Dr. Fredrick Ishengoma | The University of Dodoma, Tanzania (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. Fredrick Ishengoma

Research paper thumbnail of Sustenance of the digital transformations induced by the COVID-19 pandemic response: lessons from Tanzanian public sector

Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022

Purpose-The emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected organizations differently, leading to... more Purpose-The emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected organizations differently, leading to adopting alternative business operation models, including digital technologies. The rapid adoption of digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how adaptive technologies intersect with human and social institutions in potentially risky or inequitable ways. However, the sustenance of the digital transformations (DTs) induced by the COVID-19 crisis is still unclear. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the sustenance of DTs accelerated by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic response in the Tanzanian context amid the crisis. Design/methodology/approach-The study used a qualitative approach that included a literature review and semi-structured interviews with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) personnel from selected public institutions in Tanzania. The interviews elicited interviewees' perspectives on the following: the digital revolution that occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak; how it affects their work; and the country's future digital landscape. Additionally, a literature analysis established and generalized the practices used by the governments during the COVID-19 crisis. Findings-The results show that there is enormous, colossal press toward adopting digital solutions. The use of digital technologies, such as digital payments, e-commerce, telemedicine and online education, has attracted the attention of businesses and individuals in Tanzania. Consequently, the move has enabled the country to cope with the cascading impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and progressive economic recovery to achieve its development goals. Furthermore, the findings offer policy strategies for taking the induced DTs to the next level and sustaining it. Originality/value-This study reports the lessons from the DTs induced by COVID-19 and their sustenance. It also contributes toward forward-thinking reforms and policy measures that could help Tanzania and the likes harness the DTs'' potential in the wake of the pandemic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blockchain Technology as Enablement of Industry 4.0

IGI Global, 2022

Industry 4.0 (also known as smart manufacturing or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)) refers t... more Industry 4.0 (also known as smart manufacturing or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)) refers to a major change in the way products are manufactured and delivered, with a focus on industrial automation and the flexible factory-backed with several technologies that include the Internet of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence. Industry 4.0 gave birth to a new age of smart manufacturing, automated supply chain, and personalized goods and services. Meanwhile, the rise in the application of blockchain technology (BCT) in different sectors propels the industry 4.0 model to extend its scope. This chapter discusses how BCT can act as the enablement of Industry 4.0. The modified e-Delphi methodology aimed at gathering the opinions of recognized experts was used. The findings present the potential that BCT brings, uses cases along with emerging issues. Emerging issues such as BCT security, interoperability, smart contract issues, digital twin issues, energy issue in crypto-coins mining, ethical and legal issues are discussed and solutions are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of NFC-Blockchain Based COVID-19 Immunity Certificate: Proposed System and Emerging Issues.

Information Technology & Management Science , 2021

Vaccine requirements are becoming more mandatory in several countries as public health experts an... more Vaccine requirements are becoming more mandatory in several countries as public health experts and governments become more concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic and its variants. In the meantime, as the number of vaccine requirements grows, so does the counterfeiting of vaccination documents. Fake vaccination certificates are steadily growing, being sold online and on the dark web. Due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need of robust authentication mechanisms that support touch-less technologies like Near Field Communication (NFC). Thus, in this paper, a blockchain-NFC based COVID-19 Digital Immunity Certificate (DIC) system is proposed. The vaccination data are first encrypted by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and then uploaded to the blockchain. The proposed system is based on the amalgamation of NCF and blockchain technologies which can mitigate the issue of fake vaccination certificates. Furthermore, the emerging issues of employing the proposed system are discussed with future directions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Critical Success  Factors Towards Adoption  of M-Government  Services in Tanzania: A Web Analytics Study

App and Website Accessibility Developments and Compliance Strategies, 2022

Recently, the Tanzanian government has started making m-government initiatives. However, little i... more Recently, the Tanzanian government has started making m-government initiatives. However, little is known about the factors and conditions surrounding m-government adoption in Tanzania. Consequently, some m-government services have been successfully adopted while others are still struggling (having a low level of adoption). This study investigates critical success factors (CSFs) that led m-government services belonging to the same family to have varying degrees of adoption level. The study employs a set of web analytics tools that monitored and analyzed the traffic data of the selected three m-government services. The results show that inspecting the web analytics data from multiple viewpoints and varying levels of detail gives insights on the CSFs towards the adoption of m-government services. The findings suggest that perceived usefulness, user needs, and usability favor the adoption of one m-government service over the other.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors for the Adoption of m-Government Services in Tanzania

Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, 2022

The rising number of cell phone subscribers in Tanzania provides the government with a new platfo... more The rising number of cell phone subscribers in Tanzania provides the government with a new platform for the provision of information and government services to people (thus m-Government). In Tanzania, the use of m-Government services is in the initial stages, and variables that affect its adoption are not yet understood. The goal of this research is to study the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) affecting the behavioral intention (BI) of citizens to adopt m-Government services in Tanzania. The study used the Mobile Services Acceptance Model (MSAM) and extended it to include external variables in the context of Tanzania. To collect primary data from users of m-Government services in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma towns, a survey questionnaire was used, and 253 responses were collected. IBM-SPSS AMOS 23.0 program analyzed the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicate that perceived usefulness, trust, perceived mobility, power distance, quality of service, awareness, perceived cost, personal initiatives and characteristics significantly influence the BI to adopt m-Government services. Perceived ease of use, was found to be statistically insignificant in predicting BI. Furthermore, the interplay between CSFs, discussion on theoretical and practical implications that follow from the results are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Distance and Users Behavior Towards the Adoption of mGov

International Journal of Open Information Technologies, 2019

Citizens adoption of m-Government services can be achieved through voluntary or mandatory setting... more Citizens adoption of m-Government services can be achieved through voluntary or mandatory settings. In Tanzania, some government authorities have chosen mandatory adoption approach in order to increase adoption rate, efficiency, and reduce the costs of public administration. One of the crucial dimensions of mandatory adoption is power distance (PD). Literature review, mostly from developed countries, have shown contradicting results on the role of PD towards the adoption of m-Government services. Meanwhile, there is a lack of research studies from African developing countries. This research seeks to fill this gap by examining if PD is a success factor towards the adoption of m-Government services and model users’ behaviors. The study analyzed the 1-year transactions logs that cover before and after the mandatory electronic payment system is adopted. Furthermore, the study analyzed the 1-year traffic of data from government recruitment agency by using web analytics to understand users’ pattern. Findings show that PD is a significant success factor in the adoption of m-Government services in Tanzania. The study also reveals the existence of flash effect (FE) pattern. Finally, the study proposes a Flash Event Mitigation Algorithm (FEMA) to mitigate the impact of the FEs on m-Government services.

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical success factors for m-Government adoption in Tanzania: A conceptual framework

EJISDC, 2018

The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has given rise to the mobile government (m-Go... more The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has given rise to the mobile government (m-Government). A new channel of public service delivery using a mobile phone. In Tanzania, several m-Government initiatives have been undertaken. Among these, some can be said to have succeeded while others are still struggling. The reasons for these variations are not known. This study aimed to capture the critical success factors (CSFs) for the adoption of m-Government and propose a framework under the Tanzanian context. The study builds upon an extensive literature review methodology based on six electronic databases from 2003 to 2017. The results show that security, usability, access, cost, infrastructure, and personal initiatives and characteristics have the strongest effect on the adoption of m-Government services. Based on the findings of the critical review, a conceptual framework is proposed by extending the mobile services acceptance model (MSAM). A further finding is that most of the m-Government adoption research have not considered the environmental setting. Hence, this study calls for more research on m-Government adoption with consideration to the environmental setting (mandatory or optional environment). The study culminates by providing both practical, theoretical, and policy implications of the findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of IEEE 802.15.4a based Indoor Localization and Location Tracking Platform with Its Application

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure virtual machine storage for Hadoop-based design

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Research paper thumbnail of Computation of Optimal Initial Delay Time for Seamless Playback of Multimedia Contents on Digital Signage

Digital signage is referred to as a smart electronic display system that shows multimedia-based i... more Digital signage is referred to as a smart electronic display system that shows multimedia-based information and advertisements through 2/3D LCD and LED displays.The digital signage normally downloads a series of multimedia files (contents) from the network storage to its local storage.This paper originally addresses an initial time delay caused by downloading required multimedia files before seamless playbacks.We formulate the delay problem and provide an optimal solution to find the minimum initial delay before playing a given list of the multimedia files.Our theorem and performance analysis with various types of playlists prove the optimality of the proposed solution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of AODV and AntHocNet MANET Routing Protocols under Mobility Models

—Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) represents a system of mobile nodes that can self-organize freely ... more —Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) represents a system of mobile nodes that can self-organize freely and connect themselves by wireless links deprived of a common infrastructure. MANET routing protocols can be categorized into reactive, proactive and hybrid routing protocols. Recently, numerous researchers have conducted studies that compare performance of routing protocols that fall in these categories under varying conditions and constraints. However, most of the studies have concentrated on the comparison between reactive and proactive routing protocols. This study is subjected to performance comparison between reactive routing protocols (represented by Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector-AODV) and hybrid routing protocols (represented by AntHocNet) under four different mobility models. The metrics used are Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and End-to-End Delay (EED) under ns-2 simulation environment. The study found that AntHocNet provides better PDR and is more fault tolerant than the traditional single path AODV. The study suggests that, apart from the pheromone values, other quality of service matrices viz. energy, queuing delay, and mobility can be tested in future studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Art of Data Hiding with Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Codes.

