Zelinda M. A. N. Leao | UFBA - Federal University of Bahia (original) (raw)


Papers by Zelinda M. A. N. Leao

Research paper thumbnail of Record of seasonal bleaching in siderastrea spp. From tidal pools of the guarajuba reef, Bahia, Brazil

Interciencia, Jul 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The Bahian coral reefs--from 7000 years BP to 2000 years AD


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Research paper thumbnail of Brazil, Coral Reefs


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Research paper thumbnail of Evidences linking ENSO and coral growth in the Southwestern-South Atlantic

Climate Dynamics, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Capítulo VI Ambiente Bentônico

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico do estado de conservação dos recifes em franja do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos

OLAM: Ciência …, 2008


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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of coral bleaching environments and their variation along the Bahia state coast, Brazil

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012

... DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.639505 Lilian Anne Krug ... Bank (see figure 1). The study area co... more ... DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.639505 Lilian Anne Krug ... Bank (see figure 1). The study area contained 84% of all species of the stony corals and hydrocorals of the South Atlantic, and these reefs are referred to as follows: (1) Litoral Norte (LN), (2) Todos os Santos Bay (BTS), (3 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychaetes from the Guarajuba coral reefs, Bahia, Brazil

Bulletin of Marine Science, 2000

Composition, distribution and feeding groups of polychaetes from the coral reefs of Guarajuba bea... more Composition, distribution and feeding groups of polychaetes from the coral reefs of Guarajuba beach (Eastern Brazil) were examined to investigate their relationship with the present condition of the reefs. The organisms were randomly sampled from three zones: (1) the landward border of the top of an emergent reef (landward emergent reef -LER); (2) the seaward border of the same reef top (seaward emergent reef-SER); (3) the top of a submerged reef at 5 to 6 m depth (submerged reef-SR). Fifteen replicates of reef blocks (average 680 cm 3 sample size) were collected from each zone, twice a year, making a total number of 90 samples. A total of 1754 individuals comprising 40 species were found. LER samples contained 405 individuals represented by 17 species. Perinereis elenacasoae was the dominant species (58%). SER samples consisted of 1184 specimens, and Eunice wasinensis (73%) was the most abundant of the 30 recorded species. The SR samples contained 165 individuals represented by 22 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Todos os Santos Bay coral reefs, Eastern Brazil, revisited after 40 years

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Research paper thumbnail of The coral reefs of Bahia: Morphology, distribution and the major environmental impacts

Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Guia de identificação dos corais e hidrocorais do Brasil

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Research paper thumbnail of Abrolhos, BA -- O complexo recifal mais extenso do Atlântico Sul

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Research paper thumbnail of The characteristic of bottom sediments

Sand and mud are the most common bottom sediments surrounding the reefs surveyed in the Abrolhos ... more Sand and mud are the most common bottom sediments surrounding the reefs surveyed in the Abrolhos region. Coarse (gravel) sediments are relatively uncommon. • Previous work reported relatively high levels of siliciclastic-dominated sediments in the Abrolhos region, however high levels were not evident in most samples collected during the current study. The reason for this discrepancy is that bottom samples were collected close to reefs and therefore contained bioclastic material from reef organisms rather than sediment transported from shore. • Muddy sediments were mostly of biogenic origin, probably resulting from bioerosional activities of various boring organisms. • Abrolhos is characterized by a relict coral fauna that apparently has a relatively higher tolerance to muddy conditions than most modern coral faunas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioerosion rate of the sponge Cliona celata (Grant 1826) from reefs in turbid waters, north Bahia, Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Definition of priority areas for the conservation of a coastal reef complex in the eastern Brazilian coast

Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Checklist and morphometry of benthic cnidarians from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil

Cahiers de biologie …, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychaetes from the Guarajuba coral reefs, Bahia, Brazil

Bulletin of marine …, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Registro de la decoloración estacional en siderastrea spp. De pozas de marea del arrecife de guarajuba, Bahía, Brasil

Coral bleaching is a phenomenon characterized by the lack of pigmentation in the coral tissue due... more Coral bleaching is a phenomenon characterized by the lack of pigmentation in the coral tissue due to the loss of the existing relationship between corals and their symbiotic zooxanthellae, resulting in loss of zooxanthellae and/or of its photosynthetic pigments. The purpose of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Registro de branqueamento sazonal em siderastrea spp. Em poças intermareais do recife de guarajuba, Bahia, Brasil

