Rui Bordalo | Universidade Católica Portuguesa (original) (raw)

Papers by Rui Bordalo

Research paper thumbnail of Computer Vision-Based Wood Identification: A Review


Wood identification is an important tool in many areas, from biology to cultural heritage. In the... more Wood identification is an important tool in many areas, from biology to cultural heritage. In the fight against illegal logging, it has a more necessary and impactful application. Identifying a wood sample to genus or species level is difficult, expensive and time-consuming, even when using the most recent methods, resulting in a growing need for a readily accessible and field-applicable method for scientific wood identification. Providing fast results and ease of use, computer vision-based technology is an economically accessible option currently applied to meet the demand for automated wood identification. However, despite the promising characteristics and accurate results of this method, it remains a niche research area in wood sciences and is little known in other fields of application such as cultural heritage. To share the results and applicability of computer vision-based wood identification, this paper reviews the most frequently cited and relevant published research based o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wood identification: an overview of current and past methods

ECR – Estudos de Conservação e Restauro – 2020 - Nº 12 · ISSN: 1647-2098 · PP. 45-68, 2020

Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identific... more Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identification of the wood in works of art is usually underappreciated but it is as important as difficult. This article aims to provide heritage professionals with a brief overview of wood identification procedures available today, as well as, from an historical point of view, the methodologies that paved the way to the new approaches used nowadays. It also discusses some techniques that the general public usually relate with wood identification but that are meant to determine wood original location (stable isotopes), specimens dating (Dendrochronology) and geological dating (Radiocarbon, 14C). The final aim is to clarify the diverse procedures, with its advantages and limitations, that can be used for wood identification in works of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for retouching paintings with computer graphics software

The objective of this paper is to present a workflow procedure to support the graphic recording o... more The objective of this paper is to present a workflow procedure to support the graphic recording of the operations performed during the retouching process involved in paintings. In this particular context, an orthophotography of a portrait painted on canvas from a university museum collection was used in Blender, a free and open-source 3D creation software suite. Blender uses an important metric coordination value, provided by the 3D workspace software that allows the areal characterization and numeric identification of each surface loss. The step-by-step procedure adopted to document and map lacunae in this artwork for subsequent retouching, is

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Research paper thumbnail of O espólio metálico do povoado pré-histórico de Leceia (Oeiras) inventariação e estudo analítico

This paper presents the results of a study carried on a collection of 144 metal artefacts from th... more This paper presents the results of a study carried on a collection of 144 metal artefacts from the Early (ca. 2800-2600/2500 a.C.) and the Middle/Final Chalcolithic (ca. 2600/2500-2000 a.C.), found at the site of Leceia (Oeiras, Central Portugal) during the excavations conducted between 1983 and 2000. A systematised analysis of the collection was provided in order to enumerate the different typologies found in the site and to determine their chemical composition. From a typological point of view, a great diversity of artifacts was found, namely, punches, fish-hooks, flat axes, chisels, saws, ingots and foundry remnants. Elemental analysis by X-ray Fluorescence shows that the artefacts were made of copper, wiht a variable occurrence of arsenic, nickel, silver, antimony, bismuth lead, and iron. In this paper, data is exposed and discussed within the regional early metallurgy

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Research paper thumbnail of The Image of Soares Dos Reis’ Sculpture in Art History, Art Criticism and Literature: Epochs, Models and Representations

A hundred thirty years after his dramatic death, Antonio Soares dos Reis (ASR) remains a huge cha... more A hundred thirty years after his dramatic death, Antonio Soares dos Reis (ASR) remains a huge challenge for art history understanding and art criticism interpretation, since he has been seen simultaneously as “a Greek, […] a realist, […] a classical, […] and a naturalist” (Arroyo, 1899: 78). His major sculpture – O Desterrado – being “an existential work” (Franca, 1966: 454) escapes from the classic orthodox aesthetic analysis, standing apart from the typical sculptural work of late 19th century. Our hypothesis is that ASR art works like a Rorschach test, for the narratives referred to it, instead of unveiling its character, reveal the concepts and beliefs upon which successive art studies have been produced. No visual images are displayed in this text, since the aim of our study is to detect the mental images associated to the insights and models that art historians and other authors traditionally used to assess ASR’s artistic work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bituminous waterproofing mortar applied on masonry walls of 19th and 20th century buildings in Porto: an analytical study in the context of urban building rehabilitation

