Riitta-Liisa Kinni | University of Eastern Finland (original) (raw)
Papers by Riitta-Liisa Kinni
European Journal of Social Work, 2021
P-457 Emergency fertility preservation (FP) in female patientsutilisation rate of the stored eggs... more P-457 Emergency fertility preservation (FP) in female patientsutilisation rate of the stored eggs/embryos and pregnancy outcomes.
Social Work Education, 2020
ABSTRACT In social work education, we strive for integration of theory and practice in educating ... more ABSTRACT In social work education, we strive for integration of theory and practice in educating research-based professionals. What do social work students think about this? Are they eager to integrate theory and practice or does practice perhaps win students’ interest? The article explores how second year bachelor level social work students at a Finnish university construct themselves as learners in relation to theory and practice. The article utilizes the integrative pedagogy model, which combines different kind of knowledges needed in developing professional expertise: theoretical, practical, sociocultural, and self-regulative, reflective knowledges. Students’ reflective field reports serve as data, which is analyzed by category analysis. In their reports, students categorize themselves as integrators but also as challengers. The integrators apply knowledge from university classes to practice, yearn for more theoretical knowledge, and get ideas for theses. The challengers see a gap between theory and practice and reflect university teaching critically. The integrative pedagogy model serves well in studying and developing social work practice teaching. In integrating theoretical and practical knowledges and constructing reflective knowledge, accomplished supervision, supportive sociocultural knowledge in workplaces, and collaboration between universities and social work field is needed.
Cogent Psychology, 2018
Supervisor support alleviates burnout, but little is known about supervisors' activities in suppo... more Supervisor support alleviates burnout, but little is known about supervisors' activities in supporting employees with burnout. This study discerned supervisors' category-bound activities during the absence management and return-towork (RTW) process of employees with burnout, and activities where the supervisors need support and guidance, from the perspective of occupational physicians and RTW coordinators in Finland. Data from semi-structured interviews and essays were analyzed with membership categorization analysis (MCA). First, occupational physicians and RTW coordinators saw supervisors as key actors in managing sickness absence and supporting RTW of employees with burnout. The large number of supervisors' category-bound activities was discerned before the prolonged sickness absence, during the sickness absence, at work resumption, and after recovery from burnout. Second, supervisors were seen by occupational physicians and RTW coordinators as requiring support in implementing organizational absence management and RTW policies and procedures and communicating about burnout-related matters. The results of this study challenge occupational health services and employers to develop education for supervisors to improve their management practices as well ABOUT THE AUTHORS Riitta Kärkkäinen, MPH, MSc (ergonomics) is an occupational physiotherapist and vocational teacher. Currently, she is a doctoral student in the Doctoral Program of Health Sciences at the
European Journal of Social Work, 2021
Throughout Europe the most damaging consequences of the coronavirus have fallen disproportionatel... more Throughout Europe the most damaging consequences of the coronavirus have fallen disproportionately on older people who live in care homes. This study involves the analysis of secondary data sources...
Kuntoutus, 2021
Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus... more Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus on tarkastellut monipuolisesti työurien pitenemiseen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja organisaatiotason tekijöitä. Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysin keinoin, millaisina ikääntyvät työntekijät näkevät itsensä eläkkeelle jääjinä tai työssä jatkajina. Lisäksi tarkastelemme, näkyvätkö työkykyyn, terveyteen tai kuntoutukseen liittyvät teemat kategorisoinneissa. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää työelämässä jatkamiseen tai eläkkeelle siirtymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä yksilöiden näkökulmista. Aineistona oli 35 yli 40-vuotiaan työntekijän tai toimihenkilön haastattelua neljästä eri yrityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysillä. Aineistosta löytyi neljä tapaa järkeillä suhdetta työhön ja eläköitymiseen: leiväntienaajien, velvollisuudentuntoisten, tekemistä tarvitsevien ja työstä nauttivien. Nämä kategoriat sisältävät myös käsityksiä työkyvyn ja...
