Nara Amélia Farias | Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Federal University of Pelotas) (original) (raw)
Papers by Nara Amélia Farias
Veterinary Parasitology, 2005
A trained observer direct count method to measure horn fly population was evaluated to determine ... more A trained observer direct count method to measure horn fly population was evaluated to determine the reliability (interobserver agreement) and its validity when compared with a ''gold standard'' method (video film). All the counts were performed with the animals restrained in a chute in a single herd. A direct count of horn flies by each of two observers on opposite sides of the animal was made. In addition a videotape recording of the counting surface on each animal was made. Horn flies were counted on 80 cows in the morning twice monthly from 22 October 1999 to 24 March 2000. The correlation between observer counts was high as was the correlation between observer counts and counts made from a videotape recording. Direct counts by trained observers were highly reliable and had good validity. However, videotape recording can be useful when the horn fly population is high, because it is faster in the field than the direct count method. The results of this study suggest that the direct count method can be used with confidence under field conditions.
Veterinary Parasitology, 2008
Abundance of adult horn flies, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), was monitored on 25 untreated H... more Abundance of adult horn flies, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), was monitored on 25 untreated Hereford cows in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay, during three consecutive grazing seasons, from October 1999 to May 2002. The population showed a variable pattern of abundance during three years, with peaks in late summer-early fall of each year. Adult flies were continuously present, although in very low numbers in intervening winters. Numbers of flies per cow rarely exceeded a reference level of 200 flies per animal during the grazing season. Degree-day calculations indicated that approximately 12 generations were possible each year. Time series analysis of mean densities among consecutive generations indicated that population growth was governed by simple, direct density-dependence, with additional effects of seasonally varying weather. Response surface regressions confirmed that intergenerational growth was inversely related to mean density, and directly related to temperature. Stochastic simulations with the response surface model suggested that within the range of temperatures observed in our study, horn fly populations on Hereford cattle will tend toward densities of approximately 150 flies per animal in summer, and exceed a nominal level of 200 flies per cow one or more times in about 65 of every 100 grazing seasons.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 1986
As leguminosas Stylosanthes scabra Vog. e Stylosanthes viscosa Sw. e as gramineas capim-gordura... more As leguminosas Stylosanthes scabra Vog. e Stylosanthes viscosa Sw. e as gramineas capim-gordura ( Melinis minutiflora Beauv.), capim-braquiaria ( Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain et Evrard) e capim-elefante ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), cultivadas em casa de vegetacao, foram testadas quanto as suas propriedades de antibiose e antixenose com larvas de carrapato-de-boi ( Boophilus microplus Canestrini, 1887). Em dois experimentos similares, foram colocadas 100 larvas em cada planta, e os efeitos foram avaliados apos 5 , 10 e 20 dias de contato larva/forrageira. O capim-gordura, S. viscasa e scabra, especies dotadas de pelos epidermicos glandulares produtores de secrecoes viscosas, exerceram mecanismos de antixenose (repelencia) e de antibiose (provocando a morte ou mantendo as larvas presas as secrecoes) com as larvas. A reducao maxima da populacao de larvas potencialmente infestantes ocorreu aos 20 dias de contato larva/forrageira. Dentre essas especies potencialmente uteis ao controle biologico do carrapato, destacou-se o capim-gordura, que reduziu em 95% a populacao de larvas infestantes. O capim-elefante e o capim-braquiaria revelaram pouca ou nenhuma interferencia no comportamento das larvas.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
This study aims to record mites associated with the respiratory system of Columba livia Gmelin, 1... more This study aims to record mites associated with the respiratory system of Columba livia Gmelin, 1789, including data of parasitological indices and of coinfections in southern Brazil. Two hundred and two specimens of C. livia were collected in the urban area in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil. Fifty-six (27.7%) birds were parasitized by Rhinonyssidae and Ereynetidae mites. Tinaminyssus columbae (Crossley, 1950) and Tinaminyssus melloi (Castro, 1948) (Rhinonyssidae) were found in nasal cavities and tracheae of the birds. Trispeleognathus striatus (Crossley, 1952) (Ereynetidae) was found in hosts’ nasal cavities. The prevalence of Rhinonyssidae mites (25.2%) was significantly higher than obtained for Ereynetidae (5.9%). Coinfections only occurred in nasal cavities of 8 (3.96%) birds. This study records for the first time T. columbae and Trispeleognathus striatus parasitizing C. livia in Brazil. In addition, mite infection indices and coinfections of Rhinonyssidae and Ere...
