Eric J Alfaro | Universidad de Costa Rica (original) (raw)

Papers by Eric J Alfaro

Research paper thumbnail of Escenarios de Cambio Climático de última generación para América Central y la República Dominicana: Implicancias en la gestión de la inversión pública.

Call for papers, 2023

Los escenarios generados surgen a partir de modelos de última generación del AR6 del Panel Interg... more Los escenarios generados surgen a partir
de modelos de última generación del
AR6 del Panel Intergubernamental del
Cambio Climático o IPCC por sus siglas
en inglés, a una alta resolución espacial,
1 x 1 km, para los países miembros del
Sistema de Integración Centroamericana
(SICA). Tiene una línea base de datos
histórica de 1979 al 2014, con proyección
hasta el 2099. Esta información es vital
para el Instituto Centroamericano de
Administración Pública -ICAP- en la
gestión de la inversión pública basada en
evidencia científica, por las implicancias
que tiene desarrollar inversiones
sostenibles y resilientes a los efectos del
Cambio Climático. Lo anterior, bajo el
contexto de una región caracterizada por
su complejidad topográfica, intensidad
de uso de suelo y ocurrencia de desastres
hidrometeorológicos. Esta variabilidad
intrínseca sugiere que las estrategias
locales de gestión del riesgo y planificación
deben ser diseñadas con un enfoque
altamente específico a cada localidad
o región.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the impact of tropical cyclones on economic sectors in Costa Rica, Central America

Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 2024

Tropical cyclones (TC) pose a persistent natural hazard to Costa Rica. Exposure to natural hazard... more Tropical cyclones (TC) pose a persistent natural hazard to Costa Rica. Exposure to natural hazards, such as mass movements and floods, is
compounded by a growing urban population and inadequate land use planning. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the economic
impacts of TC of Costa Rica from Hurricane Joan in 1988 to Hurricane Eta in 2020, assessing the impact by municipality and economic sector
using baseline information of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy. According to the study, road infrastructure (933.8 US
million), agriculture (280.5 US million), river rehabilitation (153.96 US million), housing 98.26 (US million), and health (81.74 US million) were
among the sectors most severely affected by TC over the past 30 years. The Pacific basin municipalities in Costa Rica were found to be the most
vulnerable, primarily due to the indirect impacts of TC. The study's results offer useful information on the economic sectors and municipalities that
are most exposed from TC in Costa Rica and provide a replicable methodology for other regions and countries facing similar tropical phenomena.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of indicators to evaluate the performance of climate models

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

The evaluation of climate models is a crucial step in climate studies. It consists of quantifying... more The evaluation of climate models is a crucial step in climate studies. It consists
of quantifying the resemblance of model outputs to reference data to identify
models with superior capacity to replicate specific climate variables. Clearly,
the choice of the evaluation indicator significantly impacts the results, underscoring
the importance of selecting an indicator that properly captures the
characteristics of a “good model”. This study examines the behaviour of six
indicators, considering spatial correlation, distribution mean, variance and
shape. Monthly data for precipitation, temperature and teleconnection patterns
in Central America were utilized in the analysis. A new multicomponent
measure was selected based on these criteria to assess the performance of
32 CMIP6 models in reproducing the annual seasonal cycle of these variables.
The top six models were determined using multicriteria methods. It was found
that even the best model reproduces one derived climatic variable poorly in
this region. The proposed measure and selection method can contribute to
enhancing the accuracy of climatological research based on climate models.

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización climática de la lluvia del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica usando análogos construidos

Revista Tecnología en Marcha, 2024

Resumen: Se determina el inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL respectivamente),... more Resumen:
Se determina el inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL respectivamente), además
de la duración de la estación seca y lluviosa (DES y DELL respectivamente), con datos de
precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1950-2020 conformado por el
acople de dos conjuntos de datos, el primero es el conjunto Climate Hazards group Infrared
Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) y el segundo siendo el reanálisis ERA5 al que se le aplicó
un ajuste de escala para extender la cobertura temporal de los datos de CHIRPS. Se caracterizó
su IELL, TELL, DELL y DES con estadísticos como la mediana, desviación estándar, rango
inter cuartil y tendencias. Además, se relacionaron con fuentes de variabilidad climática como
El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), la temperatura superficial del océano Atlántico Tropical
Norte (ATN) y la corriente en chorro de bajo nivel del Caribe (CLLJ, por sus siglas en inglés).
Los datos representan adecuadamente la climatología del IELL, TELL, DELL, DES y las
precipitaciones de la región, además de capturar la variabilidad asociada a la CLLJ y al acople
de los océanos (ATN-ENOS), pero no la asociada al ATN y ENOS individualmente. Aunque no
se pudo determinar si esto se debe a los datos de ERA5 o al método de reducción de escala
usado, por lo que se recomienda verificar si ERA5 captura tal variabilidad oceánica al realizar
el mismo análisis en un periodo de tiempo de 1980-2020 donde se tiene mayor disponibilidad
de observaciones como estaciones meteorológicas o CHIRPS que ya ha sido validada.

The onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively in Spanish), also the
duration of the dry and rainy seasons (DES and DELL, respectively in Spanish) are determined,
with gridded precipitation data on Guanacaste for the period 1950-2020 constructed by
coupling two data sets: 1) the dataset Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with
Stations (CHIRPS), and 2) the ERA5 reanalysis to which a downscaling method was applied
to extend the data beyond the period covered by CHIRPS. Their IELL, TELL, DELL, and DES
were characterized with statistics such as the median, standard deviation, interquartile range,
and trends. In addition, were related to sources of climate variability such as El Niño Southern-
Oscillation (ENSO), the sea surface temperature of the tropical north Atlantic (TNA) and the
Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ). The dataset adequately represents the IELL, TELL, DELL, DES
and the precipitations of the region, in addition to capturing the variability associated with the
CLLJ and the coupling of the oceans (TNA-ENSO), but not that associated with the TNA and
ENSO individually. Although it could not be determined if this is due to the ERA5 dataset or
the downscaling method used, so it is recommended to verify if ERA5 captures such oceanic
variability when performing the same analysis in a period of time from 1980-2020 where there is
greater availability of observations such as meteorological gauge stations or CHIRPS that has
already been validated.

[Research paper thumbnail of Central America [in “State of the Climate in 2023"]](

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2024

Hidalgo, H.G., Amador, J.A., Alfaro, E.J., Calderón, B., and Mora, N. (2024). Central America [in... more Hidalgo, H.G., Amador, J.A., Alfaro, E.J., Calderón, B., and Mora, N. (2024). Central America [in “State of the Climate in 2023"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105(8), S390-S392.

Research paper thumbnail of Proyecciones de Cambio Climático en eventos extremos para el cantón Dota

Ambientico, 2024

El cantón Dota en San José empieza a enfrentar problemas de disponibilidad de agua, por lo que en... more El cantón Dota en San José empieza a enfrentar problemas
de disponibilidad de agua, por lo que en esta
investigación se modelaron eventos extremos de
precipitación y temperatura bajo el escenario de cambio climático
pesimista de concentraciones, el cual podrá utilizarse
como insumo del análisis de riesgo climático. Como una
forma de determinar la oferta de agua dentro del cantón, se
estimó el balance hídrico para la cuenca madre. Estos insumos
pueden ser utilizados por los habitantes del cantón y
funcionarios de instituciones para la toma de decisiones en
el futuro con relación con el tema del agua.

Research paper thumbnail of Central American climate extreme trends: A statistical analysis of CLIMDEX indices

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

Precipitation and temperature extremes from daily data indexed using the CLIMDEX methodology were... more Precipitation and temperature extremes from daily data indexed using the CLIMDEX methodology were calculated over the Central American region. The data comprises the coarsened versions of the Climate Hazards and Infrared Precipitation with stations (CHIRPs) and the corresponding data set for temperature (CHIRTs) from the year 1981 to 2020 and 1983 to 2016, respectively. The objective is to detect trend patterns in extremes in recent periods, use novel statistical techniques for assessing the trend significance and study the monthly and annual trends for each of the indices. Trends of extreme temperature indices show more consistent, robust and widespread significant results according with the observed warming of the region. Significant extreme precipitation indices trends are more localized, and therefore harder to analyse, but it seems that one robust result from several indices is the trend toward more intense extreme precipitation events in Costa Rica. The findings of this work suggest possible impacts in human and environmental systems across the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of the academy for a better understanding of the oceans in Costa Rica

Revista Costarricense de Política Exterior. Edición especial, Diplomacia Azul: Una mirada hacia el Océano., 2024

El lanzamiento de la Década de los Océanos en el año 2017 estableció nuevas visiones entre la cie... more El lanzamiento de la Década de los Océanos en el año 2017 estableció nuevas visiones entre la ciencia y
política, para fortalecer la investigación y la gestión de los océanos y las costas. Con un 92% de superficie
marina, Costa Rica es una nación de mar, que posee una gran diversidad marina, y que realiza esfuerzos
para conocer mejor sus recursos costeros y marinos. En los últimos 20 años, se han desarrollado políticas
para promover la gestión integrada de nuestras zonas costeras y la creación de áreas marinas protegidas.
Mediante la investigación de las universidades públicas, conocemos mejor, aunque de manera incompleta,
cómo se encuentran nuestros recursos pesqueros y acuicultura, los impactos de la contaminación marina
y sus efectos sobre organismos y ecosistemas, los impactos del cambio climático, así como los esfuerzos
para impulsar la conservación marina y la restauración de los ecosistemas marino-costeros y sus servicios.
Del análisis de estas áreas de estudios, es evidente, que existen vacíos de información que deben
ser abordados para generar más información científica que permita la toma de decisiones adecuadas y
basadas en la ciencia, con el objeto de mejorar las políticas púbicas relacionadas a las zonas costeras, sus
recursos, los servicios ecosistémicos, la gestión de las numerosas fuentes de contaminación continental
que llegan a la costa y la adaptación al cambio climático.

