Giorgio Romano Schutte | UFABC - Federal University of ABC (original) (raw)

Papers by Giorgio Romano Schutte

Research paper thumbnail of A dinâmica das relações Brasil-China e as perspectivas para a neoindustrialização - The Dynamics of Brazil-China Relations and Perspectives for Reindustrialization

Nueva Sociedad, 2024

Since January 2023, with President Lula's new administration, there is an opportunity to put Sino... more Since January 2023, with President Lula's new administration, there is an opportunity to put Sino-Brazilian relations back on a coherent path. China is once again being viewed by the government as an important partner for promoting Brazil's reindustrialization on technological and environmental foundations. In this context, Chinese investments in energy transition play a significant role, with emphasis on the investments by the Chinese company BYD in the automotive sector.

Research paper thumbnail of A busca europeia por um lugar no mundo em transformação e o Acordo com o Mercosul

Carta Internacional, 2024

Abstract This article analyses the third phase of negotiations for a trade agreement between the... more Abstract
This article analyses the third phase of negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur from the European context, with a focus on Germany's position. It employs an approach centred on the EU's political and economic orientation, which conditions its international engagement. The choice of the theme serves as a case to present the EU's attempt to respond to the developments of the euro crisis, the impact of China's rise, the new policies in the USA, the aftermath of the pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Key-words: European Union; Geoeconomics; Neomercantilism; Trade Agreement European Union-Mercosur

Research paper thumbnail of New Geoeconomic Strategies and the Role of the G20: Elements for Brazilian Engagement

Tempo do Mundo, 2024

This article analyzes the challenges faced by the G20 in light of the recent trends of deglobaliz... more This article analyzes the challenges faced by the G20 in light of the recent trends of deglobalization, geopolitical tensions, and geoeconomic fragmentation. It argues that the recent combined dilemmas of security and defense, obstacles to peace, and economic-trade coordination between nations represent a new phase for the Group. Paradoxically, in addition to restrictions on more cooperative action, the new context also represents opportunities for renewed Brazilian action in the G20 amid the current reconfiguration of international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of A dinâmica do Investimento Externo Direto na China:   uma análise do planejamento e desenvolvimento pós-abertura 

Economia e Sociedade , 2024

The dynamics of foreign direct investment in China: An analysis of planning and development after... more The dynamics of foreign direct investment in China: An analysis of planning and development after the opening up period
In the 1960s, Deng Xiaoping said his most iconic quote: “if a cat catches mice, it doesn’t matter whether it is black or white.”
The phrase was proclaimed in defense of increased productivity, even at the expense of the socialization of the economy.
Later, this analogy was widely used to endorse the modernization reforms adopted in the late 1970s. In the 21st century, the
People’s Republic of China has risen as one of the main centers of the world economy. This result is attributed to the process
of opening and modernization, which promoted China’s integration into the world economy. The role of the State in planning
and implementing policies that seek to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) is central to this process. We aim to present
an analysis of FDI development in China based on planning and development, identifying different cycles according to the
political context and Chinese development challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian Hydrocarbon Dilemma: Did Brazil Hit the Big Ticket Too Late?

