Valentin Edo | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (original) (raw)
Papers by Valentin Edo
English : In this article we associate to G, a truncated p-divisible O-module of given signature,... more English : In this article we associate to G, a truncated p-divisible O-module of given signature, where O is a finite unramified extension of Z_p, a filtration of G by sub- O-modules under the conditions that his Hasse μ-invariant is smaller than an explicite bound. This filtration generalise the one given when G is μ-ordinary. The construction of the filtration relies on a precise study of the cristalline periods of a p-divisible O-module. We then apply this result to families of such groups, in particular to stricts neighbourhoods of the μ-ordinary locus inside some PEL Shimura varieties. Français : Dans cet article, à G un groupe p-divisible tronqué muni d'une action d'une extension finie non ramifiée O de Z_p, et de signature donnée, on associe sous une condition explicite sur son μ-invariant de Hasse, une filtration de G par des sous- O-modules qui étend la filtration canonique lorsque G est μ-ordinaire. La construction se fait en étudiant les périodes cristallines des ...
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 2022
In this article we study integral models of Shimura varieties, called Pappas–Rapoport splitting m... more In this article we study integral models of Shimura varieties, called Pappas–Rapoport splitting model, for ramified P.E.L. Shimira data. We study the special fiber and some stratification of these models, in particular we show that these are smooth and the Rapoport locus and the mu\mu mu -ordinary locus are dense, under some condition on the ramification.
arXiv: Number Theory, 2019
We construct Eigenvarieties for PEL Shimura varieties which interpolate cuspidal, finite slope au... more We construct Eigenvarieties for PEL Shimura varieties which interpolate cuspidal, finite slope automorphic forms for PEL Shimura varieties appearing as global sections of (coherent) automorphic sheaves, under the hypothesis that the primes are unramified in the Shimura datum, but allowing the ordinary locus to be empty. We then use this construction to extend previous results on the Bloch-Kato conjecture for Hecke characters of a quadratic imaginary field.
Compositio Mathematica, 2019
In this article we construct a p-adic three-dimensional eigenvariety for the group UUU (2,1)( EEE... more In this article we construct a p-adic three-dimensional eigenvariety for the group UUU (2,1)( EEE ), where EEE is a quadratic imaginary field and ppp is inert in EEE . The eigenvariety parametrizes Hecke eigensystems on the space of overconvergent, locally analytic, cuspidal Picard modular forms of finite slope. The method generalized the one developed in Andreatta, Iovita and Stevens [ ppp -adic families of Siegel modular cuspforms Ann. of Math. (2) 181, (2015), 623–697] by interpolating the coherent automorphic sheaves when the ordinary locus is empty. As an application of this construction, we reprove a particular case of the Bloch–Kato conjecture for some Galois characters of EEE , extending the results of Bellaiche and Chenevier to the case of a positive sign.
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 2018
In this article, we construct in a purely local way partial (Hasse) invariants for p-divisible gr... more In this article, we construct in a purely local way partial (Hasse) invariants for p-divisible groups with given endomorphisms, using crystalline cohomology. Theses invariants generalises the classical Hasse invariant, and allow us to study families of such groups. We also study a few geometric properties of theses invariants. Used in the context of Shimura varieties, for example, theses invariants are detecting some Newton strata, including the µ-ordinary locus. Résumé.-Dans cet article on se propose de construire d'une manière purement locale des invariants partiels pour des groupes p-divisibles munis d'endomorphismes, en utilisant des résultats de cohomologie cristalline. Ces invariants généralisent l'invariant de Hasse, et permettent d'étudier des familles de tels groupes. On étudie aussi différentes propriétés géométriques de ces invariants. Appliqués-par exemple-à certaines variétés de Shimura, ces invariants détectent certaines strates de Newton, notamment la strate µ-ordinaire. Table des matières Théoreme 1.3.-L'invariant de Hasse µ Ha P H 0 pS, pdet ωq bpp f´1 q q définit un diviseur de Cartier de S. De plus, lorsque tous les p τ (sauf éventuellement 0, h) sont distincts, ce diviseur de Cartier est réduit. Dans le cas de la courbe modulaire, l'invariant de Hasse est un diviseur de Cartier réduit c'est un résultat dû à Igusa, qui a été généralisé dans le cas des variétés de Siegel par Pilloni ([Pil11]) ; Théorème A.4. Dans le cas d'autres variétés de Shimura dont le lieu ordinaire est non vide, l'invariant de Hasse peut être non réduit (par exemple le cas des variétés de Hilbert). Notre condition est nécessaire et suffisante, cf. remarque 9.23. 1.3. Construction.-Essayons d'expliquer un peu plus en détails la construction du µ-invariant de Hasse, ainsi que la démonstration de ses propriétés. Etant donnée pG, ιq un groupe p-divisible tronqué d'échelon r sur S muni d'une action de O, et signature pp τ , q τ q, on a les décompositions,
