Sara Iglesias Sanchez | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (original) (raw)
Books by Sara Iglesias Sanchez
Bringing together interconnected discussions to make explicit the complexity of the Arctic region... more Bringing together interconnected discussions to make explicit the complexity of the Arctic region, this book offers a legal discussion of the ongoing territorial disputes and challenges in order to frame their impact into the viability of different governance strategies that are available at the national, regional and international level.
One of the intrinsic features of the region is the difficulty in the determination of boundaries, responsibilities and interests. Against this background, sovereignty issues are intertwined with environmental and geopolitical issues that ultimately affect global strategic balances and international trade and, at the same time, influence national approaches to basic rights and organizational schemes regarding the protection of indigenous peoples and inhabitants of the region. This perspective lays the ground for further discussion, revolving around the main clusters of governance (focusing on the Arctic Council and the European Union, with the particular roles and interest of Arctic and non-Arctic states, and the impact on indigenous populations), environment (including the relevance of national regulatory schemes, and the intertwinement with concerns related to energy, or migration), strategy (concentrating in geopolitical realities and challenges analysed from different perspectives and focusing on different actors, and covering security and climate change related challenges).
This collection provides an avenue for parallel and converging research of complex realities from different disciplines, through the expertise of scholars from different latitudes.
The concept of vulnerability has not been unequivocally interpreted either in regional or in univ... more The concept of vulnerability has not been unequivocally interpreted either in regional or in universal international legal instruments. This book analyses the work of the EU and the Council of Europe in ascertaining a clear framework or a set of criteria suitable to determine those who should be considered vulnerable and disadvantaged. It also explores the measures required to protect their human rights. Key questions can be answered by analysing the different methods used to determine the levels of protection offered by the two European systems. These questions include whether the Convention and the case law of the Strasbourg Court, the monitoring mechanisms of the Council of Europe, EU law and the case law of the European Court of Justice enhance the protection of vulnerable groups and expand the protection of their rights, or, alternatively, whether they are mainly used to fill in relatively minor gaps or occasional lapses in national rights guarantees. The analysis also shows the extent to which these two European systems provide analogous, or indeed divergent, standards and how any such divergence might be problematic in light of the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.
La presente obra aborda la actual y problemática cuestión de la libre circulación de los nacional... more La presente obra aborda la actual y problemática cuestión de la libre circulación de los nacionales de terceros Estados en la Unión Europea. La novedad de los derechos de movilidad dentro de la UE para los extranjeros no comunitarios hace que la elección de este tema sea especialmente oportuna ya que se trata de una normativa en gran parte en vías de transposición en muchos Estados miembros, y aun necesitada de interpretación en muchas de sus disposiciones. Asimismo, se incluyen tanto las modificaciones introducidas en este ámbito por el Tratado de Lisboa, como los problemas derivados de la normativa española a través de la modificación de la Ley orgánica de extranjería del año 2009.
La obra aborda las vicisitudes del proceso migratorio entre Estados miembros, proporcionando una útil guía tanto para los actores jurídicos como para los propios beneficiarios de los derechos de movilidad. La autora aúna los aspectos prácticos y teóricos de una compleja cuestión, aportando soluciones a los potenciales problemas que las particularidades de dicha regulación pueden plantear. Asimismo, se proponen opciones interpretativas que suponen un acercamiento al régimen de la libre circulación de ciudadanos de la Unión y se abren nuevas vías para posibles modificaciones en un futuro cercano.
Papers by Sara Iglesias Sanchez
Revista Electronica De Estudios Internacionales, 2012
El año 2012 ha seguido siendo testigo de innumerables situaciones conflictivas a lo largo de todo... more El año 2012 ha seguido siendo testigo de innumerables situaciones conflictivas a lo largo de todo el mundo, y especialmente en el continente africano y Oriente Medio. En efecto, la política nuclear iraní así como la sucesión en el poder en Corea del Norte, han sido foco de debates en el seno del Consejo de Seguridad, lamentándose, en el primero de ellos, por la falta de consenso en el control de la explotación nuclear, y, manteniendo la incertidumbre, en el segundo caso, respecto a las perspectivas futuras en estos temas.