Sustainable development goals series, Dec 31, 2022


Revista Tempo do Mundo, 2024

Este artículo analiza el papel de las petroleras estatales latinoamericanas en la tra... more Este artículo analiza el papel de las petroleras estatales latinoamericanas en la transición energética. América Latina tiene un gran potencial para sustituir los combustibles fósiles por energías renovables y cuenta con importantes reservas de minerales críticos, como el litio. Sin embargo, hay varios obstáculos que superar. Entre ellos, la falta de recursos financieros para invertir en la descarbonización, el bajo crecimiento económico y las políticas de austeridad fiscal ante el coste de la transición. En este contexto de transformación de la industria energética, las empresas petroleras estatales desempeñan un papel crucial, ya que disponen tanto de capacidad productiva como financiera. Estas empresas se enfrentan al reto de conciliar la producción de petróleo y gas (P&G) para garantizar el abastecimiento interno y el potencial exportador con las decisiones de inversión en energías limpias para sustituir gradualmente a los combustibles fósiles. La mayoría de los países de la región no disponen de estrategias a medio o largo plazo para afrontar estos retos. Mientras las petroleras transnacionales del Norte global, en particular las europeas, han buscado reconfigurarse como “empresas energéticas” e invertir en fuentes renovables, las principales empresas estatales latinoamericanas – entre ellas Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) y Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos S.A. (Ecopetrol), analizadas en este artículo – han seguido múltiples caminos en la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono. La estrategia de cada empresa se ha visto influida por factores como la existencia de reservas, la historia del uso de la energía y las diferentes políticas gubernamentales. En este contexto, se puede concluir que las empresas petroleras son actores clave en la transición energética de América Latina, ya que son capaces de utilizar su peso económico para impulsar las transformaciones económicas necesarias en este proceso y maximizar el uso de los abundantes recursos renovables de la region.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis of the Chinese inward FDI development and regulation policy and the Five-Year Plans

Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 2024

At the end of the 1970s, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) promoted policies to attract invest... more At the end of the 1970s, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) promoted policies
to attract investments from the developed capitalist world, aiming for technological transfer
and offering a profitable environment in exchange. Although the TNC capital, know-how,
and technology have been key factors for Chinese development, the State has planned and
regulated those investments, so they can be aligned with an autonomous project of development,
avoiding the classic centre-periphery dependency relationship. This paper analysis focuses
on the Five-Year Plans, and the regulation policy laws for inward investment. At the
end we analyse the FDI data, which allowed us to identify the main changes and distinct
phases of the development of FDI and the State policy.

JEL Classification: F63; N95; O19.

Research paper thumbnail of A Petrobras e o nacionalismo econômico no Brasil

Un diablo en Pilcaniyeu: cómo se logró la producción de uranio enriquecido en Argentina Facundo D... more Un diablo en Pilcaniyeu: cómo se logró la producción de uranio enriquecido en Argentina Facundo Deluchi .

Research paper thumbnail of Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: entre a realidade e o mito da sustentabilidade

Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: e... more Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: entre a realidade e o mito da sustentabilidade Perception of brazilian researchers of the relationship between tourism and sustainable development: between the reality and the myth of sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil’s Reach Out to Africa

This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a... more This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strategic option during two specific moments: the 1970s, particularly in the Ernesto Geisel government (1974-1979), and during the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). These are divided into three perspectives: geopolitical considerations, economic interests, and racial identity. Geopolitical motivations aimed at gaining greater independence from Western powers, and economic interests, aiming to expand the trade flow and identify investment opportunities are similar. What is entirely different is the relationship with the racial issue in Brazil itself, which has became an important component in policy-making for Africa during the Lula government.

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitics and political economy in the 21st Century

South-North Dialogues on Democracy, Development and Sustainability, 2023

The topics discussed are about the character of the international order and disorder that we are ... more The topics discussed are about the character of the international order and disorder that we are experiencing. Is the US in decadence? How to characterize the relationship between center and periphery in the 21st century? Is it still valid to speak of a Western imperialism? Does the Biden administration change in form and/or in substance US capitalism? What are the pillars of global power? How should we analyze China's role in the world and its relationship with peripheral countries? What is the role of other smaller powers, such as the European Union, India, and Brazil, in the face of the US-China dispute? It is evident that the debate around these themes involves a simultaneous deepening of geopolitical and political economy’s factors.

Research paper thumbnail of Sino-Iranian Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence: A Potential Countering Against the US Hegemony

The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitics and political economy in the 21st century

Routledge eBooks, Mar 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Investimentos externos diretos e o processo de catch-up: a experiência chinesa e as lições para o Brasil

Cadernos do Desenvolvimento, Dec 31, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil´s reach out to Africa

Portugal and the Lusophone World, 2023

This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strateg... more This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strategic option during two specific moments: the 1970s, particularly in the Ernesto Geisel government (1974-1979), and during the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). These are divided into three perspectives: geopolitical considerations, economic interests, and racial identity. Geopolitical motivations aimed at gaining greater independence from Western powers, and economic interests, aiming to expand the trade flow and identify investment opportunities are similar. What is entirely different is the relationship with the racial issue in Brazil itself, which has became an important component in policy-making for Africa during the Lula government.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian Particularity: Pre-salt in the Energy Transition

