Roseli R Mello | Universidade Federal De Sao Carlos (original) (raw)
Papers by Roseli R Mello
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Oct 14, 2017
Cadernos Cedes, Aug 1, 2015
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2012
Frontiers in Education, Aug 3, 2022
Educação & Sociedade, 2021
Em pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em plataformas virtuais internacionais, evidenciamos as cont... more Em pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em plataformas virtuais internacionais, evidenciamos as contribuições de Paulo Freire em duas direções: a) como o seu legado tem sido evocado, desde 1997, data de sua morte, até julho de 2021, ano de seu centenário, em diferentes partes do mundo; e b) como ele é referenciado em artigos nacionais e internacionais dedicados à alfabetização de pessoas que vivem e/ou trabalham no campo. A primeira parte da pesquisa é quantitativa e a segunda parte está baseada em pesquisa qualitativa, com análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelam que Freire continua a ser fundamento e inspiração para a pesquisa em diferentes temas e lugares do mundo, e que sua contribuição é efetiva para a alfabetização na educação do campo.
Cuadernos de pedagogía, 2004
"Brasil alfabetizado" es un programa puesto en marcha por el Ministerio de Educacion de... more "Brasil alfabetizado" es un programa puesto en marcha por el Ministerio de Educacion de Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, que une gobierno federal, estados, municipios, empresas privadas y otros organismos del pais. Dos caracteristicas diferencian este proyecto de inciativas anteriores: articula diferentes segmentos sociales y fomenta la colaboracion de distintos agentes educativos.
Frontiers in Psychology, Jun 11, 2021
Research on preventive socialization of gender violence has contributed abundant empirical eviden... more Research on preventive socialization of gender violence has contributed abundant empirical evidence that attraction to violence is common among adolescents. This has meant that "bad guys," or those who reflect the Dominant Traditional Masculinity (DTM) model, are chiefly perceived as appealing, while "good guys" are perceived as good friends but not desirable. The mainstream media tends to reproduce this traditional model of affectivesexual relationships, which has harmful effects on young girls concerning gender and sexuality. However, New Alternative Masculinity men are challenging this traditional and unsatisfactory model of affective-sexual relationships. The 2010 Spanish version of the movie Three Steps above Heaven, a good example of this kind of media product, has proven to greatly impact communicative acts among adolescents. This article explores how this influence on adolescents is because the communicative acts about Hache-the main character in the movie-are full of the language of desire, and his own communicative acts are full of violence. On the one hand, we analyze how Three Steps above Heaven employs communicative acts to enhance the attractiveness of DTM. On the other hand, based on the evidence gathered in a communicative focus group (CFG) addressed to 15-and 16-year-old female adolescents, we analyze how New Alternative Masculinity men are demystifying Hache and the idea of having a "Three Steps Above Heaven" by demonstrating with the powerful language of desire that men like him employ farce strategies. The article includes evidence from interventions with adolescents where discussion of movies like this, with the involvement of New Alternative Masculinity men and grounded in the language of desire, can transform the perception about the sexualaffective relationship in the movie, thus counteracting their negative influence in terms of attraction to violence.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2013
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Jun 15, 2018
This study examined Syrian refugee English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' perceptions rega... more This study examined Syrian refugee English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' perceptions regarding learner autonomy as well as their readiness for autonomy in English language learning. It also investigated the effects of grade and gender on learners' perceptions. A mixed-method research design was utilized, and findings indicated that neither grade nor gender had caused statistically significant differences in terms of Syrian refugees' perceptions of learner autonomy in language learning; nevertheless, both had caused statistically significant differences in terms of sub-scales. While the 8 th graders in this study perceived themselves as being more autonomous in terms of experience in language learning, the female students seemed more autonomous in terms of their perceptions of the role of teachers and feedback. Additionally, although the learners' perceptions regarding autonomy were slightly lower than their readiness for autonomy, there was a statistically significant relationship between their perceptions of learner autonomy and their readiness for autonomy in language learning. When their perceptions about learner autonomy increased, their readiness for autonomy also increased.
