Paloma Díaz | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (original) (raw)

Papers by Paloma Díaz

Research paper thumbnail of A Mixed Interaction Platform for Supporting Large-Scale Crisis Storytelling

Interaction Design and Architecture(s)

Crowdsourcing is a distributed approach in which people participate and share information over th... more Crowdsourcing is a distributed approach in which people participate and share information over the Web (e.g. Facebook or Twitter). This distributed model has proved to be helpful in accelerating the perception of what occurred, where it happened, and who needed help in recent disasters such as the Boston Marathon bombs, the Oklahoma tornado or the Central Europe floods. Nevertheless, this kind of sources might provide unreliable, partial, ambiguous and inconsistent information that do not necessarily help to understand the situation. An alternative may be the combination of crowdsourcing activities and more official flows of information to make up a coherent big picture that support the needs of decision makers. This paper introduces a software approach conceived to convey stories created from different sources –official and unofficial- as a way of depicting situations in a collaborative manner.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces

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Research paper thumbnail of The Immersive Bubble Chart

Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2018

In this paper, we introduce the Immersive Bubble Chart, a visualization for hierarchical datasets... more In this paper, we introduce the Immersive Bubble Chart, a visualization for hierarchical datasets presented in a virtual reality (VR) world. Users get immersed into the visualization and interact with the bubbles using gestures with a view to overcoming some limitations of 2D visualizations due to the capabilities and interaction affordances of the devices. The technological advances in VR give the possibility to design malleable and extensible representations and more natural and engaging interactions. Using the Oculus Touch controllers, the users can grab and move the bubbles, throw them away or bump two of them for creating a cluster. We have tested the Immersive Bubble Chart with the hierarchical clusters of semantically related terms generated from Twitter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Affordable Technologies to Integrate Citizens in Early Warning Activities

UCAmI 2018, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A Meta-modeling based Approach for the Multi-Disciplinary Design of Web Educational Systems

J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2009

Multi-disciplinary teams might provide a multi-faceted perspective of web educational systems tha... more Multi-disciplinary teams might provide a multi-faceted perspective of web educational systems that integrates experience from different fields. Each expert has a view of the system and she uses domain specific languages in order to express solutions to the problems she is concerned with. In this way, the final system can be seen as a combination of a number of complementary views, each of which focuses on problems of a different nature. However, such views are expressed with different specification tools so that they have to be integrated to produce a common design that is complete and consistent. Creating a common language encompassing multi-disciplinary design views is a challenging endeavor but it might impose a cognitive overload to each member of the group who is exposed to unfamiliar concepts of other disciplines in her design view. Alternatively, this paper describes an approach called MODUWEB that consists of letting each designer use the tool she is proficient in for her de...

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Augmented Reality Educational Games for Head-Mounted Devices

Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2021

In this paper we present My-CHIC AR Farm, an educational Augmented Reality (AR) game for the Micr... more In this paper we present My-CHIC AR Farm, an educational Augmented Reality (AR) game for the Microsoft HoloLens. The game has been designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the potential outcomes and benefits of educational AR games for Head Mounted Displays (HMDs). This type of devices allows the user to interact with the virtual objects with her own hands. Also, they support a wide range of view of the augmented world and, in general, a more immersive experience that the one obtained when using AR based on mobile devices. Although in theory they provide an ideal mean to deliver AR educational games, the evidence on the benefits obtained from these experiences when compared with standard mobile-based AR technology has not been sufficiently investigated. In this work we present two versions of the game designed for the two versions of the HoloLens 1 and 2, respectively. Each version of the game has been designed with the aim to exploit the interaction capabilities afforded by each HMD. We also present the results of an informal evaluation of the game version for the HoloLens 1, which allowed to disclose some limitations and problems that users experienced when using the technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of An empirical comparison of interaction styles for map interfaces in immersive virtual environments

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documents

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of From social networks to emergency operation centers: A semantic visualization approach

Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Using a Google Glass-Based Classroom Feedback System to Improve Students to Teacher Communication

IEEE Access, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data

SpringerPlus, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Mobile Applications for Emergency Response: Citizens Acting as Human Sensors

Sensors, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A data transfer protocol for forest fire statistics: Achieving interoperability among independent agencies

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling static and dynamic aspects of hypermedia systems

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving emergency response: citizens performing actions/as agents

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Research paper thumbnail of A Scenario-Based Virtual Environment for Supporting Emergency Training

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the Suitability of Virtual Worlds for Direct Instruction and Individual Learning Activities

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2014

Despite several researchers reporting evidence that 3D Virtual Worlds can be used to effectively ... more Despite several researchers reporting evidence that 3D Virtual Worlds can be used to effectively support educational processes in recent years, the integration of this technology in real learning processes is not as commonplace as in other educational technologies. Instructional designers have to balance the cost associated with the development of these virtual environments with the expected outcomes reported by the use of the new technology, but for some types of learning processes those outcomes are not always easily predicted. In this document the authors experience using 3D Virtual Worlds is summarized with the aim of getting a deeper understanding of their potential pedagogical use when supporting two different types of learning activities commonly included on a course: direct instruction, which exploits the social dimension of the technology, and individual learning activities in which that feature is not used. Based on those experiences a set of guidelines for designing 3D vi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the dynamic behavior of hypermedia applications

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of A Mixed Interaction Platform for Supporting Large-Scale Crisis Storytelling

Interaction Design and Architecture(s)

