stefanie lais kreutz rosa | Universidade Federal do Paraná (original) (raw)
Papers by stefanie lais kreutz rosa
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Luiz Moretti de SouzaCoorientador: Dr. Rodrigo Yoiti TsukaharaDissert... more Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Luiz Moretti de SouzaCoorientador: Dr. Rodrigo Yoiti TsukaharaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo. Defesa : Curitiba, 31/08/2018Inclui referênciasResumo: . A utilização de modelos computacionais para estimar o rendimento de cultivos agrícolas contribui significativamente na adoção de alternativas de plantio e manejo de culturas. A principal vantagem da utilização da modelagem na agricultura está relacionada ao planejamento da safra antes da implantação a campo, sendo possível ajustar técnicas para melhorar o rendimento final. Além disso, o uso dos modelos consolidados dispensam experimentos com práticas a campo, que demandam tempo relativamente longo. Porém, sua utilização muitas vezes apresenta certa complexidade. A principal limitação consiste na disponibilidade dos dados de entrada, os quais geralmente são de difícil obtenção e custo elevado, exigindo do usuár...
Soil air-filled porosity (β) is directly related to the plants development and yield. Thus, the a... more Soil air-filled porosity (β) is directly related to the plants development and yield. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate how hourly aeration porosity (β) affects the productivity of irrigated coffee cultivated in an Oxisol in the region of Lavras, southeastern Brazil, in order to determine its ideal range. The experiment was conducted with the Rubi MG-1192 cultivar, spaced at 3.5 x 0.8 meters, in randomized blocks with six treatments and three replicates. The treatments consisted of applying percentages of the gross irrigation depth required (Li), being: non-irrigated, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140% of Li. The soil matric potential (ym) in each treatment was measured with sensors, performing hourly readings at three depths (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 m). The increase in gross irrigation depths provides a linear reduction of the average air-filled porosity in the soil cultivated with coffee. The T100 treatment showed a significant productivity increase, and from this value the gross irr...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2021
Reliable measures of climate variables and the availability of alternative and safe methods are f... more Reliable measures of climate variables and the availability of alternative and safe methods are fundamental in estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) under unfavorable technical and financial conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the reference evapotranspiration estimation, in hourly periodicity, using the Moretti-Jerszurki-Silva models (EToMJS(ψair); EToMJS(ψair;Ra)), which considers air temperature (T) and relative air humidity (RH) data measured in an alternative station. The calibration and validation of the alternative station measurements were performed using data from automatic meteorological stations in Curitiba in Paraná (climate type Cfb) and Santa Rita de Cássia in Bahia (climate type Aw), Brazil. The use of the alternative station for hourly measurements of air temperature and relative air humidity in the analyzed climate types and locations were promising. The Moretti-Jerszurki-Silva models were robust in the analyzed location...
The objective of the present study was to analyze the performance of equations to estimate the ho... more The objective of the present study was to analyze the performance of equations to estimate the hourly actual vapor pressure (ea) in the regions of Paraná State, Southern Brazil, and in the main Brazilian climate types. Four equations were tested, being considered the equation that uses the relative humidity (RH) as standard. Hourly data series from automatic meteorological stations of the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) were used in the analyses, being 25 from the Paraná State (data measured between December 1, 2016 and November 8, 2018) and 8 representing the main Brazilians climate types (Af, Am, Aw, Bsh, Cfa, Cfb, Cwa and Cwb; data measured between December 12, 2018 and December 11, 2019). The association between standard and alternative equations was verified using linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient (r), index of agreement (d) and root mean square error (RMSE). The alternative equations did not differ from the standard equation in the locatio...
Idesia, 2021
The objective of this study was to calibrate and validate models to estimate dry biomass of maize... more The objective of this study was to calibrate and validate models to estimate dry biomass of maize and soybean crops in the Campos Gerais region, located in the subtropical zone in southern Brazil, with incident solar radiation (Rs), growing degree days (GDD), days after planting (DAP) and precipitation (P) as variables. The experiments were carried out in the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 harvests in Castro and Ponta Grossa cities, in four phenological stages, to obtain dry biomass. The climate data came from the ABC Foundation agrometeorological stations, installed close to the experimental areas. The parameters adjustment was performed by the Least Squares Method and using a spreadsheet Solver. The soybean harvests with the highest DAP, Rs, and P until physiological maturation were not the ones that obtained the highest final dry biomass productivity, except for the GDD variable. As sowing was performed later, the soybean crop cycle decreased. With the exception of the models' performance for the precipitation variable (between "Terrible" and "Excellent") for soybean and maize crops, the other variables presented promising performances between "Bad" and "Excellent", with a predominance of "Excellent".
