María Celina Chavarría | Universidad de Costa Rica (original) (raw)
Papers by María Celina Chavarría
RESUMEN El artículo pone a la consideración del lector una nueva mirada en torno a la necesidad d... more RESUMEN El artículo pone a la consideración del lector una nueva mirada en torno a la necesidad de revelar la existencia del principio del diálogo recombinante formación cultural-cultura estética en la formación del profesional de las ciencias pedagógicas, siendo este el que direcciona y rige desde lo hermenéutico y lo metodológico la formación de la citada cultura en un profesional que lo amerita por antonomasia, que genere un cambio cualitativamente superior, en función de favorecer el desarrollo de dicha cultura, y correspondiendo a las nuevas realidades que el contexto de actuación le exige. Palabras Clave: Formación cultural, Estética, Educación estética, Cultura estética The principle of the cultural formation-aesthetic culture re-combining dialog within the training process of the Pedagogical Sciences professionals ABSTRACT The article submits to the reader's consideration a new look on the necessity of revealing the
INIE, 2010
Este proyecto plantea un esfuerzo conjunto hacia la búsqueda de coherencia y correspondencia entr... more Este proyecto plantea un esfuerzo conjunto hacia la búsqueda de coherencia y correspondencia entre las filosofías de atención a la niñez y las prácticas formativas cotidianas en centros infantiles de la Universidad de Costa Rica, enlazando componentes de investigación y acción social. Con el fin de problematizar las condiciones de existencia dentro de un marco humanista-existencial, como herramienta de investigación-acción se abordó un ecoanálisis. Éste pasa por la decodificación de lo cotidiano en las actividades y espacios organizados para la niñez, problematizando sobre puntos de coherencia entre principios orientadores y las prácticas y vivencias. La investigación se enfoca hacia el fortalecimiento de modelos de atención de la niñez centrados en paradigmas holistas, contextuales y sociohistóricos, priorizando el criterio de correspondencia o relevancia para el alcance de objetivos dialogados y acordados desde un marco de pedagogía crítica problematizadora, que tiende a reflexiones y acuerdos que dan pie a una comprensión comunicativa hacia la transformación. La lectura del currículo oculto y la naturaleza activa y comprometida de la investigación, incluyendo la mirada a lo posible, fueron los medios para una construcción conjunta hacia la transformación, asumiendo como fin la contribución a mejorar las condiciones de existencia de cada uno de los centros infantiles decodificados.ABSTRACT: This project proposes a joint effort towards the search of coherence and correspondence between the philosophies of attention to childhood and the daily training practices in children's centers of the University of Costa Rica, linking research and social action components. In order to problematize the conditions of existence within a humanistic-existential framework, as an action-research tool, an eco-analysis was approached. This goes through the decoding of the everyday in the activities and spaces organized for children, problematizing points of coherence between guiding principles and practices and experiences. The research focuses on the strengthening of children care models centered on holistic, contextual and sociohistorical paradigms, prioritizing the criteria of correspondence or relevance to reach the dialogue and agareement of objectives from a problematic critic pedagogy framework, which tends to reflections and agreements to improve a communicative understanding towards transformation. The reading of the hidden curriculum and the active and committed nature of the research, including to give a look to the possibilities, focused on a mutual construction towards transformation, assuming as an end the contribution to improve the conditions of existence of each one of the childrens decoded centers.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2016
Se esboza una indagación sobre la coherencia del movimiento montessoriano en torno a temas sensib... more Se esboza una indagación sobre la coherencia del movimiento montessoriano en torno a temas sensibles debidos al choque sistémico entre propuestas Montessorianas y el sistema capitalista al cual tanto se contrapone. Se plantean interrogantes entretejidas: ¿Cuáles son algunos de sus aportes para la educación inicial? ¿Cómo se expresa la comunidad montessoriana sobre dilemas actuales y sobre su propio desarrollo como comunidad? Se concluye haciendo énfasis en la multidiversidad de campos de incursión, así como en la diferencia diametral entre sus prácticas, cuando se reduce a la utilización de su nombre y materiales. Se destaca la relevancia y urgencia actual de elementos estructurales de sus propuestas y prácticas, así como la necesidad de un enfoque desde la complejidad.The present article proposes a discussion regarding efforts of the Montessori community to offer resistance to the prevailing utilitarian and capitalistic entourage that Montessori herself so criticized. It addresses ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2013
The spectacular rise of multimedia Web content, especially video and audio content, makes address... more The spectacular rise of multimedia Web content, especially video and audio content, makes addressing its accessibility a matter of urgency. All the regulations recognize that this type of content must be accessible to everyone, with or without a disability. To address this issue, this article presents a Model-Based Graphical Editor to design Accessible Media Players. This tool has been created in order to provide support to designers with little background in accessibility. To accomplish this work, a review of Accessibility Standards Regulation has been carried out, a set of accessibility requirements for accessible media players is proposed and a modelling of these requirements has been made.
