Ana Bocanegra-Valle | Universidad de Cadiz (original) (raw)

Books by Ana Bocanegra-Valle

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation.

Guillén-Galve, I., y Bocanegra-Valle, A. (eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation. (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Series vol. 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-272-1006-7, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer. Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges

Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer, Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020

Applied Linguistics can contribute to the enhancement of economic growth and societal well-being ... more Applied Linguistics can contribute to the enhancement of economic growth and societal well-being by addressing today’s social challenges and integrating employability, internationalisation initiatives and knowledge transfer across higher education and elsewhere. This volume aims first to raise awareness of the significant contribution of Applied Linguistics in these key areas and then explore the challenges which scholars, researchers and students need to address when trying to build successful and sustainable collaboration between universities, industries and public sectors in national, transnational and international contexts. It also provides clear pointers for bringing university degrees in line with today’s job market and social demands.

Research paper thumbnail of English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation

Journal Papers by Ana Bocanegra-Valle

Research paper thumbnail of Diskrepanzen zwischen der institutionell angebotenen Fachsprachendidaktik und den Bedürfnissen der Fachsprachenlehrkräfte. Ein methodischer Ansatz (Discrepancies between the institutionally offered LSP Teaching Training and the needs of the LSP teacher)

Linguistische Treffen in Wroclaw, vol. 24, 2023(II), 103–116. , 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Online Methodologies and Open Resources for LSP Teacher Education and Professional Development

Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 147-160. , 2023

This study focuses on online teaching methodologies within the field of languages for specific pu... more This study focuses on online teaching methodologies within the field of languages for specific purposes (LSP) and attempts to identify suitable tools that can be implemented in an online course for LSP teacher education and professional development. Firstly, it defines terms that are relevant to online teaching/learning and discusses the main types of online learning according to their delivery mode. Then, it explores the current provision of online training programmes for preservice and in-service LSP teachers within the European Higher Education Area with a view to gaining a further understanding of the learning gaps and institutional requirements that would need to be covered in a future online course. The next section poses the research questions, explains the methodology that has been applied, and describes the instruments that have been developed. The main results and findings are presented in the third section, and the conclusions that follow suggest the existence of robust online learning methodologies and activities for implementation in online courses aimed at LSP teacher education and training.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging in predatory practices: How editors persuade prospective authors

Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada, 93, 117-129, 2023

A number of studies have explored the main features of predatory practices that prevail in predat... more A number of studies have explored the main features of predatory practices that prevail in predatory academic journals and conferences. However, not much has been investigated regarding the ways predatory journal editors convey credibility and trustworthiness when addressing scholars looking for publication outlets and, more specifically, what interpersonal resources (like proximity or engagement markers) are used to persuade them. This exploratory study draws on a dataset of fifty email messages from predatory publishers collected during the past two years. It seeks to delve into the ways predatory journal editors address "scholar customers" with the aim of persuading them to submit their work. This dataset was first coded following Hyland's models of proximity and interaction in academic texts, and then qualitatively analysed using NVivo 11 Pro. The analysis shows that (i) textual data provide direct evidence of the texts that predatory publishers send to scholars and the interpersonal dialogue they intend to build with authors in haste for publication; (ii) interactional resources abound, particularly engagement markers, which explicitly aim at building a rapport with the prospective author; and (iii) these predatory texts also contain other engagement-related elements directed to have an effect on the reader's decision for eventual submission.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the teacher education needs of experienced ESP teachers in Spanish universities

Iberica, vol. 38, pp. 127-149, 2019

This paper presents findings from a study exploring the teacher education needs of experienced en... more This paper presents findings from a study exploring the teacher education needs of experienced english for specific purposes (esp) instructors. It discusses data from interviews with 19 experienced in-service teachers of esp in two spanish universities. The interviews aimed to develop an understanding of the teachers' views of esp teaching, the kinds of knowledge and skills they required and the forms of support that could be of benefit to them. Results suggested that the teachers perceived needs in five areas: course development, knowledge of the target discipline, knowledge of language use in the target discipline, peer collaboration, and professional development opportunities. It is hoped that findings from the present study are illuminating for the esp teaching profession and drawn on in future teacher development initiatives in the local context.

Research paper thumbnail of Building a Reputation in Global Scientific Communication: a SWOT Analysis of Spanish Humanities Journals

Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44(1), pp. 39-66, 2019

This paper analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) faced by Spanish... more This paper analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) faced by Spanish humanities journals and explores the role these journals play as tools for the transmission of research against a global aca-demia. The dataset is comprised of the replies to twenty semi-structured surveys that were administered among ten editors of Spanish journals in the area of the humanities and ten Spanish humanities researchers with extensive publishing experience in national and international journals. Main findings are discussed in terms of internationality, predominance of English and Spanish as scientific languages, research assessment, visibility, credibility, quality assurance, editorial expertise or open access. Moreover, they point at far-reaching implications for both parties, compelled to seeking academic acceptance and researching credibility in today's global scholarly communication while at the same time supporting the national science system through publication in national journals.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural Dialogicity in Maritime English Course Materials

This paper explores how intercultural awareness is raised in Maritime English (henceforth, ME) hi... more This paper explores how intercultural awareness is raised in Maritime English (henceforth, ME) higher education courses and, particularly, how the " intercultural dialogue " (Council of Europe, 2008) is fostered in ME materials. Interculturality and its impact upon the maritime profession is a major concern for the shipping industry as multilingual and multicultural crews prevail aboard ships. Four teaching/learning resources have been targeted: the latest ME textbook (Grice, 2012), a web-based ME learning tool (MarEng, 2007-2010), a recently launched online platform offering ME learning materials (SeaTALK, 2015), and the latest edition of a full Model Course programme on ME (IMO, 2015). The results obtained help to assess if, and to what extent ME language teaching materials serve as " mediators of intercultural communicative competence " (Rico Troncoso, 2012: 130), providers of intercultural awareness, facilitators for intercultural encounters and creators of " spaces for intercultural dialogue " (Council of Europe, 2008: 46). Conclusions are expected to further research into intercultural dialogicity and provide researchers in other languages and ESP fields with guidance for assessing the presence of intercultural-related features in their own course materials.