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of alcohol in concentrations of 0.0, 4... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of alcohol in concentrations of 0.0, 47.6, 70 and 99 °GL, to determine the soil particle density ( r p ) with the Volumetric Glassware Method ( VG ), verifying the best time of analysis and the possibility of alternatives to 99 °GL alcohol concentration. The soil samples were collected in five experimental areas of the Fundacao ABC (Arapoti, Castro, Itabera, Ponta Grossa and Tibagi), at 0.0-0.20 m depth, stored in a plastic bag and forwarded to the Soil Physics laboratory of the Federal University of Parana. Analyzes with alcohol concentrations were performed with five repetitions, for each location, totaling 100 samples. The comparison of the “ r p obtained with VG and 99 °GL alcohol” ( r pVG. 99 ) vs “ r p with alternative methods” (water: r pVG.w ; 47.6 °GL alcohol: r pVG .47.6 ; and 70 °GL alcohol: r pVG .70 ) values were performed considering linear regression analysis, Box Plot diagram, coefficient of variation ( CV ) ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of wheat cultivars, an... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of wheat cultivars, and compare the productivity obtained in the field and estimated with Jensen model, at different sowing dates, in Cascavel and Palotina cities, Parana state, Brazil. The experiments were carried out in the field at the COODETEC Research Center, located in Cascavel and Palotina. The experiment was conducted in a randomized blocks design in a 7 × 3 factorial, with plots consisting of six lines spaced at 5 × 0.17 meters, with seven wheat cultivars and three sowing dates, with three repetitions. The pluvial precipitation higher than crop evapotranspiration in all cultivation cycles analyzed did not prevent water deficiencies, which occurred predominantly in the heading and physiological maturation stages. The smallest water deficiencies in Cascavel (31.2 mm; April 22) and Palotina (7.2 mm; March 31), from sowing to heading, reduced grain yield by 41.7% and 42.8%, respectively, in relation to t...
We aimed to calculate the probable values of water deficiency (Def) and surplus (Exc) for corn ... more We aimed to calculate the probable values of water deficiency (Def) and surplus (Exc) for corn and soybean in the State of Parana, in order to obtain the best sowing periods. Climatic data (1980 to 2013) were spatialized in a regular grid of 0.25o x 0.25o. The agricultural water balance was calculated daily using the AquaCrop program, with the values added up and grouped into 37 ten-days per year. Frequency distributions were carried out and adherence tests were applied to ten-days periods to adjust them to probability density functions (PDF’s). The probable decennial values of Def and Exc were determined at 10%, 25% and 50% of probability. Gamma and Exponential were the PDF’s that showed adherence to the greatest number of locations, while Uniform can be discarded for future adjustments. In the State of Parana, on average, the lowest Def occurs when soybean is sown from December 27th to 31, while the lowest Exc occurs from October 8th to 17. For season and off-season corn, th...
The objective of this study was to verify the magnitude and trend of hourly reference evapotransp... more The objective of this study was to verify the magnitude and trend of hourly reference evapotranspiration (EToh), as well as associate and analyze daily ETo (ETod) series and the sum of hourly ETo (ETo24h) in 24 h, estimated with the PenmanMonteith ASCE model for Paraná State (Cfa and Cfb climate type). Relative humidity (RH), temperature (T), solar radiation (Rs) and wind speed (u2) data were obtained from 25 meteorological stations from the National Meteorological Institute (INMET), between December 1, 2016 to November 8, 2018. The analyzes were performed by linear regression and associations considering the root mean square error, correlation coefficient and index of agreement. The EToh trend has a Gaussian distribution, with the highest values between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., with the maximum average being 0.44 mm h (Cfa climate type) and 0.35 mm h (Cfb climate type). The average difference between the ETo24h and ETod values was small (5.1% for Cfa and 7.4% for Cfb), resulting i...
