William Douglas Carvalho | Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (original) (raw)
Papers by William Douglas Carvalho
Bat richness (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqu... more Bat richness (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqueira, state of Minas Gerais, southeast Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 18(2): e20170496. http://dx. Abstract: In recent years there has been an increase in research interest in remnants of Atlantic Forest above 500 m a.s.l., such as in the Serra da Mantiqueira, which is considered a priority area for conservation. The chiropterofauna of the Serra da Mantiqueira remains relatively under-studied, and here we present a list of bat species from the " Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Cachoeira do Tombo " , a private conservation unit located in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqueira. Bats were captured with mist nets along trails and near a diurnal roost. A total of 498 individuals of 19 bat species belonging to the families Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae were captured. Phyllostomidae were captured only along the trails, Molossidae were captured only in the diurnal roost and Vespertilionidae were captured in both. The species accumulation curves did not show stabilizing trends. However, 80% of the expected richness was sampled and the species richness of bats found is similar to other studies previously carried out in the region. In contrast to other inventories carried out in the Atlantic Forest, Desmodus rotundus was the species most frequently captured along the trails. A large number of individuals of Molossus aztecus sheltering in man-made structures were caught, constituting an unusual event. Additionally, here we report cohabitation of this species with Molossus molossus for the first time. Our results show that this area, which appears on the map of environmental conflicts for the state of Minas Gerais, has a rich chiropterofauna and also further corroborate the importance of using mist-nets at roosts to increase the probability of capturing the richness and abundance of insectivorous bats present in the area.
Variation in body size, behavior, feeding habits and habitat use patterns in medium-and large-siz... more Variation in body size, behavior, feeding habits and habitat use patterns in medium-and large-sized mammals infl uence the adequacy of sampling methods to register presence and abundance. Moreover, even if methods are similarly adequate, diff erent methodologies result in distinct cost-effi ciency relationships (i.e. some may have reduced costs, be less time-consuming and/or require less-skilled technicians). Focusing on three diff erent sampling methods commonly used to monitor medium and large mammals in seasonal tropical forests, we compared the species richness detected by each method and quantifi ed their cost-effi ciencies: (1) camera traps; (2) line transects for direct observations of animals; and (3) line transects seeking tracks/ footprints. We simultaneously monitored medium and large mammals along fi ve trails between July and August 2009 and January and February 2010, in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, São Paulo, Brazil. Data from two distinct seasons demonstrated that signifi cantly higher species richness was achieved by using signs of presence and direct observations detected in transects. Camera traps recorded the fewest species, but represented the lowest cost per species. Direct observations and searches for tracks/footprints required a greater number of fi eld technicians (with more skill and experience) to record the focal species and therefore have a higher cost, but allowed twice as many species to be recorded compared to camera traps. The choice of sampling methodology depends on the study objective, mammal species targeted and/or amount of resources available. We advocate use of camera traps for long-term studies and in conjunction with the other two methods to improve identifi cation accuracy, allow individual identifi cation and permit more accurate abundance estimates. RESUMO. Inventário de mamíferos em Floresta Neotropical Sazonal: abordagens tradicionais ainda compensam as desvantagens de tecnologias modernas. A variação no tamanho do corpo, comportamento, hábitos alimentares e padrões de uso de habitat em mamíferos de médio e grande porte infl uenciam a adequação de métodos de amostragem para o registro da presença e abundância. Além disso, mesmo se os métodos são igualmente adequados, diferentes metodologias resultam em distintas relações de custo-efi ciência (ou seja, alguns métodos podem ter custos reduzidos, ser menos demorados e/ou exigir técnicos menos qualifi cados). Concentrando-se