Bruno Damasio | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (original) (raw)
Papers by Bruno Damasio
This study aimed to present the validation process and the psychometric properties of the Brazili... more This study aimed to present the validation process and the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). Participants were a nationwide sample of 3020 subjects aged 18---91 years old, from 22 different Brazilian states. Exploratory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution (presence of meaning - MLQ-P; and search for meaning --- MLQ-S). Adequate reliability indexes were achieved. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) provided evidence that the MLQ-P and MLQ-S scales present better goodness-of-
fit indexes when evaluated separately. Multiple group CFA achieved full measurement and structural invariance for gender and age (youngsters, adults and the elderly) groups. Group
comparisons were conducted for evaluating gender, age and marital status differences in both MLQ-P and MLQ-S scales. The results are presented and discussed based on the literature. Our results suggest that the MLQ is a reliable measurement to evaluate presence and search for meaning in life in the Brazilian population in a wide variety of age groups.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Positivity Scale ... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Positivity Scale (P--Scale). Participants were 730 subjects (65% women), aged from 17 to 70 years old (M = 31.0 years; SD = 11.43), from 21 Brazilian states. The sample was randomly split in two halves to cross-validate the results. With the first half of the sample (n1 = 365), an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. With the second half of the sample (n2 = 365), a confi rmatory factor analysis (CFA) assessed the fit of the exploratory model. Convergent validity and group differences were also evaluated. The EFA and CFA presented a one-dimensional structure for the P-Scale. Moderate correlations were found between the P-Scale and mental-health, subjective happiness and life-satisfaction. The levels of positivity presented a low positive correlation with age, educational level and financial income. Slightly significant effects were found for occupational status and marital status. Positivity appears to be more closely related to personal dispositions than to sociodemographic aspects. Our results suggest that the P-Scale is a reliable measure with which to evaluate the levels of positivity in Brazil.
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 2012
The adaptation of psychological instruments is a complex process that requires a high methodologi... more The adaptation of psychological instruments is a complex process that requires a high methodological rigor. Because there is no consensus in the literature about its steps, this article discuss some essential aspects regarding the cross-cultural adaptation of psychological instruments and proposes guidelines to the researchers about the different steps of this process. Some considerations regarding the validation of the adapted instrument are also presented. In this stage, we discuss some aspects regarding the factorial structure of the instrument, which might be evaluated through statistical procedures, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. More than that, the authors provide some guidelines to the validation of psychological instruments in different cultures.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behaviors Que... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behaviors Questionnaire (PARB-Q), a self-report questionnaire to measure child overt aggression (PA) and reaction to peer aggression (RPA). Participants were 587 Italian elementary school children, aged 7-10 years (51.5% female). Exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses presented a one-factor solution for the PA scale and a three-factor solution for the RPA scale (reactive aggression, seeking teacher support and internalizing reaction), presenting adequate reliability and goodness-of-fi t indexes for both scales. Criterion validity presented satisfactory evidence. The PARB-Q appears to be a psychometrically sound tool to evaluate aggressive behavior and reactions to peer aggression in elementary school children.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido... more O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido em sua versão de 10 itens (PSS-10) em uma amostra de professores (N = 517). Uma análise fatorial exploratória pelo método de extração minimum rank factor analysis, utilizando a matriz de correlações policóricas e o critério de análise paralela para retenção dos fatores indicou a solução unifatorial como a mais ajustada aos dados. Os itens possuíram cargas fatoriais adequadas e o fator retido explicou 67% da variância comum dos escores, apresentando consistência interna (a = 0,80). Este estudo fornece evidências de validade da PSS-10 no contexto brasileiro.
Journal of Nursing Measurement, Jan 1, 2011
CITATIONS 9 READS 1,687 3 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also wo... more CITATIONS 9 READS 1,687 3 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Psicopatologia e bem-estar: impactos no desenvolvimento de metas e objetivos de vida em jovens fluminenses View project Development and evidences of validity of the Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale-PAB-S View project Bruno Figueiredo Damásio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 7 PUBLICATIONS 37 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE
Researchers dealing with the task of estimating locations of individuals on continuous latent va... more Researchers dealing with the task of estimating locations of individuals on continuous latent variables may rely on several statistical models described in the literature. However, weighting costs and benefits of using one specific model over alternative models depends on empirical information that is
not always clearly available. Therefore, the aim of this simulation study was to compare the performance of seven popular statistical models in providing adequate latent trait estimates in conditions of items difficulties targeted at the sample mean or at the tails of the latent trait distribution. Results suggested an overall tendency of models to provide more accurate estimates of true latent scores when using items targeted at the sample mean of the latent trait distribution. Rating Scale Model, Graded Response Model, and Weighted Least Squares Mean- and Variance-adjusted Confi rmatory Factor Analysis yielded the most reliable latent trait estimates, even when applied to inadequate items for the sample distribution of the latent variable. These findings have important implications concerning some popular methodological practices in Psychology and related areas.
