Сергій Зибайло | Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (original) (raw)
Papers by Сергій Зибайло
Изучено влияние режима вулканизации на прочность крепления резин<br> различной полярности н... more Изучено влияние режима вулканизации на прочность крепления резин<br> различной полярности на основе каучуков НК, СКН-40, СКЭП к стали с<br> использованием клеевых композиций Хемосил и опытной на основе<br> комбинаций олигоизоциант - пленкообразователь. Показано различие<br> режимов вулканизации резиновых смесей и резинометаллических<br> соединений. Проведена сравнительна оценка стойкости<br> резинометаллических соединений к действию различных агрессивных<br> сред. Рекомендуется при креплении резин на основе ненасыщенных<br> каучуков к стали использовать клей Хемосил, насыщенных каучуков –<br> Олигоизоцианат<br>
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, 2021
The sorption-diffusion properties of rubbers in contact with fuels containing methyl esters of fa... more The sorption-diffusion properties of rubbers in contact with fuels containing methyl esters of fatty acids derived from non-food raw materials have been studied. The hypothesis was advanced according to which there is a dependence of oil resistance of rubbers on their solubility parameter of butadiene-nitrile rubber. The properties of standard oil-resistant rubbers based on butadiene nitrile rubbers of SKN-18 and SKN-40 brands were compared with those of SKN-18-based rubber and Byprene 110 chloroprene-based rubber, to each of them 30% of the plasticized polyvinyl chloride was added. It was found that the contact with the fuel composition, which consists of 70% diesel fuel and 30% methyl esters of fatty acids made from technical sunflower oil, has the strongest destructive effect on all experimental samples of rubber except for rubber-based rubber of SKN-40 brand. It was determined that SKN-40-based rubber, which is characterized by the maximum solubility parameter, is the most stabl...
В работе изучалась кинетика эпоксидирования отходов производства натурального каучука надуксусной... more В работе изучалась кинетика эпоксидирования отходов производства натурального каучука надуксусной кислотой полученой in situ из раствора перекиси водорода и уксусной кислоты в двухфазной среде вода‐ксилол. Были определены константы реакции и энергия активации. Показана незначительная степень побочных реакций.The kinetics of epoxidation of natural rubber production waste by peracetic acid generated in situ from hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid solution in biphasic system water‐xylene were studied. The rate constants and the activation energy were found. Insignificant level of side reactions was shown
Предложена технология переработки отходов производства натурального каучука путем эпоксидирования... more Предложена технология переработки отходов производства натурального каучука путем эпоксидирования скрапа cреде вода‐ксилол и дальнейшее использование полученных продуктов в качестве защитных покрытий металло
The object of research is the process of epoxidation of natural rubber scrap. Epoxidized natural ... more The object of research is the process of epoxidation of natural rubber scrap. Epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) has a wide range of applications, for example, in treadmill coatings, special tires, belt drives, hoses, shoes, adhesives, sealants, floor coverings and other areas where only special synthetic rubbers are used. Natural rubber (NR) is modified by the epoxidation reaction to achieve higher oil resistance, increased adhesion, weather resistance and damping characteristics of materials with its use. Promising is the processing of secondary, non-standard, natural rubber (scrap) as a raw material for the ENR production. Thus, the task of scrap disposal and its return to the production cycle is solved. To accomplish the task of epoxidation of secondary rubber, the possibility of conducting combined physicochemical processes in a two-phase water-xylene medium in one reaction space was studied to reduce the total energy costs. The use of a combined reaction-separation process for th...
Technology audit and production reserves, 2020
Об'єктом досліджень є перспективний конструкційний матеріал-модифікована деревина. Збільшення тер... more Об'єктом досліджень є перспективний конструкційний матеріал-модифікована деревина. Збільшення терміну використання деревини за умови збереження конструкційних характеристик-перспективний напрямок досліджень. Модифікація деревини у відповідності до конструкційних вимог з урахуванням санітарних та інших вимог-важлива задача. Найбільш поширені технології модифікації-просочення. Автоклавне просочення деревени під тиском вимагає складного устаткування для утворення збиткового тиску. Просочення конденсаційним методом, або методом «холодних та гарячих ванн», значно зменшує собівартість отримання модифікованої деревини. Дослідження стійкості геометричних розмірів модифікованої деревини під дією вологи дає можливість оцінити ефективність процесу модифікації (просочення) і як наслідок оцінити термін використання. В дослідженнях використовувались зразки з соснового брусу (ДСТУ ISO 738:2018) розміром 300×70×15 мм. Для проведення досліджень вибирали три групи зразків з радіальним (Р), тангенціальним (Т) та змішаним (З) напрямом волокон деревини. Для модифікації просоченням використовували лляну олію та сикатив в концентрації 25 г/л. У відповідності до технології модифікації зразки замочували у водному розчині з сикативом, далі занурювали в лляну олію нагріту до 130±10 °С, а потім занурювали в лляну олію при температурі 20 °С. Отримані зразки висушували в атмосферних умовах і для дослідження стійкості геометричних розмірів замочували у воді протягом доби. В результаті досліджень встановлено, що оптимальною температурою нагрівання зразків є діапазон 120-140 °С. Також встановлено, що найбільш стійкими до зміни геометричних розмірів є зразки зі змішаним напрямом волокон (З), в яких зміни розмірів склали 0,5 % у порівнянні з сухими зразками. Незалежно від напряму волокон, вологопоглинання модифікованих зразків становило 0,07 об. %, що становить великий практичний інтерес. Ключові слова: просочення деревини, конденсаційний спосіб, лляна олія, водний розчин з сикативом, модифікація деревини, геометричні розміри.