Bituminous mortars characterize the traditional buildings of the city of Porto and northern Portu... more Bituminous mortars characterize the traditional buildings of the city of Porto and northern Portugal, especially those built between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. This article aims to determine the composition of this bituminous mortar through an analytical study by micro-FTIR and Py-GS/MS, and to assert experimentally its effectiveness as a waterproofing material though a series of tests including capillary tests, saturation content and water permeability. The present study is still a starting point for a more in-depth study on this subject, but the present investigation constitutes a further step in the characterisation of the constitution and function of bituminous mortar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for chromatic reintegration with Blender

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Research paper thumbnail of Wood identification: an overview of current and past methods

Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identific... more Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identification of the wood in works of art is usually underappreciated but it is as important as difficult. This article aims to provide heritage professionals with a brief overview of wood identification procedures available today, as well as, from an historical point of view, the methodologies that paved the way to the new approaches used nowadays. It also discusses some techniques that the general public usually relate with wood identification but that are meant to determine wood original location (stable isotopes), specimens dating (Dendrochronology) and geological dating (Radiocarbon, 14C). The final aim is to clarify the diverse procedures, with its advantages and limitations, that can be used for wood identification in works of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Available green conservation methodologies for the cleaning of cultural heritage: an overview

The introduction of new guidelines and regulations on chemical production, use, treatment or disp... more The introduction of new guidelines and regulations on chemical production, use, treatment or disposal demanded the development of greener alternatives to conventional products and methodologies. This review briefly presents some of the most promising innovative systems applied in the cleaning of cultural heritage – lasers, green solvents, microemulsions or micellar solutions, bacterial cells or enzymes, ionic liquids and gels. Their advantages and drawbacks are discussed, along with further improvements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for chromatic reintegration with Blender

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Selected Pigments used in the 19th Century

The potential of laser cleaning for paintings as an alternative to traditional cleaning methods h... more The potential of laser cleaning for paintings as an alternative to traditional cleaning methods has been recognized, and studies using industrial laser equipment have shown some potential. Irradiation at a wavelength of 248 nm has shown to be the most promising for natural resin varnish and overpaint removal, because it is strongly absorbed by triterpenoid varnish functional groups and associated degradation products (Georgiou 1998). However, it has been suggested that a minimal varnish thickness should remain intact to prevent any radiation from being absorbed by the underlying layers. This is because some painting materials have also shown sensitivity to laser radiation (Bordalo 2006). Research into the mechanisms of alterations which may occur due to laser radiation on resins, pigments and oils and its long-term effects has been scarce, and dispersed in its approach because of the multitude of different materials present in the paint layers (Chappé 2003, Sobott 2003, Melessanaki 2006). Thus, the systematic study of laser radiation interaction with paint materials is still important. The aim of this study was to advance the understanding of the effects that KrF excimer laser irradiation has on pigmented oil paint layers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Copper-Based Metal Artefacts from the Garb Al-Andalus. A Multidisciplinary Approach on the Alcáçova of Mārtulah (Mértola, South of Portugal)

A multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the production technology of a colle... more A multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the production technology of a collection of copper-based artefacts found during archaeological excavation campaigns carried out in the Almohad neighbourhood of Mārtulah, the Islamic name of modern Mértola (South of Portugal). In stark contrast to other Islamic materials found in the same site such as common and finely decorated pottery, glass, and bone artefacts, metal objects have received less attention despite the number of artefacts recovered. This study focuses on the chemical characterisation of 172 copper-based artefacts dating back to the 12th and the first half of the 13th centuries. The artefacts are daily use objects and consist of personal ornaments (earrings, rings, and casket ornaments), tools (spindles, spatulas, and oil lamp sticks) and artefacts with unknown functions. X-ray fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), provid...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework Design for Information Management in Heritage Science Laboratories

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2021

The dataflow in any scientific research laboratory is continuous and considerable even in analyti... more The dataflow in any scientific research laboratory is continuous and considerable even in analytical niches such as heritage science laboratories. This article discusses advantages of using a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for organising and systematising research in an interdisciplinary analytical laboratory. LIMS solutions are proven to be effective in managing laboratories, organising their daily management tasks, improving work conditions and increasing productivity, managing equipment and resources, and managing and safeguarding scientific data. LIMS software is commercially available since the 1990s with over a hundred software packages intended either for general or specific purposes. However, the ones currently available do not fulfil all the requirements for heritage science or are over-the-top, complex, one-fits-all standard solutions. The system here proposed was developed for a heritage science laboratory, considering its unique requirements, having as a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biodeterioração de pinturas de cavalete: desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de mitigação

