Rodrigo Duarte | UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais (original) (raw)

Papers by Rodrigo Duarte

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria Crítica e antropofagia

Artefilosofia, Jun 21, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Oswald de Andrade como filósofo: ontologia ou odontologia - por Rodrigo Duarte

[...] Tendo em vista o ponto de partida de sua discussão, segundo a qual Oswald de Andrade nunca ... more [...]
Tendo em vista o ponto de partida de
sua discussão, segundo a qual Oswald de
Andrade nunca teria sido um “especia-
lista puro”, e levando em conta igual-
mente a sua preocupação com o “legado
especulativo” do antropófago, Vita
conclui a favor de sua contribuição para
a filosofia brasileira de um modo que não
poderia ser mais característico de sua
atuação nos diversos âmbitos da vida
cultural brasileira: [...]

Research paper thumbnail of O meu encontro com Arthur Danto

Viso: Cadernos de Estética Aplicada, 2024

The article, written in the first person, narrates how, after a period of reluctance, I discovere... more The article, written in the first person, narrates how, after a period of reluctance, I discovered Arthur Danto's philosophy of art as one of the most exciting contributions in this field in the second half of the Twentieth Century. I also report my e-mail exchange with him between 2006 and 2013 (the year of Danto's death) and a lovely face-to-face meeting with him in New York in 2006. In addition, I mention the translations I did of works by him, like the article "The Artworld" and the book The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, and the papers I wrote approaching his work, both with him appearing as a main subject-author and in a kind of comparison with other philosophers such as Theodor Adorno and Vilém Flusser, for instance.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrevista com Prof.Dr.Rodrigo Duarte

Educação e Filosofia, 2023

Interview carried out in October 2023 by Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João P... more Interview carried out in October 2023 by Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias, Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha and granted to Educação e Filosofia for publication in v. 37, no. 81, p. 1727-1740, Sept./Dec. 2023, as an integral part of the Dossier Critical Theory 100 Years organized by Prof. Dr. Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Prof. Dr. AnaPaula de Ávila Gomide and Prof. Dr. Sertório de Amorim e Silva Neto, and also published in this same edition.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria Crítica e Antropofagia

Artefilosofia, 2024

Este artigo investiga as possibilidades de aproximação entre a Teoria Critica da Sociedade e a An... more Este artigo investiga as possibilidades de aproximação entre a Teoria Critica da Sociedade e a Antropofagia de Oswald de Andrade, tendo como ponto de partida acontecimentos quase simultâneos entre as duas correntes de pensamento. Toma-se aqui a contribuição de Horkheimer para os Estudos sobre autoridade e família, de 1935, nos quais já aparece certa confluência de Marx, Freud e Nietzsche, como termo de comparação com o Ensaio de Oswald de Andrade, A crise da filosofia messiânica, que se vale de recurso semelhante. Como conclusão, aponta-se que, em que pese a solidez filosófica com que se constituiu a Teoria Crítica, superando em muito os recursos teóricos de Oswald de Andrade, a Antropofagia se mostra mais preparada para os desafios do século XXI, na medida em que ela se constitui numa crítica contundente aos imperialismos de todas as ordens.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropofagia e a busca do novo homem: sobre a peculiaridade do Brasil em Oswald de Andrade e Vilem Flusser

Revista Ideação, 2024

An approximation between Vilém Flusser and Oswald de Andrade seems to be very plausible when we a... more An approximation between Vilém Flusser and Oswald de Andrade seems to be very plausible when we analyze some striking characteristics of their intellectual production: iconoclasm, irreverence, and an almost obsessive concern with the peculiarities of Brazilian reality and culture. It is, however, much more than that since, in a text little known to the Brazilian public, Vilém Flusser refers to Oswald de Andrade —contrary to the general opinion that considers him just a literature author —as the most significant Brazilian philosopher of his generation. Furthermore one should also draw attention to an element shared by both, namely, the ideal of humanity as embodying what Huizinga had called homo ludens, that is, the characteristic of a being whose best partis his impulse to play. Among the multiple possibilities of rapprochement between Flusser and Andrade, this paper focuses on the relevance of playfulness to both essential Brazilian philosophers.

Research paper thumbnail of Pós-história e Neo-Iluminismo - Notas sobre a correspondência entre Vilém Flusser e Sérgio Paulo Rouanet

Tangências do indizível: Festschrift em homenagem a Ricardo Timm de Souza

As it is widely known, Vilém Flusser was an almost compulsive letter writer, having written, acro... more As it is widely known, Vilém Flusser was an almost compulsive letter writer, having written, across his life, probably some thousands of letters of various sizes and formats, directed to many different receivers. Besides short texts, which often contained just quick news, some letters could be considered proper treatises, in which he approached both very freely and precisely the same topics in his theoretical essays, such as Post-History and Into the Universe of the Technical Images. So it is the case of his correspondence with Sérgio Paulo Rouanet - especially in the beginning of the eighties, in which both thinkers discuss in detail the then-new published book of Flusser on the post-history. Rouanet's position - sometimes quite critical - facing Flusser's work is presented and commented on in the first section of this text. His answer to Rouanet's criticism - sometimes very well-humored - appears in its second section.

