Ilarion Tiu | Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ilarion Tiu

Research paper thumbnail of Migrația ilegală a românilor în anul 1989. Aspecte socio-demografice

ABSTRACT This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human r... more ABSTRACT This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human rights violation favor working class dissatisfaction about communist regime. The Romanians tries to leave the country against any danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North America. Based on the data collected from The National Council for the Securitate Archives (N=1.962), our research establish how many Romanians returned from Hungary and Yugoslavia after the illegal cross of the border in these countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as political tool. The assassination of Romanian prime-minister Armand Călinescu by legionnaires: 21st of september 1939

ABSTRACT On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of Septembe... more ABSTRACT On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), a terrible piece of news worried the Western chancelleries about the fate of Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister, Armand Călinescu, had been killed by a group of legionnaires. Armand Călinescu was not only the ruler of the Romanian Government, but also the leader of an authoritarian regime. From his capacity as a prime-minister, he was standing solder by solder with King Carol II striping out some democratic liberties and arresting those who disagreed with them. Therefore, we can consider the assassination of Armand Călinescu a political crime within a state in which police law enforcement was very high. In that historical context, this situation increased the instability in this area. It is interesting to note that the assassins of Armand Călinescu surrounded in a particular way. They forced the entrance of the Romanian Broadcasting Radio and announced the assassination. They called themselves “the Revengers” and motivated their deed as a penalty for the assassination of their leader, Corneliu Codreanu, the chief of Legionary Movement (30 of November 1938). As a reply, in the next days, the most important leaders of the Legionary Movement was executed by the authorities even they weren’t involved in the death of Armand Călinescu. Apparently, the authoritarian regime of King Carol II seemed to stand firm even it faced up to political terrorism. Of course, the reaction of the government wasn’t justified because as a counterattack were killed people without any involvement in Prime-Minister’s assassination. Because the legionnaires were hold up by Germans, King Carol II was forced to change the policy regarding the legionnaires. The legionnaire’s prisons conditions were improved and those free one were invited to negotiate with the Government for endorsement King’s regime and sustain internal and external policy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cum a ajuns Armata în posesia Arhivei Comitetului Central al PCR. Interviu cu gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, ministru al Apărării Naționale în perioada 1991-1994

ABSTRACT The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that ha... more ABSTRACT The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuated them form the Central Committee’s headquarters during December 1989 Revolution. Gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, the minister of National Defense from 1991 to 1994, explains in an interview what were the causes of that fact and why it took so long for the documents to get hold by National Archives.

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Research paper thumbnail of National government from Vienna – political component

Transylvanian Review, Sep 1, 2010

ABSTRACT The National Government in Vienna was set up at the end of 1944, on the initiative of Ge... more ABSTRACT The National Government in Vienna was set up at the end of 1944, on the initiative of Germany, with the assistance of the legionary emigration in the Reich. Through this executive in exile the Nazi leaders were aiming to cause turmoil behind the front lines after the coup d’Etat of 23 August 1944. As the Cabinet in Vienna was not representative from a political point of view, it failed to create a resistance movement in the country. It would have been difficult anyway to attain this desideratum since the Soviet-Romanian armies had advanced rapidly over the Carpathians, pushing the Wehrmacht westwards. On the other hand, the Legionary Movement leaders in Vienna were divided over the leadership of the organization as well as over supporting Germany in WWII. The National Government in exile was officially established on 10 December 1944, its activity being merely symbolical. Its only achievements consisted of propaganda actions carried out in Romania with German assistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatul Mircea Răceanu, ultimul condamnat la moarte în România comunistă

On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US... more On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US Embassy in Bucharest. He was accused for betrayal and sent it to death. We present an official paper that is the position of Nicolae Ceaușescu toward Mircea Răceanu’s case, during the meeting of Executive Political Committee of Central Committee of Romanian Communist Party.

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Research paper thumbnail of The reason why students choose Communication and Public Relations faculties

Euromentor Journal, 2017

Our research analyses students’ motivation when choosing a Communication and Public Relations fac... more Our research analyses students’ motivation when choosing a Communication and Public Relations faculty, as well as their expectations with regard to this bachelor’s degree specialisation. Our analysis is based on questionnaires used in two Bucharest universities – the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (public university) and the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University (private university). As many as one hundred respondents were included in the research, all first-year students, 50 from each university. Our study shows that there is a lack of communication between the universities and their potential candidates, phenomenon which may generate first-year students’ dissatisfaction with the faculties, bearing direct consequences on university abandonment/dropout. Another important component of our research refers to the growing role of the internet in high school graduates’ information about university curricula. Consequently, universities should restructure their marketing strategy and adapt themselves to the young people’s mass communication style.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cercetare sociologică. Furiile, speranțele și dezamăgirile studenților după #colectiv