Conjuntura Global, 2022

This paper aims to analyze the challenges imposed by exploring Brazil´s deep-water oil reserves (... more This paper aims to analyze the challenges imposed by exploring Brazil´s deep-water oil reserves (pré-salt) since 2007 and Petrobras's role in the global energy transition context. A qualitative methodology is used, which includes a bibliographic review, collection of statistical data, and systematic analysis of the characteristics of the Brazilian energy sector. We argue that the challenge for Brazil is to balance the economic gains of the pre-salt with policies to support national development and, at the same time, encourage the use of other energy sources. We argue that depending on the national policies implemented, pre-salt might not necessarily conflict with the aims of an energy transition. However, if a clear strategy is not implemented to take advantage of such resources, oil revenues might be only appropriated by short-term private financial interests. Petrobras play a key role in this process.

Research paper thumbnail of Petrobras and economic nationalism in Brasil / Petrobras e nacionalismo economico

Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo N° 18 - Año 14 - Diciembre-Mayo 2022, 2022

The article analyses the historical evolution of the debate and the policies implemented for the... more The article analyses the historical evolution of the debate and the
policies implemented for the oil exploitation in Brazil since its origins with
emphasis on the constitution and trajectory of Petrobras. Different visions
and arguments during the period will be presented around the main topics: the role of the government, the state company, the multinationals, and
the private national oil companies. This reflects the various development
concepts that disputed political hegemony during the period analysed.
Basically, the article structures the debate around Bielschowsky´s (2011)
classification: state-nationalism, private-nationalism and liberalism. The
policies that were implemented reflected the political force to articulate
concrete interests around these approaches. In this way the article the article presents the surge and consolidation of national-developmentalism
during the 1950tees till the 1980tees, followed by a (neo)liberal period
until the elections of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) which coincided with the discovery of expressive deep sea oil reserve (pre-salt). In this
period there was a swing back to a developmentalist approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Oásis para o Capital – Solo Fértil para a “Corrida De Ouro”: A Dinâmica dos Investimentos Produtivos Chineses no Brasil

Research paper thumbnail of Energia e desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil

A matriz energetica relativamente mais limpa, o consumo per capita relativamente baixo e o fato d... more A matriz energetica relativamente mais limpa, o consumo per capita relativamente baixo e o fato de o Brasil ser um exemplo sem precedentes de um pais que conseguiu uma reducao drastica de emissao de GEE sao fatores que podem desestimular uma reflexao critica. Corre-se o risco de nao incentivar a identificacao e o aproveitamento de potenciais para ulteriores avancos rumo a uma economia de baixo carbono. Nao ha, em principio, nenhuma contradicao entre a exploracao das riquezas do Pre-sal e o compromisso para avancar rumo a uma economia de baixo carbono desde que haja um adequado gerenciamento das riquezas e a adocao de estrategias inteligentes de exploracao e producao. A renda assim gerada poderia ser canalizada para fomentar a superacao de deficiencias estruturais na area de educacao e infraestrutura social e tambem contribuir com o financiamento para a transicao para uma economia de baixo carbono.

Research paper thumbnail of A economia política do conteúdo local no setor petrolífero de Lula a Temer

Economia E Sociedade, 2021

Resumo O setor petrolífero tem uma vasta experiência com políticas de Conteúdo Local (CL), em par... more Resumo O setor petrolífero tem uma vasta experiência com políticas de Conteúdo Local (CL), em particular na Noruega. No Brasil, essa política ganhou força nos governos Lula da Silva, mas começou a sofrer desgaste nos governos de Dilma Rousseff. A tentativa de repactuar aspectos dessa política em 2015 chegou tarde e, no governo Temer, sofreu um rebaixamento considerável. O objetivo deste artigo é entender a facilidade política e a rapidez com as quais o processo se deu, a partir de dois fatores. Primeiro, a tempestade perfeita que atingiu a Petrobras em meados de 2014 e em 2015, com uma forte queda de preço do petróleo e os impactos da Operação Lava Jato e outros fatores. Segundo, o desgaste ao qual a política de Conteúdo Local foi submetida, identificada como parte do problema, e não da solução, para o desenvolvimento brasileiro. A partir de uma análise das medidas governamentais e do posicionamento dos atores relevantes, percebe-se que a política de Conteúdo Local foi sacrificada n...