El Proyecto KAVAC de CENDITEL es una iniciativa de desarrollo de un sistema de gestion de recurso... more El Proyecto KAVAC de CENDITEL es una iniciativa de desarrollo de un sistema de gestion de recursos organizacionales dirigida a la administracion publica nacional (APN). Pero, como otros proyectos de desarrollo, no puede ser caracterizado solamente con la descripcion del software que se entrega al publico, sino tambien por el conjunto de procesos que contribuyen con la generacion del producto. Este articulo ofrece una narrativa de la experiencia de desarrollo del Proyecto KAVAC, haciendo enfasis en la manera en que el desenvolvimiento del proyecto contribuye a entregar un producto con ventajas comparativas, disenado a partir de las necesidades de la APN, construido con estandares de los sistemas de codigo abierto y orientado a apoyar de modo integral la gestion de procesos en la organizacion.
Scientia Marina, 2019
The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from th... more The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from the western to the eastern basin. In this work we investigate whether this trend is reflected in the cephalopod assemblages found throughout the Mediterranean. Data obtained with bottom trawl surveys carried out during the last 22 years by EU Mediterranean countries were used. In addition to analysing spatial differences in cephalopod assemblages, we also analysed putative temporal changes during the last two decades. For this purpose, the basin was spatially divided into bioregions, the trawling grounds were subdivided into depth strata, and the dataset was split into two time series of 11 years each. All analyses were done using PRIMER software. The species richness did not vary with the longitudinal gradient, though in most bioregions it showed a mild decrease with depth before plummeting in the deepest waters. Cluster analysis revealed four different bathymetric assemblages in all bior...
Scientia Marina, 2019
The present study describes for the first time the spatial distribution of five macrourid species... more The present study describes for the first time the spatial distribution of five macrourid species throughout the Mediterranean Sea and analyses depth, geographical and time-related trends regarding their abundance, biomass and mean fish weight. The data were collected as part of the MEDITS annual bottom trawl survey carried out by several European Mediterranean countries from 1994 to 2015, using the same standardized gear and sampling protocol. The most represented species in terms of abundance and biomass was Coelorinchus caelorhincus. The bathymetric trend was different for each species. The shallowest occurring species was C. caelorhincus, followed by Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, while Nezumia aequalis and Trachyrincus scabrus were the deepest. Overall, the mean weight of all the species increased with depth. C. caelorhincus and H. italicus occurred in the entire study area: the first species showed relatively high catches in most areas, while the second wa...
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2016
ABSTRACT. There are many ways to build velocity models for seismic migration purposes, either by ... more ABSTRACT. There are many ways to build velocity models for seismic migration purposes, either by using inversion algorithms, approximations by constant or variables velocities, including or not including anisotropic parameters, etc...Keywords: amplitude responses, attributes, salt, pre-salt, uncertainties. RESUMO. Atualmente existem muitas alternativas para construção de modelos de velocidades para propósitos de migração sísmica, seja usando algoritmos de inversão ou aproximações por estimativas de velocidades constantes e/ou variáveis, inserindo ou não parâmetros de anisotropia, etc.Palavras-chave: respostas de amplitude, atributos, sal, pré-sal, incertezas.