This study aimed to investigate the extent to which two widely used psychometric instruments (i.e... more This study aimed to investigate the extent to which two widely used psychometric instruments (i.e., MLQ-Presence and SoMe-Meaningfulness subscales) measure the same meaning in life latent trait. Participants were 3020 subjects (63.9% women), ranging in age from 18 to 91 years old (M = 33.92; SD = 15.01), sampled from 22 Brazilian states. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) supported the unidimensionality of MLQ-Presence scale, but suggested that two distinct latent variables explained the items of SoMe-Meaningfulness scale. This result was further supported by a bi-factor exploratory structural equation modeling, which showed that items 4 and 5 of the SoMe-Meaningfulness scale were primarily influenced by a second latent trait rather than by MIL. Further analyses showed that this second latent trait was more closely related with self-transcendence issues (generativity and spirituality, specifically) instead of MIL.
Recent findings have shown that existential experiences are complex and, at least theoretically, ... more Recent findings have shown that existential experiences are complex and, at least theoretically, it could be separated into several different categories (meaningfulness, crisis of meaning, existential indifference, and existential conflict). In this study, we sought to examine in a large Brazilian sample (N = 3,034 subjects, from 22 Brazilian states) the plausibility of existence of these categories and how people inserted on them would differ in terms of sociodemographic variables and psychological functioning (engagement with sources of meaning and scores on a set of dispositional and well-being constructs). Our results showed the existence of all four categories of meaning. Men were more frequently classified into the existentially indifferent and crisis of meaning groups. The meaningfulness group presented higher scores in all sources of meaning when compared to other groups, whereas the existentially indifferent group presented the lowest scores. A highly diverse pattern of relationships between the sources of meaning and the levels of meaningfulness for the different categories of meaning was found. Significant differences between the existential indifference and the existential conflict groups were found for subjective happiness, life satisfaction and self-esteem but not found for optimism, pessimism, hope (agency and pathways), and self-efficacy.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the fi ve-item Mental... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the fi ve-item Mental Health Index (MHI-5). Participants were 524 subjects (69.8% women), aged from 18 to 88 years old (M = 38.3; SD = 13.26), from 17 Brazilian states. Exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses supported a single-factor solution. Reliability was assessed using alpha reliability, average variance extracted and composite reliability. Convergent validity was presented using the MHI-5, the Subjective Happiness Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Discriminant validity, using the GHQ-12, showed that MHI-5 is a reliable measure to evaluate mental health. The scale presented strong evidence of validity and seems appropriate to evaluate mental health in the Brazilian population.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido... more O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido em sua versão de 10 itens (PSS-10) em uma amostra de professores (N = 517). Uma análise fatorial exploratória pelo método de extração minimum rank factor analysis, utilizando a matriz de correlações policóricas e o critério de análise paralela para retenção dos fatores indicou a solução unifatorial como a mais ajustada aos dados. Os itens possuíram cargas fatoriais adequadas e o fator retido explicou 67% da variância comum dos escores, apresentando consistência interna ( = 0,80). Este estudo fornece evidências de validade da PSS-10 no contexto brasileiro. Palavras-chave: Escala de Estresse Percebido, PSS-10, análise fatorial exploratória, análise paralela, métodos robustos.
