Andre Golgher | UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais (original) (raw)
Papers by Andre Golgher
Most children no longer spend their entire childhood in a family with both biological parents, as... more Most children no longer spend their entire childhood in a family with both biological parents, as a sizable proportion of this period is spent in a single-parent family or living with a social parent, in particular a social father. In general, it is believed that children from divorced couples and living in single-parent families tend to perform less well at school than children living in intact two biological parents families, even after controlling for parental characteristics. I compared school performance in the fourth series (or fifth year) in Brazil of children living in six different household arrangements. The highest values for school performance were observed for households with both biological parents, although differences for households with mother and a social father were not large. Values for households with a mother showed intermediate results. The three household compositions without a mother father and a social mother, father (only or with aggregates) and other arra...
This paper investigates the relationship between marital arrangements and well-being in Brazil us... more This paper investigates the relationship between marital arrangements and well-being in Brazil using the Social Dimensions of Inequalities Survey. Initially, household arrangements with couples in Brazil were classified in seven different types: one for those married or in relationships indistinguishable from married; and six for consensual marriage. By doing so, the paper could empirically address the natural heterogeneity of marriage and cohabitation and well-being levels. The empirical strategy was the following. First, I estimated multinomial logistic models and a probit model with continuous endogenous regressors to analyze correlations between well-being and household arrangements. Then, I estimated standard linear models, multilevel models and IV models to address the reverse link. Finally, I estimated both models interactively, taking into account the circular causality between well-being and household arrangements. The results suggest that the link between well-being and so...
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais
Tertiary education attendance in Brazil varies remarkably among different population groups. In o... more Tertiary education attendance in Brazil varies remarkably among different population groups. In order to decrease inequalities and increase the proportion of minorities in public universities, many institutions of higher education in Brazil have implemented affirmative action policies since the 2000s. The main objective of this paper was to analyze different counterfactual affirmative action policies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) based on simulations, measuring the proportion of minorities and the level of academic performance at this institution under each scenario. The current quota policy of 50% for students from public secondary schools, divided between four main groups (non-poor/non-minority; poor/non-minority; non-poor/minority; poor/minority), was shown to be well-designed to promote higher proportions of minorities among the student body. However, if academic performance is also taken into account, the best options would be either a quota policy of 50% div...
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, Mar 31, 2020
O objetivo deste artigo é a construção de tipologias para os trabalhadores brasileiros, em especi... more O objetivo deste artigo é a construção de tipologias para os trabalhadores brasileiros, em especial, com relação ao tempo de deslocamento até o trabalho. A partir do método GoM (Grade of Membership), estabeleceram-se perfis puros e mistos de trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, com utilização dos dados das PNADs de 2009 e 2014. Três características básicas marcaram aqueles que gastam bastante tempo comutando: sexo masculino, residentes em áreas metropolitanas e em baixa posição socioeconômica. Analisando o extremo oposto, mulheres em baixa posição socioeconômica são mais presentes em perfis caracterizados por alta prevalência de trabalhadores que nada comutam. A distribuição espacial da população, como esperado, não se dá de forma aleatória. Resumindo, os mais pobres tendem a residir longe do centro e o oposto para os indivíduos em melhor situação financeira.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, Apr 22, 2020
This paper discusses some of the factors associated with life satisfaction in Brazil using four w... more This paper discusses some of the factors associated with life satisfaction in Brazil using four waves of the World Values Survey (1991 to 2014). Some results already described in the literature were confirmed, as we found that individuals who were married, employed, more religious, in better health, with greater freedom/control over their lives and who had a better financial situation were more satisfied with life, regardless of the time period. The variables for age and cohort showed non-significant associations with life satisfaction when aspects that theoretically correlated with life satisfaction were controlled in the analysis. When the different cohorts were analyzed separately, the results suggest that life satisfaction might be related to the conjectural and historical factors represented by period effects.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População
More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where fertility is below replacement ... more More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where fertility is below replacement level (MYRSKYLA; KOHLER; BILLARI, 2009). In Brazil, the total fertility rate (TFR) went down from 4.26 children per women in 1980 to 1.91 in 2010. Some internal disparities exist. We use data from the DHS from 1986, 1996 and the PNDS from 2006, the most recent survey available, to decompose and analyze fertility rates using a framework proposed by Bongaarts (2001), which is especially useful to explore and compare factors behind total fertility rates. The framework includes desired family size (DFS), unwanted fertility, sex preference, replacements for child mortality, rising age at childbearing, involuntary infertility and competing preferences. By understanding fertility components across time in Brazil, this paper illuminates how these factors vary by socio-demographic characteristics (race, religion, wealth, education, and place of residence), and how these factors combined have form...