Revista Wímb Lu, Aug 17, 2012
Este trabajo representa el esfuerzo conjunto entre el equipo de investigación, las docentes del C... more Este trabajo representa el esfuerzo conjunto entre el equipo de investigación, las docentes del CIL, y un grupo de estudiantes de licenicatura en Psicología, Universidad de Costa Rica, por cuya apertura y visión permitió las vivenicas. Agradecemos en particular a las entonces docentes del CIL Licdas. Myriam Díaz, María del Milagro Obando Obando, Mabel Ovares y Jennifer Unfried; y a las asistentes de investigación Licdas. Marina
Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 1970
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Procedia Computer Science, 2012
The increase in rich and interactive content on the web has allowed the growth of the number and ... more The increase in rich and interactive content on the web has allowed the growth of the number and type of users that access them. This implies that such content should be accessible to anyone, including people with disabilities. Therefore, it should be accompanied with media alternatives (captions, audio description), which should be handled by an accessible user agent that provides support for them. This paper presents: 1) an approach with accessibility requirements following standards to include accessibility in a user agent for delivering accessible multimedia content, and based on it, 2) a conceptualization that provides an abstract user interface model with the ability to be integrated into the development process.
Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 1970
Los contenidos de este artículo están bajo una licencia Creative Commons
La descentralización de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo ha culminado su proceso en Andalucía en ... more La descentralización de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo ha culminado su proceso en Andalucía en 2004 con las transferencias de competencias en materia de empleo y posterior puesta en marcha del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo (SAE). Para la Administración Regional supone un reto y la oportunidad de abordar la gestión de las políticas de empleo desde una perspectiva innovadora. En este contexto se ha realizado este estudio con el objetivo de analizar la funcionalidad de los distintos mecanismos de intermediación laboral existentes en Andalucía, con una metodología ecléctica que incluye en su análisis todas las dimensiones tangibles e intangibles, formales e informales, relacionadas con el proceso de búsqueda y acceso al empleo por parte de los ciudadanos en Andalucía. En esta comunicación se presentan la metodología aplicada así como los principales resultados obtenidos de la investigación realizada.
Universal Access in the Information Society, 2013
The increase in rich and interactive content on the Web, such as video and audio, has brought abo... more The increase in rich and interactive content on the Web, such as video and audio, has brought about a growth in the number and type of users that access it. This means that this content should be accessible to anyone, including people with disabilities. Therefore, it should be accompanied by media alternatives (captions, audio description, sign language, extended audio description, etc.), which should be handled by an accessible user agent that provides support for them. This paper presents: (1) an approach with accessibility requirements following standards to include accessibility in a user agent for delivering accessible multimedia content based on it, (2) a conceptualization of these requirements that provides an abstract user interface which may be integrated into the development process, after that, (3) a check of the integration of the accessibility requirements in the models, and (4) finally, some lessons learned and conclusions are shown.
Bioresource Technology, 2010
Two green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella sorokiniana), one cyanobacterium (Spirul... more Two green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella sorokiniana), one cyanobacterium (Spirulina platensis), one euglenophyt (Euglena viridis) and two microalgae consortia were evaluated for their ability to support carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous removal in symbiosis with activated sludge bacteria during the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted piggery wastewater in batch tests. C. sorokiniana and E. viridis were capable of supporting the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted wastewater. On the other hand, while S. obliquus and the consortia isolated from a swine manure stabilization pond were only able to grow in eight times diluted wastewater, S. platensis and the consortium isolated from a high rate algal pond treating swine manure were totally inhibited regardless of the dilution applied. TOC removal efficiencies (RE) ranging from 42% to 55% and NH(4)(+)-RE from 21% to 39% were recorded in the tests exhibiting photosynthetic oxygenation. The similar oxygen production rates exhibited by the tested microalgae under autotrophic conditions (from 116 to 133mgO(2)L(-1)d(-1)) suggested that factors other than the photosynthetic oxygenation potential governed piggery wastewater biodegradation. Microalgal tolerance towards NH(3) was hypothesized as the key selection criterion. Further studies in a continuous algal-bacterial photobioreactor inoculated with C. sorokiniana, S. obliquus and S. platensis showed that C. sorokiniana, the species showing the highest NH(3)-tolerance, rapidly outcompeted the rest of the microalgae during the biodegradation of eight times diluted wastewater, achieving TOC and NH(4)(+)-RE comparable to those recorded in the batch biodegradation tests.