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges for climate change adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean region

Frontiers in climate, 2024

Frontiers in Climate 02 regional climate resilient development actions and a more... more Frontiers in Climate 02 regional climate resilient development actions and a more sustainable future in LAC. The climate science community in LAC needs to strengthen its local, national, and international connections and with decision/policymakers and society to establish a three-way engagement by proposing suitable adaptation actions and international negotiations to reduce the risks and vulnerability associated with climate extremes, climate variability and climate change in the region. The discussions and insights presented in this work could be extrapolated to other countries in the Global South.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal variability of the rainy season in the Yucatan Peninsula

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

The rainfallregimeisacriticalfactorintheYucatanPeninsula,asthespatial and multiannualvariabilityo... more The rainfallregimeisacriticalfactorintheYucatanPeninsula,asthespatial
and multiannualvariabilityofrainfallisamajorconcern,particularlyfor
crops. Variabilityintherainyseasonwasexaminedconsideringtheonsetand
demise oftheannualrainyseason,thetotalrainvolume,therainfallseason
duration andtheintenseprecipitationeventsrecordedinmeteorologicalsta-
tions (1978–2020). Weanalysedindividualtimeseriesandcalculatedthelong-
term trend.Additionally,weexploredtherelationshipbetweeneachsummer
rainfall characteristicandseveraloceanographicindicesusingmultivariate
techniques. WealsodevelopedaTrans-IsthmicIndexfromtherelationship
between theElNiño–Southern OscillationandtheAtlanticMultidecadal
Oscillation. Thisindexallowsfordeterminingtheeffectoftheoverallinflu-
ence oftheoceanonclimate.Thetimeseriesanalysisrevealedahighinterann-
ual variabilityandlong-termpositivetrendsconcerningthedurationofthe
rainy seasonwithearlieronsetandlaterdemise,andthetotalrainfallvolume
and alsoapositivetrendfortheoccurrenceofheavyprecipitationsuggestinga
shift inintra-annualpatterns.Spatially,theanalysisrevealedclustersofsta-
tions withasimilarvariation,probablyrelatedtotheAMO,NIÑO3.4orTII
indices. ThespatialpatternwasconfirmedbyanalysingCHIRPSgriddedpre-
cipitation data.Ourresultsshowthatwetterconditionsareassociatedwith
lower temperaturesintheequatorialPacificandwarmerconditionsinthe

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica en el periodo 1981-2020. Parte 2, variabilidad climática

Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 2023

Resumen: El inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como de ... more Resumen:
El inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como de la duración de las estaciones seca
y lluviosa (DES y DELL, respectivamente) sobre la provincia de Guanacaste puede ser afectada por diversas fuentes
de variabilidad climática que modulan las precipitaciones en América Central. Se determina el IELL, TELL, DES y DELL,
con datos de precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1981-2020 y se redujo su dimensionalidad
mediante el análisis de Componentes Principales (CP). Se calcularon las correlaciones de Pearson entre las CP y sus
respectivos índices, para estudiar las regiones que presentan mayor influencia de las CP. Estas CP se compararon con
índices de fuentes de variabilidad climática como El Niño-Oscilación del Sur, la Oscilación Multidecenal del Atlántico
y la corriente en chorro de bajo nivel del Caribe (CLLJ, por sus siglas en inglés). Un calentamiento (enfriamiento)
relativo del Atlántico con respecto al Pacífico ecuatorial favorece IELL tempranos (tardíos), TELL tardíos (tempranos),
DES cortas (largas) y DELL largas (cortas); mientras que un CLLJ intenso (débil) favorece IELL tardíos (tempranos), TELL
tempranos (tardíos), DES largas (cortas) y DELL cortas (largas).

The onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry
and rainy seasons (DES and DELL, respectively in Spanish) in the province of Guanacaste can be affected by various
sources of climate variability that modulates rainfall in Central America. The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL are determined
with gridded precipitation data over Guanacaste for the period 1981-2020 and their dimensionality was reduced
using the Principal Components (PCs) analysis. The Pearson correlations between the PCs and their respective
indexes were calculated to study the regions with the greatest influence of the PC. These PCs were compared with
indices from climate variability sources such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,
and the Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ). A relative warming (cooling) of the Atlantic relative to the equatorial Pacific
favors earlier (later) IELL, later (earlier) TELL, shorter (longer) DES, and longer (shorter) DELL. Conversely, a stronger
(weaker) CLLJ favour later (earlier) IELL, earlier (later) TELL, longer (shorter) DES, and shorter (longer) DELL.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica en el periodo 1981-2020. Parte 1, caracterización climática

Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 2023

Resumen: Esta investigación estudió el comportamiento y la distribución espacial del inicio y tér... more Resumen:
Esta investigación estudió el comportamiento y la distribución espacial del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa
(IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como la duración de las estaciones seca y lluviosa sobre la provincia de Guanacaste
(DES y DELL, respectivamente). Se determinaron y caracterizaron estadísticamente las fechas del IELL, TELL, DES y
DELL, usando datos de precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1981-2020 y se validaron contra
datos de precipitación de estaciones meteorológicas. Los IELL ocurren más tempranos en cantones centrales de
Guanacaste alrededor de la desembocadura del río Tempisque, con fechas más tardías al desplazarse hacia zonas
costeras, limítrofes con Alajuela y al norte de la provincia. Los TELL se distribuyen uniformemente, con valores tardíos
al sur y valores tempranos en la zona central y norte de Guanacaste. La DES y DELL, son uniformes en la región con
las condiciones más secas al norte y las más húmedas al sur y este de la región, con aproximadamente una mitad del
año como estación seca y la otra como estación lluviosa. Las tendencias indican que los IELL son más tempranos, los
TELL más tardíos, las DES más cortas y las DELL más largas.

This research aims to characterize the behavior and spatial distribution of the onset and demise of the rainy season
(IELL and TELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry and rainy seasons over
the province of Guanacaste (DES and DELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish). The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL
dates are determined and statistically characterized, using a gridded precipitation dataset for Guanacaste for the
period 1981-2020 and validated against precipitation data from meteorological gauge stations. IELLs occur earlier in
central cantons of Guanacaste around the mouth of the Tempisque river, with later dates as moving towards coastal
regions, bordering Alajuela and to the north of the province. TELLs are uniformly distributed, with late values in the
south and early values in the central and northern areas of Guanacaste. DES and DELL are uniform in the region with
the driest conditions in the north and the most humid places in the south and east of the region, with approximately
one half of the year as a dry season and the other half as a rainy season. The trends indicate earlier IELLs, later TELLs,
shorter DES, and longer DELLs.

Research paper thumbnail of Flood projections for selected Costa Rican main basins using CMIP6 climate models downscaled output in the HBV hydrological model for scenario SSP5-8.5

Hydrological Research Letters, 2024

Estimates from 3 statistically downscaled General Circulation Models (GCMs) from version 6 of the... more Estimates from 3 statistically downscaled General Circulation
Models (GCMs) from version 6 of the Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project, namely the EC Earth3,
GFDL ESM4 and MPI ESM1 2 HR are used in the HBV
hydrological model to estimate design streamflow projections
with 20, 50, and 100-year return periods for the
selected main basins of Costa Rica. The changes in these
streamflows were computed between the baseline period
(1985–2015) and the mid-century projection (2035–2065)
for the SSP5-8.5 scenario. The novelty resides in being the
first study that explores the magnitude of climate changes
in design flows of Costa Rica, a tropical country. Although,
calibration and validation statistics are generally good for
most of the basins, only around one quarter of the simulations
reproduce the observed distribution of the 3-day
annual maximum flows. Results show that the MPI model
presents lower sensitivity with changes of different sign
depending on the basin studied and the other two models
suggest only significant increases in the design flow in
most of the basins. Results of the model’s ensemble suggests
a great concern, as there is a general increase in the
design flows, and the magnitudes of the changes are large,
especially in the Pacific slope.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterizing the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) in the Costa Rican Eastern Tropical Pacific using in situ data from field campaigns

Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 2024

For conservation and sustainable fi sheries, it is important to characterize the Oxygen Minimum Z... more For conservation and sustainable fi sheries, it is important to characterize the Oxygen
Minimum Zones or OMZ in and around the methane seeps of the Eastern Tropical Pacifi c (ETP),
Costa Rica, through the analysis of temperature, salinity, density, and oxygen profi les. The data used
in this work were collected during several oceanographic research campaigns in the Pacifi c continental
margin and off shore of Costa Rica, between 2009 and 2019, using a CTDs, as the profi ler of
physical parameters of the water column. In general, it was observed that dissolved oxygen gradually
decreases with depth to the thermocline, then its concentration decreases more rapidly and remains
low, indicating the presence of the OMZ and tends to increase slightly at greater depths. Mean vertical
extension of the OMZ near and around the seeps was 763 m and the mean depth for the minimum
dissolved oxygen value was 393 m. Spatial diff erences of measurements taken at stations near the
methane seeps were calculated with respect to the measurements at the station located above them.
Overall, a greater variability of the oxygen anomalies was observed within the mixed layer, while
under the thermocline their values remain stable and around zero.