Journal of Psychology ha evaluado, revisado y aceptado el presente artículo según los criterios d... more Journal of Psychology ha evaluado, revisado y aceptado el presente artículo según los criterios de la revista y siguiendo el proceso de revisión doble ciego por pares académicos externos. De la misma forma, este artículo ha iniciado el proceso de edición y la presente versión ya cuenta con la revisión de estilo nal con la que aparecerá en la versión electrónica, faltando únicamente el proceso de diagramación. Con miras a facilitar y agilizar el proceso de publicación de los contenidos de la revista, el presente artículo se publica de forma anticipada. En este punto, puede ser utilizado para su lectura, consulta, citación o distribución y deberá ser citado tal como aparece a continuación. Finalmente, tenga en cuenta que la versión electrónica nal reemplazará esta versión del archivo y se actualizarán los metadatos asociados al mismo en los diferentes sistemas de información. e Editorial Board of Universitas Psychologica: Panamerican Journal of Psychology has evaluated, reviewed and accepted the article herein in accordance with the establised criteria and by means of double-blind peer review performed by external scholars.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Sources of Meanin... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe-BR). Participants were 3.034 subjects (63.9% women), ranging in age from 18 to 91 years. Reliability analysis, parallel analysis (PA), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were employed to evaluate the structure and reliability of the SoMe-BR. Through PA and ESEM, a five-dimension structure for the 26 sources of meaning was achieved. CFAs supported meaningfulness and crisis of meaning as two distinct constructs. Convergent validity within the SoMe-BR and between the SoMe-BR and other scales were also achieved. Regarding the SoMe scores and sociodemographic variables, significant main effects were found for gender, age groups and marital status. Our results corroborate the international literature, which claims in favor of the SoMe as a reliable measure to evaluate meaning in life contents in different cultural contexts.
A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo (AFCMG) é uma técnica da modelagem de equações estrut... more A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo (AFCMG) é uma técnica da modelagem de equações estruturais que avalia em que medida a configuração e os parâmetros de determinado instrumento psicométrico são invariantes (equivalentes) para diferentes grupos. Tal técnica tem se apresentado como um importante recurso no desenvolvimento, no uso, na avaliação e no refinamento de instrumentos psicométricos. Entretanto, no Brasil há enorme escassez de publicações sobre o tema. Assim, o presente estudo discute a AFCMG, apresentando suas potencialidades. Ao longo do artigo três grandes tópicos são abordados: os diferentes modelos a serem testados, a invariância completa versus a invariância parcial, e os métodos de avaliação de invariância dos modelos. Espera-se que esta leitura auxilie pesquisadores na compreensão, na interpretação e no uso da AFCMG. Palavras-chave: Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo, Invariância de medida, Equivalência de medida, Psicometria, Modelagem de equações estruturais.
A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) é um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas amplamente utilizada... more A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) é um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas amplamente utilizadas nas pesquisas em Psicologia. Durante sua execução, diversas decisões precisam ser tomadas a fim de se obter uma estrutura fatorial adequada. O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir alguns dos principais aspectos desta técnica, apresentando estudos atualizados sobre o tema. Diferenças entre análise fatorial exploratória e análise de componentes principais, retenção e rotação fatorial, tamanho da amostra ideal, importância da variância explicada e a confiabilidade da solução fatorial são alguns dos tópicos discutidos. Aponta-se para o fato de que todas as decisões a serem tomadas durante a execução de uma análise fatorial exploratória não podem ser arbitrárias e subjetivas, mas devem ser pautadas em critérios teóricos e metodológicos claros. Este estudo pretende auxiliar pesquisadores da área da Psicologia a realizarem AFEs com maior discernimento teórico e metodológico. Palavras-chave: análise fatorial exploratória; rotação; retenção; tamanho amostral; análise paralela.
Resumo: A adaptação de instrumentos psicológicos é um processo complexo que requer elevado rigor ... more Resumo: A adaptação de instrumentos psicológicos é um processo complexo que requer elevado rigor metodológico. Por não haver consenso na literatura sobre suas etapas, o presente artigo discute alguns aspectos essenciais concernentes à adaptação transcultural de instrumentos psicológicos e propõe diretrizes aos pesquisadores sobre os diferentes passos desse processo. São apresentadas, também, algumas considerações referentes à validação do instrumento adaptado. Nesta etapa, são discutidos os aspectos referentes à estrutura fatorial do instrumento, a qual requer avaliação por meio de procedimentos estatísticos, como análises fatoriais exploratórias e confi rmatórias, sendo fornecidas algumas diretrizes gerais para a validação de instrumentos psicológicos em diferentes culturas.