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Jun 15, 2017
The purpose of the current study was to investigate teachers' attitudes towards change, dispositi... more The purpose of the current study was to investigate teachers' attitudes towards change, dispositional and change-specific resistance, and their perceptions of change-related information, within the context of the recent system-wide educational change, widely known as "4+4+4 Reform Initiative", in Turkey. The researchers conducted a correlational quantitative study. The sample of the study consisted of 402 primary and middle schools teachers selected randomly. Research results indicated that teachers resisted to the recent change cognitively, affectively and intentionally, respectively. The highest resistance level was associated with cognitive resistance. Teachers' perceptions of change-related information were at the "disagree" level. The paper ends drawing implications for educational reform initiatives in Turkey.
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Oct 9, 2020
This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dia... more This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) have had among the 4th grade students, after its implementation, during 10 sessions. Data analyzed has been written communicative accounts and argued drawings that these boys and girls provided, without having been required as part of the investigation, but which informed about the deep lived experience. The study is part of the RTD research: Impact of interactive learning environments on academic and social success (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). The contributions of these 48 students have been qualitatively analyzed. The results show that DLGs promote understanding, reflection, knowledge and learning from the enjoyment of works of classical literature. At the same time, they positively highlight their evolution in classroom dynamics and participation in their educational and family environment, by increasing interactions based on egalitarian dialogue.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2013
This paper discusses the move from learning theories from the industrial society to learning theo... more This paper discusses the move from learning theories from the industrial society to learning theories from and for dialogic societies. While in the past intrapsychological elements, such as mental schemata of prior knowledge, were the key to explain learning, today theories point to interaction and dialogue as main means for achieving deep understandings of the curriculum. Concepts arising from psychology and sociology are essential to understand this new conceptualization of learning: dialogic learning, which implies a historico-cultural analysis of mind and the concept of communicative action. This dialogic turn in the explanation of learning has also found its manifestation in classrooms. The Interactive Groups is one learning environment grounded in the theory of dialogic learning which leads to improved academic achievement and coexistence. The article points out some of the dialogic elements of Interactive Groups which explain those results, illustrating how the dialogic const...
Reflexão e Ação, 2018
Nesta pesquisa, buscamos desvelar os processos de constituição de dois formadores de professores,... more Nesta pesquisa, buscamos desvelar os processos de constituição de dois formadores de professores, que atuam em programas de educação continuada efetivados pela SEE/SP, utilizando a práxis histórica freireana como fundamento teórico-metodológico. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas para a coleta das histórias de vida, analisamos os dados por meio dos pressupostos da Metodologia comunicativo-crítica e da teoria freireana e dialogamos com cada formador sobre as análises e resultados. A pesquisa indicou que os formadores se constituem nas relações sujeito-sujeito, sujeito-objeto e sujeito-objeto-sujeito que estabelecem mediante as condições históricas de vida, de escolarização, de trabalho, de classe social, que lhe propiciam aprendizagens, reflexões e o enfrentamento das situações que os condicionam e oprimem, causando acomodações ou rupturas, provocando estranhamentos ou satisfações, num constante movimento dialético de fazer e refazer, fazer-se e refazer-se.
The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of ge... more The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), specifically in the Brazilian context. Brazil presents high GBV indexes, ranking fifth in the world in femicide. With regard to violence in school, girls are the main victims of sexual-based violence and GBV. Preventive actions must be taken to avoid such occurrence. Searches conducted in Brazilian scientific databases retrieved no review of research on GBV prevention, so we conducted a thorough review of the topic, encountering a small number of articles in Brazilian databases. National and international scientific productions on the theme were compared to identify if the low production is characteristic only in Brazil or in the international context as well. Searches were conducted in Brazilian and international databases using GBV and school-related descriptors. A national data search retrieved 431 entries, while 222 papers were obtained in the international literature. The inclusion criteria for the analyses was the mention, in the abstract, of any form of action within school addressing GBV prevention. This screening selected 11 studies in the Brazilian databases and 30 articles in the international literature. Transformative or exclusionary elements were identified in the texts, focusing on different school levels and also lawmaking. Because of restrictions imposed by the data set, a descriptive analysis was conducted. In the international literature, it was possible to identify that recent research has been analyzing actions developed in schools aiming for GBV prevention and some of their impacts. Brazilian literature has been focusing primarily on describing actions rather than evaluating their impacts or describing GBV prevalence. The targeted population includes teachers, sports coaches, male and female students of different educational levels, whole school community, family, and surrounding communities. The actions described in the international dataset are most frequently conducted in an extracurricular context and are primarily focusing on raising awareness about GBV and on providing information. The Brazilian studies indicate Prezenszky et al. School Actions and GBV Prevention few actions conducted within the school. The analysis indicated characteristics in school-actions that contribute to preventing and overcoming GBV, such as working with the whole school community, empowering women and strengthening egalitarian masculinities, bystander training, and implementing laws and policies.
