Heitor Pagliaro | Universidade Federal de Goiás (original) (raw)
Publications by Heitor Pagliaro
Coauthor: Lorena de Oliveira. Journal: Ateliê Geográfico, 2022
In this article, we argue that a universalist conception of human rights by promoting overinclusi... more In this article, we argue that a universalist conception of human rights by promoting overinclusion leads to the intersectional invisibility of various inequalities women suffer. Intersectionality is directly related to the interaction between social markers of difference, providing a methodological and theoretical perspective that allows comprehending the convergence of conjugated oppression that lies in the core structure of some systems of discrimination. Hence, the idea of intersectionality can help develop better social and legal mechanisms to promote equality than the idea of unity, typical of the universalism of overinclusion, as it creates conditions of visibility for the different axes of oppression in which women find themselves. This article analyses the main question through a critical literature review, particularly that on intersectional feminism, based essentially on the thought of Kimberlé Crenshaw and Grada Kilomba.
Keywords: Intersectionality. Feminism. Human Rights. Universality. Overinclusion.
Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences, 2022
The relations between the idea of the human rights political project and the public security poli... more The relations between the idea of the human rights political project and the public security policies planned by the political class and enforced by the police institutions have serious tensions that represent obstacles to realizing the rule of law. One of the main challenges of this relationship is comprehending that public security agents are not only social actors who are responsible for the front line of realization of human rights, but also subjects of human rights, considering that they integrate the same society to which their work is destined. This article discusses some data on violence against police officers and their health issues, analyzing it from the point of view of the relationship between public security policies and human rights, in order to think if these professionals consider themselves integrated into the society to which their work is destined and, at the same time, are considered like that by the citizens. This article analyses the consequences of these perceptions in face of the realization of the rule of law, particularly in the Brazilian context of re-democratization, after the 1988 constitution.
Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences, 2022
Dossier organized by Heitor Pagliaro, Guilherme Borges da Silva and Pablo Ornelas Rosa
Debater a Europa, 2021
This article analyses the citizenship of the European Union through its primary documental source... more This article analyses the citizenship of the European Union through its primary documental sources and theoretical contributions to understand this legal and political concept in the European Union Law. This research contributes to the studies on European citizenship in the field of law and political theory, considering that this is a hybrid concept (both legal and political). This article conducts a comparative study, trying to distinguish the difference between the European citizenship and the traditional conception of citizenship, which is based exclusively on the nation-State idea. The text is divided into two parts. The first one studies the historical and political context of regional integration and politics of coordination in the post-war era. The second one analyses European citizenship’s legal contents and its meanings in terms of political theory, based mainly on Patricia Mindus. In general terms, the article presents the evolution of the conception of European citizenship, trying to explain two main ideas: how the Europe of workers became the Europe of citizens and how the European citizenship realized, in the beginning, the concept of negative liberty and, recently, the notion of positive liberty, enriching the political experience of participative democracy in the European community.
Book title: As Lentes das Múltiplas Violências contra as Mulheres. Publisher: Expressão Feminista. Coauthors: Athara Ester Soares Souza Carvalho; Rosely Maria dos Santos and Ynaê Yanomami Alves, 2021
Book title: Direitos Humanos em Múltiplas Miradas. Publisher: OAB-SP. Coauthor: Aline Hack, 2021
Este artigo avalia se as interações em espaços digitais podem ser consideradas como práticas polí... more Este artigo avalia se as interações em espaços digitais podem ser consideradas como práticas políticas democráticas. Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se como as performances digitais e suas repercussões podem deflagrar interações sociais, ampliando o potencial de discursos políticos. Em segundo lugar, avalia-se se essas práticas podem ser consideradas como catalisadoras de práticas políticas voltadas para os direitos humanos. O estudo é feito principalmente com base na leitura contemporânea - de Carole Pateman e Moses Finley - de ideias políticas modernas, especialmente de Stuart Mill. Esta pesquisa se situa no campo de estudos interdisciplinares sobre os direitos humanos, dialogando especificamente com as áreas da comunicação e da teoria política. O plano de fundo deste artigo é o desafio de compreender as particularidades dos fenômenos políticos que ocorrem em espaços digitais, pois tal compreensão demanda tensionar conceitos clássicos de teoria política com conceitos recentes da teoria da comunicação, especialmente no que diz respeito à cultura política digital. O artigo propõe que a existência de grupos políticos digitais contribui para a manutenção de agendas políticas, a partir de novas formas de ação e comunicação, que possuem características próprias das redes digitais, no âmbito da cibercultura, deflagrando um novo tipo de agir político.
