,5m. Pembangunan tanggul memerlukan nilai biaya (cost) sebesar Rp. 23.090.600.000,- dan m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Usia Guna Waduk Ngancar

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Rusaknya suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA) akibat penggunaan lahan yang kurang tepat akan mempenga... more Rusaknya suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA) akibat penggunaan lahan yang kurang tepat akan mempengaruhi besarnya erosi di lahan dan besar sedimen yang masuk ke waduk sehingga akan mempengaruhi usia guna waduk itu sendiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Waduk Ngancar yang terletak di Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan tata guna lahan pada DTA Ngancar serta pengaruhnya terhadap usia guna waduk Ngancar. Dalam studi ini perhitungan erosi menggunakan metode Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE).Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data curah hujan tahunan tahun 2001-2020, peta jenis tanah, peta kemiringan lereng, peta tata guna lahan pada tahun 2011, 2016 dan 2020 dari hasil analisa perubahan tata guna lahan didapatkan Pada DTA Ngancar setiap tahunnya luasan permukiman dan luasan ladangnya bertambah . Dari analisa USLE dan perhitungan laju sedimen didapatkan pada tahun 2011 besar erosi lahan sebesar 97.028,49 ton/tahun dan laju sedi...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penilaian Kinerja dan Angka Kebutuhan Nyata Operasi dan Pemeliharaan (AKNOP) Sungai Bajak di Kota Semarang

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Menurunnya fungsi sungai dan prasarana sungai berdampak pada berkurangnya fungsi pemenuhan air da... more Menurunnya fungsi sungai dan prasarana sungai berdampak pada berkurangnya fungsi pemenuhan air dan pengendalian daya rusak air. Kegiatan pemeliharaan diperlukan dalam mempertahankan sungai dan prasarana sungai. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil nilai kinerja dan AKNOP sungai dan prasarana sungai di lokasi penelitian dengan identifikasi dan analisis tingkat kerusakan serta perhitungan biaya AKNOP sesuai dengan yang tertuang dalam Pedoman SE Dirjen SDA No. 5/2016. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kinerja Sungai Bajak di Kota Semarang rata-ratanya adalah 55,02% dengan rekomendasi pemeliharaan korektif. Satu ruas sungai bagian kanan dan kiri yang mendapatkan rekomendasi pemeliharaan rehabilitatif yaitu pada ruas km1+800 - km1+900, serta 4 ruas sungai bagian kiri dengan pemeliharaan preventif pada ruas km0+000 - km0+400, dan sisanya dengan rekomendasi pemeliharaan korektif. Penanganan dipriotitaskan terhadap ruas yang mendapatkan rekomendasi pemeliharaan rehabilitatif, la...

Research paper thumbnail of Verification of a Synthetic Rainfall Model Based on the ArRR and Satellite Rainfall

Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences

Synthetic rainfall is needed as an input in the analysis of design flood. This research intends t... more Synthetic rainfall is needed as an input in the analysis of design flood. This research intends to conduct the verification of a synthetic rainfall model based on the ArRR and satellite result. The rainfall data is as the main component in obtaining the design, detail design, operation and maintenance of effective water resource infrastructure. Rainfall data is often used for the analysis of flood balance, flood frequency distribution, estimation of river discharge, and design of water structure. However, the main constraint in designing the water resource infrastructure is less available rainfall data temporally and spatially. The limitation of available rainfall station number causes inaccuracy in analyzing the area mean rainfall. Therefore, sometimes the correlation between recorded data from the rainfall station and water estimation station does not show a positive and strong correlation. This is due to less rainfall data that are spatially representative in the watershed upstre...