Economic Herald of SHEI USUCT, 2020
The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and ... more The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises in the field of telecommunications in conditions of uncertainty of the internal and external environment. The importance of assessing the economic security of the system at any level is unquestionable, such assessments are the basis for decision-making not only on ensuring economic security, but also opportunities for system development, determination of necessary resources, creation and use of system reserves, evaluating the effectiveness of the economic security system and the activities of the relevant division of the enterprise. It is established that due to a completely different tool base, the available approaches to assessing the economic security of the enterprise do not compete with each other. We can only talk about the different degree of development of approaches and their dissemin...
Economic Herald of SHEI USUCT, 2020
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discrimina... more The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the financial condition of innovative active enterprises and determining the probability of their bankruptcy, as well as the construction of these models based on a study of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. The modern imperative of the successful development of the domestic economy is its transition to the rails of innovative development. This process is impossible without competent distribution of financial resources by business entities. In this regard, especially important is the question regarding the development of new approaches and methods for the assessment of readiness of enterprises for implementation of innovation activities due to which investors or, indeed, the state itself will be able to determine the amount of financial resources which is necessary for the development and implementation of new technologies, products or...
In-process calculated thermodynamics values triizocianats and influence of their structure is app... more In-process calculated thermodynamics values triizocianats and influence of their structure is appraised on durability of bonding rubbers to metal in process of vulcanization by glues on their basis. It is made to order to utillize oligomerous triizocianats on the basis of 2,4-TDI and oligomeric triols as products of the glue setting
E3S Web of Conferences
The article presents the analysis of the existing methods of producing epoxidized polydiene rubbe... more The article presents the analysis of the existing methods of producing epoxidized polydiene rubbers in order to obtain new derivative materials with improved physical and mechanical properties. The study proves the use of natural rubber as a raw material for the production of epoxidized polydiene. It has been experimentally demonstrated that conducting epoxidation as a combined-separation process allows producing epoxidized rubber in one reaction volume. It has been also found that the use of a water-xylene environment for the process has a qualitative effect on the degree of epoxidation and significantly reduces power consumption.
Technology audit and production reserves
Об'єктом дослідження є процес епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку. Епоксидований натуральни... more Об'єктом дослідження є процес епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку. Епоксидований натуральний каучук (ЕНК) має широкий діапазон застосування, наприклад, в покриттях бігових доріжок, шинах спеціального призначення, ремінних передачах, шлангах, взутті, клеях, герметиках, підлогових покриттях і інших галузях, де використовували тільки спеціальні синтетичні каучуки. Натуральний каучук (НК) модифікується реакцією епоксидування для досягнення більш високої маслостійкості, підвищеної адгезії, атмосферостійкості і демпфуючих характеристик матеріалів з його застосуванням. Перспективною є переробка вторинного, невідповідного стандартам, натурального каучуку (скрапу) як сировини для отримання ЕНК. Таким чином, вирішується завдання утилізації скрапу і повернення його в виробничий цикл. Для реалізації завдання епоксидування вторинного каучуку вивчалася можливість проведення суміщених фізико-хімічних процесів в двофазному середовищі вода-ксилол в одному реакційному просторі для зниження загальних енергетичних витрат. Використання суміщеного реакційно-роздільного процесу для епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку дозволяє вирішити проблему накопичення і утилізації відходів каучукового виробництва найбільш ефективним способом. Вдалося отримати продукт з регульованим ступенем функціоналізації без значної кількості побічних продуктів. Для пошуку оптимального режиму проведення суміщеного реакційно-роздільного процесу епоксидування застосовувався метод планованого експерименту з отриманням рівняння регресії з його подальшим аналізом. Отримане рівняння регресії дозволило оптимізувати умови ведення процесу епоксидування НК з отриманням продуктів із заданими властивостями. В результаті реалізації планованого експерименту встановлено, що епоксидування при температурі 93 °С розведеного (10 % мас.) розчину натурального каучуку надоцтової кислоти, що утворюється «in situ», забезпечує більш високий ступінь епоксидування. Підібрано умови і співвідношення компонентів, при яких НК зберігає агрегативну стійкість в процесі епоксидування в середовищі вода-ксилол.