Interciência, 2009

O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüên... more O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutrification impacts on coral reefs from northern Bahia, Brazil

Hydrobiologia, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Record of seasonal bleaching in siderastrea spp. From tidal pools of the guarajuba reef, Bahia, Brazil

Interciencia, Jul 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The Bahian coral reefs--from 7000 years BP to 2000 years AD


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Research paper thumbnail of Brazil, Coral Reefs


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Research paper thumbnail of Evidences linking ENSO and coral growth in the Southwestern-South Atlantic

Climate Dynamics, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Capítulo VI Ambiente Bentônico

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico do estado de conservação dos recifes em franja do Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos

OLAM: Ciência …, 2008


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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of coral bleaching environments and their variation along the Bahia state coast, Brazil

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012

... DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.639505 Lilian Anne Krug ... Bank (see figure 1). The study area co... more ... DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.639505 Lilian Anne Krug ... Bank (see figure 1). The study area contained 84% of all species of the stony corals and hydrocorals of the South Atlantic, and these reefs are referred to as follows: (1) Litoral Norte (LN), (2) Todos os Santos Bay (BTS), (3 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychaetes from the Guarajuba coral reefs, Bahia, Brazil

Bulletin of Marine Science, 2000

Composition, distribution and feeding groups of polychaetes from the coral reefs of Guarajuba bea... more Composition, distribution and feeding groups of polychaetes from the coral reefs of Guarajuba beach (Eastern Brazil) were examined to investigate their relationship with the present condition of the reefs. The organisms were randomly sampled from three zones: (1) the landward border of the top of an emergent reef (landward emergent reef -LER); (2) the seaward border of the same reef top (seaward emergent reef-SER); (3) the top of a submerged reef at 5 to 6 m depth (submerged reef-SR). Fifteen replicates of reef blocks (average 680 cm 3 sample size) were collected from each zone, twice a year, making a total number of 90 samples. A total of 1754 individuals comprising 40 species were found. LER samples contained 405 individuals represented by 17 species. Perinereis elenacasoae was the dominant species (58%). SER samples consisted of 1184 specimens, and Eunice wasinensis (73%) was the most abundant of the 30 recorded species. The SR samples contained 165 individuals represented by 22 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Todos os Santos Bay coral reefs, Eastern Brazil, revisited after 40 years

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Research paper thumbnail of The coral reefs of Bahia: Morphology, distribution and the major environmental impacts

Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Guia de identificação dos corais e hidrocorais do Brasil

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Research paper thumbnail of Abrolhos, BA -- O complexo recifal mais extenso do Atlântico Sul

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Research paper thumbnail of The characteristic of bottom sediments

Sand and mud are the most common bottom sediments surrounding the reefs surveyed in the Abrolhos ... more Sand and mud are the most common bottom sediments surrounding the reefs surveyed in the Abrolhos region. Coarse (gravel) sediments are relatively uncommon. • Previous work reported relatively high levels of siliciclastic-dominated sediments in the Abrolhos region, however high levels were not evident in most samples collected during the current study. The reason for this discrepancy is that bottom samples were collected close to reefs and therefore contained bioclastic material from reef organisms rather than sediment transported from shore. • Muddy sediments were mostly of biogenic origin, probably resulting from bioerosional activities of various boring organisms. • Abrolhos is characterized by a relict coral fauna that apparently has a relatively higher tolerance to muddy conditions than most modern coral faunas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioerosion rate of the sponge Cliona celata (Grant 1826) from reefs in turbid waters, north Bahia, Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Definition of priority areas for the conservation of a coastal reef complex in the eastern Brazilian coast

Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Checklist and morphometry of benthic cnidarians from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil

Cahiers de biologie …, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychaetes from the Guarajuba coral reefs, Bahia, Brazil

Bulletin of marine …, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Registro de la decoloración estacional en siderastrea spp. De pozas de marea del arrecife de guarajuba, Bahía, Brasil

Coral bleaching is a phenomenon characterized by the lack of pigmentation in the coral tissue due... more Coral bleaching is a phenomenon characterized by the lack of pigmentation in the coral tissue due to the loss of the existing relationship between corals and their symbiotic zooxanthellae, resulting in loss of zooxanthellae and/or of its photosynthetic pigments. The purpose of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Registro de branqueamento sazonal em siderastrea spp. Em poças intermareais do recife de guarajuba, Bahia, Brasil

Interciência, 2009

O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüên... more O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutrification impacts on coral reefs from northern Bahia, Brazil

Hydrobiologia, 2000

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