Sfera Politicii, 2016

This study analyzes the results of a sociological survey on the opinions of a group of 150 studen... more This study analyzes the results of a sociological survey on the opinions of a group of 150 students on social and political consequences of fire in the Colectiv Club in Bucharest, on 30 October 2015. The research was conducted shortly after the tragedy in the context of street protests and the resignation Ponta government. Respondents had moderate opinions about radical changes in society after the fire in Club Colective, considering that enthusiasm was the moment, amid the emotions generated by the tragedy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Romanian Fascism during World War II. The National-Legionary Government (September 1940 – January 1941)

Cogito. Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2016

In the summer of 1940, the Greatest Romania disintegrated by successive territorial concessions t... more In the summer of 1940, the Greatest Romania disintegrated by successive territorial concessions to the revisionist neighbouring states (USSR – June, Hungary – August and Bulgaria – September). Dictator King Carol II abdicated on 6 September 1940 and a government supported by Nazi Germany was formed. It made ​​up of military and local allies of the Nazis – Legionnaires. The two governmental camps have not understood and between Legionnaires and General Ion Antonescu (head of government) have triggered a power struggle. Legionnaires were less concerned about the government, using its power to take revenge on former political adversaries. There were murders, robberies on private property and pogroms against Jews. National Legionary government ended in violent activity, by a street battle with the army in January 1941.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza evoluției împrumuturilor României de la Banca Internațională pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare și Fondul Monetar Internațional în perioada 1973-1989

Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial, 2015

Between 1973-1981, Romania benefited for loans from the IMF amounting to USD 1667.263 million (ex... more Between 1973-1981, Romania benefited for loans from the IMF amounting to USD 1667.263 million (excluding interest), money that helped balance the balance of payments deficits. Because the Romanian has consistently refused to provide certain information confidential to the Fund, staff of the IMF imposed conditionality clause , which obliges the government in Bucharest to adopt stabilization programs. After 1982, Nicolae Ceaușescu considered policy conditionality as " interference in internal affairs " of Romania, and has decided to discontinue credit relations with the Fund. The loan agreements with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, signed during the period 1974-1982, Romania has received a loan amounting to USD 2182.8 million (excluding interest) for 33 investment projects. Bank has agreed to co-finance investments included in Romania's five-year plans, thus relaxing performance criteria when authorized loans. Socialist economy was unable to comply with the new construction plans for industrial-agricultural objectives, and therefore have not provided timely investment foreign currency necessary for the payment of due installments. In the early 80's, Romania's external debt exceeded nine billion dollars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impactul industrializării României în anii ’70 și ’80 asupra mediului înconjurător

Sfera Politicii, Oct 2014

In December 1972, the Romanian Government signed the agreement of accession to the International ... more In December 1972, the Romanian Government signed the agreement of accession to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the following years, Romania received investment credits and, consequently, overcame the growth rate of several capitalist states. Nevertheless, the Communist regime in Bucharest chose to expand the economic sectors highly energy intensive and heavily polluting. As the ’70s oil crisis led to a worldwide energy crisis, the Romanian industry faced difficult times in terms of effectiveness, competitiveness and external costs of environmental pollution. It had been built coal-electrical and great siderurgical & chemical plants, and both caused extremely air pollution. At the end of the ’80s, Romania recorded high pollution indicators of soil, subsoil, water and within the atmosphere down to the evacuation of residual waste and lack of investments in filtering of industrial stack. In the end, the phenomenon damaged the inhabitants’ health status of the polluted areas, causing high rates of different forms of cancer and respiratory illnesses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceaușescu și sindicatul Solidaritatea

Sfera Politicii, Oct 2014

On 21 of August 1989, when Tadeusz Mazowiecki – one of the leader of the „Solidarity“ trade union... more On 21 of August 1989, when Tadeusz Mazowiecki – one of the leader of the „Solidarity“ trade union (Solidarność) – was appointed to lead the Government, Poland made an important step in falling out the totalitarianism. This event wired the leaders form the Communist Block, who were witnessing how the power get out of their hands. Nicolae Ceaușescu, considered the last conservative leader form Eastern Europe, got wise to the news from Poland. He called an emergency meeting of the Political Executive Committee of Romanian Communist Party in order to blame the „involvement“ of „American imperialists“ in domestic policy of the Government from Warsaw. He was also angry to Polish comrades who did not succeed to pull down the influence of Solidarność during the last ten years. Ceaușescu called in the action the states bellow the Iron Curtain in order to defend the socialism in Poland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Achitarea datoriei externe. Ultimul proiect grandios al lui Ceaușescu