D. Kochenov, EU Citizenship and Federalism The Role of Rights, Cambridge University Press, 2017
German Law Journal, 2017
This Article examines some central questions concerning the status of EU foreigners—non- EU natio... more This Article examines some central questions concerning the status of EU foreigners—non- EU nationals legally residing in the EU. First, it addresses the peculiarities of the status of EU citizens and the special nature of EU immigration law as the basis for the construction of an EU alienage law. Second, it examines whether and to what extent the emergence of a supranational immigration and alienage law—with a focus on integration—interacts with the broader debate on European and national constitutional identity. Third, the Article analyzes the legal difficulties for the application of the equal treatment principle between EU citizens and EU foreigners taking as a point of reference the different roles of restrictions and conditions based on the notion of integration.
Vienna J. on Int'l Const. L., 2011
In two recent, revolutionary decisions,-Janko Rottmann C-135/08 and Ruiz Zambrano C-34/09-the Eur... more In two recent, revolutionary decisions,-Janko Rottmann C-135/08 and Ruiz Zambrano C-34/09-the European Court of Justice has firmly emancipated the status of citizenship of the Union from the" cross-border" requirement and has inaugurated a new ...
Common Market Law Review, 2014
The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship, pp 65-87
Paix et Sécurité Internationales nº 2, 2014
In the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) is affected by multiple asymmetries... more In the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) is affected by multiple asymmetries arising from the need for lexibility in the integration strategy with respect to those matters connected with the hard core of State sovereignty. This “variable geometry” has a signiicant impact on the development of a coherent status for third country nationals through a genuine Common Immigration Policy. The particular situation of Gibraltar is very illustrative in this respect, because here, the speciicities of its status both in relation to EU law and international law converge with a differentiated approach to the Schengen acquis, and with an opt-out to the Common Migration Policy.
This article discusses some of the disruptions caused by variable integration in the AFSJ, in
light of the particular example of the situation of Moroccan workers in Gibraltar, in relation to which this amalgam of legal speciicities has resulted in a situation of reduced mobility and isolation from some positive legal developments in the ield of the Common Migration Policy.
European Law Journal Volume 20, Issue 4, pages 464–481, July 2014
European Law Journal, Jan 1, 2009
Vienna J. on Int'l Const. L., Jan 1, 2011
Bringing together interconnected discussions to make explicit the complexity of the Arctic region... more Bringing together interconnected discussions to make explicit the complexity of the Arctic region, this book offers a legal discussion of the ongoing territorial disputes and challenges in order to frame their impact into the viability of different governance strategies that are available at the national, regional and international level.
One of the intrinsic features of the region is the difficulty in the determination of boundaries, responsibilities and interests. Against this background, sovereignty issues are intertwined with environmental and geopolitical issues that ultimately affect global strategic balances and international trade and, at the same time, influence national approaches to basic rights and organizational schemes regarding the protection of indigenous peoples and inhabitants of the region. This perspective lays the ground for further discussion, revolving around the main clusters of governance (focusing on the Arctic Council and the European Union, with the particular roles and interest of Arctic and non-Arctic states, and the impact on indigenous populations), environment (including the relevance of national regulatory schemes, and the intertwinement with concerns related to energy, or migration), strategy (concentrating in geopolitical realities and challenges analysed from different perspectives and focusing on different actors, and covering security and climate change related challenges).
This collection provides an avenue for parallel and converging research of complex realities from different disciplines, through the expertise of scholars from different latitudes.
The concept of vulnerability has not been unequivocally interpreted either in regional or in univ... more The concept of vulnerability has not been unequivocally interpreted either in regional or in universal international legal instruments. This book analyses the work of the EU and the Council of Europe in ascertaining a clear framework or a set of criteria suitable to determine those who should be considered vulnerable and disadvantaged. It also explores the measures required to protect their human rights. Key questions can be answered by analysing the different methods used to determine the levels of protection offered by the two European systems. These questions include whether the Convention and the case law of the Strasbourg Court, the monitoring mechanisms of the Council of Europe, EU law and the case law of the European Court of Justice enhance the protection of vulnerable groups and expand the protection of their rights, or, alternatively, whether they are mainly used to fill in relatively minor gaps or occasional lapses in national rights guarantees. The analysis also shows the extent to which these two European systems provide analogous, or indeed divergent, standards and how any such divergence might be problematic in light of the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.