Research paper thumbnail of Stabilization of Kaolin Clay Soil Reinforced with Single Encapsulated 20mm Diameter Bottom Ash Column

ICWRDEP 2021, 2021

Ground improvement methods are used to reduce the weakness of soft clay, which is low strength an... more Ground improvement methods are used to reduce the weakness of soft clay, which is low strength and high compressibility. The stone column technique involves replacing any of the soil with crushed stone such as broken rocks or sand which is an efficient method of improving the strength parameters of soil. Bottom ash usage in materials of building will effectively decrease the buildup of the waste and hence protect the environment. This study is to determine the shear strength of kaolin soft clay reinforced with a 20 mm diameter single encapsulated bottom ash column with various lengths. The research will look into the physicomechanical qualities of the materials used, including subsoil and bottom ash. Three (3) batches of samples with each batch consists of five (5) samples were prepared by using compaction method. All kaolin samples with a diameter of 50mm and height of 100mm with single encapsulated bottom ash columns with various lengths which are 60mm, 80mm, and 100mm were tested under Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). The result illustrated that the strength of samples increases as the height and volume of encapsulated bottom ash column increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable ground improvement method using encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column reinforcement

ICWRDEP 2021, 2021

This study investigates the effectiveness of encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column in enhancing ... more This study investigates the effectiveness of encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column in enhancing the undrained shear strength of kaolin (soft clay). The usage of PP in treating problematic soil is a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative compared to other materials. The installation of granular column can be done by using vibro-replacement method. Several geotechnical tests to determine the properties of materials were conducted. The shear strength of treated kaolin sample was examined by using Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). There are seven (7) batches of soil sample in total which included a control sample, three (3) batches of 14 mm and three (3) batches of 20 mm diameter PP column. Different diameters of PP column were examined with 60 mm, 80 mm and 100 mm height, respectively with soil sample of 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. The shear strength improvement of kaolin is 33.82%, 46.51%, and 49.88% when implanted with a PP column with a 7.84 area replacement ratio and 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio. The soft soil treated using 16.00 area replacement ratio with 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio has a shear strength increment of 25.22%, 33.39% and 37.59% respectively. In short, the shear strength improvement of the kaolin clay depends on the parameter of the PP column used to reinforce the sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of UHF Antenna Sensor for Partial Discharge Detection in High Voltage S ubstation

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Performance of nano kaolin clay modified bitumen under aging through the viscosity M N Mohd Warid... more Performance of nano kaolin clay modified bitumen under aging through the viscosity M N Mohd Warid, Z H Al-Saffar, P J Ramadhansyah et al.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Perencanaan Saluran Sudetan Pada Kali Lamong Untuk Menanggulangi Banjir di Kabupaten Gresik, Provinsi Jawa Timur

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air, Oct 8, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pada Sistem Pengaliran Sungai Denditrik

ABSTRAK : Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan yang termasuk dalam sistem pengaliran sungai denditrik d... more ABSTRAK : Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan yang termasuk dalam sistem pengaliran sungai denditrik dan berlokasi di Kabupaten Sumbawa, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat telah disimulasikan runtuh secara simultan. Keruntuhan tersebut berdampak bagi tergenangnya 15 Desa, di 4 Kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk yang terkena resiko diperkirakan mencapai 12.803 jiwa. Berdasarkan SK Dirjen SDA PU, tahun 2011 Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan diklasifikasikan Bahaya Sangat Tinggi. Peneitian ini membuktikan bahwa keruntuhan bendungan secara simultan pada sistem aliran sungai denditrik ataupun series saat ini dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Zhong Xing HY21 (User Manual Zhong Xing-HY21, Sinotech Engineering Group, 2011). Hal ini sekaligus menepis pendapat sementara para ahli sebelumnya yang beranggapan bahwa hal tersebut sulit dilakukan. Kerapatan jaring-jaring kerja juga memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap tingkat ketelitian hasil penelusuran banjir di hilir. Pada penelitian kali ini kerapatan jaring-jaring di alur sungai dibuat lebih rapat daripada bagian di luar alur sungai utama. Dengan asumsi sebelum banjir menggenangi wilayah bantaran sungai, banjir terlebih dahulu akan memenuhi alur sungai utama. Namun hal tersebut membawa konsekuensi bahwa makin rapat jaring-jaring kerja, proses simulasi membutuhkan waktu lebih lama.