Revista Costarricense de …, 2000
RESUMEN El artículo pone a la consideración del lector una nueva mirada en torno a la necesidad d... more RESUMEN El artículo pone a la consideración del lector una nueva mirada en torno a la necesidad de revelar la existencia del principio del diálogo recombinante formación cultural-cultura estética en la formación del profesional de las ciencias pedagógicas, siendo este el que direcciona y rige desde lo hermenéutico y lo metodológico la formación de la citada cultura en un profesional que lo amerita por antonomasia, que genere un cambio cualitativamente superior, en función de favorecer el desarrollo de dicha cultura, y correspondiendo a las nuevas realidades que el contexto de actuación le exige. Palabras Clave: Formación cultural, Estética, Educación estética, Cultura estética The principle of the cultural formation-aesthetic culture re-combining dialog within the training process of the Pedagogical Sciences professionals ABSTRACT The article submits to the reader's consideration a new look on the necessity of revealing the
INIE, 2010
Este proyecto plantea un esfuerzo conjunto hacia la búsqueda de coherencia y correspondencia entr... more Este proyecto plantea un esfuerzo conjunto hacia la búsqueda de coherencia y correspondencia entre las filosofías de atención a la niñez y las prácticas formativas cotidianas en centros infantiles de la Universidad de Costa Rica, enlazando componentes de investigación y acción social. Con el fin de problematizar las condiciones de existencia dentro de un marco humanista-existencial, como herramienta de investigación-acción se abordó un ecoanálisis. Éste pasa por la decodificación de lo cotidiano en las actividades y espacios organizados para la niñez, problematizando sobre puntos de coherencia entre principios orientadores y las prácticas y vivencias. La investigación se enfoca hacia el fortalecimiento de modelos de atención de la niñez centrados en paradigmas holistas, contextuales y sociohistóricos, priorizando el criterio de correspondencia o relevancia para el alcance de objetivos dialogados y acordados desde un marco de pedagogía crítica problematizadora, que tiende a reflexiones y acuerdos que dan pie a una comprensión comunicativa hacia la transformación. La lectura del currículo oculto y la naturaleza activa y comprometida de la investigación, incluyendo la mirada a lo posible, fueron los medios para una construcción conjunta hacia la transformación, asumiendo como fin la contribución a mejorar las condiciones de existencia de cada uno de los centros infantiles decodificados.ABSTRACT: This project proposes a joint effort towards the search of coherence and correspondence between the philosophies of attention to childhood and the daily training practices in children's centers of the University of Costa Rica, linking research and social action components. In order to problematize the conditions of existence within a humanistic-existential framework, as an action-research tool, an eco-analysis was approached. This goes through the decoding of the everyday in the activities and spaces organized for children, problematizing points of coherence between guiding principles and practices and experiences. The research focuses on the strengthening of children care models centered on holistic, contextual and sociohistorical paradigms, prioritizing the criteria of correspondence or relevance to reach the dialogue and agareement of objectives from a problematic critic pedagogy framework, which tends to reflections and agreements to improve a communicative understanding towards transformation. The reading of the hidden curriculum and the active and committed nature of the research, including to give a look to the possibilities, focused on a mutual construction towards transformation, assuming as an end the contribution to improve the conditions of existence of each one of the childrens decoded centers.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2016
Se esboza una indagación sobre la coherencia del movimiento montessoriano en torno a temas sensib... more Se esboza una indagación sobre la coherencia del movimiento montessoriano en torno a temas sensibles debidos al choque sistémico entre propuestas Montessorianas y el sistema capitalista al cual tanto se contrapone. Se plantean interrogantes entretejidas: ¿Cuáles son algunos de sus aportes para la educación inicial? ¿Cómo se expresa la comunidad montessoriana sobre dilemas actuales y sobre su propio desarrollo como comunidad? Se concluye haciendo énfasis en la multidiversidad de campos de incursión, así como en la diferencia diametral entre sus prácticas, cuando se reduce a la utilización de su nombre y materiales. Se destaca la relevancia y urgencia actual de elementos estructurales de sus propuestas y prácticas, así como la necesidad de un enfoque desde la complejidad.The present article proposes a discussion regarding efforts of the Montessori community to offer resistance to the prevailing utilitarian and capitalistic entourage that Montessori herself so criticized. It addresses ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2013
The spectacular rise of multimedia Web content, especially video and audio content, makes address... more The spectacular rise of multimedia Web content, especially video and audio content, makes addressing its accessibility a matter of urgency. All the regulations recognize that this type of content must be accessible to everyone, with or without a disability. To address this issue, this article presents a Model-Based Graphical Editor to design Accessible Media Players. This tool has been created in order to provide support to designers with little background in accessibility. To accomplish this work, a review of Accessibility Standards Regulation has been carried out, a set of accessibility requirements for accessible media players is proposed and a modelling of these requirements has been made.
