Edilson Ferneda | Universidade Catolica de Brasília (original) (raw)

Papers by Edilson Ferneda

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Weak Signals in the Web to Support Scenarios Building for Future Studies

Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Pensamento Computacional e a Matemática no contexto da educação básica

Renote, Jan 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of UCB-Bot: Um Exemplo de Aplicação de Computação Cognitiva

A computação cognitiva é uma disciplina que integra conceitos da neurobiologia, da psicologia cog... more A computação cognitiva é uma disciplina que integra conceitos da neurobiologia, da psicologia cognitiva, da ciência da informação e da inteligência artificial. É um campo interdisciplinar de pesquisa que visa a elaboração de modelos computacionais e mecanismos de tomada de decisões baseados nos processos neurobiológicos do cérebro, das ciências cognitivas e da psicologia para dotar os sistemas computacionais das faculdades de saber, pensar e sentir. O UCB-bot é uma aplicação utilizando o IBM Watson, visando responder perguntas sobre benefícios oferecidos pela Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) aos seus estudantes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Iniciativas Para a Organização Da Informação Musical Brasileira

Trabalho apresentado no XVII ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciencia da Informacao, 20... more Trabalho apresentado no XVII ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciencia da Informacao, 2016, Salvador.

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Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative Agents in Adaptative VLEs: Towards an Interface Agent for Interactivity and Decision-making Improvement

Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2020

This paper presents an Interface Agent (IAg) in the context of collaborative software agents aimi... more This paper presents an Interface Agent (IAg) in the context of collaborative software agents aiming at improving the interaction, interactivity and decision-making processes in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). Working collaboratively in a multi-agent system, IAg receives notifications about situations that require interaction with students to assist and motivate them in the processes of navigation and use of VLE. In order to assist decision-making processes, it provides dashboards that enable the human tutor and VLE coordinators to make real-time decisions about non-normal situations. In addition, it monitors the actions of students seeking for clarifying doubts, utilizing a knowledge based on past situations. With this approach it is expected to enable a more attractive environment to students by reducing feelings of demotivation and isolation, and helping to reduce student dropout.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Case-based Approach for Reusing Decisions in the Software Development Process

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolução dos centros de informação e o surgimento dos observatórios de transporte e logística

Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, 2020

This study begins with the historical review on databases and information centers as seminal stru... more This study begins with the historical review on databases and information centers as seminal structures for transport and logistics observatories. A systematic literature review on the concepts and the emergence of databases, information centers and observatories was conducted. The use of databases and information centers in transport and logistics field is analyzed, as well as their evolution to an organized observatory model. From the evidence found in the literature, it can be observed that databases and information centers constitute the initial structures of the observatories, which arise as they fulfill functions that are not served by other structures or organizations. Considering historical conditions, such as the information crisis and technological advances in the post-World War II period, the emergence of new phenomena in the area of Information Science is identified, that involves the creation of information centers and their variations, encouraged by the need to obtain ...

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Research paper thumbnail of An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts

This paper presents an approach for grading essays based on the presence of one or more theses, a... more This paper presents an approach for grading essays based on the presence of one or more theses, arguments, and intervention proposals. The research was developed by means of the following steps: (i) corpus delimitation and annotation; (ii) features selection; (iii) extraction of the training corpus, and (iv) class balancing, training and testing. Our study shows that features related to argumentation mining can improve the automatic essay scoring performance compared to the set of usual features. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate that argument marking procedures to improve score prediction in essays classification can produce better results. Moreover, it remained clear that essays classification does not depends on the number of features but rather on the ability of creating meaningful features for a given

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Research paper thumbnail of Descoberta de Conhecimento com o uso de Text Mining