This study aimed to refine the Brazilian Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C... more This study aimed to refine the Brazilian Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C34). A total of 1,160 children, between seven and 16 years of age (M = 11.2; SD = 1.92), from public elementary schools in eight Brazilian southern cities participated in the study. Four studies were conducted for this project. Study I (n = 370) evaluated the factorial structure of the PANAS-C34 (the original 34-item version). Ten potential items were selected for the instrument's refined version. Employing an independent sample (n = 340), Study II assessed the utility of this ten-item version. Exploratory factor analysis, parallel analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis supported a bi-factorial solution. However, significant modification indices emerged for two items (happy and sad) regarding their respective factors and thus they were excluded. In Study III, using another independent sample (n = 450), it was demonstrated that the eight-item version (PANAS-C8) had better fit indices than the ten-item version. In Study IV (N = 1,160) a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to evaluate the measurement invariance of the factorial solution across gender. Moreover, convergent validity was also evaluated using the Child Depression Inventory (CDI) and the General Life Satisfaction Scale for Children (GLSS-C). Measurement invariance was obtained for the PANAS-C8 across all the investigated model parameters. The correlations between the PANAS-C8 and both the CDI and the GLSS-C were of similar magnitude to those obtained using the PANAS-C34. The PANAS-C8 had adequate validity indices, demonstrating its usefulness in evaluating positive and negative affect in children.
Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os índices de sentido de vida (SV), de bem-estar psic... more Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os índices de sentido de vida (SV), de bem-estar psicológico (BEP) e de qualidade de vida (QV) em uma ampla amostra de professores escolares, e observar como o SV poderia atuar como variável moderadora da relação entre o BEP e a QV geral. Participaram do estudo 517 professores, de 57 escolas públicas e privadas da cidade de Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil, sendo 174 homens e 343 mulheres (idade média de 36,5 anos, DP = 10,34). Os resultados demonstraram que uma parcela signifi cativa de profi ssionais apresentou índices negativos de SV, BEP e QV. Análises inferenciais apresentaram o SV como uma variável preditora tanto de BEP quanto de QV. Análises de moderação demonstraram que o BEP e a QV geral apresentam correlações distintas para sujeitos com alto e com baixo nível de SV. Refl exões para pesquisas futuras e intervenções em saúde do trabalhador são apontadas.
This study aimed to present the validation process and the psychometric properties of the Brazili... more This study aimed to present the validation process and the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). Participants were a nationwide sample of 3020 subjects aged 18---91 years old, from 22 different Brazilian states. Exploratory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution (presence of meaning - MLQ-P; and search for meaning --- MLQ-S). Adequate reliability indexes were achieved. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) provided evidence that the MLQ-P and MLQ-S scales present better goodness-of-
fit indexes when evaluated separately. Multiple group CFA achieved full measurement and structural invariance for gender and age (youngsters, adults and the elderly) groups. Group
comparisons were conducted for evaluating gender, age and marital status differences in both MLQ-P and MLQ-S scales. The results are presented and discussed based on the literature. Our results suggest that the MLQ is a reliable measurement to evaluate presence and search for meaning in life in the Brazilian population in a wide variety of age groups.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Positivity Scale ... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Positivity Scale (P--Scale). Participants were 730 subjects (65% women), aged from 17 to 70 years old (M = 31.0 years; SD = 11.43), from 21 Brazilian states. The sample was randomly split in two halves to cross-validate the results. With the first half of the sample (n1 = 365), an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. With the second half of the sample (n2 = 365), a confi rmatory factor analysis (CFA) assessed the fit of the exploratory model. Convergent validity and group differences were also evaluated. The EFA and CFA presented a one-dimensional structure for the P-Scale. Moderate correlations were found between the P-Scale and mental-health, subjective happiness and life-satisfaction. The levels of positivity presented a low positive correlation with age, educational level and financial income. Slightly significant effects were found for occupational status and marital status. Positivity appears to be more closely related to personal dispositions than to sociodemographic aspects. Our results suggest that the P-Scale is a reliable measure with which to evaluate the levels of positivity in Brazil.