In our experimental study we used dance as “a living and embodied interview”, aiming to harness e... more In our experimental study we used dance as “a living and embodied interview”, aiming to harness each participant’s entire physical body to create knowledge about the leaderfollower relationship. We conducted a dance session under the guidance of a dance pedagogue using an auto-ethnographical approach. The aim of the study was to consider how dance as creative movement works as a research method when studying the leader-follower relationship. During the research process we found it relevant to consider more thoroughly the meta-theoretical assumptions embedded in this kind of arts-based method. At the beginning of the paper, we briefly describe four meta-theories: postmodern social constructionism, critical realism, pragmatism, and phenomenology. As findings we present five “dance stories” describing how we as followers in an academic work setting perceived our leader-follower relationship through dance. Dance as a research method revealed to us knowledge and meanings beyond our ratio...
Working with an older person involves different professionals and domains of knowledge. This stud... more Working with an older person involves different professionals and domains of knowledge. This study examines narratives of the members of a multiprofessional team and an older patient in the context of hospital rehabilitation. Methodologically it draws on social constructionism and the membership categorisation device (MCD). The aim is to show how the situational context, the rehabilitation team, and the agency of its members and the patient get constructed in the accounts of the interviewees. The analysis shows that the social order in hospital rehabilitation includes patterns of action that favour physical, i.e. medical, expertise. The members of the team studied constructed their team as a geriatric one in their accounts. Neither the social worker nor the patients were constructed as active agents in the core of multiprofessional working. The context of health care and the ‘quest for certainty’ challenge social work to find alternative ways of seeing the truths in a patient's ...
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 2016
´ In an aging society, it is important to work for finding ways to integrate seniors in the socie... more ´ In an aging society, it is important to work for finding ways to integrate seniors in the society and to pursue seniors’ wellbeing and independent living. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in enhancing active aging. More precisely, the research examines user experiences of 24 senior citizens in piloting health technology, the wellbeing box products, in the SENER-project. The data were collected in interviews including semi-structured questions concerning senior citizens’ experiences. In addition to qualitative data, information about usage times of tested devices or programs was analyzed to construct user type categories. Three main type categories emerged: drop-outs, passive users, and active users. Drop-outs were too fragile to see more benefit than nuisance in the devices. In cases of passive users, families benefited more of the devices than the seniors themselves. Active users used the devices and programs t...
European Journal of Social Work, 2021
P-457 Emergency fertility preservation (FP) in female patientsutilisation rate of the stored eggs... more P-457 Emergency fertility preservation (FP) in female patientsutilisation rate of the stored eggs/embryos and pregnancy outcomes.
Social Work Education, 2020
ABSTRACT In social work education, we strive for integration of theory and practice in educating ... more ABSTRACT In social work education, we strive for integration of theory and practice in educating research-based professionals. What do social work students think about this? Are they eager to integrate theory and practice or does practice perhaps win students’ interest? The article explores how second year bachelor level social work students at a Finnish university construct themselves as learners in relation to theory and practice. The article utilizes the integrative pedagogy model, which combines different kind of knowledges needed in developing professional expertise: theoretical, practical, sociocultural, and self-regulative, reflective knowledges. Students’ reflective field reports serve as data, which is analyzed by category analysis. In their reports, students categorize themselves as integrators but also as challengers. The integrators apply knowledge from university classes to practice, yearn for more theoretical knowledge, and get ideas for theses. The challengers see a gap between theory and practice and reflect university teaching critically. The integrative pedagogy model serves well in studying and developing social work practice teaching. In integrating theoretical and practical knowledges and constructing reflective knowledge, accomplished supervision, supportive sociocultural knowledge in workplaces, and collaboration between universities and social work field is needed.