El Pajar Cuaderno De Etnografia Canaria, 2008
Cuadernos De Informacion Economica, 1997
Documentos De Trabajo Working Papers Serie Previa, 1999
El Pajar Cuaderno De Etnografia Canaria, 2008
Economistas, 2005
Este articulo informa a los lectores de las principales cifras y lineas de accion de los Presupue... more Este articulo informa a los lectores de las principales cifras y lineas de accion de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2005. Una vision completa de los efectos presupuestarios requeriria conocer el comportamiento financiero previsto de las Administraciones territoriales que, cada vez van ocupando un espacio mayor en la actividad financiera publica espanola. Con todo, cabe afirmar que la senda del equilibrio presupuestario que se mantiene y acentua en los PGE 2005 quizas se pueda traducir en una accion expansiva peligrosa por sus efectos inflacionistas. Aunque con reducida dimension cuantitativa, los PGE 2005 acusan la orientacion presupuestaria hacia el incremento de la productividad global y el mantenimiento de una intensa politica social.
Documentos De Trabajo De La Facultad De Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales, 1994
espanolEl crecimiento nominal y real de la renta familiar puede generar aumentos en la presion fi... more espanolEl crecimiento nominal y real de la renta familiar puede generar aumentos en la presion fiscal si el impuesto sobre la renta de las familias no se corrige por los aumentos de la renta monetaria. Esta investigacion plantea algunas posibilidades de reforma de la imposicion sobre la renta de las familias, contemplando escenarios distintos de crecimiento, de reduccion de la tarifa y de elevacion de los minimos exentos. Los resultados obtenidos con la microsimulacion (2000-2005)sugieren que para mantener la presion fiscal en valores proximos a los de 1999, en los proximos anos seria necesario reducir entre 2 y 3 puntos porcentuales la tarifa del impuesto y aumentar los minimos exentos en identica cuantia que el crecimiento nominal de la renta. Bajo esta hipotesis, ademas, el efecto redistributivo de la imposicion se mantiene practicamente invariable entre 2000 y 2005. EnglishNominal and real growth of family income maygenerate increases in fiscal pressure if the personaltax income tax is not corrected by the increases in monetary revenue. This research puts forward some possibilities of personal income tax reform, considering different xcenarios of growth, rate reduction and raising tax exemption cut-offs. The results obtained with the microsimulation (2000-2005) suggest that, in order to maintain tax pressure at values close to those of 1999, in the coming years it would be necessary to reduce the tax rate by 2-3 percentage points and raise exemption out-opffs by the same amount as the nominal increase in income. According to this theory, moreover, the re-distributive effect of taxation remains practically unchanged during the period 2000 to 2005.
Nutrition & Metabolism, 2009
Background: Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain t... more Background: Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain there is little information on the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and associated vitamin factors among the general population, and less still among children. Cardiovascular risk factors in the childhood population may be related to the appearance of cardiovascular disease at adult age. The aim of this study is to establish a definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents and to analyze the influence of vitamin and metabolic factors in homocysteine levels in this population group. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study to estimate serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels, as well as plasma total, HDL-and LDL-cholesterol in a schoolgoing population aged 13 to 17 years in Madrid, Spain. Spearman correlation analysis was performed to ascertain quantitative comparison, Pearson's χ2 test (frequency < 5, Fisher) was used for comparison of prevalences, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for comparison of means and Bonferroni correction was used for post-hoc tests. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed in the multivariate analysis. Results: Based on the classic values for definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adults, prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia in the study population was: 1.26% for 15 μmol/L; and 2.52% for 12 μmol/L. Deficits in HDL cholesterol and serum folate levels yielded adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) for hyperhomocysteinemia of 2.786, 95% CI (1.089-7.126), and 5.140, 95% CI (2.347-11.256) respectively. Mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T genotype also raises the risk of hyperhomocysteinaemia (CC→CT: OR = 2.362; 95% CI (1.107-5.042) CC→TT: OR = 6.124, 95% CI (2.301-16.303)) Conclusion: A good definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents is the 90 th percentile, equivalent to 8.23 μmol/L. Risk factors for hyperhomocysteinaemia are cHDL and folate deficiency, and the MTHFR C677T mutant genotype. No significant effect could be assessed for vitamin B 12. Coexistence of all three factors increases the risk of suffering from hyperhomocysteinaemia 87-fold.
