Josep Antoni Clua Serena | Universidad de Lleida (original) (raw)
Catedràtic d´Universitat. Full Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Lleida, near Barcelona, and Lecturer at the UOC (Univ.Oberta de Catalunya) from 1996.
Doctorate degree (1989) at the UB (Univ.of Barcelona), awarded "cum laude", under the supervision of Carles Miralles.
Lecturer at the UOC (Univ.Oberta de Catalunya) from 1996.
Associate professor/ Titular at the Univ. of Extremadura (Campus of Caceres (1999-2006) / Associate professor / Agregat at the Univ. of Lleida, the first university in Catalonia, founded in 1300.
He studied Greek Philology at the University of Barcelona, where he earned his PhD with a Thesis devoted to the study of Euphorion of Chalcis.
Visiting professor at the Università di Siena (Oct. 2018- Feb. 2019) and at the Università di Trieste (2005), awarded by the MICINN (in both cases).
Awarded as / Acreditado como Full Professor/ Catedrático de universidad en Filología Griega ANECA 22/02/2011.
Awarded as / Acreditació Recerca Avançada (Catedràtic d´universitat) AQU 01/03/2013.
Recognition of 6 "trams" of research (Sexennis) by AQU Catalunya (the last in 2022) and 5 “Sexenios” [research-based bonuses in the Spanish university system] by the CNEAI (Madrid).
Award / Premio extraordinario de licenciatura (Master Degree in Classical Philology, University of Barcelona (1984)
Member of the Board Comittee of the SEP (Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas).
Chairman of the Organising comittee of the XIII International Symposium of the SEP (Lleida, Spain, October 4th, 5th and 6th 2018).
Researcher at two recent research groups at the University of de Cádiz (2018-2021) and UdL (at the Consolidated Medieval Studies Research Group "Space, Power and Culture" (Univ. of Lleida: from 2010 onwards). Before these projects, with participation in 16 research projects with public funding, and in 5 others with private funding, in some of them as official researcher.
Researcher at two research groups at the University of Barcelona (2014-2016), University of Murcia (2015-2017), Universidad de Cádiz (2018-2021).
He is currently conducting six doctoral theses in Greek Philology.
Vice-Dean (Vicedecano) of the Faculty of Arts (Facultat de Lletres) at the Univ. of Lleida) (2009-2016).
Member of Editorial Board of some journals: "Imago Temporis" (2009-...), "Anuari de Filologia" (UB) (2017-...), "Sintagma" (2015-2020), Tropelías (U. Zaragoza) and "Rhemata" (U. Valencia).
Member of the "Comitato scientifico del GRIMM- Trieste".
Member of the comittee of IEI (Instit.Estudis Ilerdencs): Literature Section (2011-2014) and Philosophy Section (from 2018...)
Guest professor, among other postgraduate courses, at the Università di Siena (Italy), the Università di Trieste (Italy), and Visiting Scholar at the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) and the CSIC (Madrid).
Attendant at congresses and workshops helded in Greece (Kavala, FIEC and Delphi, IPS), Germany (Berlin, FIEC), France (Lyon, ENS), and Spain.
Member of several scientific societies on Classical Society, like the SEEC, the SCEC and the SEP.
Fellow of the Fundació Caixa de Sabadell (Program Research Aid CSAB 1990 and 1993) and of the MICINN (Program of 'Estancias de profesores (titulares) de Universidad e investigadores del CSIC en Centros de Enseñanza superior y de investigación extranjeros y españoles', of the Spanish Ministery of Education and Science, Università di Trieste- Dipartimento di Scienze dell´Antichità Leonardo Ferrero – Italy, and in Siena (2018): Becas de mobilidad de profesores senior: Nov-Des-Januar.
In addition to his books, monographs and translations, nearly 140 papers, book chapters (and reviews) have been published in collective books and specialized journals.
In a complementary way, the investigations were published in specialized scientific journals of Greek and Latin Philology, like Prometheus, Aitia, Athenaeum, Emerita, Faventia, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica, Habis, Studia Philologica Valentina, E.Clásicos, Anuari de Filologia, Anuario de Estudios Filológicos, among others. I am a member of the anonymous review committees of some of my specialty magazines, such as Emerita, Sintagma, Imago Temporis, Anuari TRILCAT, Fortunatae, Tropelías...
He has given various conferences and courses at different European universities (Trieste, Lyon, Coimbra, Firenze, Siena, Berlin or Delphi/Athens).
Organizer himself of 7 conferences or Escoles d´estiu held at Lleida from 2009-2018.
Official evaluator of the Catalan agency AQU since 2017.
These are the four lines of research that I have tried to develop:
1. Hellenistic and Imperial literature,
2. Greek culture and Humanism in Catalonia and Spain. Classical Tradition.
3. Ancient Greek Mythology.
4. Ancient Greek Tragedy.
Born in Lleida (Alfarràs-Segrià) on April 4, 1961. He is married to M.Jesús Uceda and has six children.
Address: Spain