Sfera Politicii, Jun 2014

On the 31st of March 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu announced that he had paid the whole foreign debts. ... more On the 31st of March 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu announced that he had paid the whole foreign debts. In the last ten years, Romania had paid 12 thousands millions dollars, which implied great sacrifice and restraints of the food and energy supplied to population. The Communist propaganda presented this event as a great success of the „genuine” of Ceausescu’s politics. It had been organized many demonstrations to mark „the economic independence” of the country. In reality, Ceaușescu was the main person responsible for the debts crisis. In the following paper, we present several documents regarding the payment of the external loan together with an analysis of the main reasons for accumulation of 12 thousands millions dollars debts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Legionary Movement’s Exile in the Nazi Germany (1941–1944)

Cogito. Multidisciplinary research journal, Jun 2014

After the “rebellion” from 21-23 January 1941, the leaders of Legionary movement ran to Germany t... more After the “rebellion” from 21-23 January 1941, the leaders of Legionary movement ran to Germany to protect against general Ion Antonescu’s repression. They hoped that Adolf Hitler will support legionaries to reorganize and, eventually, to take over control of Romania. But the Nazis banned political activity of Legionary movement, and isolated the activists of organization in camps. Hitler used the legionaries from Germany to pressure Ion Antonescu in the context of military operations in Eastern front. This special situation of Romanian extremists helped them after the war to defend against accusations of crimes against humanity. The legionnaires sustain that organization was a victim of Nazism, and its members was interned in concentrations camps. Accidentally or not, this rhetoric saved Legionary movement’s exile from trials after the war. No leader of the organization was not judged by western military courts in Nürnberg trials, or other legal actions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceaușescu și problema sistematizării rurale

Sfera Politicii, Apr 2014

At the beginning of 1989, the Western Civil Society expressed its most together with violation of... more At the beginning of 1989, the Western Civil Society expressed its most together with violation of the human rights as well as Romanians’ free of movement triggered a huge backlash toward the regime. An extensive civil action called Operation Villages Romanian began in Belgium and, after that, in the rest of Western Europe. At the same time, in the USA, several significant institution called up the new emigrant Dinu C. Giurescu to write out a scientific report on Romanian systematization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martie 1989: șase veterani comuniști au protestat față de dictatura lui Ceaușescu

Sfera Politicii, Apr 2014

In the 11th of March 1989, BBC and Radio Free Europe simultaneously broadcasted a letter signed b... more In the 11th of March 1989, BBC and Radio Free Europe simultaneously broadcasted a letter signed by the six seniors of the Communist Party in which they were strongly criticizing the Ceaușescu’s politics. They blamed him for his dictatorial tendency in exerting the presidential power and for the international isolation of Romania. The leader of the Romanian Communist Party ignored the dissidents’ warnings, considering them nothing more than a group of „rats” which obeyed to the orders of foreign secret services.

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Research paper thumbnail of Părintele profesor Spiridon Cândea. Destinul unui legionar indezirabil pentru regimul comunis

Altarul Reîntregirii, 2014

Spiridon Cândea was one of the prominent public personalities of the Transylvanian Orthodox Churc... more Spiridon Cândea was one of the prominent public personalities of the Transylvanian Orthodox Church since the 1918’s Unification. Discovered and promoted by the Metropolitan Nicolae Bălan, he attended the most prestigious Greek and German theology institutes of that time. Moreover, he joined in the Legionary Movement and become an important leader of Sibiu organization. After World War II he began to cooperate with the Communists, taking advantages of his good relationship with Prime Minister Petru Groza. But in January 1958 Groza died, and Cândea’s protection pass off. His colleagues from the Sibiu Theological Institute start denouncing, probably envying him due to his professional success along all political regimes. Nicolae Mladin, the Metropolitan of Transylvania during 1967-1981, was one of Securitate informer on Cândea’s life and activity. Spiridon Cândea was arrested in 1968, convicted and sentence in prison for three years. Consequently, other legionary personalities had been investigated. Among them, Nicolae Petrașcu, the head of the Legionary Movement from socialist Romania, killed himself during interrogations. Cândea had been released after one year and four month of prison. The Securitate interdict him on getting in touch with Theological Institute from Sibiu in any other ways. He had been followed by Securitate till 1989, through operational technics installed in his house as well chasing through former legionnaires.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cum a ajuns Armata în posesia Arhivei Comitetului Central al PCR. Interviu cu gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, ministru al Apărării Naționale în perioada 1991-1994

Sfera Politicii, Feb 2014

The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuat... more The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuated them form the Central Committee’s headquarters during December 1989 Revolution. Gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, the minister of National Defense from 1991 to 1994, explains in an interview what were the causes of that fact and why it took so long for the documents to get hold by National Archives.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatul Mircea Răceanu, ultimul condamnat la moarte în România comunistă