em três diferentes métodos comumente usados para monitorar mamíferos de médio e grande porte em fl orestas tropicais sazonais, comparamos a riqueza de espécies detectada por cada método e quantifi camos seu custo-efi ciência: (1) armadilhas fotográfi cas; (2) observações diretas de animais em transectos; e (3) busca por rastros/pegadas em transectos. Nós monitoramos simultaneamente grandes e médios mamíferos ao longo de cinco trilhas entre julho e agosto de 2009 e janeiro e fevereiro de 2010, na Reserva Biológica Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados das duas estações distintas demonstraram que, signifi cativamente, uma maior riqueza de espécies foi alcançada através de procura por sinais e observações diretas em transectos. Armadilhas fotográfi cas registraram menor número de espécies, mas apresentaram um menor custo por espécie. Observações diretas e procura por rastros/pegadas requerem maior número de técnicos de campo (com maior habilidade e experiência) para registrar as espécies focais e, portanto, tiveram um custo mais elevado, mas permitiram que o dobro de espécies fosse gravado em comparação com armadilhas fotográfi cas. A escolha da metodologia de amostragem depende do objetivo do estudo, das espécies de mamíferos alvo e/ou da quantidade de recursos disponíveis. Nós defendemos o uso de armadilhas fotográfi cas para estudos de longo prazo e em conjunto com os outros dois métodos para melhorar a precisão na identifi cação, permitir a identifi cação individual e permitir estimativas de abundância mais precisas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Armadilhas fotográfi cas, estimativa da abundância, mamíferos, observações diretas, rastros de animais. Terrestrial mammals are a highly variable taxon in terms of body size, life history, behavior and habitat preferences so accurate mammal inventories require the use of multiple census methods, since specifi c techniques are required to register the presence of diff erent mammalian taxa (e.g., cursorial species can be detected by their signs of
Carnivores, particularly felids, face threats in many regions of the world. They are a crucial co... more Carnivores, particularly felids, face threats in many regions of the world. They are a crucial component of biodiversity with a functional role in the top
of the food chain. Therefore, they have been the target of surveys and monitoring and ecological studies, most of which are based on footprint
identifications, an efficient and low-cost method compared to other approaches. In these cases, species identifications may suffer from a high degree
of bias due to the overlap in the size and shape of footprints among species. We experimented with small to medium captive wild felids of five species:
ocelot, Leopardus pardalis, margay L. wiedii, oncilla, L. guttulus, domestic cat, Felis catus, and jaguarondi, Puma yagouaroundi).We tested for
differences in footprint measurements, including main pad and toe pad sizes. We used humid sand as substrate and took measurements from several
front and hind footprints of seven animals per species (except jaguarondi, for which only four animals were available). Our results showed that ocelot
is the only species for which it is possible to obtain 100%-accurate footprint identifications, mainly because of its footprint area (i.e., length x width).
The remaining species presented a wide variation in measurements, making them almost impossible to distinguish based solely on footprint
dimensions. Our results suggest that researchers should restrict identification to the genus level or adopt a multidisciplinary sampling strategy by
combining footprint detection with camera-trapping, visual observation, scat collection, molecular ecology techniques, and/or face-to-face interviews
with local residents.
Primeiro registro de Myotis izecksohni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) para a Mata Atlântica de Mi... more Primeiro registro de Myotis izecksohni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) para a Mata Atlântica de
Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 foi recentemente descrita a partir da
revisão do complexo Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821), com base em amostras de quatro localidades acima de
700 m de altitude na Mata Atlântica do Sul (Paraná) e sudeste (Rio de Janeiro) do Brasil. A espécie está atualmente
registrada apenas nessas localidades e sua ecologia, história natural e limites de distribuição são pouco
conhecidos. Aqui, são apresentados 3 novos registros de ocorrência para o estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do
Brasil. Os caracteres qualitativos e quantitativos dos espécimes aqui examinados enquadram-se naqueles da
descrição original de M. izecksohni.
Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 was recently described from the Myotis nigricans (Schinz... more Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 was recently described from the Myotis nigricans (Schinz,
1821) complex, based on samples from four localities above 700 m in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest of south
(Paraná) and southeastern (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil. The species is currently known only from these localities and
little is known about its distributional limits, ecology and natural history. Here, we present 3 new occurrence
records from Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Specimens reported here fit the qualitative and quantitative
traits reported in the original description of M. izecksohni
Bats can be monoestrous or polyestrous, and seasonal or non-seasonal in their reproductive patter... more Bats can be monoestrous or polyestrous, and seasonal or non-seasonal in their reproductive patterns. The strategy adopted by each species or population depends on the regional climate. The objective this study was to analyze reproductive data of Sturnira lilium from long-term sampling carried out in several sites in Rio de Janeiro states, southeastern Brazil. We carried out sampling in 42 sites (with altitudes ranging from sea level to 1300 m a.s.l.) from May 1989 to December 2011. In total, we obtained 2602 captures of S. lilium: 1242 captures of adult females, 1225 captures of adult males, and 136 captures of subadults. The sex ratio was 0.99 males: 1 female. The reproductive season varied from eight to twelve months a year, and it was not related to the total accumulated rainfall. Sturnira lilium have continuously polyestrous reproduction with postpartum estrus and pregnant females can be observed in all months except July. In the present study, the highest proportions of pregnant females were observed in the months with the highest rainfall.
Among the factors that influence the diversity of ectoparasites on bat hosts are the kind of roos... more Among the factors that influence the diversity of ectoparasites on bat hosts are the kind of roost and the host’s
social behavior. Other factors such as sex, reproductive condition and host size may influence the distribution and
abundance of ectoparasites. The aim of the present study was to analyze the variation in Streblidae ectoparasites on
the bat Phyllostomus hastatus, according to sex and roost type. We caught bats in four houses on Marambaia Island,
municipality of Mangaratiba, and in one house at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, municipality of
Seropédica. We caught 65 females and 50 males of P. hastatus and 664 streblids of four species: Aspidoptera phyllostomatis,
Strebla consocia, Trichobius “dugesii” complex and Trichobius longipes. The species T. longipes accounted for more than
99% of all the ectoparasites caught. Female bats were more parasitized than males, in terms of both prevalence and
average intensity. The total number of parasites did not vary between resident and non-resident bats. The relationship
between the number of individuals of T. longipes and sex and roost type was significant for resident bats. The total
number of parasites on males did not differ between bachelor roosts and mixed-sex roosts. The differences found
between roosts reflected the differences between the sexes.
Sampling allows assessing the impact of human activities on mammal communities. It is also possib... more Sampling allows assessing the impact of human activities on mammal communities. It is also possible to assess the accuracy of different sampling methods, especially when the sampling effort is similar. The present study aimed at comparing two mammalian surveys carried out over a three-year interval, in terms of sampling effort, capture success, abundance of domestic dogs, impact of human activities, and relative biomass using camera traps, in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve and surroundings, located in Jundiaí, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The total richness recorded was 13 species, one domestic and 12 wild mammals. Sampling effort in both surveys was similar, but capture success and number of captures differed. The abundance of wild mammals and dogs did also differ between surveys. There was a highly significant correlation between abundance of wild mammals and capture effort for the survey performed in 2006/2007, but not for the survey performed in 2009/2010. The difference between samples may be related to human disturbance, since the number of domestic mammals photographed was higher in the second survey, three years after the first survey. Despite being a reserve, the area is still under pressure from urbanization, biological invasion, environmental degradation, and hunting, which may reduce the abundance of wild mammals.
Here we report the first records of the vespertilionid bat Histiotus montanus in southeastern Bra... more Here we report the first records of the vespertilionid bat Histiotus montanus in southeastern Brazil. A male was found sheltering under a rock and collected by hand in the Serra do Papagaio State Park, Aiuruoca municipality, state of Minas Gerais. The taxonomic aspects of this species are discussed, and measurements of the sample are provided.
Pela troca de informação entre o técnico especializado e o produtor rural, podem-se obter excelen... more Pela troca de informação entre o técnico especializado e o produtor rural, podem-se obter excelentes resultados com relação ao aumento de conhecimento e desempenho do produtor rural dentro da atividade em que está inserido. O objetivo foi promover a extensão rural como uma estratégia de desenvolvimento regional. Durante o trabalho de campo, 39 propriedades foram atendidas, sendo 30 em Seropédica e nove em Paracambi, municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Todas as propriedades analisadas neste estudo apresentavam condições precárias de instalações zootécnicas onde se encontravam eqüinos e bovinos, influenciando diretamente na sanidade destes animais, pois em sua totalidade sofriam de algum tipo de afecção podal e desequilíbrio de aprumos. Projetos de extensão promovidos por Instituições Extensionistas e financiados com recursos mínimos para a atividade de campo podem transformar a realidade e servir como modelo para outras regiões.