Journal of Public Health in Africa, 2011
Half of the 10 million children who die annually in the world are from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). ... more Half of the 10 million children who die annually in the world are from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The reasons are known, but lack of will and resources avoid the development of sustainable policies. Associated factors to the high infant mortality rate (IMR) in SSA have been investigated in this research. An ecological multi-group study was designed comparing rates within SSA. The dependent variable is the IMR and health services, economic and development indicators are the independent variables. Information and data sources were WHO, World Bank, UNICEF and UNDP (1997-2007). IMR mean value is 92.2 (per 1000 live births) and a relationship with several of the factors could be observed. In the bi-variate analysis direct relationship was observed with maternal mortality rate and an inverse relationship was observed with prenatal care coverage, births assisted by skilled health personnel, gross national income per capita, per capita government expenditure on health, social security expenditure, adult literacy rate, net primary school enrolment rate, population with access to safe drinking water (in urban and rural areas) and with population with access to basic sanitation in rural areas. In the multi-variate analysis IMR had an inverse relationship with children under 5 years with diarrhoea who receive oral re-hydration, with social security expenditure as percentage of general government expenditure on health and with per capita government expenditure on health. The situation in SSA would change if their inhabitants received education and information to demand more equitable polices and better investments from their governments. Materials and Methods An analytic ecological multi-group study 10 was designed to compare rates between many regions during a single period. In this specific case each SSA country is used as an analysis unit. The 47 countries selected are: Angola,
Phenotypic similarity among 19 Mexican populations of Pseudotsuga Carr. from three geographic reg... more Phenotypic similarity among 19 Mexican populations of Pseudotsuga Carr. from three geographic regions was evaluated using morphologic and anatomic traits of cones, needles and branchlets obtained from 293 trees. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to evaluate the statistical significance of geographic regions versus putative taxa in alternative models. In addition, principal components and cluster analyses were used to determine the most important traits in population variability, grouping them on the basis of their morphological similarity (Euclidian distance). Samples from four Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco populations from the USA were used as reference for grouping. Morphological variability of locations is associated to samples' region of origin and not to the putative taxa proposed in earlier classifications. The first three principal components explained over 60% of total variability; bract length, center and side prong length, and needle length were the traits that contributed most to this variation. Populations showed a North-South grouping pattern, separating central Mexico's populations from those in the NW and NE regions. However, one population from the NE region was distinct from the rest, even from those in the same geographic region. Based on the morphological differentiation detected, Pseudotsuga populations from central Mexico can be regarded as a different variety from those known for Pseudotsuga menziesii. The potential role of natural selection and genetic drift on morphological differentiation and grouping pattern within and among geographic regions is briefly discussed.
Cuadernos De Informacion Economica, 1994
En este trabajo se desarrolla un metodo y se analizan las desviaciones presupuestarias del gasto ... more En este trabajo se desarrolla un metodo y se analizan las desviaciones presupuestarias del gasto del Estado en el periodo 1990-2009. La novedad principal es la elaboracion de series historicas de gasto por programas presupuestarios y el analisis de sus desviaciones. Los resultados muestran que las desviaciones han tendido a reducirse a lo largo del tiempo, son desiguales entre los programas, y no se aprecian semejanzas en su comportamiento en funcion de su caracter finalista o instrumental y de gestion, aunque se da una alta concentracion de programas con elevadas desviaciones entre los programas de transferencias. El analisis aplicado proporciona una ordenacion de los programas, en valores absolutos y relativos, e identifica los que pueden tener mayor interes desde el punto de vista de la gestion presupuestaria.
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques
Groupes p-divisibles avec condition de Pappas-Rapoport et invariants de Hasse Tome 4 (2017), p. 9... more Groupes p-divisibles avec condition de Pappas-Rapoport et invariants de Hasse Tome 4 (2017), p. 935-972. <> © Les auteurs, 2017. Certains droits réservés. Cet article est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-PAS DE MODIFICATION 3.