Sfera Politicii, Feb 2014

On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US... more On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US Embassy in Bucharest. He was accused for betrayal and sent it to death. We present an official paper that is the position of Nicolae Ceaușescu toward Mircea Răceanu’s case, during the meeting of Executive Political Committee of Central Committee of Romanian Communist Party.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as political tool. The assassination of Romanian prime-minister Armand Călinescu by legionnaires: 21st of september 1939

Cogito. Multidisciplinary research journal, Sep 2013

On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), ... more On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), a terrible piece of news worried the Western chancelleries about the fate of Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister, Armand Călinescu, had been killed by a group of legionnaires. Armand Călinescu was not only the ruler of the Romanian Government, but also the leader of an authoritarian regime. From his capacity as a prime-minister, he was standing solder by solder with King Carol II striping out some democratic liberties and arresting those who disagreed with them. Therefore, we can consider the assassination of Armand Călinescu a political crime within a state in which police law enforcement was very high. In that historical context, this situation increased the instability in this area. It is interesting to note that the assassins of Armand Călinescu surrounded in a particular way. They forced the entrance of the Romanian Broadcasting Radio and announced the assassination. They called themselves “the Revengers” and motivated their deed as a penalty for the assassination of their leader, Corneliu Codreanu, the chief of Legionary Movement (30 of November 1938). As a reply, in the next days, the most important leaders of the Legionary Movement was executed by the authorities even they weren’t involved in the death of Armand Călinescu. Apparently, the authoritarian regime of King Carol II seemed to stand firm even it faced up to political terrorism. Of course, the reaction of the government wasn’t justified because as a counterattack were killed people without any involvement in Prime-Minister’s assassination. Because the legionnaires were hold up by Germans, King Carol II was forced to change the policy regarding the legionnaires. The legionnaire’s prisons conditions were improved and those free one were invited to negotiate with the Government for endorsement King’s regime and sustain internal and external policy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mass-media

Istoria românilor (Academia Română), vol. X, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Migrația ilegală a românilor în anul 1989. Aspecte socio-demografice

ABSTRACT This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human r... more ABSTRACT This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human rights violation favor working class dissatisfaction about communist regime. The Romanians tries to leave the country against any danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North America. Based on the data collected from The National Council for the Securitate Archives (N=1.962), our research establish how many Romanians returned from Hungary and Yugoslavia after the illegal cross of the border in these countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as political tool. The assassination of Romanian prime-minister Armand Călinescu by legionnaires: 21st of september 1939

ABSTRACT On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of Septembe... more ABSTRACT On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), a terrible piece of news worried the Western chancelleries about the fate of Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister, Armand Călinescu, had been killed by a group of legionnaires. Armand Călinescu was not only the ruler of the Romanian Government, but also the leader of an authoritarian regime. From his capacity as a prime-minister, he was standing solder by solder with King Carol II striping out some democratic liberties and arresting those who disagreed with them. Therefore, we can consider the assassination of Armand Călinescu a political crime within a state in which police law enforcement was very high. In that historical context, this situation increased the instability in this area. It is interesting to note that the assassins of Armand Călinescu surrounded in a particular way. They forced the entrance of the Romanian Broadcasting Radio and announced the assassination. They called themselves “the Revengers” and motivated their deed as a penalty for the assassination of their leader, Corneliu Codreanu, the chief of Legionary Movement (30 of November 1938). As a reply, in the next days, the most important leaders of the Legionary Movement was executed by the authorities even they weren’t involved in the death of Armand Călinescu. Apparently, the authoritarian regime of King Carol II seemed to stand firm even it faced up to political terrorism. Of course, the reaction of the government wasn’t justified because as a counterattack were killed people without any involvement in Prime-Minister’s assassination. Because the legionnaires were hold up by Germans, King Carol II was forced to change the policy regarding the legionnaires. The legionnaire’s prisons conditions were improved and those free one were invited to negotiate with the Government for endorsement King’s regime and sustain internal and external policy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cum a ajuns Armata în posesia Arhivei Comitetului Central al PCR. Interviu cu gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, ministru al Apărării Naționale în perioada 1991-1994

ABSTRACT The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that ha... more ABSTRACT The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuated them form the Central Committee’s headquarters during December 1989 Revolution. Gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, the minister of National Defense from 1991 to 1994, explains in an interview what were the causes of that fact and why it took so long for the documents to get hold by National Archives.

