Mariana Achugar | Universidad de la República (Uruguay) (original) (raw)


Papers by Mariana Achugar

Research paper thumbnail of El trabajo por inscribirnos en la historia: memorias de una joven militante estudiantil en la dictadura uruguaya


Research paper thumbnail of What We Remember

Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture, Oct 14, 2008

This interdisciplinary monograph explores the discursive manifestations of the conflict over how ... more This interdisciplinary monograph explores the discursive manifestations of the conflict over how to remember and interpret the actions of the military during the last dictatorship in Uruguay (1973-1985). Through the exploration of the discursive ways in which this powerful group represents past events and participants, we can trace the ideological struggle over how to reconstruct a traumatic past. By looking at memory as a social and discursive practice, the analysis identifies particular semiotic practices and linguistic patterns deployed in the construction of memory. The discursive description of what is remembered, how it is remembered, and who remembers serves to explain how the institution’s construction of the past is transformed and maintained to respond to outside criticism and create an institutional identity as a lawful state apparatus. This book should interest discourse analysts, historians, sociologists and researchers in the field of transitional justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 3. The construction of accounts of the dictatorship period (1976 & 1978)

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1. The construction of memory

Research paper thumbnail of Wounds That Won't Heal

Routledge eBooks, Jun 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus of texts analyzed

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 8. Conclusions

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 7. What is our story: Reconstructing the institutional grand narrative (2007)

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 6. Struggles for memory: Dialogue between social actors (2000-2001)

Research paper thumbnail of La historia en los Estudios del discurso

Routledge eBooks, Aug 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 4. Analysis of editorials of a military magazine, El Soldado (1986-1996)

Research paper thumbnail of Counter-hegemonic language practices and ideologies Creating a new space and value for Spanish in

Research paper thumbnail of «Liberar la palabra»: transmisión intergeneracional de la memoria sobre la tortura genérico-sexual durante la dictadura uruguaya

Encuentros Latinoamericanos (segunda época), Jul 23, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Reflective Literacy

ABSTRACT: Classrooms around the world are becoming more multilingual and teachers in all subject ... more ABSTRACT: Classrooms around the world are becoming more multilingual and teachers in all subject areas are faced with new challenges in enabling learners ’ academic language development without losing focus on content. These challenges require new ways of conceptualizing the relationship between language and content as well as new pedagogies that incorporate a dual focus on language and content in subject matter instruction. This article describes three professional development contexts in the U.S., where teachers have engaged in language analysis based on functional linguistics (for example, Halliday & Hasan, 1989; Christie, 1989) that has given them new insights into both content and learning processes. In these contexts, teachers in history classrooms with English Language Learners and teachers of languages other than English in classrooms with heritage speakers needed support to develop students ’ academic language development in a second language. The functional linguistics met...

Research paper thumbnail of The affective construction of others’ experience: A cross-cultural comparison of youth's responses to a film about the Uruguayan dictatorship

Linguistics and Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriating the Recent Past: Meaning-Making Processes through Time

Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History, 2016

Maracana. If you ask any Uruguayan youth about the events of Maracana, anyone will most likely be... more Maracana. If you ask any Uruguayan youth about the events of Maracana, anyone will most likely be able to answer what it means. The intergenerational transmission of the narrative of the 1950 soccer World Cup victory has been passed on for several generations. This narrative centers on how the Uruguayan national team was able to overcome incredible difficulties in order to win against Brazil in Brazil. The Brazilian team was the favorite to win, being on its own ground and with 250,000 fans cheering, and having defeated all their rivals in previous games in huge upsets (e.g., Spain lost against them, 6–1). The Uruguayan team were the underdogs, but they played to win. The team captain, Obdulio Varela, coined a phrase then that is still remembered today, “los de afuera son de palo” [those outside are made of wood], meaning that the team had to ignore the loud cheers of Brazilian fans, and the comments of all experts who went against them — to focus on winning. After a heroic game that ended with Uruguay’s victory, 2-1 over Brazil, the narrative of the “garra charrua”1 [Charrua’s-go-get-it attitude] was constructed. This narrative highlights team spirit and the desire to win, as well as the courage and fearlessness of the players. The Maracana narrative contributes to a national identity construction where Uruguayans see themselves as confident, brave, and hopeful in the face of adversity.