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2019
ABSTRACT: A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at “Labor... more ABSTRACT: A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at “Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico” of “Faculdade de Veterinária” of “Universidade Federal de Pelotas” (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated wit...
There is lack of information on the risk of infection for helminths and protozoa in areas surroun... more There is lack of information on the risk of infection for helminths and protozoa in areas surrounded for children recreation, limiting the access of dogs without owners. The objective of this work was to verify soil contamination by helminths and protozoa in the playgrounds of residential buildings in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples from 39 playgrounds of 21 residential buildings were examined by modified Caldwell & Caldwell technique. Although the majority of the residential buildings (20) are protected by grating, contamination was found in the ground of squares in 47.6% of the residential buildings. Toxocara eggs were the most frequently found in soil samples in the residential buildings (33.3%). Strongyloidea and Trichuris eggs and protozoa oocysts also were found. These results indicate the contamination of soil of playgrounds by zoonotic parasites known to infect humans.
Science And Animal Health, 2020
This study was carried out to detect chewing lice species occurring on Crested Caracara (Caracara... more This study was carried out to detect chewing lice species occurring on Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) in Southern Brazil between January 2014 and December 2018. For this aim, the road-kill birds were collected for parasitological studies at the Biology Institute, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Federal University of Pelotas. Fourteen road-kill birds were examined for ectoparasites. The birds were washed with water and detergent for the collection of ectoparasites by filtration using a 150 μm mesh sieve. The samples were separated into pellet and supernatant and were kept in microcentrifuge tubes containing ethyl alcohol 70% for the screening procedures and identification. A total of 794 specimens of lice were collected and examined, presenting the following breakdown by Amblycera suborder: Colpocephalum flavescens (753/94.84%), Laemobothrion vulturis (9/1.13%), and Ischnocera suborder: Caracaricola chimangophilus (30/3.78%) and Lipeurus sp. (2/0.25%). It was ...
Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 2020
Science And Animal Health, 2017
Los carpinchos son roedores silvestres, cuya crianza intensiva y semi-intensiva, destinadas al co... more Los carpinchos son roedores silvestres, cuya crianza intensiva y semi-intensiva, destinadas al consumo humano, han tenido un creciente aumento, dada toda la calidad de su carne. Treinta y cuatro carpinchos (13 cachorros, con edades inferiores a seis meses, y 21 adultos) de crianza semi-intensiva en el municipio de Pelotas, sur del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, fueron abatidos y sus helmintos gastrointestinales, investigados. Para los cachorros se encontraron los siguientes helmintos con sus respectivas prevalencias y carga parasitaria: Capillaria hydrochoeri (46,15% e 11,5 especímenes), Hydrochoerisnema anomalobursata (76,92% e 34,2 especímenes), Protozoophaga obesa (46,15% y 6,33 especímenes) y Monoecocestus hagmanni (23,07%y 1,66 especímenes). En carpinchos adultos habían cinco especies: C. hydrochoeri (66,66% y 16,42 especímenes), H. anomalobursata (42,85% y 79,88 especímenes), P. obesa (100% y 1.655,42 especímenes), M. hagmanni (14,28% y 38,33 especímenes) y Monoecocestus macrobu...
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020
Coccidiose por Eimeria spp. em Búfalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus, 1758) no Sul do Rio Grande do S... more Coccidiose por Eimeria spp. em Búfalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus, 1758) no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul Coccidiosis by Eimeria spp. in Buffalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus,
Ciência Rural, 2013
Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos atribuídos à infecção maciça por trematódeos pancr... more Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos atribuídos à infecção maciça por trematódeos pancreáticos do gênero Eurytrema (Loos, 1907) em uma novilha da raça Jersey, procedente do município de Seara, região oeste do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. O animal de dois anos de idade apresentava desenvolvimento insuficiente, emagrecimento crônico, caquexia, decúbito prolongado e anemia, sendo submetido à eutanásia in extremis. Na necropsia observou-se aumento de volume do pâncreas, que estava esbranquiçado, crepitante, com a superfície de corte irregular, onde foram visualizados inúmeros trematódeos emergindo ativamente do órgão. Histologicamente havia pancreatite intersticial crônica. O parasito foi identificado como Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard & Billet, 1882). Trata-se do primeiro registro de euritrematose clínica em bovino no estado de Santa Catarina.
