Juliano Gaspar | UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais (original) (raw)
Papers by Juliano Gaspar
JMIR Serious Games
Background No treatment for COVID-19 is yet available; therefore, providing access to information... more Background No treatment for COVID-19 is yet available; therefore, providing access to information about SARS-CoV-2, the transmission route of the virus, and ways to prevent the spread of infection is a critical sanitary measure worldwide. Serious games have advantages in the dissemination of reliable information during the pandemic; they can provide qualified content while offering interactivity to the user, and they have great reach over the internet. Objective This study aimed to develop a serious game with the purpose of providing science-based information on the prevention of COVID-19 and personal care during the pandemic while assessing players’ knowledge about COVID-19–related topics. Methods The study was conducted with the interdisciplinary collaboration of specialists in health sciences, computing, and design at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The health recommendations were grouped into six thematic blocks, presented in a quiz format. The software languages...
JMIR Research Protocols
Background A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a pre... more Background A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a predictor of chronic disease in adulthood. In these situations, differentiating between prematurity and small for gestational age (SGA) or simultaneous conditions is essential to ensuring adequate care. Such diagnoses, however, depend on reliable pregnancy dating, which can be challenging in developing countries. A new medical optoelectronic device was developed to estimate gestational age (GA) at birth based on newborn skin reflection. Objective This study will aim to evaluate the device’s ability to detect prematurity or SGA, or both conditions simultaneously as well as predict short-term pulmonary complications in a cohort of low-birth-weight newborns. Methods This study protocol was designed for a multicenter cohort including referral hospitals in Brazil and Mozambique. Newborns weighing 500-2500 g will be eligible for inclusion with the best GA available, considering the limited resour...
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS)
O Brasil é detentor de uma das maiores taxas de cesárea do mundo, com aproximadamente 55% do núme... more O Brasil é detentor de uma das maiores taxas de cesárea do mundo, com aproximadamente 55% do número total de partos, enquanto o esperado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) é de 10% a 15%. O presente trabalho apresenta a caracterização das gestantes submetidas a parto, na Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a partir da utilização de técnicas de mineração de dados, considerando-se uma base de dados disponibilizada pelo sistema hospitalar Sismater c . Através de uma árvore de decisão gerada com o algoritmo C4.5, com precisão e sensibilidade de, respectivamente, 95,0% e 97,4% para vaginal e 93,6% e 88,1% para cesáreas, foi possível observar as principais características de mulheres submetidas a parto: trabalho de parto na admissão obstétrica, estática fetal, idade gestacional, gemelaridade e quantidade de cesáreas prévias.
BACKGROUND A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a pre... more BACKGROUND A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a predictor of chronic disease in adulthood. In these situations, differentiating between prematurity and small for gestational age (SGA) or simultaneous conditions are essential to ensuring adequate care. Such diagnoses, however, depend on reliable pregnancy dating, which can be challenging in developing countries. A new medical optoelectronic device was developed to estimate gestational age (GA) at birth based on newborn skin reflection. OBJECTIVE This study will aim to evaluate the device’s ability to detect premature, SGA, or both disorders as well as predict short-term pulmonary complications in a cohort of low-birth-weight newborns. METHODS This protocol was designed for a multicenter cohort study gathering universities hospitals in Brazil and Mozambique. Newborns weighing 500–2500 g will be eligible for inclusion with the best GA available considering the limited resources of low-incom...
BACKGROUND The timing of gestation is critical information to make timely decisions and provide o... more BACKGROUND The timing of gestation is critical information to make timely decisions and provide obstetric care. OBJECTIVE To analyse the association between the quality of gestational age (GA) information and obstetric interventions during birth. Secondarily, to assess obstetric outcomes and the agreement between obstetricians and paediatricians who independently estimate GA METHODS Hospital-based cohort study with 2,113 births. Groups of newborns with ultrasound-based GA estimated at <14 weeks (very-adequate GA) or at ≤20 weeks (adequate GA) were compared with the group without antenatal ultrasound or with ultrasound-based GA estimated at >20 weeks (inadequate GA). A univariate analysis was used to associate outcomes among the interest groups. Paired analyses compared GA recorded by the obstetrician or paediatrician. RESULTS Better quality of GA estimates at birth were associated with a higher rate of interventions for pregnancy interruption and improved obstetric outcomes. T...