Conservar Património, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Microanalytical characterization of nineteenth century Portuguese Paintings: contribution to the study of works by João Cristino da Silva and Miguel Ângelo Lupi

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of ground layers of nineteenth century Portuguese Paintings

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tecnologia Laser na Conservação e Restauro

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation of the Alterations Induced by UV Laser Radiation on the Pigmented Oil Layers in Nineteenth Century Paintings on Canvas

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Research paper thumbnail of Excimer Laser Ablation of Egg Tempera Paints and Varnishes

Springer proceedings in physics, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Conservation Science Material Characterisation of a Florentine Painter in Portugal in the Late 19 TH Century: Paintings by Giorgio Marini

This paper presents the analytical characterisation of a series of paintings authored by Giorgio ... more This paper presents the analytical characterisation of a series of paintings authored by Giorgio Marini (1836-1905) from the Museum of Évora. Marini was an Italian painter who lived in Portugal in the 19 th century. He was a very prolific painter and his works, most of them portraits commissioned by urban and rural bourgeois and noble elites, are dispersed all over the country. The general good conservation state of most paintings prevented the collection of micro-samples for detailed study. Hence, material identification of the painting materials was performed primarily by XRF, given its non-destructive and non-invasive nature, and it was complemented when possible by auxiliary techniques optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and SEM-EDX. Pigments and fillers such as yellow and red ochre, lead white, zinc white, barium white, chrome yellow and green chrome are among the identified pigments. This is the first time the palette used by Giorgio Marini was identified, helping to chara...

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer Vision-Based Wood Identification: A Review


Wood identification is an important tool in many areas, from biology to cultural heritage. In the... more Wood identification is an important tool in many areas, from biology to cultural heritage. In the fight against illegal logging, it has a more necessary and impactful application. Identifying a wood sample to genus or species level is difficult, expensive and time-consuming, even when using the most recent methods, resulting in a growing need for a readily accessible and field-applicable method for scientific wood identification. Providing fast results and ease of use, computer vision-based technology is an economically accessible option currently applied to meet the demand for automated wood identification. However, despite the promising characteristics and accurate results of this method, it remains a niche research area in wood sciences and is little known in other fields of application such as cultural heritage. To share the results and applicability of computer vision-based wood identification, this paper reviews the most frequently cited and relevant published research based o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wood identification: an overview of current and past methods

ECR – Estudos de Conservação e Restauro – 2020 - Nº 12 · ISSN: 1647-2098 · PP. 45-68, 2020

Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identific... more Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identification of the wood in works of art is usually underappreciated but it is as important as difficult. This article aims to provide heritage professionals with a brief overview of wood identification procedures available today, as well as, from an historical point of view, the methodologies that paved the way to the new approaches used nowadays. It also discusses some techniques that the general public usually relate with wood identification but that are meant to determine wood original location (stable isotopes), specimens dating (Dendrochronology) and geological dating (Radiocarbon, 14C). The final aim is to clarify the diverse procedures, with its advantages and limitations, that can be used for wood identification in works of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for retouching paintings with computer graphics software

The objective of this paper is to present a workflow procedure to support the graphic recording o... more The objective of this paper is to present a workflow procedure to support the graphic recording of the operations performed during the retouching process involved in paintings. In this particular context, an orthophotography of a portrait painted on canvas from a university museum collection was used in Blender, a free and open-source 3D creation software suite. Blender uses an important metric coordination value, provided by the 3D workspace software that allows the areal characterization and numeric identification of each surface loss. The step-by-step procedure adopted to document and map lacunae in this artwork for subsequent retouching, is

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Research paper thumbnail of O espólio metálico do povoado pré-histórico de Leceia (Oeiras) inventariação e estudo analítico

