uc_piraticalsoc (original) (raw)

Clubs' Day 28 feb/1 mar [Feb. 26th, 2007|03:37 pm]The University of Canterbury Piratical Society
Good news- the Piratical Society will be going ahead this year! So don't forget to join up on Wednesday or Thursday. Look for the pirate flag. Unfortunately, I will be too busy with KAOS to run it myself, but the club is in good hands, and they plan on doing a lot of the same things that I had in mind, such as, hiring out a movie theater for the third installment of Pirates of the Carribbean for members!! etc etc.
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(no subject) [Nov. 6th, 2006|12:33 pm]The University of Canterbury Piratical Society
What sort of things would you like Pirate soc to do?Any ideas?
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Hi, achem, Avast me scallywags! [Sep. 25th, 2006|01:22 pm]The University of Canterbury Piratical Society
[mood |piratety]Hi- you've found the University of Canterbury's Piratical Society journal. This site will be mostly inactive until 2007, however feel free to join and post even if you are not a student at Canterbury. While this site will be used to announce events that the Piratical Society will be holding on and off campus, this journal may also be used to share anything piratical in nature. Including the centuries old debate of Pirates vs. Ninja.Pictures of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow are always appreciated and encouraged.As for rules- pretty much use your common sense and spell check entries, other than that- HAVE FUN!
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