Rain effects in the capture of bats in a coastal island in southeastern Brazil. Climatic factors ... more Rain effects in the capture of bats in a coastal island in southeastern Brazil. Climatic factors are difficult to be analyzed because of their intrinsic unpredictability. For example, rain and wind occur in different intensities and in different nights each year. The objective of this work was to analyze the effects of the rain in the capture success of bats in an island in southeastern Brazil. A total of 31 sampling nights resulted in 2000 captures of 28 species, 1507 of which were obtained in nights without rain and 493 captures in rainy nights. The relationship between the total of captures and the species richness was observed for nights without rain as for rainy nights. The species richness and the capture efficiency in every night for all of the species were significantly higher for the nights without rain. The differences in feeding guilds were observed for the insectivorous species among the nights without rain and with rain heavy intensity, and nectar-feeding species among nights without rain and with rain intensities moderate and heavy. Heavy rain shows different effects in the bat species, generally inhibiting the activity or reducing the capture frequency.
William & Genoways, 1980 (Molossidae) for the Rio de Janeiro state. This paper describes the capt... more William & Genoways, 1980 (Molossidae) for the Rio de Janeiro state. This paper describes the capture of the second specimen of Molossops neglectus in the Rio de Janeiro state. This capture was performed in Serra da Concórdia in the portion located in Valença municipality, 84 years after the first record. The locality of the new record is located about 20 km from the first (in Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin municipality), being inserted in a region of semideciduous forest in different succession stages and surrounded by pasture and secondary forest fragments. Although not representing the extent of geographical distribution, this capture is important due to the rarity of the specie.
Bat richness (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqu... more Bat richness (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqueira, state of Minas Gerais, southeast Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 18(2): e20170496. http://dx. Abstract: In recent years there has been an increase in research interest in remnants of Atlantic Forest above 500 m a.s.l., such as in the Serra da Mantiqueira, which is considered a priority area for conservation. The chiropterofauna of the Serra da Mantiqueira remains relatively under-studied, and here we present a list of bat species from the " Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Cachoeira do Tombo " , a private conservation unit located in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the Serra da Mantiqueira. Bats were captured with mist nets along trails and near a diurnal roost. A total of 498 individuals of 19 bat species belonging to the families Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae were captured. Phyllostomidae were captured only along the trails, Molossidae were captured only in the diurnal roost and Vespertilionidae were captured in both. The species accumulation curves did not show stabilizing trends. However, 80% of the expected richness was sampled and the species richness of bats found is similar to other studies previously carried out in the region. In contrast to other inventories carried out in the Atlantic Forest, Desmodus rotundus was the species most frequently captured along the trails. A large number of individuals of Molossus aztecus sheltering in man-made structures were caught, constituting an unusual event. Additionally, here we report cohabitation of this species with Molossus molossus for the first time. Our results show that this area, which appears on the map of environmental conflicts for the state of Minas Gerais, has a rich chiropterofauna and also further corroborate the importance of using mist-nets at roosts to increase the probability of capturing the richness and abundance of insectivorous bats present in the area.