With the tremendous advancements in technology and the Internet, data security has become a major... more With the tremendous advancements in technology and the Internet, data security has become a major issue around the globe. To guarantee that data is protected and does not go to an unintended endpoint, the art of data hiding (steganography) emerged. Steganography is the art of hiding information such that it is not detectable to the naked eye. Various techniques have been proposed for hiding a secret message in a carrier document. In this paper, we present a novel design that applies Reed-Solomon (RS) error correcting codes in steganographic applications. The model works by substituting the redundant RS codes with the steganographic message. The experimental results show that the proposed design is satisfactory with the percentage of decoded information 100% and percentage of decoded secret message 97. 36%. The proposed model proved that it could be applied in various steganographic applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Printing: Developing Countries Perspectives

International Journal of Computer Applications., 2014

For the past decade, 3D printing (3DP) has become popular due to availability of low-cost 3D prin... more For the past decade, 3D printing (3DP) has become popular due to availability of low-cost 3D printers such as RepRap and Fab@Home; and better software, which offers a broad range of manufacturing platform that enables users to create customizable products. 3DP offers everybody with the power to convert a digital design into a three dimensional physical object. While the application of 3DP in developing countries is still at an early stage, the technology application promises vast solutions to existing problems. This paper presents a critical review of the current state of art of 3DP with a particular focus on developing countries. Moreover, it discusses the challenges, opportunities and future insights of 3DP in developing countries. This paper will serve as a basis for discussion and further research on this area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Network as a Tool for Facilitating e-Learning in Tanzania

The main delivery system in Tanzanian education has been face-to-face approach relying on printed... more The main delivery system in Tanzanian education has been face-to-face approach relying on printed educational materials. High cost of books and insufficient teaching materials are still the major challenges. Recently, Online Social Networks (OSN) have gained popularity across the world and they are used for sharing information, news, chatting, messaging, and keeping in touch with friends. Studies have shown that OSNs can be used as tools for facilitating learning, supplementing face-to-face approach. Currently, there is an increase in the number of local OSN sites and subscribers in Tanzania. This paper examines to what extent are local OSNs in Tanzania exploited as e-learning platforms. Moreover, it addresses the student’s perceived challenges and discusses the opportunities of using local OSNs towards fostering students' academic development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Authentication System for Smart Homes Based on ARM7TDMI-S and IRIS-Fingerprint Recognition Technologies

With the rapid advancement in technology, smart homes have become applicable and so the need aris... more With the rapid advancement in technology, smart homes have become applicable and so the need arise to solve the security challenges that are accompanied with its operation. Passwords and identity cards have been used as traditional authentication mechanisms in home environments, however, the rise of misuse of these mechanisms are proving them to be less reliable. For instance, ID cards can be misplaced, copied or counterfeited and being misused. Conversely, studies have shown that biometrics authentication systems particularly Iris Recognition Technology (IRT) and Fingerprint Recognition Technology (FRT) have the most reliable mechanisms to date providing tremendous accuracy and speed. As the technology becomes less expensive, application of IRT& FRT in smart-homes becomes more reliable and appropriate solution for security challenges. In this paper, we present our approach to design an authentication system for smart homes based on IRT, FRT and ARM7TDMI-S.The system employs two biometrics mechanisms for high reliability whereby initially, system users must enroll their fingerprints and eyes into the camera. Iris and fingerprint biometrics are scanned and the images are stored in the database. In the stage of authentication, FRT and IRT fingerprint scan and analyze points of the user's current input iris and fingerprint and match with the database contents. If one or more captured images do not match with the one in the database, then the system will not give authorization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting QoS in Tanzania Cellular Networks

Quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication system is a topic that recently has raised muc... more Quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication system is a topic that recently has raised much interest for many researchers. This paper presents the findings obtained from the study on factors affecting QoS in Tanzania cellular networks. The study was carried out in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania. The study employed cross-sectional research design. Information was gathered from structured questionnaire of 240 subscribers during the study of quality of service for the four leading cellular networks in Tanzania (Vodacom, Airtel, Tigo and Zantel). Both qualitative and quantitative data from field survey were collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-version 11) and Excel software. The study findings show that the major factors that degrade QoS in Tanzania cellular networks are inadequate network infrastructure, lack of fairness from service providers and little efforts taken by the government in enforcing the national agreed standards. Other factors are lack of reliable end-to-end systems, geographical terrain, low quality handsets, poor government monitoring on standards and lack of subscriber’s skills and training.