Crowdsourcing is a distributed approach in which people participate and share information over th... more Crowdsourcing is a distributed approach in which people participate and share information over the Web (e.g. Facebook or Twitter). This distributed model has proved to be helpful in accelerating the perception of what occurred, where it happened, and who needed help in recent disasters such as the Boston Marathon bombs, the Oklahoma tornado or the Central Europe floods. Nevertheless, this kind of sources might provide unreliable, partial, ambiguous and inconsistent information that do not necessarily help to understand the situation. An alternative may be the combination of crowdsourcing activities and more official flows of information to make up a coherent big picture that support the needs of decision makers. This paper introduces a software approach conceived to convey stories created from different sources –official and unofficial- as a way of depicting situations in a collaborative manner.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces

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Research paper thumbnail of The Immersive Bubble Chart

Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2018

In this paper, we introduce the Immersive Bubble Chart, a visualization for hierarchical datasets... more In this paper, we introduce the Immersive Bubble Chart, a visualization for hierarchical datasets presented in a virtual reality (VR) world. Users get immersed into the visualization and interact with the bubbles using gestures with a view to overcoming some limitations of 2D visualizations due to the capabilities and interaction affordances of the devices. The technological advances in VR give the possibility to design malleable and extensible representations and more natural and engaging interactions. Using the Oculus Touch controllers, the users can grab and move the bubbles, throw them away or bump two of them for creating a cluster. We have tested the Immersive Bubble Chart with the hierarchical clusters of semantically related terms generated from Twitter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Affordable Technologies to Integrate Citizens in Early Warning Activities

UCAmI 2018, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A Meta-modeling based Approach for the Multi-Disciplinary Design of Web Educational Systems

J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2009

Multi-disciplinary teams might provide a multi-faceted perspective of web educational systems tha... more Multi-disciplinary teams might provide a multi-faceted perspective of web educational systems that integrates experience from different fields. Each expert has a view of the system and she uses domain specific languages in order to express solutions to the problems she is concerned with. In this way, the final system can be seen as a combination of a number of complementary views, each of which focuses on problems of a different nature. However, such views are expressed with different specification tools so that they have to be integrated to produce a common design that is complete and consistent. Creating a common language encompassing multi-disciplinary design views is a challenging endeavor but it might impose a cognitive overload to each member of the group who is exposed to unfamiliar concepts of other disciplines in her design view. Alternatively, this paper describes an approach called MODUWEB that consists of letting each designer use the tool she is proficient in for her de...

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Augmented Reality Educational Games for Head-Mounted Devices

Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2021

In this paper we present My-CHIC AR Farm, an educational Augmented Reality (AR) game for the Micr... more In this paper we present My-CHIC AR Farm, an educational Augmented Reality (AR) game for the Microsoft HoloLens. The game has been designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the potential outcomes and benefits of educational AR games for Head Mounted Displays (HMDs). This type of devices allows the user to interact with the virtual objects with her own hands. Also, they support a wide range of view of the augmented world and, in general, a more immersive experience that the one obtained when using AR based on mobile devices. Although in theory they provide an ideal mean to deliver AR educational games, the evidence on the benefits obtained from these experiences when compared with standard mobile-based AR technology has not been sufficiently investigated. In this work we present two versions of the game designed for the two versions of the HoloLens 1 and 2, respectively. Each version of the game has been designed with the aim to exploit the interaction capabilities afforded by each HMD. We also present the results of an informal evaluation of the game version for the HoloLens 1, which allowed to disclose some limitations and problems that users experienced when using the technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of An empirical comparison of interaction styles for map interfaces in immersive virtual environments

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documents

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of From social networks to emergency operation centers: A semantic visualization approach

Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Using a Google Glass-Based Classroom Feedback System to Improve Students to Teacher Communication

IEEE Access, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data

SpringerPlus, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Mobile Applications for Emergency Response: Citizens Acting as Human Sensors

Sensors, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A data transfer protocol for forest fire statistics: Achieving interoperability among independent agencies

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling static and dynamic aspects of hypermedia systems

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving emergency response: citizens performing actions/as agents

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Research paper thumbnail of A Scenario-Based Virtual Environment for Supporting Emergency Training

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the Suitability of Virtual Worlds for Direct Instruction and Individual Learning Activities

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2014

Despite several researchers reporting evidence that 3D Virtual Worlds can be used to effectively ... more Despite several researchers reporting evidence that 3D Virtual Worlds can be used to effectively support educational processes in recent years, the integration of this technology in real learning processes is not as commonplace as in other educational technologies. Instructional designers have to balance the cost associated with the development of these virtual environments with the expected outcomes reported by the use of the new technology, but for some types of learning processes those outcomes are not always easily predicted. In this document the authors experience using 3D Virtual Worlds is summarized with the aim of getting a deeper understanding of their potential pedagogical use when supporting two different types of learning activities commonly included on a course: direct instruction, which exploits the social dimension of the technology, and individual learning activities in which that feature is not used. Based on those experiences a set of guidelines for designing 3D vi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the dynamic behavior of hypermedia applications

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Definition of Integrity Policies for Web-based Applications

Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, 2000

Definition of Integrity Policies for Web-based Applications Paloma Díaz1, Ignacio Aedo1 and Fivos... more Definition of Integrity Policies for Web-based Applications Paloma Díaz1, Ignacio Aedo1 and Fivos Panetsos2 1Laboratorio DEI. ... With this purpose, such models are based on elements (egpages, contents and links) and operations (eg selection of links, modification of contents ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A methodological framework for the conceptual design of hypermedia systems

Proc. of the Fifth Conference on" Hypertexts and …, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Labyrinth, an abstract model for hypermedia applications. Description of its static components

Information Systems, 1997

In information technology, models are abstract devices to represent the components and functions ... more In information technology, models are abstract devices to represent the components and functions of software applications. When a model is general and consistent, it represents a useful design tool to unambiguously describe the application. Traditional models are not ...

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