Cogent Psychology, 2018
Supervisor support alleviates burnout, but little is known about supervisors' activities in suppo... more Supervisor support alleviates burnout, but little is known about supervisors' activities in supporting employees with burnout. This study discerned supervisors' category-bound activities during the absence management and return-towork (RTW) process of employees with burnout, and activities where the supervisors need support and guidance, from the perspective of occupational physicians and RTW coordinators in Finland. Data from semi-structured interviews and essays were analyzed with membership categorization analysis (MCA). First, occupational physicians and RTW coordinators saw supervisors as key actors in managing sickness absence and supporting RTW of employees with burnout. The large number of supervisors' category-bound activities was discerned before the prolonged sickness absence, during the sickness absence, at work resumption, and after recovery from burnout. Second, supervisors were seen by occupational physicians and RTW coordinators as requiring support in implementing organizational absence management and RTW policies and procedures and communicating about burnout-related matters. The results of this study challenge occupational health services and employers to develop education for supervisors to improve their management practices as well ABOUT THE AUTHORS Riitta Kärkkäinen, MPH, MSc (ergonomics) is an occupational physiotherapist and vocational teacher. Currently, she is a doctoral student in the Doctoral Program of Health Sciences at the
European Journal of Social Work, 2021
Throughout Europe the most damaging consequences of the coronavirus have fallen disproportionatel... more Throughout Europe the most damaging consequences of the coronavirus have fallen disproportionately on older people who live in care homes. This study involves the analysis of secondary data sources...
Kuntoutus, 2021
Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus... more Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus on tarkastellut monipuolisesti työurien pitenemiseen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja organisaatiotason tekijöitä. Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysin keinoin, millaisina ikääntyvät työntekijät näkevät itsensä eläkkeelle jääjinä tai työssä jatkajina. Lisäksi tarkastelemme, näkyvätkö työkykyyn, terveyteen tai kuntoutukseen liittyvät teemat kategorisoinneissa. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää työelämässä jatkamiseen tai eläkkeelle siirtymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä yksilöiden näkökulmista. Aineistona oli 35 yli 40-vuotiaan työntekijän tai toimihenkilön haastattelua neljästä eri yrityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysillä. Aineistosta löytyi neljä tapaa järkeillä suhdetta työhön ja eläköitymiseen: leiväntienaajien, velvollisuudentuntoisten, tekemistä tarvitsevien ja työstä nauttivien. Nämä kategoriat sisältävät myös käsityksiä työkyvyn ja...
In our experimental study we used dance as “a living and embodied interview”, aiming to harness e... more In our experimental study we used dance as “a living and embodied interview”, aiming to harness each participant’s entire physical body to create knowledge about the leaderfollower relationship. We conducted a dance session under the guidance of a dance pedagogue using an auto-ethnographical approach. The aim of the study was to consider how dance as creative movement works as a research method when studying the leader-follower relationship. During the research process we found it relevant to consider more thoroughly the meta-theoretical assumptions embedded in this kind of arts-based method. At the beginning of the paper, we briefly describe four meta-theories: postmodern social constructionism, critical realism, pragmatism, and phenomenology. As findings we present five “dance stories” describing how we as followers in an academic work setting perceived our leader-follower relationship through dance. Dance as a research method revealed to us knowledge and meanings beyond our ratio...
Working with an older person involves different professionals and domains of knowledge. This stud... more Working with an older person involves different professionals and domains of knowledge. This study examines narratives of the members of a multiprofessional team and an older patient in the context of hospital rehabilitation. Methodologically it draws on social constructionism and the membership categorisation device (MCD). The aim is to show how the situational context, the rehabilitation team, and the agency of its members and the patient get constructed in the accounts of the interviewees. The analysis shows that the social order in hospital rehabilitation includes patterns of action that favour physical, i.e. medical, expertise. The members of the team studied constructed their team as a geriatric one in their accounts. Neither the social worker nor the patients were constructed as active agents in the core of multiprofessional working. The context of health care and the ‘quest for certainty’ challenge social work to find alternative ways of seeing the truths in a patient's ...
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 2016
´ In an aging society, it is important to work for finding ways to integrate seniors in the socie... more ´ In an aging society, it is important to work for finding ways to integrate seniors in the society and to pursue seniors’ wellbeing and independent living. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in enhancing active aging. More precisely, the research examines user experiences of 24 senior citizens in piloting health technology, the wellbeing box products, in the SENER-project. The data were collected in interviews including semi-structured questions concerning senior citizens’ experiences. In addition to qualitative data, information about usage times of tested devices or programs was analyzed to construct user type categories. Three main type categories emerged: drop-outs, passive users, and active users. Drop-outs were too fragile to see more benefit than nuisance in the devices. In cases of passive users, families benefited more of the devices than the seniors themselves. Active users used the devices and programs t...