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Networks and Terrorism 2.0 in Developing Countries

International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions, Dec 9, 2013

The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OS... more The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become a major platform of communication with wide range of usage from message channeling to propaganda and recruitment of new followers in terrorist groups. Meanwhile, during the terrorist attacks people use OSNs for information exchange, mobilizing and uniting and raising money for the victims. This paper critically analyses the specific usage of OSNs in the times of terrorisms attacks in developing countries. We crawled and used Twitter’s data during Westgate shopping mall terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya. We then analyzed the number of tweets, geo-location of tweets, demographics of the users and whether users in developing countries tend to tweet, retweet or reply during the event of a terrorist attack. We define new metrics (reach and impression of the tweet) and present the models for calculating them. The study findings show that, users from developing countries tend to tweet more at the first and critical times of the terrorist occurrence. Moreover, large number of tweets originated from the attacked country (Kenya) with 73% from men and 23% from women where original posts had a most number of tweets followed by replies and retweets.

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Research paper thumbnail of HDFS+ Erasure Coding Based Hadoop Distributed File System

A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Dis... more A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). However, replication based mechanisms have high degree of disk storage requirement since it makes copies of full block without consideration of storage size. Studies have shown that erasure-coding mechanism can provide more storage space when used as an alternative to replication. Also, it can increase write throughput compared to replication mechanism. To improve both space efficiency and I/O performance of the HDFS while preserving the same data reliability level, we propose HDFS+, an erasure coding based Hadoop Distributed File System. The proposed scheme writes a full block on the primary DataNode and then performs erasure coding with Vandermonde-based Reed-Solomon algorithm that divides data into m data fragments and encode them into ndata fragments (n>m), which are saved in N distinct DataNodes such that the original object can be reconstructed from any m fragments. The experimental results show that our scheme can save up to 33% of storage space while outperforming the original scheme in write performance by 1.4 times. Our scheme provides the same read performance as the original scheme as long as data can be read from the primary DataNode even under single-node or double-node failure. Otherwise, the read performance of the HDFS+ decreases to some extent. However, as the number of fragments increases, we show that the performance degradation becomes negligible.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Design of IEEE 802.15.4 and Solar Based Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype using ECHERP

IJCSNS, Jan 10, 2014

The recently advancement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has brought new distributed ... more The recently advancement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has brought new distributed sensing applications such as water quality monitoring. With sensing capabilities and using parameters like pH, conductivity and temperature, the quality of water can be known. This paper proposes a novel design based on IEEE 802.15.4 (Zig-Bee protocol) and solar energy called Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype (AWQMP). The prototype is designed to use ECHERP routing protocol and Adruino Mega 2560, an open-source electronic prototyping platform for data acquisition. AWQMP is expected to give real time data acquirement and to reduce the cost of manual water quality monitoring due to its autonomous characteristic. Moreover, the proposed prototype will help to study the behavior of aquatic animals in deployed water bodies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Cost-aware Mapping Technique between a Block Device and Amazon S3

Korea Computer Academic Journal, Issue 2 Article 37 (B), 2010.

모바일 단말기기의 컴퓨팅 성능이 좋아지면서 PC의 기능 대부분을 손안의 작은 단말기로 처리 할 수 있게 되었다. 이와 더불어 Wi-Fi 및 이동통신 망을 이용한 인터넷 사... more 모바일 단말기기의 컴퓨팅 성능이 좋아지면서 PC의 기능 대부분을 손안의 작은 단말기로 처리 할 수 있게 되었다. 이와 더불어 Wi-Fi 및 이동통신 망을 이용한 인터넷 사용이 확대 되면서 사용자들은 멀티미디어 컨텐츠를 언제 어디서나 이용할 수 있게 되었다. 하지만 모바일 기기의 스토리지는 사용자들이 소비하는 컨텐츠의 양이나 질적인 면에서 충분한 공간을 제공하지 못하는 경우가 많다. 본 논문에서는 플랫폼에 관계없이 클라우드 스토리지를 로컬 스토리지처럼 사용할 수 있는 블록 디바이스와 클라우드 스토리지를 비용을 고려하여 맵핑하는 기법을 제안한다.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sustenance of the digital transformations induced by the COVID-19 pandemic response: lessons from Tanzanian public sector

Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022

Purpose-The emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected organizations differently, leading to... more Purpose-The emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected organizations differently, leading to adopting alternative business operation models, including digital technologies. The rapid adoption of digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how adaptive technologies intersect with human and social institutions in potentially risky or inequitable ways. However, the sustenance of the digital transformations (DTs) induced by the COVID-19 crisis is still unclear. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the sustenance of DTs accelerated by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic response in the Tanzanian context amid the crisis. Design/methodology/approach-The study used a qualitative approach that included a literature review and semi-structured interviews with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) personnel from selected public institutions in Tanzania. The interviews elicited interviewees' perspectives on the following: the digital revolution that occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak; how it affects their work; and the country's future digital landscape. Additionally, a literature analysis established and generalized the practices used by the governments during the COVID-19 crisis. Findings-The results show that there is enormous, colossal press toward adopting digital solutions. The use of digital technologies, such as digital payments, e-commerce, telemedicine and online education, has attracted the attention of businesses and individuals in Tanzania. Consequently, the move has enabled the country to cope with the cascading impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and progressive economic recovery to achieve its development goals. Furthermore, the findings offer policy strategies for taking the induced DTs to the next level and sustaining it. Originality/value-This study reports the lessons from the DTs induced by COVID-19 and their sustenance. It also contributes toward forward-thinking reforms and policy measures that could help Tanzania and the likes harness the DTs'' potential in the wake of the pandemic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blockchain Technology as Enablement of Industry 4.0

IGI Global, 2022

Industry 4.0 (also known as smart manufacturing or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)) refers t... more Industry 4.0 (also known as smart manufacturing or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)) refers to a major change in the way products are manufactured and delivered, with a focus on industrial automation and the flexible factory-backed with several technologies that include the Internet of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence. Industry 4.0 gave birth to a new age of smart manufacturing, automated supply chain, and personalized goods and services. Meanwhile, the rise in the application of blockchain technology (BCT) in different sectors propels the industry 4.0 model to extend its scope. This chapter discusses how BCT can act as the enablement of Industry 4.0. The modified e-Delphi methodology aimed at gathering the opinions of recognized experts was used. The findings present the potential that BCT brings, uses cases along with emerging issues. Emerging issues such as BCT security, interoperability, smart contract issues, digital twin issues, energy issue in crypto-coins mining, ethical and legal issues are discussed and solutions are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of NFC-Blockchain Based COVID-19 Immunity Certificate: Proposed System and Emerging Issues.

Information Technology & Management Science , 2021

Vaccine requirements are becoming more mandatory in several countries as public health experts an... more Vaccine requirements are becoming more mandatory in several countries as public health experts and governments become more concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic and its variants. In the meantime, as the number of vaccine requirements grows, so does the counterfeiting of vaccination documents. Fake vaccination certificates are steadily growing, being sold online and on the dark web. Due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need of robust authentication mechanisms that support touch-less technologies like Near Field Communication (NFC). Thus, in this paper, a blockchain-NFC based COVID-19 Digital Immunity Certificate (DIC) system is proposed. The vaccination data are first encrypted by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and then uploaded to the blockchain. The proposed system is based on the amalgamation of NCF and blockchain technologies which can mitigate the issue of fake vaccination certificates. Furthermore, the emerging issues of employing the proposed system are discussed with future directions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Critical Success  Factors Towards Adoption  of M-Government  Services in Tanzania: A Web Analytics Study

App and Website Accessibility Developments and Compliance Strategies, 2022

Recently, the Tanzanian government has started making m-government initiatives. However, little i... more Recently, the Tanzanian government has started making m-government initiatives. However, little is known about the factors and conditions surrounding m-government adoption in Tanzania. Consequently, some m-government services have been successfully adopted while others are still struggling (having a low level of adoption). This study investigates critical success factors (CSFs) that led m-government services belonging to the same family to have varying degrees of adoption level. The study employs a set of web analytics tools that monitored and analyzed the traffic data of the selected three m-government services. The results show that inspecting the web analytics data from multiple viewpoints and varying levels of detail gives insights on the CSFs towards the adoption of m-government services. The findings suggest that perceived usefulness, user needs, and usability favor the adoption of one m-government service over the other.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors for the Adoption of m-Government Services in Tanzania

Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, 2022

The rising number of cell phone subscribers in Tanzania provides the government with a new platfo... more The rising number of cell phone subscribers in Tanzania provides the government with a new platform for the provision of information and government services to people (thus m-Government). In Tanzania, the use of m-Government services is in the initial stages, and variables that affect its adoption are not yet understood. The goal of this research is to study the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) affecting the behavioral intention (BI) of citizens to adopt m-Government services in Tanzania. The study used the Mobile Services Acceptance Model (MSAM) and extended it to include external variables in the context of Tanzania. To collect primary data from users of m-Government services in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma towns, a survey questionnaire was used, and 253 responses were collected. IBM-SPSS AMOS 23.0 program analyzed the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicate that perceived usefulness, trust, perceived mobility, power distance, quality of service, awareness, perceived cost, personal initiatives and characteristics significantly influence the BI to adopt m-Government services. Perceived ease of use, was found to be statistically insignificant in predicting BI. Furthermore, the interplay between CSFs, discussion on theoretical and practical implications that follow from the results are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Distance and Users Behavior Towards the Adoption of mGov

International Journal of Open Information Technologies, 2019

Citizens adoption of m-Government services can be achieved through voluntary or mandatory setting... more Citizens adoption of m-Government services can be achieved through voluntary or mandatory settings. In Tanzania, some government authorities have chosen mandatory adoption approach in order to increase adoption rate, efficiency, and reduce the costs of public administration. One of the crucial dimensions of mandatory adoption is power distance (PD). Literature review, mostly from developed countries, have shown contradicting results on the role of PD towards the adoption of m-Government services. Meanwhile, there is a lack of research studies from African developing countries. This research seeks to fill this gap by examining if PD is a success factor towards the adoption of m-Government services and model users’ behaviors. The study analyzed the 1-year transactions logs that cover before and after the mandatory electronic payment system is adopted. Furthermore, the study analyzed the 1-year traffic of data from government recruitment agency by using web analytics to understand users’ pattern. Findings show that PD is a significant success factor in the adoption of m-Government services in Tanzania. The study also reveals the existence of flash effect (FE) pattern. Finally, the study proposes a Flash Event Mitigation Algorithm (FEMA) to mitigate the impact of the FEs on m-Government services.

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical success factors for m-Government adoption in Tanzania: A conceptual framework

EJISDC, 2018

The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has given rise to the mobile government (m-Go... more The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has given rise to the mobile government (m-Government). A new channel of public service delivery using a mobile phone. In Tanzania, several m-Government initiatives have been undertaken. Among these, some can be said to have succeeded while others are still struggling. The reasons for these variations are not known. This study aimed to capture the critical success factors (CSFs) for the adoption of m-Government and propose a framework under the Tanzanian context. The study builds upon an extensive literature review methodology based on six electronic databases from 2003 to 2017. The results show that security, usability, access, cost, infrastructure, and personal initiatives and characteristics have the strongest effect on the adoption of m-Government services. Based on the findings of the critical review, a conceptual framework is proposed by extending the mobile services acceptance model (MSAM). A further finding is that most of the m-Government adoption research have not considered the environmental setting. Hence, this study calls for more research on m-Government adoption with consideration to the environmental setting (mandatory or optional environment). The study culminates by providing both practical, theoretical, and policy implications of the findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of IEEE 802.15.4a based Indoor Localization and Location Tracking Platform with Its Application

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure virtual machine storage for Hadoop-based design

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Research paper thumbnail of Computation of Optimal Initial Delay Time for Seamless Playback of Multimedia Contents on Digital Signage

Digital signage is referred to as a smart electronic display system that shows multimedia-based i... more Digital signage is referred to as a smart electronic display system that shows multimedia-based information and advertisements through 2/3D LCD and LED displays.The digital signage normally downloads a series of multimedia files (contents) from the network storage to its local storage.This paper originally addresses an initial time delay caused by downloading required multimedia files before seamless playbacks.We formulate the delay problem and provide an optimal solution to find the minimum initial delay before playing a given list of the multimedia files.Our theorem and performance analysis with various types of playlists prove the optimality of the proposed solution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of AODV and AntHocNet MANET Routing Protocols under Mobility Models

—Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) represents a system of mobile nodes that can self-organize freely ... more —Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) represents a system of mobile nodes that can self-organize freely and connect themselves by wireless links deprived of a common infrastructure. MANET routing protocols can be categorized into reactive, proactive and hybrid routing protocols. Recently, numerous researchers have conducted studies that compare performance of routing protocols that fall in these categories under varying conditions and constraints. However, most of the studies have concentrated on the comparison between reactive and proactive routing protocols. This study is subjected to performance comparison between reactive routing protocols (represented by Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector-AODV) and hybrid routing protocols (represented by AntHocNet) under four different mobility models. The metrics used are Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and End-to-End Delay (EED) under ns-2 simulation environment. The study found that AntHocNet provides better PDR and is more fault tolerant than the traditional single path AODV. The study suggests that, apart from the pheromone values, other quality of service matrices viz. energy, queuing delay, and mobility can be tested in future studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Art of Data Hiding with Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Codes.