Research paper thumbnail of Model of Flow Pattern and Scouring on the Variation of Turn Before and After Installing the Permeable Crib of Laboratory Scale Nail Poles Construction

Technology Reports of Kansai University, 2020

River is as a channel that is naturally formed. One of the river shape that is interesting to be ... more River is as a channel that is naturally formed. One of the river shape that is interesting to be studied is meander river. The condition of river morphology and characteristic that are river moving direction, meander symptom, local scouring danger, and the surface geology condition that indicates river cliffs need indirect protection so the current velocity can flow safely. The usage of nail poles as the river cross crib structure for the protector of clifft and indirect scouring has been more applied, however, there are many function failures of nail poles crib structure construction. This research intends to investigate the most effective of crib formation that is used in three variations of turn starting from the sharp, medium, and normal turn. In addition, as is the modelling in this research, it will be known how is the flow pattern and scouring before and after to be installed the crib on the three variation of turns. The result shows that the perpendicular crib formation is the most effective in decreasing the scouring and sedimentation that is happened.

Research paper thumbnail of Installing Model of Nail Poles Crib on the Three Variation of River Turn by Using iRIC Software

Technology Reports of Kansai University, 2020

The use of nail poles construction as the crib structure that crosses river for protecting clifft... more The use of nail poles construction as the crib structure that crosses river for protecting cliffts and scouring has indirectly been applied. However, the phenomenon in the field there are many function failures of the nail poles crib construction. This research intends to investigate the the most effective crib formation that is used in the three variation of river turn. beginning from the sharp. moderate. and non-sharp turn. The modelling uses the iRIC software. This research conducted in Ciasem River. Wesi Java Province. Indonesia. The result shows that the perpendicular formation of crib is the most effective in decreasing the souring and sedimentation that is happened.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Acacia Wood Charcoal and Coconut Shell Analysis in Reducing Concentrations of Cr (VI) Pollution from Industrial Waste Using Adsorption Method at Laboratory Scale

Moh Sholichin, 2023

Controlling the concentration of Cr(VI) in industrial wastewater is imperative to adhere to envir... more Controlling the concentration of Cr(VI) in industrial wastewater is imperative to adhere to environmental quality standards and mitigate the risk of polluting river waters, ensuring the safety of living organisms and public health. Acacia wood charcoal and coconut shell charcoal have emerged as effective adsorbents capable of reducing Cr(VI) levels. This research seeks to identify the optimal adsorption pH and evaluate the impact of initial adsorbate concentration on Cr(VI) removal, comparing the efficacy of acacia wood charcoal and coconut shell charcoal. The study systematically manipulated process variables, encompassing 2, 4, and 6 pH levels and adsorbate concentrations of 30, 40, and 50 ppm. Charcoal characterization techniques, such as XRF, FTIR, and SNI, were employed alongside analyzing Cr(VI) levels utilizing UV-visible spectrophotometry. Results elucidated that coconut shell charcoal exhibited a higher percentage removal of Cr(VI) at concentrations of 30% (41%), 40% (38%), and 50 ppm (31%), outperforming acacia wood charcoal, which displayed removal percentages of 16%, 14%, and 7%, respectively. Consequently, the research underscores the superior efficacy of coconut shell charcoal in Cr(VI) removal compared to acacia wood charcoal under the specified conditions. The findings contribute valuable insights to optimizing adsorption processes for industrial wastewater treatment, promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Evaluasi Kelayakan Sistem Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Gadang Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Aug 15, 2018