Research paper thumbnail of Language as Poetry and Drama According to Benedito Nunes

AM Journal of Art and Media Studies

Benedito Nunes was a Brazilian philosopher and literary critic who developed his activities in th... more Benedito Nunes was a Brazilian philosopher and literary critic who developed his activities in the second half of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty first centuries. A graduate in law, he was, in the beginning of his intellectual career, an autodidact in philosophy, until he could attend Merleau-Ponty’s and Paul Ricouer’s courses in France, in 1960. His publications, ranging from didactic books to treatises and anthologies of essays, approach mainly topics of aesthetics and philosophy of art (particularly philosophy of literature). In this article special attention is given to two of his most relevant books: Passagem para o poético. Filosofia e Poesia em Heidegger [Passage to the poetic. Philosophy and poetry in Heidegger] – winner of 1987’s Prêmio Jabuti award – and O drama da linguagem. Uma leitura de Clarice Lispector [The Drama of Language. A Reading of Clarice Lispector]. Article received: April 23, 2021; Article accepted: July 30, 2021; Published online: Octobe...


Sensazione e proto-storia. La ricerca di Christoph Türcke, 2023

Christoph Türcke can be considered one of the most significant inheritors of the original impulse... more Christoph Türcke can be considered one of the most significant inheritors of the original impulse of the Critical Theory of Society, represented by Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse, among others. His extensive work approaches cultural and social matters from the viewpoint of social philosophy, focusing on topics like religion, politics, mass culture, psychoanalysis, and human behavior in post-industrial societies. Excited society. Philosophy of Sensation seems to be Türcke's book that better synthesizes the deepness and fruitfulness of his theoretical production, especially in understanding the complexity of the contemporary world since it focuses on the changes in social ethoi under the impact of the so-called new media, i.e., computer-based telecommunications systems, spread nowadays in all sectors of people's life. The wide-ranging applicability of Türcke's reflection in Excited society implies that it can be a powerful means not only to delve into the functioning of highly developed societies such as the US-American, European, or Japanese but also into the ones that, despite its complexity, display strong contrasts between modernity and archaism like the Brazilian. It does not occur by chance since Türcke was a guest professor in South Brazil and participated in events in many important Brazilian universities throughout the last decades. What is understood in this essay as "Brazilian misery" refers not only to the country's slavery past, the poverty of the majority of its population, and the many dictatorships it underwent in its two centuries of history as an independent country. This expression refers mainly to the fact the economic prosperity, political democracy, respect for human rights, and reduction of all sorts of inequality (racial, social, educational, and gender, among others) Brazilian society experienced during the thirteen years of the PT government were quickly ruined since the last six years. I mean events like the Putsch against Dilma Roussef — Brazil's first female president — in 2016, the defrauding arrest of Lula to prevent his winning the presidential election of 2018, and the consequent ascending of the neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro as the Brazilian president. The point of this essay is to show that the miserable condition to which the country was brought can be wholly understood through the manipulation mechanisms described in Türcke's Excited Society. Philosophy of Sensation.

Research paper thumbnail of Deplatzierungen

Research paper thumbnail of Schematism and semi-erudition

Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a relação entre a concepção, de Adorno, da "Teoria da ... more Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a relação entre a concepção, de Adorno, da "Teoria da semiformação" e sua sugestão (juntamente com Horkheimer), na Dialética do esclarecimento, de que a indústria cultural usurpa dos indivíduos a capacidade de "esquematizar", isto é – de acordo com o ponto de vista kantiano na Crítica da razão pura –, referir sua percepção sensível a conceitos fundamentais. Já que no capítulo da Dialética do esclarecimento sobre a indústria cultural os autores não desenvolvem essa idéia, tento encontrar um desenvolvimento dela na parte intitulada "Elementos do anti-semitismo", particularmente na seção sobre a "falsa projeção". É possível mostrar, então, que a mesma concepção de semiformação, que na Dialética do esclarecimento liga a teoria sobre o anti-semitismo com a crítica à indústria cultural, poder ser considerada um conceito aplicado às questões educacionais.This paper aims at showing the relationship between "T...

Research paper thumbnail of Perception and interpretation

Este artigo enfoca a apropriação que Horkheimer e Adorno fazem da doutrina kantiana do esquematis... more Este artigo enfoca a apropriação que Horkheimer e Adorno fazem da doutrina kantiana do esquematismo no sentido de apontar para o procedimento – característico da indústria cultural – de usurpar de seus consumidores a capacidade de “esquematizar” (referir intuições a conceitos) por si próprios. Considerando-se que os autores não dão outras indicações sobre como se dá esse processo em relação aos meios de massa, o texto procura explicar como a própria percepção em geral é atingida pela “usurpação do esquematismo” a partir de colocações do capítulo da Dialética do esclarecimento sobre o antisemitismo. Essas colocações são complementadas – e também comparadas – com as de Hans Lenk no seu livro O pensamento e o seu conteúdo.This article approaches the use Horkheimer and Adorno of the Kantian doctrine of schematism do in order to explain culture industry‟s typical procedure, according to which the capacity of its customers to “schematizing” (i.e., referring intuitions to concepts) by thei...