With the tremendous advancements in technology and the Internet, data security has become a major... more With the tremendous advancements in technology and the Internet, data security has become a major issue around the globe. To guarantee that data is protected and does not go to an unintended endpoint, the art of data hiding (steganography) emerged. Steganography is the art of hiding information such that it is not detectable to the naked eye. Various techniques have been proposed for hiding a secret message in a carrier document. In this paper, we present a novel design that applies Reed-Solomon (RS) error correcting codes in steganographic applications. The model works by substituting the redundant RS codes with the steganographic message. The experimental results show that the proposed design is satisfactory with the percentage of decoded information 100% and percentage of decoded secret message 97. 36%. The proposed model proved that it could be applied in various steganographic applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Printing: Developing Countries Perspectives

International Journal of Computer Applications., 2014

For the past decade, 3D printing (3DP) has become popular due to availability of low-cost 3D prin... more For the past decade, 3D printing (3DP) has become popular due to availability of low-cost 3D printers such as RepRap and Fab@Home; and better software, which offers a broad range of manufacturing platform that enables users to create customizable products. 3DP offers everybody with the power to convert a digital design into a three dimensional physical object. While the application of 3DP in developing countries is still at an early stage, the technology application promises vast solutions to existing problems. This paper presents a critical review of the current state of art of 3DP with a particular focus on developing countries. Moreover, it discusses the challenges, opportunities and future insights of 3DP in developing countries. This paper will serve as a basis for discussion and further research on this area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Network as a Tool for Facilitating e-Learning in Tanzania

The main delivery system in Tanzanian education has been face-to-face approach relying on printed... more The main delivery system in Tanzanian education has been face-to-face approach relying on printed educational materials. High cost of books and insufficient teaching materials are still the major challenges. Recently, Online Social Networks (OSN) have gained popularity across the world and they are used for sharing information, news, chatting, messaging, and keeping in touch with friends. Studies have shown that OSNs can be used as tools for facilitating learning, supplementing face-to-face approach. Currently, there is an increase in the number of local OSN sites and subscribers in Tanzania. This paper examines to what extent are local OSNs in Tanzania exploited as e-learning platforms. Moreover, it addresses the student’s perceived challenges and discusses the opportunities of using local OSNs towards fostering students' academic development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Authentication System for Smart Homes Based on ARM7TDMI-S and IRIS-Fingerprint Recognition Technologies

With the rapid advancement in technology, smart homes have become applicable and so the need aris... more With the rapid advancement in technology, smart homes have become applicable and so the need arise to solve the security challenges that are accompanied with its operation. Passwords and identity cards have been used as traditional authentication mechanisms in home environments, however, the rise of misuse of these mechanisms are proving them to be less reliable. For instance, ID cards can be misplaced, copied or counterfeited and being misused. Conversely, studies have shown that biometrics authentication systems particularly Iris Recognition Technology (IRT) and Fingerprint Recognition Technology (FRT) have the most reliable mechanisms to date providing tremendous accuracy and speed. As the technology becomes less expensive, application of IRT& FRT in smart-homes becomes more reliable and appropriate solution for security challenges. In this paper, we present our approach to design an authentication system for smart homes based on IRT, FRT and ARM7TDMI-S.The system employs two biometrics mechanisms for high reliability whereby initially, system users must enroll their fingerprints and eyes into the camera. Iris and fingerprint biometrics are scanned and the images are stored in the database. In the stage of authentication, FRT and IRT fingerprint scan and analyze points of the user's current input iris and fingerprint and match with the database contents. If one or more captured images do not match with the one in the database, then the system will not give authorization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting QoS in Tanzania Cellular Networks

Quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication system is a topic that recently has raised muc... more Quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication system is a topic that recently has raised much interest for many researchers. This paper presents the findings obtained from the study on factors affecting QoS in Tanzania cellular networks. The study was carried out in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania. The study employed cross-sectional research design. Information was gathered from structured questionnaire of 240 subscribers during the study of quality of service for the four leading cellular networks in Tanzania (Vodacom, Airtel, Tigo and Zantel). Both qualitative and quantitative data from field survey were collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-version 11) and Excel software. The study findings show that the major factors that degrade QoS in Tanzania cellular networks are inadequate network infrastructure, lack of fairness from service providers and little efforts taken by the government in enforcing the national agreed standards. Other factors are lack of reliable end-to-end systems, geographical terrain, low quality handsets, poor government monitoring on standards and lack of subscriber’s skills and training.