Nova Economia
RESUMO A indústria extrativa é importante para Minas Gerais. Nos anos 2000, ela dobrou sua partic... more RESUMO A indústria extrativa é importante para Minas Gerais. Nos anos 2000, ela dobrou sua participação no valor adicionado estadual, contribuindo com 6,9% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e 20% do PIB industrial, em 2010. No entanto, seus efeitos locais sobre o desenvolvimento regional são ambíguos e pouco estudados. Este artigo busca analisar os efeitos líquidos da mineração sobre a complexificação da estrutura produtiva municipal dos maiores mineradores do estado. Foi utilizado um conjunto de indicadores de economia regional e urbana, bem como a modelagem de painel espacial. As evidências empíricas indicam que, durante a década de 2000, houve perda relativa dos diferenciais regionais de especialização e concentração produtiva nos setores Indústria de Alta e Média Intensidade Tecnológica, Serviços Produtivos Tradicionais e Serviços Produtivos Modernos.
Nova Economia
O consumo de cultura é uma atividade intensiva em tempo, de modo que as escolhas ligadas a esta a... more O consumo de cultura é uma atividade intensiva em tempo, de modo que as escolhas ligadas a esta ação são restritas tanto pela renda quanto pelo tempo disponível para o consumo. Este artigo combina duas bases de dados secundários, a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares e a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, para discutir a alocação de tempo e o consumo de bens e serviços culturais no Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que a disponibilidade de tempo é positivamente correlacionada ao consumo cultural. No entanto, nível de escolaridade e participação no mercado de trabalho são determinantes decisivos do gasto em cultura. Dados esses resultados, os baixos níveis de consumo de cultura no Brasil são possivelmente mais relacionados à ausência de hábito que à ausência de tempo ou de recursos monetários. Palavras-chave economia da cultura; consumo cultural; alocação de tempo.
Nova Economia, 2016
Como comumente apontado pela literatura sobre as diferenças salariais por sexo, em geral, homens ... more Como comumente apontado pela literatura sobre as diferenças salariais por sexo, em geral, homens recebem mais que mulheres em ocupações similares. Entretanto, algumas tendências atuais no Brasil mostram que os hiatos no mercado de trabalho entre os gêneros estão diminuindo em diversos aspectos.Esse artigo analisa essa questão empiricamente fazendo uso de PNADs, equações Mincerianas e modelos hierárquicos baseados na abordagem Idade-Período-Coorte. Uma das conclusões principais do artigo é que apesar das mulheres terem salários menores que os homens para ocupações, locais de residência e níveis educacionais similares, os atributos femininos associados ao mercado de trabalho e a diminuição na segregação ocupacional parcialmente compensam essa vantagem não explicada dos homens. Além disso, depois de controlados os efeitos por coorte, observa-se uma convergência entre os gêneros e verifica-se que muitos dos hiatos são não significativos.
Observou-se que as taxas de crescimento populacional dos municípios da periferia das regiões metr... more Observou-se que as taxas de crescimento populacional dos municípios da periferia das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras (RMs) eram muito mais elevadas do que dos núcleos metropolitanos. A expansão da malha urbana para fora dos limites legais do município central, com a conseqüente criação de um aglomerado urbano entre alguns dos municípios da periferia da RM com este último, era a causa principal deste fenômeno. A Tabela 1 mostra as taxas de crescimento populacional do núcleo e da periferia da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH) e das demais RMs em conjunto. Verifica-se a substancial diferença nas taxas de crescimento populacional entre o municípios centrais e a periferia nas duas áreas.