Research paper thumbnail of A dinâmica das relações Brasil-China e as perspectivas para a neoindustrialização - The Dynamics of Brazil-China Relations and Perspectives for Reindustrialization

Nueva Sociedad, 2024

Since January 2023, with President Lula's new administration, there is an opportunity to put Sino... more Since January 2023, with President Lula's new administration, there is an opportunity to put Sino-Brazilian relations back on a coherent path. China is once again being viewed by the government as an important partner for promoting Brazil's reindustrialization on technological and environmental foundations. In this context, Chinese investments in energy transition play a significant role, with emphasis on the investments by the Chinese company BYD in the automotive sector.

Research paper thumbnail of A busca europeia por um lugar no mundo em transformação e o Acordo com o Mercosul

Carta Internacional, 2024

Abstract This article analyses the third phase of negotiations for a trade agreement between the... more Abstract
This article analyses the third phase of negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur from the European context, with a focus on Germany's position. It employs an approach centred on the EU's political and economic orientation, which conditions its international engagement. The choice of the theme serves as a case to present the EU's attempt to respond to the developments of the euro crisis, the impact of China's rise, the new policies in the USA, the aftermath of the pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Key-words: European Union; Geoeconomics; Neomercantilism; Trade Agreement European Union-Mercosur

Research paper thumbnail of New Geoeconomic Strategies and the Role of the G20: Elements for Brazilian Engagement

Tempo do Mundo, 2024

This article analyzes the challenges faced by the G20 in light of the recent trends of deglobaliz... more This article analyzes the challenges faced by the G20 in light of the recent trends of deglobalization, geopolitical tensions, and geoeconomic fragmentation. It argues that the recent combined dilemmas of security and defense, obstacles to peace, and economic-trade coordination between nations represent a new phase for the Group. Paradoxically, in addition to restrictions on more cooperative action, the new context also represents opportunities for renewed Brazilian action in the G20 amid the current reconfiguration of international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of A dinâmica do Investimento Externo Direto na China:   uma análise do planejamento e desenvolvimento pós-abertura 

Economia e Sociedade , 2024

The dynamics of foreign direct investment in China: An analysis of planning and development after... more The dynamics of foreign direct investment in China: An analysis of planning and development after the opening up period
In the 1960s, Deng Xiaoping said his most iconic quote: “if a cat catches mice, it doesn’t matter whether it is black or white.”
The phrase was proclaimed in defense of increased productivity, even at the expense of the socialization of the economy.
Later, this analogy was widely used to endorse the modernization reforms adopted in the late 1970s. In the 21st century, the
People’s Republic of China has risen as one of the main centers of the world economy. This result is attributed to the process
of opening and modernization, which promoted China’s integration into the world economy. The role of the State in planning
and implementing policies that seek to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) is central to this process. We aim to present
an analysis of FDI development in China based on planning and development, identifying different cycles according to the
political context and Chinese development challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian Hydrocarbon Dilemma: Did Brazil Hit the Big Ticket Too Late?

