Aziza R Febrianto | University College London (original) (raw)

Books by Aziza R Febrianto

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendidikan Vokasi di Inggris.pdf

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Conference Presentations by Aziza R Febrianto

Research paper thumbnail of Presentasi

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Politeknik Bumi Akpelni, 2019

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan menginvestigasi faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan menginvestigasi faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pencapaian belajar mahasiswa maritim dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penerapannya, 26 taruna dari Program studi Nautika dan Teknika Politeknik Bumi AKPELNI terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pertama mereka diminta untuk mengisi angket terbuka (open-ended questionnaire) yang terdiri atas 10 pertanyaan untuk mencari peserta yang benar-benar representatif. Diantara 26 taruna, akhirnya terpilih 8 peserta yang mengikuti wawancara. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih mendalam dan luas, 8 peserta tersebut diminta untuk memberikan penjelasan jawaban yang mereka tulis di dalam angket. Mereka juga diminta untuk memberikan informasi lebih dan berbagi lebih banyak tentang ide, pengalaman, dan cerita mereka melalui wawancara. Keseluruhan cerita yang terekam dalam wawancara ini kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan “Narrative Inquiry” dan “Critical Discourse Analysis” (CDA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 4 (empat) faktor kontributif yang mempengaruhi prestasi dan pencapaian taruna dalam belajar Bahasa Inggrs: Latar belakang keluarga, motivasi, keyakinan diri, dan pengalaman belajar. Diantara empat faktor ini, motivasi dan keyakinan diri dianggap menjadi faktor pentng yang paling kontributif.
Kata kunci: Faktor, Prestasi Mahasiswa Pelayaran, Belajar Bahasa Inggris

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Papers by Aziza R Febrianto

Research paper thumbnail of The Identification of EFL Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Problems in a Lexical Studies Class

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Research paper thumbnail of EFL Students’ Attitude toward Learning English by Using Collaborative Learning

Acitya : Journal of Teaching and Education, Jul 6, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of EFL Students’ Reflections on their Language Learning Shifts : Before, During, and After COVID-19

The journal of Asia TEFL, Mar 31, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing the Use of Google Classroom as an Integrated Learning Management System in Teaching Writing

English Language and Education Spectrum, Sep 15, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Academic Writing Performance of Novice EFL Student Teachers

English Language and Education Spectrum

Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be su... more Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be successful in their study and career after graduation. This article reports descriptive qualitative information about the performance of academic writing of novice EFL student teachers at an Indonesian private university. Thirteen students at the beginning semesters were involved in the study to constitute the sample. In collecting the data, IELTS writing test along with its assessment analysis and interviews were used. The study revealed that the mean of the students’ overall scores in the IELTS writing test is 5.0, which is equivalent to B1 level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Learners at B1 level are considered as independent users of English or intermediate in using the language. In general, they can produce simple and coherent texts, but only on the topics they are familiar with. The study also unveiled the major issues and challenges faced b...

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Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Taruna Pendidikan Pelayaran Dalam Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Komunikasi Kemaritiman

Prosiding Seminar Nasional, Oct 16, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ and Student’s Scaffolding in Second Language Learning


The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students ... more The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students to students work during a sequence of language learning in which communication skills and fluency are the goals to reach. Pedagogical sequence that includes the roles of teacher in facilitating students involved in various types of learning activity and tasks has been analysed to find educational implications of the theories. Based on the data of some empirical studies, it shows that the strategy used by teacher to facilitate the activities and give corrective feedbacks is very helpful to make students focus on the goals. This is how scaffolding from teacher works efficiently in classroom learning. Pair and group work interactions among students with different characteristics also prove how scaffolding from students to students are present and contributes to the communication skills development. However, not all students can provide useful scaffolding for others due to their different pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing the Use of Google Classroom as an Integrated Learning Management System in Teaching Writing