BMJ Open
IntroductionRecognising prematurity is critical in order to attend to immediate needs in childbir... more IntroductionRecognising prematurity is critical in order to attend to immediate needs in childbirth settings, guiding the extent of medical care provided for newborns. A new medical device has been developed to carry out the preemie-test, an innovative approach to estimate gestational age (GA), based on the photobiological properties of the newborn’s skin. First, this study will validate the preemie-test for GA estimation at birth and its accuracy to detect prematurity. Second, the study intends to associate the infant’s skin reflectance with lung maturity, as well as evaluate safety, precision and usability of a new medical device to offer a suitable product for health professionals during childbirth and in neonatal care settings.Methods and analysisResearch protocol for diagnosis, singlegroup, singleblinding and singlearm multicenter clinical trial with a reference standard. Alive newborns, with 24 weeks or more of pregnancy age, will be enrolled during the first 24 hours of li...
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa
Resumo Introdução: A comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde e seus pacientes tem se benefici... more Resumo Introdução: A comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde e seus pacientes tem se beneficiado da popularização dos dispositivos móveis. Essa análise tem por objetivo apresentar um aplicativo direcionado para mulheres durante a gravidez, parto e puerpério e os resultados da sua disseminação na sociedade. Metodologia: Caracterizado como pesquisa extensionista, o projeto APP-Meu Pré-natal é uma ação acadêmica voltada para sociedade. O desenvolvimento do software foi conduzido por uma equipe multidisciplinar da área das ciências da saúde e da computação. O conteúdo elaborado e validado disponibilizou textos de base cientifica em português, inglês e espanhol com linguagem acessível ao público leigo, imagens e vídeo, através de interface para navegação fácil e intuitiva entre seus módulos. O software de desenvolvimento híbrido foi disponibilizado gratuitamente em lojas de aplicativos na Internet. Resultados: Entre outubro de 2016 a junho de 2017 o aplicativo foi baixado 19.364 vezes. A maior parte a partir de dispositivos de comunicação do tipo Android: 14.791 (76,4%). Os usuários foram provenientes de 81 países. Conclusões: A rápida popularização e o alcance do aplicativo deixam claro a importância desse canal de comunicação para propostas de educação em saúde e a valorização da certificação acadêmica de seu conteúdo pelo usuário. Palavras-chave: dispositivos móveis; educação em saúde; pré-natal; relações comunidade-instituição.
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa
Introdução: A gravidez não desejada continua a ser um desafio global. Recentemente, a m-Health te... more Introdução: A gravidez não desejada continua a ser um desafio global. Recentemente, a m-Health tem oferecido um novo horizonte para a educação em saúde, contribuindo para as políticas públicas de planejamento familiar, já que os dispositivos móveis ocupam lugar de destaque no cotidiano das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar evidência da apropriação imediata de conceitos sobre planejamento familiar, utilizando-se de estratégia de gamificação, em uma aplicação do tipo jogo sério. Métodologia: A aplicação para dispositivos móveis utilizou tecnologia open-source e frameworks para plataforma híbrida, sendo oferecido gratuitamente em lojas de aplicativos. Como estratégia, o jogo apresentou desesseis situações do cotidiano dos casais acerca de contracepção. Para cada uma, quatro soluções foram preparadas para atender dimensões ligadas à saúde, família, amigos ou pais, apontando tal influência na decisão do jogador. O progresso na aprendizagem de conceitos sobre contracepção foi estimado pela diferença entre o número de métodos contraceptivos conhecidos após e antes do jogo, analisado estatisticamente. Resultados: Em seis meses, o número de downloads foi de 3652, com 2809 jogadoresadultos, 77% feminino e 84% com idade entre 18 e 33 anos. Considerando os países que utilizaram: 39% foram originários de Moçambique, 33% do Brasil, 21% de Angola e 7% de outros países. Parte dos jogadores adultos (1070, 38%) completaram os desesseis desafios. Dos 650 jogadores que relataram conhecer algum método contraceptivo previamente, 117 (18%) apresentaram diferença positiva entre o número de métodos conhecidos após (p <0,001), em relação aos conhedidos antes do jogo. Conclusão: O jogo sério Saia Justa foi capaz de expandir o acesso dos cidadãos à informação sobre métodos contraceptivos e mostrar evidência significativa de apropriação imediata de conceitos, indicando o potencial deste canal de comunicação para apoiar educação em saúde.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
