Adla B M Teixeira | UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais (original) (raw)
Papers by Adla B M Teixeira
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2020
This research investigated gender issues present in the career of military police from Minas Gera... more This research investigated gender issues present in the career of military police from Minas Gerais (early years of training) with the Cadets and teachers of the Officer Training Course (CFO). The research problem was to understand how the process of professionalization of women and men occurs in this educational organization, focusing on gender issues in their training, relating to their professional and gender roles, expectations, and training fulfillment. The general obje ctive of this research was to analyze the training process of women and men, who are CFO Cadets, regarding the division of academic functions, training conduction, and expectations after the CFO conclusion from the perspective of gender isonomy in the professional relationships. The specific objectives of the study were: 1. Identify gender issues that interfere in the division of work and academic functions, as well as the professional opportunities defined during the CFO for female and male Cadets; 2. Identify possible existence of gender-related discrimination in the conduction of these Cadets' training; 3. Identify processes of construction or ratification of patterns of masculinity and femininity during the course; 4. Identify and understand the professional expectations of CFO Cadets (women and men), concerning the future positions they will occ upy, influenced by gender relations; 5. Identify and understand how trainers (officers) analyze the Cadets' expectations, professional possibilities, work division, and career within the corporation, verifying if gender discrimination occurs in the school environment. The theoretical framework went through the theoretical production of the following research areas: gender relations, micro politics of organizations, power relationships, and female and male roles as influencers for the definition of functions, specifically in the police field. The methodological approach adopted was exploratory, qualitative and quantitative, being the primary data obtained in the following sequence: 1. Questionnaires applied to Cadets; 2. Interviews with CFO teaching officers; 3. O bservations of practical classes; 4. Interviews with CFO ma le and female Cadets. These data were triangulated and contextualized with document analysis of the CFO databases on the academic activities carried out by Cadets over the last years (1999 to 2018). The study data allow to show that the Minas Gerais Military P olice (PMMG), in its internal guidelines and through their academic practices set out in the curriculum plans, meet the aims of gender equality during these Cadets' training process in the investigated period. However, in the perception of students and teachers, differential treatment between women and men still persists in the police training activ ities, evincing that women still face challenges and differential treatment in the training process. Therefore, in the CFO, there are still practices that tend to benefit men to take the most prestigious functions, allocating to women bureaucratic functions and those that in the police culture have lower status in the organization. These results confirm the need for this organization to co ntinue with its affirmative actions for the inclusion of differences and, certainly, to confront any gender discrimination already prescribed by law. In other words, the search for inclusion strategies to reduce the differences in treatment between female or male Cadets must be a continuous, educational and permanent practice, enabling women and men to have the same prerogatives and rights within the PMMG. It is addressed here a confrontation of gender issues present in the m icropolitics of organizations that interact and coexist with other socially constructed inequalities, such as racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, and economic class issues. This study, however, does not offer a complete work on the realities of Brazil's policies, much less Minas Gerais' ones. D espite a traditional institution with ancestral organization, policy is also the result of its time, its characters, and its economic, social and political conditions. In this sense, this study understands that the CFO military organization is also the product of an environment and responds to it under pressure, conditions and, certainly, influenced by those who construct it.
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Education, University of London., 1998
This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one regio... more This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one region of Brazil has been redefined by agents within the school itself. The investigation was pursued through semi-structured interviews with 48 women teachers and 14 school managers working mainly in poor communities. It reflects the
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Education, University of London., 1998
This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one regio... more This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one region of Brazil has been redefined by agents within the school itself. The investigation was pursued through semi-structured interviews with 48 women teachers and 14 school managers working mainly in poor communities. It reflects the
Gêneros e práticas culturais: desafios históricos e saberes interdisciplinares, 2010
Educação em Revista, 2020
RESUMO: Este texto analisa o papel das mães como mulheres rurais pouco escolarizadas como suporte... more RESUMO: Este texto analisa o papel das mães como mulheres rurais pouco escolarizadas como suporte para que suas filhas tenham acesso e permaneçam no Ensino Superior. A análise é feita a partir de narrativas produzidas em situações de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dezessete jovens que tiveram acesso a diferentes cursos de graduação em dois campi da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (Uneb). São os dados dessas entrevistas que permitem compreender como as mães atuam para que tenham, por via da escolarização, oportunidades diferentes daquelas que elas tiveram/têm de vivenciar nos contextos rurais. A revisão da literatura utilizada na pesquisa permite analisar de maneira comparativa as condições enfrentadas pelas mulheres rurais da geração das mães e das filhas e apontar o investimento na escolarização como um futuro promissor para as mulheres da atual geração.