Journal: Boletim Goiano de Geografia. Coauthor: Laércio Melo Martins, 2020
This article analyses the elements that constitute the Jewish nationalism and influenced the crea... more This article analyses the elements that constitute the Jewish nationalism and influenced the creation of the State of Israel, the links between the international political context and the Arab-Jewish conflicts and the relations between these conflicts and the political notions of recognition and identity. The study is based on documentary and bibliographic sources and has as theoretical reference the thought of Raymond Scheindlin, and other authors of literature on Jewish nationalism.
Journal of Theory of History, 2020
This article problematizes the political discourses in the Institutional Acts of the military dic... more This article problematizes the political discourses in the Institutional Acts of the military dictatorship, considered as historical sources, in order to analyze the conditions of possibility of the political power of the Brazilian government during the military coup in 1964. I conduct this analysis considering the notions of law-making violence and law-preserving violence on Jacques Derrida's Force of Law. The aim of this work is to understand, in political-philosophical terms, the political transitional movement during the military coup in Brazil, considering the question of the legitimacy of the government in a context of totalitarian revolution, in order to analyze how thinking politics as a matter of legality could lead, in some sense, to a juridicalization of history.
Author: Benjamin Greeg. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Goiano Bulletin of Geography, 2020
I propose a human rights-oriented idea of humans in political community choosing to make members ... more I propose a human rights-oriented idea of humans in political community choosing to make members mutually accountable for their convictions and behaviors. This idea can become a learned self-understanding of the species as a whole. It renders notions of human nature and human rights more determinate by conceptualizing each as a particular social construct able to achieve universal embrace as a contingent achievement of politics and socialization.
Author: Francesco Guerra. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Journal of Theory of History, 2020
From the perspective of microhistory, this article conducts a historical reconstruction of the ev... more From the perspective of microhistory, this article conducts a historical reconstruction of the events that occurred in 1992 and 1993 in Sicily, Italy, considering these facts through the premise that the judiciary operated as an alternate power by conducting judicial processes with political intentions in the context of the operation Clean Hands. In this context, I analyze the relations between both Judges Giovani Falcone and Paolo Borsellino and the investigation entitled Mafia and Public Contracts, trying to understand the social context in Palermo in those years, concerning the main social actors involved in the judicial and political scandals: business owners, judges, mobsters and politicians.
Preface by Heitor Pagliaro, 2020
Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 2020
O artigo analisa os elementos que constituem o nacionalismo judaico e influenciaram a criação do ... more O artigo analisa os elementos que constituem o nacionalismo judaico e influenciaram a criação do Estado de Israel, considerando as relaçõesgeopolíticasinternacionaisqueatuamnoconflitoárabe-judaico e mostrando como as questões políticas do reconhecimento e da identidade estão presentes essencialmente nesse conflito. O estudo se baseia em fontes documentais e bibliográficas e tem como referencial teórico o pensamento de Raymond Scheindlin, além de outros autores da literatura sobre o nacionalismo judaico.
Edited book. Co-editors: Heitor Pagliaro; Mateus Bertoncini. Publisher: Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Direito (Brazil), 2019
De um lado, a precisão e a objetividade das regras atendem aos ideais de segurança jurídica, prev... more De um lado, a precisão e a objetividade das regras atendem aos ideais de segurança jurídica, previsibilidade e estabilização das relações sociais. De outro lado, a generalidade e subjetividade dos princípios possibilitam a flexibilidade do direito frente às especificidades dos casos concretos. O excesso de ênfase nas regras pode afastar a equidade, entendida como a adaptabilidade do direito na aplicação da justiça no caso concreto, ao passo que o excesso de princípios pode conduzir a uma ampliação prejudicial e desmedida das possibilidades de interpretação.