English : In this article we associate to G, a truncated p-divisible O-module of given signature,... more English : In this article we associate to G, a truncated p-divisible O-module of given signature, where O is a finite unramified extension of Z_p, a filtration of G by sub- O-modules under the conditions that his Hasse μ-invariant is smaller than an explicite bound. This filtration generalise the one given when G is μ-ordinary. The construction of the filtration relies on a precise study of the cristalline periods of a p-divisible O-module. We then apply this result to families of such groups, in particular to stricts neighbourhoods of the μ-ordinary locus inside some PEL Shimura varieties. Français : Dans cet article, à G un groupe p-divisible tronqué muni d'une action d'une extension finie non ramifiée O de Z_p, et de signature donnée, on associe sous une condition explicite sur son μ-invariant de Hasse, une filtration de G par des sous- O-modules qui étend la filtration canonique lorsque G est μ-ordinaire. La construction se fait en étudiant les périodes cristallines des ...
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 2022
In this article we study integral models of Shimura varieties, called Pappas–Rapoport splitting m... more In this article we study integral models of Shimura varieties, called Pappas–Rapoport splitting model, for ramified P.E.L. Shimira data. We study the special fiber and some stratification of these models, in particular we show that these are smooth and the Rapoport locus and the mu\mu mu -ordinary locus are dense, under some condition on the ramification.
arXiv: Number Theory, 2019
We construct Eigenvarieties for PEL Shimura varieties which interpolate cuspidal, finite slope au... more We construct Eigenvarieties for PEL Shimura varieties which interpolate cuspidal, finite slope automorphic forms for PEL Shimura varieties appearing as global sections of (coherent) automorphic sheaves, under the hypothesis that the primes are unramified in the Shimura datum, but allowing the ordinary locus to be empty. We then use this construction to extend previous results on the Bloch-Kato conjecture for Hecke characters of a quadratic imaginary field.
Compositio Mathematica, 2019
In this article we construct a p-adic three-dimensional eigenvariety for the group UUU (2,1)( EEE... more In this article we construct a p-adic three-dimensional eigenvariety for the group UUU (2,1)( EEE ), where EEE is a quadratic imaginary field and ppp is inert in EEE . The eigenvariety parametrizes Hecke eigensystems on the space of overconvergent, locally analytic, cuspidal Picard modular forms of finite slope. The method generalized the one developed in Andreatta, Iovita and Stevens [ ppp -adic families of Siegel modular cuspforms Ann. of Math. (2) 181, (2015), 623–697] by interpolating the coherent automorphic sheaves when the ordinary locus is empty. As an application of this construction, we reprove a particular case of the Bloch–Kato conjecture for some Galois characters of EEE , extending the results of Bellaiche and Chenevier to the case of a positive sign.
Annales de l’institut Fourier, 2018
In this article, we construct in a purely local way partial (Hasse) invariants for p-divisible gr... more In this article, we construct in a purely local way partial (Hasse) invariants for p-divisible groups with given endomorphisms, using crystalline cohomology. Theses invariants generalises the classical Hasse invariant, and allow us to study families of such groups. We also study a few geometric properties of theses invariants. Used in the context of Shimura varieties, for example, theses invariants are detecting some Newton strata, including the µ-ordinary locus. Résumé.-Dans cet article on se propose de construire d'une manière purement locale des invariants partiels pour des groupes p-divisibles munis d'endomorphismes, en utilisant des résultats de cohomologie cristalline. Ces invariants généralisent l'invariant de Hasse, et permettent d'étudier des familles de tels groupes. On étudie aussi différentes propriétés géométriques de ces invariants. Appliqués-par exemple-à certaines variétés de Shimura, ces invariants détectent certaines strates de Newton, notamment la strate µ-ordinaire. Table des matières Théoreme 1.3.-L'invariant de Hasse µ Ha P H 0 pS, pdet ωq bpp f´1 q q définit un diviseur de Cartier de S. De plus, lorsque tous les p τ (sauf éventuellement 0, h) sont distincts, ce diviseur de Cartier est réduit. Dans le cas de la courbe modulaire, l'invariant de Hasse est un diviseur de Cartier réduit c'est un résultat dû à Igusa, qui a été généralisé dans le cas des variétés de Siegel par Pilloni ([Pil11]) ; Théorème A.4. Dans le cas d'autres variétés de Shimura dont le lieu ordinaire est non vide, l'invariant de Hasse peut être non réduit (par exemple le cas des variétés de Hilbert). Notre condition est nécessaire et suffisante, cf. remarque 9.23. 1.3. Construction.-Essayons d'expliquer un peu plus en détails la construction du µ-invariant de Hasse, ainsi que la démonstration de ses propriétés. Etant donnée pG, ιq un groupe p-divisible tronqué d'échelon r sur S muni d'une action de O, et signature pp τ , q τ q, on a les décompositions,
El Pajar Cuaderno De Etnografia Canaria, 2008