Gender and Education, Aug 18, 2019
This viewpoint article discusses the growing threat to human rights in Brazil, specifically on ge... more This viewpoint article discusses the growing threat to human rights in Brazil, specifically on gender and political ideologies. Brazil has a progressive Constitution that guarantees basic human rights to all Brazilians, including that of choice of gender. In the last few years, pressure groups, particularly religious groups, have increasingly influenced successive governments to restrain the freedom of people to access gender and sex education at school. In the middle of the current political and economic chaos of Brazil, religious fundamentalism has grown stronger. These groups have aimed to eliminate any gender and political discussions in the National Curriculum, but also in Brazilian life. However, there are many other interests underneath this rhetoric and actions. In the last decades, evangelicals have built an economic empire. Consequently, there have been significant losses to education, especially in gender education. Brazilian public universities are also under severe threat (financial and ideological). The current Ministry of Education believes that philosophy and sociology courses should be discouraged, as well as research on gender issues. Research spending has decreased sharply and there is a significant concern that censorship of research in certain areas of knowledge may occur. A brief introduction Brazil is the largest democracy in Latin America with an advanced and progressive Constitution that guarantees basic human rights to all Brazilians, including that of choice of gender. In the last few years, and especially in the last 12 months, pressure groups, particularly religious groups, influenced successive governments to restrain the freedom of people to access gender and sex education at school. Before I detail how these groups have been working to undo policy, it is necessary that I first unpack the political and economic scenario against which their actions have taken place and that have fed the phobia toward the so-called 'gender ideology'. The term 'gender ideology' or 'ideology of gender' are terms adopted by extremist right wing groups in Brazil and in Latin America. They have accused feminists and LGBTT groups of implementing a 'gender ideology' that threatens Christian and traditional family values among children and young people in schools. These
(CIP) (eDOC BRASIL, Belo Horizonte/MG) P964 A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplic... more (CIP) (eDOC BRASIL, Belo Horizonte/MG) P964 A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplicadas 2 [recurso eletrônico] / Organizador Willian Douglas Guilherme.-Ponta Grossa (PR): Atena Editora, 2019.-(A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplicadas; v. 2) Formato: PDF Requisitos de sistema: Adobe Acrobat Reader Modo de acesso: World Wide Web Inclui bibliografia
Instrumento - Revista de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação, 2016
O artigo discute dados quantitativos sobre preconceitos e discriminacoes contra mulheres nas area... more O artigo discute dados quantitativos sobre preconceitos e discriminacoes contra mulheres nas areas de Fisica e de Educacao Fisica na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. As referencias teoricas sao baseadas em estudos sobre genero e micropoliticas nas organizacoes. Os dados mostram que o numero de mulheres se reduz, em relacao aos mais altos niveis de qualificacao educacional (mestrado e doutorado). Estas mulheres academicas tambem apresentam menor producao cientifica (orientacoes, publicacao de artigos, entre outros), quando comparadas aos seus colegas homens. O texto sugere que questoes de genero ainda criam obstaculos significativos as vidas profissionais destas mulheres.
Revista de Estudos em Educação e Diversidade, Sep 30, 2022
This article aims to analyze the evaluation that High School graduates made about the classes the... more This article aims to analyze the evaluation that High School graduates made about the classes they had on the topic of Gender and Sexuality as a syllabus of the disciplines of Philosophy and Sociology. That content was taught by one of the researchers in a private school in Sabará and the classes took place in the 2nd year of High School, the sophomore year, as an integral part of the content in the 2nd term in 2019. In this sense, the aim here was to understand the importance that those classes had for them, and their respective positions, regarding to the understanding of issues related to the themes of Gender and Sexuality. The methodology adopted was an open questionnaire applied through Google Forms, in which the contact with the participants took place through digital means on Oct/21, because of the pandemic context. The reports showed a personal maturity when analyzing their anxieties / doubts / insecurities before and after the experiences in the classes. The importance of working on this theme in the classroom goes beyond the limits and needs of the school context, contributing to the experience of their own sexuality, as well as respect for sexual and gender diversity and the need to work on this content within the classroom.