Research paper thumbnail of Families’ Conversations about the Dictatorship: Appropriating Anecdotes and Taking an Affective Stance

Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History, 2016

Why do family conversations matter in processes of intergenerational transmission? Family narrati... more Why do family conversations matter in processes of intergenerational transmission? Family narratives provide a context for creating and re-creating individual and group identity. In addition to this consideration, families have different styles of reminiscing that may influence how individuals remember the past (Fivush, 2008). Family conversations have previously been examined to better understand how youth are socialized into political discourse in the private sphere (e.g., George, 2013; Gordon, 2004; Ochs and Taylor, 1992) and to explore how the historical self develops (Fivush and Nelson, 2006; Wineburg, Mosborg, Porat and Duncan, 2007).

Research paper thumbnail of Géneros y literacidad disciplinar: una propuesta de enseñanza para cursos universitarios de lectura en español, inglés y portugués

Revista da ABRALIN

Este trabajo presenta una innovación curricular diseñada con el fin de desarrollar un abordaje in... more Este trabajo presenta una innovación curricular diseñada con el fin de desarrollar un abordaje integral en la enseñanza de comprensión lectora en la lengua comunitaria (LC) (español) y en lenguas adicionales (LA) (inglés y portugués) de la carrera de Comunicación de una universidad pública uruguaya. Como base teórico-metodológica tomamos las concepciones de género del discurso de Bajtín (2008) y de Martin y Rose (2008), el concepto de lectura como práctica de literacidad disciplinar (ACHUGAR; STAINTON, 2010; ACHUGAR; CARPENTER, 2012; HYLAND, 2008; LEINHARDT; MCCARTHY, 1996; SPIRES et al., 2018) y el modelo de enseñanza de literacidad a partir de los géneros discursivos desarrollado por la Escuela de Sídney (EGGINS; MARTIN, 2000; 2003; MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2018). El objetivo es mostrar los principios guía de un modelo de secuenciación para la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora en el que se articulan las dimensiones socioculturales y discursivas de un determinado género ...

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Space, bodies and boundaries Piropos and other forms of flirtatious street talk as contested discursive practices

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of History Textbooks and the Construction of Dictatorship

The Palgrave Handbook of Textbook Studies, 2018

This chapter reviews key studies regarding the representation of the concept of dictatorship in h... more This chapter reviews key studies regarding the representation of the concept of dictatorship in history textbooks published in Latin America and Spain. In order to explore how different studies have addressed this topic, we distinguish two main lines of research, one that approaches the representation of dictatorship in textbooks from a discourse-analytical perspective and another that considers the issue from an educational and sociological perspective. Research in the first group pays particular attention to the role of language in the construction of meaning with the purpose of exploring the role of contested memories of recent dictatorships. The second group, meanwhile, focuses on diachronic changes in the representation of dictatorships in connection to educational reforms and social changes in those societies.

Research paper thumbnail of El trabajo por inscribirnos en la historia: memorias de una joven militante estudiantil en la dictadura uruguaya


Research paper thumbnail of What We Remember

Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture, Oct 14, 2008

This interdisciplinary monograph explores the discursive manifestations of the conflict over how ... more This interdisciplinary monograph explores the discursive manifestations of the conflict over how to remember and interpret the actions of the military during the last dictatorship in Uruguay (1973-1985). Through the exploration of the discursive ways in which this powerful group represents past events and participants, we can trace the ideological struggle over how to reconstruct a traumatic past. By looking at memory as a social and discursive practice, the analysis identifies particular semiotic practices and linguistic patterns deployed in the construction of memory. The discursive description of what is remembered, how it is remembered, and who remembers serves to explain how the institution’s construction of the past is transformed and maintained to respond to outside criticism and create an institutional identity as a lawful state apparatus. This book should interest discourse analysts, historians, sociologists and researchers in the field of transitional justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 3. The construction of accounts of the dictatorship period (1976 & 1978)