Research paper thumbnail of Weather types for the seasonal transitions in Central America (Tipos de tiempo atmosférico durante las transiciones estacionales en América Central)

Revista de Matematicas Teoria y Aplicaciones, 2024

Unsupervised learning techniques are employed to study the relationship between atmospheric circu... more Unsupervised learning techniques are employed to study the relationship between
atmospheric circulation and precipitation over Central America and
its surrounding areas. Specifically, the clustering algorithm k-means++ is
applied to three coarse-grained datasets from ERA-interim reanalysis that
are the candidates for representing the atmospheric state vector, each candidate
contains its full temporal variability. Datasets are composed of: a) wind
fields at 925, 800 and 200 hPa, b) same as “a)” plus convective available potential
energy and c) same as “a)” plus total column water vapor. Clustering
metrics, namely the variance ratio criterion, the silhouette criterion and the
mean squared error, are computed to quantify clustering quality. Clusters
are interpreted as weather types, recurrent configurations of the atmospheric
state vector associated with observable weather states. The correct number
of clusters for each dataset is determined with a Monte Carlo test of normality,
to assure cluster existence. The main objective is to obtain a set
of weather types containing elements that characterize the transition from
and to the rainy season over the Pacific side of Central America as well as
other elements of the seasonal cycle of regional precipitation, such as the
Mid-Summer Drought. Besides the statistical metrics, in order to select between
candidate datasets and plausible number of clusters, focus is given
to the temporal characteristics of the clusters. Existing literature does not
provide a set of weather types suitable to analyze seasonal transitions and
the differences in the mechanisms associated with rainfall maxima.

Research paper thumbnail of An observational analysis of the eastern tropical Pacific Shallow Meridional Circulation using YOTC data and pilot balloons from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

Marine and Fishery Sciences-MAFIS, 2024

The low-level circulation of the atmosphere over Isla del Coco has been studied and the presence ... more The low-level circulation of the atmosphere over Isla del Coco has been studied and the presence of a northerly wind at low levels of the atmosphere in the eastern tropical Pacific, in addition to the deep Hadley circulation cell, has been confirmed. Using data from pilot balloons (May 1997 through January 1999, October 2007 through April 2008), the northern flow is between 1 and 5 km high, depending on the time of year, with a maximum speed located between 2 and 3 km above the surface. The generating mechanism of the surface return flow in the Hadley circulation cell has been formulated as a sea breeze, Ekman pumping of the boundary layer, and it could even be a response to the Rossby wave generated by warming in the Chocó region. These results agree with those obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis (January 1979 through December 2020), which show that the southern return cell varies in position and height during the course of the year, with a poorly organized circulation in March and strengthening from July to February. The incorporation of data of low, medium and high cloud cover from Year of the Tropical Convection (boreal summer 2009) evidenced the presence of high-level clouds in the ITCZ region and low-level clouds to the south of the ITCZ, latitudes where the south surface circulation cell is located.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodología para el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia multisectorial a la variabilidad climática en el cantón fronterizo La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (Methodology for strengthening multisectoral resilience to climate variability in the frontier canton of La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Universidad en Diálogo: Revista de extensión, 2023

Resumen: Las zonas transfronterizas poseen un contexto muy particular que influye en los alcances... more Resumen:
Las zonas transfronterizas poseen un contexto muy particular que influye en los alcances del desarrollo rural de América Central. Por un lado, se cuenta progresivamente con más información sobre la influencia de aspectos biofísicos y climáticos en la variabilidad climática y los medios de vida locales; por otro, hay una necesidad constante de adaptar políticas y opciones de adaptación a los intereses de tomadores de decisores y población, políticas internacionales, efectos de la globalización y el imaginario del territorio. Esto genera una dinámica de cambio constante que implica un fuerte reto para la gestión del territorio y sus recursos. En el presente artículo se aborda el caso de estudio del cantón La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, dado que resalta algunos de los principales desafíos de territorios transfronterizos de América Central. A través del análisis transdisciplinario del caso de estudio se identifican los principales desafíos para el desarrollo rural en este territorio, con énfasis en dinámicas particulares de zonas transfronterizas que deben ser tomadas en cuenta para facilitar el desarrollo territorial rural. Se propone un marco integrado de abordaje de la complejidad de las dinámicas del territorio basado en el marco de medios de vida sostenibles y capitales de la comunidad. A partir de la consideración de este marco holístico e integrador se plantean tres estrategias para facilitar la adaptación a la variabilidad climática. Este trabajo demuestra la oportunidad de la integración de la extensión e investigación transdisciplinaria para la gestión del riesgo climático en comunidades rurales.

Cross-border areas have a very particular context that influences the scope of rural development in Central America. On one hand, there is progressively more information on the influence of biophysical and climatic aspects on climate variability and local livelihoods; on the other, there is a constant need to adapt policies and adaptation options to the interests of decision-makers and the population, international policies, the effects of globalization and the imaginary of the territory. This generates a dynamic of constant change that implies a strong challenge for the management of the territory and its resources. This paper addresses the case study
of the canton La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica as it highlights some of the main challenges of cross-border territories in Central America. Through a transdisciplinary analysis of the case study, the main challenges for rural development in this territory are identified, with emphasis on the dynamics of cross-border zones that must be considered to facilitate rural territorial development. An integrated framework is proposed to address the complexity of the territory's dynamics based on the framework of sustainable livelihoods and community capitals. Based on the consideration of this holistic and integrative framework, three strategies are proposed to facilitate adaptation to climate variability. This work demonstrates the opportunity of integrating transdisciplinary extension and research for climate risk management in rural communities.

As áreas transfronteiriças têm um contexto muito particular que influencia o âmbito do desenvolvimento rural na América Central. Por um lado, existe cada vez mais informação sobre a influência dos aspectos biofísicos e climáticos na variabilidade climática e nos meios de subsistência locais; Por outro lado, existe uma necessidade constante de adaptação das políticas e das opções de adaptação aos interesses dos decisores e da população, às políticas internacionais, aos efeitos da globalização e ao imaginário do território. Isto gera uma dinâmica de constante mudança que implica um forte desafio para a gestão do território e dos seus recursos. Este artigo aborda o estudo de caso do cantão La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, uma vez que destaca alguns dos principais desafios dos territórios transfronteiriços na América Central. Através da análise transdisciplinar do estudo de caso, são identificados os principais desafios para o desenvolvimento rural neste território, com destaque para dinâmicas particulares de áreas transfronteiriças que devem ser tidas em conta para facilitar o desenvolvimento territorial rural. É proposto um quadro integrado para abordar a complexidade da dinâmica do território com base no quadro de meios de subsistência sustentáveis e capitais comunitários. Com base na consideração deste quadro holístico e integrador, são propostas três estratégias para facilitar a adaptação à variabilidade climática. Este trabalho demonstra a oportunidade de integrar extensão e pesquisa transdisciplinar para a gestão de riscos climáticos em comunidades rurais.

Research paper thumbnail of Central America urgently needs to reduce the growing adaptation gap to climate change

Frontiers in Climate, 2023

Central America is highly impacted by current extreme events associated with climate variability... more Central America is highly impacted by current extreme events associated with
climate variability and the adverse effects of climate change, showing high
vulnerability compounded by its historical context and socioeconomic structure.
In light of the important findings published by theWGII of the IPCC AR6 in 2022 on
the adverse effects of climate change on the Central American region, there is still
a clear need to improve data availability and to increase the number of studies on
projections of changes in the climate, risks, impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation
from the region to inform decision-makers and practitioners. The region has
seen an increase in the number of adaptation projects implemented; however,
there is limited information about their success or failure, and there are few
case studies and reviews of lessons learned, highlighting an important gap in the
implementation of effective adaptation measures. This article presents a current
review of the literature on climatology, hydrology, impacts and vulnerability,
mitigation and adaptation responses, action plans, and potential losses and
damages in the region. It also proposes actionable recommendations based on
the main gaps found and presents a case study of the Central American Dry
Corridor, one of the climate change and underdevelopment hotspots of the
region. We finish with a discussion highlighting the importance of considering
system transitions perspectives and the need to plan and implement more
transformational adaptation approaches to reduce further losses and damages and
to further address adaptation gaps in Central America.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate variability of precipitation in Ceara Region, Northeast of Brazil (Variabilidade climática da precipitação no estado do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil)

Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, Nov 23, 2023

Abstract: The state of Ceará is a semi-arid region located in the Northeast region of Brazil, cha... more Abstract: The state of Ceará is a semi-arid region located in the Northeast region of Brazil, characterized by an irregular rainy season, great climate variability mainly driven by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of the tropical South Atlantic and extreme weather events . Droughts and their effects were studied to determine their frequency and help reduce their economic, social and environmental impacts. For that, we evaluated the space-time variability of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and characterized the drought for the twelve hydrographic regions of the State of Ceará in the scales of 3, 6 and 12 months. The data comprise the period 1980-2020 considering the monthly values of precipitation provided by the Cearense Foundation of Meteorology and Water Resources (FUNCEME)During the years 1982 and 1993, the SPI detected the greatest droughts in the state. It was also verified that 1996 and 1998 were the years with less intense dry events, presented in the 3, 6 and 12 month scales of the SPI. The index proved to be a useful tool for identifying drought in the study area at different time scales. Using wavelet analysis we found increases in spectral power at periodicities of 4-10 years, especially around 1982 and 2011, but these oscillations do not seem to be significant above the red noise spectrum. We found that cooler and warmer ENSO conditions and tropical South Atlantic SST variability were related to wetter rainy seasons, while opposite SST conditions to drier seasons.

