Joshua D. Glawson | University of California, Irvine (original) (raw)

Papers by Joshua D. Glawson

Research paper thumbnail of What is Sound Money A Comprehensive Guide

The term "sound money" is sometimes mistakenly believed to originate from the sound that hard mon... more The term "sound money" is sometimes mistakenly believed to originate from the sound that hard money, or specie money, makes when struck.

However, according to writer Joshua D. Glawson of Money Metals Exchange, "sound money" actually derives its name from philosophy.

The "soundness" of money refers to its validity and reliability, much like a sound argument in logic. Just as a logo can symbolize trust and integrity for a company, sound money represents reliable value in financial systems.

Deductive reasoning is a form of logical thinking in philosophy that involves reaching conclusions based on established facts. In deductive reasoning, an argument is considered sound if it is both valid in form and has no false premises. This means that the conclusion of a sound argument must be true if the premises are true.

Similarly, sound money is money that is valid and true in its premises. When money is made from a commodity, such as gold or silver, its value is tied to the marginal utility of that commodity. The further money is removed from this true value state, the less sound becomes.

Just as a valid argument can be unsound if its premises are false, money can lose its soundness if it is not backed by a stable, real-world asset like gold or silver.

In contrast, modern paper money often struggles with maintaining this underlying marginal utility value, leading to wild fluctuations in prices and economic instability.

Research paper thumbnail of Sound Money vs Fiat Currency A Side by Side Comparison (Austrian School Perspective)

Research paper thumbnail of How Philosophical Worldviews Influence Perspectives of Autonomy, Heteronomy, & Politics

Ideas of people, government, politics, religion, and our perception of the world are heavily infl... more Ideas of people, government, politics, religion, and our perception of the world are heavily influenced by family and schools. Much like ordinary socialization skills are acquired by children through experiences and direction of family and adult figures, the same is true for political socialization and overall worldview.

The way children learn how to respond to different ideas, engage in civil discourse, and handle objection or rejection, are first taught in the home and school. Sometimes these lessons conflict with one another, which can exacerbate a child’s learning curve potential.

To avoid or overcome many of the inconsistencies and difficulties that arise from philosophical incoherence, one must understand how one views their own existence in the world and how one views others in relation to oneself.

There are several ways to view one’s existence in the world. In this essay, I will go over four (4) predominant philosophical views of a person’s existence, or human nature, to provide clarity. These views are embodied in hard determinism, soft determinism, free will, and metaphysical libertarianism.

Next, I will demonstrate how these views of existence play a significant role in how a person views their relationship with others, especially as they correlate to political ethics and authority. Two of these prevailing ethical and authoritative perspectives include heteronomy and autonomy.

Research paper thumbnail of Eudaimonia Talents and Finance

Free The People, 2023

In the study of Ancient Greek philosophy and Stoicism, we cover the idea of eudaimonia which tran... more In the study of Ancient Greek philosophy and Stoicism, we cover the idea of eudaimonia which translates as happiness or human flourishing. The etymology of eudaimonia is derived from the word eû which means good or well, and the second word daímōn which means dispenser, genius, or to divide. Eudaimonia is the concept of genuine human happiness, and ultimately human flourishing, arising from the balance of three key points:

Taking personal responsibility
Focusing on what one can control
Living a virtuous, purposeful, life with intentional action
By living in accordance with these principles, many philosophers believe that people are able to achieve happiness. When these personal virtues are acquired and coordinated with other people who share these virtues, as a form of division of labor, this creates an environment for human flourishing. Eudaimonism, in short, is an ethical doctrine holding that the value of moral action lies in its capacity to produce happiness. It is an ancient, philosophical, form of personal development that people can still benefit from today.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Value Structures of the United States of America

The United States of America is a constitutional federal democratic republic form of government. ... more The United States of America is a constitutional federal democratic republic form of government. Politically, there are four main parties of influence today-they are Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, and Libertarians. Within each of these political parties, there are value structures that help guide each of their approaches to the use of government... By understanding these differences and similarities, it is easier to navigate the political landscape while comprehending why these groups vote and act the way they do. The similarities have enabled the two dominant parties to take advantage of the lesser two, but it also allows the opportunity for the lower-ranked parties to begin chiseling away at the two dominating parties.