Anais VIII Simpósio Internacional Trabalho, Relações de Trabalho, Educação e Identidade, Nov 1, 2020
Resumo: O artigo analisa opiniões e comentários de alunos e de alunas de duas escolas públicas de... more Resumo: O artigo analisa opiniões e comentários de alunos e de alunas de duas escolas públicas de Belo Horizonte (MG) sobre imagens de mulheres cientistas de diferentes épocas e países que compuseram uma exposição itinerante sobre o tema. Argumenta-se que a invisibilidade sobre mulheres cientistas desestimula que alunas ingressem na carreira acadêmica já que, inconscientemente, a escolarização formal passa a ideia de que a ciência é e foi feita apenas por homens. Em se tratando dos escritos analisados, verificou-se incentivo e apoio por parte dos garotos e, principalmente, estímulo e reconhecimento por parte das alunas que deixaram registros ao lado das fotografias. Segundo a teoria pós-crítica de Axel Honneth não basta que os sistemas políticos e jurídicos de uma sociedade sejam avançados e / ou eficientes para que determinados grupos sejam reconhecidos e se reconheçam como legítimos em certos espaços e/ou papeis sociais. Esse é o caso, por exemplo, das mulheres nas ciências, pois, embora não mais hajam barreiras oficiais e legais para que pessoas do sexo feminino sejam cientistas, a mentalidade coletiva e a mídia ainda associam tal atividade ao sexo masculino.
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, Sep 2, 2019
RESUMO: O artigo discute resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 2010 e 2015 sobre conheciment... more RESUMO: O artigo discute resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 2010 e 2015 sobre conhecimentos acerca da doença dengue entre discentes de três escolas públicas em Sete Lagoas e duas em Belo Horizonte através da análise comparativa por sexo. Os sujeitos do estudo foram alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio e os dados foram coletados por intermédio de um mesmo questionário aplicado antes e depois de um procedimento lúdico, o Jogo da Dengue. A iniciativa foi desenvolvida pela Equipe Educação do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Dengue, INCT-UFMG. Foram investigados os conhecimentos dos estudantes sobre a doença a partir de quatro eixos temáticos: 1-ações domésticas e ações comunitárias; 2-ações político-sociais e ações governamentais; 3-aspectos biomédicos; 4aspectos geográficos e climáticos. Em geral os índices de conhecimentos femininos foram superiores aos masculinos em três dos quatro eixos, especialmente no ensino fundamental. No Ensino Médio os percentuais de acertos dos meninos subiram, porém, ainda ficaram inferiores aos femininos, exceto no quesito aspectos geográficos e climáticos. PALAVRA-CHAVE: Dengue. Saúde coletiva. Relações de gênero. Ludicidade e educação. RESUMEN: El artículo discute resultados de un estudio hecho entre 2010 y 2015 sobre conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad dengue entre alumnos de tres escuelas públicas en Sete Lagoas y dos escuelas en Belo Horizonte a través de análisis comparativo por sexo. Los actores de la investigación fueron alumnos de los niveles primario y secundario y los datos fueron recolectados por medio de una misma encuesta aplicada antes y después de una
Revista Ártemis: Estudos de Gênero, Feminismo e Sexualidades, Dec 18, 2015
O estudo presume que preconceitos e discriminações de gênero ainda atuam como obstáculos para o i... more O estudo presume que preconceitos e discriminações de gênero ainda atuam como obstáculos para o interesse e a ascensão de mulheres nas áreas de Física e de Educação Física, e a disparidade entre o percentual de alunas nos cursos de graduação e o percentual de mulheres com doutorado nessas áreas aponta para uma desigualdade entre os sexos. A pesquisa utiliza metodologia mista-quantitativa e qualitativa, enfatizando as relações de gênero enquanto fenômeno histórico e cultural imbricado nas relações micropolíticas das instituições de ensino, tal como questões de raça e de classe. Neste texto são abordados aspectos da fase quantitativa da investigação, como índices de produtividade acadêmica e percentuais de mulheres e de homens nos dois cursos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Verifi cou-se que a média da produção cientifi ca feminina é, em geral, com exceção de alguns itens, inferior à masculina nas duas áreas e, embora os homens sejam maioria já na graduação dos dois cursos, quando se analisa a composição por sexo do corpo docente dos mesmos, ou seja, profi ssionais com doutorado, o número de mulheres se reduz ainda mais.
Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, Jun 25, 2021
The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher educa... more The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher education. The study was conducted between 2014 and 2017, aiming to discuss experiences from women regarding the teaching career in Physics. Specifically in this article, the issues under discussion are related to the professional experiences of female academics at two federal institutions of teaching and research in Brazil:
Revista Teoria & Sociedade, 2013
O texto enfoca a importância de se atentar, na Educacao, para a necessidade de se implementar uma... more O texto enfoca a importância de se atentar, na Educacao, para a necessidade de se implementar uma formacao cidada que possibilite os individuos conhecer seus Direitos Humanos fundamentais relativos a sua condicao de genero e orientacao sexual e, assim, possam se empoderar, logo, responder adequadamente a conflitos sociais decorrentes de tais questoes. O artigo trata especificamente da violencia de genero nas relacoes escolares, no caso, a misoginia e a homofobia porque ainda ha alguns profissionais da educacao coniventes, negligentes ou ate incentivadores de condutas homofobicas e misoginas. Por certo a sociedade precisa da policia e de acoes juridicas para o enfrentamento destes crimes, porem, sozinhas nao conseguem restringir a violacao dos Direitos Humanos ligados a orientacao sexual, elas devem coexistir com estrategias pedagogicas, curriculos, planejamentos continuos, nao apenas visando remediar a violacao, mas tambem procurando evitar que acontecam.
Foco, Jul 4, 2023
Recebido em: 05 de Junho de 2023 Aceito em: 04 de Julho de 2023 RESUMO Diversos estudos apontam a... more Recebido em: 05 de Junho de 2023 Aceito em: 04 de Julho de 2023 RESUMO Diversos estudos apontam a sub-representação das mulheres cientistas no campo das ciências exatas, nas áreas denominadas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic). Tal fenômeno não se restringe à maneira como as cientistas são representadas, mas também denuncia um fosso estrutural mais amplo no número de cargos ocupados, remuneração e no pouco interesse das estudantes na educação básica pelas carreiras científicas. Visando mapear alguns desses marcadores de gênero nas STEM, o artigo se propõe a analisar registros escritos por alunas e alunos dos ensinos médio e fundamental em duas escolas estaduais na área central de Belo Horizonte (MG) sobre uma exposição fotográfica de mulheres cientistas de distintas áreas, idades, pertenças raciais e épocas. Palavras-chave: Mulheres na ciência; ações artístico-pedagógicas; percepções
Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, 2021
This article presents the work done by Leeds University to develop a wellbeing program for studen... more This article presents the work done by Leeds University to develop a wellbeing program for students. Dr. Bridgette Bewick, an Associate Professor at School of Medicine, discusses her work on behavioral and psychological understanding of how to improve and support the mental health and wellbeing of university students. She affirms that improvement and support services to students’ mental health and wellbeing are necessary but not sufficient to facilitate student success while at university. Dr. Bewick hihglights the urgency to develop practices consistent with pedagogical wellbeing to address student education challenges that have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher educa... more The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher education. The study was conducted between 2014 and 2017, aiming to discuss experiences from women regarding the teaching career in Physics. Specifically in this article, the issues under discussion are related to the professional experiences of female academics at two federal institutions of teaching and research in Brazil: Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Rio de Janeiro. The research used semi-structured individual interviews. Male and female researches – professors and heads of departments – were interviewed; however, the article focuses on 11 female academics. Data show that the behavior of professors varies from concealing the femininity to avoid harassment, to supporting and encouraging female students, especially those who are discriminated by male scientists. Also, a tacit devaluation of teaching degrees in comparison ...
Gender and Education, 2008
The objective of this study was to identify gender issues in the academic performance of boys and... more The objective of this study was to identify gender issues in the academic performance of boys and girls during physics classes in a laboratory. The methodology adopted was the observation and interactions of pupils during eight classroom events. The interactions were recorded and events were informally discussed with the teacher. The school visited is a Federal mixed school, located in
Trials, 2022
Background Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya are a... more Background Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya are a major global health problem, with over 2.5 billion at risk for dengue alone. There are no licensed antivirals for these infections, and safe and effective vaccines are not yet widely available. Thus, prevention of arbovirus transmission by vector modification is a novel approach being pursued by multiple researchers. However, the field needs high-quality evidence derived from randomized, controlled trials upon which to base the implementation and maintenance of vector control programs. Here, we report the EVITA Dengue trial design (DMID 17-0111), which assesses the efficacy in decreasing arbovirus transmission of an innovative approach developed by the World Mosquito Program for vector modification of Aedes mosquitoes by Wolbachia pipientis. Methods DMID 17-0111 is a cluster-randomized trial in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with clusters defined by primary school catchment areas. Clusters (n ...
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2020
This research investigated gender issues present in the career of military police from Minas Gera... more This research investigated gender issues present in the career of military police from Minas Gerais (early years of training) with the Cadets and teachers of the Officer Training Course (CFO). The research problem was to understand how the process of professionalization of women and men occurs in this educational organization, focusing on gender issues in their training, relating to their professional and gender roles, expectations, and training fulfillment. The general obje ctive of this research was to analyze the training process of women and men, who are CFO Cadets, regarding the division of academic functions, training conduction, and expectations after the CFO conclusion from the perspective of gender isonomy in the professional relationships. The specific objectives of the study were: 1. Identify gender issues that interfere in the division of work and academic functions, as well as the professional opportunities defined during the CFO for female and male Cadets; 2. Identify possible existence of gender-related discrimination in the conduction of these Cadets' training; 3. Identify processes of construction or ratification of patterns of masculinity and femininity during the course; 4. Identify and understand the professional expectations of CFO Cadets (women and men), concerning the future positions they will occ upy, influenced by gender relations; 5. Identify and understand how trainers (officers) analyze the Cadets' expectations, professional possibilities, work division, and career within the corporation, verifying if gender discrimination occurs in the school environment. The theoretical framework went through the theoretical production of the following research areas: gender relations, micro politics of organizations, power relationships, and female and male roles as influencers for the definition of functions, specifically in the police field. The methodological approach adopted was exploratory, qualitative and quantitative, being the primary data obtained in the following sequence: 1. Questionnaires applied to Cadets; 2. Interviews with CFO teaching officers; 3. O bservations of practical classes; 4. Interviews with CFO ma le and female Cadets. These data were triangulated and contextualized with document analysis of the CFO databases on the academic activities carried out by Cadets over the last years (1999 to 2018). The study data allow to show that the Minas Gerais Military P olice (PMMG), in its internal guidelines and through their academic practices set out in the curriculum plans, meet the aims of gender equality during these Cadets' training process in the investigated period. However, in the perception of students and teachers, differential treatment between women and men still persists in the police training activ ities, evincing that women still face challenges and differential treatment in the training process. Therefore, in the CFO, there are still practices that tend to benefit men to take the most prestigious functions, allocating to women bureaucratic functions and those that in the police culture have lower status in the organization. These results confirm the need for this organization to co ntinue with its affirmative actions for the inclusion of differences and, certainly, to confront any gender discrimination already prescribed by law. In other words, the search for inclusion strategies to reduce the differences in treatment between female or male Cadets must be a continuous, educational and permanent practice, enabling women and men to have the same prerogatives and rights within the PMMG. It is addressed here a confrontation of gender issues present in the m icropolitics of organizations that interact and coexist with other socially constructed inequalities, such as racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, and economic class issues. This study, however, does not offer a complete work on the realities of Brazil's policies, much less Minas Gerais' ones. D espite a traditional institution with ancestral organization, policy is also the result of its time, its characters, and its economic, social and political conditions. In this sense, this study understands that the CFO military organization is also the product of an environment and responds to it under pressure, conditions and, certainly, influenced by those who construct it.
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Education, University of London., 1998
This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one regio... more This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one region of Brazil has been redefined by agents within the school itself. The investigation was pursued through semi-structured interviews with 48 women teachers and 14 school managers working mainly in poor communities. It reflects the
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Education, University of London., 1998
This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one regio... more This thesis explores the ways in which the work of women teachers in primary schools in one region of Brazil has been redefined by agents within the school itself. The investigation was pursued through semi-structured interviews with 48 women teachers and 14 school managers working mainly in poor communities. It reflects the
Gêneros e práticas culturais: desafios históricos e saberes interdisciplinares, 2010
Educação em Revista, 2020
RESUMO: Este texto analisa o papel das mães como mulheres rurais pouco escolarizadas como suporte... more RESUMO: Este texto analisa o papel das mães como mulheres rurais pouco escolarizadas como suporte para que suas filhas tenham acesso e permaneçam no Ensino Superior. A análise é feita a partir de narrativas produzidas em situações de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dezessete jovens que tiveram acesso a diferentes cursos de graduação em dois campi da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (Uneb). São os dados dessas entrevistas que permitem compreender como as mães atuam para que tenham, por via da escolarização, oportunidades diferentes daquelas que elas tiveram/têm de vivenciar nos contextos rurais. A revisão da literatura utilizada na pesquisa permite analisar de maneira comparativa as condições enfrentadas pelas mulheres rurais da geração das mães e das filhas e apontar o investimento na escolarização como um futuro promissor para as mulheres da atual geração.