The use of the discriminant model is limited by the possibility of market valuation of equity. Su... more The use of the discriminant model is limited by the possibility of market valuation of equity. Such an assessment can be made for large corporations whose shares are listed on stock exchanges. Given the lack of development of the stock market in Ukraine, for the vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises, the definition of the Altman index is not completely incorrect. In addition, the peculiarities of the Ukrainian economy, in particular, the revaluation of fixed assets, the inability to establish the real market price of certain types of fixed assets, do not allow the full use of the Altman model. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of the models for diagnosing the financial condition and the onset of bankruptcy, we proposed to perform a cluster analysis of the most well-known models. Based on the results, all known models for determining the probability of bankruptcy were divided into two clusters. These are clusters “0” and “1”. In terms of the number of distributed ...
Economic Bulletin of UDKHTU, 2020
The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and ... more The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises in the field of telecommunications in conditions of uncertainty of the internal and external environment. The importance of assessing the economic security of the system at any level is unquestionable, such assessments are the basis for decision-making not only on ensuring economic security, but also opportunities for system development, determination of necessary resources, creation and use of system reserves, evaluating the effectiveness of the economic security system and the activities of the relevant division of the enterprise. It is established that due to a completely different tool base, the available approaches to assessing the economic security of the enterprise do not compete with each other. We can only talk about the different degree of development of approaches and their dissemination. It shows the importance of taking into account the phenomenon of "uncertainty" in the economic activity of innovative-active enterprises, which is closely related to the concept of "economic risk", since any economic or economic activity of an enterprise is characterized by incompleteness of information about the presence of patterns, unpredictability of many economic phenomena and processes, the influence of a large number of interrelated and difficult to identify factors. The latest methodological foundations for assessing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises, which are based on the tools of Fuzzy Logic and neural networks, are proposed and shown. The fuzzy set method makes it possible to use the data selected for assessing the economic security of enterprises in their dynamics, which makes it possible to take them into account when making strategic management decisions. In addition, the use of modern analytical platforms allows for deep data preprocessing in order to check them for multicoleniarity, exclude random data, which takes into account the uncertainty of input and output variables as much as possible. Keywords: digitalization, economic security of the enterprise, clusterization, neural networks, financial condition of the enterprise, probability of bankruptcy, neural network algorithm, discriminant model, fuzzy logic.
The future of mankind in the results of today's scientific research '2020, 2020
The prospect of using phytocompounds and plant extracts as promising corrosion inhibitors is cons... more The prospect of using phytocompounds and plant extracts as promising corrosion
inhibitors is considered in the article. Natural essential oils can be corrosion inhibitors. They are
safe for use in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. It has been established that organic
inhibitors can be used for both temporary and permanent protection of metals and alloys from
atmospheric corrosion. In addition, such compounds can not only reduce the corrosion rate, but also
reduce salt deposits and reduce corrosion fatigue.
Scientific look into the future, 2020
Solutions of the problem with moving boundaries based on the task of Cauchy’s problem and iterati... more Solutions of the problem with moving boundaries based on the task of Cauchy’s
problem and iterative methods are proposed. The solution of the corresponding boundary value
problems for partial differential equations is reduced to the integration of a system of ordinary
differential equations. The results of parametric studies are presented
Ekonomichny visnik DVNZ UDKhTU, 2020
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discrimina... more The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the financial condition of innovative active enterprises and determining the probability of their bankruptcy, as well as the construction of these models based on a study of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. The modern imperative of the successful development of the domestic economy is its transition to the rails of innovative development. This process is impossible without competent distribution of financial resources by business entities. In this regard, especially important is the question regarding the development of new approaches and methods for the assessment of readiness of enterprises for implementation of innovation activities due to which investors or, indeed, the state itself will be able to determine the amount of financial resources which is necessary for the development and implementation of new technologies, products or services. It is shown the importance of researching the financial condition of Ukrainian enterprises that are engaged in innovations, since their innovative activity is almost entirely financed by own means. With the aid of Deductor analytical platform, a discriminant model for assessing the financial situation and the probability of bankruptcy for innovative enterprises was built. The neural network model, which together with the analysis «if-then» gives an adequate forecast of the financial state of enterprises engaged in innovation activity, was substantiated and built. Five financial ratios (X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5) are selected and calculated for the analysis of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. For all the studied enterprises (both bankrupt and those against which bankruptcy proceedings were not initiated), the satisfactory forecast was for 30 out of 36 enterprises (83.33%), unsatisfactory for 2 enterprises (5.56%), in the gray zone there were 4 enterprises (11.11%). It is shown that the built neural network model provides forecasts of the financial condition of enterprises and the probability of their bankruptcy at a level significantly higher than discriminant models. The neural network model takes into account the specifics of domestic economic activity of enterprises, because it is built on the basis of financial data of Ukrainian enterprises.