ABSTRAK: Total limbah yang dihasilkan peternakan dan proses penguraian menjadi faktor dalam kelay... more ABSTRAK: Total limbah yang dihasilkan peternakan dan proses penguraian menjadi faktor dalam kelayakan sistem IPAL. Lokasi studi di Rumah Potong Hewan Gadang, Malang. dengan melihat kandungan BOD, COD, TSS, Minyak&Lemak, NH 3 -N serta pH pada IPAL serta mengevaluasi kelayakan eksisting IPAL dan prosesnya. Kemudian dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah dalam PermenLH No.02 Tahun 2006. Hasil proyeksi debit 10 tahun kedepan dengan memprediksi efektifitas daya tampung IPAL. Debit yang dihasilkan pada proses pemotongan tersebut sekitar ±158,014 m 3 /hari dengan jumlah per sapi sekitar 4,515 m 3 /ekor/hari sebanyak ±35ekor/hari tahun 2017. Setelah pengolahan IPAL, limbah cair menuju sungai yang berada ±200m dari lokasi RPH. Hasil tersebut sebagai acuan untuk 2018-2027, Debit tersebut melebihi batas maksimum dalam Baku Mutu limbah sapi yaitu 1,5 m 3 /ekor/hari. Pada IPAL terdapat dua parameter diambang batas yaitu Minyak&Lemak dan COD disebabkan parameter yang masih belum terurai. Pada bak pengendap tidak ada alat atau desain guna mengurangi kadar parameter dan tidak efektifnya bak pemisah lemak. Untuk mengoptimalkan proses pengolahan, kondisi eksisting perlu dilakukan perbaikan atau perluasan pada bak minyak dan lemak agar kinerja bak selanjutnya bekerja maksimal dan mengalihfungsikan bak disinfektan dikarenakan ada bak biofilter yang fungsinya lebih efisien dan tampungan lebih luas. Kata kunci: Pengolahan IPAL,Pemotongan Hewan,Evaluasi Kelayakan IPAL, Efisiensi Sistem IPAL ABSTRACT: The total waste generated by the farm and the decomposition process is a factor in the feasibility of the WWTP system. Study l ocations at Gadang Animal House, Malang. by looking at the content of BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & Fat, NH3-N as well as pH at WWTP as well as evaluating the feasibility of existing WWTP and its process. Then compared with the quality standard of waste water in PermenLH No.02 Year 2006. The result of debit projection 10 years ahead by predicting the effectiveness of the capacity of WWTP. The discharges produced at the cutting process are approximately ± 158,014 m3 / day with the number of cows per 4.515 m3 / head / day as much as ± 35k / d in 2017. After the processing of WWTP, the wastewater into the river is ± 200m from the RPH location. The result is as a reference for 2018-2027, the Debit exceeds the maximum limit in Cash Waste Quality Standard which is 1.5 m3 / head / day. In the IPAL there are two parameters at the boundary that is Oil & Fat and COD due to parameters that still have not decompose. In a sedimentary tub there is no tool or design to reduce the level of parameters and ineffectiveness of the fat separator. To optimize the process of processing, the existing condition needs to be repair or extension on the tub oil and fat for subsequent maximum performance of the tub and disinfectant tube functioning because there is a biofilter tub that function more efficient and wider. Key words: IPAL Processing, Animal Cutting, IPAL Feasibility Evaluation,Efficiency of WWTP System ABSTRACT: The total waste generated by the farm and the decomposition process is a factor in the feasibility of the WWTP system. Study l ocations at Gadang Animal House, Malang. by looking at the content of BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & Fat, NH3-N as well as pH at WWTP as well as evaluating the feasibility of existing WWTP and its process. Then compared with the quality standard of waste water in PermenLH No.02 Year 2006. The result of debit projection 10 years ahead by predicting the effectiveness of the capacity of WWTP. The discharges produced at the cutting process are approximately ± 158,014 m3 / day with the number of cows per 4.515 m3 / head / day as much as ± 35k / d in 2017. After the processing of WWTP, the wastewater into the river is ± 200m from the RPH location. The result is as a reference for 2018-2027, the Debit exceeds the maximum limit in Cash Waste Quality Standard which is 1.5 m3 / head / day. In the IPAL there are two parameters at the boundary that is Oil & Fat and COD due to parameters that still have not decompose. In a sedimentary tub there is no tool or design to reduce the level of parameters and ineffectiveness of the fat separator. To optimize the process of processing, the existing condition needs to be repair or extension on the tub oil and fat for subsequent maximum performance of the tub and disinfectant tube functioning because there is a biofilter tub that function more efficient and wider. Key words: IPAL Processing, Animal Cutting, IPAL Feasibility Evaluation,Efficiency of WWTP System

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pendugaan Laju Erosi Dengan Menggunakan Model Agricultural Non Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) di Sub Das Lesti Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air, 2021

Changes in landuse and the topographic are undulating and hilly with a slope of 8-45%, as well as... more Changes in landuse and the topographic are undulating and hilly with a slope of 8-45%, as well as the intensity of precipitation impacts on increased erosion rates in sub-watershed Lesti area. Continuous erosion of land causes shallows rivers in Sub-watershed Lesti. An analysis and mapping of the greater existential rates on erosion and sedimentation along with the erosion of sub-watershed Lesti as well as land conservation efforts to reduce the effects of such erosion.Calculations using a model Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) obtained an average watershed erosion rate of 163,119 tons / ha / year. The results analysis of the danger erosion levels and area based on erosion danger index by hammer (1981) is obtained with a low level index (<1) 13,770 km2, a moderate level (index 1-4) 13,521 km2, a high level (index 4-10) 14,623 km2, and an exorbitant level (index >10) 16,342 km2. Based on sediment delivery ratio (SDR), results of sediment are 144,820.54 tons / yea...


Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Kecamatan Hulu Palik merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, daerah tersebut memiliki ket... more Kecamatan Hulu Palik merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, daerah tersebut memiliki ketersediaan air bersih yang besar dan kontinu sepanjang tahun pada mata air Batu Layang. Namun, pendistribusian air bersih masih kurang baik. Sehingga, diperlukan suatu upaya untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan ketersediaan air dengan merencanakan sistem jaringan distribusi air bersih yang nantinya dapat dirasakan manfaatnya bagi masyarakat Kecamatan Hulu Palik. Studi ini melakukan perencanaan jaringan baru dengan usia guna hingga tahun 2041, sehingga perlu dilakukan proyeksi jumlah penduduk dan mengetahui debit kebutuhan air hingga tahun 2041. Analisa terhadap aspek hidrolika pada jaringan perpipaan, kualitas air terhadap sisa klorin dan perhitungan RAB pipa yang mengacu pada Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara menggunakan Software WaterCAD V8i. Berdasarkan RAB, dapat menghitung Analisa Ekonomi hingga penentuan harga air. Pada tahun 2041 jumlah penduduk daerah layanan sebanyak 14...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Evaluasi dan Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih di Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki sepuluh desa dengan satu desa telah dilayani oleh ... more Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki sepuluh desa dengan satu desa telah dilayani oleh Perum Jasa Tirta 1 untuk kebutuhan air bersihnya yaitu Desa Sedayulawas. Dalam rencana pembangunan hingga tahun 2040 terdapat penambahan daerah pelayanan untuk 2 desa lainnya, yaitu Desa Sendangharjo dan Desa Brengkok. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kondisi eksisting dengan memperhatikan kuantitas dan kontinuitas air pada jaringan eksisting. Hal ini digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melaksanakan perencanaan pembangunan pada tahun 2040 di masa yang akan datang. Perencanaan jaringan air bersih menggunakan apliaksi WaterCAD V8i dimana gunanya untuk mensimulasikan juga memodelkan keadaan hidrolika jaringan air bersih. Menghitung biaya dan analisis ekonomi dilakukan secara manual, mengacu pada SNI 06-4829-2005, hasil analisis hidrolika telah sesuai dengan kriteria standar yang ada, dengan velocity berkisar antara 0,10 – 1,60 m/s gradien headloss mulai dari 0,00 – 14,79 m/km, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pengendalian Erosi dan Sedimentasi di DAS Waduk Nawangan Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

