Eduardo Matias | UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (original) (raw)

Papers by Eduardo Matias

Research paper thumbnail of Premature: growth and its relation to oral skills

Objective: To evaluate the influence of oral motor skills of premature infants on their oral feed... more Objective: To evaluate the influence of oral motor skills of premature infants on their oral feeding performance and growth, during neonatal hospitalization. Methods: Fifty-one newborns hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in Southern Brazil, between July 2012 and March 2013, were evaluated. The evaluation of oral feeding skills, according to Lau and Smith, was applied after prescription for starting oral feeding. The oral feeding performance was analyzed using the following variables: days taken to start independent oral feeding and hospital discharge. Growth was measured by weight, length, and head circumference, using the curves of Fenton, at birth, first and independent oral feeding, and hospital discharge. Results: At birth, 71% preterm infants were proper for gestational age, most of them were males (53%), with average of 33.6 (±1.5) weeks of gestational age. The gestational age in the assessment did not influence the oral feeding performance of the premature infant and did not differ between levels. Time of transition from tube feeding to oral feeding and hospital stay was shorter when the oral skills were higher. At birth, there was a tendency of low weight and low oral feeding performance. Level IV premature infants in the release of oral feeding presented higher weights. Conclusion: The level of oral skills of the premature infant interfered positively on time of feeding transition from tube to independent oral feeding and hospital stay. Growth, represented by weight gain, was not affected by the level of oral skill.

Research paper thumbnail of Respiratory Muscle Training in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with COPD Subjects: Literature Review Treinamento Muscular Respiratório na Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico de Sujeitos com DPOC: Revisão de Literatura

The purpose was to perform a systematic review about the effects of respiratory muscle training i... more The purpose was to perform a systematic review about the effects of respiratory muscle training in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) of subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). For the selection of studies, the following descriptors were used: " Gastroesophageal Reflux " , " Respiratory aspiration " and " COPD " in the databases PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and TripDataBase, from January to February 2015. As selection criteria were used:articles published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, regardless of the year of publication. The titles and abstracts were read and if there were doubts as to the purpose of the study of each article, the same was read in its entirety. After reading the titles, abstracts and, if necessary, in full, were listed items that were more closely related to the research purpose. The research with the proposed descriptors generated a total of 324 articles. After the first analysis were selected 68, of these 32 were excluded by repetition. The remaining 36 articles were evaluated according to the purpose of the study, ending in 12. However, none aimed to determine the effects of respiratory muscle training in COPD subjects with GERD. Thus, the authors conducted a literature review to provide theoretical basis for future research about the theme. It was concluded from this study that there aren't studies that evaluated the effects of respiratory muscle training on COPD subjects with GERD, which suggests the * Physiotherapist, master'sstudent in Human Communication DisordersUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Research paper thumbnail of EFFECTS OF MUSCLE RESPIRATORY EXERCISE IN THE BIOMECHANICS OF SWALLOWING OF NORMAL INDIVIDUALS Efeitos do exercício muscular respiratório na biomecânica da deglutição de indivíduos normais

Purpose: to analyze the effects of the respiratory exercise in the biomechanics of swallowing in ... more Purpose: to analyze the effects of the respiratory exercise in the biomechanics of swallowing in normal
subjects. Methods: the muscle respiratory’s exercise in normal subjects was administered for
seven consecutive days by the incentive spirometer flow (three sets of ten repetitions for inspiration
and expiration).The biomechanics of swallowing was evaluated by videofluoroscopy through temporal
variables (pharyngeal transition time) and visuoperceptual (number of swallows, waste in the pyriform
sinuses and valleculae, penetration/aspiration). For statistical analysis was used the Wilcoxon test,
Equality of Two Proportions and Kappa. Results: were evaluated 16 young women with a mean age
of 21,2±3,4 years. In visuoperceptual variables was observed almost perfect agreement between evaluators
(p<0,001) and in temporal variable (p=1,00). After the training period there was a significant
reduction in the pharyngeal transition time (p=0,02). Conclusion: the use of incentive spirometer flow
significantly influence the biomechanics of swallowing, especially in reducing the pharyngeal transition


Research paper thumbnail of Dysphagia and exacerbations in COPD

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of exercise on oxidative stress in COPD: literature review