Scientific looc into the future, 2020
The formation of protective coatings on the surface of aluminium alloys by the method of plasma e... more The formation of protective coatings on the surface of aluminium alloys by the
method of plasma electrolytic oxidation allows increasing the anti-corrosion properties.
Therefore, the main purpose of this work was to comparatively evaluate the properties of the
protective coatings of different deformable aluminium alloys against the conditions of the micro-arc
oxidation (MDO) and the electrolyte composition.
The scattering values of the applied electrolyte compositions by current and by coating
weight were calculated. The thickness of the coatings obtained in the model and comparative
electrolytes was 40-70 μm.
Corrosion resistance to salt fog (10 days) and wet (50 days) MDO coatings 250 μm thick on
aluminium alloys 2024, 3003 and 5083 obtained MDO at i = 100 A / m2 for 1 hour in model and in
the comparative electrolyte.
It is established that the breakdown voltage of MDO coatings at a layer thickness of 40-60 μm
is 750-1300 V, so they can be recommended as electrical insulation in the radio industry, especially
for the processing of aluminium profiles for solar collectors.
Almanahul SWorld, 2020
Anticorrosive coatings containing zinc powder, which provides a coating with protective propertie... more Anticorrosive coatings containing zinc powder, which provides a coating with
protective properties, have been investigated. Oxides and hydroxides that form during the process
of protecting the surface from corrosion by accumulating on the surface act as a barrier against the
corrosive environment. The proposed polymer coating can be used for external protection of
equipment in chemical, petroleum, food, and other industries when using harsh environments.
Organization of scientific research in modern conditions ‘2020, 2020
In the article has proposed of using of epoxized natural rubber to create protective coating whic... more In the article has proposed of using of epoxized natural rubber to create protective
coating which resistant to oxidation and corrosive environments. Studied the resistance of the
resulting coatings when compared to coatings based on the natural rubber.
Изучено влияние режима вулканизации на прочность крепления резин<br> различной полярности н... more Изучено влияние режима вулканизации на прочность крепления резин<br> различной полярности на основе каучуков НК, СКН-40, СКЭП к стали с<br> использованием клеевых композиций Хемосил и опытной на основе<br> комбинаций олигоизоциант - пленкообразователь. Показано различие<br> режимов вулканизации резиновых смесей и резинометаллических<br> соединений. Проведена сравнительна оценка стойкости<br> резинометаллических соединений к действию различных агрессивных<br> сред. Рекомендуется при креплении резин на основе ненасыщенных<br> каучуков к стали использовать клей Хемосил, насыщенных каучуков –<br> Олигоизоцианат<br>
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, 2021
The sorption-diffusion properties of rubbers in contact with fuels containing methyl esters of fa... more The sorption-diffusion properties of rubbers in contact with fuels containing methyl esters of fatty acids derived from non-food raw materials have been studied. The hypothesis was advanced according to which there is a dependence of oil resistance of rubbers on their solubility parameter of butadiene-nitrile rubber. The properties of standard oil-resistant rubbers based on butadiene nitrile rubbers of SKN-18 and SKN-40 brands were compared with those of SKN-18-based rubber and Byprene 110 chloroprene-based rubber, to each of them 30% of the plasticized polyvinyl chloride was added. It was found that the contact with the fuel composition, which consists of 70% diesel fuel and 30% methyl esters of fatty acids made from technical sunflower oil, has the strongest destructive effect on all experimental samples of rubber except for rubber-based rubber of SKN-40 brand. It was determined that SKN-40-based rubber, which is characterized by the maximum solubility parameter, is the most stabl...