Research paper thumbnail of A banalização do mal: sobre Auschwitz, a religião do cotidiano e a teoria social

Viso, 2013

Neste artigo, traduzido para o português por Rodrigo Duarte, Detlev Claussen discute a banalizaçã... more Neste artigo, traduzido para o português por Rodrigo Duarte, Detlev Claussen discute a banalização do mal a partir da relação da indústria cultural com Auschwitz. O autor sugere que a substituição dessa palavra pelo termo mais geral "holocausto" é uma das estratégias empregadas pelos meios de massa para trivializar a comunicabilidade do que se passou nesse campo de concentração – uma experiência que permanece essencialmente incomunicável.

Research paper thumbnail of A desartifi cação da arte segundo Adorno: antecedentes e ressonâncias

The theme of “desartifi cation of art” – one of the most original but also obscure, contributions... more The theme of “desartifi cation of art” – one of the most original but also obscure, contributions of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory – is discussed in this paper on the basis of this author’s passages on the subject. Nevertheless, in spite of its specifi city in the Adornian aesthetics, the concept of desartifi cation presents a relation not only to the previous tradition of the philosophy of art, specially to the theme of the end of art at Hegel’s Courses of Aesthetics but also to its most recent developments such as Arthur Danto’s theory on contemporary (or post-historical) art. Thus the investigation of the theme of desartifi cation in Adorno is preceded here by a concise analysis of the Hegelian topic and followed by a brief presentation of the connected subject in Danto’s aesthetic.

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos filosóficos e psicológicos da discriminação e sua aplicação ao caso brasileiro

Research paper thumbnail of Ästhetische Erfahrung als Modell des »Eingedenkens der Natur im Subjekt«

Deplatzierungen, 2016

Das Kapitel zeigt auf, inwiefern eine philosophisch vermittelte, qualifizierte Erfahrung von natu... more Das Kapitel zeigt auf, inwiefern eine philosophisch vermittelte, qualifizierte Erfahrung von naturlichen und kunstlichen Gegenstanden, denen asthetische Eigenschaften anhaften, eine politische und philosophische Haltung gegen die systematische Zerstorung von Mensch und Umwelt gewahrleisten kann. Der Beitrag, den Erwagungen dieser Art leisten konnen, liegt darin, dass man kraft der konkreten Erfahrung eines asthetisch ansprechenden Gegenstandes der ganzen Naturproblematik auf einmal gewahr werden kann. Es ersetzt weder die theoretische und diskursive, noch die politische Arbeit, die angesichts der Umweltkrise nach wie vor geleistet werden muss, doch er festigt das Bewusstsein ihrer Notwendigkeit.

Research paper thumbnail of Die »globale« Kulturindustrie und ihre Kritik

Deplatzierungen, 2016

Die Globalisierung hat die Debatte uber die Kulturindustrie wieder neu entstehen lassen, nachdem ... more Die Globalisierung hat die Debatte uber die Kulturindustrie wieder neu entstehen lassen, nachdem es schien, als sei sie ein fur alle Mal aus der Diskussion verbannt oder aber nur noch den Fachleuten vorbehalten. Eingegangen wird zunachst auf die Thesen von Scott Lash und Ulrich Beck sowie die Diskussion um den Ausdruck der „globalen Kulturindustrie“. Im Folgenden werden drei zentrale Aspekte der klassischen Kritik an der Kulturindustrie herausgearbeitet: der wirtschaftliche, der ideologische und der asthetische Aspekt.

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre as relações entre os media: do paragone de Da Vinci à “pseudomorfose” de Adorno

Este artigo enfoca a questao da discussao teorica sobre as relacoes mutuas entre as diversas ling... more Este artigo enfoca a questao da discussao teorica sobre as relacoes mutuas entre as diversas linguagens artisticas, partindo do Trattato della pittura de Da Vinci, abordando tambem as posicoes conexas na reflexao contemporânea sobre arte e estetica (especialmente Clement Greenberg e Theodor Adorno). Enquanto o artista e pensador renascentista advoga para a pintura o primeiro lugar entre todas as artes, Lessing aponta para a superioridade da poesia. Quanto a Greenber, o que esta em questao e – tendo em vista a dominacao de uma arte sobre as outras – a demanda de que cada linguagem deveria se ater ao traco que melhor a caracteriza. Essa mesma reivindicacao e conexa, em Adorno, com o diagnostico cultural de um serio processo de reificacao na cultura e na sociedade.