Research paper thumbnail of La competencia intercultural en los manuales de texto con fines específicos a través de la evaluación de sus indicadores y niveles de dominio

En el presente trabajo nos ocupamos de estudiar el concepto de « competencia intercultural » y su... more En el presente trabajo nos ocupamos de estudiar el concepto de « competencia intercultural » y su presencia en los cursos de Inglés para Fines Específicos a través de sus manuales de texto. Tras seleccionar diez manuales de texto relevantes en diferentes áreas de especialidad, y publicados por distintas editoriales internacionales tras la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y entrada en vigor del Marco Común de Referencia Europeo para la Enseñanza de Lenguas, analizamos el grado de cumplimiento de quince indicadores de la competencia intercultural basándonos en la propuesta de Villa y Poblete (2008) para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas. Los resultados de este análisis nos llevan a concluir que los manuales de texto pueden ser unas potentes herramientas para promover el « diálogo intercultural » (Council of Europe, 2008) en las aulas de lenguas aplicadas pero que no existe una apuesta editorial clara por la competencia intercultural como objetivo de enseñanza/aprendizaje a pesar de las recomendaciones en el seno del EEES.

This paper explores de concept of « intercultural competence » and its presence in textbooks used in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. Ten relevant textbooks from a variety of fields of expertise and published by international publishing houses in the wake of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) and following the entry into force of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages have been selected. Based on this target corpus, this study analyses the degree of compliance of fifteen indicators measuring intercultural competence and classified under three mastery levels – such indicators have been taken from Villa and Poblete’s (2008) proposal for the assessment of generic competences. Results show that textbooks may be powerful tools to foster « intercultural dialogue » (Council of Europe, 2008) in ESP classrooms; however, it is clear that despite the ESHE recommendations intercultural competence is not a teaching/learning goal on its own among publishing houses today.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign language learning needs in higher education: Reasons for convergence and accountability

Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the langua... more Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the language learning process by setting realistic course objectives. This paper briefly reviews past and present approaches to the concept of " needs " and " needs analysis " in foreign language (FL) methodology with particular reference to the higher education context and the post-Bologna reform. It discusses the complex interplay of addressing target and learning FL needs by gathering data from different stakeholder groups and making use of different data collection instruments. Then, it explores current trends in needs analysis research and explains how " competences " and " profiling " have surpassed " needs " and " needs analysis " in the educational systems under the European Space of Higher Education. Last, this study addresses the implications of adopting a more critical, quality-driven approach to FL needs analysis with a view to attaining a more participatory and accountable higher education. Keywords: needs analysis, teaching English as a foreign language, European Space for Higher Education, Common European Framework, quality assurance, accountability.

Research paper thumbnail of The constructing of shipping forecasts in English: A pilot study

This paper studies how shipping forecasts are constructed and shaped. A pilot corpus of ten shipp... more This paper studies how shipping forecasts are constructed and shaped. A pilot corpus of ten shipping forecasts issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the maritime and Coastguard Agency, and broadcast by BBC Radio 4 has been collected for this purpose and examined in terms of its rhetorical structure. Adopting a genre-centred approach and making use of Swales’s (1990) terminology, shipping forecasts are analysed and structured into a number of moves and steps. Findings are expected to help linguist researchers to gain knowledge of the textual organisation of shipping forecasts as a very particular type of oral discourse within the professions, and also, to provide maritime English teachers with genre-based tools that may contribute to enhance their teaching practices in maritime English classrooms.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural learners, intercultural brokers and ESP classrooms: The case of a shipping business course

This paper explores the ways in which “interculturality” can be embedded in the English for Speci... more This paper explores the ways in which “interculturality” can be embedded in the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom and presents a project developed within a “Shipping Business English” course whose ultimate aim is to provide students with opportunities for gaining awareness across cultures at the same time English is used as the means of communication and language is integrated with content. Conclusions point at the new role of ESP teachers as “intercultural brokers” and prove that ESP classrooms provide a suitable context to explore foreign cultures by bringing them in line with each student’s home culture and the specific contents of the ESP course.

Research paper thumbnail of 'English is my default academic language': Voices from LSP scholars publishing in a multilingual journal

""This paper investigates research publication practices in the field of Languages for Specific P... more ""This paper investigates research publication practices in the field of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) and aims to raise awareness of the current use of English by LSP scholars (Anglophones and non-Anglophones) who need to gain visibility in international academia and recognition in their home educational contexts. This article draws on the JCR-indexed LSP journal Ibérica and the submissions from a group of Anglophone and non-Anglophone scholars who have contributed to the journal with English-written articles despite the fact that Ibérica is a multilingual journal, encourages submissions in four other languages, and
assesses all manuscripts on an equal basis regardless of submission language. In order to broach the “publish in English or perish in academia” dilemma through the eyes of this particular journal the replies from a five-item questionnaire delivered online are illustrated
and discussed. Answers provided by 161 respondents support many of the statements already explored in the literature (particularly as regards threats and opportunities of English as a common language in academia) but also bring to the fore new views and concerns which are worth investigating in depth.""

