Jim parker | University of Calgary (original) (raw)

Papers by Jim parker

Research paper thumbnail of A demonstration of handprinted symbol recognition

Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomness and Generative Art

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2020

Art in general can be thought of as a stochastic process. No two drawings or paintings are exactl... more Art in general can be thought of as a stochastic process. No two drawings or paintings are exactly alike, and cannot be as long as humans are involved. Generative art, the defining of an artwork using an algorithm, can result in very precise duplications of artworks but this is rarely interesting. Art is a human activity and artworks are a means of communication between humans, even in the generative domain. Adding randomness to a generative work makes it seem more human, and often more interesting. How much randomness should there be? What is the context of the random features? Why is randomness interesting? These things will be discussed, along with some ideas on how to use randomness as a tool in creating artworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fast temporal compression/expansion algorithm for sampled audio

Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Future Play - Future Play '07, 2007

An algorithm for compressing or expanding the duration of an arbitrary sound is presented, in whi... more An algorithm for compressing or expanding the duration of an arbitrary sound is presented, in which the frequencies present in the sound are not changed by the process. This means that music can be slowed without changing the key, and that sped up or slowed down voices can still be recognized. The process can be performed in a small fraction

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and analysis of a multiprocessor for image processing

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Gray level thresholding in badly illuminated images

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of An approach to licence plate recognition

Proceedings of Visual Interface'97, 1997

... [5] genetic algorithm to find the license plate [6] output: bounding box with the best score ... more ... [5] genetic algorithm to find the license plate [6] output: bounding box with the best score (from GA) Each of these steps will be discussed in appropri-ate detail. 2. Pre-processing and edgedetection The first step converts an RGB image to a gray-level image, using the method ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating an enhanced reality user interface - ERSolitaire

CHI '03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems - CHI '03, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The Booze Cruise: Impaired Driving in Virtual Spaces

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Algorithm performance contest

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Research paper thumbnail of Algorithms for image processing and computer vision

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer-assisted photometry using simulated annealing

Computers in Physics, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomness in Generative Art: Drawing Like a Person

Academia Letters, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Sound Synthesis for The Web, Games, and Virtual Reality

Here we describe a new technique for synthesizing sounds from samples, using the block spectral G... more Here we describe a new technique for synthesizing
sounds from samples, using the block spectral Gaussian
pyramid method originally devised for texture synthesis in
computer graphics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Effectiveness of Constructivist and Behaviourist Assignments in CS102

Two approaches to setting programming assignments are compared , using actual assignment and solu... more Two approaches to setting programming assignments are compared , using actual assignment and solutions from two distinct CS102 lecture sections during the same semester. The complexity and effort represented by the solutions is compared using software engineering metrics, giving a measure of the effectiveness of the two assignment sets, and student performance in successor courses is also examined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating An Enhanced Reality User Interface - ERSolitaire

An enhanced reality user interface uses aspects of the real world and simulated computer percepti... more An enhanced reality user interface uses aspects of the real world and simulated computer perception to yield a simplified and natural user interface. Here we use the game of solitaire as the base application, and use hand gestures as input, in particular those that would be used if playing the game with real cards. Our output scheme uses audio, especially voice descriptions of cards and relative hand positions, in three dimensional sound. The result is a game that is playable by anyone using any flat surface with no actual cards and no need to touch or look at the computer. A large class of interfaces can profit from these ideas, and they allow visually impaired users expanded access to existing systems. A design parameter of the system is that the user need not touch the computer in order to play the game.

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Research paper thumbnail of Categories Computer Science and the Arts: Some Multi-Disciplinary Teaching Collaborationsand Subject Descriptors

We explain the need for formal collaboration between stu- dents in the arts and computer science ... more We explain the need for formal collaboration between stu-
dents in the arts and computer science students, and argue that this should be encouraged at an early stage of their education. Two specific courses that foster this sort of cooperation are described.