Parasitology Research, 2013
Visceral toxocariasis is a neglected parasitic zoonosis that occurs through the ingestion of embr... more Visceral toxocariasis is a neglected parasitic zoonosis that occurs through the ingestion of embryonated Toxocara spp. eggs. A wide range of animal species can act as paratenic hosts for this ascarid. The main risk factor for humans is the ingestion of the eggs from contaminated soil; however, infection can also occur through the ingestion of contaminated raw or undercooked infected meat from paratenic hosts. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of Toxocara spp.-specific antibodies in sheep and to determine the risk factors associated with the infection of sheep in Rio Grande do Sul (a major sheep-producing and sheep-consuming state) in southern Brazil. Serum samples collected from 1,642 sheep were tested using an IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the excretory-secretory Toxocara canis antigen. Seroprevalence was 29.0 % (477/1,642), and every farm included in the study contained at least one seropositive animal. These results indicate that T. canis infection is widely distributed among sheep herds in Rio Grande do Sul and that it represents a potential risk to human health.
Os morcegos podem abrigar uma diversidade de endo e ectoparasitas, incluindo protozoários, helmin... more Os morcegos podem abrigar uma diversidade de endo e ectoparasitas, incluindo protozoários, helmintos e artrópodes. Diversos gêneros de parasitas já foram registrados em várias espécies de morcegos. Muitos são específicos desses hospedeiros, porém alguns helmintos de humanos e de animais domésticos já foram encontrados em morcegos, entretanto essas ocorrências podem ser 030 acidentais. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os helmintos e artrópodes que ocorrem nos morcegos encontrados na cidade de Pelotas, RS e sua possível implicação em saúde pública. Para a execução do projeto, os morcegos estão sendo capturados na área central da cidade de Pelotas, com o auxílio de rede de neblina e puçá diretamente em seus abrigos. Após a captura, são sacrificados com éter, para avaliação laboratorial. Até o momento foram capturados 42 exemplares, sendo 41 da espécie Tadarida brasiliesis e 1 Histiotus velatus. Oitenta e um por cento dos animais estavam parasitados, sendo a incidência de cestódeos de 21%, de nematódeos de 31%, trematódeos de 19%, de ácaros de 59%, e de insetos de 7%. A carga parasitária média por cestódeos foi de 10 exemplares/animal, por nematódeos de 2,07, por trematódeos de 10,12, por ácaros de 2,12 e por insetos de 1. Até o momento foram identificadas duas espécies de trematódeos: Urotrema scabridum e Castroia amplicava, parasitando o intestino; e o nematódeo intestinal da espécie Molinostrongylus delicatus. Os artrópodes estão sendo clarificados para posterior identificação. Os parasitas identificados até o momento, somente foram descritos parasitando a Ordem Chiroptera e portanto não apresentam riscos à saúde pública.
Revista de Patologia Tropical, 2015
Toxoplasma gondii is the agent of a protozoan zoonotic disease of public health importance, toxop... more Toxoplasma gondii is the agent of a protozoan zoonotic disease of public health importance, toxoplasmosis, which may have serious consequences on the infected species. Cats are definitive hosts of the protozoan, and once infected, shed oocysts that sporulate in the environment and may become a source of infection for humans. The results reported by different authors about contact with pet cats as a risk factor for human infection are controversial. In this study, serum samples from 108 individuals who own or owned cats, and from 110 individuals who do not like cats and never owned one, were analyzed for the presence of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii through Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFI). An epidemiological questionnaire was also applied. The seroprevalence was 39.8% for the 108 individuals who owned cats and 26.4% for the 110 individuals who never owned cats. The analysis of risk factors showed significant association between seropositivity and the variables: aged over 31 years (p=0.0000), contact with cats (p=0.0143), and handling of raw meat (p=0.0290). Our findings indicate that even in a population with a high education level, contact with cats may double the chances of infection with T. gondii, when the animals are not kept indoors and under adequate sanitary conditions. KEY WORDS: Toxoplasmosis; risk factors; cats; epidemiology.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2015