Desde o final dos anos 80, um grande esforco de pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvido com o intuito de ... more Desde o final dos anos 80, um grande esforco de pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvido com o intuito de se extrair padroes uteis e desconhecidos a partir do grande volume de dados existente nas organizacoes. A primeira vertente de pesquisa explorou, principalmente, dados estruturados. Mais recentemente, passou-se a dar mais atencao a dados na forma de texto. Entretanto, passados alguns anos de pesquisa em mineracao de texto, observa-se que esse tipo de tecnologia ainda e pouco explorado. Considerando que a maior parte das informacoes disponiveis esta em forma textual e que nessa forma podem estar escondidos padroes importantes questiona-se o porque da pouca utilizacao de mineracao de texto. Para tentar responder essa questao, foram enumeradas como possiveis causas para a carencia de aplicacoes de text mining: (a) pouca usabilidade das ferramentas; (b) existencia de poucos relatos de experiencias de sucesso; e (c) falta de uma metodologia adequada. Neste trabalho investigou-se o item (c) po...

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Research paper thumbnail of A inteligência organizacional como instrumento de autoavaliação em instituições de ensino superior

Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento, 2015

Com o aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliacao das instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras... more Com o aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliacao das instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras nas ultimas decadas e as crescentes exigencias regulatorias quanto a qualidade do ensino e autogestao, instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras precisam encontrar meios para aprimorar seus processos avaliativos por meio da aplicacao de ferramentas que efetivamente auxiliem sua gestao institucional frente a essas exigencias. A inteligencia organizacional e um macro processo que, apoiada pela inteligencia de negocios e pelas tecnologias de informacao, prove as instituicoes de ensino a capacidade de observar sua real situacao e, assim, tomar as decisoes necessarias para se orientar continuamente rumo aos objetivos estabelecidos no seu planejamento estrategico. Este artigo mostra como instituicoes de ensino podem aplicar esse macroprocesso em seus processos de gestao institucional para alcancar inovacoes que assegurem evolucao na qualidade de ensino oferecida. Por meio de um estudo de ca...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Proposal for Application Discovery in the Context of IoT

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018

In this paper we discuss some drawbacks of IoT in relation to reuse of applications. The studied ... more In this paper we discuss some drawbacks of IoT in relation to reuse of applications. The studied approaches do not propose a repository for cataloguing applications or tools for discovering IoT applications for reuse. The purpose of this research is twofold: (i) propose a repository model to catalogue IoT applications, and (ii) present a tool for discovering IoT applications for reuse. The goal is to enable the search and reuse of existing solutions to avoid rework and to facilitate the development of applications for IoT. Based on the proposed approach, a proof of concept was implemented by means of a prototype. For the discovery process, a version of a k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm was adapted to use both Euclidean and Levenshtein distances. This was necessary due to descriptor types required to identify the applications. The prototype was applied to a case study with promising results, pointing out the usefulness of this proposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Adaptive and Proactive Interface Agent for Interactivity and Decision-Making Improvement in a Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment

Enterprise Information Systems, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Imbalanced Learning Techniques for Improving the Performance of Statistical Models in Automated Essay Scoring

Procedia Computer Science, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontologia como um artefato da arquitetura da informação para a representação do conhecimento organizacional

Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, 2018

Este trabalho teve por objetivo fundamentar teoricamente o processo de modelagem de informações o... more Este trabalho teve por objetivo fundamentar teoricamente o processo de modelagem de informações organizacionais na forma de ontologias. Utilizaram-se as contribuições da Arquitetura da Informação, enquanto disciplina científica para a construção de ontologias organizacionais. É proposto um processo de elaboração de ontologias, cuja principal vantagem é prover um conjunto de diretrizes para a construção de ontologias, com propriedades de um construto científico, incluindo completude ao artefato, no que tange às características desejáveis. Serviu-se do Método de Arquitetura da Informação Aplicada (MAIA) para a condução do processo de construção de ontologias. Um estudo de caso foi desenvolvido no domínio financeiro. O principal resultado foi o mapeamento das contribuições do CPAI em recomendações de uso para a construção de ontologias de domínio.Palavras-chave: Ontologia. Arquitetura da Informação. Gestão do Conhecimento. Tecnologia da Informação.Link: http://www.periodicos.ufpb.br/oj...