Como o juiz deve interpretar as leis? Essa resposta não está nas leis – salvo poucas exceções nas quais a própria legislação dispõe que algo deve ser ou não deve ser interpretado de determinado modo. Também não está na ciência jurídica, pois não há consenso teórico a respeito disso. Kelsen, na Teoria Pura do Direito, se perguntou se existe uma interpretação ideal, melhor do que as demais, e respondeu que não há. Então o juiz faz uma escolha de qual técnica interpretativa empregar no momento da prestação jurisdicional. É sobre essa escolha que recai toda a preocupação da hermenêutica jurídica. É nesse ponto que política e direito se encontram, pois determinada concepção de direito e de sociedade será levada em conta nessa
escolha, isto é, alguns valores e conceitos serão tomados como ponto de referência na decisão judicial.
Author: Patricia Mindus. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Revista do Ministério Público (Portugal). , 2019
Modern Law frames citizenship mainly in terms of nationality, allegedly the expression of the ide... more Modern Law frames citizenship mainly in terms of nationality, allegedly the expression of the identity of the national community. Here I suggest a criticism of this basic conception of belonging: First, because of reasons dependants on the ambiguity of the very idea of nations; Second, because of the artificial character of the models of nationality prevailingly elaborated by legal science; Third, because the model of nationality does less than bargained for. It basically creates more problems than it is said to resolve. In particular, I focus on statelessness and the debate on citizenship as «the right to have rights» and explain why this idea is fundamentally flawed.
Ph.D. thesis (Department of Law, University of Brasilia, Brazil), 2018
The general aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between the public and private sphe... more The general aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between the public and private spheres in the political theory of the modern philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the contemporary philosopher Hannah Arendt. In specific terms, this research investigates two central problems: in which way the relationship between public and private articulates different conceptions of sovereignty and freedom; and what are the consequences of this discussion when it comes to some of the relations between law and politics. While Rousseau thought that political freedom could only exist within a sovereign body, holder of a general will, Arendt defended that this unity does not take human plurality in consideration and then freedom could only exist outside of a sovereign political structure, because it limits human action. Therefore, against Rousseau, Modernity and the tradition of political philosophy in general, she founded a non-sovereign political theory.
Book chapter. Book title: Filosofia do Século XVIII. Publisher: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (Brazil), 2015
This article analyzes the conception of law in Rousseau, examining the debate between Charles Vau... more This article analyzes the conception of law in Rousseau, examining the debate between Charles Vaughan and Robert Derathé. They both agree on one point: that in the state of nature in Rousseau, men could not even have the idea of moral laws, for they lived isolated, nor natural laws as rational premisses, because they did not have a well-developed reason to be capable of it. Even though they agree on this, each interpreter of Rousseau develops a different reading of his philosophy. This article aims to analyze both perspectives by discussing the difference between existence and operability of natural law.
Book chapter. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Book title: Filosofia do Nascimento e Moderna. Publisher: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2013
The comparison between the naturalist and conventionalist foundations may enrich the debate on th... more The comparison between the naturalist and conventionalist foundations may enrich the debate on the universality or relativity of human rights. The characteristics of particularity and relativity of conventionalism eliminate any possibility of transcendence of rights. In contrast, the claim of the natural law that rights are absolute and universal may encounter serious critics by the relativists, which may make accusations of cultural imperialism. Before these problems of both foundations, I ask if it would be possible not to think dichotomously. In order to enlighten this debate, I present an analysis of Rousseau's theory, showing how conventionalism and naturalism are complementary notions in his philosophy, especially in his concept of law.
M.A. thesis (Department of Philosphy, Federal University of Goias, Brazil). Author: Heitor Pagliaro., 2013
This dissertation investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea o... more This dissertation investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of natural law or if he is a conventionalist. Some commentators, like Robert Derathé, conceive Rousseau as a naturalist, as opposed to others, like Charles Vaughan, who think that he is a conventionalist. Here we will critically assess those positions and try to see if they exclude each other or if Rousseau can be read, somehow, as defending fundamental aspects of those two positions.
Article. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Inquietude. , 2012
This article investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of nat... more This article investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of natural law or if he is a conventionalist. Some commentators, like Robert Derathé, conceive Rousseau as a naturalist, as opposed to others, like Charles Vaughan, who think that he is a conventionalist. Here we will critically assess those positions and try to see if they exclude each other or if Rousseau can be read, somehow, as defending fundamental aspects of those two positions.
Article. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Revista de Direito da Procuradoria-Geral do Estado de Goiás, Brazil, 2011
This paper studies the relations between individualism and human rights, proposing a critical vis... more This paper studies the relations between individualism and human rights, proposing a critical vision about them on Contemporaneity.