CEPAL Review, 2014
This study uses the capability approach to undertake a multidimensional analysis of deprivation i... more This study uses the capability approach to undertake a multidimensional analysis of deprivation in urban areas of Brazil between 2003 and 2008 based on a four-dimensional index (living conditions, health, level of education and participation in the labour market) constructed out of 13 different indicators. Its findings indicate that a majority of the population is living in households that are not experiencing deprivation and that, of those that are, the instance of deprivation is confined to a single indicator. When the results were then compared with the income-poverty index for the different states in Brazil, the outcome confirmed that regional inequalities show up in both types of measurements. Finally, synthetic cohort data and ordinary least squares (ols) models were used to study the relationship between personal attributes and a propensity to lapse into poverty and/or to remain poor.
Este trabalho faz uma análise do desempenho acadêmico de estudantes da Universidade Federal de Mi... more Este trabalho faz uma análise do desempenho acadêmico de estudantes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) com o objetivo principal de verificar se há diferenças de desempenho significativas entre estudantes que receberam e não receberam o bônus sociorracial no vestibular da instituição em 2009 e 2010. O banco de dados com informações socioeconômicas dos estudantes é proveniente da Comissão Permanente do Vestibular (COPEVE) da UFMG. O banco de dados com informações sobre desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes foi disponibilizado pelo Departamento de Registro e Controle Acadêmico (DRCA) da universidade. Estes dados foram agregados para a realização deste estudo. Os resultados sugerem que o desempenho escolar entre bonistas e não bonistas é similar na grande maioria das comparações. Ou seja, a política de bônus sociorracial, implementada durante alguns anos na UFMG, não promoveu a entrada de estudantes com baixo potencial acadêmico, sendo, portanto, uma política eficaz de inclusão social sem danos para a excelência acadêmica da universidade. Esta análise é importante de ser realizada neste momento de implementação da lei de cotas de 2012 do Governo Federal (Lei nº 12.711).
This analysis is the last of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Bra... more This analysis is the last of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. The main objective of this particular study is to discuss the most numerous flows of migrants, as presented in the second and third texts of
This analysis is the first one of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process i... more This analysis is the first one of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. Here migrants and non-migrants are compared in aspects such as: sex, age, race, schooling, income, economic sector, household relations and urbanization degree. These two
The transition from youth to adult’s life is particularly characterized by the end of schooling a... more The transition from youth to adult’s life is particularly characterized by the end of schooling attendance and the entrance in the labor market. There are different open possibilities for this transition, and the objective of this working paper is to apprehend some of the features related to it. For men the transition from school to the labor market mainly occurs
En la actualidad millones de brasileños viven en el exterior, y gran número de ellos envía remesa... more En la actualidad millones de brasileños viven en el exterior, y gran número de ellos envía remesas a sus familiares y amigos en Brasil. Una proporción considerable de estos migrantes regresa a su país después de un periodo en el exterior, por lo regular a su lugar de origen o a uno cercano. La mayoría retorna de unos cuantos países (Paraguay, Estados Unidos y Japón), por lo que el destino de los flujos está perfectamente localizado, y lo mismo podría decirse de las remesas. Sin embargo no es posible distinguir adecuadamente este tipo de transferencias de los demás ingresos al analizar la información del Censo de Población de Brasil de 2000.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 2014
There has been a remarkable decline in the number of Catholics in Brazil over the last few decade... more There has been a remarkable decline in the number of Catholics in Brazil over the last few decades, a fact that is attributed to the growth of Pentecostal churches and to an increase in the number of people with no religious affiliation. We analyzed the age, period, and cohort effects associated with religious affiliation in Brazil from 1980 to 2010, applying the Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort and Cross-Classified Random Effects Model. We observed that age effects were significant but low for Catholics and Pentecostals, and were substantial for those with no religious affiliation, with a negative relationship. For these first two religious affiliations, period effects were of greater magnitude with clear trends: negative for Catholics and positive for Pentecostals. Cohort effects were significant for all three affiliations, but magnitudes were lower than the other two effects. We also verified that the likelihood of being a Pentecostal decreased with formal education, and the opposite occurred for persons with no religious affiliation. These effects, however, were smaller for younger cohorts, possibly due to the reduced social selectivity of recent students pursuing higher education and the increase in overall levels of education.