El Proyecto KAVAC de CENDITEL es una iniciativa de desarrollo de un sistema de gestion de recurso... more El Proyecto KAVAC de CENDITEL es una iniciativa de desarrollo de un sistema de gestion de recursos organizacionales dirigida a la administracion publica nacional (APN). Pero, como otros proyectos de desarrollo, no puede ser caracterizado solamente con la descripcion del software que se entrega al publico, sino tambien por el conjunto de procesos que contribuyen con la generacion del producto. Este articulo ofrece una narrativa de la experiencia de desarrollo del Proyecto KAVAC, haciendo enfasis en la manera en que el desenvolvimiento del proyecto contribuye a entregar un producto con ventajas comparativas, disenado a partir de las necesidades de la APN, construido con estandares de los sistemas de codigo abierto y orientado a apoyar de modo integral la gestion de procesos en la organizacion.
Scientia Marina, 2019
The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from th... more The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from the western to the eastern basin. In this work we investigate whether this trend is reflected in the cephalopod assemblages found throughout the Mediterranean. Data obtained with bottom trawl surveys carried out during the last 22 years by EU Mediterranean countries were used. In addition to analysing spatial differences in cephalopod assemblages, we also analysed putative temporal changes during the last two decades. For this purpose, the basin was spatially divided into bioregions, the trawling grounds were subdivided into depth strata, and the dataset was split into two time series of 11 years each. All analyses were done using PRIMER software. The species richness did not vary with the longitudinal gradient, though in most bioregions it showed a mild decrease with depth before plummeting in the deepest waters. Cluster analysis revealed four different bathymetric assemblages in all bior...
Scientia Marina, 2019
The present study describes for the first time the spatial distribution of five macrourid species... more The present study describes for the first time the spatial distribution of five macrourid species throughout the Mediterranean Sea and analyses depth, geographical and time-related trends regarding their abundance, biomass and mean fish weight. The data were collected as part of the MEDITS annual bottom trawl survey carried out by several European Mediterranean countries from 1994 to 2015, using the same standardized gear and sampling protocol. The most represented species in terms of abundance and biomass was Coelorinchus caelorhincus. The bathymetric trend was different for each species. The shallowest occurring species was C. caelorhincus, followed by Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, while Nezumia aequalis and Trachyrincus scabrus were the deepest. Overall, the mean weight of all the species increased with depth. C. caelorhincus and H. italicus occurred in the entire study area: the first species showed relatively high catches in most areas, while the second wa...
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2016
ABSTRACT. There are many ways to build velocity models for seismic migration purposes, either by ... more ABSTRACT. There are many ways to build velocity models for seismic migration purposes, either by using inversion algorithms, approximations by constant or variables velocities, including or not including anisotropic parameters, etc...Keywords: amplitude responses, attributes, salt, pre-salt, uncertainties. RESUMO. Atualmente existem muitas alternativas para construção de modelos de velocidades para propósitos de migração sísmica, seja usando algoritmos de inversão ou aproximações por estimativas de velocidades constantes e/ou variáveis, inserindo ou não parâmetros de anisotropia, etc.Palavras-chave: respostas de amplitude, atributos, sal, pré-sal, incertezas.