La presente obra aborda la actual y problemática cuestión de la libre circulación de los nacional... more La presente obra aborda la actual y problemática cuestión de la libre circulación de los nacionales de terceros Estados en la Unión Europea. La novedad de los derechos de movilidad dentro de la UE para los extranjeros no comunitarios hace que la elección de este tema sea especialmente oportuna ya que se trata de una normativa en gran parte en vías de transposición en muchos Estados miembros, y aun necesitada de interpretación en muchas de sus disposiciones. Asimismo, se incluyen tanto las modificaciones introducidas en este ámbito por el Tratado de Lisboa, como los problemas derivados de la normativa española a través de la modificación de la Ley orgánica de extranjería del año 2009.
La obra aborda las vicisitudes del proceso migratorio entre Estados miembros, proporcionando una útil guía tanto para los actores jurídicos como para los propios beneficiarios de los derechos de movilidad. La autora aúna los aspectos prácticos y teóricos de una compleja cuestión, aportando soluciones a los potenciales problemas que las particularidades de dicha regulación pueden plantear. Asimismo, se proponen opciones interpretativas que suponen un acercamiento al régimen de la libre circulación de ciudadanos de la Unión y se abren nuevas vías para posibles modificaciones en un futuro cercano.
Revista Electronica De Estudios Internacionales, 2012
El año 2012 ha seguido siendo testigo de innumerables situaciones conflictivas a lo largo de todo... more El año 2012 ha seguido siendo testigo de innumerables situaciones conflictivas a lo largo de todo el mundo, y especialmente en el continente africano y Oriente Medio. En efecto, la política nuclear iraní así como la sucesión en el poder en Corea del Norte, han sido foco de debates en el seno del Consejo de Seguridad, lamentándose, en el primero de ellos, por la falta de consenso en el control de la explotación nuclear, y, manteniendo la incertidumbre, en el segundo caso, respecto a las perspectivas futuras en estos temas.
D. Kochenov, EU Citizenship and Federalism The Role of Rights, Cambridge University Press, 2017
German Law Journal, 2017
This Article examines some central questions concerning the status of EU foreigners—non- EU natio... more This Article examines some central questions concerning the status of EU foreigners—non- EU nationals legally residing in the EU. First, it addresses the peculiarities of the status of EU citizens and the special nature of EU immigration law as the basis for the construction of an EU alienage law. Second, it examines whether and to what extent the emergence of a supranational immigration and alienage law—with a focus on integration—interacts with the broader debate on European and national constitutional identity. Third, the Article analyzes the legal difficulties for the application of the equal treatment principle between EU citizens and EU foreigners taking as a point of reference the different roles of restrictions and conditions based on the notion of integration.
Vienna J. on Int'l Const. L., 2011
In two recent, revolutionary decisions,-Janko Rottmann C-135/08 and Ruiz Zambrano C-34/09-the Eur... more In two recent, revolutionary decisions,-Janko Rottmann C-135/08 and Ruiz Zambrano C-34/09-the European Court of Justice has firmly emancipated the status of citizenship of the Union from the" cross-border" requirement and has inaugurated a new ...
Common Market Law Review, 2014
The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship, pp 65-87
Paix et Sécurité Internationales nº 2, 2014
In the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) is affected by multiple asymmetries... more In the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) is affected by multiple asymmetries arising from the need for lexibility in the integration strategy with respect to those matters connected with the hard core of State sovereignty. This “variable geometry” has a signiicant impact on the development of a coherent status for third country nationals through a genuine Common Immigration Policy. The particular situation of Gibraltar is very illustrative in this respect, because here, the speciicities of its status both in relation to EU law and international law converge with a differentiated approach to the Schengen acquis, and with an opt-out to the Common Migration Policy.
This article discusses some of the disruptions caused by variable integration in the AFSJ, in
light of the particular example of the situation of Moroccan workers in Gibraltar, in relation to which this amalgam of legal speciicities has resulted in a situation of reduced mobility and isolation from some positive legal developments in the ield of the Common Migration Policy.
European Law Journal Volume 20, Issue 4, pages 464–481, July 2014
European Law Journal, Jan 1, 2009
Vienna J. on Int'l Const. L., Jan 1, 2011