Sustainable development goals series, Dec 31, 2022


Revista Tempo do Mundo, 2024

Este artículo analiza el papel de las petroleras estatales latinoamericanas en la tra... more Este artículo analiza el papel de las petroleras estatales latinoamericanas en la transición energética. América Latina tiene un gran potencial para sustituir los combustibles fósiles por energías renovables y cuenta con importantes reservas de minerales críticos, como el litio. Sin embargo, hay varios obstáculos que superar. Entre ellos, la falta de recursos financieros para invertir en la descarbonización, el bajo crecimiento económico y las políticas de austeridad fiscal ante el coste de la transición. En este contexto de transformación de la industria energética, las empresas petroleras estatales desempeñan un papel crucial, ya que disponen tanto de capacidad productiva como financiera. Estas empresas se enfrentan al reto de conciliar la producción de petróleo y gas (P&G) para garantizar el abastecimiento interno y el potencial exportador con las decisiones de inversión en energías limpias para sustituir gradualmente a los combustibles fósiles. La mayoría de los países de la región no disponen de estrategias a medio o largo plazo para afrontar estos retos. Mientras las petroleras transnacionales del Norte global, en particular las europeas, han buscado reconfigurarse como “empresas energéticas” e invertir en fuentes renovables, las principales empresas estatales latinoamericanas – entre ellas Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) y Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos S.A. (Ecopetrol), analizadas en este artículo – han seguido múltiples caminos en la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono. La estrategia de cada empresa se ha visto influida por factores como la existencia de reservas, la historia del uso de la energía y las diferentes políticas gubernamentales. En este contexto, se puede concluir que las empresas petroleras son actores clave en la transición energética de América Latina, ya que son capaces de utilizar su peso económico para impulsar las transformaciones económicas necesarias en este proceso y maximizar el uso de los abundantes recursos renovables de la region.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis of the Chinese inward FDI development and regulation policy and the Five-Year Plans

Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 2024

At the end of the 1970s, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) promoted policies to attract invest... more At the end of the 1970s, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) promoted policies
to attract investments from the developed capitalist world, aiming for technological transfer
and offering a profitable environment in exchange. Although the TNC capital, know-how,
and technology have been key factors for Chinese development, the State has planned and
regulated those investments, so they can be aligned with an autonomous project of development,
avoiding the classic centre-periphery dependency relationship. This paper analysis focuses
on the Five-Year Plans, and the regulation policy laws for inward investment. At the
end we analyse the FDI data, which allowed us to identify the main changes and distinct
phases of the development of FDI and the State policy.

JEL Classification: F63; N95; O19.

Research paper thumbnail of A Petrobras e o nacionalismo econômico no Brasil

Un diablo en Pilcaniyeu: cómo se logró la producción de uranio enriquecido en Argentina Facundo D... more Un diablo en Pilcaniyeu: cómo se logró la producción de uranio enriquecido en Argentina Facundo Deluchi .

Research paper thumbnail of Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: entre a realidade e o mito da sustentabilidade

Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: e... more Percepção dos pesquisadores brasileiros da relação entre turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: entre a realidade e o mito da sustentabilidade Perception of brazilian researchers of the relationship between tourism and sustainable development: between the reality and the myth of sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil’s Reach Out to Africa

This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a... more This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strategic option during two specific moments: the 1970s, particularly in the Ernesto Geisel government (1974-1979), and during the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). These are divided into three perspectives: geopolitical considerations, economic interests, and racial identity. Geopolitical motivations aimed at gaining greater independence from Western powers, and economic interests, aiming to expand the trade flow and identify investment opportunities are similar. What is entirely different is the relationship with the racial issue in Brazil itself, which has became an important component in policy-making for Africa during the Lula government.

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitics and political economy in the 21st Century

South-North Dialogues on Democracy, Development and Sustainability, 2023

The topics discussed are about the character of the international order and disorder that we are ... more The topics discussed are about the character of the international order and disorder that we are experiencing. Is the US in decadence? How to characterize the relationship between center and periphery in the 21st century? Is it still valid to speak of a Western imperialism? Does the Biden administration change in form and/or in substance US capitalism? What are the pillars of global power? How should we analyze China's role in the world and its relationship with peripheral countries? What is the role of other smaller powers, such as the European Union, India, and Brazil, in the face of the US-China dispute? It is evident that the debate around these themes involves a simultaneous deepening of geopolitical and political economy’s factors.

Research paper thumbnail of Sino-Iranian Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence: A Potential Countering Against the US Hegemony

The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitics and political economy in the 21st century

Routledge eBooks, Mar 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Investimentos externos diretos e o processo de catch-up: a experiência chinesa e as lições para o Brasil

Cadernos do Desenvolvimento, Dec 31, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil´s reach out to Africa

Portugal and the Lusophone World, 2023

This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strateg... more This chapter analyzes the determinants of Brazil's approach to the African continent as a strategic option during two specific moments: the 1970s, particularly in the Ernesto Geisel government (1974-1979), and during the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). These are divided into three perspectives: geopolitical considerations, economic interests, and racial identity. Geopolitical motivations aimed at gaining greater independence from Western powers, and economic interests, aiming to expand the trade flow and identify investment opportunities are similar. What is entirely different is the relationship with the racial issue in Brazil itself, which has became an important component in policy-making for Africa during the Lula government.