Research paper thumbnail of Iran Vs The World

71 Republic, 2018

Iran has gone through many changes since its inception. Some of these changes have been inspired ... more Iran has gone through many changes since its inception. Some of these changes have been inspired internally as well as outside Iran itself. This brief article, originally published in 2018, goes through some of those positive and negative influences.

Research paper thumbnail of US-Russia-China Relations

Originally written in 2018 , this piece goes over deteriorating US-Russia and US-China relations.

Research paper thumbnail of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty

The Nineteenth Century

An Examination of the Famous Founding Text of Liberalism and its Flaws

Research paper thumbnail of Case and Class Probability

This is a brief look into an important distinction to be made between ‘case’ probability and ‘cla... more This is a brief look into an important distinction to be made between ‘case’ probability and ‘class’ probability as written by economist and philosopher Ludwig von Mises.

Research paper thumbnail of 'I' versus 'We'

There is a distinction between 'I' and 'we.' This paper is not intended to debate each school of ... more There is a distinction between 'I' and 'we.' This paper is not intended to debate each school of thought and their respective arguments, rather to make the reader cognizant of distinctions between the 'I' and the 'we.'

Research paper thumbnail of John Stuart Mill on Liberty

This is a brief one-page overview of John Stuart Mill's book, On Liberty. Specifically, this cove... more This is a brief one-page overview of John Stuart Mill's book, On Liberty. Specifically, this covers his Harm Principle and freedom of speech.

Research paper thumbnail of John Locke on Legitimacy

This is a brief, one-page, overview of John Locke's concept of 'legitimacy' as it applies to the ... more This is a brief, one-page, overview of John Locke's concept of 'legitimacy' as it applies to the State or government as described in his book The Two Treatises of Government.

Research paper thumbnail of Machiavelli's Control And Manipulation

Machiavelli advocated for control and manipulation, among other deceptive methods, in order for o... more Machiavelli advocated for control and manipulation, among other deceptive methods, in order for one to accomplish their goal of becoming a “sovereign power.” In fact, he specified while reflecting on the work of Camillus that “Government consists in nothing else but so controlling subjects that they shall neither be able to, nor have cause to, do you [government, or sovereign] harm,” (Discourses, ii.23.1-3).

Research paper thumbnail of Against the Wall - Weaponizing Open Borders Against The State

A border wall is as detrimental to an economy as tariffs, while a wall also fortifies the welfare... more A border wall is as detrimental to an economy as tariffs, while a wall also fortifies the welfare and warfare State. Allowing for more open borders will bring about more exchange with greater rewards than losses, while also acting to weaponize open border policies directly against the welfare and warfare State.

Research paper thumbnail of The Boogeyman: Fear of the Unknown

Throughout the vast majority of the world and all of recorded history, there have been tales of b... more Throughout the vast majority of the world and all of recorded history, there have been tales of boogeymen, monsters in the dark to punish the disobedient and the susceptible. There are several places in the modern world that we continue this childish fear, and it limits human progress.

Research paper thumbnail of Animals for Human Consumption

A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall de... more A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as close to a win-win as possible throughout this work. Overall, the running theme will contend that humans are not “equal” to other species of animals, especially not under the law.

There is obviously soo much more that can be said on this topic. Hopefully, this sparks thought provoking conversation.

Research paper thumbnail of US Income Inequality: Cronyism vs Free Trade

Income inequality exists in the world as a necessary characteristic of money and economics itself... more Income inequality exists in the world as a necessary characteristic of money and economics itself. If money is a measurement of the value one brings to the market, naturally there will be differences in income...

