Eloy Solís | University of Castilla-La Mancha (original) (raw)

Papers by Eloy Solís

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Sustainable Regional Planning: Potential of Commuter Rail in the Madrid Urban Region

Applied Sciences

In the extensive framework of the historiography on the relationship between railroads and cities... more In the extensive framework of the historiography on the relationship between railroads and cities that began in the second half of the 19th century, a new phase of thought and action emerged from the 1980s, driven by a transport-oriented development approach and the node–place model within the paradigms of New Urbanism and sustainable urbanism, respectively. This highlights the need to integrate railway planning and urban and territorial planning to take advantage of the development potential of the urban areas surrounding railway stations. In this context, a subject rarely analyzed in Spain is the urban areas around commuter railway stations and the opportunity they represent to rethink growth and development on an urban and metropolitan scale. This study explores and shows the roles that municipalities with commuter stations and their surrounding areas play and could play as a basis for leading an urban and territorial strategy based on a polycentric model in favor of more sustain...

Research paper thumbnail of Toledo (España)

Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creación de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporáneo. En el continente europeo, son múltiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro histórico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinámicas que afectan a su población, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades económicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblación, la gentrificación y la terciarización, sobre todo por su expansión como destinos turísticos. El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar estas dinámicas a través de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro histórico de Toledo (España). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro histórico de morfología medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distinción como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban morphological curricula in Spanish schools of archiquecture

Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture... more Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture in Spain are examined. In an international context a comparative study is made of different courses using data available on university websites. Urban morphology is present in most compulsory urban studies modules, but these modules are rarely seen as relevant to architectural programmes and only a very few are fully dedicated to the study of urban form. The weak state of urban morphological curricula in Spanish architectural programmes is revealed. Change is urgently needed to provide future professionals with better knowledge and tools for research and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of The limited value of triage vital signs in predicting influenza infection in children aged 5 years and under in the emergency department

Research paper thumbnail of Las dinámicas de los centros históricos europeos en el presente: Toledo (España)

Boletín Geográfico, 2019

Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creacion de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporaneo. En el continente europeo, son multiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro historico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinamicas que afectan a su poblacion, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades economicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblacion, la gentrificacion y la terciarizacion, sobre todo por su expansion como destinos turisticos. El objetivo principal del articulo es estudiar estas dinamicas a traves de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro historico de Toledo (Espana). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro historico de morfologia medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distincion como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain

This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the ... more This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project Tejidos historicos, paisaje urbanos y movilidad. Analisis y propuestas de regeneracion de areas de borde, espacios publicos y ejes viarios (CSO2015-63815-R).

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Evolution of Logistic Spatial Patterns in Metropolitan Contexts: The Case of Madrilenian Urban Region

The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to ... more The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to its impacts in the urban and spatial configuration. This work studies the logistic expansion in the Urban Region of Madrid, considering the geographical polarization and its preferential location in suburban and rural zones in the metropolitan area. The methodology considers three variables enlightening the spatial and temporal diffusion: workers and companies by municipality, logistic land use by province and different types of logistic land use. The results confirm the dissemination of logistics in metropolitan areas according to suburbanization and spread processes, at the same time appears new urban centralities as a consequence of the capitalist integration of the economy at different scales.

Research paper thumbnail of Bases para reformular la política de vivienda en regiones rurales: caracterización del patrimonio residencial y condición socio-económica de los municipios en Castilla-La Mancha

Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country;... more Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country; giving preference to the housing economic dimension over the social, environmental and territorial ones; promoting the private property culture; and following an urban-metropolitan logic. Facing this notion of housing policy, this article holds the need to recognize local and regional conditions in its design and accordingly moving towards an agenda whose main axis is the rent, rehabilitation, and intervention in the existing urban fabric. Taking as a case study the rural region of Castilla-La Mancha, this article presents a cluster analysis that identifies types of municipalities based on their socioeconomic characteristics and physical conditions of their housing stock, with the aim of adapting housing policy for the different types of municipalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Economy Clustering at the Intrametropolitan Level: Evidence from Madrid

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2021

Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spati... more Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spatial distribution at the intrametropolitan scale has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the intrametropolitan spatial localisation of knowledge-based activities by assessing some of its main causal mechanisms, paying special attention to agglomeration economies and borrowed size (both questioned in the era of Information and Communications Technologies because of the theorised ‘death of distance’), the controversial role of industrial diversity and specialisation (traditionally considered exclusive processes) and path dependence. The empirical application refers to the case of the Madrid urban region for the period between 2012 and 2017. This study area proves particularly appropriate for two main reasons. First, the area is a main urban region in the European and global urban systems. Second, the area is a good example of a multicore urban region with a traditi...