awangan Reservoir accommodates flow of water that is useful for irrigation, resulting in sediment... more awangan Reservoir accommodates flow of water that is useful for irrigation, resulting in sediment carried by the water flow causing dead storage to be filled with sediment, indicating the reservoir's useful life has been exceeded. This studyoaims to calculate the rate ofoerosion and sedimentation, level ofoerosionohazard and land criticality in an effort to increase the usefulilifeiofithe reservoir that has been exceeded. Also propose handling in the Nawangan watershed that is predicted as a way to manage the troubles. The erosion rate became calculatedousingotheoUSLE. The data needed are rainfall for erosivity (R), soil type for erodibility value (K), slope for LS value, and land use for CP coefficient. The result erosion rate before handling is 70.445.74 tons/ha/year, the SDR calculation it is estimated the sediment is 6.298.19 tons/year. Knowing of the erosion rate, the proposed conservation management uses 2 methods, namely the vegetation and mechanical strategy. The calcula...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Erosi Dan Sedimentasi Tambang Batubara Pada Pit Pinang South Pt. Kaltim Prima Coal Menggunakan Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Penambangan batubara oleh PT.Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan penambangan terbuka, sehingga dapa... more Penambangan batubara oleh PT.Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan penambangan terbuka, sehingga dapat menimbulkan hilangnya bentuk permukaan bumi, meninggalkan lubang-lubang besar di permukaan bumi, erosi, sedimentasi, maupun penurunan produktivitas tanah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan reklamasi dan rehabilitasi lahan bekas tambang. Dalam proses reklamasi pasca tambang dibutuhkan spesifikasi khusus agar hasil dari reklamasi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Faktor-faktor erosi yang memenuhi persamaan USLE dapat diolah dengan mudah menggunakan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Dari hasil perhitungan pada Pit Pinang South PT.KPC, didapatkan laju erosi 32,62 (ton/ha/tahun), daerah yang mengalami erosi sangat ringan seluas 27,26 ha (35,12%), erosi ringan seluas 27,89 ha (35,94%), erosi sedang seluas 20,60 ha (26,54%), erosi berat seluas 1,62 ha (2,08%), dan erosi sangat berat seluas 0,21 ha (0,27%). Berdasarkan perhitungan SDR, didapatkan hasil sebesar 1440,8 ton/tahun, sedangkan perkiraan bes...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Peningkatan Usia Guna Waduk Songputri Akibat Dampak Sedimentasi

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Songputri Reservoir located in Wonogiri Regency which was built in 1977-1984 needs to be handled ... more Songputri Reservoir located in Wonogiri Regency which was built in 1977-1984 needs to be handled such as vegetation, checkdam construction, and dredging to find out how much additional the reservoir's useful life, besides that it is also necessary to calculate the erosion and sedimentation in the Songputri watershed. The data needed is monthly rainfall data, number of rainy days, and maximum daily data used to calculate the value of erosivity (R), a soil type map to determine the erodibility value (K), a slope map to determine the LS factor, and a land use map to determine the CP value. The calculations will using USLE method assisted by the ArcMap 10.4 application. From the results, it is known that the erosion is 23,157.57 tons/year, the sedimentation is 1,976.71 tons/year, and the reservoir useful life is 22 years. After that, reforestation is carried out on an area of 14.28 ha, construction of 6 checkdams, and dredging in the Songputri Reservoir. After that, the erosion and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelayakan Pengadaan Tanah guna Penanggulangan Banjir pada Sungai Kali Lamong Kabupaten Gresik

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khusus... more Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khususnya di Desa Jono dan Desa Tambakberas, Kecamatan Cerme, Kabupaten Gresik. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengurangi masalah banjir, diperlukan pembangunan tanggul. Akan tetapi, pembangunan tanggul memerlukan adanya pengadaan tanah pada lokasi yang direncanakan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah melakukan analisa banjir dengan program HEC-RAS, melakukan studi kelayakan terhadap pembangunan tanggul yang meliputi kelayakan ekonomi, analisa dampak lingkungan, dan memperkirakan pengadaan tanah yang diperlukan untuk pembangunan tanggul. Dari analisa hidrologi dengan menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintesis (HSS) Nakayasu, debit yang digunakan dalam perencanaan tanggul adalah Q10 = 346.81 m3/dt. Lalu dilakukan running dengan HEC-RAS dan didapatkan dimensi tanggul parapet beton yang mampu mengatasi banjir dengan dimensi H = 3,5m. Pembangunan tanggul memerlukan nilai biaya (cost) sebesar Rp. 23.090.600.000,- dan m...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelayakan Pengadaan Tanah guna Penanggulangan Banjir pada Sungai Kali Lamong Kabupaten Gresik

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khusus... more Banjir merupakan masalah yang rutin dialami oleh masyarakat di wilayah Sungai Kali Lamong, khususnya di Desa Jono dan Desa Tambakberas, Kecamatan Cerme, Kabupaten Gresik. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengurangi masalah banjir, diperlukan pembangunan tanggul. Akan tetapi, pembangunan tanggul memerlukan adanya pengadaan tanah pada lokasi yang direncanakan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah melakukan analisa banjir dengan program HEC-RAS, melakukan studi kelayakan terhadap pembangunan tanggul yang meliputi kelayakan ekonomi, analisa dampak lingkungan, dan memperkirakan pengadaan tanah yang diperlukan untuk pembangunan tanggul. Dari analisa hidrologi dengan menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintesis (HSS) Nakayasu, debit yang digunakan dalam perencanaan tanggul adalah Q10 = 346.81 m3/dt. Lalu dilakukan running dengan HEC-RAS dan didapatkan dimensi tanggul parapet beton yang mampu mengatasi banjir dengan dimensi H = 3,5m. Pembangunan tanggul memerlukan nilai biaya (cost) sebesar Rp. 23.090.600.000,- dan m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Usia Guna Waduk Ngancar