Revista Wímb Lu, Aug 17, 2012
Este trabajo representa el esfuerzo conjunto entre el equipo de investigación, las docentes del C... more Este trabajo representa el esfuerzo conjunto entre el equipo de investigación, las docentes del CIL, y un grupo de estudiantes de licenicatura en Psicología, Universidad de Costa Rica, por cuya apertura y visión permitió las vivenicas. Agradecemos en particular a las entonces docentes del CIL Licdas. Myriam Díaz, María del Milagro Obando Obando, Mabel Ovares y Jennifer Unfried; y a las asistentes de investigación Licdas. Marina
Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 1970
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Procedia Computer Science, 2012
The increase in rich and interactive content on the web has allowed the growth of the number and ... more The increase in rich and interactive content on the web has allowed the growth of the number and type of users that access them. This implies that such content should be accessible to anyone, including people with disabilities. Therefore, it should be accompanied with media alternatives (captions, audio description), which should be handled by an accessible user agent that provides support for them. This paper presents: 1) an approach with accessibility requirements following standards to include accessibility in a user agent for delivering accessible multimedia content, and based on it, 2) a conceptualization that provides an abstract user interface model with the ability to be integrated into the development process.
Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 1970
Los contenidos de este artículo están bajo una licencia Creative Commons
La descentralización de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo ha culminado su proceso en Andalucía en ... more La descentralización de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo ha culminado su proceso en Andalucía en 2004 con las transferencias de competencias en materia de empleo y posterior puesta en marcha del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo (SAE). Para la Administración Regional supone un reto y la oportunidad de abordar la gestión de las políticas de empleo desde una perspectiva innovadora. En este contexto se ha realizado este estudio con el objetivo de analizar la funcionalidad de los distintos mecanismos de intermediación laboral existentes en Andalucía, con una metodología ecléctica que incluye en su análisis todas las dimensiones tangibles e intangibles, formales e informales, relacionadas con el proceso de búsqueda y acceso al empleo por parte de los ciudadanos en Andalucía. En esta comunicación se presentan la metodología aplicada así como los principales resultados obtenidos de la investigación realizada.
Universal Access in the Information Society, 2013
The increase in rich and interactive content on the Web, such as video and audio, has brought abo... more The increase in rich and interactive content on the Web, such as video and audio, has brought about a growth in the number and type of users that access it. This means that this content should be accessible to anyone, including people with disabilities. Therefore, it should be accompanied by media alternatives (captions, audio description, sign language, extended audio description, etc.), which should be handled by an accessible user agent that provides support for them. This paper presents: (1) an approach with accessibility requirements following standards to include accessibility in a user agent for delivering accessible multimedia content based on it, (2) a conceptualization of these requirements that provides an abstract user interface which may be integrated into the development process, after that, (3) a check of the integration of the accessibility requirements in the models, and (4) finally, some lessons learned and conclusions are shown.
Bioresource Technology, 2010
Two green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella sorokiniana), one cyanobacterium (Spirul... more Two green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella sorokiniana), one cyanobacterium (Spirulina platensis), one euglenophyt (Euglena viridis) and two microalgae consortia were evaluated for their ability to support carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous removal in symbiosis with activated sludge bacteria during the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted piggery wastewater in batch tests. C. sorokiniana and E. viridis were capable of supporting the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted wastewater. On the other hand, while S. obliquus and the consortia isolated from a swine manure stabilization pond were only able to grow in eight times diluted wastewater, S. platensis and the consortium isolated from a high rate algal pond treating swine manure were totally inhibited regardless of the dilution applied. TOC removal efficiencies (RE) ranging from 42% to 55% and NH(4)(+)-RE from 21% to 39% were recorded in the tests exhibiting photosynthetic oxygenation. The similar oxygen production rates exhibited by the tested microalgae under autotrophic conditions (from 116 to 133mgO(2)L(-1)d(-1)) suggested that factors other than the photosynthetic oxygenation potential governed piggery wastewater biodegradation. Microalgal tolerance towards NH(3) was hypothesized as the key selection criterion. Further studies in a continuous algal-bacterial photobioreactor inoculated with C. sorokiniana, S. obliquus and S. platensis showed that C. sorokiniana, the species showing the highest NH(3)-tolerance, rapidly outcompeted the rest of the microalgae during the biodegradation of eight times diluted wastewater, achieving TOC and NH(4)(+)-RE comparable to those recorded in the batch biodegradation tests.
Revista Costarricense de …, 2000