ELECTRUM: English Language and Education Spectrum, 2021

Google Classroom (GC), as one of the learning management systems (LMS), has been widely used by m... more Google Classroom (GC), as one of the learning management systems (LMS), has been widely used by many educators and researched in many studies for its efficacy in assisting both teachers and students in learning a second language. This article presents a report of exploratory research about the possibilities of getting the most out of GC for educators to provide effective scaffoldings that can help their students achieve the goals of learning in writing. Referring to the concept of Zone Proximal Development (ZPD), the teaching and learning cycles (TLC), and the theories of distance learning, this article also attempts to display a model of ideal scaffoldings relevant for teaching writing in an online environment. Besides, through observations and investigations on a range of tools and materials on the internet and those discussed in different studies, this research reveals various types of potential applications that can be integrated with GC to make the lessons of writing more interactive and engaging. By reviewing other studies on the use of GC, this study highlights several technical issues and challenges to face when using the platform, particularly in teaching writing. For this reason, finding out appropriate ways and strategies on how to deal with the issues needs to be seriously considered so that the scaffoldings that have been designed can work as expected for effective online teaching and learning processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Academic Writing Performance of Novice EFL Student Teachers

ELECTRUM: English Language and Education Spectrum, 2021

Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be su... more Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be successful in their study and career after graduation. This article reports descriptive qualitative information about the performance of academic writing of novice EFL student teachers at a private university in Indonesia. Thirteen students at the beginning semesters were involved in the study to constitute the sample. In collecting the data, IELTS writing test along with its assessment analysis and interviews were used. The study revealed that the mean of the students’ overall scores in the IELTS writing test is 5.0, which is equivalent to B1 level according to CEFR. Learners at this level are considered as independent users of English or intermediate in using the language. The study also unveiled the major issues and challenges faced by the students that include lack of vocabulary and knowledge of grammar in use as well as finding ideas and organizing them in communicative paragraphs. Unfamiliarity about the test is also another issue that hinders the students in writing. These findings resonate other related theories and empirical studies especially on the issues of communicative competence. This article finally suggests a new upcoming paradigm in the teaching of academic writing particularly when preparing students to get a high score in the IELTS test for the sake of their education and career success.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers' and Student's Scaffolding in Second Language Learning: How do teacher"s roles and student participations in interactions help students improve their communication skills and fluency

EDULINK - ejournal uniska Kediri, 2019

The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students ... more The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students to students work during a sequence of language learning in which communication skills and fluency are the goals to reach. Pedagogical sequence that includes the roles of teacher in facilitating students involved in various types of learning activity and tasks has been analysed to find educational implications of the theories. Based on the data of some empirical studies, it shows that the strategy used by teacher to facilitate the activities and give corrective feedbacks is very helpful to make students focus on the goals. This is how scaffolding from teacher works efficiently in classroom learning. Pair and group work interactions among students with different characteristics also prove how scaffolding from students to students are present and contributes to the communication skills development. However, not all students can provide useful scaffolding for others due to their different personality. In conclusion, the teacher"s scaffolding and students" scaffolding occur in different patterns (Storch 2002: 119-158). Teacher"s scaffolding comes in a various range of support, while student"s scaffolding might be helpful, but not as significantly as that of the teacher.

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Drafts by Aziza R Febrianto

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching English in Poor-learning Environment: A Study of Language Teacher Identity with Special EFL Teachers at the Most Remote and Disadvantaged Schools in Indonesia

MA Dissertation, 2017

Indonesia, with its unevenly distributed population, has been facing a challenge to ensure an equ... more Indonesia, with its unevenly distributed population, has been facing a challenge to ensure an equal distribution of services to all people in many different sectors, including education (Hugo, 2015; OECD/ADB, 2015). One of the recent educational issues encountered is the lack of qualified teachers, especially in rural and remote areas. In response, the Indonesian government established a new teacher scheme, known as Frontline teachers or Guru Garis Depan (GGD), which aimed to solve the teacher shortage problem by specifically recruiting and locating qualified teachers in the most remote and disadvantaged areas of Indonesia. This study explores the identity of GGD English teachers as special EFL teachers by examining their narratives regarding their perceptions about their roles, professional development, and how they construct their professional
identity. In so doing, eight GGD English teachers working at different remote and deprived schools were recruited to be involved in this study. They were asked to share their stories and experiences through a questionnaire and diary, followed by an online individual interview via Skype. The overall collected stories were analysed by utilizing tools from narrative analysis and positioning theory. The results reveal that the roles of GGD English teachers become a double-edged sword: while the teachers, with their special ascribed status and various imposed positions, take up roles as “agents of change”, they have to deal with
many different unrelated tasks that lead to discomfort in school. These issues, however, enable them to suggest ideas and changes in the programmes of teacher education, which are relevant to their contexts. Furthermore, as special English teachers, they are aware of their language competence and its improvement, and passionate about enhancing their future career and ongoing professional development in education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendidikan Vokasi di Inggris.pdf

Buku ini mencoba untuk memberikan gambaran tentang sistem pendidikan vokasi di Inggris

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentasi

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Politeknik Bumi Akpelni, 2019

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan menginvestigasi faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan menginvestigasi faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pencapaian belajar mahasiswa maritim dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penerapannya, 26 taruna dari Program studi Nautika dan Teknika Politeknik Bumi AKPELNI terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pertama mereka diminta untuk mengisi angket terbuka (open-ended questionnaire) yang terdiri atas 10 pertanyaan untuk mencari peserta yang benar-benar representatif. Diantara 26 taruna, akhirnya terpilih 8 peserta yang mengikuti wawancara. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih mendalam dan luas, 8 peserta tersebut diminta untuk memberikan penjelasan jawaban yang mereka tulis di dalam angket. Mereka juga diminta untuk memberikan informasi lebih dan berbagi lebih banyak tentang ide, pengalaman, dan cerita mereka melalui wawancara. Keseluruhan cerita yang terekam dalam wawancara ini kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan “Narrative Inquiry” dan “Critical Discourse Analysis” (CDA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 4 (empat) faktor kontributif yang mempengaruhi prestasi dan pencapaian taruna dalam belajar Bahasa Inggrs: Latar belakang keluarga, motivasi, keyakinan diri, dan pengalaman belajar. Diantara empat faktor ini, motivasi dan keyakinan diri dianggap menjadi faktor pentng yang paling kontributif.
Kata kunci: Faktor, Prestasi Mahasiswa Pelayaran, Belajar Bahasa Inggris

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Research paper thumbnail of The Identification of EFL Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Problems in a Lexical Studies Class

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Research paper thumbnail of EFL Students’ Attitude toward Learning English by Using Collaborative Learning

Acitya : Journal of Teaching and Education, Jul 6, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of EFL Students’ Reflections on their Language Learning Shifts : Before, During, and After COVID-19

The journal of Asia TEFL, Mar 31, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing the Use of Google Classroom as an Integrated Learning Management System in Teaching Writing

English Language and Education Spectrum, Sep 15, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Academic Writing Performance of Novice EFL Student Teachers

English Language and Education Spectrum

Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be su... more Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be successful in their study and career after graduation. This article reports descriptive qualitative information about the performance of academic writing of novice EFL student teachers at an Indonesian private university. Thirteen students at the beginning semesters were involved in the study to constitute the sample. In collecting the data, IELTS writing test along with its assessment analysis and interviews were used. The study revealed that the mean of the students’ overall scores in the IELTS writing test is 5.0, which is equivalent to B1 level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Learners at B1 level are considered as independent users of English or intermediate in using the language. In general, they can produce simple and coherent texts, but only on the topics they are familiar with. The study also unveiled the major issues and challenges faced b...

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Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Taruna Pendidikan Pelayaran Dalam Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Komunikasi Kemaritiman

Prosiding Seminar Nasional, Oct 16, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ and Student’s Scaffolding in Second Language Learning


The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students ... more The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students to students work during a sequence of language learning in which communication skills and fluency are the goals to reach. Pedagogical sequence that includes the roles of teacher in facilitating students involved in various types of learning activity and tasks has been analysed to find educational implications of the theories. Based on the data of some empirical studies, it shows that the strategy used by teacher to facilitate the activities and give corrective feedbacks is very helpful to make students focus on the goals. This is how scaffolding from teacher works efficiently in classroom learning. Pair and group work interactions among students with different characteristics also prove how scaffolding from students to students are present and contributes to the communication skills development. However, not all students can provide useful scaffolding for others due to their different pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing the Use of Google Classroom as an Integrated Learning Management System in Teaching Writing

ELECTRUM: English Language and Education Spectrum, 2021

Google Classroom (GC), as one of the learning management systems (LMS), has been widely used by m... more Google Classroom (GC), as one of the learning management systems (LMS), has been widely used by many educators and researched in many studies for its efficacy in assisting both teachers and students in learning a second language. This article presents a report of exploratory research about the possibilities of getting the most out of GC for educators to provide effective scaffoldings that can help their students achieve the goals of learning in writing. Referring to the concept of Zone Proximal Development (ZPD), the teaching and learning cycles (TLC), and the theories of distance learning, this article also attempts to display a model of ideal scaffoldings relevant for teaching writing in an online environment. Besides, through observations and investigations on a range of tools and materials on the internet and those discussed in different studies, this research reveals various types of potential applications that can be integrated with GC to make the lessons of writing more interactive and engaging. By reviewing other studies on the use of GC, this study highlights several technical issues and challenges to face when using the platform, particularly in teaching writing. For this reason, finding out appropriate ways and strategies on how to deal with the issues needs to be seriously considered so that the scaffoldings that have been designed can work as expected for effective online teaching and learning processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Academic Writing Performance of Novice EFL Student Teachers

ELECTRUM: English Language and Education Spectrum, 2021

Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be su... more Academic writing is an important skill that university students need to develop in order to be successful in their study and career after graduation. This article reports descriptive qualitative information about the performance of academic writing of novice EFL student teachers at a private university in Indonesia. Thirteen students at the beginning semesters were involved in the study to constitute the sample. In collecting the data, IELTS writing test along with its assessment analysis and interviews were used. The study revealed that the mean of the students’ overall scores in the IELTS writing test is 5.0, which is equivalent to B1 level according to CEFR. Learners at this level are considered as independent users of English or intermediate in using the language. The study also unveiled the major issues and challenges faced by the students that include lack of vocabulary and knowledge of grammar in use as well as finding ideas and organizing them in communicative paragraphs. Unfamiliarity about the test is also another issue that hinders the students in writing. These findings resonate other related theories and empirical studies especially on the issues of communicative competence. This article finally suggests a new upcoming paradigm in the teaching of academic writing particularly when preparing students to get a high score in the IELTS test for the sake of their education and career success.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers' and Student's Scaffolding in Second Language Learning: How do teacher"s roles and student participations in interactions help students improve their communication skills and fluency

EDULINK - ejournal uniska Kediri, 2019

The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students ... more The aim of this paper is to show how scaffolding from teacher to students and that from students to students work during a sequence of language learning in which communication skills and fluency are the goals to reach. Pedagogical sequence that includes the roles of teacher in facilitating students involved in various types of learning activity and tasks has been analysed to find educational implications of the theories. Based on the data of some empirical studies, it shows that the strategy used by teacher to facilitate the activities and give corrective feedbacks is very helpful to make students focus on the goals. This is how scaffolding from teacher works efficiently in classroom learning. Pair and group work interactions among students with different characteristics also prove how scaffolding from students to students are present and contributes to the communication skills development. However, not all students can provide useful scaffolding for others due to their different personality. In conclusion, the teacher"s scaffolding and students" scaffolding occur in different patterns (Storch 2002: 119-158). Teacher"s scaffolding comes in a various range of support, while student"s scaffolding might be helpful, but not as significantly as that of the teacher.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching English in Poor-learning Environment: A Study of Language Teacher Identity with Special EFL Teachers at the Most Remote and Disadvantaged Schools in Indonesia

MA Dissertation, 2017

Indonesia, with its unevenly distributed population, has been facing a challenge to ensure an equ... more Indonesia, with its unevenly distributed population, has been facing a challenge to ensure an equal distribution of services to all people in many different sectors, including education (Hugo, 2015; OECD/ADB, 2015). One of the recent educational issues encountered is the lack of qualified teachers, especially in rural and remote areas. In response, the Indonesian government established a new teacher scheme, known as Frontline teachers or Guru Garis Depan (GGD), which aimed to solve the teacher shortage problem by specifically recruiting and locating qualified teachers in the most remote and disadvantaged areas of Indonesia. This study explores the identity of GGD English teachers as special EFL teachers by examining their narratives regarding their perceptions about their roles, professional development, and how they construct their professional
identity. In so doing, eight GGD English teachers working at different remote and deprived schools were recruited to be involved in this study. They were asked to share their stories and experiences through a questionnaire and diary, followed by an online individual interview via Skype. The overall collected stories were analysed by utilizing tools from narrative analysis and positioning theory. The results reveal that the roles of GGD English teachers become a double-edged sword: while the teachers, with their special ascribed status and various imposed positions, take up roles as “agents of change”, they have to deal with
many different unrelated tasks that lead to discomfort in school. These issues, however, enable them to suggest ideas and changes in the programmes of teacher education, which are relevant to their contexts. Furthermore, as special English teachers, they are aware of their language competence and its improvement, and passionate about enhancing their future career and ongoing professional development in education.

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