Gender and Education, Aug 18, 2019
This viewpoint article discusses the growing threat to human rights in Brazil, specifically on ge... more This viewpoint article discusses the growing threat to human rights in Brazil, specifically on gender and political ideologies. Brazil has a progressive Constitution that guarantees basic human rights to all Brazilians, including that of choice of gender. In the last few years, pressure groups, particularly religious groups, have increasingly influenced successive governments to restrain the freedom of people to access gender and sex education at school. In the middle of the current political and economic chaos of Brazil, religious fundamentalism has grown stronger. These groups have aimed to eliminate any gender and political discussions in the National Curriculum, but also in Brazilian life. However, there are many other interests underneath this rhetoric and actions. In the last decades, evangelicals have built an economic empire. Consequently, there have been significant losses to education, especially in gender education. Brazilian public universities are also under severe threat (financial and ideological). The current Ministry of Education believes that philosophy and sociology courses should be discouraged, as well as research on gender issues. Research spending has decreased sharply and there is a significant concern that censorship of research in certain areas of knowledge may occur. A brief introduction Brazil is the largest democracy in Latin America with an advanced and progressive Constitution that guarantees basic human rights to all Brazilians, including that of choice of gender. In the last few years, and especially in the last 12 months, pressure groups, particularly religious groups, influenced successive governments to restrain the freedom of people to access gender and sex education at school. Before I detail how these groups have been working to undo policy, it is necessary that I first unpack the political and economic scenario against which their actions have taken place and that have fed the phobia toward the so-called 'gender ideology'. The term 'gender ideology' or 'ideology of gender' are terms adopted by extremist right wing groups in Brazil and in Latin America. They have accused feminists and LGBTT groups of implementing a 'gender ideology' that threatens Christian and traditional family values among children and young people in schools. These
(CIP) (eDOC BRASIL, Belo Horizonte/MG) P964 A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplic... more (CIP) (eDOC BRASIL, Belo Horizonte/MG) P964 A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplicadas 2 [recurso eletrônico] / Organizador Willian Douglas Guilherme.-Ponta Grossa (PR): Atena Editora, 2019.-(A produção do conhecimento nas ciências sociais aplicadas; v. 2) Formato: PDF Requisitos de sistema: Adobe Acrobat Reader Modo de acesso: World Wide Web Inclui bibliografia
Instrumento - Revista de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação, 2016
O artigo discute dados quantitativos sobre preconceitos e discriminacoes contra mulheres nas area... more O artigo discute dados quantitativos sobre preconceitos e discriminacoes contra mulheres nas areas de Fisica e de Educacao Fisica na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. As referencias teoricas sao baseadas em estudos sobre genero e micropoliticas nas organizacoes. Os dados mostram que o numero de mulheres se reduz, em relacao aos mais altos niveis de qualificacao educacional (mestrado e doutorado). Estas mulheres academicas tambem apresentam menor producao cientifica (orientacoes, publicacao de artigos, entre outros), quando comparadas aos seus colegas homens. O texto sugere que questoes de genero ainda criam obstaculos significativos as vidas profissionais destas mulheres.
Revista de Estudos em Educação e Diversidade, Sep 30, 2022
This article aims to analyze the evaluation that High School graduates made about the classes the... more This article aims to analyze the evaluation that High School graduates made about the classes they had on the topic of Gender and Sexuality as a syllabus of the disciplines of Philosophy and Sociology. That content was taught by one of the researchers in a private school in Sabará and the classes took place in the 2nd year of High School, the sophomore year, as an integral part of the content in the 2nd term in 2019. In this sense, the aim here was to understand the importance that those classes had for them, and their respective positions, regarding to the understanding of issues related to the themes of Gender and Sexuality. The methodology adopted was an open questionnaire applied through Google Forms, in which the contact with the participants took place through digital means on Oct/21, because of the pandemic context. The reports showed a personal maturity when analyzing their anxieties / doubts / insecurities before and after the experiences in the classes. The importance of working on this theme in the classroom goes beyond the limits and needs of the school context, contributing to the experience of their own sexuality, as well as respect for sexual and gender diversity and the need to work on this content within the classroom.