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Research paper thumbnail of National government from Vienna – political component

Transylvanian Review, Sep 1, 2010

ABSTRACT The National Government in Vienna was set up at the end of 1944, on the initiative of Ge... more ABSTRACT The National Government in Vienna was set up at the end of 1944, on the initiative of Germany, with the assistance of the legionary emigration in the Reich. Through this executive in exile the Nazi leaders were aiming to cause turmoil behind the front lines after the coup d’Etat of 23 August 1944. As the Cabinet in Vienna was not representative from a political point of view, it failed to create a resistance movement in the country. It would have been difficult anyway to attain this desideratum since the Soviet-Romanian armies had advanced rapidly over the Carpathians, pushing the Wehrmacht westwards. On the other hand, the Legionary Movement leaders in Vienna were divided over the leadership of the organization as well as over supporting Germany in WWII. The National Government in exile was officially established on 10 December 1944, its activity being merely symbolical. Its only achievements consisted of propaganda actions carried out in Romania with German assistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatul Mircea Răceanu, ultimul condamnat la moarte în România comunistă

On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US... more On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US Embassy in Bucharest. He was accused for betrayal and sent it to death. We present an official paper that is the position of Nicolae Ceaușescu toward Mircea Răceanu’s case, during the meeting of Executive Political Committee of Central Committee of Romanian Communist Party.

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Research paper thumbnail of The reason why students choose Communication and Public Relations faculties

Euromentor Journal, 2017

Our research analyses students’ motivation when choosing a Communication and Public Relations fac... more Our research analyses students’ motivation when choosing a Communication and Public Relations faculty, as well as their expectations with regard to this bachelor’s degree specialisation. Our analysis is based on questionnaires used in two Bucharest universities – the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (public university) and the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University (private university). As many as one hundred respondents were included in the research, all first-year students, 50 from each university. Our study shows that there is a lack of communication between the universities and their potential candidates, phenomenon which may generate first-year students’ dissatisfaction with the faculties, bearing direct consequences on university abandonment/dropout. Another important component of our research refers to the growing role of the internet in high school graduates’ information about university curricula. Consequently, universities should restructure their marketing strategy and adapt themselves to the young people’s mass communication style.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cercetare sociologică. Furiile, speranțele și dezamăgirile studenților după #colectiv

Sfera Politicii, 2016

This study analyzes the results of a sociological survey on the opinions of a group of 150 studen... more This study analyzes the results of a sociological survey on the opinions of a group of 150 students on social and political consequences of fire in the Colectiv Club in Bucharest, on 30 October 2015. The research was conducted shortly after the tragedy in the context of street protests and the resignation Ponta government. Respondents had moderate opinions about radical changes in society after the fire in Club Colective, considering that enthusiasm was the moment, amid the emotions generated by the tragedy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Romanian Fascism during World War II. The National-Legionary Government (September 1940 – January 1941)

Cogito. Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2016

In the summer of 1940, the Greatest Romania disintegrated by successive territorial concessions t... more In the summer of 1940, the Greatest Romania disintegrated by successive territorial concessions to the revisionist neighbouring states (USSR – June, Hungary – August and Bulgaria – September). Dictator King Carol II abdicated on 6 September 1940 and a government supported by Nazi Germany was formed. It made ​​up of military and local allies of the Nazis – Legionnaires. The two governmental camps have not understood and between Legionnaires and General Ion Antonescu (head of government) have triggered a power struggle. Legionnaires were less concerned about the government, using its power to take revenge on former political adversaries. There were murders, robberies on private property and pogroms against Jews. National Legionary government ended in violent activity, by a street battle with the army in January 1941.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza evoluției împrumuturilor României de la Banca Internațională pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare și Fondul Monetar Internațional în perioada 1973-1989

Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial, 2015

Between 1973-1981, Romania benefited for loans from the IMF amounting to USD 1667.263 million (ex... more Between 1973-1981, Romania benefited for loans from the IMF amounting to USD 1667.263 million (excluding interest), money that helped balance the balance of payments deficits. Because the Romanian has consistently refused to provide certain information confidential to the Fund, staff of the IMF imposed conditionality clause , which obliges the government in Bucharest to adopt stabilization programs. After 1982, Nicolae Ceaușescu considered policy conditionality as " interference in internal affairs " of Romania, and has decided to discontinue credit relations with the Fund. The loan agreements with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, signed during the period 1974-1982, Romania has received a loan amounting to USD 2182.8 million (excluding interest) for 33 investment projects. Bank has agreed to co-finance investments included in Romania's five-year plans, thus relaxing performance criteria when authorized loans. Socialist economy was unable to comply with the new construction plans for industrial-agricultural objectives, and therefore have not provided timely investment foreign currency necessary for the payment of due installments. In the early 80's, Romania's external debt exceeded nine billion dollars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impactul industrializării României în anii ’70 și ’80 asupra mediului înconjurător