centros educativos, a partir de prácticas comunicativo-dialógicas. Se refiere más específicamente... more centros educativos, a partir de prácticas comunicativo-dialógicas. Se refiere más específicamente al desarrollo de Comunidades de Aprendizaje en Brasil, realizando un balance de su efecto en el contexto brasileño. Está organizado en tres apartados distintos: una introducción al tema, la presentación del actual contexto, que demanda una nueva organización de los centros educativos, y la presentación de Comunidades de Aprendizaje. El texto finaliza con una breve conclusión argumentativa en favor de la transformación de centros educativos en Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Palabras clave Comunidades de aprendizaje; gestión democrática; aprendizaje dialógico; escuelas democráticas; relación comunidad-escuela.
Frontiers in Education, 2018
Women and men, young, and adult, who have reached youth or adult life without elementary schoolin... more Women and men, young, and adult, who have reached youth or adult life without elementary schooling, are part of an important and vulnerable group in Latin America, as for instance Brazil. Integrating the studies that seek to contribute to a qualitative change in Brazilian Adult Education, as a means for overcoming inequalities and in support of most vulnerable groups within the population, this article regards the case of the first Adult Education School in Brazil to transform into learning community. The research was developed between 2014 and 2016 and refers to a qualitative case study using the communicative approach, guaranteed by the use of the Communicative Methodology. Data was collected using four techniques pertaining to the Communicative Methodology: communicative in-depth interview with the school's Adult Learning and Education coordination; communicative daily-life story with students and volunteers; communicative focus groups with students, volunteers, and teachers; and communicative observation in Successful Educational Actions. The results indicate transformative and excluding elements that emerged in the following categories: the school's characteristics studied, work and life conditions and access to schooling and continuity in school, and interaction within the learning community. Comparing the results that indicate positive aspects of the Adult Learning and Education school transformed into learning communities to results in other studies about other successful Adult Learning and Education schools in Brazil, it can be established that they coincide in some aspects and go beyond in others. Although coincidence between studies was observed, they were more intensely noticed in the learning community regarding the following aspects: (a) school management oriented toward learning, with contact mechanisms with students that began missing classes, (b) appreciation, from the school staff, of teaching and learning processes, specially reading and writing, (c) a welcoming environment, bonding between professionals and students, and high expectations toward students. As for the elements identified in the learning community which were not found in the other Brazilian studies, they were: (a) enrollment increase over time and decrease in student dropout rates throughout the year, and (b) overcoming dramatic situations experienced in the neighborhood and in the school that could initially lead to school dropout.
Frontiers in Education, 2018
The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of ge... more The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), specifically in the Brazilian context. Brazil presents high GBV indexes, ranking fifth in the world in femicide. With regard to violence in school, girls are the main victims of sexual-based violence and GBV. Preventive actions must be taken to avoid such occurrence. Searches conducted in Brazilian scientific databases retrieved no review of research on GBV prevention, so we conducted a thorough review of the topic, encountering a small number of articles in Brazilian databases. National and international scientific productions on the theme were compared to identify if the low production is characteristic only in Brazil or in the international context as well. Searches were conducted in Brazilian and international databases using GBV and school-related descriptors. A national data search retrieved 431 entries, while 222 papers were obtained in the international literature. The inclusion criteria for the analyses was the mention, in the abstract, of any form of action within school addressing GBV prevention. This screening selected 11 studies in the Brazilian databases and 30 articles in the international literature. Transformative or exclusionary elements were identified in the texts, focusing on different school levels and also lawmaking. Because of restrictions imposed by the data set, a descriptive analysis was conducted. In the international literature, it was possible to identify that recent research has been analyzing actions developed in schools aiming for GBV prevention and some of their impacts. Brazilian literature has been focusing primarily on describing actions rather than evaluating their impacts or describing GBV prevalence. The targeted population includes teachers, sports coaches, male and female students of different educational levels, whole school community, family, and surrounding communities. The actions described in the international dataset are most frequently conducted in an extracurricular context and are primarily focusing on raising awareness about GBV and on providing information. The Brazilian studies indicate Prezenszky et al. School Actions and GBV Prevention few actions conducted within the school. The analysis indicated characteristics in school-actions that contribute to preventing and overcoming GBV, such as working with the whole school community, empowering women and strengthening egalitarian masculinities, bystander training, and implementing laws and policies.