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Rusaknya suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA) akibat penggunaan lahan yang kurang tepat akan mempenga... more Rusaknya suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA) akibat penggunaan lahan yang kurang tepat akan mempengaruhi besarnya erosi di lahan dan besar sedimen yang masuk ke waduk sehingga akan mempengaruhi usia guna waduk itu sendiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Waduk Ngancar yang terletak di Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan tata guna lahan pada DTA Ngancar serta pengaruhnya terhadap usia guna waduk Ngancar. Dalam studi ini perhitungan erosi menggunakan metode Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE).Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data curah hujan tahunan tahun 2001-2020, peta jenis tanah, peta kemiringan lereng, peta tata guna lahan pada tahun 2011, 2016 dan 2020 dari hasil analisa perubahan tata guna lahan didapatkan Pada DTA Ngancar setiap tahunnya luasan permukiman dan luasan ladangnya bertambah . Dari analisa USLE dan perhitungan laju sedimen didapatkan pada tahun 2011 besar erosi lahan sebesar 97.028,49 ton/tahun dan laju sedi...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penilaian Kinerja dan Angka Kebutuhan Nyata Operasi dan Pemeliharaan (AKNOP) Sungai Bajak di Kota Semarang

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air

Menurunnya fungsi sungai dan prasarana sungai berdampak pada berkurangnya fungsi pemenuhan air da... more Menurunnya fungsi sungai dan prasarana sungai berdampak pada berkurangnya fungsi pemenuhan air dan pengendalian daya rusak air. Kegiatan pemeliharaan diperlukan dalam mempertahankan sungai dan prasarana sungai. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil nilai kinerja dan AKNOP sungai dan prasarana sungai di lokasi penelitian dengan identifikasi dan analisis tingkat kerusakan serta perhitungan biaya AKNOP sesuai dengan yang tertuang dalam Pedoman SE Dirjen SDA No. 5/2016. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kinerja Sungai Bajak di Kota Semarang rata-ratanya adalah 55,02% dengan rekomendasi pemeliharaan korektif. Satu ruas sungai bagian kanan dan kiri yang mendapatkan rekomendasi pemeliharaan rehabilitatif yaitu pada ruas km1+800 - km1+900, serta 4 ruas sungai bagian kiri dengan pemeliharaan preventif pada ruas km0+000 - km0+400, dan sisanya dengan rekomendasi pemeliharaan korektif. Penanganan dipriotitaskan terhadap ruas yang mendapatkan rekomendasi pemeliharaan rehabilitatif, la...

Research paper thumbnail of Verification of a Synthetic Rainfall Model Based on the ArRR and Satellite Rainfall

Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences

Synthetic rainfall is needed as an input in the analysis of design flood. This research intends t... more Synthetic rainfall is needed as an input in the analysis of design flood. This research intends to conduct the verification of a synthetic rainfall model based on the ArRR and satellite result. The rainfall data is as the main component in obtaining the design, detail design, operation and maintenance of effective water resource infrastructure. Rainfall data is often used for the analysis of flood balance, flood frequency distribution, estimation of river discharge, and design of water structure. However, the main constraint in designing the water resource infrastructure is less available rainfall data temporally and spatially. The limitation of available rainfall station number causes inaccuracy in analyzing the area mean rainfall. Therefore, sometimes the correlation between recorded data from the rainfall station and water estimation station does not show a positive and strong correlation. This is due to less rainfall data that are spatially representative in the watershed upstre...