Coauthor: Lorena de Oliveira. Journal: Ateliê Geográfico, 2022
In this article, we argue that a universalist conception of human rights by promoting overinclusi... more In this article, we argue that a universalist conception of human rights by promoting overinclusion leads to the intersectional invisibility of various inequalities women suffer. Intersectionality is directly related to the interaction between social markers of difference, providing a methodological and theoretical perspective that allows comprehending the convergence of conjugated oppression that lies in the core structure of some systems of discrimination. Hence, the idea of intersectionality can help develop better social and legal mechanisms to promote equality than the idea of unity, typical of the universalism of overinclusion, as it creates conditions of visibility for the different axes of oppression in which women find themselves. This article analyses the main question through a critical literature review, particularly that on intersectional feminism, based essentially on the thought of Kimberlé Crenshaw and Grada Kilomba.
Keywords: Intersectionality. Feminism. Human Rights. Universality. Overinclusion.
Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences, 2022
The relations between the idea of the human rights political project and the public security poli... more The relations between the idea of the human rights political project and the public security policies planned by the political class and enforced by the police institutions have serious tensions that represent obstacles to realizing the rule of law. One of the main challenges of this relationship is comprehending that public security agents are not only social actors who are responsible for the front line of realization of human rights, but also subjects of human rights, considering that they integrate the same society to which their work is destined. This article discusses some data on violence against police officers and their health issues, analyzing it from the point of view of the relationship between public security policies and human rights, in order to think if these professionals consider themselves integrated into the society to which their work is destined and, at the same time, are considered like that by the citizens. This article analyses the consequences of these perceptions in face of the realization of the rule of law, particularly in the Brazilian context of re-democratization, after the 1988 constitution.
Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences, 2022
Dossier organized by Heitor Pagliaro, Guilherme Borges da Silva and Pablo Ornelas Rosa
Debater a Europa, 2021
This article analyses the citizenship of the European Union through its primary documental source... more This article analyses the citizenship of the European Union through its primary documental sources and theoretical contributions to understand this legal and political concept in the European Union Law. This research contributes to the studies on European citizenship in the field of law and political theory, considering that this is a hybrid concept (both legal and political). This article conducts a comparative study, trying to distinguish the difference between the European citizenship and the traditional conception of citizenship, which is based exclusively on the nation-State idea. The text is divided into two parts. The first one studies the historical and political context of regional integration and politics of coordination in the post-war era. The second one analyses European citizenship’s legal contents and its meanings in terms of political theory, based mainly on Patricia Mindus. In general terms, the article presents the evolution of the conception of European citizenship, trying to explain two main ideas: how the Europe of workers became the Europe of citizens and how the European citizenship realized, in the beginning, the concept of negative liberty and, recently, the notion of positive liberty, enriching the political experience of participative democracy in the European community.
Book title: As Lentes das Múltiplas Violências contra as Mulheres. Publisher: Expressão Feminista. Coauthors: Athara Ester Soares Souza Carvalho; Rosely Maria dos Santos and Ynaê Yanomami Alves, 2021
Book title: Direitos Humanos em Múltiplas Miradas. Publisher: OAB-SP. Coauthor: Aline Hack, 2021
Este artigo avalia se as interações em espaços digitais podem ser consideradas como práticas polí... more Este artigo avalia se as interações em espaços digitais podem ser consideradas como práticas políticas democráticas. Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se como as performances digitais e suas repercussões podem deflagrar interações sociais, ampliando o potencial de discursos políticos. Em segundo lugar, avalia-se se essas práticas podem ser consideradas como catalisadoras de práticas políticas voltadas para os direitos humanos. O estudo é feito principalmente com base na leitura contemporânea - de Carole Pateman e Moses Finley - de ideias políticas modernas, especialmente de Stuart Mill. Esta pesquisa se situa no campo de estudos interdisciplinares sobre os direitos humanos, dialogando especificamente com as áreas da comunicação e da teoria política. O plano de fundo deste artigo é o desafio de compreender as particularidades dos fenômenos políticos que ocorrem em espaços digitais, pois tal compreensão demanda tensionar conceitos clássicos de teoria política com conceitos recentes da teoria da comunicação, especialmente no que diz respeito à cultura política digital. O artigo propõe que a existência de grupos políticos digitais contribui para a manutenção de agendas políticas, a partir de novas formas de ação e comunicação, que possuem características próprias das redes digitais, no âmbito da cibercultura, deflagrando um novo tipo de agir político.