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Oct 14, 2017
Cadernos Cedes, Aug 1, 2015
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2012
Frontiers in Education, Aug 3, 2022
Educação & Sociedade, 2021
Em pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em plataformas virtuais internacionais, evidenciamos as cont... more Em pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em plataformas virtuais internacionais, evidenciamos as contribuições de Paulo Freire em duas direções: a) como o seu legado tem sido evocado, desde 1997, data de sua morte, até julho de 2021, ano de seu centenário, em diferentes partes do mundo; e b) como ele é referenciado em artigos nacionais e internacionais dedicados à alfabetização de pessoas que vivem e/ou trabalham no campo. A primeira parte da pesquisa é quantitativa e a segunda parte está baseada em pesquisa qualitativa, com análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelam que Freire continua a ser fundamento e inspiração para a pesquisa em diferentes temas e lugares do mundo, e que sua contribuição é efetiva para a alfabetização na educação do campo.
Cuadernos de pedagogía, 2004
"Brasil alfabetizado" es un programa puesto en marcha por el Ministerio de Educacion de... more "Brasil alfabetizado" es un programa puesto en marcha por el Ministerio de Educacion de Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, que une gobierno federal, estados, municipios, empresas privadas y otros organismos del pais. Dos caracteristicas diferencian este proyecto de inciativas anteriores: articula diferentes segmentos sociales y fomenta la colaboracion de distintos agentes educativos.
Frontiers in Psychology, Jun 11, 2021
Research on preventive socialization of gender violence has contributed abundant empirical eviden... more Research on preventive socialization of gender violence has contributed abundant empirical evidence that attraction to violence is common among adolescents. This has meant that "bad guys," or those who reflect the Dominant Traditional Masculinity (DTM) model, are chiefly perceived as appealing, while "good guys" are perceived as good friends but not desirable. The mainstream media tends to reproduce this traditional model of affectivesexual relationships, which has harmful effects on young girls concerning gender and sexuality. However, New Alternative Masculinity men are challenging this traditional and unsatisfactory model of affective-sexual relationships. The 2010 Spanish version of the movie Three Steps above Heaven, a good example of this kind of media product, has proven to greatly impact communicative acts among adolescents. This article explores how this influence on adolescents is because the communicative acts about Hache-the main character in the movie-are full of the language of desire, and his own communicative acts are full of violence. On the one hand, we analyze how Three Steps above Heaven employs communicative acts to enhance the attractiveness of DTM. On the other hand, based on the evidence gathered in a communicative focus group (CFG) addressed to 15-and 16-year-old female adolescents, we analyze how New Alternative Masculinity men are demystifying Hache and the idea of having a "Three Steps Above Heaven" by demonstrating with the powerful language of desire that men like him employ farce strategies. The article includes evidence from interventions with adolescents where discussion of movies like this, with the involvement of New Alternative Masculinity men and grounded in the language of desire, can transform the perception about the sexualaffective relationship in the movie, thus counteracting their negative influence in terms of attraction to violence.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2013
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Jun 15, 2018
This study examined Syrian refugee English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' perceptions rega... more This study examined Syrian refugee English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' perceptions regarding learner autonomy as well as their readiness for autonomy in English language learning. It also investigated the effects of grade and gender on learners' perceptions. A mixed-method research design was utilized, and findings indicated that neither grade nor gender had caused statistically significant differences in terms of Syrian refugees' perceptions of learner autonomy in language learning; nevertheless, both had caused statistically significant differences in terms of sub-scales. While the 8 th graders in this study perceived themselves as being more autonomous in terms of experience in language learning, the female students seemed more autonomous in terms of their perceptions of the role of teachers and feedback. Additionally, although the learners' perceptions regarding autonomy were slightly lower than their readiness for autonomy, there was a statistically significant relationship between their perceptions of learner autonomy and their readiness for autonomy in language learning. When their perceptions about learner autonomy increased, their readiness for autonomy also increased.