Resumo: Objetivo -verificar a influência do exercício físico sobre o estresse oxidativo em indiví... more Resumo: Objetivo -verificar a influência do exercício físico sobre o estresse oxidativo em indivíduos portadores de DPOC. Metodologia -revisão bibliográfica, realizada no período de março a setembro de 2011 nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro e Scielo, com artigos científicos originais publicados entre 2000 e 2011. Resultados -foram encontrados sete trabalhos que contemplaram o tema proposto, sendo cinco que avaliaram o estresse oxidativo após exercícios agudos e dois que realizaram treinamento físico. Conclusões -através deste estudo foi possível observar que a prática de exercícios agudos aumenta os níveis oxidativos na DPOC, porém com o treinamento físico os níveis tendem a diminuir. Descritores: Exercício físico, DPOC, Estresse oxidativo. Abstract: Aim -to investigate the influence of exercise on oxidative stress in patients with COPD. Method -literature review, conducted from March to September 2011 in the databases PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro and Scielo, with original scientific articles published between 2000 and 2011. Results -

Research paper thumbnail of Outcomes of Iso Stretching and Pompage techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Resumo: Objetivo -O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os desfechos do uso associado das téc... more Resumo: Objetivo -O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os desfechos do uso associado das técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage sobre a capacidade funcional, força muscular respiratória e a mobilidade torácica de indivíduos portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. Métodos -Trata se de um estudo piloto, onde participaram 10 indivíduos, randomizados em grupo tratado e grupo controle. Foram analisadas as variáveis espirométricas, antropométricas, força muscular respiratória e a capacidade funcional. Da amostra, cinco pacientes concluíram o tratamento de quatro semanas de intervenção com as técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage. Resultados -Após a intervenção, houve aumento na força muscular inspiratória e expiratória para todos os indivíduos do grupo tratado, bem como, aumento na distância percorrida no TC6 e na expansibilidade torácica. Conclusão -um programa terapêutico baseado nas técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage por quatro semanas, evidenciaram principalmente o aumento na força muscular respiratória, expansibilidade e distância percorrida no TC6.



Steidl EMS, Weinmann ARM. Influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimen... more Steidl EMS, Weinmann ARM. Influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimentar de recém-nascidos pré-termo. Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2014; 20(108):17-20. Artigo recebido em 13/12/2013. Aceito para publicação em 15/08/2014. influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimentar de recém-nascidos pré-termo eduardo matias dos santos steidl 1 angela regina maciel weinmann 2 RESUMO INFLUÊNCIA DA GRAVIDADE DA DISPLASIA BRONCOPULMONAR NA TRANSIÇÃO ALIMENTAR DE RECÉM-NASCIDOS PRÉ-TERMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar (DBP) na transição alimentar da sonda para via oral (VO) em recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT). Trata-se de estudo transversal, retrospectivo e descritivo, com dados coletados em prontuários de RNPT com DBP internados em um Hospital Universitário do Sul do Brasil, entre 2007 e 2011. Foram incluídos prematuros com idade gestacional <37 semanas que desenvolveram DBP. Foram coletados os dados referentes ao sexo, peso e idade gestacional ao nascimento, Apgar de 1º e 5º minutos, adequação ao crescimento, diagnósticos associados, uso de surfactante e/ou corticoide pré-natal, dias de suporte ventilatório, dados da alta hospitalar e a quantidade de leite prescrito e ingerido no primeiro dia da VO. Na amostra estudada, 15 (23,1%) apresentaram DBP leve, 41 (63,1%), moderada, e nove (13,8%), grave. Em relação à transição alimentar, o grupo grave apresentou início da VO mais tardiamente comparado ao grupo leve e moderado (p = 0,0001), pior desempenho alimentar no primeiro dia e episódios de dessaturação nas mamadas. Brazil between 2007 and. PTI with gestational age <37 weeks who developed BPD were included. Data regarding sex, weight and gestational age at birth, Apgar score at 1 st and 5 th minutes, fitness for growth, associated diagnoses, use of surfactant and/or prenatal corticosteroids, time of ventilatory support, data from hospital discharge and the amount of prescribed and ingested milk on the first day of oral feeding were collected. In this sample, 15 (23.1%) had mild BPD, 41 (63.1%), moderate, and nine (13,8%), severe BPD. Regarding feeding transition, the severe group showed later onset of oral feeding compared to mild and moderate (p = 0,0001), worse performance on the first day and episodes of desaturation in feedings.


Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106). 164 Revisão Steidl EMS, Vargas CL, Haeffner LSB, Weinm... more Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106). 164 Revisão Steidl EMS, Vargas CL, Haeffner LSB, Weinmann ARM. Crescimento e desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com displasia broncopulmonar. Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106):164-7. Artigo recebido em 19/06/2013. Aceito para publicação em 22/08/2013. crescimento e desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com displasia broncopulmonar eduardo m. dos santos steidl 1 camila lehnhart vargas 2 leris salete bonfati haeffner 3 angela regina m. weinmann 4 RESUMO CRESCIMENTO E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRIANÇAS NASCIDAS PRÉ-TERMO COM DISPLASIA BRONCOPULMONAR: O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar trabalhos sobre o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com Displasia Broncopulmonar (DBP). Foi realizada revisão narrativa e compreensiva dos estudos, e as referências foram coletadas a partir das bases de dados MedLine, SciELO, Bireme e LILACS, referindo-se publicações de 2000 a 2012. Os artigos revisados foram sistematizados em duas categorias: crescimento e desenvolvimento de recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) com DBP. A análise de artigos nos permitiu concluir que os RNPT que desenvolveram DBP apresentaram maior risco para atraso no desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo, da linguagem, da fala e da aprendizagem, bem como de crescimento linear, mas que esse atraso tende a desaparecer com o avanço da idade. Além da prematuridade, outros fatores de risco, como a hipoxemia e o ambiente socioeconômico, relacionam-se com os déficits, o que reforça a importância do trabalho conjunto de vários profissionais com o objetivo de permitir crescimento e desenvolvimento adequados. ABSTRACT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN BORN PRETERM WITH BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA: The aim of this study was to review studies on the growth and development of children born preterm with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). A narrative and comprehensive review was carried out, and references were collected from the databases MedLine, SciELO, LILACS and Bireme regarding publications from 2000 to 2012. The articles were organized into two categories: growth and development of preterm infants (PTI) with BPD. The article analysis allowed us to conclude that PTI who developed BPD had a higher risk for delayed motor and cognitive development, language, speech and learning, as well as linear growth, but this delay tends to disappear with advancing age. In addition to prematurity, other risk factors, such as hypoxia and socioeconomic environment, relate to deficits, which reinforce the importance of the joint work of several professionals in order to allow proper growth and development.

Research paper thumbnail of Premature: growth and its relation to oral skills

Objective: To evaluate the influence of oral motor skills of premature infants on their oral feed... more Objective: To evaluate the influence of oral motor skills of premature infants on their oral feeding performance and growth, during neonatal hospitalization. Methods: Fifty-one newborns hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in Southern Brazil, between July 2012 and March 2013, were evaluated. The evaluation of oral feeding skills, according to Lau and Smith, was applied after prescription for starting oral feeding. The oral feeding performance was analyzed using the following variables: days taken to start independent oral feeding and hospital discharge. Growth was measured by weight, length, and head circumference, using the curves of Fenton, at birth, first and independent oral feeding, and hospital discharge. Results: At birth, 71% preterm infants were proper for gestational age, most of them were males (53%), with average of 33.6 (±1.5) weeks of gestational age. The gestational age in the assessment did not influence the oral feeding performance of the premature infant and did not differ between levels. Time of transition from tube feeding to oral feeding and hospital stay was shorter when the oral skills were higher. At birth, there was a tendency of low weight and low oral feeding performance. Level IV premature infants in the release of oral feeding presented higher weights. Conclusion: The level of oral skills of the premature infant interfered positively on time of feeding transition from tube to independent oral feeding and hospital stay. Growth, represented by weight gain, was not affected by the level of oral skill.

Research paper thumbnail of Respiratory Muscle Training in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with COPD Subjects: Literature Review Treinamento Muscular Respiratório na Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico de Sujeitos com DPOC: Revisão de Literatura