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 2012
The adaptation of psychological instruments is a complex process that requires a high methodologi... more The adaptation of psychological instruments is a complex process that requires a high methodological rigor. Because there is no consensus in the literature about its steps, this article discuss some essential aspects regarding the cross-cultural adaptation of psychological instruments and proposes guidelines to the researchers about the different steps of this process. Some considerations regarding the validation of the adapted instrument are also presented. In this stage, we discuss some aspects regarding the factorial structure of the instrument, which might be evaluated through statistical procedures, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. More than that, the authors provide some guidelines to the validation of psychological instruments in different cultures.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behaviors Que... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behaviors Questionnaire (PARB-Q), a self-report questionnaire to measure child overt aggression (PA) and reaction to peer aggression (RPA). Participants were 587 Italian elementary school children, aged 7-10 years (51.5% female). Exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses presented a one-factor solution for the PA scale and a three-factor solution for the RPA scale (reactive aggression, seeking teacher support and internalizing reaction), presenting adequate reliability and goodness-of-fi t indexes for both scales. Criterion validity presented satisfactory evidence. The PARB-Q appears to be a psychometrically sound tool to evaluate aggressive behavior and reactions to peer aggression in elementary school children.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido... more O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido em sua versão de 10 itens (PSS-10) em uma amostra de professores (N = 517). Uma análise fatorial exploratória pelo método de extração minimum rank factor analysis, utilizando a matriz de correlações policóricas e o critério de análise paralela para retenção dos fatores indicou a solução unifatorial como a mais ajustada aos dados. Os itens possuíram cargas fatoriais adequadas e o fator retido explicou 67% da variância comum dos escores, apresentando consistência interna (a = 0,80). Este estudo fornece evidências de validade da PSS-10 no contexto brasileiro.
Journal of Nursing Measurement, Jan 1, 2011
CITATIONS 9 READS 1,687 3 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also wo... more CITATIONS 9 READS 1,687 3 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Psicopatologia e bem-estar: impactos no desenvolvimento de metas e objetivos de vida em jovens fluminenses View project Development and evidences of validity of the Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale-PAB-S View project Bruno Figueiredo Damásio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 7 PUBLICATIONS 37 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE
Researchers dealing with the task of estimating locations of individuals on continuous latent va... more Researchers dealing with the task of estimating locations of individuals on continuous latent variables may rely on several statistical models described in the literature. However, weighting costs and benefits of using one specific model over alternative models depends on empirical information that is
not always clearly available. Therefore, the aim of this simulation study was to compare the performance of seven popular statistical models in providing adequate latent trait estimates in conditions of items difficulties targeted at the sample mean or at the tails of the latent trait distribution. Results suggested an overall tendency of models to provide more accurate estimates of true latent scores when using items targeted at the sample mean of the latent trait distribution. Rating Scale Model, Graded Response Model, and Weighted Least Squares Mean- and Variance-adjusted Confi rmatory Factor Analysis yielded the most reliable latent trait estimates, even when applied to inadequate items for the sample distribution of the latent variable. These findings have important implications concerning some popular methodological practices in Psychology and related areas.
This study aimed to investigate the extent to which two widely used psychometric instruments (i.e... more This study aimed to investigate the extent to which two widely used psychometric instruments (i.e., MLQ-Presence and SoMe-Meaningfulness subscales) measure the same meaning in life latent trait. Participants were 3020 subjects (63.9% women), ranging in age from 18 to 91 years old (M = 33.92; SD = 15.01), sampled from 22 Brazilian states. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) supported the unidimensionality of MLQ-Presence scale, but suggested that two distinct latent variables explained the items of SoMe-Meaningfulness scale. This result was further supported by a bi-factor exploratory structural equation modeling, which showed that items 4 and 5 of the SoMe-Meaningfulness scale were primarily influenced by a second latent trait rather than by MIL. Further analyses showed that this second latent trait was more closely related with self-transcendence issues (generativity and spirituality, specifically) instead of MIL.