В работе изучалась кинетика эпоксидирования отходов производства натурального каучука надуксусной... more В работе изучалась кинетика эпоксидирования отходов производства натурального каучука надуксусной кислотой полученой in situ из раствора перекиси водорода и уксусной кислоты в двухфазной среде вода‐ксилол. Были определены константы реакции и энергия активации. Показана незначительная степень побочных реакций.The kinetics of epoxidation of natural rubber production waste by peracetic acid generated in situ from hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid solution in biphasic system water‐xylene were studied. The rate constants and the activation energy were found. Insignificant level of side reactions was shown
Предложена технология переработки отходов производства натурального каучука путем эпоксидирования... more Предложена технология переработки отходов производства натурального каучука путем эпоксидирования скрапа cреде вода‐ксилол и дальнейшее использование полученных продуктов в качестве защитных покрытий металло
The object of research is the process of epoxidation of natural rubber scrap. Epoxidized natural ... more The object of research is the process of epoxidation of natural rubber scrap. Epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) has a wide range of applications, for example, in treadmill coatings, special tires, belt drives, hoses, shoes, adhesives, sealants, floor coverings and other areas where only special synthetic rubbers are used. Natural rubber (NR) is modified by the epoxidation reaction to achieve higher oil resistance, increased adhesion, weather resistance and damping characteristics of materials with its use. Promising is the processing of secondary, non-standard, natural rubber (scrap) as a raw material for the ENR production. Thus, the task of scrap disposal and its return to the production cycle is solved. To accomplish the task of epoxidation of secondary rubber, the possibility of conducting combined physicochemical processes in a two-phase water-xylene medium in one reaction space was studied to reduce the total energy costs. The use of a combined reaction-separation process for th...
Technology audit and production reserves, 2020
Об'єктом досліджень є перспективний конструкційний матеріал-модифікована деревина. Збільшення тер... more Об'єктом досліджень є перспективний конструкційний матеріал-модифікована деревина. Збільшення терміну використання деревини за умови збереження конструкційних характеристик-перспективний напрямок досліджень. Модифікація деревини у відповідності до конструкційних вимог з урахуванням санітарних та інших вимог-важлива задача. Найбільш поширені технології модифікації-просочення. Автоклавне просочення деревени під тиском вимагає складного устаткування для утворення збиткового тиску. Просочення конденсаційним методом, або методом «холодних та гарячих ванн», значно зменшує собівартість отримання модифікованої деревини. Дослідження стійкості геометричних розмірів модифікованої деревини під дією вологи дає можливість оцінити ефективність процесу модифікації (просочення) і як наслідок оцінити термін використання. В дослідженнях використовувались зразки з соснового брусу (ДСТУ ISO 738:2018) розміром 300×70×15 мм. Для проведення досліджень вибирали три групи зразків з радіальним (Р), тангенціальним (Т) та змішаним (З) напрямом волокон деревини. Для модифікації просоченням використовували лляну олію та сикатив в концентрації 25 г/л. У відповідності до технології модифікації зразки замочували у водному розчині з сикативом, далі занурювали в лляну олію нагріту до 130±10 °С, а потім занурювали в лляну олію при температурі 20 °С. Отримані зразки висушували в атмосферних умовах і для дослідження стійкості геометричних розмірів замочували у воді протягом доби. В результаті досліджень встановлено, що оптимальною температурою нагрівання зразків є діапазон 120-140 °С. Також встановлено, що найбільш стійкими до зміни геометричних розмірів є зразки зі змішаним напрямом волокон (З), в яких зміни розмірів склали 0,5 % у порівнянні з сухими зразками. Незалежно від напряму волокон, вологопоглинання модифікованих зразків становило 0,07 об. %, що становить великий практичний інтерес. Ключові слова: просочення деревини, конденсаційний спосіб, лляна олія, водний розчин з сикативом, модифікація деревини, геометричні розміри.
Economic Herald of SHEI USUCT, 2020
The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and ... more The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises in the field of telecommunications in conditions of uncertainty of the internal and external environment. The importance of assessing the economic security of the system at any level is unquestionable, such assessments are the basis for decision-making not only on ensuring economic security, but also opportunities for system development, determination of necessary resources, creation and use of system reserves, evaluating the effectiveness of the economic security system and the activities of the relevant division of the enterprise. It is established that due to a completely different tool base, the available approaches to assessing the economic security of the enterprise do not compete with each other. We can only talk about the different degree of development of approaches and their dissemin...
Economic Herald of SHEI USUCT, 2020
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discrimina... more The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the financial condition of innovative active enterprises and determining the probability of their bankruptcy, as well as the construction of these models based on a study of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. The modern imperative of the successful development of the domestic economy is its transition to the rails of innovative development. This process is impossible without competent distribution of financial resources by business entities. In this regard, especially important is the question regarding the development of new approaches and methods for the assessment of readiness of enterprises for implementation of innovation activities due to which investors or, indeed, the state itself will be able to determine the amount of financial resources which is necessary for the development and implementation of new technologies, products or...