The rich are not getting richer, the poor are not getting poorer. Capitalism has helped not only those at the top, but it has surely helped most people escape abject poverty. Those that say otherwise and complain how capitalism has made the rich wealthier, should now consider how ending the greatest human social mechanism, i.e. capitalism, will help the poor. If the wealthy have benefited drastically better than the poor, then it would behoove everyone to be a part of such a system. Viz., ending cronyism, rent-seeking, political power and regulations of labor unions, coercive monopolies, and various other regulations and license requirements in the market, etc. would benefit everyone in the long run, as tendencies towards free trade has already proven. This would also alleviate any of the governmental coercive means of income inequality, allowing for people to live and trade more freely. This is not faith in a system, per se. Rather, this is allowing people to live and trade as they see fit, with a government that will protect those that are infringed upon, instead of favoring and benefiting a few.

Research paper thumbnail of The Case for Free Trade: A Response to Dr. Robert Driskill

This essay shall cover the standard economic case for ‘free trade,’ explain three possible proble... more This essay shall cover the standard economic case for ‘free trade,’ explain three possible problems in that argument as pointed out by Dr. Robert Driskill, as well as provide examples of possible losers in a free market and the moral justification of such losses...

Where Driskill is not accurate is that he seems to think of the economy as groups of people acting in ‘free trade,’ when in fact all human action is conducted by the individual.

Research paper thumbnail of American Slavery and Its Repercussions

This essay will analyze the impact of slavery and its notorious legacy on ideals of ‘freedom’ and... more This essay will analyze the impact of slavery and its notorious legacy on ideals of ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’ through the respective works of Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, and James Baldwin. I will also lend my commentary support and contentions with each of these individuals as it is my position that slavery is an abomination; and more specifically, the United Sates’ history of chattel slavery has created serious concern for the concept of ‘justice.’

Research paper thumbnail of Labor and Property: Locke vs Marx

I shall go through the pros and cons of both arguments for Locke and Marx in regards to their und... more I shall go through the pros and cons of both arguments for Locke and Marx in regards to their understanding and defense of private property, the proper role of government, and the economic system of capitalism.

Research paper thumbnail of What is Sound Money A Comprehensive Guide

The term "sound money" is sometimes mistakenly believed to originate from the sound that hard mon... more The term "sound money" is sometimes mistakenly believed to originate from the sound that hard money, or specie money, makes when struck.

However, according to writer Joshua D. Glawson of Money Metals Exchange, "sound money" actually derives its name from philosophy.

The "soundness" of money refers to its validity and reliability, much like a sound argument in logic. Just as a logo can symbolize trust and integrity for a company, sound money represents reliable value in financial systems.

Deductive reasoning is a form of logical thinking in philosophy that involves reaching conclusions based on established facts. In deductive reasoning, an argument is considered sound if it is both valid in form and has no false premises. This means that the conclusion of a sound argument must be true if the premises are true.

Similarly, sound money is money that is valid and true in its premises. When money is made from a commodity, such as gold or silver, its value is tied to the marginal utility of that commodity. The further money is removed from this true value state, the less sound becomes.

Just as a valid argument can be unsound if its premises are false, money can lose its soundness if it is not backed by a stable, real-world asset like gold or silver.

In contrast, modern paper money often struggles with maintaining this underlying marginal utility value, leading to wild fluctuations in prices and economic instability.

Research paper thumbnail of Sound Money vs Fiat Currency A Side by Side Comparison (Austrian School Perspective)

Research paper thumbnail of How Philosophical Worldviews Influence Perspectives of Autonomy, Heteronomy, & Politics

Ideas of people, government, politics, religion, and our perception of the world are heavily infl... more Ideas of people, government, politics, religion, and our perception of the world are heavily influenced by family and schools. Much like ordinary socialization skills are acquired by children through experiences and direction of family and adult figures, the same is true for political socialization and overall worldview.

The way children learn how to respond to different ideas, engage in civil discourse, and handle objection or rejection, are first taught in the home and school. Sometimes these lessons conflict with one another, which can exacerbate a child’s learning curve potential.