The purpose was to perform a systematic review about the effects of respiratory muscle training i... more The purpose was to perform a systematic review about the effects of respiratory muscle training in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) of subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). For the selection of studies, the following descriptors were used: " Gastroesophageal Reflux " , " Respiratory aspiration " and " COPD " in the databases PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and TripDataBase, from January to February 2015. As selection criteria were used:articles published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, regardless of the year of publication. The titles and abstracts were read and if there were doubts as to the purpose of the study of each article, the same was read in its entirety. After reading the titles, abstracts and, if necessary, in full, were listed items that were more closely related to the research purpose. The research with the proposed descriptors generated a total of 324 articles. After the first analysis were selected 68, of these 32 were excluded by repetition. The remaining 36 articles were evaluated according to the purpose of the study, ending in 12. However, none aimed to determine the effects of respiratory muscle training in COPD subjects with GERD. Thus, the authors conducted a literature review to provide theoretical basis for future research about the theme. It was concluded from this study that there aren't studies that evaluated the effects of respiratory muscle training on COPD subjects with GERD, which suggests the * Physiotherapist, master'sstudent in Human Communication DisordersUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Research paper thumbnail of EFFECTS OF MUSCLE RESPIRATORY EXERCISE IN THE BIOMECHANICS OF SWALLOWING OF NORMAL INDIVIDUALS Efeitos do exercício muscular respiratório na biomecânica da deglutição de indivíduos normais

Purpose: to analyze the effects of the respiratory exercise in the biomechanics of swallowing in ... more Purpose: to analyze the effects of the respiratory exercise in the biomechanics of swallowing in normal
subjects. Methods: the muscle respiratory’s exercise in normal subjects was administered for
seven consecutive days by the incentive spirometer flow (three sets of ten repetitions for inspiration
and expiration).The biomechanics of swallowing was evaluated by videofluoroscopy through temporal
variables (pharyngeal transition time) and visuoperceptual (number of swallows, waste in the pyriform
sinuses and valleculae, penetration/aspiration). For statistical analysis was used the Wilcoxon test,
Equality of Two Proportions and Kappa. Results: were evaluated 16 young women with a mean age
of 21,2±3,4 years. In visuoperceptual variables was observed almost perfect agreement between evaluators
(p<0,001) and in temporal variable (p=1,00). After the training period there was a significant
reduction in the pharyngeal transition time (p=0,02). Conclusion: the use of incentive spirometer flow
significantly influence the biomechanics of swallowing, especially in reducing the pharyngeal transition


Research paper thumbnail of Dysphagia and exacerbations in COPD

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of exercise on oxidative stress in COPD: literature review

Resumo: Objetivo -verificar a influência do exercício físico sobre o estresse oxidativo em indiví... more Resumo: Objetivo -verificar a influência do exercício físico sobre o estresse oxidativo em indivíduos portadores de DPOC. Metodologia -revisão bibliográfica, realizada no período de março a setembro de 2011 nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro e Scielo, com artigos científicos originais publicados entre 2000 e 2011. Resultados -foram encontrados sete trabalhos que contemplaram o tema proposto, sendo cinco que avaliaram o estresse oxidativo após exercícios agudos e dois que realizaram treinamento físico. Conclusões -através deste estudo foi possível observar que a prática de exercícios agudos aumenta os níveis oxidativos na DPOC, porém com o treinamento físico os níveis tendem a diminuir. Descritores: Exercício físico, DPOC, Estresse oxidativo. Abstract: Aim -to investigate the influence of exercise on oxidative stress in patients with COPD. Method -literature review, conducted from March to September 2011 in the databases PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro and Scielo, with original scientific articles published between 2000 and 2011. Results -

Research paper thumbnail of Outcomes of Iso Stretching and Pompage techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Resumo: Objetivo -O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os desfechos do uso associado das téc... more Resumo: Objetivo -O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os desfechos do uso associado das técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage sobre a capacidade funcional, força muscular respiratória e a mobilidade torácica de indivíduos portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. Métodos -Trata se de um estudo piloto, onde participaram 10 indivíduos, randomizados em grupo tratado e grupo controle. Foram analisadas as variáveis espirométricas, antropométricas, força muscular respiratória e a capacidade funcional. Da amostra, cinco pacientes concluíram o tratamento de quatro semanas de intervenção com as técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage. Resultados -Após a intervenção, houve aumento na força muscular inspiratória e expiratória para todos os indivíduos do grupo tratado, bem como, aumento na distância percorrida no TC6 e na expansibilidade torácica. Conclusão -um programa terapêutico baseado nas técnicas de Iso Stretching e pompage por quatro semanas, evidenciaram principalmente o aumento na força muscular respiratória, expansibilidade e distância percorrida no TC6.