Los valores de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo para uso en modelos de simulacion agricola... more Los valores de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo para uso en modelos de simulacion agricola generalmente se obtienen usando metodos dificiles y demorados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el desempeno del modelo AquaCrop para estimar la productividad de los cultivos soja y maiz en la region de los Campos Gerais (Brasil), de acuerdo con la opcion de incluir de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo en el modelo. Las productividades reales de los cultivos y datos de entrada (suelo, clima, cultivo y manejo del suelo) se obtuvieron de las estaciones experimentales de la Fundacion ABC, para los anos cosecha entre 2006 y 2014. Se llevaron a cabo 64 simulaciones de productividad para soya (cuatro municipios) y 42 para maiz (tres municipios), evaluando escenarios de entrada de los datos del suelo en el AquaCrop de la siguiente manera: i) todos los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo medidos (estandar) y ii) solo la clasificacion textural del area (alternativo). Las produ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Acta Iguazu
The computational models that simulate yield of agricultural crops are important to planning acti... more The computational models that simulate yield of agricultural crops are important to planning activities. The objective of this study was to verify the performance of AquaCrop model to simulate soybean and maize yield in Campos Gerais region, in different soil types. The AquaCrop was used to estimate yield, requiring climate, soil, crop and soil management input data. In the analysis were used data from 21 and 32 experiments with maize and soybeans, respectively, carried out in the ABC Foundation, from years harvest between 2006 and 2014. For soybean crop, the highest absolute and relative errors of productivity simulations occurred in less productive crops, due to the lack of rain during sowing, water deficit in the harvest or high temperatures in the first weeks after the plants emergence. The highest absolute and relative errors verified in the simulations with maize crop experiments did not allow defined pattern identification. The AquaCrop achieved “very good” and “excellent” pe...
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia
Crop productivity evaluation with models simulations can help in the prediction of harvests and i... more Crop productivity evaluation with models simulations can help in the prediction of harvests and in the understanding of the interactions resulting from the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The aim of this study was to calibrate and validate the AquaCrop model for maize crop in the edaphoclimatic conditions of Campos Gerais region, Paraná State, Brazil. The analyses were carried out for maize crop with model input data (climate, crop, soil and soil management) obtained from the ABC Foundation Experimental Station in Castro, Ponta Grossa and Socavão. The climate in the region is humid subtropical, with rainfall evenly distributed. The relief varies from flat to gently undulating. The period analyzed in the calibration and validation process comprised 2011 to 2016 and 2012 to 2016 harvests, respectively. The data used in the calibration of AquaCrop was different from those used in the validation process. Observed and simulated yields were evaluated by simple linear regression analyses,...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Luiz Moretti de SouzaCoorientador: Dr. Rodrigo Yoiti TsukaharaDissert... more Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Luiz Moretti de SouzaCoorientador: Dr. Rodrigo Yoiti TsukaharaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo. Defesa : Curitiba, 31/08/2018Inclui referênciasResumo: . A utilização de modelos computacionais para estimar o rendimento de cultivos agrícolas contribui significativamente na adoção de alternativas de plantio e manejo de culturas. A principal vantagem da utilização da modelagem na agricultura está relacionada ao planejamento da safra antes da implantação a campo, sendo possível ajustar técnicas para melhorar o rendimento final. Além disso, o uso dos modelos consolidados dispensam experimentos com práticas a campo, que demandam tempo relativamente longo. Porém, sua utilização muitas vezes apresenta certa complexidade. A principal limitação consiste na disponibilidade dos dados de entrada, os quais geralmente são de difícil obtenção e custo elevado, exigindo do usuár...
Soil air-filled porosity (β) is directly related to the plants development and yield. Thus, the a... more Soil air-filled porosity (β) is directly related to the plants development and yield. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate how hourly aeration porosity (β) affects the productivity of irrigated coffee cultivated in an Oxisol in the region of Lavras, southeastern Brazil, in order to determine its ideal range. The experiment was conducted with the Rubi MG-1192 cultivar, spaced at 3.5 x 0.8 meters, in randomized blocks with six treatments and three replicates. The treatments consisted of applying percentages of the gross irrigation depth required (Li), being: non-irrigated, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140% of Li. The soil matric potential (ym) in each treatment was measured with sensors, performing hourly readings at three depths (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 m). The increase in gross irrigation depths provides a linear reduction of the average air-filled porosity in the soil cultivated with coffee. The T100 treatment showed a significant productivity increase, and from this value the gross irr...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2021
Reliable measures of climate variables and the availability of alternative and safe methods are f... more Reliable measures of climate variables and the availability of alternative and safe methods are fundamental in estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) under unfavorable technical and financial conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the reference evapotranspiration estimation, in hourly periodicity, using the Moretti-Jerszurki-Silva models (EToMJS(ψair); EToMJS(ψair;Ra)), which considers air temperature (T) and relative air humidity (RH) data measured in an alternative station. The calibration and validation of the alternative station measurements were performed using data from automatic meteorological stations in Curitiba in Paraná (climate type Cfb) and Santa Rita de Cássia in Bahia (climate type Aw), Brazil. The use of the alternative station for hourly measurements of air temperature and relative air humidity in the analyzed climate types and locations were promising. The Moretti-Jerszurki-Silva models were robust in the analyzed location...