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Research paper thumbnail of An approach to evaluate adherence to the theme and the argumentative structure of essays

Procedia Computer Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of A Metadata-based Architecture for Identification and Discovery of Services in SOA

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A Resource-Oriented Model for Services Management and Discovering in SOA

2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2015

This paper presents a structural model and an infrastructure for resource management and service ... more This paper presents a structural model and an infrastructure for resource management and service discovering in SOA. The structural model is composed by a set of metaclasses which allow representation and descriptions of services, as well as different types of service components and granularities for composition and reuse. The model includes procedures to find and retrieve candidates to build composite services for meeting specific needs and purposes. Candidate services are found and retrieved by means of intelligent discovery mechanisms on the basis of a set of descriptors. The discovery procedure adopts a Case-Based Reasoning approach, in which the services are considered as cases that are kept and indexed in a repository.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Approach for Text Mining Based on Noun Phrases

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2015

The use of noun phrases as descriptors for text mining vectors has been proposed to overcome the ... more The use of noun phrases as descriptors for text mining vectors has been proposed to overcome the poor semantic of the traditional bag-of-words (BOW). However, the solutions found in the literature are unsatisfactory, mainly due to the use of static definitions for noun phrases and the fact that noun phrases per se do not enable an adequate relevance representation since they are expressions that barely repeat. We present an approach to deal with these problems by (i) introducing a process that enables the definition of noun phrases interactively and (ii) considering similar noun phrases as a unique term. A case study compares both approaches, the one proposed in this paper and the other based on BOW. The main contribution of this paper is the improvement of the preprocessing phase of text mining, leading to better results in the overall process.

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Research paper thumbnail of ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC POLICY: analysis on the use of digital certification in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatores Para O Alinhamento Ao Desenvolvimento Orientado Por Modelos Em Uma Organização Desenvolvedora De Software

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Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Weak Signals in the Web to Support Scenarios Building for Future Studies

Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Pensamento Computacional e a Matemática no contexto da educação básica

Renote, Jan 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of UCB-Bot: Um Exemplo de Aplicação de Computação Cognitiva

A computação cognitiva é uma disciplina que integra conceitos da neurobiologia, da psicologia cog... more A computação cognitiva é uma disciplina que integra conceitos da neurobiologia, da psicologia cognitiva, da ciência da informação e da inteligência artificial. É um campo interdisciplinar de pesquisa que visa a elaboração de modelos computacionais e mecanismos de tomada de decisões baseados nos processos neurobiológicos do cérebro, das ciências cognitivas e da psicologia para dotar os sistemas computacionais das faculdades de saber, pensar e sentir. O UCB-bot é uma aplicação utilizando o IBM Watson, visando responder perguntas sobre benefícios oferecidos pela Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) aos seus estudantes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Iniciativas Para a Organização Da Informação Musical Brasileira

Trabalho apresentado no XVII ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciencia da Informacao, 20... more Trabalho apresentado no XVII ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciencia da Informacao, 2016, Salvador.

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Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative Agents in Adaptative VLEs: Towards an Interface Agent for Interactivity and Decision-making Improvement

Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2020

This paper presents an Interface Agent (IAg) in the context of collaborative software agents aimi... more This paper presents an Interface Agent (IAg) in the context of collaborative software agents aiming at improving the interaction, interactivity and decision-making processes in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). Working collaboratively in a multi-agent system, IAg receives notifications about situations that require interaction with students to assist and motivate them in the processes of navigation and use of VLE. In order to assist decision-making processes, it provides dashboards that enable the human tutor and VLE coordinators to make real-time decisions about non-normal situations. In addition, it monitors the actions of students seeking for clarifying doubts, utilizing a knowledge based on past situations. With this approach it is expected to enable a more attractive environment to students by reducing feelings of demotivation and isolation, and helping to reduce student dropout.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Case-based Approach for Reusing Decisions in the Software Development Process