Revista de Economia e Administração, 2004
Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2014
varies depending on whether students received socioracial bonuses on the institution's entrance e... more varies depending on whether students received socioracial bonuses on the institution's entrance exam. The study analyzes the impact of different categories of this social inclusion policy. The database contains socioeconomic and academic performance information for students in their 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th semesters at UFMG in 2009 and 2010. A series of models were estimated to analyze differences in Semiannual Global Performance (Rendimento Semestral Global-RSG). The results suggest that RSG results for students who received and did not receive the bonus are similar, controlling for social, demographic and economic variables. This study suggests that UFMG's socioracial bonus policy had the desired effect of including less-favored groups at the university without diminishing educational quality.
Brazil is highly heterogeneous regarding schooling levels. This working paper discusses this dive... more Brazil is highly heterogeneous regarding schooling levels. This working paper discusses this diversity for municipalities with the use of different educational indicators related to attendance and age-grade distortion. Roughly, for 2000 data, we observed for the existence of two spatially divided “Brazis”: one with better indicators and another one with lower levels of formal education. Despite this variability, nearly all regions in Brazil showed an advance in schooling levels between 1991 and 2000. Besides that, we observed a convergence in some indicators and a divergence in others, indicating different trajectories of regional development. Finally, the areas were studied with the use of Clusters Analyses and we verified different empirical trajectories for the Minimum Areas of Comparison in Brazil.
Most children no longer spend their entire childhood in a family with both biological parents, as... more Most children no longer spend their entire childhood in a family with both biological parents, as a sizable proportion of this period is spent in a single-parent family or living with a social parent, in particular a social father. In general, it is believed that children from divorced couples and living in single-parent families tend to perform less well at school than children living in intact two biological parents families, even after controlling for parental characteristics. I compared school performance in the fourth series (or fifth year) in Brazil of children living in six different household arrangements. The highest values for school performance were observed for households with both biological parents, although differences for households with mother and a social father were not large. Values for households with a mother showed intermediate results. The three household compositions without a mother father and a social mother, father (only or with aggregates) and other arra...
This paper investigates the relationship between marital arrangements and well-being in Brazil us... more This paper investigates the relationship between marital arrangements and well-being in Brazil using the Social Dimensions of Inequalities Survey. Initially, household arrangements with couples in Brazil were classified in seven different types: one for those married or in relationships indistinguishable from married; and six for consensual marriage. By doing so, the paper could empirically address the natural heterogeneity of marriage and cohabitation and well-being levels. The empirical strategy was the following. First, I estimated multinomial logistic models and a probit model with continuous endogenous regressors to analyze correlations between well-being and household arrangements. Then, I estimated standard linear models, multilevel models and IV models to address the reverse link. Finally, I estimated both models interactively, taking into account the circular causality between well-being and household arrangements. The results suggest that the link between well-being and so...
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais
Tertiary education attendance in Brazil varies remarkably among different population groups. In o... more Tertiary education attendance in Brazil varies remarkably among different population groups. In order to decrease inequalities and increase the proportion of minorities in public universities, many institutions of higher education in Brazil have implemented affirmative action policies since the 2000s. The main objective of this paper was to analyze different counterfactual affirmative action policies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) based on simulations, measuring the proportion of minorities and the level of academic performance at this institution under each scenario. The current quota policy of 50% for students from public secondary schools, divided between four main groups (non-poor/non-minority; poor/non-minority; non-poor/minority; poor/minority), was shown to be well-designed to promote higher proportions of minorities among the student body. However, if academic performance is also taken into account, the best options would be either a quota policy of 50% div...
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, Mar 31, 2020
O objetivo deste artigo é a construção de tipologias para os trabalhadores brasileiros, em especi... more O objetivo deste artigo é a construção de tipologias para os trabalhadores brasileiros, em especial, com relação ao tempo de deslocamento até o trabalho. A partir do método GoM (Grade of Membership), estabeleceram-se perfis puros e mistos de trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, com utilização dos dados das PNADs de 2009 e 2014. Três características básicas marcaram aqueles que gastam bastante tempo comutando: sexo masculino, residentes em áreas metropolitanas e em baixa posição socioeconômica. Analisando o extremo oposto, mulheres em baixa posição socioeconômica são mais presentes em perfis caracterizados por alta prevalência de trabalhadores que nada comutam. A distribuição espacial da população, como esperado, não se dá de forma aleatória. Resumindo, os mais pobres tendem a residir longe do centro e o oposto para os indivíduos em melhor situação financeira.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, Apr 22, 2020
This paper discusses some of the factors associated with life satisfaction in Brazil using four w... more This paper discusses some of the factors associated with life satisfaction in Brazil using four waves of the World Values Survey (1991 to 2014). Some results already described in the literature were confirmed, as we found that individuals who were married, employed, more religious, in better health, with greater freedom/control over their lives and who had a better financial situation were more satisfied with life, regardless of the time period. The variables for age and cohort showed non-significant associations with life satisfaction when aspects that theoretically correlated with life satisfaction were controlled in the analysis. When the different cohorts were analyzed separately, the results suggest that life satisfaction might be related to the conjectural and historical factors represented by period effects.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População
More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where fertility is below replacement ... more More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where fertility is below replacement level (MYRSKYLA; KOHLER; BILLARI, 2009). In Brazil, the total fertility rate (TFR) went down from 4.26 children per women in 1980 to 1.91 in 2010. Some internal disparities exist. We use data from the DHS from 1986, 1996 and the PNDS from 2006, the most recent survey available, to decompose and analyze fertility rates using a framework proposed by Bongaarts (2001), which is especially useful to explore and compare factors behind total fertility rates. The framework includes desired family size (DFS), unwanted fertility, sex preference, replacements for child mortality, rising age at childbearing, involuntary infertility and competing preferences. By understanding fertility components across time in Brazil, this paper illuminates how these factors vary by socio-demographic characteristics (race, religion, wealth, education, and place of residence), and how these factors combined have form...
Nova Economia
RESUMO A indústria extrativa é importante para Minas Gerais. Nos anos 2000, ela dobrou sua partic... more RESUMO A indústria extrativa é importante para Minas Gerais. Nos anos 2000, ela dobrou sua participação no valor adicionado estadual, contribuindo com 6,9% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e 20% do PIB industrial, em 2010. No entanto, seus efeitos locais sobre o desenvolvimento regional são ambíguos e pouco estudados. Este artigo busca analisar os efeitos líquidos da mineração sobre a complexificação da estrutura produtiva municipal dos maiores mineradores do estado. Foi utilizado um conjunto de indicadores de economia regional e urbana, bem como a modelagem de painel espacial. As evidências empíricas indicam que, durante a década de 2000, houve perda relativa dos diferenciais regionais de especialização e concentração produtiva nos setores Indústria de Alta e Média Intensidade Tecnológica, Serviços Produtivos Tradicionais e Serviços Produtivos Modernos.
Nova Economia
O consumo de cultura é uma atividade intensiva em tempo, de modo que as escolhas ligadas a esta a... more O consumo de cultura é uma atividade intensiva em tempo, de modo que as escolhas ligadas a esta ação são restritas tanto pela renda quanto pelo tempo disponível para o consumo. Este artigo combina duas bases de dados secundários, a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares e a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, para discutir a alocação de tempo e o consumo de bens e serviços culturais no Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que a disponibilidade de tempo é positivamente correlacionada ao consumo cultural. No entanto, nível de escolaridade e participação no mercado de trabalho são determinantes decisivos do gasto em cultura. Dados esses resultados, os baixos níveis de consumo de cultura no Brasil são possivelmente mais relacionados à ausência de hábito que à ausência de tempo ou de recursos monetários. Palavras-chave economia da cultura; consumo cultural; alocação de tempo.
Nova Economia, 2016
Como comumente apontado pela literatura sobre as diferenças salariais por sexo, em geral, homens ... more Como comumente apontado pela literatura sobre as diferenças salariais por sexo, em geral, homens recebem mais que mulheres em ocupações similares. Entretanto, algumas tendências atuais no Brasil mostram que os hiatos no mercado de trabalho entre os gêneros estão diminuindo em diversos aspectos.Esse artigo analisa essa questão empiricamente fazendo uso de PNADs, equações Mincerianas e modelos hierárquicos baseados na abordagem Idade-Período-Coorte. Uma das conclusões principais do artigo é que apesar das mulheres terem salários menores que os homens para ocupações, locais de residência e níveis educacionais similares, os atributos femininos associados ao mercado de trabalho e a diminuição na segregação ocupacional parcialmente compensam essa vantagem não explicada dos homens. Além disso, depois de controlados os efeitos por coorte, observa-se uma convergência entre os gêneros e verifica-se que muitos dos hiatos são não significativos.
Observou-se que as taxas de crescimento populacional dos municípios da periferia das regiões metr... more Observou-se que as taxas de crescimento populacional dos municípios da periferia das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras (RMs) eram muito mais elevadas do que dos núcleos metropolitanos. A expansão da malha urbana para fora dos limites legais do município central, com a conseqüente criação de um aglomerado urbano entre alguns dos municípios da periferia da RM com este último, era a causa principal deste fenômeno. A Tabela 1 mostra as taxas de crescimento populacional do núcleo e da periferia da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH) e das demais RMs em conjunto. Verifica-se a substancial diferença nas taxas de crescimento populacional entre o municípios centrais e a periferia nas duas áreas.
CEPAL Review, 2014
This study uses the capability approach to undertake a multidimensional analysis of deprivation i... more This study uses the capability approach to undertake a multidimensional analysis of deprivation in urban areas of Brazil between 2003 and 2008 based on a four-dimensional index (living conditions, health, level of education and participation in the labour market) constructed out of 13 different indicators. Its findings indicate that a majority of the population is living in households that are not experiencing deprivation and that, of those that are, the instance of deprivation is confined to a single indicator. When the results were then compared with the income-poverty index for the different states in Brazil, the outcome confirmed that regional inequalities show up in both types of measurements. Finally, synthetic cohort data and ordinary least squares (ols) models were used to study the relationship between personal attributes and a propensity to lapse into poverty and/or to remain poor.
Este trabalho faz uma análise do desempenho acadêmico de estudantes da Universidade Federal de Mi... more Este trabalho faz uma análise do desempenho acadêmico de estudantes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) com o objetivo principal de verificar se há diferenças de desempenho significativas entre estudantes que receberam e não receberam o bônus sociorracial no vestibular da instituição em 2009 e 2010. O banco de dados com informações socioeconômicas dos estudantes é proveniente da Comissão Permanente do Vestibular (COPEVE) da UFMG. O banco de dados com informações sobre desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes foi disponibilizado pelo Departamento de Registro e Controle Acadêmico (DRCA) da universidade. Estes dados foram agregados para a realização deste estudo. Os resultados sugerem que o desempenho escolar entre bonistas e não bonistas é similar na grande maioria das comparações. Ou seja, a política de bônus sociorracial, implementada durante alguns anos na UFMG, não promoveu a entrada de estudantes com baixo potencial acadêmico, sendo, portanto, uma política eficaz de inclusão social sem danos para a excelência acadêmica da universidade. Esta análise é importante de ser realizada neste momento de implementação da lei de cotas de 2012 do Governo Federal (Lei nº 12.711).