Research paper thumbnail of Stabilization of Kaolin Clay Soil Reinforced with Single Encapsulated 20mm Diameter Bottom Ash Column

ICWRDEP 2021, 2021

Ground improvement methods are used to reduce the weakness of soft clay, which is low strength an... more Ground improvement methods are used to reduce the weakness of soft clay, which is low strength and high compressibility. The stone column technique involves replacing any of the soil with crushed stone such as broken rocks or sand which is an efficient method of improving the strength parameters of soil. Bottom ash usage in materials of building will effectively decrease the buildup of the waste and hence protect the environment. This study is to determine the shear strength of kaolin soft clay reinforced with a 20 mm diameter single encapsulated bottom ash column with various lengths. The research will look into the physicomechanical qualities of the materials used, including subsoil and bottom ash. Three (3) batches of samples with each batch consists of five (5) samples were prepared by using compaction method. All kaolin samples with a diameter of 50mm and height of 100mm with single encapsulated bottom ash columns with various lengths which are 60mm, 80mm, and 100mm were tested under Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). The result illustrated that the strength of samples increases as the height and volume of encapsulated bottom ash column increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable ground improvement method using encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column reinforcement

ICWRDEP 2021, 2021

This study investigates the effectiveness of encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column in enhancing ... more This study investigates the effectiveness of encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column in enhancing the undrained shear strength of kaolin (soft clay). The usage of PP in treating problematic soil is a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative compared to other materials. The installation of granular column can be done by using vibro-replacement method. Several geotechnical tests to determine the properties of materials were conducted. The shear strength of treated kaolin sample was examined by using Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). There are seven (7) batches of soil sample in total which included a control sample, three (3) batches of 14 mm and three (3) batches of 20 mm diameter PP column. Different diameters of PP column were examined with 60 mm, 80 mm and 100 mm height, respectively with soil sample of 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. The shear strength improvement of kaolin is 33.82%, 46.51%, and 49.88% when implanted with a PP column with a 7.84 area replacement ratio and 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio. The soft soil treated using 16.00 area replacement ratio with 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio has a shear strength increment of 25.22%, 33.39% and 37.59% respectively. In short, the shear strength improvement of the kaolin clay depends on the parameter of the PP column used to reinforce the sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of UHF Antenna Sensor for Partial Discharge Detection in High Voltage S ubstation

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Performance of nano kaolin clay modified bitumen under aging through the viscosity M N Mohd Warid... more Performance of nano kaolin clay modified bitumen under aging through the viscosity M N Mohd Warid, Z H Al-Saffar, P J Ramadhansyah et al.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Perencanaan Saluran Sudetan Pada Kali Lamong Untuk Menanggulangi Banjir di Kabupaten Gresik, Provinsi Jawa Timur

Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air, Oct 8, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pada Sistem Pengaliran Sungai Denditrik

ABSTRAK : Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan yang termasuk dalam sistem pengaliran sungai denditrik d... more ABSTRAK : Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan yang termasuk dalam sistem pengaliran sungai denditrik dan berlokasi di Kabupaten Sumbawa, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat telah disimulasikan runtuh secara simultan. Keruntuhan tersebut berdampak bagi tergenangnya 15 Desa, di 4 Kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk yang terkena resiko diperkirakan mencapai 12.803 jiwa. Berdasarkan SK Dirjen SDA PU, tahun 2011 Bendungan Mamak dan Batu Bulan diklasifikasikan Bahaya Sangat Tinggi. Peneitian ini membuktikan bahwa keruntuhan bendungan secara simultan pada sistem aliran sungai denditrik ataupun series saat ini dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Zhong Xing HY21 (User Manual Zhong Xing-HY21, Sinotech Engineering Group, 2011). Hal ini sekaligus menepis pendapat sementara para ahli sebelumnya yang beranggapan bahwa hal tersebut sulit dilakukan. Kerapatan jaring-jaring kerja juga memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap tingkat ketelitian hasil penelusuran banjir di hilir. Pada penelitian kali ini kerapatan jaring-jaring di alur sungai dibuat lebih rapat daripada bagian di luar alur sungai utama. Dengan asumsi sebelum banjir menggenangi wilayah bantaran sungai, banjir terlebih dahulu akan memenuhi alur sungai utama. Namun hal tersebut membawa konsekuensi bahwa makin rapat jaring-jaring kerja, proses simulasi membutuhkan waktu lebih lama.