Research paper thumbnail of The perceived value of English for academic publishing among ESP multilingual scholars in Europe

ESP Today. Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level (2013), vol. 1(1), 5-25, Nov 18, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Language of Seafaring: Standardized Conventions and Discursive Features in Speech Communications

International Journal of English Studies, 11(1), 35-53, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of New technologies as tools to support maritime technical English teaching - A revision of current use

The EUROCALL Review, no. 12, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of El profesor de inglés para fines específicos ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

AULA: Revista de pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca Nº 18, págs. 29-41, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of El profesor de lenguas extranjeras como facilitador del aprendizaje

Epos: Revista de filología, Jan 1, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of La teoría de la relevancia frente a la teoría del análisis del discurso: aportaciones a una metodología de lenguas extranjeras

Pragmalingüistica, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation.

Guillén-Galve, I., y Bocanegra-Valle, A. (eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation. (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Series vol. 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-272-1006-7, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer. Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges

Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer, Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020

Applied Linguistics can contribute to the enhancement of economic growth and societal well-being ... more Applied Linguistics can contribute to the enhancement of economic growth and societal well-being by addressing today’s social challenges and integrating employability, internationalisation initiatives and knowledge transfer across higher education and elsewhere. This volume aims first to raise awareness of the significant contribution of Applied Linguistics in these key areas and then explore the challenges which scholars, researchers and students need to address when trying to build successful and sustainable collaboration between universities, industries and public sectors in national, transnational and international contexts. It also provides clear pointers for bringing university degrees in line with today’s job market and social demands.

Research paper thumbnail of English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation

Research paper thumbnail of Diskrepanzen zwischen der institutionell angebotenen Fachsprachendidaktik und den Bedürfnissen der Fachsprachenlehrkräfte. Ein methodischer Ansatz (Discrepancies between the institutionally offered LSP Teaching Training and the needs of the LSP teacher)

Linguistische Treffen in Wroclaw, vol. 24, 2023(II), 103–116. , 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Online Methodologies and Open Resources for LSP Teacher Education and Professional Development

Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 147-160. , 2023

This study focuses on online teaching methodologies within the field of languages for specific pu... more This study focuses on online teaching methodologies within the field of languages for specific purposes (LSP) and attempts to identify suitable tools that can be implemented in an online course for LSP teacher education and professional development. Firstly, it defines terms that are relevant to online teaching/learning and discusses the main types of online learning according to their delivery mode. Then, it explores the current provision of online training programmes for preservice and in-service LSP teachers within the European Higher Education Area with a view to gaining a further understanding of the learning gaps and institutional requirements that would need to be covered in a future online course. The next section poses the research questions, explains the methodology that has been applied, and describes the instruments that have been developed. The main results and findings are presented in the third section, and the conclusions that follow suggest the existence of robust online learning methodologies and activities for implementation in online courses aimed at LSP teacher education and training.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging in predatory practices: How editors persuade prospective authors

Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada, 93, 117-129, 2023

A number of studies have explored the main features of predatory practices that prevail in predat... more A number of studies have explored the main features of predatory practices that prevail in predatory academic journals and conferences. However, not much has been investigated regarding the ways predatory journal editors convey credibility and trustworthiness when addressing scholars looking for publication outlets and, more specifically, what interpersonal resources (like proximity or engagement markers) are used to persuade them. This exploratory study draws on a dataset of fifty email messages from predatory publishers collected during the past two years. It seeks to delve into the ways predatory journal editors address "scholar customers" with the aim of persuading them to submit their work. This dataset was first coded following Hyland's models of proximity and interaction in academic texts, and then qualitatively analysed using NVivo 11 Pro. The analysis shows that (i) textual data provide direct evidence of the texts that predatory publishers send to scholars and the interpersonal dialogue they intend to build with authors in haste for publication; (ii) interactional resources abound, particularly engagement markers, which explicitly aim at building a rapport with the prospective author; and (iii) these predatory texts also contain other engagement-related elements directed to have an effect on the reader's decision for eventual submission.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the teacher education needs of experienced ESP teachers in Spanish universities

Iberica, vol. 38, pp. 127-149, 2019

This paper presents findings from a study exploring the teacher education needs of experienced en... more This paper presents findings from a study exploring the teacher education needs of experienced english for specific purposes (esp) instructors. It discusses data from interviews with 19 experienced in-service teachers of esp in two spanish universities. The interviews aimed to develop an understanding of the teachers' views of esp teaching, the kinds of knowledge and skills they required and the forms of support that could be of benefit to them. Results suggested that the teachers perceived needs in five areas: course development, knowledge of the target discipline, knowledge of language use in the target discipline, peer collaboration, and professional development opportunities. It is hoped that findings from the present study are illuminating for the esp teaching profession and drawn on in future teacher development initiatives in the local context.