Ciência Rural, 2000
O presente trabalho objetivou o estudo de parte do ciclo da Babesia bovis no seu hospedeiro inver... more O presente trabalho objetivou o estudo de parte do ciclo da Babesia bovis no seu hospedeiro invertebrado, o carrapato Boophilus microplus. Analisou-se a capacidade de infeccção e transmissão transovariana de B. bovis em partenóginas de B. microplus, alimentadas em bovinos portadores e enfermos por esse protozoário. No 18 0 dia após a infestação, coletaram-se partenóginas diretamente do corpo dos bovinos e teleóginas após o desprendimento natural, a partir do 21 0 dia. Todos os grupos foram incubados a 27 0 C e umidade relativa superior a 70%. No 5 0 dia após o início da postura, realizou-se o exame de hemolinfa a fim de diagnosticar a infecção dos ínstares por B. bovis. A ausência de infecção detectada no exame de hemolinfa foi confirmada posteriormente com o teste biológico, revelando que partenóginas não transmitem B. bovis transovarianamente. Esses resultados oferecem uma técnica simplificada para a obtenção de cepas de carrapatos livres de B. bovis. Palavras-chave: Boophilus microplus, Babesia spp, biologia, transmissão transovariana e cepa livre. SUMMARY In this experiment part of the life cycle of Babesia bovis in its invertebrate host, the tick Boophilus microplus was studied. In order to evaluate the capacity of infection and transmission of B. bovis were collected semi-engorged females of B. microplus fed on carrier and ill bovines. In the 18 th day after infestation, semi-engorged females were collected directly from bovine bodies and after 21 st day engorged females dropped on the ground. All the collected groups were incubated at 27°C and relative humidity greater than 70%. At the 5 th day of oviposition the diagnosis was made by direct examination of haemolymph smears. The biological test reveled that B. bovis transovarial transmission doesn't happer in semi-engorged females. The results offer a simple techique to obtain strains of ticks free of B. bovis.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2006
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 1991
Babesta boris is an intrae%.throcytic protozoan that causes bovine babesiosis. Agarose gel electr... more Babesta boris is an intrae%.throcytic protozoan that causes bovine babesiosis. Agarose gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids extracted from t~o isolates of B. bovts reveals, besides bulk DNA, an ethidium bromide-stainable band at about 5.5 kb. Further characterization of the latter with DNase I, RNase and mung bean nuclease suggested it to be a double-stranded RNA. Sonicated parasites ~ere fractionated in a CsCI buo.~ant density gradient. A sample containing the 5.5-kb RNA ~as analysed under an electron microscope and a ,,irus-like particle was observed.
Veterinary Parasitology, 2005
A trained observer direct count method to measure horn fly population was evaluated to determine ... more A trained observer direct count method to measure horn fly population was evaluated to determine the reliability (interobserver agreement) and its validity when compared with a ''gold standard'' method (video film). All the counts were performed with the animals restrained in a chute in a single herd. A direct count of horn flies by each of two observers on opposite sides of the animal was made. In addition a videotape recording of the counting surface on each animal was made. Horn flies were counted on 80 cows in the morning twice monthly from 22 October 1999 to 24 March 2000. The correlation between observer counts was high as was the correlation between observer counts and counts made from a videotape recording. Direct counts by trained observers were highly reliable and had good validity. However, videotape recording can be useful when the horn fly population is high, because it is faster in the field than the direct count method. The results of this study suggest that the direct count method can be used with confidence under field conditions.