Journal: Boletim Goiano de Geografia. Coauthor: Laércio Melo Martins, 2020
This article analyses the elements that constitute the Jewish nationalism and influenced the crea... more This article analyses the elements that constitute the Jewish nationalism and influenced the creation of the State of Israel, the links between the international political context and the Arab-Jewish conflicts and the relations between these conflicts and the political notions of recognition and identity. The study is based on documentary and bibliographic sources and has as theoretical reference the thought of Raymond Scheindlin, and other authors of literature on Jewish nationalism.
Journal of Theory of History, 2020
This article problematizes the political discourses in the Institutional Acts of the military dic... more This article problematizes the political discourses in the Institutional Acts of the military dictatorship, considered as historical sources, in order to analyze the conditions of possibility of the political power of the Brazilian government during the military coup in 1964. I conduct this analysis considering the notions of law-making violence and law-preserving violence on Jacques Derrida's Force of Law. The aim of this work is to understand, in political-philosophical terms, the political transitional movement during the military coup in Brazil, considering the question of the legitimacy of the government in a context of totalitarian revolution, in order to analyze how thinking politics as a matter of legality could lead, in some sense, to a juridicalization of history.
Author: Benjamin Greeg. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Goiano Bulletin of Geography, 2020
I propose a human rights-oriented idea of humans in political community choosing to make members ... more I propose a human rights-oriented idea of humans in political community choosing to make members mutually accountable for their convictions and behaviors. This idea can become a learned self-understanding of the species as a whole. It renders notions of human nature and human rights more determinate by conceptualizing each as a particular social construct able to achieve universal embrace as a contingent achievement of politics and socialization.
Author: Francesco Guerra. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Journal of Theory of History, 2020
From the perspective of microhistory, this article conducts a historical reconstruction of the ev... more From the perspective of microhistory, this article conducts a historical reconstruction of the events that occurred in 1992 and 1993 in Sicily, Italy, considering these facts through the premise that the judiciary operated as an alternate power by conducting judicial processes with political intentions in the context of the operation Clean Hands. In this context, I analyze the relations between both Judges Giovani Falcone and Paolo Borsellino and the investigation entitled Mafia and Public Contracts, trying to understand the social context in Palermo in those years, concerning the main social actors involved in the judicial and political scandals: business owners, judges, mobsters and politicians.
Preface by Heitor Pagliaro, 2020
Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 2020
O artigo analisa os elementos que constituem o nacionalismo judaico e influenciaram a criação do ... more O artigo analisa os elementos que constituem o nacionalismo judaico e influenciaram a criação do Estado de Israel, considerando as relaçõesgeopolíticasinternacionaisqueatuamnoconflitoárabe-judaico e mostrando como as questões políticas do reconhecimento e da identidade estão presentes essencialmente nesse conflito. O estudo se baseia em fontes documentais e bibliográficas e tem como referencial teórico o pensamento de Raymond Scheindlin, além de outros autores da literatura sobre o nacionalismo judaico.
Edited book. Co-editors: Heitor Pagliaro; Mateus Bertoncini. Publisher: Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Direito (Brazil), 2019
De um lado, a precisão e a objetividade das regras atendem aos ideais de segurança jurídica, prev... more De um lado, a precisão e a objetividade das regras atendem aos ideais de segurança jurídica, previsibilidade e estabilização das relações sociais. De outro lado, a generalidade e subjetividade dos princípios possibilitam a flexibilidade do direito frente às especificidades dos casos concretos. O excesso de ênfase nas regras pode afastar a equidade, entendida como a adaptabilidade do direito na aplicação da justiça no caso concreto, ao passo que o excesso de princípios pode conduzir a uma ampliação prejudicial e desmedida das possibilidades de interpretação.
Como o juiz deve interpretar as leis? Essa resposta não está nas leis – salvo poucas exceções nas quais a própria legislação dispõe que algo deve ser ou não deve ser interpretado de determinado modo. Também não está na ciência jurídica, pois não há consenso teórico a respeito disso. Kelsen, na Teoria Pura do Direito, se perguntou se existe uma interpretação ideal, melhor do que as demais, e respondeu que não há. Então o juiz faz uma escolha de qual técnica interpretativa empregar no momento da prestação jurisdicional. É sobre essa escolha que recai toda a preocupação da hermenêutica jurídica. É nesse ponto que política e direito se encontram, pois determinada concepção de direito e de sociedade será levada em conta nessa
escolha, isto é, alguns valores e conceitos serão tomados como ponto de referência na decisão judicial.