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolução dos centros de informação e o surgimento dos observatórios de transporte e logística

Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, 2020

This study begins with the historical review on databases and information centers as seminal stru... more This study begins with the historical review on databases and information centers as seminal structures for transport and logistics observatories. A systematic literature review on the concepts and the emergence of databases, information centers and observatories was conducted. The use of databases and information centers in transport and logistics field is analyzed, as well as their evolution to an organized observatory model. From the evidence found in the literature, it can be observed that databases and information centers constitute the initial structures of the observatories, which arise as they fulfill functions that are not served by other structures or organizations. Considering historical conditions, such as the information crisis and technological advances in the post-World War II period, the emergence of new phenomena in the area of Information Science is identified, that involves the creation of information centers and their variations, encouraged by the need to obtain ...

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Research paper thumbnail of An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts

This paper presents an approach for grading essays based on the presence of one or more theses, a... more This paper presents an approach for grading essays based on the presence of one or more theses, arguments, and intervention proposals. The research was developed by means of the following steps: (i) corpus delimitation and annotation; (ii) features selection; (iii) extraction of the training corpus, and (iv) class balancing, training and testing. Our study shows that features related to argumentation mining can improve the automatic essay scoring performance compared to the set of usual features. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate that argument marking procedures to improve score prediction in essays classification can produce better results. Moreover, it remained clear that essays classification does not depends on the number of features but rather on the ability of creating meaningful features for a given

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Research paper thumbnail of Descoberta de Conhecimento com o uso de Text Mining

Desde o final dos anos 80, um grande esforco de pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvido com o intuito de ... more Desde o final dos anos 80, um grande esforco de pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvido com o intuito de se extrair padroes uteis e desconhecidos a partir do grande volume de dados existente nas organizacoes. A primeira vertente de pesquisa explorou, principalmente, dados estruturados. Mais recentemente, passou-se a dar mais atencao a dados na forma de texto. Entretanto, passados alguns anos de pesquisa em mineracao de texto, observa-se que esse tipo de tecnologia ainda e pouco explorado. Considerando que a maior parte das informacoes disponiveis esta em forma textual e que nessa forma podem estar escondidos padroes importantes questiona-se o porque da pouca utilizacao de mineracao de texto. Para tentar responder essa questao, foram enumeradas como possiveis causas para a carencia de aplicacoes de text mining: (a) pouca usabilidade das ferramentas; (b) existencia de poucos relatos de experiencias de sucesso; e (c) falta de uma metodologia adequada. Neste trabalho investigou-se o item (c) po...

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Research paper thumbnail of A inteligência organizacional como instrumento de autoavaliação em instituições de ensino superior

Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento, 2015

Com o aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliacao das instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras... more Com o aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliacao das instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras nas ultimas decadas e as crescentes exigencias regulatorias quanto a qualidade do ensino e autogestao, instituicoes de ensino superior brasileiras precisam encontrar meios para aprimorar seus processos avaliativos por meio da aplicacao de ferramentas que efetivamente auxiliem sua gestao institucional frente a essas exigencias. A inteligencia organizacional e um macro processo que, apoiada pela inteligencia de negocios e pelas tecnologias de informacao, prove as instituicoes de ensino a capacidade de observar sua real situacao e, assim, tomar as decisoes necessarias para se orientar continuamente rumo aos objetivos estabelecidos no seu planejamento estrategico. Este artigo mostra como instituicoes de ensino podem aplicar esse macroprocesso em seus processos de gestao institucional para alcancar inovacoes que assegurem evolucao na qualidade de ensino oferecida. Por meio de um estudo de ca...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Proposal for Application Discovery in the Context of IoT