Research paper thumbnail of Para una educación crítica en la post-historia

Research paper thumbnail of Instantâneos da pandemia

Diagnóstico do tempo: implicações éticas, políticas e sociais da pandemia, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria Crítica e antropofagia

Artefilosofia, Jun 21, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Oswald de Andrade como filósofo: ontologia ou odontologia - por Rodrigo Duarte

[...] Tendo em vista o ponto de partida de sua discussão, segundo a qual Oswald de Andrade nunca ... more [...]
Tendo em vista o ponto de partida de
sua discussão, segundo a qual Oswald de
Andrade nunca teria sido um “especia-
lista puro”, e levando em conta igual-
mente a sua preocupação com o “legado
especulativo” do antropófago, Vita
conclui a favor de sua contribuição para
a filosofia brasileira de um modo que não
poderia ser mais característico de sua
atuação nos diversos âmbitos da vida
cultural brasileira: [...]

Research paper thumbnail of O meu encontro com Arthur Danto

Viso: Cadernos de Estética Aplicada, 2024

The article, written in the first person, narrates how, after a period of reluctance, I discovere... more The article, written in the first person, narrates how, after a period of reluctance, I discovered Arthur Danto's philosophy of art as one of the most exciting contributions in this field in the second half of the Twentieth Century. I also report my e-mail exchange with him between 2006 and 2013 (the year of Danto's death) and a lovely face-to-face meeting with him in New York in 2006. In addition, I mention the translations I did of works by him, like the article "The Artworld" and the book The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, and the papers I wrote approaching his work, both with him appearing as a main subject-author and in a kind of comparison with other philosophers such as Theodor Adorno and Vilém Flusser, for instance.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrevista com Prof.Dr.Rodrigo Duarte

Educação e Filosofia, 2023

Interview carried out in October 2023 by Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João P... more Interview carried out in October 2023 by Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias, Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha and granted to Educação e Filosofia for publication in v. 37, no. 81, p. 1727-1740, Sept./Dec. 2023, as an integral part of the Dossier Critical Theory 100 Years organized by Prof. Dr. Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Prof. Dr. AnaPaula de Ávila Gomide and Prof. Dr. Sertório de Amorim e Silva Neto, and also published in this same edition.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria Crítica e Antropofagia

Artefilosofia, 2024

Este artigo investiga as possibilidades de aproximação entre a Teoria Critica da Sociedade e a An... more Este artigo investiga as possibilidades de aproximação entre a Teoria Critica da Sociedade e a Antropofagia de Oswald de Andrade, tendo como ponto de partida acontecimentos quase simultâneos entre as duas correntes de pensamento. Toma-se aqui a contribuição de Horkheimer para os Estudos sobre autoridade e família, de 1935, nos quais já aparece certa confluência de Marx, Freud e Nietzsche, como termo de comparação com o Ensaio de Oswald de Andrade, A crise da filosofia messiânica, que se vale de recurso semelhante. Como conclusão, aponta-se que, em que pese a solidez filosófica com que se constituiu a Teoria Crítica, superando em muito os recursos teóricos de Oswald de Andrade, a Antropofagia se mostra mais preparada para os desafios do século XXI, na medida em que ela se constitui numa crítica contundente aos imperialismos de todas as ordens.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropofagia e a busca do novo homem: sobre a peculiaridade do Brasil em Oswald de Andrade e Vilem Flusser

Revista Ideação, 2024

An approximation between Vilém Flusser and Oswald de Andrade seems to be very plausible when we a... more An approximation between Vilém Flusser and Oswald de Andrade seems to be very plausible when we analyze some striking characteristics of their intellectual production: iconoclasm, irreverence, and an almost obsessive concern with the peculiarities of Brazilian reality and culture. It is, however, much more than that since, in a text little known to the Brazilian public, Vilém Flusser refers to Oswald de Andrade —contrary to the general opinion that considers him just a literature author —as the most significant Brazilian philosopher of his generation. Furthermore one should also draw attention to an element shared by both, namely, the ideal of humanity as embodying what Huizinga had called homo ludens, that is, the characteristic of a being whose best partis his impulse to play. Among the multiple possibilities of rapprochement between Flusser and Andrade, this paper focuses on the relevance of playfulness to both essential Brazilian philosophers.

Research paper thumbnail of Pós-história e Neo-Iluminismo - Notas sobre a correspondência entre Vilém Flusser e Sérgio Paulo Rouanet

Tangências do indizível: Festschrift em homenagem a Ricardo Timm de Souza

As it is widely known, Vilém Flusser was an almost compulsive letter writer, having written, acro... more As it is widely known, Vilém Flusser was an almost compulsive letter writer, having written, across his life, probably some thousands of letters of various sizes and formats, directed to many different receivers. Besides short texts, which often contained just quick news, some letters could be considered proper treatises, in which he approached both very freely and precisely the same topics in his theoretical essays, such as Post-History and Into the Universe of the Technical Images. So it is the case of his correspondence with Sérgio Paulo Rouanet - especially in the beginning of the eighties, in which both thinkers discuss in detail the then-new published book of Flusser on the post-history. Rouanet's position - sometimes quite critical - facing Flusser's work is presented and commented on in the first section of this text. His answer to Rouanet's criticism - sometimes very well-humored - appears in its second section.