Sfera Politicii, Oct 2014

In December 1972, the Romanian Government signed the agreement of accession to the International ... more In December 1972, the Romanian Government signed the agreement of accession to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the following years, Romania received investment credits and, consequently, overcame the growth rate of several capitalist states. Nevertheless, the Communist regime in Bucharest chose to expand the economic sectors highly energy intensive and heavily polluting. As the ’70s oil crisis led to a worldwide energy crisis, the Romanian industry faced difficult times in terms of effectiveness, competitiveness and external costs of environmental pollution. It had been built coal-electrical and great siderurgical & chemical plants, and both caused extremely air pollution. At the end of the ’80s, Romania recorded high pollution indicators of soil, subsoil, water and within the atmosphere down to the evacuation of residual waste and lack of investments in filtering of industrial stack. In the end, the phenomenon damaged the inhabitants’ health status of the polluted areas, causing high rates of different forms of cancer and respiratory illnesses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceaușescu și sindicatul Solidaritatea

Sfera Politicii, Oct 2014

On 21 of August 1989, when Tadeusz Mazowiecki – one of the leader of the „Solidarity“ trade union... more On 21 of August 1989, when Tadeusz Mazowiecki – one of the leader of the „Solidarity“ trade union (Solidarność) – was appointed to lead the Government, Poland made an important step in falling out the totalitarianism. This event wired the leaders form the Communist Block, who were witnessing how the power get out of their hands. Nicolae Ceaușescu, considered the last conservative leader form Eastern Europe, got wise to the news from Poland. He called an emergency meeting of the Political Executive Committee of Romanian Communist Party in order to blame the „involvement“ of „American imperialists“ in domestic policy of the Government from Warsaw. He was also angry to Polish comrades who did not succeed to pull down the influence of Solidarność during the last ten years. Ceaușescu called in the action the states bellow the Iron Curtain in order to defend the socialism in Poland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Achitarea datoriei externe. Ultimul proiect grandios al lui Ceaușescu

Sfera Politicii, Jun 2014

On the 31st of March 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu announced that he had paid the whole foreign debts. ... more On the 31st of March 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu announced that he had paid the whole foreign debts. In the last ten years, Romania had paid 12 thousands millions dollars, which implied great sacrifice and restraints of the food and energy supplied to population. The Communist propaganda presented this event as a great success of the „genuine” of Ceausescu’s politics. It had been organized many demonstrations to mark „the economic independence” of the country. In reality, Ceaușescu was the main person responsible for the debts crisis. In the following paper, we present several documents regarding the payment of the external loan together with an analysis of the main reasons for accumulation of 12 thousands millions dollars debts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Legionary Movement’s Exile in the Nazi Germany (1941–1944)

Cogito. Multidisciplinary research journal, Jun 2014

After the “rebellion” from 21-23 January 1941, the leaders of Legionary movement ran to Germany t... more After the “rebellion” from 21-23 January 1941, the leaders of Legionary movement ran to Germany to protect against general Ion Antonescu’s repression. They hoped that Adolf Hitler will support legionaries to reorganize and, eventually, to take over control of Romania. But the Nazis banned political activity of Legionary movement, and isolated the activists of organization in camps. Hitler used the legionaries from Germany to pressure Ion Antonescu in the context of military operations in Eastern front. This special situation of Romanian extremists helped them after the war to defend against accusations of crimes against humanity. The legionnaires sustain that organization was a victim of Nazism, and its members was interned in concentrations camps. Accidentally or not, this rhetoric saved Legionary movement’s exile from trials after the war. No leader of the organization was not judged by western military courts in Nürnberg trials, or other legal actions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceaușescu și problema sistematizării rurale

Sfera Politicii, Apr 2014

At the beginning of 1989, the Western Civil Society expressed its most together with violation of... more At the beginning of 1989, the Western Civil Society expressed its most together with violation of the human rights as well as Romanians’ free of movement triggered a huge backlash toward the regime. An extensive civil action called Operation Villages Romanian began in Belgium and, after that, in the rest of Western Europe. At the same time, in the USA, several significant institution called up the new emigrant Dinu C. Giurescu to write out a scientific report on Romanian systematization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martie 1989: șase veterani comuniști au protestat față de dictatura lui Ceaușescu

Sfera Politicii, Apr 2014

In the 11th of March 1989, BBC and Radio Free Europe simultaneously broadcasted a letter signed b... more In the 11th of March 1989, BBC and Radio Free Europe simultaneously broadcasted a letter signed by the six seniors of the Communist Party in which they were strongly criticizing the Ceaușescu’s politics. They blamed him for his dictatorial tendency in exerting the presidential power and for the international isolation of Romania. The leader of the Romanian Communist Party ignored the dissidents’ warnings, considering them nothing more than a group of „rats” which obeyed to the orders of foreign secret services.