Research paper thumbnail of The Brazilian Particularity: Pre-salt in the Energy Transition

Conjuntura Global, 2022

This paper aims to analyze the challenges imposed by exploring Brazil´s deep-water oil reserves (... more This paper aims to analyze the challenges imposed by exploring Brazil´s deep-water oil reserves (pré-salt) since 2007 and Petrobras's role in the global energy transition context. A qualitative methodology is used, which includes a bibliographic review, collection of statistical data, and systematic analysis of the characteristics of the Brazilian energy sector. We argue that the challenge for Brazil is to balance the economic gains of the pre-salt with policies to support national development and, at the same time, encourage the use of other energy sources. We argue that depending on the national policies implemented, pre-salt might not necessarily conflict with the aims of an energy transition. However, if a clear strategy is not implemented to take advantage of such resources, oil revenues might be only appropriated by short-term private financial interests. Petrobras play a key role in this process.

Research paper thumbnail of Petrobras and economic nationalism in Brasil / Petrobras e nacionalismo economico

Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo N° 18 - Año 14 - Diciembre-Mayo 2022, 2022

The article analyses the historical evolution of the debate and the policies implemented for the... more The article analyses the historical evolution of the debate and the
policies implemented for the oil exploitation in Brazil since its origins with
emphasis on the constitution and trajectory of Petrobras. Different visions
and arguments during the period will be presented around the main topics: the role of the government, the state company, the multinationals, and
the private national oil companies. This reflects the various development
concepts that disputed political hegemony during the period analysed.
Basically, the article structures the debate around Bielschowsky´s (2011)
classification: state-nationalism, private-nationalism and liberalism. The
policies that were implemented reflected the political force to articulate
concrete interests around these approaches. In this way the article the article presents the surge and consolidation of national-developmentalism
during the 1950tees till the 1980tees, followed by a (neo)liberal period
until the elections of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) which coincided with the discovery of expressive deep sea oil reserve (pre-salt). In this
period there was a swing back to a developmentalist approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Oásis para o Capital – Solo Fértil para a “Corrida De Ouro”: A Dinâmica dos Investimentos Produtivos Chineses no Brasil

Research paper thumbnail of Energia e desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil

A matriz energetica relativamente mais limpa, o consumo per capita relativamente baixo e o fato d... more A matriz energetica relativamente mais limpa, o consumo per capita relativamente baixo e o fato de o Brasil ser um exemplo sem precedentes de um pais que conseguiu uma reducao drastica de emissao de GEE sao fatores que podem desestimular uma reflexao critica. Corre-se o risco de nao incentivar a identificacao e o aproveitamento de potenciais para ulteriores avancos rumo a uma economia de baixo carbono. Nao ha, em principio, nenhuma contradicao entre a exploracao das riquezas do Pre-sal e o compromisso para avancar rumo a uma economia de baixo carbono desde que haja um adequado gerenciamento das riquezas e a adocao de estrategias inteligentes de exploracao e producao. A renda assim gerada poderia ser canalizada para fomentar a superacao de deficiencias estruturais na area de educacao e infraestrutura social e tambem contribuir com o financiamento para a transicao para uma economia de baixo carbono.