Research paper thumbnail of Language as Poetry and Drama According to Benedito Nunes

AM Journal of Art and Media Studies

Benedito Nunes was a Brazilian philosopher and literary critic who developed his activities in th... more Benedito Nunes was a Brazilian philosopher and literary critic who developed his activities in the second half of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty first centuries. A graduate in law, he was, in the beginning of his intellectual career, an autodidact in philosophy, until he could attend Merleau-Ponty’s and Paul Ricouer’s courses in France, in 1960. His publications, ranging from didactic books to treatises and anthologies of essays, approach mainly topics of aesthetics and philosophy of art (particularly philosophy of literature). In this article special attention is given to two of his most relevant books: Passagem para o poético. Filosofia e Poesia em Heidegger [Passage to the poetic. Philosophy and poetry in Heidegger] – winner of 1987’s Prêmio Jabuti award – and O drama da linguagem. Uma leitura de Clarice Lispector [The Drama of Language. A Reading of Clarice Lispector]. Article received: April 23, 2021; Article accepted: July 30, 2021; Published online: Octobe...


Sensazione e proto-storia. La ricerca di Christoph Türcke, 2023

Christoph Türcke can be considered one of the most significant inheritors of the original impulse... more Christoph Türcke can be considered one of the most significant inheritors of the original impulse of the Critical Theory of Society, represented by Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse, among others. His extensive work approaches cultural and social matters from the viewpoint of social philosophy, focusing on topics like religion, politics, mass culture, psychoanalysis, and human behavior in post-industrial societies. Excited society. Philosophy of Sensation seems to be Türcke's book that better synthesizes the deepness and fruitfulness of his theoretical production, especially in understanding the complexity of the contemporary world since it focuses on the changes in social ethoi under the impact of the so-called new media, i.e., computer-based telecommunications systems, spread nowadays in all sectors of people's life. The wide-ranging applicability of Türcke's reflection in Excited society implies that it can be a powerful means not only to delve into the functioning of highly developed societies such as the US-American, European, or Japanese but also into the ones that, despite its complexity, display strong contrasts between modernity and archaism like the Brazilian. It does not occur by chance since Türcke was a guest professor in South Brazil and participated in events in many important Brazilian universities throughout the last decades. What is understood in this essay as "Brazilian misery" refers not only to the country's slavery past, the poverty of the majority of its population, and the many dictatorships it underwent in its two centuries of history as an independent country. This expression refers mainly to the fact the economic prosperity, political democracy, respect for human rights, and reduction of all sorts of inequality (racial, social, educational, and gender, among others) Brazilian society experienced during the thirteen years of the PT government were quickly ruined since the last six years. I mean events like the Putsch against Dilma Roussef — Brazil's first female president — in 2016, the defrauding arrest of Lula to prevent his winning the presidential election of 2018, and the consequent ascending of the neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro as the Brazilian president. The point of this essay is to show that the miserable condition to which the country was brought can be wholly understood through the manipulation mechanisms described in Türcke's Excited Society. Philosophy of Sensation.

Research paper thumbnail of Deplatzierungen

Research paper thumbnail of Schematism and semi-erudition

Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a relação entre a concepção, de Adorno, da "Teoria da ... more Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a relação entre a concepção, de Adorno, da "Teoria da semiformação" e sua sugestão (juntamente com Horkheimer), na Dialética do esclarecimento, de que a indústria cultural usurpa dos indivíduos a capacidade de "esquematizar", isto é – de acordo com o ponto de vista kantiano na Crítica da razão pura –, referir sua percepção sensível a conceitos fundamentais. Já que no capítulo da Dialética do esclarecimento sobre a indústria cultural os autores não desenvolvem essa idéia, tento encontrar um desenvolvimento dela na parte intitulada "Elementos do anti-semitismo", particularmente na seção sobre a "falsa projeção". É possível mostrar, então, que a mesma concepção de semiformação, que na Dialética do esclarecimento liga a teoria sobre o anti-semitismo com a crítica à indústria cultural, poder ser considerada um conceito aplicado às questões educacionais.This paper aims at showing the relationship between "T...

Research paper thumbnail of Perception and interpretation

Este artigo enfoca a apropriação que Horkheimer e Adorno fazem da doutrina kantiana do esquematis... more Este artigo enfoca a apropriação que Horkheimer e Adorno fazem da doutrina kantiana do esquematismo no sentido de apontar para o procedimento – característico da indústria cultural – de usurpar de seus consumidores a capacidade de “esquematizar” (referir intuições a conceitos) por si próprios. Considerando-se que os autores não dão outras indicações sobre como se dá esse processo em relação aos meios de massa, o texto procura explicar como a própria percepção em geral é atingida pela “usurpação do esquematismo” a partir de colocações do capítulo da Dialética do esclarecimento sobre o antisemitismo. Essas colocações são complementadas – e também comparadas – com as de Hans Lenk no seu livro O pensamento e o seu conteúdo.This article approaches the use Horkheimer and Adorno of the Kantian doctrine of schematism do in order to explain culture industry‟s typical procedure, according to which the capacity of its customers to “schematizing” (i.e., referring intuitions to concepts) by thei...