Research paper thumbnail of Building a Reputation in Global Scientific Communication: a SWOT Analysis of Spanish Humanities Journals

Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44(1), pp. 39-66, 2019

This paper analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) faced by Spanish... more This paper analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) faced by Spanish humanities journals and explores the role these journals play as tools for the transmission of research against a global aca-demia. The dataset is comprised of the replies to twenty semi-structured surveys that were administered among ten editors of Spanish journals in the area of the humanities and ten Spanish humanities researchers with extensive publishing experience in national and international journals. Main findings are discussed in terms of internationality, predominance of English and Spanish as scientific languages, research assessment, visibility, credibility, quality assurance, editorial expertise or open access. Moreover, they point at far-reaching implications for both parties, compelled to seeking academic acceptance and researching credibility in today's global scholarly communication while at the same time supporting the national science system through publication in national journals.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural Dialogicity in Maritime English Course Materials

This paper explores how intercultural awareness is raised in Maritime English (henceforth, ME) hi... more This paper explores how intercultural awareness is raised in Maritime English (henceforth, ME) higher education courses and, particularly, how the " intercultural dialogue " (Council of Europe, 2008) is fostered in ME materials. Interculturality and its impact upon the maritime profession is a major concern for the shipping industry as multilingual and multicultural crews prevail aboard ships. Four teaching/learning resources have been targeted: the latest ME textbook (Grice, 2012), a web-based ME learning tool (MarEng, 2007-2010), a recently launched online platform offering ME learning materials (SeaTALK, 2015), and the latest edition of a full Model Course programme on ME (IMO, 2015). The results obtained help to assess if, and to what extent ME language teaching materials serve as " mediators of intercultural communicative competence " (Rico Troncoso, 2012: 130), providers of intercultural awareness, facilitators for intercultural encounters and creators of " spaces for intercultural dialogue " (Council of Europe, 2008: 46). Conclusions are expected to further research into intercultural dialogicity and provide researchers in other languages and ESP fields with guidance for assessing the presence of intercultural-related features in their own course materials.

Research paper thumbnail of La competencia intercultural en los manuales de texto con fines específicos a través de la evaluación de sus indicadores y niveles de dominio

En el presente trabajo nos ocupamos de estudiar el concepto de « competencia intercultural » y su... more En el presente trabajo nos ocupamos de estudiar el concepto de « competencia intercultural » y su presencia en los cursos de Inglés para Fines Específicos a través de sus manuales de texto. Tras seleccionar diez manuales de texto relevantes en diferentes áreas de especialidad, y publicados por distintas editoriales internacionales tras la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y entrada en vigor del Marco Común de Referencia Europeo para la Enseñanza de Lenguas, analizamos el grado de cumplimiento de quince indicadores de la competencia intercultural basándonos en la propuesta de Villa y Poblete (2008) para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas. Los resultados de este análisis nos llevan a concluir que los manuales de texto pueden ser unas potentes herramientas para promover el « diálogo intercultural » (Council of Europe, 2008) en las aulas de lenguas aplicadas pero que no existe una apuesta editorial clara por la competencia intercultural como objetivo de enseñanza/aprendizaje a pesar de las recomendaciones en el seno del EEES.

This paper explores de concept of « intercultural competence » and its presence in textbooks used in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. Ten relevant textbooks from a variety of fields of expertise and published by international publishing houses in the wake of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) and following the entry into force of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages have been selected. Based on this target corpus, this study analyses the degree of compliance of fifteen indicators measuring intercultural competence and classified under three mastery levels – such indicators have been taken from Villa and Poblete’s (2008) proposal for the assessment of generic competences. Results show that textbooks may be powerful tools to foster « intercultural dialogue » (Council of Europe, 2008) in ESP classrooms; however, it is clear that despite the ESHE recommendations intercultural competence is not a teaching/learning goal on its own among publishing houses today.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign language learning needs in higher education: Reasons for convergence and accountability

Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the langua... more Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the language learning process by setting realistic course objectives. This paper briefly reviews past and present approaches to the concept of " needs " and " needs analysis " in foreign language (FL) methodology with particular reference to the higher education context and the post-Bologna reform. It discusses the complex interplay of addressing target and learning FL needs by gathering data from different stakeholder groups and making use of different data collection instruments. Then, it explores current trends in needs analysis research and explains how " competences " and " profiling " have surpassed " needs " and " needs analysis " in the educational systems under the European Space of Higher Education. Last, this study addresses the implications of adopting a more critical, quality-driven approach to FL needs analysis with a view to attaining a more participatory and accountable higher education. Keywords: needs analysis, teaching English as a foreign language, European Space for Higher Education, Common European Framework, quality assurance, accountability.

Research paper thumbnail of The constructing of shipping forecasts in English: A pilot study

This paper studies how shipping forecasts are constructed and shaped. A pilot corpus of ten shipp... more This paper studies how shipping forecasts are constructed and shaped. A pilot corpus of ten shipping forecasts issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the maritime and Coastguard Agency, and broadcast by BBC Radio 4 has been collected for this purpose and examined in terms of its rhetorical structure. Adopting a genre-centred approach and making use of Swales’s (1990) terminology, shipping forecasts are analysed and structured into a number of moves and steps. Findings are expected to help linguist researchers to gain knowledge of the textual organisation of shipping forecasts as a very particular type of oral discourse within the professions, and also, to provide maritime English teachers with genre-based tools that may contribute to enhance their teaching practices in maritime English classrooms.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural learners, intercultural brokers and ESP classrooms: The case of a shipping business course

This paper explores the ways in which “interculturality” can be embedded in the English for Speci... more This paper explores the ways in which “interculturality” can be embedded in the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom and presents a project developed within a “Shipping Business English” course whose ultimate aim is to provide students with opportunities for gaining awareness across cultures at the same time English is used as the means of communication and language is integrated with content. Conclusions point at the new role of ESP teachers as “intercultural brokers” and prove that ESP classrooms provide a suitable context to explore foreign cultures by bringing them in line with each student’s home culture and the specific contents of the ESP course.