Author: Patricia Mindus. Translator: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Revista do Ministério Público (Portugal). , 2019
Modern Law frames citizenship mainly in terms of nationality, allegedly the expression of the ide... more Modern Law frames citizenship mainly in terms of nationality, allegedly the expression of the identity of the national community. Here I suggest a criticism of this basic conception of belonging: First, because of reasons dependants on the ambiguity of the very idea of nations; Second, because of the artificial character of the models of nationality prevailingly elaborated by legal science; Third, because the model of nationality does less than bargained for. It basically creates more problems than it is said to resolve. In particular, I focus on statelessness and the debate on citizenship as «the right to have rights» and explain why this idea is fundamentally flawed.
Ph.D. thesis (Department of Law, University of Brasilia, Brazil), 2018
The general aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between the public and private sphe... more The general aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between the public and private spheres in the political theory of the modern philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the contemporary philosopher Hannah Arendt. In specific terms, this research investigates two central problems: in which way the relationship between public and private articulates different conceptions of sovereignty and freedom; and what are the consequences of this discussion when it comes to some of the relations between law and politics. While Rousseau thought that political freedom could only exist within a sovereign body, holder of a general will, Arendt defended that this unity does not take human plurality in consideration and then freedom could only exist outside of a sovereign political structure, because it limits human action. Therefore, against Rousseau, Modernity and the tradition of political philosophy in general, she founded a non-sovereign political theory.
Book chapter. Book title: Filosofia do Século XVIII. Publisher: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (Brazil), 2015
This article analyzes the conception of law in Rousseau, examining the debate between Charles Vau... more This article analyzes the conception of law in Rousseau, examining the debate between Charles Vaughan and Robert Derathé. They both agree on one point: that in the state of nature in Rousseau, men could not even have the idea of moral laws, for they lived isolated, nor natural laws as rational premisses, because they did not have a well-developed reason to be capable of it. Even though they agree on this, each interpreter of Rousseau develops a different reading of his philosophy. This article aims to analyze both perspectives by discussing the difference between existence and operability of natural law.
Book chapter. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Book title: Filosofia do Nascimento e Moderna. Publisher: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2013
The comparison between the naturalist and conventionalist foundations may enrich the debate on th... more The comparison between the naturalist and conventionalist foundations may enrich the debate on the universality or relativity of human rights. The characteristics of particularity and relativity of conventionalism eliminate any possibility of transcendence of rights. In contrast, the claim of the natural law that rights are absolute and universal may encounter serious critics by the relativists, which may make accusations of cultural imperialism. Before these problems of both foundations, I ask if it would be possible not to think dichotomously. In order to enlighten this debate, I present an analysis of Rousseau's theory, showing how conventionalism and naturalism are complementary notions in his philosophy, especially in his concept of law.
M.A. thesis (Department of Philosphy, Federal University of Goias, Brazil). Author: Heitor Pagliaro., 2013
This dissertation investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea o... more This dissertation investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of natural law or if he is a conventionalist. Some commentators, like Robert Derathé, conceive Rousseau as a naturalist, as opposed to others, like Charles Vaughan, who think that he is a conventionalist. Here we will critically assess those positions and try to see if they exclude each other or if Rousseau can be read, somehow, as defending fundamental aspects of those two positions.
Article. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Inquietude. , 2012
This article investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of nat... more This article investigates the concept of law in Rousseau, analyzing if he defends the idea of natural law or if he is a conventionalist. Some commentators, like Robert Derathé, conceive Rousseau as a naturalist, as opposed to others, like Charles Vaughan, who think that he is a conventionalist. Here we will critically assess those positions and try to see if they exclude each other or if Rousseau can be read, somehow, as defending fundamental aspects of those two positions.
Article. Author: Heitor Pagliaro. Journal: Revista de Direito da Procuradoria-Geral do Estado de Goiás, Brazil, 2011
This paper studies the relations between individualism and human rights, proposing a critical vis... more This paper studies the relations between individualism and human rights, proposing a critical vision about them on Contemporaneity.