This paper presents the results of a study carried on a collection of 144 metal artefacts from th... more This paper presents the results of a study carried on a collection of 144 metal artefacts from the Early (ca. 2800-2600/2500 a.C.) and the Middle/Final Chalcolithic (ca. 2600/2500-2000 a.C.), found at the site of Leceia (Oeiras, Central Portugal) during the excavations conducted between 1983 and 2000. A systematised analysis of the collection was provided in order to enumerate the different typologies found in the site and to determine their chemical composition. From a typological point of view, a great diversity of artifacts was found, namely, punches, fish-hooks, flat axes, chisels, saws, ingots and foundry remnants. Elemental analysis by X-ray Fluorescence shows that the artefacts were made of copper, wiht a variable occurrence of arsenic, nickel, silver, antimony, bismuth lead, and iron. In this paper, data is exposed and discussed within the regional early metallurgy

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Research paper thumbnail of The Image of Soares Dos Reis’ Sculpture in Art History, Art Criticism and Literature: Epochs, Models and Representations

A hundred thirty years after his dramatic death, Antonio Soares dos Reis (ASR) remains a huge cha... more A hundred thirty years after his dramatic death, Antonio Soares dos Reis (ASR) remains a huge challenge for art history understanding and art criticism interpretation, since he has been seen simultaneously as “a Greek, […] a realist, […] a classical, […] and a naturalist” (Arroyo, 1899: 78). His major sculpture – O Desterrado – being “an existential work” (Franca, 1966: 454) escapes from the classic orthodox aesthetic analysis, standing apart from the typical sculptural work of late 19th century. Our hypothesis is that ASR art works like a Rorschach test, for the narratives referred to it, instead of unveiling its character, reveal the concepts and beliefs upon which successive art studies have been produced. No visual images are displayed in this text, since the aim of our study is to detect the mental images associated to the insights and models that art historians and other authors traditionally used to assess ASR’s artistic work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bituminous waterproofing mortar applied on masonry walls of 19th and 20th century buildings in Porto: an analytical study in the context of urban building rehabilitation

Bituminous mortars characterize the traditional buildings of the city of Porto and northern Portu... more Bituminous mortars characterize the traditional buildings of the city of Porto and northern Portugal, especially those built between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. This article aims to determine the composition of this bituminous mortar through an analytical study by micro-FTIR and Py-GS/MS, and to assert experimentally its effectiveness as a waterproofing material though a series of tests including capillary tests, saturation content and water permeability. The present study is still a starting point for a more in-depth study on this subject, but the present investigation constitutes a further step in the characterisation of the constitution and function of bituminous mortar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for chromatic reintegration with Blender

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Research paper thumbnail of Wood identification: an overview of current and past methods

Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identific... more Wood identification is an expertise vital in a variety of fields, from industry to art. Identification of the wood in works of art is usually underappreciated but it is as important as difficult. This article aims to provide heritage professionals with a brief overview of wood identification procedures available today, as well as, from an historical point of view, the methodologies that paved the way to the new approaches used nowadays. It also discusses some techniques that the general public usually relate with wood identification but that are meant to determine wood original location (stable isotopes), specimens dating (Dendrochronology) and geological dating (Radiocarbon, 14C). The final aim is to clarify the diverse procedures, with its advantages and limitations, that can be used for wood identification in works of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Available green conservation methodologies for the cleaning of cultural heritage: an overview

The introduction of new guidelines and regulations on chemical production, use, treatment or disp... more The introduction of new guidelines and regulations on chemical production, use, treatment or disposal demanded the development of greener alternatives to conventional products and methodologies. This review briefly presents some of the most promising innovative systems applied in the cleaning of cultural heritage – lasers, green solvents, microemulsions or micellar solutions, bacterial cells or enzymes, ionic liquids and gels. Their advantages and drawbacks are discussed, along with further improvements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping lacunae for chromatic reintegration with Blender

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Selected Pigments used in the 19th Century

The potential of laser cleaning for paintings as an alternative to traditional cleaning methods h... more The potential of laser cleaning for paintings as an alternative to traditional cleaning methods has been recognized, and studies using industrial laser equipment have shown some potential. Irradiation at a wavelength of 248 nm has shown to be the most promising for natural resin varnish and overpaint removal, because it is strongly absorbed by triterpenoid varnish functional groups and associated degradation products (Georgiou 1998). However, it has been suggested that a minimal varnish thickness should remain intact to prevent any radiation from being absorbed by the underlying layers. This is because some painting materials have also shown sensitivity to laser radiation (Bordalo 2006). Research into the mechanisms of alterations which may occur due to laser radiation on resins, pigments and oils and its long-term effects has been scarce, and dispersed in its approach because of the multitude of different materials present in the paint layers (Chappé 2003, Sobott 2003, Melessanaki 2006). Thus, the systematic study of laser radiation interaction with paint materials is still important. The aim of this study was to advance the understanding of the effects that KrF excimer laser irradiation has on pigmented oil paint layers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Copper-Based Metal Artefacts from the Garb Al-Andalus. A Multidisciplinary Approach on the Alcáçova of Mārtulah (Mértola, South of Portugal)

A multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the production technology of a colle... more A multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the production technology of a collection of copper-based artefacts found during archaeological excavation campaigns carried out in the Almohad neighbourhood of Mārtulah, the Islamic name of modern Mértola (South of Portugal). In stark contrast to other Islamic materials found in the same site such as common and finely decorated pottery, glass, and bone artefacts, metal objects have received less attention despite the number of artefacts recovered. This study focuses on the chemical characterisation of 172 copper-based artefacts dating back to the 12th and the first half of the 13th centuries. The artefacts are daily use objects and consist of personal ornaments (earrings, rings, and casket ornaments), tools (spindles, spatulas, and oil lamp sticks) and artefacts with unknown functions. X-ray fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), provid...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework Design for Information Management in Heritage Science Laboratories

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2021

The dataflow in any scientific research laboratory is continuous and considerable even in analyti... more The dataflow in any scientific research laboratory is continuous and considerable even in analytical niches such as heritage science laboratories. This article discusses advantages of using a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for organising and systematising research in an interdisciplinary analytical laboratory. LIMS solutions are proven to be effective in managing laboratories, organising their daily management tasks, improving work conditions and increasing productivity, managing equipment and resources, and managing and safeguarding scientific data. LIMS software is commercially available since the 1990s with over a hundred software packages intended either for general or specific purposes. However, the ones currently available do not fulfil all the requirements for heritage science or are over-the-top, complex, one-fits-all standard solutions. The system here proposed was developed for a heritage science laboratory, considering its unique requirements, having as a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biodeterioração de pinturas de cavalete: desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de mitigação

Conservar Património, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Microanalytical characterization of nineteenth century Portuguese Paintings: contribution to the study of works by João Cristino da Silva and Miguel Ângelo Lupi

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of ground layers of nineteenth century Portuguese Paintings

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tecnologia Laser na Conservação e Restauro

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation of the Alterations Induced by UV Laser Radiation on the Pigmented Oil Layers in Nineteenth Century Paintings on Canvas

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Research paper thumbnail of Excimer Laser Ablation of Egg Tempera Paints and Varnishes

Springer proceedings in physics, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Conservation Science Material Characterisation of a Florentine Painter in Portugal in the Late 19 TH Century: Paintings by Giorgio Marini

This paper presents the analytical characterisation of a series of paintings authored by Giorgio ... more This paper presents the analytical characterisation of a series of paintings authored by Giorgio Marini (1836-1905) from the Museum of Évora. Marini was an Italian painter who lived in Portugal in the 19 th century. He was a very prolific painter and his works, most of them portraits commissioned by urban and rural bourgeois and noble elites, are dispersed all over the country. The general good conservation state of most paintings prevented the collection of micro-samples for detailed study. Hence, material identification of the painting materials was performed primarily by XRF, given its non-destructive and non-invasive nature, and it was complemented when possible by auxiliary techniques optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and SEM-EDX. Pigments and fillers such as yellow and red ochre, lead white, zinc white, barium white, chrome yellow and green chrome are among the identified pigments. This is the first time the palette used by Giorgio Marini was identified, helping to chara...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation of the Alterations Induced by UV Laser Radiation on the Pigmented Oil Layers in Nineteenth Century Paintings on Canvas

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tecnologia Laser em Conservação e Restauro: a Interacção do Laser de Excímeros com materiais Pictóricos

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Research paper thumbnail of Excimer laser ablation of egg tempera paints and varnishes

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Research paper thumbnail of Laser cleaning of easel paintings: an overview

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Research paper thumbnail of Prorestauro: an Online Project Tool for Heritage Professionals

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Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização das alterações induzidas por radiação laser de ultravioleta em pigmentos

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Research paper thumbnail of Analytical characterisation of pigments irradiated by excimer laser irradiation