In-process calculated thermodynamics values triizocianats and influence of their structure is app... more In-process calculated thermodynamics values triizocianats and influence of their structure is appraised on durability of bonding rubbers to metal in process of vulcanization by glues on their basis. It is made to order to utillize oligomerous triizocianats on the basis of 2,4-TDI and oligomeric triols as products of the glue setting
E3S Web of Conferences
The article presents the analysis of the existing methods of producing epoxidized polydiene rubbe... more The article presents the analysis of the existing methods of producing epoxidized polydiene rubbers in order to obtain new derivative materials with improved physical and mechanical properties. The study proves the use of natural rubber as a raw material for the production of epoxidized polydiene. It has been experimentally demonstrated that conducting epoxidation as a combined-separation process allows producing epoxidized rubber in one reaction volume. It has been also found that the use of a water-xylene environment for the process has a qualitative effect on the degree of epoxidation and significantly reduces power consumption.
Technology audit and production reserves
Об'єктом дослідження є процес епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку. Епоксидований натуральни... more Об'єктом дослідження є процес епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку. Епоксидований натуральний каучук (ЕНК) має широкий діапазон застосування, наприклад, в покриттях бігових доріжок, шинах спеціального призначення, ремінних передачах, шлангах, взутті, клеях, герметиках, підлогових покриттях і інших галузях, де використовували тільки спеціальні синтетичні каучуки. Натуральний каучук (НК) модифікується реакцією епоксидування для досягнення більш високої маслостійкості, підвищеної адгезії, атмосферостійкості і демпфуючих характеристик матеріалів з його застосуванням. Перспективною є переробка вторинного, невідповідного стандартам, натурального каучуку (скрапу) як сировини для отримання ЕНК. Таким чином, вирішується завдання утилізації скрапу і повернення його в виробничий цикл. Для реалізації завдання епоксидування вторинного каучуку вивчалася можливість проведення суміщених фізико-хімічних процесів в двофазному середовищі вода-ксилол в одному реакційному просторі для зниження загальних енергетичних витрат. Використання суміщеного реакційно-роздільного процесу для епоксидування скрапу натурального каучуку дозволяє вирішити проблему накопичення і утилізації відходів каучукового виробництва найбільш ефективним способом. Вдалося отримати продукт з регульованим ступенем функціоналізації без значної кількості побічних продуктів. Для пошуку оптимального режиму проведення суміщеного реакційно-роздільного процесу епоксидування застосовувався метод планованого експерименту з отриманням рівняння регресії з його подальшим аналізом. Отримане рівняння регресії дозволило оптимізувати умови ведення процесу епоксидування НК з отриманням продуктів із заданими властивостями. В результаті реалізації планованого експерименту встановлено, що епоксидування при температурі 93 °С розведеного (10 % мас.) розчину натурального каучуку надоцтової кислоти, що утворюється «in situ», забезпечує більш високий ступінь епоксидування. Підібрано умови і співвідношення компонентів, при яких НК зберігає агрегативну стійкість в процесі епоксидування в середовищі вода-ксилол.
The use of the discriminant model is limited by the possibility of market valuation of equity. Su... more The use of the discriminant model is limited by the possibility of market valuation of equity. Such an assessment can be made for large corporations whose shares are listed on stock exchanges. Given the lack of development of the stock market in Ukraine, for the vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises, the definition of the Altman index is not completely incorrect. In addition, the peculiarities of the Ukrainian economy, in particular, the revaluation of fixed assets, the inability to establish the real market price of certain types of fixed assets, do not allow the full use of the Altman model. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of the models for diagnosing the financial condition and the onset of bankruptcy, we proposed to perform a cluster analysis of the most well-known models. Based on the results, all known models for determining the probability of bankruptcy were divided into two clusters. These are clusters “0” and “1”. In terms of the number of distributed ...