Resumo: O estado do Ceará é uma região semiárida localizada na região Nordeste do Brasil, caracterizada por uma estação chuvosa irregular, grande variabilidade climática impulsionada principalmente pelo fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul (ENOS), Temperatura da superfície do Mar (TSM) do Atlântico Sul tropical e eventos climáticos extremos. As secas e seus efeitos foram estudados para determinar sua frequência e ajudar a reduzir seus impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Para tanto, avaliamos a variabilidade espaço-temporal do Índice Padronizado de Precipitação (SPI) e caracterizamos a seca para as doze regiões hidrográficas do Estado do Ceará nas escalas de 3, 6 e 12 meses. Os dados compreendem o período 1980-2020 considerando os valores mensais de precipitação fornecidos pela Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos (FUNCEME). Durante os anos de 1982 e 1993, o SPI detectou as maiores secas do estado. Verificou-se também que 1996 e 1998 foram os anos com eventos secos menos intensos, apresentados nas escalas 3, 6 e 12 meses do SPI. O índice provou ser uma ferramenta útil para a identificação da seca na área de estudo em diferentes escalas de tempo. Usando a análise wavelet encontramos um aumento da potência espectral nas periodicidades de 4-10 anos, especialmente por volta de 1982 e 2011, mas essas oscilações não parecem ser significativas acima do espectro de ruído vermelho. Descobrimos que condições mais frias e mais quentes de ENOS e a variabilidade da TSM do Atlântico Sul tropical, respectivamente, estavam relacionadas com estações chuvosas mais úmidas, enquanto condições opostas de TSM com estações mais secas.

Resumen: El estado de Ceará es una región semiárida ubicada en la región Nordeste de Brasil, caracterizada por una estación lluviosa irregular, gran variabilidad climática impulsada principalmente por el fenómeno El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), la Temperatura de la Superficie del Mar (TSM) del trópico Atlántico Sur y fenómenos meteorológicos extremos. Se estudiaron las sequías y sus efectos para determinar su frecuencia y ayudar a reducir sus impactos económicos, sociales y ambientales. Para eso, evaluamos la variabilidad espacio-temporal del Índice de Precipitación Estandarizado (SPI) y caracterizamos la sequía para las doce regiones hidrográficas del Estado de Ceará en las escalas de 3, 6 y 12 meses. Los datos abarcan el período 1980-2020 considerando los valores mensuales de precipitación proporcionados por la Fundación Cearense de Meteorología y Recursos Hídricos(FUNCEME). Durante los años 1982 y 1993, el SPI detectó las mayores sequías en el estado. También se verificó que 1996 y 1998 fueron los años con eventos secos menos intensos, presentados en las escalas de 3, 6 y 12 meses del SPI. El índice demostró ser una herramienta útil para identificar la sequía en el área de estudio en diferentes escalas de tiempo. Mediante el análisis de wavelet, encontramos aumentos en la potencia espectral con periodicidades de 4 a 10 años, especialmente alrededor de 1982 y 2011, pero estas oscilaciones no parecen ser significativas por encima del espectro de ruido rojo. Descobrimos que condições mais frias e mais quentes de ENOS y a usare da TSM do Atlântico Sul tropical, respectivamente, estavam relacionados com estações chuvosas mais úmidas, enquanto condições opostas de TSM com estações mais secas.

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización climática y análisis de mecanismos moduladores del descenso de las lluvias en la vertiente Caribe de América Central durante septiembre-octubre

Revista de Ciencias Ambientales, 2024

[Introduction]: The Caribbean slope of Central America is located windward about the trade winds ... more [Introduction]: The Caribbean slope of Central America is located windward about the trade winds associated with
the North Atlantic Subtropical High and the rains present a bimodal annual cycle, observing a relative minimum
in the months of September and October. [Objective]: Characterize the observed decrease in rainfall in this region
for this bimester, estimating for each event, the variables associated with the values of the onset day, minimum day,
demise day, duration, intensity, and magnitude, in 1979-2010. [Methodology]: A set of 31 daily records from rain
gauge stations was used. In each of them, the months from July to November were examined to find the values of
the minimum, the date of the minimum, the onset and the demise, duration, and intensity. The occurrence of any
temporal or spatial trend in these characteristics of the events was explored. Finally, different climatic indices and
documentary sources were reviewed to identify the possible synoptic causes of the strongest decreases in rainfall.
[Results]: The beginning of the events was observed around September 3rd, their minimum on September 23rd
and the end on October 12th, with an approximate duration of 39 days. Events tend to happen earlier at stations
located northwest on the isthmus. The driest events occurred under favorable conditions for the occurrence of
winds with a southwest-west component over the region. [Conclusions]: Knowledge about these characteristics
of precipitation helps in the activity planning of key socioeconomic sectors in Central America in case of adverse
hydrometeorological events.

Research paper thumbnail of Escenarios de Cambio Climático de última generación para América Central y la República Dominicana: Implicancias en la gestión de la inversión pública.

Call for papers, 2023

Los escenarios generados surgen a partir de modelos de última generación del AR6 del Panel Interg... more Los escenarios generados surgen a partir
de modelos de última generación del
AR6 del Panel Intergubernamental del
Cambio Climático o IPCC por sus siglas
en inglés, a una alta resolución espacial,
1 x 1 km, para los países miembros del
Sistema de Integración Centroamericana
(SICA). Tiene una línea base de datos
histórica de 1979 al 2014, con proyección
hasta el 2099. Esta información es vital
para el Instituto Centroamericano de
Administración Pública -ICAP- en la
gestión de la inversión pública basada en
evidencia científica, por las implicancias
que tiene desarrollar inversiones
sostenibles y resilientes a los efectos del
Cambio Climático. Lo anterior, bajo el
contexto de una región caracterizada por
su complejidad topográfica, intensidad
de uso de suelo y ocurrencia de desastres
hidrometeorológicos. Esta variabilidad
intrínseca sugiere que las estrategias
locales de gestión del riesgo y planificación
deben ser diseñadas con un enfoque
altamente específico a cada localidad
o región.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the impact of tropical cyclones on economic sectors in Costa Rica, Central America

Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 2024

Tropical cyclones (TC) pose a persistent natural hazard to Costa Rica. Exposure to natural hazard... more Tropical cyclones (TC) pose a persistent natural hazard to Costa Rica. Exposure to natural hazards, such as mass movements and floods, is
compounded by a growing urban population and inadequate land use planning. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the economic
impacts of TC of Costa Rica from Hurricane Joan in 1988 to Hurricane Eta in 2020, assessing the impact by municipality and economic sector
using baseline information of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy. According to the study, road infrastructure (933.8 US
million), agriculture (280.5 US million), river rehabilitation (153.96 US million), housing 98.26 (US million), and health (81.74 US million) were
among the sectors most severely affected by TC over the past 30 years. The Pacific basin municipalities in Costa Rica were found to be the most
vulnerable, primarily due to the indirect impacts of TC. The study's results offer useful information on the economic sectors and municipalities that
are most exposed from TC in Costa Rica and provide a replicable methodology for other regions and countries facing similar tropical phenomena.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of indicators to evaluate the performance of climate models

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

The evaluation of climate models is a crucial step in climate studies. It consists of quantifying... more The evaluation of climate models is a crucial step in climate studies. It consists
of quantifying the resemblance of model outputs to reference data to identify
models with superior capacity to replicate specific climate variables. Clearly,
the choice of the evaluation indicator significantly impacts the results, underscoring
the importance of selecting an indicator that properly captures the
characteristics of a “good model”. This study examines the behaviour of six
indicators, considering spatial correlation, distribution mean, variance and
shape. Monthly data for precipitation, temperature and teleconnection patterns
in Central America were utilized in the analysis. A new multicomponent
measure was selected based on these criteria to assess the performance of
32 CMIP6 models in reproducing the annual seasonal cycle of these variables.
The top six models were determined using multicriteria methods. It was found
that even the best model reproduces one derived climatic variable poorly in
this region. The proposed measure and selection method can contribute to
enhancing the accuracy of climatological research based on climate models.

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización climática de la lluvia del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica usando análogos construidos

Revista Tecnología en Marcha, 2024

Resumen: Se determina el inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL respectivamente),... more Resumen:
Se determina el inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL respectivamente), además
de la duración de la estación seca y lluviosa (DES y DELL respectivamente), con datos de
precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1950-2020 conformado por el
acople de dos conjuntos de datos, el primero es el conjunto Climate Hazards group Infrared
Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) y el segundo siendo el reanálisis ERA5 al que se le aplicó
un ajuste de escala para extender la cobertura temporal de los datos de CHIRPS. Se caracterizó
su IELL, TELL, DELL y DES con estadísticos como la mediana, desviación estándar, rango
inter cuartil y tendencias. Además, se relacionaron con fuentes de variabilidad climática como
El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), la temperatura superficial del océano Atlántico Tropical
Norte (ATN) y la corriente en chorro de bajo nivel del Caribe (CLLJ, por sus siglas en inglés).
Los datos representan adecuadamente la climatología del IELL, TELL, DELL, DES y las
precipitaciones de la región, además de capturar la variabilidad asociada a la CLLJ y al acople
de los océanos (ATN-ENOS), pero no la asociada al ATN y ENOS individualmente. Aunque no
se pudo determinar si esto se debe a los datos de ERA5 o al método de reducción de escala
usado, por lo que se recomienda verificar si ERA5 captura tal variabilidad oceánica al realizar
el mismo análisis en un periodo de tiempo de 1980-2020 donde se tiene mayor disponibilidad
de observaciones como estaciones meteorológicas o CHIRPS que ya ha sido validada.

The onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively in Spanish), also the
duration of the dry and rainy seasons (DES and DELL, respectively in Spanish) are determined,
with gridded precipitation data on Guanacaste for the period 1950-2020 constructed by
coupling two data sets: 1) the dataset Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with
Stations (CHIRPS), and 2) the ERA5 reanalysis to which a downscaling method was applied
to extend the data beyond the period covered by CHIRPS. Their IELL, TELL, DELL, and DES
were characterized with statistics such as the median, standard deviation, interquartile range,
and trends. In addition, were related to sources of climate variability such as El Niño Southern-
Oscillation (ENSO), the sea surface temperature of the tropical north Atlantic (TNA) and the
Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ). The dataset adequately represents the IELL, TELL, DELL, DES
and the precipitations of the region, in addition to capturing the variability associated with the
CLLJ and the coupling of the oceans (TNA-ENSO), but not that associated with the TNA and
ENSO individually. Although it could not be determined if this is due to the ERA5 dataset or
the downscaling method used, so it is recommended to verify if ERA5 captures such oceanic
variability when performing the same analysis in a period of time from 1980-2020 where there is
greater availability of observations such as meteorological gauge stations or CHIRPS that has
already been validated.

[Research paper thumbnail of Central America [in “State of the Climate in 2023"]](

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2024

Hidalgo, H.G., Amador, J.A., Alfaro, E.J., Calderón, B., and Mora, N. (2024). Central America [in... more Hidalgo, H.G., Amador, J.A., Alfaro, E.J., Calderón, B., and Mora, N. (2024). Central America [in “State of the Climate in 2023"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105(8), S390-S392.

Research paper thumbnail of Proyecciones de Cambio Climático en eventos extremos para el cantón Dota

Ambientico, 2024

El cantón Dota en San José empieza a enfrentar problemas de disponibilidad de agua, por lo que en... more El cantón Dota en San José empieza a enfrentar problemas
de disponibilidad de agua, por lo que en esta
investigación se modelaron eventos extremos de
precipitación y temperatura bajo el escenario de cambio climático
pesimista de concentraciones, el cual podrá utilizarse
como insumo del análisis de riesgo climático. Como una
forma de determinar la oferta de agua dentro del cantón, se
estimó el balance hídrico para la cuenca madre. Estos insumos
pueden ser utilizados por los habitantes del cantón y
funcionarios de instituciones para la toma de decisiones en
el futuro con relación con el tema del agua.

Research paper thumbnail of Central American climate extreme trends: A statistical analysis of CLIMDEX indices

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

Precipitation and temperature extremes from daily data indexed using the CLIMDEX methodology were... more Precipitation and temperature extremes from daily data indexed using the CLIMDEX methodology were calculated over the Central American region. The data comprises the coarsened versions of the Climate Hazards and Infrared Precipitation with stations (CHIRPs) and the corresponding data set for temperature (CHIRTs) from the year 1981 to 2020 and 1983 to 2016, respectively. The objective is to detect trend patterns in extremes in recent periods, use novel statistical techniques for assessing the trend significance and study the monthly and annual trends for each of the indices. Trends of extreme temperature indices show more consistent, robust and widespread significant results according with the observed warming of the region. Significant extreme precipitation indices trends are more localized, and therefore harder to analyse, but it seems that one robust result from several indices is the trend toward more intense extreme precipitation events in Costa Rica. The findings of this work suggest possible impacts in human and environmental systems across the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of the academy for a better understanding of the oceans in Costa Rica

Revista Costarricense de Política Exterior. Edición especial, Diplomacia Azul: Una mirada hacia el Océano., 2024

El lanzamiento de la Década de los Océanos en el año 2017 estableció nuevas visiones entre la cie... more El lanzamiento de la Década de los Océanos en el año 2017 estableció nuevas visiones entre la ciencia y
política, para fortalecer la investigación y la gestión de los océanos y las costas. Con un 92% de superficie
marina, Costa Rica es una nación de mar, que posee una gran diversidad marina, y que realiza esfuerzos
para conocer mejor sus recursos costeros y marinos. En los últimos 20 años, se han desarrollado políticas
para promover la gestión integrada de nuestras zonas costeras y la creación de áreas marinas protegidas.
Mediante la investigación de las universidades públicas, conocemos mejor, aunque de manera incompleta,
cómo se encuentran nuestros recursos pesqueros y acuicultura, los impactos de la contaminación marina
y sus efectos sobre organismos y ecosistemas, los impactos del cambio climático, así como los esfuerzos
para impulsar la conservación marina y la restauración de los ecosistemas marino-costeros y sus servicios.
Del análisis de estas áreas de estudios, es evidente, que existen vacíos de información que deben
ser abordados para generar más información científica que permita la toma de decisiones adecuadas y
basadas en la ciencia, con el objeto de mejorar las políticas púbicas relacionadas a las zonas costeras, sus
recursos, los servicios ecosistémicos, la gestión de las numerosas fuentes de contaminación continental
que llegan a la costa y la adaptación al cambio climático.

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges for climate change adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean region

Frontiers in climate, 2024

Frontiers in Climate 02 regional climate resilient development actions and a more... more Frontiers in Climate 02 regional climate resilient development actions and a more sustainable future in LAC. The climate science community in LAC needs to strengthen its local, national, and international connections and with decision/policymakers and society to establish a three-way engagement by proposing suitable adaptation actions and international negotiations to reduce the risks and vulnerability associated with climate extremes, climate variability and climate change in the region. The discussions and insights presented in this work could be extrapolated to other countries in the Global South.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal variability of the rainy season in the Yucatan Peninsula

International Journal of Climatology, 2024

The rainfallregimeisacriticalfactorintheYucatanPeninsula,asthespatial and multiannualvariabilityo... more The rainfallregimeisacriticalfactorintheYucatanPeninsula,asthespatial
and multiannualvariabilityofrainfallisamajorconcern,particularlyfor
crops. Variabilityintherainyseasonwasexaminedconsideringtheonsetand
demise oftheannualrainyseason,thetotalrainvolume,therainfallseason
duration andtheintenseprecipitationeventsrecordedinmeteorologicalsta-
tions (1978–2020). Weanalysedindividualtimeseriesandcalculatedthelong-
term trend.Additionally,weexploredtherelationshipbetweeneachsummer
rainfall characteristicandseveraloceanographicindicesusingmultivariate
techniques. WealsodevelopedaTrans-IsthmicIndexfromtherelationship
between theElNiño–Southern OscillationandtheAtlanticMultidecadal
Oscillation. Thisindexallowsfordeterminingtheeffectoftheoverallinflu-
ence oftheoceanonclimate.Thetimeseriesanalysisrevealedahighinterann-
ual variabilityandlong-termpositivetrendsconcerningthedurationofthe
rainy seasonwithearlieronsetandlaterdemise,andthetotalrainfallvolume
and alsoapositivetrendfortheoccurrenceofheavyprecipitationsuggestinga
shift inintra-annualpatterns.Spatially,theanalysisrevealedclustersofsta-
tions withasimilarvariation,probablyrelatedtotheAMO,NIÑO3.4orTII
indices. ThespatialpatternwasconfirmedbyanalysingCHIRPSgriddedpre-
cipitation data.Ourresultsshowthatwetterconditionsareassociatedwith
lower temperaturesintheequatorialPacificandwarmerconditionsinthe

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica en el periodo 1981-2020. Parte 2, variabilidad climática

Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 2023

Resumen: El inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como de ... more Resumen:
El inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como de la duración de las estaciones seca
y lluviosa (DES y DELL, respectivamente) sobre la provincia de Guanacaste puede ser afectada por diversas fuentes
de variabilidad climática que modulan las precipitaciones en América Central. Se determina el IELL, TELL, DES y DELL,
con datos de precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1981-2020 y se redujo su dimensionalidad
mediante el análisis de Componentes Principales (CP). Se calcularon las correlaciones de Pearson entre las CP y sus
respectivos índices, para estudiar las regiones que presentan mayor influencia de las CP. Estas CP se compararon con
índices de fuentes de variabilidad climática como El Niño-Oscilación del Sur, la Oscilación Multidecenal del Atlántico
y la corriente en chorro de bajo nivel del Caribe (CLLJ, por sus siglas en inglés). Un calentamiento (enfriamiento)
relativo del Atlántico con respecto al Pacífico ecuatorial favorece IELL tempranos (tardíos), TELL tardíos (tempranos),
DES cortas (largas) y DELL largas (cortas); mientras que un CLLJ intenso (débil) favorece IELL tardíos (tempranos), TELL
tempranos (tardíos), DES largas (cortas) y DELL cortas (largas).

The onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry
and rainy seasons (DES and DELL, respectively in Spanish) in the province of Guanacaste can be affected by various
sources of climate variability that modulates rainfall in Central America. The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL are determined
with gridded precipitation data over Guanacaste for the period 1981-2020 and their dimensionality was reduced
using the Principal Components (PCs) analysis. The Pearson correlations between the PCs and their respective
indexes were calculated to study the regions with the greatest influence of the PC. These PCs were compared with
indices from climate variability sources such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,
and the Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ). A relative warming (cooling) of the Atlantic relative to the equatorial Pacific
favors earlier (later) IELL, later (earlier) TELL, shorter (longer) DES, and longer (shorter) DELL. Conversely, a stronger
(weaker) CLLJ favour later (earlier) IELL, earlier (later) TELL, longer (shorter) DES, and shorter (longer) DELL.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica en el periodo 1981-2020. Parte 1, caracterización climática

Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 2023

Resumen: Esta investigación estudió el comportamiento y la distribución espacial del inicio y tér... more Resumen:
Esta investigación estudió el comportamiento y la distribución espacial del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa
(IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como la duración de las estaciones seca y lluviosa sobre la provincia de Guanacaste
(DES y DELL, respectivamente). Se determinaron y caracterizaron estadísticamente las fechas del IELL, TELL, DES y
DELL, usando datos de precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1981-2020 y se validaron contra
datos de precipitación de estaciones meteorológicas. Los IELL ocurren más tempranos en cantones centrales de
Guanacaste alrededor de la desembocadura del río Tempisque, con fechas más tardías al desplazarse hacia zonas
costeras, limítrofes con Alajuela y al norte de la provincia. Los TELL se distribuyen uniformemente, con valores tardíos
al sur y valores tempranos en la zona central y norte de Guanacaste. La DES y DELL, son uniformes en la región con
las condiciones más secas al norte y las más húmedas al sur y este de la región, con aproximadamente una mitad del
año como estación seca y la otra como estación lluviosa. Las tendencias indican que los IELL son más tempranos, los
TELL más tardíos, las DES más cortas y las DELL más largas.

This research aims to characterize the behavior and spatial distribution of the onset and demise of the rainy season
(IELL and TELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry and rainy seasons over
the province of Guanacaste (DES and DELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish). The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL
dates are determined and statistically characterized, using a gridded precipitation dataset for Guanacaste for the
period 1981-2020 and validated against precipitation data from meteorological gauge stations. IELLs occur earlier in
central cantons of Guanacaste around the mouth of the Tempisque river, with later dates as moving towards coastal
regions, bordering Alajuela and to the north of the province. TELLs are uniformly distributed, with late values in the
south and early values in the central and northern areas of Guanacaste. DES and DELL are uniform in the region with
the driest conditions in the north and the most humid places in the south and east of the region, with approximately
one half of the year as a dry season and the other half as a rainy season. The trends indicate earlier IELLs, later TELLs,
shorter DES, and longer DELLs.

Research paper thumbnail of Flood projections for selected Costa Rican main basins using CMIP6 climate models downscaled output in the HBV hydrological model for scenario SSP5-8.5

Hydrological Research Letters, 2024

Estimates from 3 statistically downscaled General Circulation Models (GCMs) from version 6 of the... more Estimates from 3 statistically downscaled General Circulation
Models (GCMs) from version 6 of the Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project, namely the EC Earth3,
GFDL ESM4 and MPI ESM1 2 HR are used in the HBV
hydrological model to estimate design streamflow projections
with 20, 50, and 100-year return periods for the
selected main basins of Costa Rica. The changes in these
streamflows were computed between the baseline period
(1985–2015) and the mid-century projection (2035–2065)
for the SSP5-8.5 scenario. The novelty resides in being the
first study that explores the magnitude of climate changes
in design flows of Costa Rica, a tropical country. Although,
calibration and validation statistics are generally good for
most of the basins, only around one quarter of the simulations
reproduce the observed distribution of the 3-day
annual maximum flows. Results show that the MPI model
presents lower sensitivity with changes of different sign
depending on the basin studied and the other two models
suggest only significant increases in the design flow in
most of the basins. Results of the model’s ensemble suggests
a great concern, as there is a general increase in the
design flows, and the magnitudes of the changes are large,
especially in the Pacific slope.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterizing the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) in the Costa Rican Eastern Tropical Pacific using in situ data from field campaigns

Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 2024

For conservation and sustainable fi sheries, it is important to characterize the Oxygen Minimum Z... more For conservation and sustainable fi sheries, it is important to characterize the Oxygen
Minimum Zones or OMZ in and around the methane seeps of the Eastern Tropical Pacifi c (ETP),
Costa Rica, through the analysis of temperature, salinity, density, and oxygen profi les. The data used
in this work were collected during several oceanographic research campaigns in the Pacifi c continental
margin and off shore of Costa Rica, between 2009 and 2019, using a CTDs, as the profi ler of
physical parameters of the water column. In general, it was observed that dissolved oxygen gradually
decreases with depth to the thermocline, then its concentration decreases more rapidly and remains
low, indicating the presence of the OMZ and tends to increase slightly at greater depths. Mean vertical
extension of the OMZ near and around the seeps was 763 m and the mean depth for the minimum
dissolved oxygen value was 393 m. Spatial diff erences of measurements taken at stations near the
methane seeps were calculated with respect to the measurements at the station located above them.
Overall, a greater variability of the oxygen anomalies was observed within the mixed layer, while
under the thermocline their values remain stable and around zero.

Research paper thumbnail of Weather types for the seasonal transitions in Central America (Tipos de tiempo atmosférico durante las transiciones estacionales en América Central)

Revista de Matematicas Teoria y Aplicaciones, 2024

Unsupervised learning techniques are employed to study the relationship between atmospheric circu... more Unsupervised learning techniques are employed to study the relationship between
atmospheric circulation and precipitation over Central America and
its surrounding areas. Specifically, the clustering algorithm k-means++ is
applied to three coarse-grained datasets from ERA-interim reanalysis that
are the candidates for representing the atmospheric state vector, each candidate
contains its full temporal variability. Datasets are composed of: a) wind
fields at 925, 800 and 200 hPa, b) same as “a)” plus convective available potential
energy and c) same as “a)” plus total column water vapor. Clustering
metrics, namely the variance ratio criterion, the silhouette criterion and the
mean squared error, are computed to quantify clustering quality. Clusters
are interpreted as weather types, recurrent configurations of the atmospheric
state vector associated with observable weather states. The correct number
of clusters for each dataset is determined with a Monte Carlo test of normality,
to assure cluster existence. The main objective is to obtain a set
of weather types containing elements that characterize the transition from
and to the rainy season over the Pacific side of Central America as well as
other elements of the seasonal cycle of regional precipitation, such as the
Mid-Summer Drought. Besides the statistical metrics, in order to select between
candidate datasets and plausible number of clusters, focus is given
to the temporal characteristics of the clusters. Existing literature does not
provide a set of weather types suitable to analyze seasonal transitions and
the differences in the mechanisms associated with rainfall maxima.

Research paper thumbnail of An observational analysis of the eastern tropical Pacific Shallow Meridional Circulation using YOTC data and pilot balloons from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

Marine and Fishery Sciences-MAFIS, 2024

The low-level circulation of the atmosphere over Isla del Coco has been studied and the presence ... more The low-level circulation of the atmosphere over Isla del Coco has been studied and the presence of a northerly wind at low levels of the atmosphere in the eastern tropical Pacific, in addition to the deep Hadley circulation cell, has been confirmed. Using data from pilot balloons (May 1997 through January 1999, October 2007 through April 2008), the northern flow is between 1 and 5 km high, depending on the time of year, with a maximum speed located between 2 and 3 km above the surface. The generating mechanism of the surface return flow in the Hadley circulation cell has been formulated as a sea breeze, Ekman pumping of the boundary layer, and it could even be a response to the Rossby wave generated by warming in the Chocó region. These results agree with those obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis (January 1979 through December 2020), which show that the southern return cell varies in position and height during the course of the year, with a poorly organized circulation in March and strengthening from July to February. The incorporation of data of low, medium and high cloud cover from Year of the Tropical Convection (boreal summer 2009) evidenced the presence of high-level clouds in the ITCZ region and low-level clouds to the south of the ITCZ, latitudes where the south surface circulation cell is located.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodología para el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia multisectorial a la variabilidad climática en el cantón fronterizo La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (Methodology for strengthening multisectoral resilience to climate variability in the frontier canton of La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Universidad en Diálogo: Revista de extensión, 2023

Resumen: Las zonas transfronterizas poseen un contexto muy particular que influye en los alcances... more Resumen:
Las zonas transfronterizas poseen un contexto muy particular que influye en los alcances del desarrollo rural de América Central. Por un lado, se cuenta progresivamente con más información sobre la influencia de aspectos biofísicos y climáticos en la variabilidad climática y los medios de vida locales; por otro, hay una necesidad constante de adaptar políticas y opciones de adaptación a los intereses de tomadores de decisores y población, políticas internacionales, efectos de la globalización y el imaginario del territorio. Esto genera una dinámica de cambio constante que implica un fuerte reto para la gestión del territorio y sus recursos. En el presente artículo se aborda el caso de estudio del cantón La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, dado que resalta algunos de los principales desafíos de territorios transfronterizos de América Central. A través del análisis transdisciplinario del caso de estudio se identifican los principales desafíos para el desarrollo rural en este territorio, con énfasis en dinámicas particulares de zonas transfronterizas que deben ser tomadas en cuenta para facilitar el desarrollo territorial rural. Se propone un marco integrado de abordaje de la complejidad de las dinámicas del territorio basado en el marco de medios de vida sostenibles y capitales de la comunidad. A partir de la consideración de este marco holístico e integrador se plantean tres estrategias para facilitar la adaptación a la variabilidad climática. Este trabajo demuestra la oportunidad de la integración de la extensión e investigación transdisciplinaria para la gestión del riesgo climático en comunidades rurales.

Cross-border areas have a very particular context that influences the scope of rural development in Central America. On one hand, there is progressively more information on the influence of biophysical and climatic aspects on climate variability and local livelihoods; on the other, there is a constant need to adapt policies and adaptation options to the interests of decision-makers and the population, international policies, the effects of globalization and the imaginary of the territory. This generates a dynamic of constant change that implies a strong challenge for the management of the territory and its resources. This paper addresses the case study
of the canton La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica as it highlights some of the main challenges of cross-border territories in Central America. Through a transdisciplinary analysis of the case study, the main challenges for rural development in this territory are identified, with emphasis on the dynamics of cross-border zones that must be considered to facilitate rural territorial development. An integrated framework is proposed to address the complexity of the territory's dynamics based on the framework of sustainable livelihoods and community capitals. Based on the consideration of this holistic and integrative framework, three strategies are proposed to facilitate adaptation to climate variability. This work demonstrates the opportunity of integrating transdisciplinary extension and research for climate risk management in rural communities.

