Henrique Madeira | University of Coimbra (original) (raw)


Papers by Henrique Madeira

Research paper thumbnail of The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

Brain imaging and behavior, Jan 9, 2018

Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration... more Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration of mathematical, recursive thinking and language processing. The neural correlates of this recent human activity are still poorly understood. Error monitoring during this type of task, requiring the integration of language, logical symbol manipulation and other mathematical skills, is particularly challenging. We therefore aimed to investigate the neural correlates of decision-making during source code understanding and mental manipulation in professional participants with high expertise. The present fMRI study directly addressed error monitoring during source code comprehension, expert bug detection and decision-making. We used C code, which triggers the same sort of processing irrespective of the native language of the programmer. We discovered a distinct role for the insula in bug monitoring and detection and a novel connectivity pattern that goes beyond the expected activation patte...

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Research paper thumbnail of Building Web Services with Timing Requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Resilience Benchmarking

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependability Benchmarking for Computer Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Effects of Communication Faults on Parallel Applications

International Parallel and Distributed …, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Simple Controllers

There are many industrial controllers where no systematic fault-tolerant mechanisms are included ... more There are many industrial controllers where no systematic fault-tolerant mechanisms are included because of cost constraints. This paper addresses that problem by making a proposal for a simple and low-cost fault-tolerant technique, yet very effective, that can be used even in the simplest controllers. The mechanism is able of tolerating both hardware and software faults. It uses behaviour-based error detection, with checkpointing and rollback, to give resiliency to the application. The programs are made of possibly non-deterministic processes that communicate solely by messages. The technique, called RP-Actions, also guarantees that the recovery is domino-effect free. Software bugs are caught by acceptance tests as in recovery blocks. Forward error recovery is used for time, since time cannot be rolled back. Several implementations of the proposed mechanisms were made — we present in this paper some important results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Plug and Play Fault Injector for Dependability Benchmarking

Latin American Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2003

Abstract. Dependability benchmarks must include fault injectors that are very simple to install a... more Abstract. Dependability benchmarks must include fault injectors that are very simple to install and use. They should be downloadable from the web together with the other components of the benchmark and be able to target all system components. Since the existing injectors ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors

... A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors (2005) [2 citations — 1 self]. Download: http:... more ... A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors (2005) [2 citations — 1 self]. Download: http://www.mit.bme.hu/~pinter/publications-files/p CACHED: Download as a PDF. by Gergely Pintér , Henrique Madeira , Marco Vieira , István Majzik , András Pataricza. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Robustness Validation in Service-Oriented Architectures

Icse, 2008

The use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in enterprise applications development is increasi... more The use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in enterprise applications development is increasing very quickly. In a SOA environment providers supply a set of services that must be robust. Although SOA is being used in business-critical environments, there is no practical means to measure or compare the robustness of services. Robustness failures in such environments are dangerous, as they can be maliciously exploited with severe consequences for the attacked systems. This chapter addresses the problem of robustness validation in SOA environments. The approach proposed is based on a set of robustness tests that is used to discover both programming and design errors. Two concrete examples are presented: one focusing on web services and the other targeting Java Message Service (JMS) middleware. The proposed approach is useful for both providers (to validate the robustness of deployed services) and consumers (to select the services that best fit architectural requirements).

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust assertions and fail-bounded behavior

Jbcs, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A dependability benchmark for OLTP application environments

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases Volume 29, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Research Roadmap

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Research paper thumbnail of Accuracy of the Emulation of Software Faults by Machine-Code Level Errors

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependability Benchmarking Prediction: A Grand Challenge Technology Problem

We propose the grand challenge problem ofdependability benchmarking and prediction for real-timem... more We propose the grand challenge problem ofdependability benchmarking and prediction for real-timemission-critical systems (RTMCSs). Evaluatingdependability would quantify the degree of reliance thatcould justifiably be placed on a critical system, even in theface of partial failures or exceptional conditions. Acomprehensive result would require an inter-disciplinaryapproach embracing the entire product lifecycle. Whilethere are significant technical hurdles to both assessing the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Warehouse Striping: Improved Query Response Time

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Research paper thumbnail of Workshop on Dependability Benchmarking

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Research paper thumbnail of iGen: plataforma de geração de código com ciclo de desenvolvimento completo