Recent findings have shown that existential experiences are complex and, at least theoretically, ... more Recent findings have shown that existential experiences are complex and, at least theoretically, it could be separated into several different categories (meaningfulness, crisis of meaning, existential indifference, and existential conflict). In this study, we sought to examine in a large Brazilian sample (N = 3,034 subjects, from 22 Brazilian states) the plausibility of existence of these categories and how people inserted on them would differ in terms of sociodemographic variables and psychological functioning (engagement with sources of meaning and scores on a set of dispositional and well-being constructs). Our results showed the existence of all four categories of meaning. Men were more frequently classified into the existentially indifferent and crisis of meaning groups. The meaningfulness group presented higher scores in all sources of meaning when compared to other groups, whereas the existentially indifferent group presented the lowest scores. A highly diverse pattern of relationships between the sources of meaning and the levels of meaningfulness for the different categories of meaning was found. Significant differences between the existential indifference and the existential conflict groups were found for subjective happiness, life satisfaction and self-esteem but not found for optimism, pessimism, hope (agency and pathways), and self-efficacy.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the fi ve-item Mental... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the fi ve-item Mental Health Index (MHI-5). Participants were 524 subjects (69.8% women), aged from 18 to 88 years old (M = 38.3; SD = 13.26), from 17 Brazilian states. Exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses supported a single-factor solution. Reliability was assessed using alpha reliability, average variance extracted and composite reliability. Convergent validity was presented using the MHI-5, the Subjective Happiness Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Discriminant validity, using the GHQ-12, showed that MHI-5 is a reliable measure to evaluate mental health. The scale presented strong evidence of validity and seems appropriate to evaluate mental health in the Brazilian population.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido... more O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade da Escala de Estresse Percebido em sua versão de 10 itens (PSS-10) em uma amostra de professores (N = 517). Uma análise fatorial exploratória pelo método de extração minimum rank factor analysis, utilizando a matriz de correlações policóricas e o critério de análise paralela para retenção dos fatores indicou a solução unifatorial como a mais ajustada aos dados. Os itens possuíram cargas fatoriais adequadas e o fator retido explicou 67% da variância comum dos escores, apresentando consistência interna ( = 0,80). Este estudo fornece evidências de validade da PSS-10 no contexto brasileiro. Palavras-chave: Escala de Estresse Percebido, PSS-10, análise fatorial exploratória, análise paralela, métodos robustos.
Journal of Psychology ha evaluado, revisado y aceptado el presente artículo según los criterios d... more Journal of Psychology ha evaluado, revisado y aceptado el presente artículo según los criterios de la revista y siguiendo el proceso de revisión doble ciego por pares académicos externos. De la misma forma, este artículo ha iniciado el proceso de edición y la presente versión ya cuenta con la revisión de estilo nal con la que aparecerá en la versión electrónica, faltando únicamente el proceso de diagramación. Con miras a facilitar y agilizar el proceso de publicación de los contenidos de la revista, el presente artículo se publica de forma anticipada. En este punto, puede ser utilizado para su lectura, consulta, citación o distribución y deberá ser citado tal como aparece a continuación. Finalmente, tenga en cuenta que la versión electrónica nal reemplazará esta versión del archivo y se actualizarán los metadatos asociados al mismo en los diferentes sistemas de información. e Editorial Board of Universitas Psychologica: Panamerican Journal of Psychology has evaluated, reviewed and accepted the article herein in accordance with the establised criteria and by means of double-blind peer review performed by external scholars.
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Sources of Meanin... more This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe-BR). Participants were 3.034 subjects (63.9% women), ranging in age from 18 to 91 years. Reliability analysis, parallel analysis (PA), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were employed to evaluate the structure and reliability of the SoMe-BR. Through PA and ESEM, a five-dimension structure for the 26 sources of meaning was achieved. CFAs supported meaningfulness and crisis of meaning as two distinct constructs. Convergent validity within the SoMe-BR and between the SoMe-BR and other scales were also achieved. Regarding the SoMe scores and sociodemographic variables, significant main effects were found for gender, age groups and marital status. Our results corroborate the international literature, which claims in favor of the SoMe as a reliable measure to evaluate meaning in life contents in different cultural contexts.
A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo (AFCMG) é uma técnica da modelagem de equações estrut... more A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo (AFCMG) é uma técnica da modelagem de equações estruturais que avalia em que medida a configuração e os parâmetros de determinado instrumento psicométrico são invariantes (equivalentes) para diferentes grupos. Tal técnica tem se apresentado como um importante recurso no desenvolvimento, no uso, na avaliação e no refinamento de instrumentos psicométricos. Entretanto, no Brasil há enorme escassez de publicações sobre o tema. Assim, o presente estudo discute a AFCMG, apresentando suas potencialidades. Ao longo do artigo três grandes tópicos são abordados: os diferentes modelos a serem testados, a invariância completa versus a invariância parcial, e os métodos de avaliação de invariância dos modelos. Espera-se que esta leitura auxilie pesquisadores na compreensão, na interpretação e no uso da AFCMG. Palavras-chave: Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo, Invariância de medida, Equivalência de medida, Psicometria, Modelagem de equações estruturais.