Variation in body size, behavior, feeding habits and habitat use patterns in medium-and large-siz... more Variation in body size, behavior, feeding habits and habitat use patterns in medium-and large-sized mammals infl uence the adequacy of sampling methods to register presence and abundance. Moreover, even if methods are similarly adequate, diff erent methodologies result in distinct cost-effi ciency relationships (i.e. some may have reduced costs, be less time-consuming and/or require less-skilled technicians). Focusing on three diff erent sampling methods commonly used to monitor medium and large mammals in seasonal tropical forests, we compared the species richness detected by each method and quantifi ed their cost-effi ciencies: (1) camera traps; (2) line transects for direct observations of animals; and (3) line transects seeking tracks/ footprints. We simultaneously monitored medium and large mammals along fi ve trails between July and August 2009 and January and February 2010, in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, São Paulo, Brazil. Data from two distinct seasons demonstrated that signifi cantly higher species richness was achieved by using signs of presence and direct observations detected in transects. Camera traps recorded the fewest species, but represented the lowest cost per species. Direct observations and searches for tracks/footprints required a greater number of fi eld technicians (with more skill and experience) to record the focal species and therefore have a higher cost, but allowed twice as many species to be recorded compared to camera traps. The choice of sampling methodology depends on the study objective, mammal species targeted and/or amount of resources available. We advocate use of camera traps for long-term studies and in conjunction with the other two methods to improve identifi cation accuracy, allow individual identifi cation and permit more accurate abundance estimates. RESUMO. Inventário de mamíferos em Floresta Neotropical Sazonal: abordagens tradicionais ainda compensam as desvantagens de tecnologias modernas. A variação no tamanho do corpo, comportamento, hábitos alimentares e padrões de uso de habitat em mamíferos de médio e grande porte infl uenciam a adequação de métodos de amostragem para o registro da presença e abundância. Além disso, mesmo se os métodos são igualmente adequados, diferentes metodologias resultam em distintas relações de custo-efi ciência (ou seja, alguns métodos podem ter custos reduzidos, ser menos demorados e/ou exigir técnicos menos qualifi cados). Concentrando-se em três diferentes métodos comumente usados para monitorar mamíferos de médio e grande porte em fl orestas tropicais sazonais, comparamos a riqueza de espécies detectada por cada método e quantifi camos seu custo-efi ciência: (1) armadilhas fotográfi cas; (2) observações diretas de animais em transectos; e (3) busca por rastros/pegadas em transectos. Nós monitoramos simultaneamente grandes e médios mamíferos ao longo de cinco trilhas entre julho e agosto de 2009 e janeiro e fevereiro de 2010, na Reserva Biológica Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados das duas estações distintas demonstraram que, signifi cativamente, uma maior riqueza de espécies foi alcançada através de procura por sinais e observações diretas em transectos. Armadilhas fotográfi cas registraram menor número de espécies, mas apresentaram um menor custo por espécie. Observações diretas e procura por rastros/pegadas requerem maior número de técnicos de campo (com maior habilidade e experiência) para registrar as espécies focais e, portanto, tiveram um custo mais elevado, mas permitiram que o dobro de espécies fosse gravado em comparação com armadilhas fotográfi cas. A escolha da metodologia de amostragem depende do objetivo do estudo, das espécies de mamíferos alvo e/ou da quantidade de recursos disponíveis. Nós defendemos o uso de armadilhas fotográfi cas para estudos de longo prazo e em conjunto com os outros dois métodos para melhorar a precisão na identifi cação, permitir a identifi cação individual e permitir estimativas de abundância mais precisas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Armadilhas fotográfi cas, estimativa da abundância, mamíferos, observações diretas, rastros de animais. Terrestrial mammals are a highly variable taxon in terms of body size, life history, behavior and habitat preferences so accurate mammal inventories require the use of multiple census methods, since specifi c techniques are required to register the presence of diff erent mammalian taxa (e.g., cursorial species can be detected by their signs of
Carnivores, particularly felids, face threats in many regions of the world. They are a crucial co... more Carnivores, particularly felids, face threats in many regions of the world. They are a crucial component of biodiversity with a functional role in the top
of the food chain. Therefore, they have been the target of surveys and monitoring and ecological studies, most of which are based on footprint
identifications, an efficient and low-cost method compared to other approaches. In these cases, species identifications may suffer from a high degree
of bias due to the overlap in the size and shape of footprints among species. We experimented with small to medium captive wild felids of five species:
ocelot, Leopardus pardalis, margay L. wiedii, oncilla, L. guttulus, domestic cat, Felis catus, and jaguarondi, Puma yagouaroundi).We tested for
differences in footprint measurements, including main pad and toe pad sizes. We used humid sand as substrate and took measurements from several
front and hind footprints of seven animals per species (except jaguarondi, for which only four animals were available). Our results showed that ocelot
is the only species for which it is possible to obtain 100%-accurate footprint identifications, mainly because of its footprint area (i.e., length x width).