As áreas transfronteiriças têm um contexto muito particular que influencia o âmbito do desenvolvimento rural na América Central. Por um lado, existe cada vez mais informação sobre a influência dos aspectos biofísicos e climáticos na variabilidade climática e nos meios de subsistência locais; Por outro lado, existe uma necessidade constante de adaptação das políticas e das opções de adaptação aos interesses dos decisores e da população, às políticas internacionais, aos efeitos da globalização e ao imaginário do território. Isto gera uma dinâmica de constante mudança que implica um forte desafio para a gestão do território e dos seus recursos. Este artigo aborda o estudo de caso do cantão La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, uma vez que destaca alguns dos principais desafios dos territórios transfronteiriços na América Central. Através da análise transdisciplinar do estudo de caso, são identificados os principais desafios para o desenvolvimento rural neste território, com destaque para dinâmicas particulares de áreas transfronteiriças que devem ser tidas em conta para facilitar o desenvolvimento territorial rural. É proposto um quadro integrado para abordar a complexidade da dinâmica do território com base no quadro de meios de subsistência sustentáveis e capitais comunitários. Com base na consideração deste quadro holístico e integrador, são propostas três estratégias para facilitar a adaptação à variabilidade climática. Este trabalho demonstra a oportunidade de integrar extensão e pesquisa transdisciplinar para a gestão de riscos climáticos em comunidades rurais.

Research paper thumbnail of Central America urgently needs to reduce the growing adaptation gap to climate change

Frontiers in Climate, 2023

Central America is highly impacted by current extreme events associated with climate variability... more Central America is highly impacted by current extreme events associated with
climate variability and the adverse effects of climate change, showing high
vulnerability compounded by its historical context and socioeconomic structure.
In light of the important findings published by theWGII of the IPCC AR6 in 2022 on
the adverse effects of climate change on the Central American region, there is still
a clear need to improve data availability and to increase the number of studies on
projections of changes in the climate, risks, impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation
from the region to inform decision-makers and practitioners. The region has
seen an increase in the number of adaptation projects implemented; however,
there is limited information about their success or failure, and there are few
case studies and reviews of lessons learned, highlighting an important gap in the
implementation of effective adaptation measures. This article presents a current
review of the literature on climatology, hydrology, impacts and vulnerability,
mitigation and adaptation responses, action plans, and potential losses and
damages in the region. It also proposes actionable recommendations based on
the main gaps found and presents a case study of the Central American Dry
Corridor, one of the climate change and underdevelopment hotspots of the
region. We finish with a discussion highlighting the importance of considering
system transitions perspectives and the need to plan and implement more
transformational adaptation approaches to reduce further losses and damages and
to further address adaptation gaps in Central America.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate variability of precipitation in Ceara Region, Northeast of Brazil (Variabilidade climática da precipitação no estado do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil)

Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, Nov 23, 2023

Abstract: The state of Ceará is a semi-arid region located in the Northeast region of Brazil, cha... more Abstract: The state of Ceará is a semi-arid region located in the Northeast region of Brazil, characterized by an irregular rainy season, great climate variability mainly driven by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of the tropical South Atlantic and extreme weather events . Droughts and their effects were studied to determine their frequency and help reduce their economic, social and environmental impacts. For that, we evaluated the space-time variability of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and characterized the drought for the twelve hydrographic regions of the State of Ceará in the scales of 3, 6 and 12 months. The data comprise the period 1980-2020 considering the monthly values of precipitation provided by the Cearense Foundation of Meteorology and Water Resources (FUNCEME)During the years 1982 and 1993, the SPI detected the greatest droughts in the state. It was also verified that 1996 and 1998 were the years with less intense dry events, presented in the 3, 6 and 12 month scales of the SPI. The index proved to be a useful tool for identifying drought in the study area at different time scales. Using wavelet analysis we found increases in spectral power at periodicities of 4-10 years, especially around 1982 and 2011, but these oscillations do not seem to be significant above the red noise spectrum. We found that cooler and warmer ENSO conditions and tropical South Atlantic SST variability were related to wetter rainy seasons, while opposite SST conditions to drier seasons.

Resumo: O estado do Ceará é uma região semiárida localizada na região Nordeste do Brasil, caracterizada por uma estação chuvosa irregular, grande variabilidade climática impulsionada principalmente pelo fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul (ENOS), Temperatura da superfície do Mar (TSM) do Atlântico Sul tropical e eventos climáticos extremos. As secas e seus efeitos foram estudados para determinar sua frequência e ajudar a reduzir seus impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Para tanto, avaliamos a variabilidade espaço-temporal do Índice Padronizado de Precipitação (SPI) e caracterizamos a seca para as doze regiões hidrográficas do Estado do Ceará nas escalas de 3, 6 e 12 meses. Os dados compreendem o período 1980-2020 considerando os valores mensais de precipitação fornecidos pela Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos (FUNCEME). Durante os anos de 1982 e 1993, o SPI detectou as maiores secas do estado. Verificou-se também que 1996 e 1998 foram os anos com eventos secos menos intensos, apresentados nas escalas 3, 6 e 12 meses do SPI. O índice provou ser uma ferramenta útil para a identificação da seca na área de estudo em diferentes escalas de tempo. Usando a análise wavelet encontramos um aumento da potência espectral nas periodicidades de 4-10 anos, especialmente por volta de 1982 e 2011, mas essas oscilações não parecem ser significativas acima do espectro de ruído vermelho. Descobrimos que condições mais frias e mais quentes de ENOS e a variabilidade da TSM do Atlântico Sul tropical, respectivamente, estavam relacionadas com estações chuvosas mais úmidas, enquanto condições opostas de TSM com estações mais secas.

Resumen: El estado de Ceará es una región semiárida ubicada en la región Nordeste de Brasil, caracterizada por una estación lluviosa irregular, gran variabilidad climática impulsada principalmente por el fenómeno El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), la Temperatura de la Superficie del Mar (TSM) del trópico Atlántico Sur y fenómenos meteorológicos extremos. Se estudiaron las sequías y sus efectos para determinar su frecuencia y ayudar a reducir sus impactos económicos, sociales y ambientales. Para eso, evaluamos la variabilidad espacio-temporal del Índice de Precipitación Estandarizado (SPI) y caracterizamos la sequía para las doce regiones hidrográficas del Estado de Ceará en las escalas de 3, 6 y 12 meses. Los datos abarcan el período 1980-2020 considerando los valores mensuales de precipitación proporcionados por la Fundación Cearense de Meteorología y Recursos Hídricos(FUNCEME). Durante los años 1982 y 1993, el SPI detectó las mayores sequías en el estado. También se verificó que 1996 y 1998 fueron los años con eventos secos menos intensos, presentados en las escalas de 3, 6 y 12 meses del SPI. El índice demostró ser una herramienta útil para identificar la sequía en el área de estudio en diferentes escalas de tiempo. Mediante el análisis de wavelet, encontramos aumentos en la potencia espectral con periodicidades de 4 a 10 años, especialmente alrededor de 1982 y 2011, pero estas oscilaciones no parecen ser significativas por encima del espectro de ruido rojo. Descobrimos que condições mais frias e mais quentes de ENOS y a usare da TSM do Atlântico Sul tropical, respectivamente, estavam relacionados com estações chuvosas mais úmidas, enquanto condições opostas de TSM com estações mais secas.

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización climática y análisis de mecanismos moduladores del descenso de las lluvias en la vertiente Caribe de América Central durante septiembre-octubre

Revista de Ciencias Ambientales, 2024

[Introduction]: The Caribbean slope of Central America is located windward about the trade winds ... more [Introduction]: The Caribbean slope of Central America is located windward about the trade winds associated with
the North Atlantic Subtropical High and the rains present a bimodal annual cycle, observing a relative minimum
in the months of September and October. [Objective]: Characterize the observed decrease in rainfall in this region
for this bimester, estimating for each event, the variables associated with the values of the onset day, minimum day,
demise day, duration, intensity, and magnitude, in 1979-2010. [Methodology]: A set of 31 daily records from rain
gauge stations was used. In each of them, the months from July to November were examined to find the values of
the minimum, the date of the minimum, the onset and the demise, duration, and intensity. The occurrence of any
temporal or spatial trend in these characteristics of the events was explored. Finally, different climatic indices and
documentary sources were reviewed to identify the possible synoptic causes of the strongest decreases in rainfall.
[Results]: The beginning of the events was observed around September 3rd, their minimum on September 23rd
and the end on October 12th, with an approximate duration of 39 days. Events tend to happen earlier at stations
located northwest on the isthmus. The driest events occurred under favorable conditions for the occurrence of
winds with a southwest-west component over the region. [Conclusions]: Knowledge about these characteristics
of precipitation helps in the activity planning of key socioeconomic sectors in Central America in case of adverse
hydrometeorological events.