To avoid or overcome many of the inconsistencies and difficulties that arise from philosophical incoherence, one must understand how one views their own existence in the world and how one views others in relation to oneself.

There are several ways to view one’s existence in the world. In this essay, I will go over four (4) predominant philosophical views of a person’s existence, or human nature, to provide clarity. These views are embodied in hard determinism, soft determinism, free will, and metaphysical libertarianism.

Next, I will demonstrate how these views of existence play a significant role in how a person views their relationship with others, especially as they correlate to political ethics and authority. Two of these prevailing ethical and authoritative perspectives include heteronomy and autonomy.

Research paper thumbnail of Eudaimonia Talents and Finance

Free The People, 2023

In the study of Ancient Greek philosophy and Stoicism, we cover the idea of eudaimonia which tran... more In the study of Ancient Greek philosophy and Stoicism, we cover the idea of eudaimonia which translates as happiness or human flourishing. The etymology of eudaimonia is derived from the word eû which means good or well, and the second word daímōn which means dispenser, genius, or to divide. Eudaimonia is the concept of genuine human happiness, and ultimately human flourishing, arising from the balance of three key points:

Taking personal responsibility
Focusing on what one can control
Living a virtuous, purposeful, life with intentional action
By living in accordance with these principles, many philosophers believe that people are able to achieve happiness. When these personal virtues are acquired and coordinated with other people who share these virtues, as a form of division of labor, this creates an environment for human flourishing. Eudaimonism, in short, is an ethical doctrine holding that the value of moral action lies in its capacity to produce happiness. It is an ancient, philosophical, form of personal development that people can still benefit from today.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Value Structures of the United States of America

The United States of America is a constitutional federal democratic republic form of government. ... more The United States of America is a constitutional federal democratic republic form of government. Politically, there are four main parties of influence today-they are Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, and Libertarians. Within each of these political parties, there are value structures that help guide each of their approaches to the use of government... By understanding these differences and similarities, it is easier to navigate the political landscape while comprehending why these groups vote and act the way they do. The similarities have enabled the two dominant parties to take advantage of the lesser two, but it also allows the opportunity for the lower-ranked parties to begin chiseling away at the two dominating parties.

Research paper thumbnail of Iran Vs The World

71 Republic, 2018

Iran has gone through many changes since its inception. Some of these changes have been inspired ... more Iran has gone through many changes since its inception. Some of these changes have been inspired internally as well as outside Iran itself. This brief article, originally published in 2018, goes through some of those positive and negative influences.

Research paper thumbnail of US-Russia-China Relations

Originally written in 2018 , this piece goes over deteriorating US-Russia and US-China relations.

Research paper thumbnail of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty

The Nineteenth Century

An Examination of the Famous Founding Text of Liberalism and its Flaws

Research paper thumbnail of Case and Class Probability

This is a brief look into an important distinction to be made between ‘case’ probability and ‘cla... more This is a brief look into an important distinction to be made between ‘case’ probability and ‘class’ probability as written by economist and philosopher Ludwig von Mises.

Research paper thumbnail of 'I' versus 'We'

There is a distinction between 'I' and 'we.' This paper is not intended to debate each school of ... more There is a distinction between 'I' and 'we.' This paper is not intended to debate each school of thought and their respective arguments, rather to make the reader cognizant of distinctions between the 'I' and the 'we.'

Research paper thumbnail of John Stuart Mill on Liberty

This is a brief one-page overview of John Stuart Mill's book, On Liberty. Specifically, this cove... more This is a brief one-page overview of John Stuart Mill's book, On Liberty. Specifically, this covers his Harm Principle and freedom of speech.

Research paper thumbnail of John Locke on Legitimacy

This is a brief, one-page, overview of John Locke's concept of 'legitimacy' as it applies to the ... more This is a brief, one-page, overview of John Locke's concept of 'legitimacy' as it applies to the State or government as described in his book The Two Treatises of Government.

