Javier Ghibaudi | UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense (original) (raw)
Papers by Javier Ghibaudi
Macrohistoria, Dec 1, 2021
realizados por grupo de investigación coordinado por el Dr. Eduardo Crespo y los autores firmantes.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 2003
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, Nov 30, 2003
FLACSO sede Argentina, 2017
Realidad económica, Feb 22, 2021
Agricultura familiar * Este artículo de investigación contó con el apoyo institucional y financie... more Agricultura familiar * Este artículo de investigación contó con el apoyo institucional y financiero de la Agencia nacional de investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Argentina (Proyectos PiCT 2018-2284 y PiCT 2014-2676), y con mi beca postdoctoral con sede en el Centro de Estudios e investigaciones Laborales (CEiL).
Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2019
Revista de Economia Contemporânea, 2021
RESUMO Após 12 anos de governos kirchneristas, uma coalização política liberal-conservadora conse... more RESUMO Após 12 anos de governos kirchneristas, uma coalização política liberal-conservadora consegue ganhar o poder na Argentina em 2015. Prometendo um retorno ao mundo com abertura comercial e liberalização econômica, o governo de Mauricio Macri chegou a seu último ano em uma grave crise econômica. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar de que forma as reformas econômicas promovidas pelo governo deterioraram significativamente as perspectivas futuras para economia argentina.
Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication ... more Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
In this paper we offer a succinct interpretation of the Brazilian state trajectory from the Portu... more In this paper we offer a succinct interpretation of the Brazilian state trajectory from the Portuguese Colony to the present. As part of the literature argues, in Brazil, as in all Latin America, there are certain colonial traits that continue to influence the country’s institutional and economic trajectory. Our hypotheses is that these features decay and reappear depending on forces originating from the international economy, such as major crises and geopolitical changes. In this sense we visualize a structural continuity from the colony, through the Empire to the Old Republic. Then, the crisis of 1930 had a huge impact on Brazilian statehood. From then on colonial social aspects were partially attenuated, notwithstanding the continuities inherent to structural heterogeneity and the very unequal distribution of power and wealth. Later, the debt crisis of the 1980s and the rise of neoliberalism helped the rebirth of the old colonial elements that were believed to be overcome, by str...
Revista Tamoios, Jun 28, 2010
Mucho y ya de forma consistente se ha escrito sobre las reformas de orientación neoliberal en A... more Mucho y ya de forma consistente se ha escrito sobre las reformas de orientación neoliberal en América Latina durante la década pasada y sus consecuencias en la estructura y dinámica socio-económica. Resumida en el por entonces llamado consenso de Washington, su ...
Anais Seminario De Desenvolvimento Regional Estado E Sociedade, Jun 12, 2013
Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir sobre os processos de acao coletiva de dominados,seus age... more Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir sobre os processos de acao coletiva de dominados,seus agentes e escalas de acao concretas na Argentina contemporânea. Com esse objetivoreflete a partir de dois casos de organizacoes de desempregados na Periferia AreaMetropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) durante a decada de 2000, prestando especialatencao aos processos de luta de classes e de territorializacao vigentes. O trabalho buscadialogar criticamente com analises que acabariam reduzindo as mudancas no capitalismocontemporâneo e na acao coletiva a processos de exclusao social e segregacao territorial.Em contrapartida, destaca o carater relacional, historico e em disputa da acao coletivadesenvolvida pelas organizacoes em estudo, onde seus Projetos politicos entram em tensaoe conflito com acoes e diretrizes dominantes.