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Jun 15, 2017
The purpose of the current study was to investigate teachers' attitudes towards change, dispositi... more The purpose of the current study was to investigate teachers' attitudes towards change, dispositional and change-specific resistance, and their perceptions of change-related information, within the context of the recent system-wide educational change, widely known as "4+4+4 Reform Initiative", in Turkey. The researchers conducted a correlational quantitative study. The sample of the study consisted of 402 primary and middle schools teachers selected randomly. Research results indicated that teachers resisted to the recent change cognitively, affectively and intentionally, respectively. The highest resistance level was associated with cognitive resistance. Teachers' perceptions of change-related information were at the "disagree" level. The paper ends drawing implications for educational reform initiatives in Turkey.
Multidisciplinary journal of educational research, Oct 9, 2020
This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dia... more This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) have had among the 4th grade students, after its implementation, during 10 sessions. Data analyzed has been written communicative accounts and argued drawings that these boys and girls provided, without having been required as part of the investigation, but which informed about the deep lived experience. The study is part of the RTD research: Impact of interactive learning environments on academic and social success (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). The contributions of these 48 students have been qualitatively analyzed. The results show that DLGs promote understanding, reflection, knowledge and learning from the enjoyment of works of classical literature. At the same time, they positively highlight their evolution in classroom dynamics and participation in their educational and family environment, by increasing interactions based on egalitarian dialogue.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2013
This paper discusses the move from learning theories from the industrial society to learning theo... more This paper discusses the move from learning theories from the industrial society to learning theories from and for dialogic societies. While in the past intrapsychological elements, such as mental schemata of prior knowledge, were the key to explain learning, today theories point to interaction and dialogue as main means for achieving deep understandings of the curriculum. Concepts arising from psychology and sociology are essential to understand this new conceptualization of learning: dialogic learning, which implies a historico-cultural analysis of mind and the concept of communicative action. This dialogic turn in the explanation of learning has also found its manifestation in classrooms. The Interactive Groups is one learning environment grounded in the theory of dialogic learning which leads to improved academic achievement and coexistence. The article points out some of the dialogic elements of Interactive Groups which explain those results, illustrating how the dialogic const...
Reflexão e Ação, 2018
Nesta pesquisa, buscamos desvelar os processos de constituição de dois formadores de professores,... more Nesta pesquisa, buscamos desvelar os processos de constituição de dois formadores de professores, que atuam em programas de educação continuada efetivados pela SEE/SP, utilizando a práxis histórica freireana como fundamento teórico-metodológico. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas para a coleta das histórias de vida, analisamos os dados por meio dos pressupostos da Metodologia comunicativo-crítica e da teoria freireana e dialogamos com cada formador sobre as análises e resultados. A pesquisa indicou que os formadores se constituem nas relações sujeito-sujeito, sujeito-objeto e sujeito-objeto-sujeito que estabelecem mediante as condições históricas de vida, de escolarização, de trabalho, de classe social, que lhe propiciam aprendizagens, reflexões e o enfrentamento das situações que os condicionam e oprimem, causando acomodações ou rupturas, provocando estranhamentos ou satisfações, num constante movimento dialético de fazer e refazer, fazer-se e refazer-se.