Research paper thumbnail of 'English is my default academic language': Voices from LSP scholars publishing in a multilingual journal

""This paper investigates research publication practices in the field of Languages for Specific P... more ""This paper investigates research publication practices in the field of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) and aims to raise awareness of the current use of English by LSP scholars (Anglophones and non-Anglophones) who need to gain visibility in international academia and recognition in their home educational contexts. This article draws on the JCR-indexed LSP journal Ibérica and the submissions from a group of Anglophone and non-Anglophone scholars who have contributed to the journal with English-written articles despite the fact that Ibérica is a multilingual journal, encourages submissions in four other languages, and
assesses all manuscripts on an equal basis regardless of submission language. In order to broach the “publish in English or perish in academia” dilemma through the eyes of this particular journal the replies from a five-item questionnaire delivered online are illustrated
and discussed. Answers provided by 161 respondents support many of the statements already explored in the literature (particularly as regards threats and opportunities of English as a common language in academia) but also bring to the fore new views and concerns which are worth investigating in depth.""

Research paper thumbnail of The perceived value of English for academic publishing among ESP multilingual scholars in Europe

ESP Today. Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level (2013), vol. 1(1), 5-25, Nov 18, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Language of Seafaring: Standardized Conventions and Discursive Features in Speech Communications

International Journal of English Studies, 11(1), 35-53, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of New technologies as tools to support maritime technical English teaching - A revision of current use

The EUROCALL Review, no. 12, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of El profesor de inglés para fines específicos ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

AULA: Revista de pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca Nº 18, págs. 29-41, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of El profesor de lenguas extranjeras como facilitador del aprendizaje

Epos: Revista de filología, Jan 1, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of La teoría de la relevancia frente a la teoría del análisis del discurso: aportaciones a una metodología de lenguas extranjeras

Pragmalingüistica, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Language learner autonomy in practice: possibilities in a foreign language situation

Research paper thumbnail of La enseñanza comunicativa de lenguas para fines específicos y su aplicación al curso de inglés marítimo

Research paper thumbnail of Input and interlanguage: a review of the research

Research paper thumbnail of The language of shipping forecasts: A corpus-driven study of specialized terms and phraseological units

Molina-Plaza, S., y Maroto, Nava (Eds.), Aspects of Cognitive Terminology Studies. Theoretical Considerations and the Role of Metaphor in Terminology. De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 109-129., 2024

Maritime English is a branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) that refers to the English la... more Maritime English is a branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) that refers to the English language as is used in the shipping and shipbuilding industries. Due to its high specialisation and limited presence in higher education, the terminology and discourse of maritime English has been the object of scant research. This study presents a corpus-driven investigation of a collection of forecasts issued by the British meteorological office. Also, and following the tenets of Frame-based Terminology in that “the best way to study specialized knowledge units is by studying their behavior in texts” (Faber 2009: 120), this study explores those specialized terms that prevail in shipping forecasts and how words are combined into formulaic expressions to yield communicative meaning.

Research paper thumbnail of Predatory journals: A potential threat to the dissemination of open access knowledge

Plo-Alastrue, R. & Corona, I. (Eds) (2023). Digital Scientific Communication. Identity and Visibility in Research Dissemination. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-148., 2023

Using qualitative analytical methods and a corpus of 50 unsolicited email messages sent by predat... more Using qualitative analytical methods and a corpus of 50 unsolicited email messages sent by predatory publishers and collected over two years, this study sets out to investigate the main themes that prevail in predatory publishing to generate interest and convince authors to submit their work. It also critically assesses deceptive editorial practices that may flout mainstream academic publication standards and put the quality of scientific research and the advantages of publishing open access at stake. The dataset was iteratively coded and qualitatively analysed by means of NVivo 11 Pro. Findings show that predatory discourse overuses boastful language and relies on self-promotional explicit references to high quality in order to persuade authors and achieve their predatory aims. The last section discusses the implications of predatory journals for the dissemination of non-validated knowledge, the spread of misconduct and misdirection, and the impact on scholars aiming for visibility in a global academia.

Research paper thumbnail of A quantitative analysis of LSP teacher needs in the European Higher Education Area

Chateaureynaud, M.A., y P. John (Eds.). LSP Teacher Training Summer School. The TRAILs project. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, pp. 111-130. ISBN 978-2-8076-1864-0, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Methodological reflections on and participatory episodes of ethnographic academic writing research

Bocanegra-Valle, A., y Guillén-Galve, I. (Eds.). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation, John Benjamins, pp. 1-20 , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Researching academic genres, language and discourse with computer assisted qualitative data analysis software

M.L. Carrió-Pastor (ed.), Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse: Discourse Markers, English for Specific Purposes and Leaner Corpora. London: Routledge, 146-166 ISBN 978-0-3674-1716-1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Applied Linguistics at the Interface between Scholarly Research and Society

Bocanegra-Valle, A. (ed.) Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer. Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges. Bern: Peter Lang, 9-22. ISBN 978-3-0343-3714-4, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Empowering the Discourse of Globalization  in International Organizations: the International Maritime Organization as a Case in Point