Economic Bulletin of UDKHTU, 2020
The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and ... more The article is devoted to substantiating the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises in the field of telecommunications in conditions of uncertainty of the internal and external environment. The importance of assessing the economic security of the system at any level is unquestionable, such assessments are the basis for decision-making not only on ensuring economic security, but also opportunities for system development, determination of necessary resources, creation and use of system reserves, evaluating the effectiveness of the economic security system and the activities of the relevant division of the enterprise. It is established that due to a completely different tool base, the available approaches to assessing the economic security of the enterprise do not compete with each other. We can only talk about the different degree of development of approaches and their dissemination. It shows the importance of taking into account the phenomenon of "uncertainty" in the economic activity of innovative-active enterprises, which is closely related to the concept of "economic risk", since any economic or economic activity of an enterprise is characterized by incompleteness of information about the presence of patterns, unpredictability of many economic phenomena and processes, the influence of a large number of interrelated and difficult to identify factors. The latest methodological foundations for assessing the economic security of innovative and active enterprises, which are based on the tools of Fuzzy Logic and neural networks, are proposed and shown. The fuzzy set method makes it possible to use the data selected for assessing the economic security of enterprises in their dynamics, which makes it possible to take them into account when making strategic management decisions. In addition, the use of modern analytical platforms allows for deep data preprocessing in order to check them for multicoleniarity, exclude random data, which takes into account the uncertainty of input and output variables as much as possible. Keywords: digitalization, economic security of the enterprise, clusterization, neural networks, financial condition of the enterprise, probability of bankruptcy, neural network algorithm, discriminant model, fuzzy logic.
The future of mankind in the results of today's scientific research '2020, 2020
The prospect of using phytocompounds and plant extracts as promising corrosion inhibitors is cons... more The prospect of using phytocompounds and plant extracts as promising corrosion
inhibitors is considered in the article. Natural essential oils can be corrosion inhibitors. They are
safe for use in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. It has been established that organic
inhibitors can be used for both temporary and permanent protection of metals and alloys from
atmospheric corrosion. In addition, such compounds can not only reduce the corrosion rate, but also
reduce salt deposits and reduce corrosion fatigue.
Scientific look into the future, 2020
Solutions of the problem with moving boundaries based on the task of Cauchy’s problem and iterati... more Solutions of the problem with moving boundaries based on the task of Cauchy’s
problem and iterative methods are proposed. The solution of the corresponding boundary value
problems for partial differential equations is reduced to the integration of a system of ordinary
differential equations. The results of parametric studies are presented
Ekonomichny visnik DVNZ UDKhTU, 2020
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discrimina... more The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice of financial indicators for discriminant and neural network models for diagnosing the financial condition of innovative active enterprises and determining the probability of their bankruptcy, as well as the construction of these models based on a study of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. The modern imperative of the successful development of the domestic economy is its transition to the rails of innovative development. This process is impossible without competent distribution of financial resources by business entities. In this regard, especially important is the question regarding the development of new approaches and methods for the assessment of readiness of enterprises for implementation of innovation activities due to which investors or, indeed, the state itself will be able to determine the amount of financial resources which is necessary for the development and implementation of new technologies, products or services. It is shown the importance of researching the financial condition of Ukrainian enterprises that are engaged in innovations, since their innovative activity is almost entirely financed by own means. With the aid of Deductor analytical platform, a discriminant model for assessing the financial situation and the probability of bankruptcy for innovative enterprises was built. The neural network model, which together with the analysis «if-then» gives an adequate forecast of the financial state of enterprises engaged in innovation activity, was substantiated and built. Five financial ratios (X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5) are selected and calculated for the analysis of the financial condition of 36 enterprises. For all the studied enterprises (both bankrupt and those against which bankruptcy proceedings were not initiated), the satisfactory forecast was for 30 out of 36 enterprises (83.33%), unsatisfactory for 2 enterprises (5.56%), in the gray zone there were 4 enterprises (11.11%). It is shown that the built neural network model provides forecasts of the financial condition of enterprises and the probability of their bankruptcy at a level significantly higher than discriminant models. The neural network model takes into account the specifics of domestic economic activity of enterprises, because it is built on the basis of financial data of Ukrainian enterprises.
Scientific looc into the future, 2020
The formation of protective coatings on the surface of aluminium alloys by the method of plasma e... more The formation of protective coatings on the surface of aluminium alloys by the
method of plasma electrolytic oxidation allows increasing the anti-corrosion properties.
Therefore, the main purpose of this work was to comparatively evaluate the properties of the
protective coatings of different deformable aluminium alloys against the conditions of the micro-arc
oxidation (MDO) and the electrolyte composition.
The scattering values of the applied electrolyte compositions by current and by coating
weight were calculated. The thickness of the coatings obtained in the model and comparative
electrolytes was 40-70 μm.
Corrosion resistance to salt fog (10 days) and wet (50 days) MDO coatings 250 μm thick on
aluminium alloys 2024, 3003 and 5083 obtained MDO at i = 100 A / m2 for 1 hour in model and in
the comparative electrolyte.
It is established that the breakdown voltage of MDO coatings at a layer thickness of 40-60 μm
is 750-1300 V, so they can be recommended as electrical insulation in the radio industry, especially
for the processing of aluminium profiles for solar collectors.