Cuadernos Del Cendes, Dec 1, 2012
Acciones y contradicciones: organizaciones autogestionarias de barrio y Estado en la periferia de... more Acciones y contradicciones: organizaciones autogestionarias de barrio y Estado en la periferia de Buenos Aires en la década de 2000
Espaço e Economia, 2013
Movimentos sociais, periferia e formas de dominação: dois estudos de caso sobre economia política... more Movimentos sociais, periferia e formas de dominação: dois estudos de caso sobre economia política e território em Buenos Aires Social movements, periphery and forms of domination: two case studies about political economy and territory in Buenos Aires Mouvements sociaux, banlieue et formes de domination: deux études de cas sur l'économie politique et territoire à Buenos Aires
Macrohistoria, Dec 1, 2021
realizados por grupo de investigación coordinado por el Dr. Eduardo Crespo y los autores firmantes.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 2003
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, Nov 30, 2003
FLACSO sede Argentina, 2017
Realidad económica, Feb 22, 2021
Agricultura familiar * Este artículo de investigación contó con el apoyo institucional y financie... more Agricultura familiar * Este artículo de investigación contó con el apoyo institucional y financiero de la Agencia nacional de investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Argentina (Proyectos PiCT 2018-2284 y PiCT 2014-2676), y con mi beca postdoctoral con sede en el Centro de Estudios e investigaciones Laborales (CEiL).
Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2019
Revista de Economia Contemporânea, 2021
RESUMO Após 12 anos de governos kirchneristas, uma coalização política liberal-conservadora conse... more RESUMO Após 12 anos de governos kirchneristas, uma coalização política liberal-conservadora consegue ganhar o poder na Argentina em 2015. Prometendo um retorno ao mundo com abertura comercial e liberalização econômica, o governo de Mauricio Macri chegou a seu último ano em uma grave crise econômica. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar de que forma as reformas econômicas promovidas pelo governo deterioraram significativamente as perspectivas futuras para economia argentina.
Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication ... more Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
In this paper we offer a succinct interpretation of the Brazilian state trajectory from the Portu... more In this paper we offer a succinct interpretation of the Brazilian state trajectory from the Portuguese Colony to the present. As part of the literature argues, in Brazil, as in all Latin America, there are certain colonial traits that continue to influence the country’s institutional and economic trajectory. Our hypotheses is that these features decay and reappear depending on forces originating from the international economy, such as major crises and geopolitical changes. In this sense we visualize a structural continuity from the colony, through the Empire to the Old Republic. Then, the crisis of 1930 had a huge impact on Brazilian statehood. From then on colonial social aspects were partially attenuated, notwithstanding the continuities inherent to structural heterogeneity and the very unequal distribution of power and wealth. Later, the debt crisis of the 1980s and the rise of neoliberalism helped the rebirth of the old colonial elements that were believed to be overcome, by str...
Revista Tamoios, Jun 28, 2010
Mucho y ya de forma consistente se ha escrito sobre las reformas de orientación neoliberal en A... more Mucho y ya de forma consistente se ha escrito sobre las reformas de orientación neoliberal en América Latina durante la década pasada y sus consecuencias en la estructura y dinámica socio-económica. Resumida en el por entonces llamado consenso de Washington, su ...
Anais Seminario De Desenvolvimento Regional Estado E Sociedade, Jun 12, 2013
Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir sobre os processos de acao coletiva de dominados,seus age... more Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir sobre os processos de acao coletiva de dominados,seus agentes e escalas de acao concretas na Argentina contemporânea. Com esse objetivoreflete a partir de dois casos de organizacoes de desempregados na Periferia AreaMetropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) durante a decada de 2000, prestando especialatencao aos processos de luta de classes e de territorializacao vigentes. O trabalho buscadialogar criticamente com analises que acabariam reduzindo as mudancas no capitalismocontemporâneo e na acao coletiva a processos de exclusao social e segregacao territorial.Em contrapartida, destaca o carater relacional, historico e em disputa da acao coletivadesenvolvida pelas organizacoes em estudo, onde seus Projetos politicos entram em tensaoe conflito com acoes e diretrizes dominantes.