The increasing development of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) paradigm has brought a redu... more The increasing development of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) paradigm has brought a reduction in the cost of software development and increased its speed, resulting in quality improvement and constant evolution. Examples of applications that greatly enhance this area are geographic information systems (GIS). They permit the allocation of raw data or processed information in a map, allowing contextualization of the information itself and knowledge extrapolation. The transfusion medicine is an excellent area of health in which one can use a GIS to display the geographic distribution of blood donors on the map. A FLOSS GIS is feasible in this context thus reducing the high governmental costs in Health Care Area. The information can be easily displayed without copyrights and other complications. For these reasons, we decided to develop a platform that allows the display of information relative to the blood donations. Our goals focused on: researching the state of the art off current status; data manipulation and processing of the donor's database; and modelling and developing a program that could show a varied option of queries that can be done to the database. We used some statistic approach to the data as well as software implementation. After its completion, it was possible to calculate the distribution of blood donors and cross reference this with the places of collect. The distribution of the donors by group or area was made visible for interpretation purposes. Ultimately, the feasibility of such systems is proved and the changes in blood donation management can represent an important improvement towards good care.
2013 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2013
ABSTRACT Development and use of specific information systems are nowadays a priority to healthcar... more ABSTRACT Development and use of specific information systems are nowadays a priority to healthcare organizations. This interdisciplinary paper, between Medicine and Computer Science, comprises an exploratory survey of obstetric and neonatal assistance during the process of birth by focusing on clinical records. It also involves the development of a healthcare indicators dashboard and the implementation of an Obstetric Electronic Health Record. All these efforts aim to improve quality of healthcare assistance. This prototype has been installed within a Brazilian university hospital. The preliminary results of Maternal and Neonatal Indicators included 859 deliveries (from August to December 2012). The cesarean section rate was 36.4% (65.4% high-risk pregnancy). Among the perinatal indicators, the Apgar Score bellow seven in the 5th minute was 5.56% and 0.93% whenever considering only fetuses defined as compatible with life. Disclosure and discussion of these data proved to be able to contribute to researches and to management of an obstetric healthcare unit.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2015
Clinical information about the birth composes an important set of data to the documentation about... more Clinical information about the birth composes an important set of data to the documentation about the care provided during childbirth. Formalized in the document Obstetric Impatient Discharge Summary (OIDS), such information are essential for continuity of mother and child attention, in the health care network. The main paper's objective is to propose an Information Model for this document based on ISO Standard 13606 for interoperability between health information systems in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
2015 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015
Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia : revista da Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2014
To analyze the relationships among gestational risk, type of delivery and immediate maternal and ... more To analyze the relationships among gestational risk, type of delivery and immediate maternal and neonatal repercussions. A retrospective cohort study based on secondary data was conducted in a university maternity hospital. A total of 1606 births were analyzed over a 9-month period. Epidemiological, clinical, obstetric and neonatal characteristics were compared according to the route of delivery and the gestational risk characterized on the basis of the eligibility criteria for high clinical risk. The occurrence of maternal and neonatal complications during hospitalization was analyzed according to gestational risk and cesarean section delivery using univariate and multivariate logistic analysis. The overall rate of cesarean sections was 38.3%. High gestational risk was present in 50.2% of births, mainly represented by hypertensive disorders and fetal malformations. The total incidence of cesarean section, planned cesarean section or emergency cesarean section was more frequent in p...
Background: Patient medical records contain many entries relating to patient conditions, treatmen... more Background: Patient medical records contain many entries relating to patient conditions, treatments and lab results. Generally involve multiple types of data and produces a large amount of information. These databases can provide important information for clinical decision and to support the management of the hospital. Medical databases have some specificities not often found in others non-medical databases. In this context, outlier detection techniques can be used to detect abnormal patterns in health records (for instance, problems in data quality) and this contributing to better data and better knowledge in the process of decision making. Aim: This systematic review intention to provide a better comprehension about the techniques used to detect outliers in healthcare data, for creates automatisms for those methods in the order to facilitate the access to information with quality in healthcare.