The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of ge... more The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), specifically in the Brazilian context. Brazil presents high GBV indexes, ranking fifth in the world in femicide. With regard to violence in school, girls are the main victims of sexual-based violence and GBV. Preventive actions must be taken to avoid such occurrence. Searches conducted in Brazilian scientific databases retrieved no review of research on GBV prevention, so we conducted a thorough review of the topic, encountering a small number of articles in Brazilian databases. National and international scientific productions on the theme were compared to identify if the low production is characteristic only in Brazil or in the international context as well. Searches were conducted in Brazilian and international databases using GBV and school-related descriptors. A national data search retrieved 431 entries, while 222 papers were obtained in the international literature. The inclusion criteria for the analyses was the mention, in the abstract, of any form of action within school addressing GBV prevention. This screening selected 11 studies in the Brazilian databases and 30 articles in the international literature. Transformative or exclusionary elements were identified in the texts, focusing on different school levels and also lawmaking. Because of restrictions imposed by the data set, a descriptive analysis was conducted. In the international literature, it was possible to identify that recent research has been analyzing actions developed in schools aiming for GBV prevention and some of their impacts. Brazilian literature has been focusing primarily on describing actions rather than evaluating their impacts or describing GBV prevalence. The targeted population includes teachers, sports coaches, male and female students of different educational levels, whole school community, family, and surrounding communities. The actions described in the international dataset are most frequently conducted in an extracurricular context and are primarily focusing on raising awareness about GBV and on providing information. The Brazilian studies indicate Prezenszky et al. School Actions and GBV Prevention few actions conducted within the school. The analysis indicated characteristics in school-actions that contribute to preventing and overcoming GBV, such as working with the whole school community, empowering women and strengthening egalitarian masculinities, bystander training, and implementing laws and policies.
centros educativos, a partir de prácticas comunicativo-dialógicas. Se refiere más específicamente... more centros educativos, a partir de prácticas comunicativo-dialógicas. Se refiere más específicamente al desarrollo de Comunidades de Aprendizaje en Brasil, realizando un balance de su efecto en el contexto brasileño. Está organizado en tres apartados distintos: una introducción al tema, la presentación del actual contexto, que demanda una nueva organización de los centros educativos, y la presentación de Comunidades de Aprendizaje. El texto finaliza con una breve conclusión argumentativa en favor de la transformación de centros educativos en Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Palabras clave Comunidades de aprendizaje; gestión democrática; aprendizaje dialógico; escuelas democráticas; relación comunidad-escuela.
Frontiers in Education, 2018
Women and men, young, and adult, who have reached youth or adult life without elementary schoolin... more Women and men, young, and adult, who have reached youth or adult life without elementary schooling, are part of an important and vulnerable group in Latin America, as for instance Brazil. Integrating the studies that seek to contribute to a qualitative change in Brazilian Adult Education, as a means for overcoming inequalities and in support of most vulnerable groups within the population, this article regards the case of the first Adult Education School in Brazil to transform into learning community. The research was developed between 2014 and 2016 and refers to a qualitative case study using the communicative approach, guaranteed by the use of the Communicative Methodology. Data was collected using four techniques pertaining to the Communicative Methodology: communicative in-depth interview with the school's Adult Learning and Education coordination; communicative daily-life story with students and volunteers; communicative focus groups with students, volunteers, and teachers; and communicative observation in Successful Educational Actions. The results indicate transformative and excluding elements that emerged in the following categories: the school's characteristics studied, work and life conditions and access to schooling and continuity in school, and interaction within the learning community. Comparing the results that indicate positive aspects of the Adult Learning and Education school transformed into learning communities to results in other studies about other successful Adult Learning and Education schools in Brazil, it can be established that they coincide in some aspects and go beyond in others. Although coincidence between studies was observed, they were more intensely noticed in the learning community regarding the following aspects: (a) school management oriented toward learning, with contact mechanisms with students that began missing classes, (b) appreciation, from the school staff, of teaching and learning processes, specially reading and writing, (c) a welcoming environment, bonding between professionals and students, and high expectations toward students. As for the elements identified in the learning community which were not found in the other Brazilian studies, they were: (a) enrollment increase over time and decrease in student dropout rates throughout the year, and (b) overcoming dramatic situations experienced in the neighborhood and in the school that could initially lead to school dropout.