Due to the variety of the artistic experience, and the quite
distinct natures of the different artistic media, computer science has not been a cooperative or understanding partner of the artist, and in turn artists have been hesitant and awkward about adopting digital media as a part of their daily work. Effective joint efforts between artists and computer scientists require a comprehension of the opportunities and problems in both sets of disciplines. We should offer computer science students the opportunity to work with artists in artistic endeavors at an early stage in their careers. We will thus create a new kind of graduate, one possessing an amalgam of the skill sets
from both fields. Where this may lead is impossible to tell,
except that it opens a range of possibilities that can’t be completely anticipated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple Distances Between Handwritten Signatures

When analyzing handwritten signatures using a computer, a certain amount of variation within any ... more When analyzing handwritten signatures using a computer, a certain amount of variation within any particular class is to be expected. Successful recognition demands that this variation be less than that between two different signatures. This paper describes three simple ways to compare signatures that do not use any complicated or derivative feature measurements, each of which defines a distance between signatures that allows individual variation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shadowmask signature recognition uses scale as a feature

Signature verification using the shadow mask technique results in high success rates providing th... more Signature verification using the shadow mask technique results in high success rates providing the initial conditions are met, namely that signatures are written in a constant sized box provided for that purpose. In fact, the shadow mask algorithm implicitly uses scale as a feature, and this must be fixed if the method is to be used in a more general way.

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Automating the process of pulp inspection has been attempted using off-line scanners and line sca... more Automating the process of pulp inspection has been attempted using off-line scanners and line scan equipment that examines the web. What is described here is a scheme that uses relatively simple image analysis methods and commonly available equipment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple classifers for respirogram curves

The problem of classifying scientific data, in this case measurements from a respirometer, is add... more The problem of classifying scientific data, in this case measurements from a respirometer, is addressed. The use of shape and of multiple classification algorithms operating on the same data is addressed. The combination of many diverse methods increases the reliability of the classifier and should allow a wider variety of input data to be processed.

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Research paper thumbnail of A demonstration of handprinted symbol recognition

Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomness and Generative Art

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2020

Art in general can be thought of as a stochastic process. No two drawings or paintings are exactl... more Art in general can be thought of as a stochastic process. No two drawings or paintings are exactly alike, and cannot be as long as humans are involved. Generative art, the defining of an artwork using an algorithm, can result in very precise duplications of artworks but this is rarely interesting. Art is a human activity and artworks are a means of communication between humans, even in the generative domain. Adding randomness to a generative work makes it seem more human, and often more interesting. How much randomness should there be? What is the context of the random features? Why is randomness interesting? These things will be discussed, along with some ideas on how to use randomness as a tool in creating artworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fast temporal compression/expansion algorithm for sampled audio

Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Future Play - Future Play '07, 2007

An algorithm for compressing or expanding the duration of an arbitrary sound is presented, in whi... more An algorithm for compressing or expanding the duration of an arbitrary sound is presented, in which the frequencies present in the sound are not changed by the process. This means that music can be slowed without changing the key, and that sped up or slowed down voices can still be recognized. The process can be performed in a small fraction

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and analysis of a multiprocessor for image processing

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Gray level thresholding in badly illuminated images

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of An approach to licence plate recognition

Proceedings of Visual Interface'97, 1997

... [5] genetic algorithm to find the license plate [6] output: bounding box with the best score ... more ... [5] genetic algorithm to find the license plate [6] output: bounding box with the best score (from GA) Each of these steps will be discussed in appropri-ate detail. 2. Pre-processing and edgedetection The first step converts an RGB image to a gray-level image, using the method ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating an enhanced reality user interface - ERSolitaire

CHI '03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems - CHI '03, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The Booze Cruise: Impaired Driving in Virtual Spaces

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Algorithm performance contest

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Research paper thumbnail of Algorithms for image processing and computer vision

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer-assisted photometry using simulated annealing