The remaining species presented a wide variation in measurements, making them almost impossible to distinguish based solely on footprint
dimensions. Our results suggest that researchers should restrict identification to the genus level or adopt a multidisciplinary sampling strategy by
combining footprint detection with camera-trapping, visual observation, scat collection, molecular ecology techniques, and/or face-to-face interviews
with local residents.
Primeiro registro de Myotis izecksohni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) para a Mata Atlântica de Mi... more Primeiro registro de Myotis izecksohni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) para a Mata Atlântica de
Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 foi recentemente descrita a partir da
revisão do complexo Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821), com base em amostras de quatro localidades acima de
700 m de altitude na Mata Atlântica do Sul (Paraná) e sudeste (Rio de Janeiro) do Brasil. A espécie está atualmente
registrada apenas nessas localidades e sua ecologia, história natural e limites de distribuição são pouco
conhecidos. Aqui, são apresentados 3 novos registros de ocorrência para o estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do
Brasil. Os caracteres qualitativos e quantitativos dos espécimes aqui examinados enquadram-se naqueles da
descrição original de M. izecksohni.
Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 was recently described from the Myotis nigricans (Schinz... more Myotis izecksohni Moratelli et al., 2011 was recently described from the Myotis nigricans (Schinz,
1821) complex, based on samples from four localities above 700 m in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest of south
(Paraná) and southeastern (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil. The species is currently known only from these localities and
little is known about its distributional limits, ecology and natural history. Here, we present 3 new occurrence
records from Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Specimens reported here fit the qualitative and quantitative
traits reported in the original description of M. izecksohni
Bats can be monoestrous or polyestrous, and seasonal or non-seasonal in their reproductive patter... more Bats can be monoestrous or polyestrous, and seasonal or non-seasonal in their reproductive patterns. The strategy adopted by each species or population depends on the regional climate. The objective this study was to analyze reproductive data of Sturnira lilium from long-term sampling carried out in several sites in Rio de Janeiro states, southeastern Brazil. We carried out sampling in 42 sites (with altitudes ranging from sea level to 1300 m a.s.l.) from May 1989 to December 2011. In total, we obtained 2602 captures of S. lilium: 1242 captures of adult females, 1225 captures of adult males, and 136 captures of subadults. The sex ratio was 0.99 males: 1 female. The reproductive season varied from eight to twelve months a year, and it was not related to the total accumulated rainfall. Sturnira lilium have continuously polyestrous reproduction with postpartum estrus and pregnant females can be observed in all months except July. In the present study, the highest proportions of pregnant females were observed in the months with the highest rainfall.
Among the factors that influence the diversity of ectoparasites on bat hosts are the kind of roos... more Among the factors that influence the diversity of ectoparasites on bat hosts are the kind of roost and the host’s
social behavior. Other factors such as sex, reproductive condition and host size may influence the distribution and
abundance of ectoparasites. The aim of the present study was to analyze the variation in Streblidae ectoparasites on
the bat Phyllostomus hastatus, according to sex and roost type. We caught bats in four houses on Marambaia Island,
municipality of Mangaratiba, and in one house at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, municipality of
Seropédica. We caught 65 females and 50 males of P. hastatus and 664 streblids of four species: Aspidoptera phyllostomatis,
Strebla consocia, Trichobius “dugesii” complex and Trichobius longipes. The species T. longipes accounted for more than
99% of all the ectoparasites caught. Female bats were more parasitized than males, in terms of both prevalence and
average intensity. The total number of parasites did not vary between resident and non-resident bats. The relationship
between the number of individuals of T. longipes and sex and roost type was significant for resident bats. The total
number of parasites on males did not differ between bachelor roosts and mixed-sex roosts. The differences found
between roosts reflected the differences between the sexes.