Research paper thumbnail of A banalização do mal: sobre Auschwitz, a religião do cotidiano e a teoria social

Viso, 2013

Neste artigo, traduzido para o português por Rodrigo Duarte, Detlev Claussen discute a banalizaçã... more Neste artigo, traduzido para o português por Rodrigo Duarte, Detlev Claussen discute a banalização do mal a partir da relação da indústria cultural com Auschwitz. O autor sugere que a substituição dessa palavra pelo termo mais geral "holocausto" é uma das estratégias empregadas pelos meios de massa para trivializar a comunicabilidade do que se passou nesse campo de concentração – uma experiência que permanece essencialmente incomunicável.

Research paper thumbnail of A desartifi cação da arte segundo Adorno: antecedentes e ressonâncias

The theme of “desartifi cation of art” – one of the most original but also obscure, contributions... more The theme of “desartifi cation of art” – one of the most original but also obscure, contributions of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory – is discussed in this paper on the basis of this author’s passages on the subject. Nevertheless, in spite of its specifi city in the Adornian aesthetics, the concept of desartifi cation presents a relation not only to the previous tradition of the philosophy of art, specially to the theme of the end of art at Hegel’s Courses of Aesthetics but also to its most recent developments such as Arthur Danto’s theory on contemporary (or post-historical) art. Thus the investigation of the theme of desartifi cation in Adorno is preceded here by a concise analysis of the Hegelian topic and followed by a brief presentation of the connected subject in Danto’s aesthetic.

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos filosóficos e psicológicos da discriminação e sua aplicação ao caso brasileiro

Research paper thumbnail of Ästhetische Erfahrung als Modell des »Eingedenkens der Natur im Subjekt«

Deplatzierungen, 2016

Das Kapitel zeigt auf, inwiefern eine philosophisch vermittelte, qualifizierte Erfahrung von natu... more Das Kapitel zeigt auf, inwiefern eine philosophisch vermittelte, qualifizierte Erfahrung von naturlichen und kunstlichen Gegenstanden, denen asthetische Eigenschaften anhaften, eine politische und philosophische Haltung gegen die systematische Zerstorung von Mensch und Umwelt gewahrleisten kann. Der Beitrag, den Erwagungen dieser Art leisten konnen, liegt darin, dass man kraft der konkreten Erfahrung eines asthetisch ansprechenden Gegenstandes der ganzen Naturproblematik auf einmal gewahr werden kann. Es ersetzt weder die theoretische und diskursive, noch die politische Arbeit, die angesichts der Umweltkrise nach wie vor geleistet werden muss, doch er festigt das Bewusstsein ihrer Notwendigkeit.

Research paper thumbnail of Die »globale« Kulturindustrie und ihre Kritik

Deplatzierungen, 2016

Die Globalisierung hat die Debatte uber die Kulturindustrie wieder neu entstehen lassen, nachdem ... more Die Globalisierung hat die Debatte uber die Kulturindustrie wieder neu entstehen lassen, nachdem es schien, als sei sie ein fur alle Mal aus der Diskussion verbannt oder aber nur noch den Fachleuten vorbehalten. Eingegangen wird zunachst auf die Thesen von Scott Lash und Ulrich Beck sowie die Diskussion um den Ausdruck der „globalen Kulturindustrie“. Im Folgenden werden drei zentrale Aspekte der klassischen Kritik an der Kulturindustrie herausgearbeitet: der wirtschaftliche, der ideologische und der asthetische Aspekt.

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre as relações entre os media: do paragone de Da Vinci à “pseudomorfose” de Adorno

Este artigo enfoca a questao da discussao teorica sobre as relacoes mutuas entre as diversas ling... more Este artigo enfoca a questao da discussao teorica sobre as relacoes mutuas entre as diversas linguagens artisticas, partindo do Trattato della pittura de Da Vinci, abordando tambem as posicoes conexas na reflexao contemporânea sobre arte e estetica (especialmente Clement Greenberg e Theodor Adorno). Enquanto o artista e pensador renascentista advoga para a pintura o primeiro lugar entre todas as artes, Lessing aponta para a superioridade da poesia. Quanto a Greenber, o que esta em questao e – tendo em vista a dominacao de uma arte sobre as outras – a demanda de que cada linguagem deveria se ater ao traco que melhor a caracteriza. Essa mesma reivindicacao e conexa, em Adorno, com o diagnostico cultural de um serio processo de reificacao na cultura e na sociedade.