Cuadernos De Informacion Economica, 1997
Documentos De Trabajo Working Papers Serie Previa, 1999
El Pajar Cuaderno De Etnografia Canaria, 2008
Economistas, 2005
Este articulo informa a los lectores de las principales cifras y lineas de accion de los Presupue... more Este articulo informa a los lectores de las principales cifras y lineas de accion de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2005. Una vision completa de los efectos presupuestarios requeriria conocer el comportamiento financiero previsto de las Administraciones territoriales que, cada vez van ocupando un espacio mayor en la actividad financiera publica espanola. Con todo, cabe afirmar que la senda del equilibrio presupuestario que se mantiene y acentua en los PGE 2005 quizas se pueda traducir en una accion expansiva peligrosa por sus efectos inflacionistas. Aunque con reducida dimension cuantitativa, los PGE 2005 acusan la orientacion presupuestaria hacia el incremento de la productividad global y el mantenimiento de una intensa politica social.
Documentos De Trabajo De La Facultad De Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales, 1994
espanolEl crecimiento nominal y real de la renta familiar puede generar aumentos en la presion fi... more espanolEl crecimiento nominal y real de la renta familiar puede generar aumentos en la presion fiscal si el impuesto sobre la renta de las familias no se corrige por los aumentos de la renta monetaria. Esta investigacion plantea algunas posibilidades de reforma de la imposicion sobre la renta de las familias, contemplando escenarios distintos de crecimiento, de reduccion de la tarifa y de elevacion de los minimos exentos. Los resultados obtenidos con la microsimulacion (2000-2005)sugieren que para mantener la presion fiscal en valores proximos a los de 1999, en los proximos anos seria necesario reducir entre 2 y 3 puntos porcentuales la tarifa del impuesto y aumentar los minimos exentos en identica cuantia que el crecimiento nominal de la renta. Bajo esta hipotesis, ademas, el efecto redistributivo de la imposicion se mantiene practicamente invariable entre 2000 y 2005. EnglishNominal and real growth of family income maygenerate increases in fiscal pressure if the personaltax income tax is not corrected by the increases in monetary revenue. This research puts forward some possibilities of personal income tax reform, considering different xcenarios of growth, rate reduction and raising tax exemption cut-offs. The results obtained with the microsimulation (2000-2005) suggest that, in order to maintain tax pressure at values close to those of 1999, in the coming years it would be necessary to reduce the tax rate by 2-3 percentage points and raise exemption out-opffs by the same amount as the nominal increase in income. According to this theory, moreover, the re-distributive effect of taxation remains practically unchanged during the period 2000 to 2005.
Nutrition & Metabolism, 2009
Background: Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain t... more Background: Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain there is little information on the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and associated vitamin factors among the general population, and less still among children. Cardiovascular risk factors in the childhood population may be related to the appearance of cardiovascular disease at adult age. The aim of this study is to establish a definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents and to analyze the influence of vitamin and metabolic factors in homocysteine levels in this population group. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study to estimate serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels, as well as plasma total, HDL-and LDL-cholesterol in a schoolgoing population aged 13 to 17 years in Madrid, Spain. Spearman correlation analysis was performed to ascertain quantitative comparison, Pearson's χ2 test (frequency < 5, Fisher) was used for comparison of prevalences, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for comparison of means and Bonferroni correction was used for post-hoc tests. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed in the multivariate analysis. Results: Based on the classic values for definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adults, prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia in the study population was: 1.26% for 15 μmol/L; and 2.52% for 12 μmol/L. Deficits in HDL cholesterol and serum folate levels yielded adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) for hyperhomocysteinemia of 2.786, 95% CI (1.089-7.126), and 5.140, 95% CI (2.347-11.256) respectively. Mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T genotype also raises the risk of hyperhomocysteinaemia (CC→CT: OR = 2.362; 95% CI (1.107-5.042) CC→TT: OR = 6.124, 95% CI (2.301-16.303)) Conclusion: A good definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents is the 90 th percentile, equivalent to 8.23 μmol/L. Risk factors for hyperhomocysteinaemia are cHDL and folate deficiency, and the MTHFR C677T mutant genotype. No significant effect could be assessed for vitamin B 12. Coexistence of all three factors increases the risk of suffering from hyperhomocysteinaemia 87-fold.