The objective of the present study was to analyze the performance of equations to estimate the ho... more The objective of the present study was to analyze the performance of equations to estimate the hourly actual vapor pressure (ea) in the regions of Paraná State, Southern Brazil, and in the main Brazilian climate types. Four equations were tested, being considered the equation that uses the relative humidity (RH) as standard. Hourly data series from automatic meteorological stations of the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) were used in the analyses, being 25 from the Paraná State (data measured between December 1, 2016 and November 8, 2018) and 8 representing the main Brazilians climate types (Af, Am, Aw, Bsh, Cfa, Cfb, Cwa and Cwb; data measured between December 12, 2018 and December 11, 2019). The association between standard and alternative equations was verified using linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient (r), index of agreement (d) and root mean square error (RMSE). The alternative equations did not differ from the standard equation in the locatio...
Idesia, 2021
The objective of this study was to calibrate and validate models to estimate dry biomass of maize... more The objective of this study was to calibrate and validate models to estimate dry biomass of maize and soybean crops in the Campos Gerais region, located in the subtropical zone in southern Brazil, with incident solar radiation (Rs), growing degree days (GDD), days after planting (DAP) and precipitation (P) as variables. The experiments were carried out in the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 harvests in Castro and Ponta Grossa cities, in four phenological stages, to obtain dry biomass. The climate data came from the ABC Foundation agrometeorological stations, installed close to the experimental areas. The parameters adjustment was performed by the Least Squares Method and using a spreadsheet Solver. The soybean harvests with the highest DAP, Rs, and P until physiological maturation were not the ones that obtained the highest final dry biomass productivity, except for the GDD variable. As sowing was performed later, the soybean crop cycle decreased. With the exception of the models' performance for the precipitation variable (between "Terrible" and "Excellent") for soybean and maize crops, the other variables presented promising performances between "Bad" and "Excellent", with a predominance of "Excellent".
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of alcohol in concentrations of 0.0, 4... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of alcohol in concentrations of 0.0, 47.6, 70 and 99 °GL, to determine the soil particle density ( r p ) with the Volumetric Glassware Method ( VG ), verifying the best time of analysis and the possibility of alternatives to 99 °GL alcohol concentration. The soil samples were collected in five experimental areas of the Fundacao ABC (Arapoti, Castro, Itabera, Ponta Grossa and Tibagi), at 0.0-0.20 m depth, stored in a plastic bag and forwarded to the Soil Physics laboratory of the Federal University of Parana. Analyzes with alcohol concentrations were performed with five repetitions, for each location, totaling 100 samples. The comparison of the “ r p obtained with VG and 99 °GL alcohol” ( r pVG. 99 ) vs “ r p with alternative methods” (water: r pVG.w ; 47.6 °GL alcohol: r pVG .47.6 ; and 70 °GL alcohol: r pVG .70 ) values were performed considering linear regression analysis, Box Plot diagram, coefficient of variation ( CV ) ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of wheat cultivars, an... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of wheat cultivars, and compare the productivity obtained in the field and estimated with Jensen model, at different sowing dates, in Cascavel and Palotina cities, Parana state, Brazil. The experiments were carried out in the field at the COODETEC Research Center, located in Cascavel and Palotina. The experiment was conducted in a randomized blocks design in a 7 × 3 factorial, with plots consisting of six lines spaced at 5 × 0.17 meters, with seven wheat cultivars and three sowing dates, with three repetitions. The pluvial precipitation higher than crop evapotranspiration in all cultivation cycles analyzed did not prevent water deficiencies, which occurred predominantly in the heading and physiological maturation stages. The smallest water deficiencies in Cascavel (31.2 mm; April 22) and Palotina (7.2 mm; March 31), from sowing to heading, reduced grain yield by 41.7% and 42.8%, respectively, in relation to t...