JMIR Serious Games
Background No treatment for COVID-19 is yet available; therefore, providing access to information... more Background No treatment for COVID-19 is yet available; therefore, providing access to information about SARS-CoV-2, the transmission route of the virus, and ways to prevent the spread of infection is a critical sanitary measure worldwide. Serious games have advantages in the dissemination of reliable information during the pandemic; they can provide qualified content while offering interactivity to the user, and they have great reach over the internet. Objective This study aimed to develop a serious game with the purpose of providing science-based information on the prevention of COVID-19 and personal care during the pandemic while assessing players’ knowledge about COVID-19–related topics. Methods The study was conducted with the interdisciplinary collaboration of specialists in health sciences, computing, and design at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The health recommendations were grouped into six thematic blocks, presented in a quiz format. The software languages...
JMIR Research Protocols
Background A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a pre... more Background A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a predictor of chronic disease in adulthood. In these situations, differentiating between prematurity and small for gestational age (SGA) or simultaneous conditions is essential to ensuring adequate care. Such diagnoses, however, depend on reliable pregnancy dating, which can be challenging in developing countries. A new medical optoelectronic device was developed to estimate gestational age (GA) at birth based on newborn skin reflection. Objective This study will aim to evaluate the device’s ability to detect prematurity or SGA, or both conditions simultaneously as well as predict short-term pulmonary complications in a cohort of low-birth-weight newborns. Methods This study protocol was designed for a multicenter cohort including referral hospitals in Brazil and Mozambique. Newborns weighing 500-2500 g will be eligible for inclusion with the best GA available, considering the limited resour...
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS)
O Brasil é detentor de uma das maiores taxas de cesárea do mundo, com aproximadamente 55% do núme... more O Brasil é detentor de uma das maiores taxas de cesárea do mundo, com aproximadamente 55% do número total de partos, enquanto o esperado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) é de 10% a 15%. O presente trabalho apresenta a caracterização das gestantes submetidas a parto, na Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a partir da utilização de técnicas de mineração de dados, considerando-se uma base de dados disponibilizada pelo sistema hospitalar Sismater c . Através de uma árvore de decisão gerada com o algoritmo C4.5, com precisão e sensibilidade de, respectivamente, 95,0% e 97,4% para vaginal e 93,6% e 88,1% para cesáreas, foi possível observar as principais características de mulheres submetidas a parto: trabalho de parto na admissão obstétrica, estática fetal, idade gestacional, gemelaridade e quantidade de cesáreas prévias.
BACKGROUND A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a pre... more BACKGROUND A low birth weight is an independent risk factor for adverse infant outcomes and a predictor of chronic disease in adulthood. In these situations, differentiating between prematurity and small for gestational age (SGA) or simultaneous conditions are essential to ensuring adequate care. Such diagnoses, however, depend on reliable pregnancy dating, which can be challenging in developing countries. A new medical optoelectronic device was developed to estimate gestational age (GA) at birth based on newborn skin reflection. OBJECTIVE This study will aim to evaluate the device’s ability to detect premature, SGA, or both disorders as well as predict short-term pulmonary complications in a cohort of low-birth-weight newborns. METHODS This protocol was designed for a multicenter cohort study gathering universities hospitals in Brazil and Mozambique. Newborns weighing 500–2500 g will be eligible for inclusion with the best GA available considering the limited resources of low-incom...
BACKGROUND The timing of gestation is critical information to make timely decisions and provide o... more BACKGROUND The timing of gestation is critical information to make timely decisions and provide obstetric care. OBJECTIVE To analyse the association between the quality of gestational age (GA) information and obstetric interventions during birth. Secondarily, to assess obstetric outcomes and the agreement between obstetricians and paediatricians who independently estimate GA METHODS Hospital-based cohort study with 2,113 births. Groups of newborns with ultrasound-based GA estimated at <14 weeks (very-adequate GA) or at ≤20 weeks (adequate GA) were compared with the group without antenatal ultrasound or with ultrasound-based GA estimated at >20 weeks (inadequate GA). A univariate analysis was used to associate outcomes among the interest groups. Paired analyses compared GA recorded by the obstetrician or paediatrician. RESULTS Better quality of GA estimates at birth were associated with a higher rate of interventions for pregnancy interruption and improved obstetric outcomes. T...
BMJ Open
IntroductionRecognising prematurity is critical in order to attend to immediate needs in childbir... more IntroductionRecognising prematurity is critical in order to attend to immediate needs in childbirth settings, guiding the extent of medical care provided for newborns. A new medical device has been developed to carry out the preemie-test, an innovative approach to estimate gestational age (GA), based on the photobiological properties of the newborn’s skin. First, this study will validate the preemie-test for GA estimation at birth and its accuracy to detect prematurity. Second, the study intends to associate the infant’s skin reflectance with lung maturity, as well as evaluate safety, precision and usability of a new medical device to offer a suitable product for health professionals during childbirth and in neonatal care settings.Methods and analysisResearch protocol for diagnosis, singlegroup, singleblinding and singlearm multicenter clinical trial with a reference standard. Alive newborns, with 24 weeks or more of pregnancy age, will be enrolled during the first 24 hours of li...
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa
Resumo Introdução: A comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde e seus pacientes tem se benefici... more Resumo Introdução: A comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde e seus pacientes tem se beneficiado da popularização dos dispositivos móveis. Essa análise tem por objetivo apresentar um aplicativo direcionado para mulheres durante a gravidez, parto e puerpério e os resultados da sua disseminação na sociedade. Metodologia: Caracterizado como pesquisa extensionista, o projeto APP-Meu Pré-natal é uma ação acadêmica voltada para sociedade. O desenvolvimento do software foi conduzido por uma equipe multidisciplinar da área das ciências da saúde e da computação. O conteúdo elaborado e validado disponibilizou textos de base cientifica em português, inglês e espanhol com linguagem acessível ao público leigo, imagens e vídeo, através de interface para navegação fácil e intuitiva entre seus módulos. O software de desenvolvimento híbrido foi disponibilizado gratuitamente em lojas de aplicativos na Internet. Resultados: Entre outubro de 2016 a junho de 2017 o aplicativo foi baixado 19.364 vezes. A maior parte a partir de dispositivos de comunicação do tipo Android: 14.791 (76,4%). Os usuários foram provenientes de 81 países. Conclusões: A rápida popularização e o alcance do aplicativo deixam claro a importância desse canal de comunicação para propostas de educação em saúde e a valorização da certificação acadêmica de seu conteúdo pelo usuário. Palavras-chave: dispositivos móveis; educação em saúde; pré-natal; relações comunidade-instituição.
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa
Introdução: A gravidez não desejada continua a ser um desafio global. Recentemente, a m-Health te... more Introdução: A gravidez não desejada continua a ser um desafio global. Recentemente, a m-Health tem oferecido um novo horizonte para a educação em saúde, contribuindo para as políticas públicas de planejamento familiar, já que os dispositivos móveis ocupam lugar de destaque no cotidiano das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar evidência da apropriação imediata de conceitos sobre planejamento familiar, utilizando-se de estratégia de gamificação, em uma aplicação do tipo jogo sério. Métodologia: A aplicação para dispositivos móveis utilizou tecnologia open-source e frameworks para plataforma híbrida, sendo oferecido gratuitamente em lojas de aplicativos. Como estratégia, o jogo apresentou desesseis situações do cotidiano dos casais acerca de contracepção. Para cada uma, quatro soluções foram preparadas para atender dimensões ligadas à saúde, família, amigos ou pais, apontando tal influência na decisão do jogador. O progresso na aprendizagem de conceitos sobre contracepção foi estimado pela diferença entre o número de métodos contraceptivos conhecidos após e antes do jogo, analisado estatisticamente. Resultados: Em seis meses, o número de downloads foi de 3652, com 2809 jogadoresadultos, 77% feminino e 84% com idade entre 18 e 33 anos. Considerando os países que utilizaram: 39% foram originários de Moçambique, 33% do Brasil, 21% de Angola e 7% de outros países. Parte dos jogadores adultos (1070, 38%) completaram os desesseis desafios. Dos 650 jogadores que relataram conhecer algum método contraceptivo previamente, 117 (18%) apresentaram diferença positiva entre o número de métodos conhecidos após (p <0,001), em relação aos conhedidos antes do jogo. Conclusão: O jogo sério Saia Justa foi capaz de expandir o acesso dos cidadãos à informação sobre métodos contraceptivos e mostrar evidência significativa de apropriação imediata de conceitos, indicando o potencial deste canal de comunicação para apoiar educação em saúde.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