Frontiers in Education, 2018
The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of ge... more The study aimed to provide scientific evidence to support school actions for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), specifically in the Brazilian context. Brazil presents high GBV indexes, ranking fifth in the world in femicide. With regard to violence in school, girls are the main victims of sexual-based violence and GBV. Preventive actions must be taken to avoid such occurrence. Searches conducted in Brazilian scientific databases retrieved no review of research on GBV prevention, so we conducted a thorough review of the topic, encountering a small number of articles in Brazilian databases. National and international scientific productions on the theme were compared to identify if the low production is characteristic only in Brazil or in the international context as well. Searches were conducted in Brazilian and international databases using GBV and school-related descriptors. A national data search retrieved 431 entries, while 222 papers were obtained in the international literature. The inclusion criteria for the analyses was the mention, in the abstract, of any form of action within school addressing GBV prevention. This screening selected 11 studies in the Brazilian databases and 30 articles in the international literature. Transformative or exclusionary elements were identified in the texts, focusing on different school levels and also lawmaking. Because of restrictions imposed by the data set, a descriptive analysis was conducted. In the international literature, it was possible to identify that recent research has been analyzing actions developed in schools aiming for GBV prevention and some of their impacts. Brazilian literature has been focusing primarily on describing actions rather than evaluating their impacts or describing GBV prevalence. The targeted population includes teachers, sports coaches, male and female students of different educational levels, whole school community, family, and surrounding communities. The actions described in the international dataset are most frequently conducted in an extracurricular context and are primarily focusing on raising awareness about GBV and on providing information. The Brazilian studies indicate Prezenszky et al. School Actions and GBV Prevention few actions conducted within the school. The analysis indicated characteristics in school-actions that contribute to preventing and overcoming GBV, such as working with the whole school community, empowering women and strengthening egalitarian masculinities, bystander training, and implementing laws and policies.
Hipatiapress, 2024
O Livro reúne teoria e prática de atuações educativas de êxito, para realização em escolas. São A... more O Livro reúne teoria e prática de atuações educativas de êxito, para realização em escolas. São Atuações Educativas que promovem ao mesmo tempo aprendizagem de alta qualidade e melhora do convívio entre todos. A participação educativa das famílias e da comunidade é ponto-chave das sete atuações educativas apresentadas e que foram validadas a partir de evidências de impacto social em diferentes países e regiões do globo.
Pedagogicidades: educação, culturas e territórios urbanos, 2023
O projeto "Comunidades de Aprendizagem" transforma as escolas e seus contextos sociais urbanos ou... more O projeto "Comunidades de Aprendizagem" transforma as escolas e seus contextos sociais urbanos ou rurais. Já em mais de dez mil lugares, eles estão alcançando as maiores melhorias conhecidas em todas as dimensões de aprendizagem e coexistência. Este resultado é o produto dos esforços das pessoas das comunidades educacionais, guiados por evidências científicas de impacto social. Desta forma, realiza-se um sonho escolar que em muitos casos faz parte de um sonho de bairro, que também orienta a transformação da vida urbana, incluindo planejamento urbano, saúde, serviços sociais e outras áreas. O trabalho científico em que se baseiam consegue o reconhecimento e a colaboração com todos os campos científicos, ao contrário das pseudoteorias que ainda dominam aqueles que não conseguem essas melhorias - como o modelo de reprodução, ou a afirmação de que os resultados educacionais dependem do nível socioeconômico das famílias.
Indi-age: a presença indígena na universidade AUTORES, 2020
The book deals with the implementation of the Affirmative Action policy for indigenous peoples at... more The book deals with the implementation of the Affirmative Action policy for indigenous peoples at UFSCar.
Educational Psychology, 2022
This Research Topic aims to respond to the following and other related questions: - What do we k... more This Research Topic aims to respond to the following and other related questions:
- What do we know so far about the positive impacts that interactive learning environments have on the education of students with special needs and which research lines are open?
- Which are the characteristics of interactive learning environments that enhance learning, development, and relationships of students with special needs?
- How are particular projects, actions, or interventions creating interactive learning environments with positive impacts on students with special needs?
- Which are the benefits of interactive learning environments shared between students with and without special needs for the students without special needs?
- Which are the specific impacts of creating interactive learning environments in different learning contexts (mainstream or special educational settings, within and outside school in formal and non-formal contexts, etc.)
- How the role of teachers and other professionals can be transformed with the creation of interactive learning environments?