Research paper thumbnail of Machiavelli's Control And Manipulation

Machiavelli advocated for control and manipulation, among other deceptive methods, in order for o... more Machiavelli advocated for control and manipulation, among other deceptive methods, in order for one to accomplish their goal of becoming a “sovereign power.” In fact, he specified while reflecting on the work of Camillus that “Government consists in nothing else but so controlling subjects that they shall neither be able to, nor have cause to, do you [government, or sovereign] harm,” (Discourses, ii.23.1-3).

Research paper thumbnail of Against the Wall - Weaponizing Open Borders Against The State

A border wall is as detrimental to an economy as tariffs, while a wall also fortifies the welfare... more A border wall is as detrimental to an economy as tariffs, while a wall also fortifies the welfare and warfare State. Allowing for more open borders will bring about more exchange with greater rewards than losses, while also acting to weaponize open border policies directly against the welfare and warfare State.

Research paper thumbnail of The Boogeyman: Fear of the Unknown

Throughout the vast majority of the world and all of recorded history, there have been tales of b... more Throughout the vast majority of the world and all of recorded history, there have been tales of boogeymen, monsters in the dark to punish the disobedient and the susceptible. There are several places in the modern world that we continue this childish fear, and it limits human progress.

Research paper thumbnail of Animals for Human Consumption

A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall de... more A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as close to a win-win as possible throughout this work. Overall, the running theme will contend that humans are not “equal” to other species of animals, especially not under the law.

There is obviously soo much more that can be said on this topic. Hopefully, this sparks thought provoking conversation.

Research paper thumbnail of US Income Inequality: Cronyism vs Free Trade

Income inequality exists in the world as a necessary characteristic of money and economics itself... more Income inequality exists in the world as a necessary characteristic of money and economics itself. If money is a measurement of the value one brings to the market, naturally there will be differences in income...

The rich are not getting richer, the poor are not getting poorer. Capitalism has helped not only those at the top, but it has surely helped most people escape abject poverty. Those that say otherwise and complain how capitalism has made the rich wealthier, should now consider how ending the greatest human social mechanism, i.e. capitalism, will help the poor. If the wealthy have benefited drastically better than the poor, then it would behoove everyone to be a part of such a system. Viz., ending cronyism, rent-seeking, political power and regulations of labor unions, coercive monopolies, and various other regulations and license requirements in the market, etc. would benefit everyone in the long run, as tendencies towards free trade has already proven. This would also alleviate any of the governmental coercive means of income inequality, allowing for people to live and trade more freely. This is not faith in a system, per se. Rather, this is allowing people to live and trade as they see fit, with a government that will protect those that are infringed upon, instead of favoring and benefiting a few.

Research paper thumbnail of The Case for Free Trade: A Response to Dr. Robert Driskill

This essay shall cover the standard economic case for ‘free trade,’ explain three possible proble... more This essay shall cover the standard economic case for ‘free trade,’ explain three possible problems in that argument as pointed out by Dr. Robert Driskill, as well as provide examples of possible losers in a free market and the moral justification of such losses...

Where Driskill is not accurate is that he seems to think of the economy as groups of people acting in ‘free trade,’ when in fact all human action is conducted by the individual.

Research paper thumbnail of American Slavery and Its Repercussions

This essay will analyze the impact of slavery and its notorious legacy on ideals of ‘freedom’ and... more This essay will analyze the impact of slavery and its notorious legacy on ideals of ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’ through the respective works of Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, and James Baldwin. I will also lend my commentary support and contentions with each of these individuals as it is my position that slavery is an abomination; and more specifically, the United Sates’ history of chattel slavery has created serious concern for the concept of ‘justice.’

Research paper thumbnail of Labor and Property: Locke vs Marx

I shall go through the pros and cons of both arguments for Locke and Marx in regards to their und... more I shall go through the pros and cons of both arguments for Locke and Marx in regards to their understanding and defense of private property, the proper role of government, and the economic system of capitalism.