Anais VIII Simpósio Internacional Trabalho, Relações de Trabalho, Educação e Identidade, Nov 1, 2020
Resumo: O artigo analisa opiniões e comentários de alunos e de alunas de duas escolas públicas de... more Resumo: O artigo analisa opiniões e comentários de alunos e de alunas de duas escolas públicas de Belo Horizonte (MG) sobre imagens de mulheres cientistas de diferentes épocas e países que compuseram uma exposição itinerante sobre o tema. Argumenta-se que a invisibilidade sobre mulheres cientistas desestimula que alunas ingressem na carreira acadêmica já que, inconscientemente, a escolarização formal passa a ideia de que a ciência é e foi feita apenas por homens. Em se tratando dos escritos analisados, verificou-se incentivo e apoio por parte dos garotos e, principalmente, estímulo e reconhecimento por parte das alunas que deixaram registros ao lado das fotografias. Segundo a teoria pós-crítica de Axel Honneth não basta que os sistemas políticos e jurídicos de uma sociedade sejam avançados e / ou eficientes para que determinados grupos sejam reconhecidos e se reconheçam como legítimos em certos espaços e/ou papeis sociais. Esse é o caso, por exemplo, das mulheres nas ciências, pois, embora não mais hajam barreiras oficiais e legais para que pessoas do sexo feminino sejam cientistas, a mentalidade coletiva e a mídia ainda associam tal atividade ao sexo masculino.
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, Sep 2, 2019
RESUMO: O artigo discute resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 2010 e 2015 sobre conheciment... more RESUMO: O artigo discute resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 2010 e 2015 sobre conhecimentos acerca da doença dengue entre discentes de três escolas públicas em Sete Lagoas e duas em Belo Horizonte através da análise comparativa por sexo. Os sujeitos do estudo foram alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio e os dados foram coletados por intermédio de um mesmo questionário aplicado antes e depois de um procedimento lúdico, o Jogo da Dengue. A iniciativa foi desenvolvida pela Equipe Educação do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Dengue, INCT-UFMG. Foram investigados os conhecimentos dos estudantes sobre a doença a partir de quatro eixos temáticos: 1-ações domésticas e ações comunitárias; 2-ações político-sociais e ações governamentais; 3-aspectos biomédicos; 4aspectos geográficos e climáticos. Em geral os índices de conhecimentos femininos foram superiores aos masculinos em três dos quatro eixos, especialmente no ensino fundamental. No Ensino Médio os percentuais de acertos dos meninos subiram, porém, ainda ficaram inferiores aos femininos, exceto no quesito aspectos geográficos e climáticos. PALAVRA-CHAVE: Dengue. Saúde coletiva. Relações de gênero. Ludicidade e educação. RESUMEN: El artículo discute resultados de un estudio hecho entre 2010 y 2015 sobre conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad dengue entre alumnos de tres escuelas públicas en Sete Lagoas y dos escuelas en Belo Horizonte a través de análisis comparativo por sexo. Los actores de la investigación fueron alumnos de los niveles primario y secundario y los datos fueron recolectados por medio de una misma encuesta aplicada antes y después de una
Revista Ártemis: Estudos de Gênero, Feminismo e Sexualidades, Dec 18, 2015
O estudo presume que preconceitos e discriminações de gênero ainda atuam como obstáculos para o i... more O estudo presume que preconceitos e discriminações de gênero ainda atuam como obstáculos para o interesse e a ascensão de mulheres nas áreas de Física e de Educação Física, e a disparidade entre o percentual de alunas nos cursos de graduação e o percentual de mulheres com doutorado nessas áreas aponta para uma desigualdade entre os sexos. A pesquisa utiliza metodologia mista-quantitativa e qualitativa, enfatizando as relações de gênero enquanto fenômeno histórico e cultural imbricado nas relações micropolíticas das instituições de ensino, tal como questões de raça e de classe. Neste texto são abordados aspectos da fase quantitativa da investigação, como índices de produtividade acadêmica e percentuais de mulheres e de homens nos dois cursos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Verifi cou-se que a média da produção cientifi ca feminina é, em geral, com exceção de alguns itens, inferior à masculina nas duas áreas e, embora os homens sejam maioria já na graduação dos dois cursos, quando se analisa a composição por sexo do corpo docente dos mesmos, ou seja, profi ssionais com doutorado, o número de mulheres se reduz ainda mais.
Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, Jun 25, 2021
The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher educa... more The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher education. The study was conducted between 2014 and 2017, aiming to discuss experiences from women regarding the teaching career in Physics. Specifically in this article, the issues under discussion are related to the professional experiences of female academics at two federal institutions of teaching and research in Brazil:
Revista Teoria & Sociedade, 2013
O texto enfoca a importância de se atentar, na Educacao, para a necessidade de se implementar uma... more O texto enfoca a importância de se atentar, na Educacao, para a necessidade de se implementar uma formacao cidada que possibilite os individuos conhecer seus Direitos Humanos fundamentais relativos a sua condicao de genero e orientacao sexual e, assim, possam se empoderar, logo, responder adequadamente a conflitos sociais decorrentes de tais questoes. O artigo trata especificamente da violencia de genero nas relacoes escolares, no caso, a misoginia e a homofobia porque ainda ha alguns profissionais da educacao coniventes, negligentes ou ate incentivadores de condutas homofobicas e misoginas. Por certo a sociedade precisa da policia e de acoes juridicas para o enfrentamento destes crimes, porem, sozinhas nao conseguem restringir a violacao dos Direitos Humanos ligados a orientacao sexual, elas devem coexistir com estrategias pedagogicas, curriculos, planejamentos continuos, nao apenas visando remediar a violacao, mas tambem procurando evitar que acontecam.
Foco, Jul 4, 2023
Recebido em: 05 de Junho de 2023 Aceito em: 04 de Julho de 2023 RESUMO Diversos estudos apontam a... more Recebido em: 05 de Junho de 2023 Aceito em: 04 de Julho de 2023 RESUMO Diversos estudos apontam a sub-representação das mulheres cientistas no campo das ciências exatas, nas áreas denominadas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic). Tal fenômeno não se restringe à maneira como as cientistas são representadas, mas também denuncia um fosso estrutural mais amplo no número de cargos ocupados, remuneração e no pouco interesse das estudantes na educação básica pelas carreiras científicas. Visando mapear alguns desses marcadores de gênero nas STEM, o artigo se propõe a analisar registros escritos por alunas e alunos dos ensinos médio e fundamental em duas escolas estaduais na área central de Belo Horizonte (MG) sobre uma exposição fotográfica de mulheres cientistas de distintas áreas, idades, pertenças raciais e épocas. Palavras-chave: Mulheres na ciência; ações artístico-pedagógicas; percepções
Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, 2021
This article presents the work done by Leeds University to develop a wellbeing program for studen... more This article presents the work done by Leeds University to develop a wellbeing program for students. Dr. Bridgette Bewick, an Associate Professor at School of Medicine, discusses her work on behavioral and psychological understanding of how to improve and support the mental health and wellbeing of university students. She affirms that improvement and support services to students’ mental health and wellbeing are necessary but not sufficient to facilitate student success while at university. Dr. Bewick hihglights the urgency to develop practices consistent with pedagogical wellbeing to address student education challenges that have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher educa... more The article is part of a qualitative study on gender relations in Physics courses of higher education. The study was conducted between 2014 and 2017, aiming to discuss experiences from women regarding the teaching career in Physics. Specifically in this article, the issues under discussion are related to the professional experiences of female academics at two federal institutions of teaching and research in Brazil: Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Rio de Janeiro. The research used semi-structured individual interviews. Male and female researches – professors and heads of departments – were interviewed; however, the article focuses on 11 female academics. Data show that the behavior of professors varies from concealing the femininity to avoid harassment, to supporting and encouraging female students, especially those who are discriminated by male scientists. Also, a tacit devaluation of teaching degrees in comparison ...
Gender and Education, 2008
The objective of this study was to identify gender issues in the academic performance of boys and... more The objective of this study was to identify gender issues in the academic performance of boys and girls during physics classes in a laboratory. The methodology adopted was the observation and interactions of pupils during eight classroom events. The interactions were recorded and events were informally discussed with the teacher. The school visited is a Federal mixed school, located in
Trials, 2022
Background Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya are a... more Background Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya are a major global health problem, with over 2.5 billion at risk for dengue alone. There are no licensed antivirals for these infections, and safe and effective vaccines are not yet widely available. Thus, prevention of arbovirus transmission by vector modification is a novel approach being pursued by multiple researchers. However, the field needs high-quality evidence derived from randomized, controlled trials upon which to base the implementation and maintenance of vector control programs. Here, we report the EVITA Dengue trial design (DMID 17-0111), which assesses the efficacy in decreasing arbovirus transmission of an innovative approach developed by the World Mosquito Program for vector modification of Aedes mosquitoes by Wolbachia pipientis. Methods DMID 17-0111 is a cluster-randomized trial in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with clusters defined by primary school catchment areas. Clusters (n ...