The increasing development of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) paradigm has brought a redu... more The increasing development of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) paradigm has brought a reduction in the cost of software development and increased its speed, resulting in quality improvement and constant evolution. Examples of applications that greatly enhance this area are geographic information systems (GIS). They permit the allocation of raw data or processed information in a map, allowing contextualization of the information itself and knowledge extrapolation. The transfusion medicine is an excellent area of health in which one can use a GIS to display the geographic distribution of blood donors on the map. A FLOSS GIS is feasible in this context thus reducing the high governmental costs in Health Care Area. The information can be easily displayed without copyrights and other complications. For these reasons, we decided to develop a platform that allows the display of information relative to the blood donations. Our goals focused on: researching the state of the art off current status; data manipulation and processing of the donor's database; and modelling and developing a program that could show a varied option of queries that can be done to the database. We used some statistic approach to the data as well as software implementation. After its completion, it was possible to calculate the distribution of blood donors and cross reference this with the places of collect. The distribution of the donors by group or area was made visible for interpretation purposes. Ultimately, the feasibility of such systems is proved and the changes in blood donation management can represent an important improvement towards good care.
2013 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2013
ABSTRACT Development and use of specific information systems are nowadays a priority to healthcar... more ABSTRACT Development and use of specific information systems are nowadays a priority to healthcare organizations. This interdisciplinary paper, between Medicine and Computer Science, comprises an exploratory survey of obstetric and neonatal assistance during the process of birth by focusing on clinical records. It also involves the development of a healthcare indicators dashboard and the implementation of an Obstetric Electronic Health Record. All these efforts aim to improve quality of healthcare assistance. This prototype has been installed within a Brazilian university hospital. The preliminary results of Maternal and Neonatal Indicators included 859 deliveries (from August to December 2012). The cesarean section rate was 36.4% (65.4% high-risk pregnancy). Among the perinatal indicators, the Apgar Score bellow seven in the 5th minute was 5.56% and 0.93% whenever considering only fetuses defined as compatible with life. Disclosure and discussion of these data proved to be able to contribute to researches and to management of an obstetric healthcare unit.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2015
Clinical information about the birth composes an important set of data to the documentation about... more Clinical information about the birth composes an important set of data to the documentation about the care provided during childbirth. Formalized in the document Obstetric Impatient Discharge Summary (OIDS), such information are essential for continuity of mother and child attention, in the health care network. The main paper's objective is to propose an Information Model for this document based on ISO Standard 13606 for interoperability between health information systems in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
2015 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015
Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia : revista da Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2014
To analyze the relationships among gestational risk, type of delivery and immediate maternal and ... more To analyze the relationships among gestational risk, type of delivery and immediate maternal and neonatal repercussions. A retrospective cohort study based on secondary data was conducted in a university maternity hospital. A total of 1606 births were analyzed over a 9-month period. Epidemiological, clinical, obstetric and neonatal characteristics were compared according to the route of delivery and the gestational risk characterized on the basis of the eligibility criteria for high clinical risk. The occurrence of maternal and neonatal complications during hospitalization was analyzed according to gestational risk and cesarean section delivery using univariate and multivariate logistic analysis. The overall rate of cesarean sections was 38.3%. High gestational risk was present in 50.2% of births, mainly represented by hypertensive disorders and fetal malformations. The total incidence of cesarean section, planned cesarean section or emergency cesarean section was more frequent in p...
Background: Patient medical records contain many entries relating to patient conditions, treatmen... more Background: Patient medical records contain many entries relating to patient conditions, treatments and lab results. Generally involve multiple types of data and produces a large amount of information. These databases can provide important information for clinical decision and to support the management of the hospital. Medical databases have some specificities not often found in others non-medical databases. In this context, outlier detection techniques can be used to detect abnormal patterns in health records (for instance, problems in data quality) and this contributing to better data and better knowledge in the process of decision making. Aim: This systematic review intention to provide a better comprehension about the techniques used to detect outliers in healthcare data, for creates automatisms for those methods in the order to facilitate the access to information with quality in healthcare.