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018

In this paper we discuss some drawbacks of IoT in relation to reuse of applications. The studied ... more In this paper we discuss some drawbacks of IoT in relation to reuse of applications. The studied approaches do not propose a repository for cataloguing applications or tools for discovering IoT applications for reuse. The purpose of this research is twofold: (i) propose a repository model to catalogue IoT applications, and (ii) present a tool for discovering IoT applications for reuse. The goal is to enable the search and reuse of existing solutions to avoid rework and to facilitate the development of applications for IoT. Based on the proposed approach, a proof of concept was implemented by means of a prototype. For the discovery process, a version of a k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm was adapted to use both Euclidean and Levenshtein distances. This was necessary due to descriptor types required to identify the applications. The prototype was applied to a case study with promising results, pointing out the usefulness of this proposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Adaptive and Proactive Interface Agent for Interactivity and Decision-Making Improvement in a Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment

Enterprise Information Systems, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Imbalanced Learning Techniques for Improving the Performance of Statistical Models in Automated Essay Scoring

Procedia Computer Science, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontologia como um artefato da arquitetura da informação para a representação do conhecimento organizacional

Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, 2018

Este trabalho teve por objetivo fundamentar teoricamente o processo de modelagem de informações o... more Este trabalho teve por objetivo fundamentar teoricamente o processo de modelagem de informações organizacionais na forma de ontologias. Utilizaram-se as contribuições da Arquitetura da Informação, enquanto disciplina científica para a construção de ontologias organizacionais. É proposto um processo de elaboração de ontologias, cuja principal vantagem é prover um conjunto de diretrizes para a construção de ontologias, com propriedades de um construto científico, incluindo completude ao artefato, no que tange às características desejáveis. Serviu-se do Método de Arquitetura da Informação Aplicada (MAIA) para a condução do processo de construção de ontologias. Um estudo de caso foi desenvolvido no domínio financeiro. O principal resultado foi o mapeamento das contribuições do CPAI em recomendações de uso para a construção de ontologias de domínio.Palavras-chave: Ontologia. Arquitetura da Informação. Gestão do Conhecimento. Tecnologia da Informação.Link: http://www.periodicos.ufpb.br/oj...

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Research paper thumbnail of An approach to evaluate adherence to the theme and the argumentative structure of essays

Procedia Computer Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of A Metadata-based Architecture for Identification and Discovery of Services in SOA

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A Resource-Oriented Model for Services Management and Discovering in SOA

2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2015

This paper presents a structural model and an infrastructure for resource management and service ... more This paper presents a structural model and an infrastructure for resource management and service discovering in SOA. The structural model is composed by a set of metaclasses which allow representation and descriptions of services, as well as different types of service components and granularities for composition and reuse. The model includes procedures to find and retrieve candidates to build composite services for meeting specific needs and purposes. Candidate services are found and retrieved by means of intelligent discovery mechanisms on the basis of a set of descriptors. The discovery procedure adopts a Case-Based Reasoning approach, in which the services are considered as cases that are kept and indexed in a repository.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Approach for Text Mining Based on Noun Phrases

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2015

The use of noun phrases as descriptors for text mining vectors has been proposed to overcome the ... more The use of noun phrases as descriptors for text mining vectors has been proposed to overcome the poor semantic of the traditional bag-of-words (BOW). However, the solutions found in the literature are unsatisfactory, mainly due to the use of static definitions for noun phrases and the fact that noun phrases per se do not enable an adequate relevance representation since they are expressions that barely repeat. We present an approach to deal with these problems by (i) introducing a process that enables the definition of noun phrases interactively and (ii) considering similar noun phrases as a unique term. A case study compares both approaches, the one proposed in this paper and the other based on BOW. The main contribution of this paper is the improvement of the preprocessing phase of text mining, leading to better results in the overall process.

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Research paper thumbnail of ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC POLICY: analysis on the use of digital certification in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatores Para O Alinhamento Ao Desenvolvimento Orientado Por Modelos Em Uma Organização Desenvolvedora De Software

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