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Research paper thumbnail of Părintele profesor Spiridon Cândea. Destinul unui legionar indezirabil pentru regimul comunis

Altarul Reîntregirii, 2014

Spiridon Cândea was one of the prominent public personalities of the Transylvanian Orthodox Churc... more Spiridon Cândea was one of the prominent public personalities of the Transylvanian Orthodox Church since the 1918’s Unification. Discovered and promoted by the Metropolitan Nicolae Bălan, he attended the most prestigious Greek and German theology institutes of that time. Moreover, he joined in the Legionary Movement and become an important leader of Sibiu organization. After World War II he began to cooperate with the Communists, taking advantages of his good relationship with Prime Minister Petru Groza. But in January 1958 Groza died, and Cândea’s protection pass off. His colleagues from the Sibiu Theological Institute start denouncing, probably envying him due to his professional success along all political regimes. Nicolae Mladin, the Metropolitan of Transylvania during 1967-1981, was one of Securitate informer on Cândea’s life and activity. Spiridon Cândea was arrested in 1968, convicted and sentence in prison for three years. Consequently, other legionary personalities had been investigated. Among them, Nicolae Petrașcu, the head of the Legionary Movement from socialist Romania, killed himself during interrogations. Cândea had been released after one year and four month of prison. The Securitate interdict him on getting in touch with Theological Institute from Sibiu in any other ways. He had been followed by Securitate till 1989, through operational technics installed in his house as well chasing through former legionnaires.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cum a ajuns Armata în posesia Arhivei Comitetului Central al PCR. Interviu cu gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, ministru al Apărării Naționale în perioada 1991-1994

Sfera Politicii, Feb 2014

The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuat... more The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuated them form the Central Committee’s headquarters during December 1989 Revolution. Gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, the minister of National Defense from 1991 to 1994, explains in an interview what were the causes of that fact and why it took so long for the documents to get hold by National Archives.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatul Mircea Răceanu, ultimul condamnat la moarte în România comunistă

Sfera Politicii, Feb 2014

On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US... more On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US Embassy in Bucharest. He was accused for betrayal and sent it to death. We present an official paper that is the position of Nicolae Ceaușescu toward Mircea Răceanu’s case, during the meeting of Executive Political Committee of Central Committee of Romanian Communist Party.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as political tool. The assassination of Romanian prime-minister Armand Călinescu by legionnaires: 21st of september 1939

Cogito. Multidisciplinary research journal, Sep 2013

On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), ... more On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), a terrible piece of news worried the Western chancelleries about the fate of Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister, Armand Călinescu, had been killed by a group of legionnaires. Armand Călinescu was not only the ruler of the Romanian Government, but also the leader of an authoritarian regime. From his capacity as a prime-minister, he was standing solder by solder with King Carol II striping out some democratic liberties and arresting those who disagreed with them. Therefore, we can consider the assassination of Armand Călinescu a political crime within a state in which police law enforcement was very high. In that historical context, this situation increased the instability in this area. It is interesting to note that the assassins of Armand Călinescu surrounded in a particular way. They forced the entrance of the Romanian Broadcasting Radio and announced the assassination. They called themselves “the Revengers” and motivated their deed as a penalty for the assassination of their leader, Corneliu Codreanu, the chief of Legionary Movement (30 of November 1938). As a reply, in the next days, the most important leaders of the Legionary Movement was executed by the authorities even they weren’t involved in the death of Armand Călinescu. Apparently, the authoritarian regime of King Carol II seemed to stand firm even it faced up to political terrorism. Of course, the reaction of the government wasn’t justified because as a counterattack were killed people without any involvement in Prime-Minister’s assassination. Because the legionnaires were hold up by Germans, King Carol II was forced to change the policy regarding the legionnaires. The legionnaire’s prisons conditions were improved and those free one were invited to negotiate with the Government for endorsement King’s regime and sustain internal and external policy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mass-media

Istoria românilor (Academia Română), vol. X, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Negocierile și derularea acordurilor de împrumut cu Fondul Monetar Internațional și Banca Internațională pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare în perioada 1965-1989