Computers in Physics, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomness in Generative Art: Drawing Like a Person

Academia Letters, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Sound Synthesis for The Web, Games, and Virtual Reality

Here we describe a new technique for synthesizing sounds from samples, using the block spectral G... more Here we describe a new technique for synthesizing
sounds from samples, using the block spectral Gaussian
pyramid method originally devised for texture synthesis in
computer graphics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Effectiveness of Constructivist and Behaviourist Assignments in CS102

Two approaches to setting programming assignments are compared , using actual assignment and solu... more Two approaches to setting programming assignments are compared , using actual assignment and solutions from two distinct CS102 lecture sections during the same semester. The complexity and effort represented by the solutions is compared using software engineering metrics, giving a measure of the effectiveness of the two assignment sets, and student performance in successor courses is also examined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating An Enhanced Reality User Interface - ERSolitaire

An enhanced reality user interface uses aspects of the real world and simulated computer percepti... more An enhanced reality user interface uses aspects of the real world and simulated computer perception to yield a simplified and natural user interface. Here we use the game of solitaire as the base application, and use hand gestures as input, in particular those that would be used if playing the game with real cards. Our output scheme uses audio, especially voice descriptions of cards and relative hand positions, in three dimensional sound. The result is a game that is playable by anyone using any flat surface with no actual cards and no need to touch or look at the computer. A large class of interfaces can profit from these ideas, and they allow visually impaired users expanded access to existing systems. A design parameter of the system is that the user need not touch the computer in order to play the game.

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Research paper thumbnail of Categories Computer Science and the Arts: Some Multi-Disciplinary Teaching Collaborationsand Subject Descriptors

We explain the need for formal collaboration between stu- dents in the arts and computer science ... more We explain the need for formal collaboration between stu-
dents in the arts and computer science students, and argue that this should be encouraged at an early stage of their education. Two specific courses that foster this sort of cooperation are described.

Due to the variety of the artistic experience, and the quite
distinct natures of the different artistic media, computer science has not been a cooperative or understanding partner of the artist, and in turn artists have been hesitant and awkward about adopting digital media as a part of their daily work. Effective joint efforts between artists and computer scientists require a comprehension of the opportunities and problems in both sets of disciplines. We should offer computer science students the opportunity to work with artists in artistic endeavors at an early stage in their careers. We will thus create a new kind of graduate, one possessing an amalgam of the skill sets
from both fields. Where this may lead is impossible to tell,
except that it opens a range of possibilities that can’t be completely anticipated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple Distances Between Handwritten Signatures

When analyzing handwritten signatures using a computer, a certain amount of variation within any ... more When analyzing handwritten signatures using a computer, a certain amount of variation within any particular class is to be expected. Successful recognition demands that this variation be less than that between two different signatures. This paper describes three simple ways to compare signatures that do not use any complicated or derivative feature measurements, each of which defines a distance between signatures that allows individual variation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shadowmask signature recognition uses scale as a feature

Signature verification using the shadow mask technique results in high success rates providing th... more Signature verification using the shadow mask technique results in high success rates providing the initial conditions are met, namely that signatures are written in a constant sized box provided for that purpose. In fact, the shadow mask algorithm implicitly uses scale as a feature, and this must be fixed if the method is to be used in a more general way.

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Automating the process of pulp inspection has been attempted using off-line scanners and line sca... more Automating the process of pulp inspection has been attempted using off-line scanners and line scan equipment that examines the web. What is described here is a scheme that uses relatively simple image analysis methods and commonly available equipment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple classifers for respirogram curves

The problem of classifying scientific data, in this case measurements from a respirometer, is add... more The problem of classifying scientific data, in this case measurements from a respirometer, is addressed. The use of shape and of multiple classification algorithms operating on the same data is addressed. The combination of many diverse methods increases the reliability of the classifier and should allow a wider variety of input data to be processed.

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