This chapter examines language in public discourse and, more precisely, the way in which the disc... more This chapter examines language in public discourse and, more precisely, the way in which the discourse of globalization is constructed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), an international organization of utmost relevance to the shipping industry. First, I review the literature on institutional discourse and, particularly, on globalization as a key process that nurtures the discourse of power (Fairclough 2001, 2006) and reproduces stances of institutional dominance (Mayr 2008; Simpson/Mayr 2010). Then, I outline the functions and work of the organization under study, IMO. After this, I explain the research procedure and the data set (i.e. fifteen speeches delivered by the IMO’s Secretary-General on the occasion of the World Maritime Day). Next, findings are presented and discussed according to four main themes that have emerged from the qualitative analysis of the data set: globalization, leadership, hegemony and legitimation. Finally, some concluding remarks are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of How credible are open access emerging journals?  A situational analysis in the humanities

This chapter examines OA emerging journals within the humanities and seeks to identify those feat... more This chapter examines OA emerging journals within the humanities and seeks to identify those features which might boost or threaten their information credibility — thereby posing a challenge to the OA movement itself and today’s academic publishing industry. By ‘emerging journals’, I refer to scholarly journals that are not published by mainstream publishing houses and that lack a demonstrated citation impact but aim at gaining some kind of academic reputation and becoming relevant in a particular scientific field. I begin by providing a more detailed account of the OA model and how journal credibility in the field of the humanities is established and maintained. Next, I describe the work carried out by the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology in order to arrive at criteria for quality assessment in scientific publishing (Delgado López-Cózar, Ruiz-Pérez & Jiménez-Contreras, 2006), identifying those formal features which have, in Spain at least, come to be considered as mandatory for a quality journal — features now referred to as quality requirements [QRs]. I then go on to explore a collection of OA
humanities journals, with the aim of investigating the extent to which such mandatory QRs are met by each individual journal in the collection. I then group and discuss the results with respect to their compliance or non-compliance in terms of the information quality of the journal as a means of scientific communication, the quality of the editorial process, the journal scientific quality, and the quality of dissemination and visibility of the journal. My conclusions are intended to raise awareness of the existence of these QRs for journal assessment; findings may be helpful to both editors and researchers alike. It is hoped that they might provide insights applicable to other contexts where it is seen as desirable to establish similar quality assurance measures.

Research paper thumbnail of Needs analysis for curriculum design

K. Hyland and P. Shaw (eds) The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes, pages 562-578, Jan 28, 2016

Needs analysis (or needs assessment) refers to the systematic investigation of needs for the desi... more Needs analysis (or needs assessment) refers to the systematic investigation of needs for the design of a language course and the optimisation of language teaching and learning, and has been identified as a defining characteristic in the field of languages for specific and academic purposes from the start (Upton, 2012). Needs analysis has a long history and, still today, “[a] confusing plethora of terms exists” (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1998, p.123) to refer to the concept of needs: demands, motivations, deficiencies, goals, gains, wishes, concerns, necessities, lacks, wants, requirements, desires, expectations, constraints, difficulties, preferences, communicative reasons, or communicative situations.
Different sources will provide the analyst with the necessary data and information to conduct the assessment. These may be documentary, like (un-)published literature provided by organisations or corporations that mainly contains job descriptions or occupational tasks, or concern different groups of individuals or stakeholders. In the particular context of English for academic purposes (EAP), there are .......

Research paper thumbnail of Peer reviewers' recommendations for language improvement in research writing

English as a Scientific and Research Language. Debates and Discourses: English in Europe, Volume 2, Edited by Ramón Plo Alastrué and Carmen Pérez-Llantada (Eds.), pp. 207-230., Jul 2015

Peer reviewing is an essential procedure in the publication of research so that the eventual acce... more Peer reviewing is an essential procedure in the publication of research so that the eventual acceptance or rejection of a proposed submission to a journal ultimately depends on the outcome of the assessment and the reviewers’ decision in their reports. As experts in a particular field, reviewers tend to focus their praise and criticism on the content of the submission; however, comments on the use of the language are also provided because fails in the use of language very often lead to fails in communicating research findings successfully. This paper examines the peer reviews from 119 contributions by Anglophone and non-Anglophone scholars to an English-medium journal and discusses the nature of the praise and criticism contained in such peer review reports with particular attention to the outcome of the review and the types of linguistic infelicities found in themanuscripts. Conclusions aim at gaining a clearer understanding of the research writing process and, more particularly, of the role that English language use plays in the final acceptance or rejection of a research article submitted for publication in international journals.

Research paper thumbnail of Maritime English (Definition in The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics)

C.A, Chapelle (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 3570-3583., Nov 5, 2012

Maritime English is an umbrella term which refers to the English language used by seafarers both ... more Maritime English is an umbrella term which refers to the English language used by seafarers both at sea and in port and by individuals working in the shipping and shipbuilding industry. Maritime English lies in the domain of workplace English.