Cuadernos Del Cendes, Dec 1, 2012
Acciones y contradicciones: organizaciones autogestionarias de barrio y Estado en la periferia de... more Acciones y contradicciones: organizaciones autogestionarias de barrio y Estado en la periferia de Buenos Aires en la década de 2000
Espaço e Economia, 2013
Movimentos sociais, periferia e formas de dominação: dois estudos de caso sobre economia política... more Movimentos sociais, periferia e formas de dominação: dois estudos de caso sobre economia política e território em Buenos Aires Social movements, periphery and forms of domination: two case studies about political economy and territory in Buenos Aires Mouvements sociaux, banlieue et formes de domination: deux études de cas sur l'économie politique et territoire à Buenos Aires
Throughout its history, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has been on... more Throughout its history, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has been one of the central pillars supporting processes of capital accumulation and territorial reconfiguration that Brazil has undergone since 1952. Likewise, it has played a crucial role in redefining the patterns of Brazilian subordinate integration to international economy.
After sustaining the industrialization process which was the core project of post-war national-developmentalism, even under the military dictatorship, during the redemocratization period the Bank underwent two markedly different phases. Firstly, during the eight years of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s administration (1994-2002), the BNDES had a decisive participation in the restructuration of Brazilian economy, which promoted the privatization of a large number of state-owned companies and their direct and subordinate assets, under the aegis of the World Bank and the IMF, according to the Washington Consensus. Secondly, during the following 12 years, under the command of the government coalition led by Luiz In.cio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, new forms of state intervention in the economy were gradually implemented, either through direct associations between private and state-owned enterprises, or through massive state financial support to private companies, both domestic and foreign. It would be no exaggeration to state that, from 2003 to 2016, the BNDES was involved in processes of concentration, centralization and internationalization of capital, setting the proper conditions for and guiding decision taking on public and private investment. Relatively favorable international economic conditions associated with a new political and institutional arrangement allowed for a wider scope of intervention and multiple ways of state “activism”, despite Brazilian elites, whose common sense is constantly based on neoliberal recipes.
To what extent would a new model have been tried during this period? This is not an irrelevant question, especially when we analyze what some authors have called “deindustrialization” or “reprimarization” of the Brazilian economy, or when we consider the new and aggressive forms of investments made by large Brazilian economic groups in Latin America and Africa, which fuels the debate about some late 1970 theses suggesting the emergence of a Brazilian “sub-imperialism.”
The results of our research are made public in an economic, political and cultural context profoundly different from those that were in place when this research was carried out. To some, this publication may seem an anachronism because it speaks of decision-making processes, policies, practices and actions of a time left behind due to the parliamentary-judicial coup that overthrew President Dilma Rousseff and enshrined an illegitimate government, which, in default of the people and without having been elected to that end, promotes the privatization of public assets and tramples upon social rights conquered by our people over many years of struggle. In this context, the BNDES has resumed and deepened the policies that were typical the 1990s. It has become a mere tool to support the systematic and purposeful transformation of the nation into a booty to be sold out at inglorious low prices.
For this reason, many may believe that it is not high time to discuss and criticize the policies pursued by the Lula and Dilma administrations, when we see that the executive and legislative powers have turned into mere servants of segmented private interests. It is our belief, however, that the study, analysis, and discussion of what has happened under the governments led by the Workers’ Party is fundamental, even more so at a time of defeat of the popular, democratic and progressive forces. If following up and resisting Temer’s liquidation policies is a priority, it is also important to question hopes fueled by a so-called social-developmentalism that, like its predecessor, national-developmentalism, has proven itself incapable of challenging the economic, political, and institutional structures that turn development into a seemingly unhampered path to misery and barbarism. Perhaps another would have been the outcome if the BNDES and the government had not relied so heavily upon alliances with large corporations but rather upon organized popular sectors that demanded other policies and different ways. This can be a relevant and valuable lesson. Although this was not the main goal of this research project to begin with, the analysis of what the BNDES has done may help us to rethink and reinvent political ways and projects.