The purpose of this paper is to identify the extent to which a communist centralized economy mana... more The purpose of this paper is to identify the extent to which a communist centralized economy managed to become a competitive one by financing its investment plan with loans coming from the capitalist banking system. The objectives of this research are as follows: to identify the main aspects of the negotiations carried out by socialist Romania to join the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; to study the execution of the loan agreements with the two international financial institutions; to identify the main economic areas where IMF and IBRD-financed investments were made; to identify the main obstacles in implementing the loans obtained by socialist Romania from the IMF and the IBRD; to determine the efficiency of the investments; to identify the problems that arose in the loan repayment schedule; to determine the contribution of IMF and IBRD loans to the implementation of Romania’s industrialization plan; to establish the level of sustainability of IMF- and IBRD-credited investments; to identify the influence of loans over research-development-innovation activities; to identify the influence of loans over regional development etc.
This study will be drafted as a historical monograph, while the work method is quality archival research. For the purpose and goals of this research, I used documents filed with the National Archives of Romania - Central Historical National Archives Department, the Archive of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, Sections: Chancellery, Economics and Foreign Relations. The archival information has been supplemented by extensive reading of books and articles on the topic of this research. Additionally, I used works of memoirs and interviews with dignitaries involved in Romania’s relationship with the IMF and IBRD during the 70s and 80s. The statistics indentified in the archives were synthesized, analyzed and reworked as tables and graphs, to be included throughout this research.
The current status of this research involves few studies on the relationship between socialist Romania, and the IMF and IBRD. Socialist economic historians have mainly focused on Romania’s activity within the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), or on general foreign trade issues at that time. Lately, there has been a growing interest in researching the relationship between Romania, and the IMF and IBRD. Some initial steps have been made in researching this topic, by publishing a book containing studies and reports from the archives of the National Bank and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Romania între est și vest. Aderarea la FMI și BIRD (Romania between the East and the West. Accession to the IMF and IBRD), edited by Ion Alexandrescu, diplomat, published by Cetatea de Scaun din Targoviste Publishing, in 2012.
The thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, I will describe the negotiation process regarding the accession of Romania to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In the second chapter, I will detail the IMF loan agreements and their provisions, as well as issues related to the relationship between Romania and the IMF. In the third chapter, I will talk about investment projects financed by the IBRD, their economic efficiency, as well as about loan absorption rates. In the fourth chapter, I will describe the structure of the foreign debt of Romania in the 80s, as well as the measures taken by the regime to reimburse this debt in advance. In the fifth chapter, I will analyze the consequences that the IMF and IBRD loans have had on the economy of Romania.

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Research paper thumbnail of Istoria Mișcării legionare. 1944-1968

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Research paper thumbnail of The Legionary Movement after Corneliu Codreanu: From the Dictatorship of King Carol II to the Communist Regime (February 1938-August 1944)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mişcarea legionară după Corneliu Codreanu, vol. I, Dictatura regală (februarie 1938-septembrie 1940). Mecanismele schimbului de generaţie

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Research paper thumbnail of Mişcarea legionară după Corneliu Codreanu. Vol. II. Regimul Antonescu (ianuarie 1941 – august 1944)

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Research paper thumbnail of Viața lui Ceaușescu. Tiranul

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Research paper thumbnail of Der weite Weg ins Ungewisse. Die Deportation der Deutschen aus Rumänien in die Sowjetunion

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Research paper thumbnail of  Viața lui Ceaușescu. Ucenicul partidului

Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Viața lui Ceaușescu. Ucenicul p... more Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Viața lui Ceaușescu. Ucenicul partidului, București, Editura Adevărul Holding, 2012, 416 p. ISBN 978-606-644-036-3

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Research paper thumbnail of Viața lui Ceaușescu. Fiul poporului

Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin-Răzvan Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Viața lui Ceaușescu. Fiu... more Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin-Răzvan Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Viața lui Ceaușescu. Fiul poporului, București, Editura Adevărul Holding, 2013, 432 p. ISBN 978-606-644-036-3

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Research paper thumbnail of Lungul drum spre nicăieri. Germanii din România deportați în URSS

Lavinia Betea, Cristina Diac, Florin-Răzvan Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Lungul drum spre nicăieri. German... more Lavinia Betea, Cristina Diac, Florin-Răzvan Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, Lungul drum spre nicăieri. Germanii din România deportați în URSS, Târgoviște, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2012, 306 p. ISBN 978-606-537-130-9

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Research paper thumbnail of România și comunismul: o istorie ilustrată

Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Alexandru Ștefănescu, Ilarion Țiu, România și comunismul: o istorie il... more Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Alexandru Ștefănescu, Ilarion Țiu, România și comunismul: o istorie ilustrată, București, Editura Corint, 2010, 216 p. ISBN 978-973-135-528-3

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Research paper thumbnail of 21 august 1968. Apoteoza lui Ceaușescu

Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, 21 august 1968. Apoteoza lui Ce... more Lavinia Betea (coord.), Cristina Diac, Florin Mihai, Ilarion Țiu, 21 august 1968. Apoteoza lui Ceaușescu, Iași, Editura Polirom, 2009, 280 p. ISBN 978-973-46-1373-1

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