Veterinary Parasitology, 2008
Abundance of adult horn flies, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), was monitored on 25 untreated H... more Abundance of adult horn flies, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), was monitored on 25 untreated Hereford cows in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay, during three consecutive grazing seasons, from October 1999 to May 2002. The population showed a variable pattern of abundance during three years, with peaks in late summer-early fall of each year. Adult flies were continuously present, although in very low numbers in intervening winters. Numbers of flies per cow rarely exceeded a reference level of 200 flies per animal during the grazing season. Degree-day calculations indicated that approximately 12 generations were possible each year. Time series analysis of mean densities among consecutive generations indicated that population growth was governed by simple, direct density-dependence, with additional effects of seasonally varying weather. Response surface regressions confirmed that intergenerational growth was inversely related to mean density, and directly related to temperature. Stochastic simulations with the response surface model suggested that within the range of temperatures observed in our study, horn fly populations on Hereford cattle will tend toward densities of approximately 150 flies per animal in summer, and exceed a nominal level of 200 flies per cow one or more times in about 65 of every 100 grazing seasons.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 1986
As leguminosas Stylosanthes scabra Vog. e Stylosanthes viscosa Sw. e as gramineas capim-gordura... more As leguminosas Stylosanthes scabra Vog. e Stylosanthes viscosa Sw. e as gramineas capim-gordura ( Melinis minutiflora Beauv.), capim-braquiaria ( Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain et Evrard) e capim-elefante ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), cultivadas em casa de vegetacao, foram testadas quanto as suas propriedades de antibiose e antixenose com larvas de carrapato-de-boi ( Boophilus microplus Canestrini, 1887). Em dois experimentos similares, foram colocadas 100 larvas em cada planta, e os efeitos foram avaliados apos 5 , 10 e 20 dias de contato larva/forrageira. O capim-gordura, S. viscasa e scabra, especies dotadas de pelos epidermicos glandulares produtores de secrecoes viscosas, exerceram mecanismos de antixenose (repelencia) e de antibiose (provocando a morte ou mantendo as larvas presas as secrecoes) com as larvas. A reducao maxima da populacao de larvas potencialmente infestantes ocorreu aos 20 dias de contato larva/forrageira. Dentre essas especies potencialmente uteis ao controle biologico do carrapato, destacou-se o capim-gordura, que reduziu em 95% a populacao de larvas infestantes. O capim-elefante e o capim-braquiaria revelaram pouca ou nenhuma interferencia no comportamento das larvas.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
This study aims to record mites associated with the respiratory system of Columba livia Gmelin, 1... more This study aims to record mites associated with the respiratory system of Columba livia Gmelin, 1789, including data of parasitological indices and of coinfections in southern Brazil. Two hundred and two specimens of C. livia were collected in the urban area in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil. Fifty-six (27.7%) birds were parasitized by Rhinonyssidae and Ereynetidae mites. Tinaminyssus columbae (Crossley, 1950) and Tinaminyssus melloi (Castro, 1948) (Rhinonyssidae) were found in nasal cavities and tracheae of the birds. Trispeleognathus striatus (Crossley, 1952) (Ereynetidae) was found in hosts’ nasal cavities. The prevalence of Rhinonyssidae mites (25.2%) was significantly higher than obtained for Ereynetidae (5.9%). Coinfections only occurred in nasal cavities of 8 (3.96%) birds. This study records for the first time T. columbae and Trispeleognathus striatus parasitizing C. livia in Brazil. In addition, mite infection indices and coinfections of Rhinonyssidae and Ere...
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2019
ABSTRACT: A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at “Labor... more ABSTRACT: A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at “Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico” of “Faculdade de Veterinária” of “Universidade Federal de Pelotas” (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated wit...
There is lack of information on the risk of infection for helminths and protozoa in areas surroun... more There is lack of information on the risk of infection for helminths and protozoa in areas surrounded for children recreation, limiting the access of dogs without owners. The objective of this work was to verify soil contamination by helminths and protozoa in the playgrounds of residential buildings in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples from 39 playgrounds of 21 residential buildings were examined by modified Caldwell & Caldwell technique. Although the majority of the residential buildings (20) are protected by grating, contamination was found in the ground of squares in 47.6% of the residential buildings. Toxocara eggs were the most frequently found in soil samples in the residential buildings (33.3%). Strongyloidea and Trichuris eggs and protozoa oocysts also were found. These results indicate the contamination of soil of playgrounds by zoonotic parasites known to infect humans.
Science And Animal Health, 2020
This study was carried out to detect chewing lice species occurring on Crested Caracara (Caracara... more This study was carried out to detect chewing lice species occurring on Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) in Southern Brazil between January 2014 and December 2018. For this aim, the road-kill birds were collected for parasitological studies at the Biology Institute, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Federal University of Pelotas. Fourteen road-kill birds were examined for ectoparasites. The birds were washed with water and detergent for the collection of ectoparasites by filtration using a 150 μm mesh sieve. The samples were separated into pellet and supernatant and were kept in microcentrifuge tubes containing ethyl alcohol 70% for the screening procedures and identification. A total of 794 specimens of lice were collected and examined, presenting the following breakdown by Amblycera suborder: Colpocephalum flavescens (753/94.84%), Laemobothrion vulturis (9/1.13%), and Ischnocera suborder: Caracaricola chimangophilus (30/3.78%) and Lipeurus sp. (2/0.25%). It was ...
Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 2020
Science And Animal Health, 2017
Los carpinchos son roedores silvestres, cuya crianza intensiva y semi-intensiva, destinadas al co... more Los carpinchos son roedores silvestres, cuya crianza intensiva y semi-intensiva, destinadas al consumo humano, han tenido un creciente aumento, dada toda la calidad de su carne. Treinta y cuatro carpinchos (13 cachorros, con edades inferiores a seis meses, y 21 adultos) de crianza semi-intensiva en el municipio de Pelotas, sur del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, fueron abatidos y sus helmintos gastrointestinales, investigados. Para los cachorros se encontraron los siguientes helmintos con sus respectivas prevalencias y carga parasitaria: Capillaria hydrochoeri (46,15% e 11,5 especímenes), Hydrochoerisnema anomalobursata (76,92% e 34,2 especímenes), Protozoophaga obesa (46,15% y 6,33 especímenes) y Monoecocestus hagmanni (23,07%y 1,66 especímenes). En carpinchos adultos habían cinco especies: C. hydrochoeri (66,66% y 16,42 especímenes), H. anomalobursata (42,85% y 79,88 especímenes), P. obesa (100% y 1.655,42 especímenes), M. hagmanni (14,28% y 38,33 especímenes) y Monoecocestus macrobu...
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020
Coccidiose por Eimeria spp. em Búfalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus, 1758) no Sul do Rio Grande do S... more Coccidiose por Eimeria spp. em Búfalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus, 1758) no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul Coccidiosis by Eimeria spp. in Buffalo (Buballus bubalis-Linnaeus,
Ciência Rural, 2013
Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos atribuídos à infecção maciça por trematódeos pancr... more Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos atribuídos à infecção maciça por trematódeos pancreáticos do gênero Eurytrema (Loos, 1907) em uma novilha da raça Jersey, procedente do município de Seara, região oeste do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. O animal de dois anos de idade apresentava desenvolvimento insuficiente, emagrecimento crônico, caquexia, decúbito prolongado e anemia, sendo submetido à eutanásia in extremis. Na necropsia observou-se aumento de volume do pâncreas, que estava esbranquiçado, crepitante, com a superfície de corte irregular, onde foram visualizados inúmeros trematódeos emergindo ativamente do órgão. Histologicamente havia pancreatite intersticial crônica. O parasito foi identificado como Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard & Billet, 1882). Trata-se do primeiro registro de euritrematose clínica em bovino no estado de Santa Catarina.
Parasitology Research, 2013
Visceral toxocariasis is a neglected parasitic zoonosis that occurs through the ingestion of embr... more Visceral toxocariasis is a neglected parasitic zoonosis that occurs through the ingestion of embryonated Toxocara spp. eggs. A wide range of animal species can act as paratenic hosts for this ascarid. The main risk factor for humans is the ingestion of the eggs from contaminated soil; however, infection can also occur through the ingestion of contaminated raw or undercooked infected meat from paratenic hosts. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of Toxocara spp.-specific antibodies in sheep and to determine the risk factors associated with the infection of sheep in Rio Grande do Sul (a major sheep-producing and sheep-consuming state) in southern Brazil. Serum samples collected from 1,642 sheep were tested using an IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the excretory-secretory Toxocara canis antigen. Seroprevalence was 29.0 % (477/1,642), and every farm included in the study contained at least one seropositive animal. These results indicate that T. canis infection is widely distributed among sheep herds in Rio Grande do Sul and that it represents a potential risk to human health.
Os morcegos podem abrigar uma diversidade de endo e ectoparasitas, incluindo protozoários, helmin... more Os morcegos podem abrigar uma diversidade de endo e ectoparasitas, incluindo protozoários, helmintos e artrópodes. Diversos gêneros de parasitas já foram registrados em várias espécies de morcegos. Muitos são específicos desses hospedeiros, porém alguns helmintos de humanos e de animais domésticos já foram encontrados em morcegos, entretanto essas ocorrências podem ser 030 acidentais. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os helmintos e artrópodes que ocorrem nos morcegos encontrados na cidade de Pelotas, RS e sua possível implicação em saúde pública. Para a execução do projeto, os morcegos estão sendo capturados na área central da cidade de Pelotas, com o auxílio de rede de neblina e puçá diretamente em seus abrigos. Após a captura, são sacrificados com éter, para avaliação laboratorial. Até o momento foram capturados 42 exemplares, sendo 41 da espécie Tadarida brasiliesis e 1 Histiotus velatus. Oitenta e um por cento dos animais estavam parasitados, sendo a incidência de cestódeos de 21%, de nematódeos de 31%, trematódeos de 19%, de ácaros de 59%, e de insetos de 7%. A carga parasitária média por cestódeos foi de 10 exemplares/animal, por nematódeos de 2,07, por trematódeos de 10,12, por ácaros de 2,12 e por insetos de 1. Até o momento foram identificadas duas espécies de trematódeos: Urotrema scabridum e Castroia amplicava, parasitando o intestino; e o nematódeo intestinal da espécie Molinostrongylus delicatus. Os artrópodes estão sendo clarificados para posterior identificação. Os parasitas identificados até o momento, somente foram descritos parasitando a Ordem Chiroptera e portanto não apresentam riscos à saúde pública.
Revista de Patologia Tropical, 2015
Toxoplasma gondii is the agent of a protozoan zoonotic disease of public health importance, toxop... more Toxoplasma gondii is the agent of a protozoan zoonotic disease of public health importance, toxoplasmosis, which may have serious consequences on the infected species. Cats are definitive hosts of the protozoan, and once infected, shed oocysts that sporulate in the environment and may become a source of infection for humans. The results reported by different authors about contact with pet cats as a risk factor for human infection are controversial. In this study, serum samples from 108 individuals who own or owned cats, and from 110 individuals who do not like cats and never owned one, were analyzed for the presence of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii through Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFI). An epidemiological questionnaire was also applied. The seroprevalence was 39.8% for the 108 individuals who owned cats and 26.4% for the 110 individuals who never owned cats. The analysis of risk factors showed significant association between seropositivity and the variables: aged over 31 years (p=0.0000), contact with cats (p=0.0143), and handling of raw meat (p=0.0290). Our findings indicate that even in a population with a high education level, contact with cats may double the chances of infection with T. gondii, when the animals are not kept indoors and under adequate sanitary conditions. KEY WORDS: Toxoplasmosis; risk factors; cats; epidemiology.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2015
Ciência Rural, 2000
O presente trabalho objetivou o estudo de parte do ciclo da Babesia bovis no seu hospedeiro inver... more O presente trabalho objetivou o estudo de parte do ciclo da Babesia bovis no seu hospedeiro invertebrado, o carrapato Boophilus microplus. Analisou-se a capacidade de infeccção e transmissão transovariana de B. bovis em partenóginas de B. microplus, alimentadas em bovinos portadores e enfermos por esse protozoário. No 18 0 dia após a infestação, coletaram-se partenóginas diretamente do corpo dos bovinos e teleóginas após o desprendimento natural, a partir do 21 0 dia. Todos os grupos foram incubados a 27 0 C e umidade relativa superior a 70%. No 5 0 dia após o início da postura, realizou-se o exame de hemolinfa a fim de diagnosticar a infecção dos ínstares por B. bovis. A ausência de infecção detectada no exame de hemolinfa foi confirmada posteriormente com o teste biológico, revelando que partenóginas não transmitem B. bovis transovarianamente. Esses resultados oferecem uma técnica simplificada para a obtenção de cepas de carrapatos livres de B. bovis. Palavras-chave: Boophilus microplus, Babesia spp, biologia, transmissão transovariana e cepa livre. SUMMARY In this experiment part of the life cycle of Babesia bovis in its invertebrate host, the tick Boophilus microplus was studied. In order to evaluate the capacity of infection and transmission of B. bovis were collected semi-engorged females of B. microplus fed on carrier and ill bovines. In the 18 th day after infestation, semi-engorged females were collected directly from bovine bodies and after 21 st day engorged females dropped on the ground. All the collected groups were incubated at 27°C and relative humidity greater than 70%. At the 5 th day of oviposition the diagnosis was made by direct examination of haemolymph smears. The biological test reveled that B. bovis transovarial transmission doesn't happer in semi-engorged females. The results offer a simple techique to obtain strains of ticks free of B. bovis.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2006
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 1991
Babesta boris is an intrae%.throcytic protozoan that causes bovine babesiosis. Agarose gel electr... more Babesta boris is an intrae%.throcytic protozoan that causes bovine babesiosis. Agarose gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids extracted from t~o isolates of B. bovts reveals, besides bulk DNA, an ethidium bromide-stainable band at about 5.5 kb. Further characterization of the latter with DNase I, RNase and mung bean nuclease suggested it to be a double-stranded RNA. Sonicated parasites ~ere fractionated in a CsCI buo.~ant density gradient. A sample containing the 5.5-kb RNA ~as analysed under an electron microscope and a ,,irus-like particle was observed.