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1. The construction of memory

Research paper thumbnail of Wounds That Won't Heal

Routledge eBooks, Jun 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus of texts analyzed

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 8. Conclusions

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 7. What is our story: Reconstructing the institutional grand narrative (2007)

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 6. Struggles for memory: Dialogue between social actors (2000-2001)

Research paper thumbnail of La historia en los Estudios del discurso

Routledge eBooks, Aug 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 4. Analysis of editorials of a military magazine, El Soldado (1986-1996)

Research paper thumbnail of Counter-hegemonic language practices and ideologies Creating a new space and value for Spanish in

Research paper thumbnail of «Liberar la palabra»: transmisión intergeneracional de la memoria sobre la tortura genérico-sexual durante la dictadura uruguaya

Encuentros Latinoamericanos (segunda época), Jul 23, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Reflective Literacy

ABSTRACT: Classrooms around the world are becoming more multilingual and teachers in all subject ... more ABSTRACT: Classrooms around the world are becoming more multilingual and teachers in all subject areas are faced with new challenges in enabling learners ’ academic language development without losing focus on content. These challenges require new ways of conceptualizing the relationship between language and content as well as new pedagogies that incorporate a dual focus on language and content in subject matter instruction. This article describes three professional development contexts in the U.S., where teachers have engaged in language analysis based on functional linguistics (for example, Halliday & Hasan, 1989; Christie, 1989) that has given them new insights into both content and learning processes. In these contexts, teachers in history classrooms with English Language Learners and teachers of languages other than English in classrooms with heritage speakers needed support to develop students ’ academic language development in a second language. The functional linguistics met...

Research paper thumbnail of The affective construction of others’ experience: A cross-cultural comparison of youth's responses to a film about the Uruguayan dictatorship

Linguistics and Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriating the Recent Past: Meaning-Making Processes through Time

Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History, 2016

Maracana. If you ask any Uruguayan youth about the events of Maracana, anyone will most likely be... more Maracana. If you ask any Uruguayan youth about the events of Maracana, anyone will most likely be able to answer what it means. The intergenerational transmission of the narrative of the 1950 soccer World Cup victory has been passed on for several generations. This narrative centers on how the Uruguayan national team was able to overcome incredible difficulties in order to win against Brazil in Brazil. The Brazilian team was the favorite to win, being on its own ground and with 250,000 fans cheering, and having defeated all their rivals in previous games in huge upsets (e.g., Spain lost against them, 6–1). The Uruguayan team were the underdogs, but they played to win. The team captain, Obdulio Varela, coined a phrase then that is still remembered today, “los de afuera son de palo” [those outside are made of wood], meaning that the team had to ignore the loud cheers of Brazilian fans, and the comments of all experts who went against them — to focus on winning. After a heroic game that ended with Uruguay’s victory, 2-1 over Brazil, the narrative of the “garra charrua”1 [Charrua’s-go-get-it attitude] was constructed. This narrative highlights team spirit and the desire to win, as well as the courage and fearlessness of the players. The Maracana narrative contributes to a national identity construction where Uruguayans see themselves as confident, brave, and hopeful in the face of adversity.

Research paper thumbnail of Families’ Conversations about the Dictatorship: Appropriating Anecdotes and Taking an Affective Stance

Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History, 2016

Why do family conversations matter in processes of intergenerational transmission? Family narrati... more Why do family conversations matter in processes of intergenerational transmission? Family narratives provide a context for creating and re-creating individual and group identity. In addition to this consideration, families have different styles of reminiscing that may influence how individuals remember the past (Fivush, 2008). Family conversations have previously been examined to better understand how youth are socialized into political discourse in the private sphere (e.g., George, 2013; Gordon, 2004; Ochs and Taylor, 1992) and to explore how the historical self develops (Fivush and Nelson, 2006; Wineburg, Mosborg, Porat and Duncan, 2007).