This analysis is the last of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Bra... more This analysis is the last of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. The main objective of this particular study is to discuss the most numerous flows of migrants, as presented in the second and third texts of
This analysis is the first one of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process i... more This analysis is the first one of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. Here migrants and non-migrants are compared in aspects such as: sex, age, race, schooling, income, economic sector, household relations and urbanization degree. These two
The transition from youth to adult’s life is particularly characterized by the end of schooling a... more The transition from youth to adult’s life is particularly characterized by the end of schooling attendance and the entrance in the labor market. There are different open possibilities for this transition, and the objective of this working paper is to apprehend some of the features related to it. For men the transition from school to the labor market mainly occurs
En la actualidad millones de brasileños viven en el exterior, y gran número de ellos envía remesa... more En la actualidad millones de brasileños viven en el exterior, y gran número de ellos envía remesas a sus familiares y amigos en Brasil. Una proporción considerable de estos migrantes regresa a su país después de un periodo en el exterior, por lo regular a su lugar de origen o a uno cercano. La mayoría retorna de unos cuantos países (Paraguay, Estados Unidos y Japón), por lo que el destino de los flujos está perfectamente localizado, y lo mismo podría decirse de las remesas. Sin embargo no es posible distinguir adecuadamente este tipo de transferencias de los demás ingresos al analizar la información del Censo de Población de Brasil de 2000.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 2014
There has been a remarkable decline in the number of Catholics in Brazil over the last few decade... more There has been a remarkable decline in the number of Catholics in Brazil over the last few decades, a fact that is attributed to the growth of Pentecostal churches and to an increase in the number of people with no religious affiliation. We analyzed the age, period, and cohort effects associated with religious affiliation in Brazil from 1980 to 2010, applying the Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort and Cross-Classified Random Effects Model. We observed that age effects were significant but low for Catholics and Pentecostals, and were substantial for those with no religious affiliation, with a negative relationship. For these first two religious affiliations, period effects were of greater magnitude with clear trends: negative for Catholics and positive for Pentecostals. Cohort effects were significant for all three affiliations, but magnitudes were lower than the other two effects. We also verified that the likelihood of being a Pentecostal decreased with formal education, and the opposite occurred for persons with no religious affiliation. These effects, however, were smaller for younger cohorts, possibly due to the reduced social selectivity of recent students pursuing higher education and the increase in overall levels of education.
Revista de Economia e Administração, 2004
Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2014
varies depending on whether students received socioracial bonuses on the institution's entrance e... more varies depending on whether students received socioracial bonuses on the institution's entrance exam. The study analyzes the impact of different categories of this social inclusion policy. The database contains socioeconomic and academic performance information for students in their 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th semesters at UFMG in 2009 and 2010. A series of models were estimated to analyze differences in Semiannual Global Performance (Rendimento Semestral Global-RSG). The results suggest that RSG results for students who received and did not receive the bonus are similar, controlling for social, demographic and economic variables. This study suggests that UFMG's socioracial bonus policy had the desired effect of including less-favored groups at the university without diminishing educational quality.
Brazil is highly heterogeneous regarding schooling levels. This working paper discusses this dive... more Brazil is highly heterogeneous regarding schooling levels. This working paper discusses this diversity for municipalities with the use of different educational indicators related to attendance and age-grade distortion. Roughly, for 2000 data, we observed for the existence of two spatially divided “Brazis”: one with better indicators and another one with lower levels of formal education. Despite this variability, nearly all regions in Brazil showed an advance in schooling levels between 1991 and 2000. Besides that, we observed a convergence in some indicators and a divergence in others, indicating different trajectories of regional development. Finally, the areas were studied with the use of Clusters Analyses and we verified different empirical trajectories for the Minimum Areas of Comparison in Brazil.