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting specialised vocabulary learning through computer-assisted instruction

E. Bárcena, T. Read and J. Arús (eds). Languages for Specific Purposes in the Digital Era, 2014

This paper explores the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in th... more This paper explores the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom in general, and the Maritime English (ME) classroom in particular, and addresses the challenges posed for specialised vocabulary instruction and learning. Firstly, some key issues on ICT-based pedagogy and vocabulary instruction are explored: vocabulary teaching techniques as revised in current literature, what is to be understood by ESP and ME vocabulary, the notion of digital literacy, the contribution of computers to vocabulary learning and development, and implications of the lifelong learning construct within the framework of the European Space for Higher Education. Secondly, relevant literature on recurrent topics in this paper is discussed. Next, this paper focuses on the use of the Moodle glossary tool for strategic specialised vocabulary development and particular attention is paid to the creation of the Maritime Glossary (a project aimed to complement classroom work). To conclude, learners’ opinions based on a questionnaire administered upon the completion of the glossary and interviews held at the end of the course are presented and discussed.
More info at:

Research paper thumbnail of Global markets, global challenges: The position of maritime English in today's shipping industry

English in the European Context: the EHEA …, Jan 1, 2010

... Maritime English as a relevant discipline is well established both in the maritime curriculum... more ... Maritime English as a relevant discipline is well established both in the maritime curriculum and in the shipping industry; however, the position of Maritime English education in response to multinational and multicultural crews worldwide as well as in response to the re ...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning to learn in ESP:  Fostering lifelong learning in European higher education under Bologna requirements

ESP in European Higher Education, pages 213-232, Jan 1, 2008

This paper is prompted by the notions of awareness, lifelong learning, and autonomous learning as... more This paper is prompted by the notions of awareness, lifelong learning, and autonomous learning as familiar key-words for the planning, implementation and assessment of languages with reference to a common European language policy. It puts forward a global approach to the development of metalinguistic awareness through reading and writing tasks based on EST authentic texts which complement day-to-day classroom work, and reports on the experience with reference to the learner, the learning process and the teacher’s role. Even though this paper elaborates on the outcomes from a particular EST course (i.e., Maritime English), procedures and activities may also be used as such within any ESP context and/or content-based course, and conclusions transferred to tertiary levels worldwide.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating and designing materials for the ESP classroom

English for Professional and Academic Purposes, pages 141-166, 2010

This paper explores the development of printed materials in ESP from a practical point of view an... more This paper explores the development of printed materials in ESP from a practical point of view and aims to shed light on issues of concern to ESP practitioners when they set about writing materials for classroom use. Such matters include the reasons for ESP materials development, the value of authentic materials, the evaluation of published materials, the development of original and adapted in-house materials, and the corresponding implications for the ESP practitioner. Sample activities have been included and commented so as to illustrate the issues raised and to be of practical guidance to in-service and prospective developers of ESP materials.

Research paper thumbnail of On the teachability of nominal compounds to Spanish leaners of English for Specific Purposes

English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation, Jan 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Needs analysis at the workplace: Surveying maritime english use among in-service seafarers

J.L. Cifuentes, A. Gómez, A. Lillo, J. Mateo, F. Yus (eds), Los caminos de la lengua, pages 417-430, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical reflections of language learning assessment

E. Usó-Juan, M.N. Ruiz-Madrid (eds.) Pedagogical reflections on learning languages in instructed settings. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, pages 274-295, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of La utilización de las TIC en el aula de inglés técnico marítimo: 15 años después del Proyecto MARCOM

Floyd Moore, A. (coord), Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association of Specific Purposes (AELFE), 181-190. A Coruña: Galebook

Research paper thumbnail of SECMA tool: new software for standard maritime English teaching

Floyd Moore, A. (coord), Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association of Specific Purposes (AELFE), 143-154. A Coruña: Galebook, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of CLIL methodology in higher education: Integrating the English language across the Chemical Engineering curriculum

A. Llanes Baró, L.A. Ciro, L. Gallego Balsá, R.M. Mateu Serra (eds) Applied LInguistics in the age of globalization, pages 260-265, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Compilation of a corpus of spoken maritime communications English with pedagogical and researching purposes

Carrió, M.L., Contreras, J., Olmo, F., Skorczynska, H., Tamarit, I., Westall, D. (eds) La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad y a la tecnología. Valencia: Editorial Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 309-317. , 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a specialised glossary of maritime English terms for Spanish users

Teaching and Learning Boundaries. Proceedings of the 6th International AELFE Conference. Lisbon: ISCAL, 300-306., 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Maritime English teaching and ICTs: The practitioners' point of view

N. Talaván Zanón, E. Martín Monje, F. Palazón Romero (eds)., Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of LSPs: Proceedings of TISLID'10. Madrid: UNED, pp. 55-68, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Pedagogies and Policies for Publishing Research in English: Local Initiatives Supporting International Scholars, James N. Corcoran, Karen Englander, & Laura-Mihaela Muresan (Eds.), Routledge, New York (2019), pp. 299

Journal of Second Language Writing, 45: 89-92, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning for Specialized Domains. Practical Applications and Mobility

Research paper thumbnail of Researching metaphorical language in English and Spanish specialised discourse

Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Needs analysis for language course design. A holistic approach to ESP"

Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Mutilingual Higher Education. Beyond English Medium Orientations"

Language Value, 5(1): 152-155, Dec 28, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Inglés náutico normalizado para las comunicaciones marítimas"

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Escribir y publicar en enfermería: Del trabajo escrito universitario al artículo de investigación"

Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada (RAEL), 10: 203-206., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Las lenguas profesionales y académicas"

Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the Four Language Skills"

... Tony Lynch fills a gap in research by dealing with the implementation of skills in academic l... more ... Tony Lynch fills a gap in research by dealing with the implementation of skills in academic listening and illustrates, through updated activities from previous works, a hybrid instruction ... Reviewed by Ana Bocanegra Valle. Universidad de Cadiz. © Oxford University Press 2007. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Aproximación al discurso jurídico en inglés. Las pólizas del seguro marítimo de Lloyd's"

Atlantis, 29(1): 229-233, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Lenguas para fines específicos en España a través de sus publicaciones (1985-2002)"