Research paper thumbnail of Para una educación crítica en la post-historia

Research paper thumbnail of Instantâneos da pandemia

Diagnóstico do tempo: implicações éticas, políticas e sociais da pandemia, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pós-história de Vilém Flusser - Gênese-anatomia-desdobramentos

Post-History of Vilém Flusser - Genesis-Anatomy-Developments aims at a presentation of the Czech-... more Post-History of Vilém Flusser - Genesis-Anatomy-Developments aims at a presentation of the Czech-Brazilian philosopher's work, in which his concept of "post-history" underpins all his reflection on the contemporary media and society. The author shows how his early works from the sixties like "The history of the Devil" and "Language and Reality" prepare the field for the construction of the concept in the seventies - in works like "Communicology" - and its full development in books such as "Post-History", "Towards a Philosophy of Photography" and "Into the Universe of Technical Images" in the eighties.

Research paper thumbnail of Mímesis e Racionalidade. A concepção de domínio da natureza em Theodor W. Adorno

Coleção Filosofia - Edições Loyola, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of Marx e a natureza em O capital

The investigation on Karl Marx’s concept of nature in "The Capital" requires a historical approac... more The investigation on Karl Marx’s concept of nature in "The Capital" requires a historical approach that starts from the magical conception of nature, proceeds through Greek cosmology and the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, taking into account also Hegel’s conception of the matter. As for Marx’s work itself, it is desirable focusing firstly on his early writings, in order to accomplish the considerable difference between these and his mature book, due to the strong influence of Feuerbach's Sensualismus on the former. Inside "The Capital" itself there is an important distinction concerning the concept of nature: This is simultaneously the subtract of human activity – work process, insulated from every kind of social form – and the source of forces that humankind employs in its tools and machines in form of technology. The second one is typical of capitalist societies and is, for Marx, one pre-condition to humankind setting itself free from all sorts of domination and exploitation. This statement of Marx is in part responsible for a strong polemic nowadays, in which ecologists blame Marxism of being as destructive to nature as liberal capitalism, because it supports the concept of an infinite development of productive forces as a medium to reach socialism. On the other hand Marxists label ecologists as "romantic" and reactionary. Based on many passages of Marx's work itself, I intend to show in this book, that neither ecologists nor Marxists are completely right.

Research paper thumbnail of Morte da Arte hoje

The book contains the proceedings of the conference "Morte da Arte Hoje" (Death of Art Today), ho... more The book contains the proceedings of the conference "Morte da Arte Hoje" (Death of Art Today), hold from 15th to 18th April 1993 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). Edited by Rodrigo Duarte, with contributions by Gerd Borheim, Benedito Nunes, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Ernildo Stein and many others.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria crítica da indústria cultural

It is a book in which both the genesis and development of the concept of the culture industry in ... more It is a book in which both the genesis and development of the concept of the culture industry in the work of Adorno are scrutinized. The first chapter focuses on the context of the appearance of the Frankfurt Institut and theoretical presuppositions of the critique of the culture industry. The second chapter approaches the "classical" formulation of this critique in the "Dialectic of the Enlightenment", stressing its three main sections -- "Concept of Enlightenment", "Culture Industry as Mass Deception" and "Elements of Anti-Semitism". The third chapter focuses on Adorno's sociological approaches concerning the culture industry, as it appears in works like "The Authoritarian Personality", "The Stars down to Earth", and his Theory of Semi-Erudition. The fourth chapter deals with Adorno's aesthetical approaches to the topic of the culture industry, focusing on books such as "Minima Moralia", "Philosophy of Modern Music", "Aesthetic Theory", as well as his writings about movies and television. Finally, the fifth and last chapter focuses on what happened to the culture industry since Adorno's death in terms of technological development (analogic and digital video, Internet, social media, etc.) and geo-political changes in the world (fall of the Berlin Wall with the subsequent bankrupt of the so-called "real socialism", etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of Adornos. Nove ensaios sobre o filósofo frankfurtiano


Outramargem - Revista de Filosofia, 2019

1º Bloco-Trajetória, carreira e pesquisas. 1. O senhor poderia falar um pouco sobre as razões que... more 1º Bloco-Trajetória, carreira e pesquisas. 1. O senhor poderia falar um pouco sobre as razões que o levaram a escolher o curso de Filosofia, o ambiente filosófico na UFMG e a importância dos professores na sua formação e a sua atuação enquanto professor/pesquisador? Posso dizer que sempre tive uma grande atração por tudo que dizia respeito ao pensamento e é possível que, desde criança, eu já tenha tido certa tendência à introspecção e à reflexão. Mas na adolescência, ao lado dessa tendência, surgiu em mim um interesse forte pela música e eu, que já tocava violão popular, aprendido em casa, comecei a aprender violão clássico. Nesse meio tempo, o meu interesse por música contemporânea me levou à decisão de estudar engenharia eletrônica, uma vez que eu pretendia me tornar um compositor de música eletroacústica. Numa situação de muito esforço pessoal-desgaste mesmo-, eu estudava engenharia à noite na PUC (único curso superior de eletrônica em BH, à época), tendo o período diurno dividido entre as aulas de música (percepção musical, harmonia e composição) que eu recebia e as que eu dava, como ganha-pão, numa escola técnica particular. Acho que as frustrações associadas ao enorme tecnicismo e à aridez do curso de engenharia e às grandes exigências do estudo de música me levaram a, nas poucas horas vagas, começar a ler livros de história da filosofia e fui me interessando tanto por esse assunto a ponto de, num certo momento, eu chegar à conclusão de que, se eu não fosse fazer mesmo a graduação em filosofia, eu nunca seria feliz-jamais me realizaria em termos pessoais. Foi então que começou a minha história com a UFMG: o curso de filosofia da PUC era muito voltado à preparação de seminaristas para o sacerdócio e a minha demanda era de * Link da entrevista em vídeo em nosso Canal no Youtube: .