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Research paper thumbnail of Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Communication Faults in Parallel Computers

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

Brain imaging and behavior, Jan 9, 2018

Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration... more Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration of mathematical, recursive thinking and language processing. The neural correlates of this recent human activity are still poorly understood. Error monitoring during this type of task, requiring the integration of language, logical symbol manipulation and other mathematical skills, is particularly challenging. We therefore aimed to investigate the neural correlates of decision-making during source code understanding and mental manipulation in professional participants with high expertise. The present fMRI study directly addressed error monitoring during source code comprehension, expert bug detection and decision-making. We used C code, which triggers the same sort of processing irrespective of the native language of the programmer. We discovered a distinct role for the insula in bug monitoring and detection and a novel connectivity pattern that goes beyond the expected activation patte...

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Research paper thumbnail of Building Web Services with Timing Requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Resilience Benchmarking

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependability Benchmarking for Computer Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Effects of Communication Faults on Parallel Applications

International Parallel and Distributed …, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Simple Controllers

There are many industrial controllers where no systematic fault-tolerant mechanisms are included ... more There are many industrial controllers where no systematic fault-tolerant mechanisms are included because of cost constraints. This paper addresses that problem by making a proposal for a simple and low-cost fault-tolerant technique, yet very effective, that can be used even in the simplest controllers. The mechanism is able of tolerating both hardware and software faults. It uses behaviour-based error detection, with checkpointing and rollback, to give resiliency to the application. The programs are made of possibly non-deterministic processes that communicate solely by messages. The technique, called RP-Actions, also guarantees that the recovery is domino-effect free. Software bugs are caught by acceptance tests as in recovery blocks. Forward error recovery is used for time, since time cannot be rolled back. Several implementations of the proposed mechanisms were made — we present in this paper some important results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Plug and Play Fault Injector for Dependability Benchmarking

Latin American Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2003

Abstract. Dependability benchmarks must include fault injectors that are very simple to install a... more Abstract. Dependability benchmarks must include fault injectors that are very simple to install and use. They should be downloadable from the web together with the other components of the benchmark and be able to target all system components. Since the existing injectors ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors

... A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors (2005) [2 citations — 1 self]. Download: http:... more ... A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors (2005) [2 citations — 1 self]. Download: http://www.mit.bme.hu/~pinter/publications-files/p CACHED: Download as a PDF. by Gergely Pintér , Henrique Madeira , Marco Vieira , István Majzik , András Pataricza. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Robustness Validation in Service-Oriented Architectures

Icse, 2008

The use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in enterprise applications development is increasi... more The use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in enterprise applications development is increasing very quickly. In a SOA environment providers supply a set of services that must be robust. Although SOA is being used in business-critical environments, there is no practical means to measure or compare the robustness of services. Robustness failures in such environments are dangerous, as they can be maliciously exploited with severe consequences for the attacked systems. This chapter addresses the problem of robustness validation in SOA environments. The approach proposed is based on a set of robustness tests that is used to discover both programming and design errors. Two concrete examples are presented: one focusing on web services and the other targeting Java Message Service (JMS) middleware. The proposed approach is useful for both providers (to validate the robustness of deployed services) and consumers (to select the services that best fit architectural requirements).

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust assertions and fail-bounded behavior

Jbcs, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A dependability benchmark for OLTP application environments

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases Volume 29, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Research Roadmap

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Research paper thumbnail of Accuracy of the Emulation of Software Faults by Machine-Code Level Errors

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependability Benchmarking Prediction: A Grand Challenge Technology Problem

We propose the grand challenge problem ofdependability benchmarking and prediction for real-timem... more We propose the grand challenge problem ofdependability benchmarking and prediction for real-timemission-critical systems (RTMCSs). Evaluatingdependability would quantify the degree of reliance thatcould justifiably be placed on a critical system, even in theface of partial failures or exceptional conditions. Acomprehensive result would require an inter-disciplinaryapproach embracing the entire product lifecycle. Whilethere are significant technical hurdles to both assessing the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Warehouse Striping: Improved Query Response Time

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Research paper thumbnail of Workshop on Dependability Benchmarking

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Research paper thumbnail of iGen: plataforma de geração de código com ciclo de desenvolvimento completo

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Research paper thumbnail of Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Communication Faults in Parallel Computers

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