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Networks and Terrorism 2.0 in Developing Countries

International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions, Dec 9, 2013

The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OS... more The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become a major platform of communication with wide range of usage from message channeling to propaganda and recruitment of new followers in terrorist groups. Meanwhile, during the terrorist attacks people use OSNs for information exchange, mobilizing and uniting and raising money for the victims. This paper critically analyses the specific usage of OSNs in the times of terrorisms attacks in developing countries. We crawled and used Twitter’s data during Westgate shopping mall terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya. We then analyzed the number of tweets, geo-location of tweets, demographics of the users and whether users in developing countries tend to tweet, retweet or reply during the event of a terrorist attack. We define new metrics (reach and impression of the tweet) and present the models for calculating them. The study findings show that, users from developing countries tend to tweet more at the first and critical times of the terrorist occurrence. Moreover, large number of tweets originated from the attacked country (Kenya) with 73% from men and 23% from women where original posts had a most number of tweets followed by replies and retweets.

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Research paper thumbnail of HDFS+ Erasure Coding Based Hadoop Distributed File System

A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Dis... more A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). However, replication based mechanisms have high degree of disk storage requirement since it makes copies of full block without consideration of storage size. Studies have shown that erasure-coding mechanism can provide more storage space when used as an alternative to replication. Also, it can increase write throughput compared to replication mechanism. To improve both space efficiency and I/O performance of the HDFS while preserving the same data reliability level, we propose HDFS+, an erasure coding based Hadoop Distributed File System. The proposed scheme writes a full block on the primary DataNode and then performs erasure coding with Vandermonde-based Reed-Solomon algorithm that divides data into m data fragments and encode them into ndata fragments (n>m), which are saved in N distinct DataNodes such that the original object can be reconstructed from any m fragments. The experimental results show that our scheme can save up to 33% of storage space while outperforming the original scheme in write performance by 1.4 times. Our scheme provides the same read performance as the original scheme as long as data can be read from the primary DataNode even under single-node or double-node failure. Otherwise, the read performance of the HDFS+ decreases to some extent. However, as the number of fragments increases, we show that the performance degradation becomes negligible.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Design of IEEE 802.15.4 and Solar Based Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype using ECHERP

IJCSNS, Jan 10, 2014

The recently advancement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has brought new distributed ... more The recently advancement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has brought new distributed sensing applications such as water quality monitoring. With sensing capabilities and using parameters like pH, conductivity and temperature, the quality of water can be known. This paper proposes a novel design based on IEEE 802.15.4 (Zig-Bee protocol) and solar energy called Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype (AWQMP). The prototype is designed to use ECHERP routing protocol and Adruino Mega 2560, an open-source electronic prototyping platform for data acquisition. AWQMP is expected to give real time data acquirement and to reduce the cost of manual water quality monitoring due to its autonomous characteristic. Moreover, the proposed prototype will help to study the behavior of aquatic animals in deployed water bodies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Cost-aware Mapping Technique between a Block Device and Amazon S3

Korea Computer Academic Journal, Issue 2 Article 37 (B), 2010.

모바일 단말기기의 컴퓨팅 성능이 좋아지면서 PC의 기능 대부분을 손안의 작은 단말기로 처리 할 수 있게 되었다. 이와 더불어 Wi-Fi 및 이동통신 망을 이용한 인터넷 사... more 모바일 단말기기의 컴퓨팅 성능이 좋아지면서 PC의 기능 대부분을 손안의 작은 단말기로 처리 할 수 있게 되었다. 이와 더불어 Wi-Fi 및 이동통신 망을 이용한 인터넷 사용이 확대 되면서 사용자들은 멀티미디어 컨텐츠를 언제 어디서나 이용할 수 있게 되었다. 하지만 모바일 기기의 스토리지는 사용자들이 소비하는 컨텐츠의 양이나 질적인 면에서 충분한 공간을 제공하지 못하는 경우가 많다. 본 논문에서는 플랫폼에 관계없이 클라우드 스토리지를 로컬 스토리지처럼 사용할 수 있는 블록 디바이스와 클라우드 스토리지를 비용을 고려하여 맵핑하는 기법을 제안한다.

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