A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) é um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas amplamente utilizada... more A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) é um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas amplamente utilizadas nas pesquisas em Psicologia. Durante sua execução, diversas decisões precisam ser tomadas a fim de se obter uma estrutura fatorial adequada. O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir alguns dos principais aspectos desta técnica, apresentando estudos atualizados sobre o tema. Diferenças entre análise fatorial exploratória e análise de componentes principais, retenção e rotação fatorial, tamanho da amostra ideal, importância da variância explicada e a confiabilidade da solução fatorial são alguns dos tópicos discutidos. Aponta-se para o fato de que todas as decisões a serem tomadas durante a execução de uma análise fatorial exploratória não podem ser arbitrárias e subjetivas, mas devem ser pautadas em critérios teóricos e metodológicos claros. Este estudo pretende auxiliar pesquisadores da área da Psicologia a realizarem AFEs com maior discernimento teórico e metodológico. Palavras-chave: análise fatorial exploratória; rotação; retenção; tamanho amostral; análise paralela.
Resumo: A adaptação de instrumentos psicológicos é um processo complexo que requer elevado rigor ... more Resumo: A adaptação de instrumentos psicológicos é um processo complexo que requer elevado rigor metodológico. Por não haver consenso na literatura sobre suas etapas, o presente artigo discute alguns aspectos essenciais concernentes à adaptação transcultural de instrumentos psicológicos e propõe diretrizes aos pesquisadores sobre os diferentes passos desse processo. São apresentadas, também, algumas considerações referentes à validação do instrumento adaptado. Nesta etapa, são discutidos os aspectos referentes à estrutura fatorial do instrumento, a qual requer avaliação por meio de procedimentos estatísticos, como análises fatoriais exploratórias e confi rmatórias, sendo fornecidas algumas diretrizes gerais para a validação de instrumentos psicológicos em diferentes culturas.
This study aimed to refine the Brazilian Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C... more This study aimed to refine the Brazilian Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C34). A total of 1,160 children, between seven and 16 years of age (M = 11.2; SD = 1.92), from public elementary schools in eight Brazilian southern cities participated in the study. Four studies were conducted for this project. Study I (n = 370) evaluated the factorial structure of the PANAS-C34 (the original 34-item version). Ten potential items were selected for the instrument's refined version. Employing an independent sample (n = 340), Study II assessed the utility of this ten-item version. Exploratory factor analysis, parallel analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis supported a bi-factorial solution. However, significant modification indices emerged for two items (happy and sad) regarding their respective factors and thus they were excluded. In Study III, using another independent sample (n = 450), it was demonstrated that the eight-item version (PANAS-C8) had better fit indices than the ten-item version. In Study IV (N = 1,160) a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to evaluate the measurement invariance of the factorial solution across gender. Moreover, convergent validity was also evaluated using the Child Depression Inventory (CDI) and the General Life Satisfaction Scale for Children (GLSS-C). Measurement invariance was obtained for the PANAS-C8 across all the investigated model parameters. The correlations between the PANAS-C8 and both the CDI and the GLSS-C were of similar magnitude to those obtained using the PANAS-C34. The PANAS-C8 had adequate validity indices, demonstrating its usefulness in evaluating positive and negative affect in children.
Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os índices de sentido de vida (SV), de bem-estar psic... more Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os índices de sentido de vida (SV), de bem-estar psicológico (BEP) e de qualidade de vida (QV) em uma ampla amostra de professores escolares, e observar como o SV poderia atuar como variável moderadora da relação entre o BEP e a QV geral. Participaram do estudo 517 professores, de 57 escolas públicas e privadas da cidade de Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil, sendo 174 homens e 343 mulheres (idade média de 36,5 anos, DP = 10,34). Os resultados demonstraram que uma parcela signifi cativa de profi ssionais apresentou índices negativos de SV, BEP e QV. Análises inferenciais apresentaram o SV como uma variável preditora tanto de BEP quanto de QV. Análises de moderação demonstraram que o BEP e a QV geral apresentam correlações distintas para sujeitos com alto e com baixo nível de SV. Refl exões para pesquisas futuras e intervenções em saúde do trabalhador são apontadas.