We aimed to calculate the probable values of water deficiency (Def) and surplus (Exc) for corn ... more We aimed to calculate the probable values of water deficiency (Def) and surplus (Exc) for corn and soybean in the State of Parana, in order to obtain the best sowing periods. Climatic data (1980 to 2013) were spatialized in a regular grid of 0.25o x 0.25o. The agricultural water balance was calculated daily using the AquaCrop program, with the values added up and grouped into 37 ten-days per year. Frequency distributions were carried out and adherence tests were applied to ten-days periods to adjust them to probability density functions (PDF’s). The probable decennial values of Def and Exc were determined at 10%, 25% and 50% of probability. Gamma and Exponential were the PDF’s that showed adherence to the greatest number of locations, while Uniform can be discarded for future adjustments. In the State of Parana, on average, the lowest Def occurs when soybean is sown from December 27th to 31, while the lowest Exc occurs from October 8th to 17. For season and off-season corn, th...
The objective of this study was to verify the magnitude and trend of hourly reference evapotransp... more The objective of this study was to verify the magnitude and trend of hourly reference evapotranspiration (EToh), as well as associate and analyze daily ETo (ETod) series and the sum of hourly ETo (ETo24h) in 24 h, estimated with the PenmanMonteith ASCE model for Paraná State (Cfa and Cfb climate type). Relative humidity (RH), temperature (T), solar radiation (Rs) and wind speed (u2) data were obtained from 25 meteorological stations from the National Meteorological Institute (INMET), between December 1, 2016 to November 8, 2018. The analyzes were performed by linear regression and associations considering the root mean square error, correlation coefficient and index of agreement. The EToh trend has a Gaussian distribution, with the highest values between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., with the maximum average being 0.44 mm h (Cfa climate type) and 0.35 mm h (Cfb climate type). The average difference between the ETo24h and ETod values was small (5.1% for Cfa and 7.4% for Cfb), resulting i...
Los valores de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo para uso en modelos de simulacion agricola... more Los valores de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo para uso en modelos de simulacion agricola generalmente se obtienen usando metodos dificiles y demorados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el desempeno del modelo AquaCrop para estimar la productividad de los cultivos soja y maiz en la region de los Campos Gerais (Brasil), de acuerdo con la opcion de incluir de los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo en el modelo. Las productividades reales de los cultivos y datos de entrada (suelo, clima, cultivo y manejo del suelo) se obtuvieron de las estaciones experimentales de la Fundacion ABC, para los anos cosecha entre 2006 y 2014. Se llevaron a cabo 64 simulaciones de productividad para soya (cuatro municipios) y 42 para maiz (tres municipios), evaluando escenarios de entrada de los datos del suelo en el AquaCrop de la siguiente manera: i) todos los atributos fisico-hidricos del suelo medidos (estandar) y ii) solo la clasificacion textural del area (alternativo). Las produ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Acta Iguazu
The computational models that simulate yield of agricultural crops are important to planning acti... more The computational models that simulate yield of agricultural crops are important to planning activities. The objective of this study was to verify the performance of AquaCrop model to simulate soybean and maize yield in Campos Gerais region, in different soil types. The AquaCrop was used to estimate yield, requiring climate, soil, crop and soil management input data. In the analysis were used data from 21 and 32 experiments with maize and soybeans, respectively, carried out in the ABC Foundation, from years harvest between 2006 and 2014. For soybean crop, the highest absolute and relative errors of productivity simulations occurred in less productive crops, due to the lack of rain during sowing, water deficit in the harvest or high temperatures in the first weeks after the plants emergence. The highest absolute and relative errors verified in the simulations with maize crop experiments did not allow defined pattern identification. The AquaCrop achieved “very good” and “excellent” pe...
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia
Crop productivity evaluation with models simulations can help in the prediction of harvests and i... more Crop productivity evaluation with models simulations can help in the prediction of harvests and in the understanding of the interactions resulting from the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The aim of this study was to calibrate and validate the AquaCrop model for maize crop in the edaphoclimatic conditions of Campos Gerais region, Paraná State, Brazil. The analyses were carried out for maize crop with model input data (climate, crop, soil and soil management) obtained from the ABC Foundation Experimental Station in Castro, Ponta Grossa and Socavão. The climate in the region is humid subtropical, with rainfall evenly distributed. The relief varies from flat to gently undulating. The period analyzed in the calibration and validation process comprised 2011 to 2016 and 2012 to 2016 harvests, respectively. The data used in the calibration of AquaCrop was different from those used in the validation process. Observed and simulated yields were evaluated by simple linear regression analyses,...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira