Lorenzo Macagno | Universidade Federal do Paraná (original) (raw)

Papers by Lorenzo Macagno

Research paper thumbnail of Our humble insubmission Nossa modesta insubmissão

Anuário Antropológico, 2024

The essay “On decolonization and its correlates” comes at a most opportune moment. And it is not ... more The essay “On decolonization and its correlates” comes at a most opportune moment. And it is not just because it coincides with the 50th anniversary of “25 de abril” (April 25) – a milestone of decolonization and the end of the Portuguese Empire. There are other circumstances that make this text up-to-date and even timeless. In recent years, for example, the themes of colonization and decolonization have grown within Brazilian social science, in particular Anthropology. Wilson Trajano Filho, who is a pioneer of African Studies in Brazil, as well as having trained several generations of anthropologists, has played an important role in this debate. His essay will therefore be more than welcome among all those interested in this topic.

Research paper thumbnail of Nossa modesta insubmissão (comentário "Sobre a descolonização e seus correlatos")

Anuário Antropológico, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Vivir y beber en Malvinas (prólogo y presentación)

Vivir y beber en Malvinas (prólogo y presentación), 2023


Research paper thumbnail of Uma antropologia local e cosmopolita (Prefácio)

Memória e política no Moçambique contemporâneo: sobre violências pós-coloniais, 2022

A antropologia brasileira nasceu cosmopolita. Nos últimos anos, uma nova safra de antropólogas e ... more A antropologia brasileira nasceu cosmopolita. Nos últimos anos, uma nova safra de antropólogas e antropólogos tem sabido honrar, de maneira criativa e ousada, essa vocação. O livro que o leitor tem em mãos acompanha esse movimento que combina, equilibradamente, cosmopolitismo e experiências locais.

Research paper thumbnail of Uma celebração da interdisciplinaridade (Posfácio)

Múltiplos olhares, múltiplos sentidos: saberes e perspectivas interdisciplinares, 2022

Em maio de 2018, convidado pelo professor Marcos Clair Bovo, tive a honra de ministrar a aula mag... more Em maio de 2018, convidado pelo professor Marcos Clair Bovo, tive a honra de ministrar a aula magna do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar Sociedade e Desenvolvimento da UNESPAR, em Campo Mourão. Aquela visita acadêmica foi, por vários motivos, uma grata surpresa. Primeiro, porque pude testemunhar naquele auditório lotado da UNESPAR a grande curiosidade intelectual de estudantes, pós-graduandos, pós-graduandas e colegas. Em segundo lugar, porque aquele interesse para o diálogo e a conversa acadêmica pareciam estar intrinsecamente envolvidos em uma vocação interdisciplinar. Lembro, também, que na ocasião minha palestra foi precedida por uma performance artística do Professor Cícero, na altura vereador, que ajudou a "quebrar o gelo" dos minutos prévios. Arte e ciência: duas dimensões da vida social, sem dúvidas, intrinsecamente relacionadas. Ao receber o convite para redigir este posfácio, constatei que aquele espírito interdisciplinar de quatro anos atrás se mantém vigoroso. As páginas do presente livro são a prova dessa persistência. Seu título não poderia ter sido mais pertinente e oportuno: Múltiplos olhares, múltiplos sentidos: saberes e perspectivas interdisciplinares. Estes "Múltiplos olhares..." têm, no entanto, algo que os unifica. Trata-se, em todo o caso, de capítulos cujas reflexões provêm de explorações empíricas e de descobertas de novos universos de significado. Por momentos, a preocupação quantitativa se sobrepõe à análise qualitativa; em outras ocasiões, é esta última que, com suas inferências, comparações, descrições e interpretações sobrepõe-se àquela. Ou seja, a dimensão interdisciplinar se enriquece, também, com a multiplicidade de "olhares" metodológicos. Nos últimos anos, no campo das ciências humanas e sociais, muito têm se falado sobre a relação entre as dinâmicas de localização e globalização. Às vezes, os usos e abusos de certos jargões fizeram com que esses termos perdessem, por momentos, sua significação. Afinal, como funcionam concretamente essas dinâmicas? Este livro, à sua maneira, fornece-nos várias pistas para responder a essa pergunta. E, sobretudo, nos ajuda a pensar as intermediações e ressignificações que permeiam o local, o regional e o global. Território, memória, novas tecnologias e política, fotografia e cidade, fronteiras, transformações urbanas, políticas públicas, horticultura e agroecologia familiar, educação e gênero, esporte, religião e política: são todos temas que desfilam ao longo deste livro ancorados, sempre, em experiências concretas e em contextos específicos. Essas contribuições vêm de especialistas em estudos literários, estudiosos na área de médio ambiente, bem como de geógrafos, historiadores, psicólogas, pedagogas, engenheiras, sociólogas, antropólogas.... A interdisciplinaridade, neste livro, goza de boa saúde! O livro nos convida a pensar, também, o caráter muitas vezes arbitrário das fronteiras que consagraram nossas respectivas "disciplinas".

Research paper thumbnail of From Mozambique to New York: The Cosmopolitan Pathways of Kamba Simango, African Disciple of Franz Boas

Bérose - Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie, 2022

There are certain themes that must be viewed as central to Boas’s anthropological contributions :... more There are certain themes that must be viewed as central to Boas’s anthropological contributions : his criticism of scientific racism, his attacks on evolutionist thinking, his ethnographic work on the Inuit of Baffin Island, the Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw (formerly called Kwakiutl) people, the Tsimshian mythologies – future raw material for some of the works of Lévi-Strauss – and, of course, his work on the potlatch, the ritual that Marcel Mauss would describe, years later, as a “performance of the totally agonistic type”. However, this saga does not explain Boas’s incipient Africanist sensibility or, more specifically, his writings about the central region of present-day Mozambique, populated by the Ndau (Mandau or Vandau in the plural) whose language, Chindau or Xindau, is a variant of Shona (a language also spoken in present-day Zimbabwe). Boas wrote five articles about this group, one of which was co-authored with Kamba Simango [1] (1890–1966), a Ndau who studied at Columbia University between 1919 and 1923. In the following pages I will look at this missing piece of anthropology’s history, and therefore at the details and vicissitudes of this ethnographic dialogue between Boas and Simango.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Intimacies and Modernist Landscapes: Chinese Photographs in Late-Colonial Mozambique

Lusotopie, 2021

This paper addresses a specific aspect of the social and cultural life of the Luso-Chinese in Moz... more This paper addresses a specific aspect of the social and cultural life of the Luso-Chinese in Mozambique, whose first contingents came from the Chinese province of Guangdong in the second half of the 19th century. Most settled in the city of Beira. By the 1950s, the Chinese community was already well integrated into modern life in colonial Beira. The city was going through an unprecedented urban and architectural boom. At that time, the Luso-Chinese, who were essentially merchants, also began to stand out in the field of photography. Based on a multi-sited ethnography among the Portuguese-Chinese diaspora – and their family photo albums – this paper reflects on two inseparable aspects of late-colonial modernity: architecture and photography.

Research paper thumbnail of Itinéraires de Kamba Simango. Dialogue entre un Mozambicain apprenti ethnographe et Franz Boas

Cahiers d'études africaines, 2021

This paper explores the dialogue between anthropologist Franz Boas and Kamba Simango. Simango was... more This paper explores the dialogue between anthropologist Franz Boas and Kamba Simango. Simango was born in 1890, in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. In 1914, under the auspices of missionaries of the American Board of Missions, he was sent to the United States to study at the Hampton Institute. In 1919, after completing his studies at that Institution, he was sent to Teachers College in Columbia. Soon after arriving in Columbia, Kamba Simango made the acquaintance of Franz Boas. Both immediately struck up a rapport. The father of North American anthropology did not want Kamba to become a mere “informant,” but a native ethnographer. Based on an exchange of unpublished letters and a series of documents published mainly by missionaries, this article analyzes the ethnographic relationship between Boas and Simango as well as his cosmopolitan trajectory. Kamba Simango’s life and career help us to understand the colonial experience par le bas, and to understand the construction of subjectivities and specific historicities from a less natio-centered perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of From Guangdong to Brazil: Itineraries of a Sino-Mozambican Community

Studies in Chinese Migrations. Brazil, China and Mozambique, 2021

This article explores the itineraries and trajectories of a very specific Chinese community. Firs... more This article explores the itineraries and trajectories of a very specific Chinese community. First, it reconstructs the tenuous incorporation of this group into the colonial society of Mozambique in the 1950s. At the end of this article, I discuss the narratives of deception that emerged after the independence of Mozambique in 1975, when the Chinese had to abandon the possibility of a Portuguese future for their lives and decided to settle in Brazil.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review - Capitao - An allegory inspired by the experiences of Swiss missionaries in Mozambique


Capitão is a story in comic strip form created by Yann Karlen (story) and Stefano Boroni (illustr... more Capitão is a story in comic strip form created by Yann Karlen (story) and Stefano Boroni (illustrator). Is an allegory inspired by the experiences of Swiss missionaries in Mozambique. It is not intended as a factual history. It is, purposefully, a work of fiction, or rather, a fictional story.

Research paper thumbnail of Assimilacionismo e antropologia - O indígena observado.PDF

A invenção do assimilado, 2019

O capítulo é parte de um livro que explora as vicissitudes e os paradoxos do colonialismo em Moça... more O capítulo é parte de um livro que explora as vicissitudes e os paradoxos do colonialismo em Moçambique. O autor parte do pressuposto de que o colonialismo funciona como um sistema de práticas e representações e, como tal, pode ser analisado como cultura. Para estuda-lo da mesma maneira que os antropólogos estudam uma determinada cultura, é preciso investigar o que pensam – e o que fazem – os “nativos” que conferem sentido a essa cultura: juristas, administradores, militares e governadores coloniais. Apesar de pertencer ao passado, o paradoxo colonial continua interpelando-nos sob as mais variadas roupagens. Em que campo de batalhas, reais ou imaginárias, reside a sua atualidade e a sua resiliência?

Research paper thumbnail of Memorial(Lorenzo Macagno)

Memorial, 2021

Memorial descritivo submetido à Comissão Permanente de Pessoal Docente, como requisito parcial ne... more Memorial descritivo submetido à Comissão Permanente de Pessoal Docente, como requisito parcial necessário para promoção ao nível de Professor Titular do Departamento de Antropologia do Setor de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, conforme a Resolução Nº 10/CEPE/UFPR de 23/07/2014

Research paper thumbnail of Um velho dilema? Civilização e Cultura em Henri-Alexandre Junod

Revista de Sociologia & Antropologia, 2021

This article explores the career of the ethnographer-missionary Henri Alexandre Junod (1863-1934)... more This article explores the career of the ethnographer-missionary Henri Alexandre Junod (1863-1934). Besides living and working in South Africa, Junod lived for many years in Mozambique. Today, one of the contemporary symptoms of Junod’s legacy still appears in the so-called multicultural debate, in which the tensión between civilization and culture is manifested under apparently opposing demands: one universalist (that of “social” integration) the other relativist (that of “cultural” recognition). Today, the policies on bilingual education, the process of constrution of a multi-ethnical society and the national identity dilemmas of “post-socialist” Mozambique, cannot be understood without a systematic and renewed reflection on his work.

Research paper thumbnail of Os Livros de Momade: Islã e 'Saber Local' no Norte de Moçambique

Research paper thumbnail of Islã, transe e liminaridade

As confrarias sufistas, com sede em Zanzibar e Comores, foram, a partir do final do século XIX, a... more As confrarias sufistas, com sede em Zanzibar e Comores, foram, a partir do final do século XIX, a principal porta de entrada para o Islã no norte de Moçambique. Este artigo analisa uma das confrarias mais desconhecidas do país e cujas práticas, aos olhos dos porta-vozes "reconhecidos" do Islã, não respondem, supostamente, aos ensinamentos de Maomé: transe, êxtase, faquirismo, celebração do Maulide (aniversário do profeta), danças, cânticos. Por meio de uma pesquisa de campo realizada em Nampula e na Ilha de Moçambique, e utilizando algumas ferramentas conceituais fornecidas por Victor Turner, Louis Dumont e Mary Douglas, o trabalho versa sobre alguns tópicos recorrentes da teoria do ritual, questionando, nesse sentido, as análises centradas na teoria da "marginalidade". Ao mesmo tempo , a problemática está situada no contexto das consequências das políticas assimilacionistas implementadas pela administração colonial, com o objetivo de "aportuguesar" os muçulmanos africanos.

Research paper thumbnail of Esporte, portugalização e diáspora: os luso-chineses de Moçambique

Revista EntreRios (UFPI), 2019

This article seeks to reconstructs the tenuous and paradoxical incorporation of the Chinese of Be... more This article seeks to reconstructs the tenuous and paradoxical incorporation of the Chinese of Beira (Mozambique) into the “Portuguese family”. The paper focuses on the 1950 period, when Portugal sought to strengthen its colonial ideology with references to an alleged multiracialism in the so-called Ultramarine Provinces. How this portugalization was performed? Through sport and, more specifically, through basketball the Chinese settlers gained notoriety and were considered as a “good Portuguese” and good citizens. Based on a multi-sited ethnographic work conducted among the Luso-Chinese diaspora, this article aims to reflect on sport as a significant dimension of that colonial modernity.

Research paper thumbnail of Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez

BOOK REVIEW: Fado Tropical. O Luso-Tropicalismo na Cultura de Massas (1960-1974), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of TRÊS "RAÇAS" E UMA NAÇÃO? A propósito de África no Brasil e Brasil na África

Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PósColoniais, 2011

The slave trade established permanent relations between Brazil and Africa. Since the abolition of... more The slave trade established permanent relations between Brazil and Africa. Since the abolition of slavery in 1888, the challenges of constructing Brazil as a Republic and as a nation have been tied in with this past. Hence, the spokespeople of what was later to become the "Brazilian people"-intellectuals, politicians, doctors-have all had to reflect on the African "factor" in the national imagination, whether rejecting it or asserting it. This article presents some of the issues and dilemmas for the future of African studies in Brazil and, at the same time, it looks into the contemporary debates surrounding the national "imaginations".

Research paper thumbnail of Franz Boas e Kamba Simango: epistolários de um diálogo etnográfico

Travessias antropológicas: estudos en contextos africanos (Wilson Trajano Filho, org. Brasília: ABA), 2012

Kamba Simango was born in 1890 in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. He w... more Kamba Simango was born in 1890 in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. He was sent to the United States to study at the Hampton Institute in 1914 under the auspices of missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. At the Hampton Institute, African Americans and young people from Africa came to learn science, literature, and manual skills. During his studies, he encountered the musicologist and folklorist Natalie Curtis. In 1919, the missionaries sent Simango to study at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he met Franz Boas and the pair immediately struck up a rapport. The “father” of modern North American anthropology encouraged Simango to become a native ethnographer (not merely an “informant”), armed with anthropological tools. Boas suggested that Simango write about his people, the Vandau or Mandau, independently of his commitments to the missionaries of the American Board. The two men began a correspondence that would continue for many years.

Research paper thumbnail of A Brazilianist in Portuguese Africa: Charles Wagley's Trip from Mozambique to Guinea-Bissau

Portuguese Studies Review, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Our humble insubmission Nossa modesta insubmissão

Anuário Antropológico, 2024

The essay “On decolonization and its correlates” comes at a most opportune moment. And it is not ... more The essay “On decolonization and its correlates” comes at a most opportune moment. And it is not just because it coincides with the 50th anniversary of “25 de abril” (April 25) – a milestone of decolonization and the end of the Portuguese Empire. There are other circumstances that make this text up-to-date and even timeless. In recent years, for example, the themes of colonization and decolonization have grown within Brazilian social science, in particular Anthropology. Wilson Trajano Filho, who is a pioneer of African Studies in Brazil, as well as having trained several generations of anthropologists, has played an important role in this debate. His essay will therefore be more than welcome among all those interested in this topic.

Research paper thumbnail of Nossa modesta insubmissão (comentário "Sobre a descolonização e seus correlatos")

Anuário Antropológico, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Vivir y beber en Malvinas (prólogo y presentación)

Vivir y beber en Malvinas (prólogo y presentación), 2023


Research paper thumbnail of Uma antropologia local e cosmopolita (Prefácio)

Memória e política no Moçambique contemporâneo: sobre violências pós-coloniais, 2022

A antropologia brasileira nasceu cosmopolita. Nos últimos anos, uma nova safra de antropólogas e ... more A antropologia brasileira nasceu cosmopolita. Nos últimos anos, uma nova safra de antropólogas e antropólogos tem sabido honrar, de maneira criativa e ousada, essa vocação. O livro que o leitor tem em mãos acompanha esse movimento que combina, equilibradamente, cosmopolitismo e experiências locais.

Research paper thumbnail of Uma celebração da interdisciplinaridade (Posfácio)

Múltiplos olhares, múltiplos sentidos: saberes e perspectivas interdisciplinares, 2022

Em maio de 2018, convidado pelo professor Marcos Clair Bovo, tive a honra de ministrar a aula mag... more Em maio de 2018, convidado pelo professor Marcos Clair Bovo, tive a honra de ministrar a aula magna do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar Sociedade e Desenvolvimento da UNESPAR, em Campo Mourão. Aquela visita acadêmica foi, por vários motivos, uma grata surpresa. Primeiro, porque pude testemunhar naquele auditório lotado da UNESPAR a grande curiosidade intelectual de estudantes, pós-graduandos, pós-graduandas e colegas. Em segundo lugar, porque aquele interesse para o diálogo e a conversa acadêmica pareciam estar intrinsecamente envolvidos em uma vocação interdisciplinar. Lembro, também, que na ocasião minha palestra foi precedida por uma performance artística do Professor Cícero, na altura vereador, que ajudou a "quebrar o gelo" dos minutos prévios. Arte e ciência: duas dimensões da vida social, sem dúvidas, intrinsecamente relacionadas. Ao receber o convite para redigir este posfácio, constatei que aquele espírito interdisciplinar de quatro anos atrás se mantém vigoroso. As páginas do presente livro são a prova dessa persistência. Seu título não poderia ter sido mais pertinente e oportuno: Múltiplos olhares, múltiplos sentidos: saberes e perspectivas interdisciplinares. Estes "Múltiplos olhares..." têm, no entanto, algo que os unifica. Trata-se, em todo o caso, de capítulos cujas reflexões provêm de explorações empíricas e de descobertas de novos universos de significado. Por momentos, a preocupação quantitativa se sobrepõe à análise qualitativa; em outras ocasiões, é esta última que, com suas inferências, comparações, descrições e interpretações sobrepõe-se àquela. Ou seja, a dimensão interdisciplinar se enriquece, também, com a multiplicidade de "olhares" metodológicos. Nos últimos anos, no campo das ciências humanas e sociais, muito têm se falado sobre a relação entre as dinâmicas de localização e globalização. Às vezes, os usos e abusos de certos jargões fizeram com que esses termos perdessem, por momentos, sua significação. Afinal, como funcionam concretamente essas dinâmicas? Este livro, à sua maneira, fornece-nos várias pistas para responder a essa pergunta. E, sobretudo, nos ajuda a pensar as intermediações e ressignificações que permeiam o local, o regional e o global. Território, memória, novas tecnologias e política, fotografia e cidade, fronteiras, transformações urbanas, políticas públicas, horticultura e agroecologia familiar, educação e gênero, esporte, religião e política: são todos temas que desfilam ao longo deste livro ancorados, sempre, em experiências concretas e em contextos específicos. Essas contribuições vêm de especialistas em estudos literários, estudiosos na área de médio ambiente, bem como de geógrafos, historiadores, psicólogas, pedagogas, engenheiras, sociólogas, antropólogas.... A interdisciplinaridade, neste livro, goza de boa saúde! O livro nos convida a pensar, também, o caráter muitas vezes arbitrário das fronteiras que consagraram nossas respectivas "disciplinas".

Research paper thumbnail of From Mozambique to New York: The Cosmopolitan Pathways of Kamba Simango, African Disciple of Franz Boas

Bérose - Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie, 2022

There are certain themes that must be viewed as central to Boas’s anthropological contributions :... more There are certain themes that must be viewed as central to Boas’s anthropological contributions : his criticism of scientific racism, his attacks on evolutionist thinking, his ethnographic work on the Inuit of Baffin Island, the Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw (formerly called Kwakiutl) people, the Tsimshian mythologies – future raw material for some of the works of Lévi-Strauss – and, of course, his work on the potlatch, the ritual that Marcel Mauss would describe, years later, as a “performance of the totally agonistic type”. However, this saga does not explain Boas’s incipient Africanist sensibility or, more specifically, his writings about the central region of present-day Mozambique, populated by the Ndau (Mandau or Vandau in the plural) whose language, Chindau or Xindau, is a variant of Shona (a language also spoken in present-day Zimbabwe). Boas wrote five articles about this group, one of which was co-authored with Kamba Simango [1] (1890–1966), a Ndau who studied at Columbia University between 1919 and 1923. In the following pages I will look at this missing piece of anthropology’s history, and therefore at the details and vicissitudes of this ethnographic dialogue between Boas and Simango.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Intimacies and Modernist Landscapes: Chinese Photographs in Late-Colonial Mozambique

Lusotopie, 2021

This paper addresses a specific aspect of the social and cultural life of the Luso-Chinese in Moz... more This paper addresses a specific aspect of the social and cultural life of the Luso-Chinese in Mozambique, whose first contingents came from the Chinese province of Guangdong in the second half of the 19th century. Most settled in the city of Beira. By the 1950s, the Chinese community was already well integrated into modern life in colonial Beira. The city was going through an unprecedented urban and architectural boom. At that time, the Luso-Chinese, who were essentially merchants, also began to stand out in the field of photography. Based on a multi-sited ethnography among the Portuguese-Chinese diaspora – and their family photo albums – this paper reflects on two inseparable aspects of late-colonial modernity: architecture and photography.

Research paper thumbnail of Itinéraires de Kamba Simango. Dialogue entre un Mozambicain apprenti ethnographe et Franz Boas

Cahiers d'études africaines, 2021

This paper explores the dialogue between anthropologist Franz Boas and Kamba Simango. Simango was... more This paper explores the dialogue between anthropologist Franz Boas and Kamba Simango. Simango was born in 1890, in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. In 1914, under the auspices of missionaries of the American Board of Missions, he was sent to the United States to study at the Hampton Institute. In 1919, after completing his studies at that Institution, he was sent to Teachers College in Columbia. Soon after arriving in Columbia, Kamba Simango made the acquaintance of Franz Boas. Both immediately struck up a rapport. The father of North American anthropology did not want Kamba to become a mere “informant,” but a native ethnographer. Based on an exchange of unpublished letters and a series of documents published mainly by missionaries, this article analyzes the ethnographic relationship between Boas and Simango as well as his cosmopolitan trajectory. Kamba Simango’s life and career help us to understand the colonial experience par le bas, and to understand the construction of subjectivities and specific historicities from a less natio-centered perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of From Guangdong to Brazil: Itineraries of a Sino-Mozambican Community

Studies in Chinese Migrations. Brazil, China and Mozambique, 2021

This article explores the itineraries and trajectories of a very specific Chinese community. Firs... more This article explores the itineraries and trajectories of a very specific Chinese community. First, it reconstructs the tenuous incorporation of this group into the colonial society of Mozambique in the 1950s. At the end of this article, I discuss the narratives of deception that emerged after the independence of Mozambique in 1975, when the Chinese had to abandon the possibility of a Portuguese future for their lives and decided to settle in Brazil.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review - Capitao - An allegory inspired by the experiences of Swiss missionaries in Mozambique


Capitão is a story in comic strip form created by Yann Karlen (story) and Stefano Boroni (illustr... more Capitão is a story in comic strip form created by Yann Karlen (story) and Stefano Boroni (illustrator). Is an allegory inspired by the experiences of Swiss missionaries in Mozambique. It is not intended as a factual history. It is, purposefully, a work of fiction, or rather, a fictional story.

Research paper thumbnail of Assimilacionismo e antropologia - O indígena observado.PDF

A invenção do assimilado, 2019

O capítulo é parte de um livro que explora as vicissitudes e os paradoxos do colonialismo em Moça... more O capítulo é parte de um livro que explora as vicissitudes e os paradoxos do colonialismo em Moçambique. O autor parte do pressuposto de que o colonialismo funciona como um sistema de práticas e representações e, como tal, pode ser analisado como cultura. Para estuda-lo da mesma maneira que os antropólogos estudam uma determinada cultura, é preciso investigar o que pensam – e o que fazem – os “nativos” que conferem sentido a essa cultura: juristas, administradores, militares e governadores coloniais. Apesar de pertencer ao passado, o paradoxo colonial continua interpelando-nos sob as mais variadas roupagens. Em que campo de batalhas, reais ou imaginárias, reside a sua atualidade e a sua resiliência?

Research paper thumbnail of Memorial(Lorenzo Macagno)

Memorial, 2021

Memorial descritivo submetido à Comissão Permanente de Pessoal Docente, como requisito parcial ne... more Memorial descritivo submetido à Comissão Permanente de Pessoal Docente, como requisito parcial necessário para promoção ao nível de Professor Titular do Departamento de Antropologia do Setor de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, conforme a Resolução Nº 10/CEPE/UFPR de 23/07/2014

Research paper thumbnail of Um velho dilema? Civilização e Cultura em Henri-Alexandre Junod

Revista de Sociologia & Antropologia, 2021

This article explores the career of the ethnographer-missionary Henri Alexandre Junod (1863-1934)... more This article explores the career of the ethnographer-missionary Henri Alexandre Junod (1863-1934). Besides living and working in South Africa, Junod lived for many years in Mozambique. Today, one of the contemporary symptoms of Junod’s legacy still appears in the so-called multicultural debate, in which the tensión between civilization and culture is manifested under apparently opposing demands: one universalist (that of “social” integration) the other relativist (that of “cultural” recognition). Today, the policies on bilingual education, the process of constrution of a multi-ethnical society and the national identity dilemmas of “post-socialist” Mozambique, cannot be understood without a systematic and renewed reflection on his work.

Research paper thumbnail of Os Livros de Momade: Islã e 'Saber Local' no Norte de Moçambique

Research paper thumbnail of Islã, transe e liminaridade

As confrarias sufistas, com sede em Zanzibar e Comores, foram, a partir do final do século XIX, a... more As confrarias sufistas, com sede em Zanzibar e Comores, foram, a partir do final do século XIX, a principal porta de entrada para o Islã no norte de Moçambique. Este artigo analisa uma das confrarias mais desconhecidas do país e cujas práticas, aos olhos dos porta-vozes "reconhecidos" do Islã, não respondem, supostamente, aos ensinamentos de Maomé: transe, êxtase, faquirismo, celebração do Maulide (aniversário do profeta), danças, cânticos. Por meio de uma pesquisa de campo realizada em Nampula e na Ilha de Moçambique, e utilizando algumas ferramentas conceituais fornecidas por Victor Turner, Louis Dumont e Mary Douglas, o trabalho versa sobre alguns tópicos recorrentes da teoria do ritual, questionando, nesse sentido, as análises centradas na teoria da "marginalidade". Ao mesmo tempo , a problemática está situada no contexto das consequências das políticas assimilacionistas implementadas pela administração colonial, com o objetivo de "aportuguesar" os muçulmanos africanos.

Research paper thumbnail of Esporte, portugalização e diáspora: os luso-chineses de Moçambique

Revista EntreRios (UFPI), 2019

This article seeks to reconstructs the tenuous and paradoxical incorporation of the Chinese of Be... more This article seeks to reconstructs the tenuous and paradoxical incorporation of the Chinese of Beira (Mozambique) into the “Portuguese family”. The paper focuses on the 1950 period, when Portugal sought to strengthen its colonial ideology with references to an alleged multiracialism in the so-called Ultramarine Provinces. How this portugalization was performed? Through sport and, more specifically, through basketball the Chinese settlers gained notoriety and were considered as a “good Portuguese” and good citizens. Based on a multi-sited ethnographic work conducted among the Luso-Chinese diaspora, this article aims to reflect on sport as a significant dimension of that colonial modernity.

Research paper thumbnail of Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez

BOOK REVIEW: Fado Tropical. O Luso-Tropicalismo na Cultura de Massas (1960-1974), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of TRÊS "RAÇAS" E UMA NAÇÃO? A propósito de África no Brasil e Brasil na África

Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PósColoniais, 2011

The slave trade established permanent relations between Brazil and Africa. Since the abolition of... more The slave trade established permanent relations between Brazil and Africa. Since the abolition of slavery in 1888, the challenges of constructing Brazil as a Republic and as a nation have been tied in with this past. Hence, the spokespeople of what was later to become the "Brazilian people"-intellectuals, politicians, doctors-have all had to reflect on the African "factor" in the national imagination, whether rejecting it or asserting it. This article presents some of the issues and dilemmas for the future of African studies in Brazil and, at the same time, it looks into the contemporary debates surrounding the national "imaginations".

Research paper thumbnail of Franz Boas e Kamba Simango: epistolários de um diálogo etnográfico

Travessias antropológicas: estudos en contextos africanos (Wilson Trajano Filho, org. Brasília: ABA), 2012

Kamba Simango was born in 1890 in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. He w... more Kamba Simango was born in 1890 in Machanga District, on the coast of present-day Mozambique. He was sent to the United States to study at the Hampton Institute in 1914 under the auspices of missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. At the Hampton Institute, African Americans and young people from Africa came to learn science, literature, and manual skills. During his studies, he encountered the musicologist and folklorist Natalie Curtis. In 1919, the missionaries sent Simango to study at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he met Franz Boas and the pair immediately struck up a rapport. The “father” of modern North American anthropology encouraged Simango to become a native ethnographer (not merely an “informant”), armed with anthropological tools. Boas suggested that Simango write about his people, the Vandau or Mandau, independently of his commitments to the missionaries of the American Board. The two men began a correspondence that would continue for many years.

Research paper thumbnail of A Brazilianist in Portuguese Africa: Charles Wagley's Trip from Mozambique to Guinea-Bissau

Portuguese Studies Review, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Antropologia e sociobiologia: breve crônica sobre a ressureição de um debate

Revista de Antropologia USP, v.61 n.1, 47-59, 2018

No final de 2016, um Requerimento emitido por membros de uma Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (C... more No final de 2016, um Requerimento emitido por membros de uma Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI), conhecida como CPI FUNAI-INCRA 2, solicitou a quebra de sigilo bancário e fiscal da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA), bem como do seu presidente. Para fundamentar as acusações contra a ABA, o Requerimento citou, em uma de suas passagens, argumentos de Napoleon A. Chagnon, dentre os quais a afirmação de que os antropólogos brasileiros não fazem ciência, mas ativismo. Chagnon foi um dos poucos antropólogos a adotar os postulados da chamada sociobiologia. Com a evocação do nome de Chagnon, o Requerimento da CPI estava, involuntariamente, "ressuscitando" um debate moribundo: antropologia versus sociobiologia. A partir do cenário acusatório montado pela CPI FUNAI-INCRA 2, este artigo retoma aquela controvérsia fundamental que, desde a década de 1970, dividiu antropólogos e sociobiólogos.
Palavras-chave: Sociobiologia, CPI-FUNAI-INCRA 2, Napoleon A. Chagnon, Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, controvérsias DOI http://dx.

Research paper thumbnail of O DILEMA MULTICULTURAL(2014)

O dilema multicultural, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Studies On Chinese Migrations - Brazil, China and Mozambique

Projeto Orientalismo/UERJ, 2021

The read you have in your hands is a compilation of articles on Chinese immigration to Brazil. It... more The read you have in your hands is a compilation of articles on Chinese immigration to Brazil. It has been organized by the two of us, bringing together the production of ours, along with those of other renowned researchers on the topic, coming from different backgrounds, alma maters and walks of life.

The present selection is the result of gatherings realized in universities in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo cities in the years of 2018 and 2019, bringing together researchers from different countries, henceforth resulting in the making of a compilation in English language.

The book comes as a response for the need for systematized texts on Chinese immigration to Brazil for international audiences. As a matter of fact, a study on Chinese immigration to Brazil is of interest for those who want to go deeper on cultural aspects of the Sino-Brazilian relations, with the advantage of offering information on Chinese culture available within Brazil, revealing how the South American country is transformed by the contact with the Asian one, besides revealing something new about ancient connections between Brazil and China.