Journal of Public Health in Africa, 2011
Half of the 10 million children who die annually in the world are from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). ... more Half of the 10 million children who die annually in the world are from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The reasons are known, but lack of will and resources avoid the development of sustainable policies. Associated factors to the high infant mortality rate (IMR) in SSA have been investigated in this research. An ecological multi-group study was designed comparing rates within SSA. The dependent variable is the IMR and health services, economic and development indicators are the independent variables. Information and data sources were WHO, World Bank, UNICEF and UNDP (1997-2007). IMR mean value is 92.2 (per 1000 live births) and a relationship with several of the factors could be observed. In the bi-variate analysis direct relationship was observed with maternal mortality rate and an inverse relationship was observed with prenatal care coverage, births assisted by skilled health personnel, gross national income per capita, per capita government expenditure on health, social security expenditure, adult literacy rate, net primary school enrolment rate, population with access to safe drinking water (in urban and rural areas) and with population with access to basic sanitation in rural areas. In the multi-variate analysis IMR had an inverse relationship with children under 5 years with diarrhoea who receive oral re-hydration, with social security expenditure as percentage of general government expenditure on health and with per capita government expenditure on health. The situation in SSA would change if their inhabitants received education and information to demand more equitable polices and better investments from their governments. Materials and Methods An analytic ecological multi-group study 10 was designed to compare rates between many regions during a single period. In this specific case each SSA country is used as an analysis unit. The 47 countries selected are: Angola,
Phenotypic similarity among 19 Mexican populations of Pseudotsuga Carr. from three geographic reg... more Phenotypic similarity among 19 Mexican populations of Pseudotsuga Carr. from three geographic regions was evaluated using morphologic and anatomic traits of cones, needles and branchlets obtained from 293 trees. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to evaluate the statistical significance of geographic regions versus putative taxa in alternative models. In addition, principal components and cluster analyses were used to determine the most important traits in population variability, grouping them on the basis of their morphological similarity (Euclidian distance). Samples from four Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco populations from the USA were used as reference for grouping. Morphological variability of locations is associated to samples' region of origin and not to the putative taxa proposed in earlier classifications. The first three principal components explained over 60% of total variability; bract length, center and side prong length, and needle length were the traits that contributed most to this variation. Populations showed a North-South grouping pattern, separating central Mexico's populations from those in the NW and NE regions. However, one population from the NE region was distinct from the rest, even from those in the same geographic region. Based on the morphological differentiation detected, Pseudotsuga populations from central Mexico can be regarded as a different variety from those known for Pseudotsuga menziesii. The potential role of natural selection and genetic drift on morphological differentiation and grouping pattern within and among geographic regions is briefly discussed.
Cuadernos De Informacion Economica, 1994
En este trabajo se desarrolla un metodo y se analizan las desviaciones presupuestarias del gasto ... more En este trabajo se desarrolla un metodo y se analizan las desviaciones presupuestarias del gasto del Estado en el periodo 1990-2009. La novedad principal es la elaboracion de series historicas de gasto por programas presupuestarios y el analisis de sus desviaciones. Los resultados muestran que las desviaciones han tendido a reducirse a lo largo del tiempo, son desiguales entre los programas, y no se aprecian semejanzas en su comportamiento en funcion de su caracter finalista o instrumental y de gestion, aunque se da una alta concentracion de programas con elevadas desviaciones entre los programas de transferencias. El analisis aplicado proporciona una ordenacion de los programas, en valores absolutos y relativos, e identifica los que pueden tener mayor interes desde el punto de vista de la gestion presupuestaria.
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques
Groupes p-divisibles avec condition de Pappas-Rapoport et invariants de Hasse Tome 4 (2017), p. 9... more Groupes p-divisibles avec condition de Pappas-Rapoport et invariants de Hasse Tome 4 (2017), p. 935-972. <> © Les auteurs, 2017. Certains droits réservés. Cet article est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-PAS DE MODIFICATION 3.