Research paper thumbnail of Géneros y literacidad disciplinar: una propuesta de enseñanza para cursos universitarios de lectura en español, inglés y portugués

Revista da ABRALIN

Este trabajo presenta una innovación curricular diseñada con el fin de desarrollar un abordaje in... more Este trabajo presenta una innovación curricular diseñada con el fin de desarrollar un abordaje integral en la enseñanza de comprensión lectora en la lengua comunitaria (LC) (español) y en lenguas adicionales (LA) (inglés y portugués) de la carrera de Comunicación de una universidad pública uruguaya. Como base teórico-metodológica tomamos las concepciones de género del discurso de Bajtín (2008) y de Martin y Rose (2008), el concepto de lectura como práctica de literacidad disciplinar (ACHUGAR; STAINTON, 2010; ACHUGAR; CARPENTER, 2012; HYLAND, 2008; LEINHARDT; MCCARTHY, 1996; SPIRES et al., 2018) y el modelo de enseñanza de literacidad a partir de los géneros discursivos desarrollado por la Escuela de Sídney (EGGINS; MARTIN, 2000; 2003; MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2018). El objetivo es mostrar los principios guía de un modelo de secuenciación para la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora en el que se articulan las dimensiones socioculturales y discursivas de un determinado género ...

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Space, bodies and boundaries Piropos and other forms of flirtatious street talk as contested discursive practices

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of History Textbooks and the Construction of Dictatorship

The Palgrave Handbook of Textbook Studies, 2018

This chapter reviews key studies regarding the representation of the concept of dictatorship in h... more This chapter reviews key studies regarding the representation of the concept of dictatorship in history textbooks published in Latin America and Spain. In order to explore how different studies have addressed this topic, we distinguish two main lines of research, one that approaches the representation of dictatorship in textbooks from a discourse-analytical perspective and another that considers the issue from an educational and sociological perspective. Research in the first group pays particular attention to the role of language in the construction of meaning with the purpose of exploring the role of contested memories of recent dictatorships. The second group, meanwhile, focuses on diachronic changes in the representation of dictatorships in connection to educational reforms and social changes in those societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Transiciones de lo real. Transformaciones políticas, estéticas y tecnológicas en el documental de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay

Se incluye índice, prólogo e introducción, 2020

Transiciones de lo real alude a distintos procesos de cambio surgidos a partir de la década del 7... more Transiciones de lo real alude a distintos procesos de cambio surgidos a partir de la década del 70' en el documental del Cono Sur (Argentina, Chile y Uruguay): por una parte, la transición se vincula directamente con los procesos abiertos a partir del resquebrajamiento de los regímenes dictatoriales y la posterior consolidación de gobiernos democráticos que atravesaron en forma desfasada y diferenciada a los tres países. Por otra parte, aquella noción también se refiere a los cambios tecnológicos que afectaron el acceso al audiovisual –ya sea en fílmico, video o digital–, su potencial expresivo y sus posibilidades de circulación.
Pero más allá de estos grandes lineamientos, la producción documental de estos años también está atravesada por otro tipo de transiciones, desplazamientos entre narrativas y corrimientos en el espacio, a través del retorno de cineastas exiliados y la articulación de distintos horizontes mediáticos y modalidades de trabajo situadas entre la industria y la producción “artesanal”, y entre el cine, el video y la televisión.
El estudio de las transiciones como categoría cultural y estética no ha tenido un peso equiparable al que este concepto posee en el marco de las ciencias políticas. Sin embargo, la confluencia de desplazamientos políticos, culturales y tecnológicos en el documental ha dejado distintas marcas en las obras que permiten pensar en una estética de las transiciones.

Research paper thumbnail of Discursive processes of intergenerational transmission of recent history:(Re)Making our past

Research paper thumbnail of Book Forum, Life without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay

Somatosphere, 2019

Daniel Renfrew's Life Without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay (2018) is a master... more Daniel Renfrew's Life Without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay (2018) is a masterful undertaking on the anthropology of disaster and its everydayness. An ethnographic portrayal that is prismatic in its attention, the book combines numerous elements-place, civic performance, history, political economy-to bear on the lead poisoning epidemic in Montevideo, Uruguay at the turn of the 21 st century. The epidemic disproportionally affected

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