Sampling allows assessing the impact of human activities on mammal communities. It is also possib... more Sampling allows assessing the impact of human activities on mammal communities. It is also possible to assess the accuracy of different sampling methods, especially when the sampling effort is similar. The present study aimed at comparing two mammalian surveys carried out over a three-year interval, in terms of sampling effort, capture success, abundance of domestic dogs, impact of human activities, and relative biomass using camera traps, in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve and surroundings, located in Jundiaí, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The total richness recorded was 13 species, one domestic and 12 wild mammals. Sampling effort in both surveys was similar, but capture success and number of captures differed. The abundance of wild mammals and dogs did also differ between surveys. There was a highly significant correlation between abundance of wild mammals and capture effort for the survey performed in 2006/2007, but not for the survey performed in 2009/2010. The difference between samples may be related to human disturbance, since the number of domestic mammals photographed was higher in the second survey, three years after the first survey. Despite being a reserve, the area is still under pressure from urbanization, biological invasion, environmental degradation, and hunting, which may reduce the abundance of wild mammals.
Here we report the first records of the vespertilionid bat Histiotus montanus in southeastern Bra... more Here we report the first records of the vespertilionid bat Histiotus montanus in southeastern Brazil. A male was found sheltering under a rock and collected by hand in the Serra do Papagaio State Park, Aiuruoca municipality, state of Minas Gerais. The taxonomic aspects of this species are discussed, and measurements of the sample are provided.
Pela troca de informação entre o técnico especializado e o produtor rural, podem-se obter excelen... more Pela troca de informação entre o técnico especializado e o produtor rural, podem-se obter excelentes resultados com relação ao aumento de conhecimento e desempenho do produtor rural dentro da atividade em que está inserido. O objetivo foi promover a extensão rural como uma estratégia de desenvolvimento regional. Durante o trabalho de campo, 39 propriedades foram atendidas, sendo 30 em Seropédica e nove em Paracambi, municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Todas as propriedades analisadas neste estudo apresentavam condições precárias de instalações zootécnicas onde se encontravam eqüinos e bovinos, influenciando diretamente na sanidade destes animais, pois em sua totalidade sofriam de algum tipo de afecção podal e desequilíbrio de aprumos. Projetos de extensão promovidos por Instituições Extensionistas e financiados com recursos mínimos para a atividade de campo podem transformar a realidade e servir como modelo para outras regiões.
Rain effects in the capture of bats in a coastal island in southeastern Brazil. Climatic factors ... more Rain effects in the capture of bats in a coastal island in southeastern Brazil. Climatic factors are difficult to be analyzed because of their intrinsic unpredictability. For example, rain and wind occur in different intensities and in different nights each year. The objective of this work was to analyze the effects of the rain in the capture success of bats in an island in southeastern Brazil. A total of 31 sampling nights resulted in 2000 captures of 28 species, 1507 of which were obtained in nights without rain and 493 captures in rainy nights. The relationship between the total of captures and the species richness was observed for nights without rain as for rainy nights. The species richness and the capture efficiency in every night for all of the species were significantly higher for the nights without rain. The differences in feeding guilds were observed for the insectivorous species among the nights without rain and with rain heavy intensity, and nectar-feeding species among nights without rain and with rain intensities moderate and heavy. Heavy rain shows different effects in the bat species, generally inhibiting the activity or reducing the capture frequency.
William & Genoways, 1980 (Molossidae) for the Rio de Janeiro state. This paper describes the capt... more William & Genoways, 1980 (Molossidae) for the Rio de Janeiro state. This paper describes the capture of the second specimen of Molossops neglectus in the Rio de Janeiro state. This capture was performed in Serra da Concórdia in the portion located in Valença municipality, 84 years after the first record. The locality of the new record is located about 20 km from the first (in Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin municipality), being inserted in a region of semideciduous forest in different succession stages and surrounded by pasture and secondary forest fragments. Although not representing the extent of geographical distribution, this capture is important due to the rarity of the specie.