Research paper thumbnail of A pie o en bici. Perspectivas y experiencias en torno a la movilidad activa

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Arquitectura a distancia? Comparando las docencias remota y presencial en Urbanismo

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of education level and job type on work-related travel patterns within rural metro-adjacent regions: The case of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019

Contemporary functional linkages and their relationships with the underlying settlement structure... more Contemporary functional linkages and their relationships with the underlying settlement structure have been widely explored within polycentric urban configurations, but little attention has been paid to their adjacent rural regions. This paper examines the spatial patterns of commuting versus business travel in rural metro-adjacent regions to explain their reconfigured urban structures. These travel patterns are compared by considering workers’ education levels and occupations to investigate how rural metro-adjacent regions offer different opportunities for highly and non-highly skilled workers. Based on two surveys conducted by the authors in 2012, this work focuses on Castilla-La Mancha (CLM, Spain), a rural region under the influence of Madrid. The empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of considering different functional linkages when explaining the underlying urban network. In particular, the results reinforce the idea of consolidating the polycentric spatial organizat...

Research paper thumbnail of Los retos de la ciudad compacta desde la perspectiva de los cascos históricos con fuerte actividad turística. El caso de Toledo

Estudios Geográficos, 2020

Los cascos históricos representan la forma tradicional sobre la que se ha construido el paradigma... more Los cascos históricos representan la forma tradicional sobre la que se ha construido el paradigma de la ciudad com­pacta, densa y diversa, y, de forma más amplia, el modelo de ciudad sostenible. No obstante, se plantea en qué medida los pro­blemas y retos a los que se enfrentan estos espacios garantizan un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Al mismo tiempo, ¿cuáles son los retos y cómo avanzar hacia el desarrollo sostenible en formas urbanas compactas como son los cascos históricos con fuerte acti­vidad turística? Responder a estas preguntas es el objetivo primordial de la investigación. Para ello, empleamos una metodología hipotético-deductiva y recurrimos a la revisión literaria y a la utilización de datos de diferentes fuentes, incluyendo el trabajo de campo y la observación directa. En los resultados, se realiza la revisión de los marcos y planteamientos principales en los que se ha movido la intervención en cascos históricos en España y se señalan las dinámicas más importantes en cu...

Research paper thumbnail of Toledo (España)

Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creación de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporáneo. En el continente europeo, son múltiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro histórico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinámicas que afectan a su población, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades económicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblación, la gentrificación y la terciarización, sobre todo por su expansión como destinos turísticos. El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar estas dinámicas a través de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro histórico de Toledo (España). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro histórico de morfología medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distinción como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban morphological curricula in Spanish schools of archiquecture

Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture... more Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture in Spain are examined. In an international context a comparative study is made of different courses using data available on university websites. Urban morphology is present in most compulsory urban studies modules, but these modules are rarely seen as relevant to architectural programmes and only a very few are fully dedicated to the study of urban form. The weak state of urban morphological curricula in Spanish architectural programmes is revealed. Change is urgently needed to provide future professionals with better knowledge and tools for research and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Las dinámicas de los centros históricos europeos en el presente: Toledo (España)

Boletín Geográfico, 2019

Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creacion de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporaneo. En el continente europeo, son multiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro historico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinamicas que afectan a su poblacion, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades economicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblacion, la gentrificacion y la terciarizacion, sobre todo por su expansion como destinos turisticos. El objetivo principal del articulo es estudiar estas dinamicas a traves de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro historico de Toledo (Espana). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro historico de morfologia medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distincion como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain

This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the ... more This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project Tejidos historicos, paisaje urbanos y movilidad. Analisis y propuestas de regeneracion de areas de borde, espacios publicos y ejes viarios (CSO2015-63815-R).

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Evolution of Logistic Spatial Patterns in Metropolitan Contexts: The Case of Madrilenian Urban Region

The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to ... more The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to its impacts in the urban and spatial configuration. This work studies the logistic expansion in the Urban Region of Madrid, considering the geographical polarization and its preferential location in suburban and rural zones in the metropolitan area. The methodology considers three variables enlightening the spatial and temporal diffusion: workers and companies by municipality, logistic land use by province and different types of logistic land use. The results confirm the dissemination of logistics in metropolitan areas according to suburbanization and spread processes, at the same time appears new urban centralities as a consequence of the capitalist integration of the economy at different scales.

Research paper thumbnail of Bases para reformular la política de vivienda en regiones rurales: caracterización del patrimonio residencial y condición socio-económica de los municipios en Castilla-La Mancha

Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country;... more Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country; giving preference to the housing economic dimension over the social, environmental and territorial ones; promoting the private property culture; and following an urban-metropolitan logic. Facing this notion of housing policy, this article holds the need to recognize local and regional conditions in its design and accordingly moving towards an agenda whose main axis is the rent, rehabilitation, and intervention in the existing urban fabric. Taking as a case study the rural region of Castilla-La Mancha, this article presents a cluster analysis that identifies types of municipalities based on their socioeconomic characteristics and physical conditions of their housing stock, with the aim of adapting housing policy for the different types of municipalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Economy Clustering at the Intrametropolitan Level: Evidence from Madrid

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2021

Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spati... more Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spatial distribution at the intrametropolitan scale has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the intrametropolitan spatial localisation of knowledge-based activities by assessing some of its main causal mechanisms, paying special attention to agglomeration economies and borrowed size (both questioned in the era of Information and Communications Technologies because of the theorised ‘death of distance’), the controversial role of industrial diversity and specialisation (traditionally considered exclusive processes) and path dependence. The empirical application refers to the case of the Madrid urban region for the period between 2012 and 2017. This study area proves particularly appropriate for two main reasons. First, the area is a main urban region in the European and global urban systems. Second, the area is a good example of a multicore urban region with a traditi...

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Sustainable Regional Planning: Potential of Commuter Rail in the Madrid Urban Region

Applied Sciences

In the extensive framework of the historiography on the relationship between railroads and cities... more In the extensive framework of the historiography on the relationship between railroads and cities that began in the second half of the 19th century, a new phase of thought and action emerged from the 1980s, driven by a transport-oriented development approach and the node–place model within the paradigms of New Urbanism and sustainable urbanism, respectively. This highlights the need to integrate railway planning and urban and territorial planning to take advantage of the development potential of the urban areas surrounding railway stations. In this context, a subject rarely analyzed in Spain is the urban areas around commuter railway stations and the opportunity they represent to rethink growth and development on an urban and metropolitan scale. This study explores and shows the roles that municipalities with commuter stations and their surrounding areas play and could play as a basis for leading an urban and territorial strategy based on a polycentric model in favor of more sustain...

Research paper thumbnail of Toledo (España)

Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creación de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporáneo. En el continente europeo, son múltiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro histórico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinámicas que afectan a su población, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades económicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblación, la gentrificación y la terciarización, sobre todo por su expansión como destinos turísticos. El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar estas dinámicas a través de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro histórico de Toledo (España). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro histórico de morfología medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distinción como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban morphological curricula in Spanish schools of archiquecture

Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture... more Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture in Spain are examined. In an international context a comparative study is made of different courses using data available on university websites. Urban morphology is present in most compulsory urban studies modules, but these modules are rarely seen as relevant to architectural programmes and only a very few are fully dedicated to the study of urban form. The weak state of urban morphological curricula in Spanish architectural programmes is revealed. Change is urgently needed to provide future professionals with better knowledge and tools for research and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of The limited value of triage vital signs in predicting influenza infection in children aged 5 years and under in the emergency department

Research paper thumbnail of Las dinámicas de los centros históricos europeos en el presente: Toledo (España)

Boletín Geográfico, 2019

Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creacion de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporaneo. En el continente europeo, son multiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro historico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinamicas que afectan a su poblacion, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades economicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblacion, la gentrificacion y la terciarizacion, sobre todo por su expansion como destinos turisticos. El objetivo principal del articulo es estudiar estas dinamicas a traves de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro historico de Toledo (Espana). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro historico de morfologia medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distincion como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain

This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the ... more This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project Tejidos historicos, paisaje urbanos y movilidad. Analisis y propuestas de regeneracion de areas de borde, espacios publicos y ejes viarios (CSO2015-63815-R).

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Evolution of Logistic Spatial Patterns in Metropolitan Contexts: The Case of Madrilenian Urban Region

The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to ... more The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to its impacts in the urban and spatial configuration. This work studies the logistic expansion in the Urban Region of Madrid, considering the geographical polarization and its preferential location in suburban and rural zones in the metropolitan area. The methodology considers three variables enlightening the spatial and temporal diffusion: workers and companies by municipality, logistic land use by province and different types of logistic land use. The results confirm the dissemination of logistics in metropolitan areas according to suburbanization and spread processes, at the same time appears new urban centralities as a consequence of the capitalist integration of the economy at different scales.

Research paper thumbnail of Bases para reformular la política de vivienda en regiones rurales: caracterización del patrimonio residencial y condición socio-económica de los municipios en Castilla-La Mancha

Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country;... more Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country; giving preference to the housing economic dimension over the social, environmental and territorial ones; promoting the private property culture; and following an urban-metropolitan logic. Facing this notion of housing policy, this article holds the need to recognize local and regional conditions in its design and accordingly moving towards an agenda whose main axis is the rent, rehabilitation, and intervention in the existing urban fabric. Taking as a case study the rural region of Castilla-La Mancha, this article presents a cluster analysis that identifies types of municipalities based on their socioeconomic characteristics and physical conditions of their housing stock, with the aim of adapting housing policy for the different types of municipalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Economy Clustering at the Intrametropolitan Level: Evidence from Madrid

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2021

Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spati... more Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spatial distribution at the intrametropolitan scale has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the intrametropolitan spatial localisation of knowledge-based activities by assessing some of its main causal mechanisms, paying special attention to agglomeration economies and borrowed size (both questioned in the era of Information and Communications Technologies because of the theorised ‘death of distance’), the controversial role of industrial diversity and specialisation (traditionally considered exclusive processes) and path dependence. The empirical application refers to the case of the Madrid urban region for the period between 2012 and 2017. This study area proves particularly appropriate for two main reasons. First, the area is a main urban region in the European and global urban systems. Second, the area is a good example of a multicore urban region with a traditi...

Research paper thumbnail of A pie o en bici. Perspectivas y experiencias en torno a la movilidad activa

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Arquitectura a distancia? Comparando las docencias remota y presencial en Urbanismo

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of education level and job type on work-related travel patterns within rural metro-adjacent regions: The case of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019

Contemporary functional linkages and their relationships with the underlying settlement structure... more Contemporary functional linkages and their relationships with the underlying settlement structure have been widely explored within polycentric urban configurations, but little attention has been paid to their adjacent rural regions. This paper examines the spatial patterns of commuting versus business travel in rural metro-adjacent regions to explain their reconfigured urban structures. These travel patterns are compared by considering workers’ education levels and occupations to investigate how rural metro-adjacent regions offer different opportunities for highly and non-highly skilled workers. Based on two surveys conducted by the authors in 2012, this work focuses on Castilla-La Mancha (CLM, Spain), a rural region under the influence of Madrid. The empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of considering different functional linkages when explaining the underlying urban network. In particular, the results reinforce the idea of consolidating the polycentric spatial organizat...

Research paper thumbnail of Los retos de la ciudad compacta desde la perspectiva de los cascos históricos con fuerte actividad turística. El caso de Toledo

Estudios Geográficos, 2020

Los cascos históricos representan la forma tradicional sobre la que se ha construido el paradigma... more Los cascos históricos representan la forma tradicional sobre la que se ha construido el paradigma de la ciudad com­pacta, densa y diversa, y, de forma más amplia, el modelo de ciudad sostenible. No obstante, se plantea en qué medida los pro­blemas y retos a los que se enfrentan estos espacios garantizan un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Al mismo tiempo, ¿cuáles son los retos y cómo avanzar hacia el desarrollo sostenible en formas urbanas compactas como son los cascos históricos con fuerte acti­vidad turística? Responder a estas preguntas es el objetivo primordial de la investigación. Para ello, empleamos una metodología hipotético-deductiva y recurrimos a la revisión literaria y a la utilización de datos de diferentes fuentes, incluyendo el trabajo de campo y la observación directa. En los resultados, se realiza la revisión de los marcos y planteamientos principales en los que se ha movido la intervención en cascos históricos en España y se señalan las dinámicas más importantes en cu...

Research paper thumbnail of Toledo (España)

Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros históricos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanización nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creación de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporáneo. En el continente europeo, son múltiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro histórico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinámicas que afectan a su población, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades económicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblación, la gentrificación y la terciarización, sobre todo por su expansión como destinos turísticos. El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar estas dinámicas a través de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro histórico de Toledo (España). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro histórico de morfología medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distinción como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban morphological curricula in Spanish schools of archiquecture

Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture... more Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture in Spain are examined. In an international context a comparative study is made of different courses using data available on university websites. Urban morphology is present in most compulsory urban studies modules, but these modules are rarely seen as relevant to architectural programmes and only a very few are fully dedicated to the study of urban form. The weak state of urban morphological curricula in Spanish architectural programmes is revealed. Change is urgently needed to provide future professionals with better knowledge and tools for research and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Las dinámicas de los centros históricos europeos en el presente: Toledo (España)

Boletín Geográfico, 2019

Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espaci... more Los centros historicos forman el legado que los siglos de urbanizacion nos han dejado. Son espacios heredados desde la creacion de la urbe hasta su desarrollo contemporaneo. En el continente europeo, son multiples las ciudades que han conservado su centro historico. Sin embargo, estos espacios no se caracterizan por su inmovilismo sino por una serie de dinamicas que afectan a su poblacion, a sus edificios, a sus viviendas, a sus actividades economicas y a sus funciones urbanas. Algunos procesos son generales como la despoblacion, la gentrificacion y la terciarizacion, sobre todo por su expansion como destinos turisticos. El objetivo principal del articulo es estudiar estas dinamicas a traves de un estudio de caso significativo: el centro historico de Toledo (Espana). Toledo es hoy una ciudad con cerca de 90.000 habitantes que ha conservado un centro historico de morfologia medieval y cuyos valores culturales y patrimoniales han propiciado su distincion como Patrimonio de la Humanida...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain

This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the ... more This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project Tejidos historicos, paisaje urbanos y movilidad. Analisis y propuestas de regeneracion de areas de borde, espacios publicos y ejes viarios (CSO2015-63815-R).

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Evolution of Logistic Spatial Patterns in Metropolitan Contexts: The Case of Madrilenian Urban Region

The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to ... more The logistic activity has been analysed by different approaches, but with a lack of attention to its impacts in the urban and spatial configuration. This work studies the logistic expansion in the Urban Region of Madrid, considering the geographical polarization and its preferential location in suburban and rural zones in the metropolitan area. The methodology considers three variables enlightening the spatial and temporal diffusion: workers and companies by municipality, logistic land use by province and different types of logistic land use. The results confirm the dissemination of logistics in metropolitan areas according to suburbanization and spread processes, at the same time appears new urban centralities as a consequence of the capitalist integration of the economy at different scales.

Research paper thumbnail of Bases para reformular la política de vivienda en regiones rurales: caracterización del patrimonio residencial y condición socio-económica de los municipios en Castilla-La Mancha

Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country;... more Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been conceived as being uniform throughout the country; giving preference to the housing economic dimension over the social, environmental and territorial ones; promoting the private property culture; and following an urban-metropolitan logic. Facing this notion of housing policy, this article holds the need to recognize local and regional conditions in its design and accordingly moving towards an agenda whose main axis is the rent, rehabilitation, and intervention in the existing urban fabric. Taking as a case study the rural region of Castilla-La Mancha, this article presents a cluster analysis that identifies types of municipalities based on their socioeconomic characteristics and physical conditions of their housing stock, with the aim of adapting housing policy for the different types of municipalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Economy Clustering at the Intrametropolitan Level: Evidence from Madrid

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2021

Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spati... more Despite the increasing relevance of knowledge-based activities in the global economy, their spatial distribution at the intrametropolitan scale has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the intrametropolitan spatial localisation of knowledge-based activities by assessing some of its main causal mechanisms, paying special attention to agglomeration economies and borrowed size (both questioned in the era of Information and Communications Technologies because of the theorised ‘death of distance’), the controversial role of industrial diversity and specialisation (traditionally considered exclusive processes) and path dependence. The empirical application refers to the case of the Madrid urban region for the period between 2012 and 2017. This study area proves particularly appropriate for two main reasons. First, the area is a main urban region in the European and global urban systems. Second, the area is a good example of a multicore urban region with a traditi...