Atlantis, 26(2): 105-109, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Linguistic studies in academic and professional English"

Ibérica, 8: 149-153, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Cómo escribir un artículo de investigación en inglés"

Ibérica, 5: 125-129, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Future Perspectives and Challenges of ESP/EAP. In Honor of Helen Basturkmen’s Contribution to ESP/EAP Research

Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 23, 1-4. , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 28

Iberica 28: 9-16, Oct 1, 2014

This is the editorial to the volume 28 of the journal Iberica

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 27

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 25

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 24

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 23

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 21

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 20

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 19

Iberica 19: 5-8, Apr 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 18

Iberica 18: 5-8, Oct 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 16

Iberica 16: 7-8, Oct 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 15

Iberica 15: 5-8, Apr 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Iberica 14

Iberica 14: 5-8, Oct 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial iberica 13

Iberica 13: 5-6, Apr 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Raising intercultural awareness in the ESP classroom: Insights from a Maritime English project involving international exchange students

Información del artículo Raising intercultural awareness in the ESP classroom: Insights from a Ma... more Información del artículo Raising intercultural awareness in the ESP classroom: Insights from a Maritime English project involving international exchange students.

Research paper thumbnail of La normalización de la Lengua Inglesa para Fines Específicos: El Caso de las Comunicaciones Marítimas

Research paper thumbnail of Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer

Research paper thumbnail of La motivación en el aula de lenguas para fines específicos desde una perspectiva psicopedagógica

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio cuantitativo de la contribución del laboratorio de idiomas al desarrollo de la interlengua


Research paper thumbnail of Hacia una estructuración de las formas de abreviación en el inglés técnico marítimo

Research paper thumbnail of El aula de lenguas segundas/extranjeras como contexto para la generación y procesamiento del aducto

Research paper thumbnail of ICT-Based instruction for especialised vocabulary development

Research paper thumbnail of Algunas consideraciones acerca del inglés técnico marítimo

Research paper thumbnail of Mª Ángeles Orts Llopis 2006: Aproximación al discurso jurídico en inglés. Las pólizas de seguro marítimo de Lloyd’s. Madrid: Edisofer. 542 pp. ISBN 84-96261-25-5

Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of La colaboración interdisciplinar en la elaboración de Curricula para un curso de inglés para fines específicos

Research paper thumbnail of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning for Specialized Domains. Practical Applications and Mobility. Elena Martín-Monje, Izaskun Elorza and Blanca García Riaza (eds). London & New York: Routledge, 2016. 286 pages. ISBN: 978-1-138-12043-3 (hbk)

Research paper thumbnail of Existe la retórica en el inglés para fines específicos

Research paper thumbnail of Promotional discourse at internationalised universities: A critical discourse analysis approach

Research paper thumbnail of La enseñanza de IFE en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre la necesidad de introducir elementos metacognitivos en el diseño de un curso IFE

Research paper thumbnail of Aproximación al texto científico-técnico dentro del aula IFE: análisis de un derrotero

... Autores: Ana María Bocanegra Valle; Localización: Retórica y texto : [III Encuentro Interdisc... more ... Autores: Ana María Bocanegra Valle; Localización: Retórica y texto : [III Encuentro Interdisciplinar sobre Retórica, Texto y Comunicaciones] / coord. por Antonio Ruiz Castellanos, Antonia Víñez Sánchez, Juan Sáez Durán, 1998, ISBN 84-7786-29-5 , págs. 200-203; Recoge los ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio cualitativo de la contribución del laboratorio de idiomas al desarrollo de la interlengua

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic studies in academic and professional English Inmaculada Fortanet, Juan Carlos Palmer y Santiago Posteguillo (eds.)

Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos ( AELFE ), 2004

Research paper thumbnail of La enseñanza de inglés marítimo en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

Research paper thumbnail of ESP Today - CfP Dec 2018

Research paper thumbnail of ESP Today - CfP

Research paper thumbnail of Table of Contents of the Special Issue of ESP Today "Current Research and Practice in Teaching Disciplinary Literacies" guest-edited by Zuocheng Zhang & Eveline Chan (University of New England, Australia)

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers - ESP Today

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers June 2017 - ESP Today .docx

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE OF ESP Today "Current Research and Practice in Teaching Disciplinary Literacies"

This special issue of ESP Today concerns the teaching of disciplinary literacies in tertiary ESP ... more This special issue of ESP Today concerns the teaching of disciplinary literacies in tertiary ESP settings. ESP involves research and practice in the teaching and learning of English to prepare learners for competent performance in various workplace and academic situations (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1998). Disciplinary literacy is a key part of such learning given that it addresses discipline-specific speaking, listening to, reading, writing, and viewing of verbal, non-verbal, and multimodal texts. It equips learners with the tools for both functioning in various target performance situations and reflecting on their performance and themselves in relation to the target performance situations of various kinds. Several changes have taken place in ESP which merit a focused discussion of disciplinary literacies. One is that to accommodate the internationalisation of education, universities are running English-medium academic programmes in which subject specialists need to deliver their specialised content while addressing the literacy demands of their disciplines. Their perception on literacy demands is likely to differ from that of ESP practitioners due to the fact that they are from two different communities of practice. It is theoretically and practically useful to see how they identify and teach disciplinary literacies. Another change relates to the growing interest of ESP practitioners in content and language integrated learning (CLIL), where the subject matter and the language specific to the subject matter are both

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers - ESP Today. Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers - ESP Today. English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level