Steidl EMS, Weinmann ARM. Influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimen... more Steidl EMS, Weinmann ARM. Influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimentar de recém-nascidos pré-termo. Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2014; 20(108):17-20. Artigo recebido em 13/12/2013. Aceito para publicação em 15/08/2014. influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar na transição alimentar de recém-nascidos pré-termo eduardo matias dos santos steidl 1 angela regina maciel weinmann 2 RESUMO INFLUÊNCIA DA GRAVIDADE DA DISPLASIA BRONCOPULMONAR NA TRANSIÇÃO ALIMENTAR DE RECÉM-NASCIDOS PRÉ-TERMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da gravidade da displasia broncopulmonar (DBP) na transição alimentar da sonda para via oral (VO) em recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT). Trata-se de estudo transversal, retrospectivo e descritivo, com dados coletados em prontuários de RNPT com DBP internados em um Hospital Universitário do Sul do Brasil, entre 2007 e 2011. Foram incluídos prematuros com idade gestacional <37 semanas que desenvolveram DBP. Foram coletados os dados referentes ao sexo, peso e idade gestacional ao nascimento, Apgar de 1º e 5º minutos, adequação ao crescimento, diagnósticos associados, uso de surfactante e/ou corticoide pré-natal, dias de suporte ventilatório, dados da alta hospitalar e a quantidade de leite prescrito e ingerido no primeiro dia da VO. Na amostra estudada, 15 (23,1%) apresentaram DBP leve, 41 (63,1%), moderada, e nove (13,8%), grave. Em relação à transição alimentar, o grupo grave apresentou início da VO mais tardiamente comparado ao grupo leve e moderado (p = 0,0001), pior desempenho alimentar no primeiro dia e episódios de dessaturação nas mamadas. Brazil between 2007 and. PTI with gestational age <37 weeks who developed BPD were included. Data regarding sex, weight and gestational age at birth, Apgar score at 1 st and 5 th minutes, fitness for growth, associated diagnoses, use of surfactant and/or prenatal corticosteroids, time of ventilatory support, data from hospital discharge and the amount of prescribed and ingested milk on the first day of oral feeding were collected. In this sample, 15 (23.1%) had mild BPD, 41 (63.1%), moderate, and nine (13,8%), severe BPD. Regarding feeding transition, the severe group showed later onset of oral feeding compared to mild and moderate (p = 0,0001), worse performance on the first day and episodes of desaturation in feedings.


Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106). 164 Revisão Steidl EMS, Vargas CL, Haeffner LSB, Weinm... more Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106). 164 Revisão Steidl EMS, Vargas CL, Haeffner LSB, Weinmann ARM. Crescimento e desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com displasia broncopulmonar. Temas sobre Desenvolvimento 2013; 19(106):164-7. Artigo recebido em 19/06/2013. Aceito para publicação em 22/08/2013. crescimento e desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com displasia broncopulmonar eduardo m. dos santos steidl 1 camila lehnhart vargas 2 leris salete bonfati haeffner 3 angela regina m. weinmann 4 RESUMO CRESCIMENTO E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRIANÇAS NASCIDAS PRÉ-TERMO COM DISPLASIA BRONCOPULMONAR: O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar trabalhos sobre o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo com Displasia Broncopulmonar (DBP). Foi realizada revisão narrativa e compreensiva dos estudos, e as referências foram coletadas a partir das bases de dados MedLine, SciELO, Bireme e LILACS, referindo-se publicações de 2000 a 2012. Os artigos revisados foram sistematizados em duas categorias: crescimento e desenvolvimento de recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) com DBP. A análise de artigos nos permitiu concluir que os RNPT que desenvolveram DBP apresentaram maior risco para atraso no desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo, da linguagem, da fala e da aprendizagem, bem como de crescimento linear, mas que esse atraso tende a desaparecer com o avanço da idade. Além da prematuridade, outros fatores de risco, como a hipoxemia e o ambiente socioeconômico, relacionam-se com os déficits, o que reforça a importância do trabalho conjunto de vários profissionais com o objetivo de permitir crescimento e desenvolvimento adequados. ABSTRACT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN BORN PRETERM WITH BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA: The aim of this study was to review studies on the growth and development of children born preterm with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). A narrative and comprehensive review was carried out, and references were collected from the databases MedLine, SciELO, LILACS and Bireme regarding publications from 2000 to 2012. The articles were organized into two categories: growth and development of preterm infants (PTI) with BPD. The article analysis allowed us to conclude that PTI who developed BPD had a higher risk for delayed motor and cognitive development, language, speech and learning, as well as linear growth, but this delay tends to disappear with advancing age. In addition to prematurity, other risk factors, such as hypoxia and socioeconomic environment, relate to deficits, which reinforce the importance of the joint work of several professionals in order to allow proper growth and development.