Almanahul SWorld, 2020
Anticorrosive coatings containing zinc powder, which provides a coating with protective propertie... more Anticorrosive coatings containing zinc powder, which provides a coating with
protective properties, have been investigated. Oxides and hydroxides that form during the process
of protecting the surface from corrosion by accumulating on the surface act as a barrier against the
corrosive environment. The proposed polymer coating can be used for external protection of
equipment in chemical, petroleum, food, and other industries when using harsh environments.
Organization of scientific research in modern conditions ‘2020, 2020
In the article has proposed of using of epoxized natural rubber to create protective coating whic... more In the article has proposed of using of epoxized natural rubber to create protective
coating which resistant to oxidation and corrosive environments. Studied the resistance of the
resulting coatings when compared to coatings based on the natural rubber.
Assessment of the competitiveness of products of individual industries is connected with the need... more Assessment of the competitiveness of products of individual industries is connected with the need to take into account the peculiarities of production and consumption of products, as well as the specifics of the formation of its qualitative and cost components, which requires the development of applied bases and recommendations for the practical application of theoretical developments, taking into account their industry orientation.
There are almost no domestic products (except for truck tires)
competitive advantages over the cost of manufacturing and selling, which is a testament to
unsatisfactory state of the product value management mechanism.
Introduction into production of products that have insufficient level
competitiveness, both in terms of quality and value, testifies
the unsatisfactory state of the manufacturing decision-making mechanism
products and the absence of evaluation elements in its composition
competitiveness of new and upgraded products.
Recommendations for the formation of applied assessment principles are offered
the competitiveness of the tire production products allow
to determine the competitiveness of products by integral and
complex metrics, which forms the basis for effective formation
management decisions to enhance and ensure competitiveness
tire products, both in production and in consumption.
monograph, 2008
РЕФЕРАТ Предлагаемый краткий справочник дополняет систематизированную информацию о научных открыт... more РЕФЕРАТ Предлагаемый краткий справочник дополняет систематизированную информацию о научных открытиях, опубликованную ранее (см. « Научные открытия ученых СССР»-1991 г., «Научные открытия ученых Украины»-2004 г., «Регистрация научных открытий»-2004 г.). Информация, используемая в справочнике, базируется на сведениях, опубликованных в сборниках кратких описаний открытий Российской академии естественных наук, Международной академии авторов открытий и изобретений, Международной ассоциации авторов научных открытий (2001-2004 г.г., выпуски 1-2). Справочник состоит из системы указателей-указателя названий (тематический) научных открытий, расположенных последовательно по возрастающей (с № 1 по № 295); указателя нумерационного, содержащего весь перечень номеров открытий (таблица) с упоминанием открытий, публикация о которых либо отсутствует (№ 13), либо не производится по просьбе авторов (№ 198), а также указаний вида открытий с соответствующими индексами (з-закономерность, я-явление, с-свойство, и-изобретение, созданное на основе открытия); указателя алфавитно-предметного (от А до Я), составленного из ключевых слов научных открытий; указателя именного авторов научных открытий, содержащего фамилии и инициалы авторов (физических лиц); указателя организаций-заявителей (юридических лиц), где были созданы открытия; указателя кратких описаний научных открытий (с № 1 по № 295), содержащего основные библиографические данные о них. Кроме того, он содержит методические рекомендации по оформлению заявок на научные открытия со всеми подробностями, включая приложения с формами документов, входящих в состав заявки и структурой формул на открытия разных видов-закономерность, явление, свойство, а также положение о порядке представления, экспертизы материалов заявок и выдачи дипломов на научные открытия, идеи, гипотезы в Международную ассоциацию авторов научных открытий. Статистические данные о научных открытиях в государствах СНГ содержат конкретные сведения о номерах открытий и названиях государствах (бывших союзных республик СССР)
Monograph , 2016
The collective monograph presents a comparative assessment of modern theories of polymer adhesion... more The collective monograph presents a comparative assessment of modern theories of polymer adhesion, gives the concept of adhesion as a process, property and state of two dissimilar bodies.
The thermodynamic and molecular kinetic aspects of adhesion of chlorine-containing polymers, their combinations and adhesive-active additives in structural adhesives are considered. It is proposed for prognostic assessment of the adhesive properties of polymers and adhesive-active additives to use their surface energy as an estimated parameter.
A separate section is devoted to the choice of solvents and their combinations for chlorine-containing polymers using three-dimensional solubility diagrams that take into account the contributions of dispersion, dipole-dipole, and donor-acceptor interactions. Prescription and technological features of creating structural adhesives based on chlorine-containing polymers and their influence on the operational properties of adhesive joints are presented.