Research paper thumbnail of A Dialética do Esclarecimento faz 70 Anos: entrevista com Rodrigo Duarte

Dialectic of Enlightenment at seventy: interview with Rodrigo Duarte The main objective of this ... more Dialectic of Enlightenment at seventy: interview with Rodrigo Duarte

The main objective of this interview with Professor Rodrigo Duarte is to share with the readers of the journal Opinião Filosófica an important date: the seventieth anniversary of Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment, written in California in 1944, but published in 1947 by Querido Verlag in Amsterdam. Although almost seven decades have passed since the publication, bringing the emergence of new types of social life, new formal features in cultural life and the consolidation of a new world economic order still remain highly topical. Duarte, an Adorno scholar from Brazil, shows that the concepts of the German philosopher are a valid source of knowledge in order to substantiate a critique of the contemporary culture.

Research paper thumbnail of “Bidimensioniosis”: a secondary disease of the Pandemic

Blog Aisthesis, 2020

A personal report on the psychological problems of having to deal continuously with the bidimensi... more A personal report on the psychological problems of having to deal continuously with the bidimensional screens of digital devices for work, consumption, leisure and social contacts, due to the COVID19 Pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Alice Serra, Rodrigo Duarte, Romero Freitas (ed.). Imagem, imaginação, fantasia: 20 anos sem Vilém Flusser. Relicário, 2014.

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V. 34, Numero especial, 2011

A ideia do "fi m da história", subentendida no capítulo fi nal da Fenomenologia do espírito, serv... more A ideia do "fi m da história", subentendida no capítulo fi nal da Fenomenologia do espírito, serviu de base para o início de uma discussão, feita a partir das posições assumidas por Alexandre Kojève nos seus cursos sobre Hegel em Paris, na década de 1930, e em sua publicação no fi nal dos anos 1940 (com reedição em 1968), voltou à baila com o artigo de Francis Fukuyama, de 1989, sobre o "fi m da história", no qual ele comemorava o fi m do "socialismo real" e a hegemonia mundial completa dos Estados Unidos da América. Passada a euforia sobre a "nova ordem mundial", inclusive em virtude de sucessivas crises econômicas, é interessante recolocar a questão sobre as condições sob as quais são aceitáveis conceitos associados a esse tema, especialmente o substantivo "pós-história" e o adjetivo "pós-histórico". A tese a ser defendida nesse artigo é a de que o campo da estética é um âmbito em que esses conceitos são defensáveis. Como exemplos de refl exões estéticas frutíferas que deles se valem, são consideradas a noção de "arte pós-histórica", de Arthur Danto, e os desdobramentos estéticos do conceito de "pós-história", tal como sustentado por Vilém Flusser.


V. 34 , Numero especial, 2011

A ideia do "fi m da história", subentendida no capítulo fi nal da Fenomenologia do espírito, serv... more A ideia do "fi m da história", subentendida no capítulo fi nal da Fenomenologia do espírito, serviu de base para o início de uma discussão, feita a partir das posições assumidas por Alexandre Kojève nos seus cursos sobre Hegel em Paris, na década de 1930, e em sua publicação no fi nal dos anos 1940 (com reedição em 1968), voltou à baila com o artigo de Francis Fukuyama, de 1989, sobre o "fi m da história", no qual ele comemorava o fi m do "socialismo real" e a hegemonia mundial completa dos Estados Unidos da América. Passada a euforia sobre a "nova ordem mundial", inclusive em virtude de sucessivas crises econômicas, é interessante recolocar a questão sobre as condições sob as quais são aceitáveis conceitos associados a esse tema, especialmente o substantivo "pós-história" e o adjetivo "pós-histórico". A tese a ser defendida nesse artigo é a de que o campo da estética é um âmbito em que esses conceitos são defensáveis. Como exemplos de refl exões estéticas frutíferas que deles se valem, são consideradas a noção de "arte pós-histórica", de Arthur Danto, e os desdobramentos estéticos do conceito de "pós-história", tal como sustentado por Vilém Flusser.