Research paper thumbnail of Response of air surface temperature over Central America to oceanic climate variability indices

Revista Investigaciones Marinas, 2002

In this study air surface temperature data at 337 grid points (0.5° latitude x 0.5° longitude), o... more In this study air surface temperature data at 337 grid points (0.5° latitude x 0.5° longitude), over Central America, from a monthly data set were analysed. The Central American air surface temperature showed homogeneous variations in two important aspects: the annual cycle and the seasonal variations. These variations were explained mainly by the first principal components. The region also shows a clear positive trend which is in agreement with the global temperature pattern that supports the idea of global warming.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos avances en la aplicación de metodologías de rellenado de datos ausentes geofísicos

XX Simposio Internacional de Métodos Matemáticos Aplicados a las Ciencias, 2016

Abstract: In a recent paper, Alfaro and Soley (2009) presented two methods for filling missing da... more Abstract: In a recent paper, Alfaro and Soley (2009) presented two methods for filling missing data in geophysical time series. The first one was based on principal component decomposition of the correlation matrix build with common time series records of the same variable. The second method adjusts an auto-regressive model to the time series which is then used to estimate the missing data. In this paper as a first approximation of the missing data, we fill the data with the autoregressive method which is then used iteratively by the principal components method. As an example, this approach is then compared with the original principal components methodology used by Alfaro and Soley (2009), using data from the grid points of the Costa Rican Caribbean slope from Johnson et al. (2003). The program used for the production of these routines is SCILAB, which has the advantage of being open source. Resumen: En un trabajo reciente, Alfaro y Soley (2009), presentaron dos metodologías para el rellenado de datos ausentes, enfocadas hacia su uso en series de tiempo geofísicas. La primera se basó en la descomposición en componentes principales de la matriz de correlación de datos de una misma variable. El segundo método consistió en ajustar un modelo autoregresivo a la serie de tiempo y utilizar ese modelo como estimador de los datos ausentes. En le presente trabajo se propone utilizar el método autoregresivo como una primera aproximación de rellenado que luego es utilizada en forma iterativa por el método de componentes principales. A modo de ejemplo, esta aproximación se compara luego con la propuesta original del método de rellenado por componentes principales utilizado por Alfaro y Soley (2009), usando los datos de los puntos de rejilla del Caribe costarricense de Johnson et al. (2003). El programa utilizado para la elaboración de estar rutinas es SCILAB, el cual tiene la ventaja de que es open source.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate scenarios and impacts of droughts and other hydrometeorological events in the Central American Dry Corridor

Green Adaptation Strategies for Water Security in the Central American Dry Corridor, 2019

Predicting rainfall during April-May-June (AMJ), as the first peak of the rainy season in the Cen... more Predicting rainfall during April-May-June (AMJ), as the first peak of the rainy season in the
Central American isthmus, is very important since it has been observed that more or less
humid conditions during AMJ tend to be preceded by early or late starts of the rainy season.
A late onset of rainfall, for example, followed by drier than normal conditions during
MJ and by a subsequent period of intense summer or heatwave, can significantly affect
key socioeconomic sectors in the isthmus such as hydropower generation, drinking water
supply or agriculture. In this presentation, data from 162 rainfall stations were used to
construct predictive models for MJ as the first peak of the rainy season, using Canonical
Correlation Analysis (CCA). The aspects to predict during MJ are rainfall accumulation and
the Normalized Precipitation Index (NPI) in Central America. The sea surface temperature
(SST) anomalies observed in the 63°N - 10°S and 152° E - 15°W domain were used as
predictors. The CCA models, using the SST anomalies in February, show a good predictive
ability of the accumulations and the NPI during MJ, in an important region of Central
America. The results showed that warmer (cold) conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific
SST anomalies, along with colder (warmer) conditions in the North Tropical Atlantic
during February, tend to be correlated with drier (wet) periods during the next MJ bimester
in virtually the entire isthmus. This suggests that the SST could modulate rainfall
during MJ in Central America by influencing the position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence
Zone and the magnitude of trade winds.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Caribbean Sea Tropical Cyclone occurrences in the last four decades and their impacts in Costa Rica


RESUMEN El estudio de la actividad de los ciclones tropicales así como su caracterización históri... more RESUMEN El estudio de la actividad de los ciclones tropicales así como su caracterización histórica en la región centroamericana, es una prioridad para mitigar el impacto que estos fenómenos provocan en las diversas zonas del istmo. Tomando lo anterior en consideración y dentro de las actividades realizadas en el proyecto IAI-CRN2-050, se definieron en este trabajo los años de alto o bajo impacto en Costa Rica por el paso de Ciclones Tropicales en el Caribe al considerar variables asociadas a la trayectoria del evento; la velocidad máxima alcanzada por los vientos del ciclón y la frecuencia de los fenómenos en la cuenca, información obtenida de la base de datos HURDAT. Además, Costa Rica posee una base rica en información sobre desastres naturales que afectaron directamente los centros poblacionales y diversos sectores socioeconómicos como el agropecuario, energía y transporte, entre otros, lo que permitió el detallar los desastres sufridos en Costa Rica por Ciclones Tropicales durante las últimas cuatro décadas, reportados a la base de datos DesInventar. El análisis mostró que la tendencia encontrada en el reporte anual de impactos por eventos hidrometeorológicos no puede ser explicada totalmente por efectos climáticos, por lo que se hace necesario incluir variables socioeconómicas para hacerlo. ABSTRACT The study of the tropical cyclones activity, and their historic characterization in the Central American region, is a basic element to mitigate their impact over different regions of the isthmus. As a part of the project IAI-CRN2-050, were defined years with high and low tropical cyclone impacts in Costa Rica, considering variables like trajectory, maximum wind velocity and the annual occurrence of cyclones in the basin, according with the HURDAT data base. Additionally, Costa Rica has a good natural disasters data base, related with events that affected specific locations and several socioeconomic sectors like agriculture, energy and transport. This data base, called DesInventar, allowed the study of disasters in Costa Rica related with tropical cyclones during the last four decades. The analysis showed a trend in the annual number of impacts related with hydrometeorology causes that can not be explained by climate trends only. That means that socioeconomic variables should be included in the analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Riesgos hidrometeorológicos en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano. Investigación, acción social y docencia dentro del Espacio de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Capítulo 1.

Cambio Climático y Riesgos Hidrometeorológicos, 2020

Aunque América Central está localizada en zonas tropicales donde el estrés hídrico es relativamen... more Aunque América Central está localizada en zonas tropicales donde el estrés hídrico es relativamente bajo en gran parte de su territorio, hay ciertas regiones donde las sequías son frecuentes. En especial, la aridez climatológica en la zona denominada como «Corredor Seco Centroamericano » (csc), donde las sequías son recurrentes. El csc es un espacio geográfico con límites imprecisos que se entiende como una zona con características climáticas de bosque tropical seco, con una marcada y prolongada época seca y en el que, durante el reducido periodo de lluvias, existe un latente riesgo de sequías recurrentes que pueden ocurrir por una entrada tardía de la época lluviosa o una prolongación de la canícula con una suspensión prematura de la época lluviosa. Este espacio geográfico del csc fue analizado dentro del proyecto «Funding proposal for the advancing development and climate change resilience in the Central American Dry Corridor: translating science into policy in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, an interdisciplinary, international collaboration». El proyecto se desarrolló dentro del Espacio de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Costa Rica (ucr), entre julio de 2017 y junio de 2019, liderado por los doctores Hugo Hidalgo y Yosef Gotlieb. Parte de sus objetivos fueron: 1) evaluar las tendencias regionales relacionadas con el clima y el agua, recursos naturales, medio ambiente, ecología y el desarrollo humano (variables sociales y económicas); 2) proporcionar una imagen multidimensional de toda la realidad latente en el campo mediante la inclusión de síntesis significativa de datos para sistemas naturales y desarrollo humano; 3) evaluar los patrones de desarrollo regional, datos desagregados espacialmente y mapeados para los indicadores de desarrollo humano de las Naciones Unidas (con énfasis particular en los indicadores de desarrollo sostenible y del milenio) que pueden ayudar a los responsables políticos a priorizar la asignación de recursos y proyectos, y 4) destacar a la región como representante de los desafíos futuros que el cambio global trae entre la sociedad y la naturaleza, y desarrollar soluciones que puedan replicarse en otros lugares. Debido a la complejidad del problema, la temática fue abordada desde los tres pilares fundamentales de la ucr: 1) investigación, 2) acción social y 3) docencia.

Research paper thumbnail of La Cumbre y el Volcán

Alfaro, E., 1981. La Cumbre y el Volcán. En: Niños del Castella. Poemas y cuentos para niños. Car... more Alfaro, E., 1981. La Cumbre y el Volcán. En: Niños del Castella. Poemas y cuentos para niños. Carmen Ugalde (ed.). Imprenta Nacional, San José, Costa Rica, 64-65.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentación del libro: La Institucionalización de la meteorología en Costa Rica (1860-1910)

La Institucionalización de la meteorología en Costa Rica, Mar 31, 2013

Este libro se elabora dentro del marco del Programa de Estudios Sociales, la Ciencia, la Técnica ... more Este libro se elabora dentro del marco del Programa de Estudios Sociales, la Ciencia, la Técnica y el Medio Ambiente del Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Este es un programa de interés institucional, el cual ha sido muy fructífero y se ha caracterizado por un trabajo multidisciplinario, permitiendo por ejemplo la colaboración en común de lo que la Universidad de Costa Rica llama las “Ciencias Básicas” como la Física y la Meteorología, e investigadores de las Ciencias Sociales, como la Historia y la Geografía, lo cual, viéndolo en perspectiva, sería la forma más natural de investigación sobre “La institucionalización de la Meteorología en Costa Rica (1860-1910)”, título y tema que desarrolla este libro que aquí se presenta.