Research paper thumbnail of A economia política do conteúdo local no setor petrolífero de Lula a Temer

Economia E Sociedade, 2021

Resumo O setor petrolífero tem uma vasta experiência com políticas de Conteúdo Local (CL), em par... more Resumo O setor petrolífero tem uma vasta experiência com políticas de Conteúdo Local (CL), em particular na Noruega. No Brasil, essa política ganhou força nos governos Lula da Silva, mas começou a sofrer desgaste nos governos de Dilma Rousseff. A tentativa de repactuar aspectos dessa política em 2015 chegou tarde e, no governo Temer, sofreu um rebaixamento considerável. O objetivo deste artigo é entender a facilidade política e a rapidez com as quais o processo se deu, a partir de dois fatores. Primeiro, a tempestade perfeita que atingiu a Petrobras em meados de 2014 e em 2015, com uma forte queda de preço do petróleo e os impactos da Operação Lava Jato e outros fatores. Segundo, o desgaste ao qual a política de Conteúdo Local foi submetida, identificada como parte do problema, e não da solução, para o desenvolvimento brasileiro. A partir de uma análise das medidas governamentais e do posicionamento dos atores relevantes, percebe-se que a política de Conteúdo Local foi sacrificada n...

Research paper thumbnail of Petróleo e gás na era Bolsonaro & Guedes

Brasi: incertezas e submissão, 2019

Critical analyse of the oil policies of the Bolsonaro government

Research paper thumbnail of China in Latin America: to BRI or not to BRI

The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics, 2023

During the first decade of the year 2000 China was consolidated as the first or second major trad... more During the first decade of the year 2000 China was consolidated as the first or second major trading partner for most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and in the following decade there was a large increase in foreign direct investment and financing. The region ceased to be the United States of America’s (US) “backyard” and has now become part of that country's economic, commercial, and political dispute with China.Unlike most literature on the issue, this article will use a holistic approach to combine the political and economic dimensions as well as the interaction between Chinese push and LAC pull factors. At the same time, we will focus attention on the geopolitical context, specifically the rivalry between China and the US.

Research paper thumbnail of Inserção Econômica Internacional sem Visão Estratégica

Política Externa Brasileira em tempos de isolamento diplomático, 2022

Este capítulo se debruça sobre os efeitos das políticas econômicas do Governo Bolsonaro colocadas... more Este capítulo se debruça sobre os efeitos das políticas econômicas do Governo Bolsonaro colocadas em prática no ano de 2021 que estão intrinsecamente ligadas à forma como se dá a inserção econômica internacional do Brasil.
A persistência da pandemia da Covid-19 em 2021, com o surgimento de novas variantes e as insuficiências no esforço de vacinação, colocou às nações o desafio de como se recuperar economicamente frente a um cenário ainda repleto de restrições e incertezas. Essa realidade conjuntural se insere em um mundo em transformação estrutural em torno de dois fenômenos: a busca de respostas às crescentes crises climáticas e a afirmação da quarta revolução industrial-tecnológica, que provocou um acirramento da concorrência oligopolista e, ao mesmo tempo, uma retomada da rivalidade interestatal.

Research paper thumbnail of Expansão e acirramento de conflitos: O impacto do covid 19 sobre a economia política internacional

Pandemia Desigual, 2021

A pandemia do novo coronavírus não é por si só um game-changer e não tem a capacidade de alterar ... more A pandemia do novo coronavírus não é por si só um game-changer e não tem a capacidade de alterar os rumos da história, mas está mostrando potencial de grande impacto sobre processos em curso, acelerando e ampliando alguns, diminuindo e desacelerando outros e abrindo novas fronteiras para a acumulação do capital. Ao mesmo tempo, contribui para a configuração de um contexto no qual algumas ideias e interesses se organizam para se impor em detrimento de outros.

Research paper thumbnail of As bases da Política Externa bolsonarista

Editora UFABC, 2021

APRESENTAÇÃO Política externa brasileira em um mundo em transformação: o governo Bolsonaro Gil... more APRESENTAÇÃO

Política externa brasileira em um mundo em transformação: o governo Bolsonaro

Gilberto Maringoni, Giorgio Romano e Tatiana Berringer

Este livro se propõe a examinar a política externa do governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Nossa análise não se limita à diplomacia – tarefa sob responsabilidade do Itamaraty - mas é um conjunto de interpretações sobre a inserção internacional do Estado a partir de diversas esferas: economia, defesa, soberania e recursos naturais estratégicos, além de órgãos da administração federal que mantêm contatos internacionais. Em suma, tentamos entender que lugar no mundo o Brasil de Bolsonaro procura ocupar.