- How the creation of interactive learning environments can prevent or overcome violence or bullying towards students with special needs?
Didática(s): entre diálogos, insurgências e políticas, 2020
O presente capítulo discute centralmente a violência de gênero e as ações e instrumentos para sua... more O presente capítulo discute centralmente a violência de gênero e as ações e instrumentos para sua prevenção e superação a partir de pesquisas consolidadas no âmbito internacional que se relacionam diretamente com a Educação em duas diferentes modalidades e etapas: Infância, Juventude e Vida Adulta. Os trabalhos apresentam como paradigma epistemológico a abordagem teórica da Aprendizagem Dialógica e, no interior dele, o Feminismo Dialógico e as Novas Masculinidades Alternativas, perspectivas formuladas com aporte nas contribuições da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas e da Dialogicidade de Paulo Freire. Amparados/as nas pesquisas de impacto mundial, discutimos a violência de gênero e as ações que comprovadamente previnem a violência, focalizando, principalmente, Atuações Educativas de Êxito desenvolvidas em ambientes educacionais. Destacamos a socialização das crianças pequenas na Educação Infantil como possibilidade de intervenção para violência zero e a juventude por ter uma incidência de violência amplamente divulgada e, erroneamente, caracterizada como uma característica da desta fase da vida. Nesta direção, salientamos os parâmetros teóricos e metodológicos destes estudos na busca de elementos transformadores das situações violência de gênero, estabelecendo um diálogo entre seus pressupostos. Como resultados apresentamos um consolidado das pesquisas internacionais e desenvolvidas no Brasil que explicitam as Atuações Educativas de Êxito, tais como o Modelo Dialógico de Prevenção e Resolução de Conflitos (MDPRC) e o Clube de Valentes para o combate à violência de gênero que apontam a centralidade do diálogo e da inclusão de toda comunidade, resultados de um grande projeto de pesquisa (INCLUD-ED) desenvolvido por universidades de diferentes países e financiado União Europeia.
Educational inequalities have strongly impacted disadvantaged and underserved populations such us... more Educational inequalities have strongly impacted disadvantaged and underserved populations such us indigenous, Roma, migrant children, students with disabilities, and those affected by poverty. A wide array of research has contributed to explaining the mechanisms and effects of inequalities in the achievement patterns, dropout rates, disengagement in the school experiences of children and youth traditionally excluded. Research also suggests the negative consequences for child development – including cognitive, language, and social–emotional functioning – of poverty and lack of quality education in the early years. Consequently, the current unequal access to optimal learning environments for every single child to succeed in education and to have a better life perpetuates the exclusion and neglects the right to education for those minorities. This Research Topic aims at moving beyond causes and shed light upon effective solutions by providing successful pathways for integration and inclusion of the learners most heavily affected.
Scholars worldwide are looking for successful actions with children, youth, and communities of learners historically underserved to overcome educational and social exclusion. These transformative approaches go beyond the deficit thinking and are grounded in theories, empirical evidence, and multidisciplinary interventions oriented towards achieving social impact, which refers to the extent to which those actions have contributed to improve a societal challenge. The international network
of “Schools as Learning Communities” is advancing knowledge on deepening and expanding the impact of what has been defined as Successful Educational Actions (SEAs); that is, those interventions that improve students’ achievement and social cohesion and inclusion in many diverse contexts, regardless the socioeconomic, national, and cultural environment of schools.
Drawing on the evidence generated by this network of researchers to address the global challenge of inequality by studying educational actions oriented towards achieving social impact and potentially transferrable to other contexts, this Research Topic aims at deepening on this approach. In short, our purpose is that the contributions included
in this Research Topic contribute to reduce educational and social inequalities and especially benefit those populations most in need.
Calidad de la Educación, 2019
El texto está dedicado al proyecto realizado entre la Universidad Federal de São Carlos y la Univ... more El texto está dedicado al proyecto realizado entre la Universidad Federal de São Carlos y la Universidad de Córdoba/Es, para la promoción de intercámbio y mobilidad de estudiantes indígenas brasileños en universidad española y invetigadores brasileños y españoles en la construcción de diálogos respecto a diversidad y aprendizaje.