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Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização das alterações induzidas pela radiação laser de UV em policromias de óleo em pinturas de cavalete do século XIX

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tecnologia Laser em Conservação e Restauro: a Interacção do Laser de Excímeros com materiais Pictóricos

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Research paper thumbnail of Excimer laser ablation of egg tempera paints and varnishes

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation Studies of Excimer Laser Irradiation on XIX Century Paintings

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Selected Pigments used in the 19th Century

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of ground layers of nineteenth century Portuguese paintings

Western art in the nineteenth century was profuse in movements, and artists were more experimenta... more Western art in the nineteenth century was profuse in movements, and artists were more experimental than ever before. The nineteenth century also brought numerous novelties in painting materials and techniques. Traditional painting materials from past centuries were used at the same time as new contemporary materials were discovered and experimented. One of the biggest changes was that painters no longer had to prepare their own materials, both supports and painting materials, since they could purchase them already made from artist’s colourmen.
The paintings’ ground layer is usually hidden from sight but it is not without importance since it has a considerable impact in the stability and final appearance of the painting. The ground layer was traditionally prepared by the painter by mixing animal glue as binder, lead white as white pigment and other white fillers. During the nineteenth century, and with the introduction of new white colour materials, the formulations of ground layers changed significantly and even more due to their industrial application in ready-made canvases. Nevertheless, some painters still applied another layer over the industrial one before painting.
This article describes the comparative characterization of the ground layers of eleven paintings dated from 1852 to 1884 by eight Portuguese painters: João Cristino da Silva (1829-1877), Tomás da Anunciação (1818-1879), António José Patrício (1827 - 1858), Miguel Ângelo Lupi (1826-1883), Marques de Oliveira (1853-1927), Alfredo Keil (1850-1907), Carlos Reis (1863-1940), Francisco Metrass (1825-1861), Luís de Meneses (1820-1878). The paintings are part of the permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (Chiado Museum) in Lisbon. Even though well-known, some of these painters’ works were never previously subjected to material characterisation.
The characterization of the painting materials was performed by optical microscopy, Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM–EDX) microscopy, micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (µ-FTIR), µ-Raman Spectroscopy, and micro X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (µ-XRF). The ground layers present some similarities such as the presence of coarse calcite and lead white. However, they are quite diverse concerning their content with typical variation with the presence of fillers such as barium white and zinc white, and other impurities in different percentages.
The study allowed the characterization of the several ground layers including thickness and materials, and its distinction by painter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Microanalytical characterization of nineteenth century Portuguese Paintings: contribution to the study of works by João Cristino da Silva and Miguel Ângelo Lupi

The nineteenth century was a very prolific artistic era during which the materials used by painte... more The nineteenth century was a very prolific artistic era during which the materials used by painters changed radically. During this period, and due to the rapid development of the chemical industry, many new pigments were discovered and were commercialized while other traditional ones ceased to be used by painters. The use of these new materials depended greatly from the painter’s own preference and color taste. Nevertheless, the adoption of new materials was not immediate throughout Europe but gradual since it depended on its commercial availability in each country. Thus, the use of a particular material is not only of high importance for the study of the painter technique but also to the study of the dissemination of the new materials in the Western world. The systematic study of the painting materials and their use in the nineteenth century in Portugal is still to be made since it was a period of great transformation and from which only few painters and paintings have been already materially characterized.
The present paper contributes to the study of the painting materials used by Portuguese painters in the nineteenth century. It describes the comparative microanalytical characterization performed on five paintings currently exhibited at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (Chiado Museum) in Lisbon. The oil paintings, dated from 1855 to 1879, comprise three works by Miguel Ângelo Lupi (1826-1883) and two by João Cristino da Silva (1829-1877), two important Portuguese painters of the Romanticism whose palette has not been previously studied.
The characterization of the painting materials was performed by optical microscopy, Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM–EDX) microscopy, micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (µ-FTIR), µ-Raman Spectroscopy, and micro X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (µ-XRF). The study allowed the identification of the painting materials used by the painters such as copper arsenite, ultramarine blue, Prussian blue, azurite, lead white, barium white, zinc white, vermillion (Figure 1), carbon black, red lead, calcium carbonate and ochre among others.
This article allowed not only to characterize for the first time the palette of Cristino da Silva and Miguel Ângelo Lupi but also to contribute to the study of the use of pictorial materials in Portugal in the nineteenth century.

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