Ivanka Petrova | University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivanka Petrova
Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, w... more Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, widely used worldwide in human nutrition. In the current research, pectic polysaccharide has been isolated from celery tubers by ultrasound-assisted extraction with an aqueous ammonium oxalate. The obtained pectin has been characterized as highly methoxylated (HM) with degree of esterification (DE) 75 % and anhydrouronic acid content (AUАC) 57 %, respectively. Furthermore, the rheological properties of this pectic polysaccharide have been investigated. The effect of pectin concentration - 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 and 1% and oil phase 30, 40 and 50 % on dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions have been evaluated. It has been found that isolated pectic polysaccharide from celery tubers influence significantly on the rheological behavior of the emulsion and they characterized as non-Newtonians fluids. Because of the impressive emulsion stabilization properties of celery pectin as dietar...
Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparatio... more Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparation of 50% (w/w) model O/W emulsion has been investigated. The rheological properties, dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions were studied in the current research. The obtained results revealed that from all tested soluble fibers, inulin with a degree of polymerization (DP) 25 incorporated in the emulsion gave the most stable emulsion compositions characterizing with the highest degree of dispersibility.
Etude des caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et... more Etude des caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et sarrasin avec maltitol Résumé L'influence d'édulcorant maltitol cristallin et sous forme du sirop, sur les caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et sarrasin a été étudiée. Une comparaison des propriétés physico-chimiques des dressings avec maltitol et des dressings avec sucre a été effectuée. Les caractéristiques rhéologiques et de dispersion ont été déterminées. Les possibilités d'application d'édulcorant maltitol dans la production des dressings ont été discutées. Abstract The influence of bulk sweetener crystalline maltitol and in the form of syrup on the dispersion characteristics and rheological properties of the dressings with cocoa and buckwheat has been studied. A comparison of the physicochemical properties of the dressings with maltitol and dressings with sugar has been made. Rheology properties and dispersion char...
50 years FoodRDI International Scientific-Practical Conference " "F Fo oo od d, , T Te ... more 50 years FoodRDI International Scientific-Practical Conference " "F Fo oo od d, , T Te ec ch hn no ol lo og gi ie es s & & H He ea al lt th h" " Проведени са изследвания върху дисперзитета на М/В емулсии с 30 и 50% маслена фаза слънчогледово масло и дисперсна среда – елдена суспензия, с концентрация на елдено брашно във водната среда 5, 10, 15 %. Анализирани са основни техни параметри, характеризиращи дисперзитета им. Показано е влиянието на елденото брашно върху основни показатели на емулсиите – среден диаметър на частиците d ср (μm), медианен диаметър, степен на дисперсност D (μm -1), Sauter диаметър (d 32) и плътност на разпределението. Изведени са регресионни уравнения от типа d ср. = а -b.C e , описващи зависимостта на средния диаметър (d ср) на маслените глобули в дисперсната фаза от концентрацията на елдена суспензия (C (e)). Ключови думи: емулсии, дисперзитет, елда This studies have been conducted on dispersity of O/ W-emulsions with 30 and 50% sunflower ...
Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparatio... more Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparation of 50% (w/w) model O/W emulsion has been investigated. The rheological properties, dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions were studied in the current research. The obtained results revealed that from all tested soluble fibers, inulin with a degree of polymerization (DP) 25 incorporated in the emulsion gave the most stable emulsion compositions characterizing with the highest degree of dispersibility.
A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20... more A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20 D buckwheat. The effect of extrusion conditions and the impact of major technological factors – extrude concentration, temperature and velocity gradient – on the rheological behavior of buckwheat extrudate was investigated. The mathematical models for the influence of factors on their viscosity was proposed. The data could be used for technological solutions to create food products surveyed extrudates.
Isolation of Pectic Polysaccharides from Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) and Their Application in Food Emulsions, 2014
Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, w... more Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, widely used worldwide in human nutrition. In the current research, pectic polysaccharide has been isolated from celery tubers by ultrasound-assisted extraction with an aqueous ammonium oxalate. The obtained pectin has been characterized as highly methoxylated (HM) with degree of esterification (DE) 75 % and anhydrouronic acid content (AUАC) 57 %, respectively. Furthermore, the
rheological properties of this pectic polysaccharide have been investigated. The effect of pectin concentrati on – 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 and 1 % and oil phase 30, 40 and 50 % on dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions have been evaluated. It has been found that isolated pectic polysaccharide from celery tubers influence significantly on the rheological behavior of the emulsion
and they characterized as non-Newtonians fluids. Because of the impressive emulsion stabilization properties of celery pectin as dietary fiber, we recommend its application for preparation of food emulsion with improved nutritional value and health benefits.
Направено е проучване върху реологичните свойства на моделни М/В емулсионни системи с елдено браш... more Направено е проучване върху реологичните свойства на моделни М/В емулсионни системи с елдено брашо (ЕБ). Установено е влиянието на брашното и маслена фазата (МФ) върху основни реологични характеристики. Структурният вискозитет (η стр ) нараства с увеличаване на брашното, по-интензивно при пониските стойности на скоростен градиент (D). По-изразено е повишаването на η стр при началните увеличения на брашното. Влиянието на МФ е слабо изразено при по-ниските концентрации на ЕБ (5%); малко по-силно е при по-високите (10-20%). Показано е влиянието на количеството ЕБ и МФ върху реологичния типповишаването засилва ненютоновия характер към неидеално пластично тяло. За изчисляване вискозитета на М/В емулсиите, в зависимост от концентрацията на ЕБ и обем на МФ, са предложени уравнения.
The study conducted on the feeding of children aged 3 to 7 years in the spring -summer period of ... more The study conducted on the feeding of children aged 3 to 7 years in the spring -summer period of 2013. Parents of children attending different kindergartens in Plovdiv and the region were interviewed. The attitude of respondents to key issues concerning the diet of children and consumption of major food groups in kindergartens and at home has been studied. Comparative analysis were made.
Международна научно-практическа конференция " "Х Хр ра ан ни и, , т те ех хн но ол ло ог ги ии и ... more Международна научно-практическа конференция " "Х Хр ра ан ни и, , т те ех хн но ол ло ог ги ии и и и з зд др ра ав ве е" ", , 2 ПРОУЧВАНЕ НА ОРГАНИЗИРАНОТО ХРАНЕНЕ НА ДЕЦА ОТ 0 -3 ГОДИНИ И. В. Петрова, М. А. Чамова Университет по хранителни технологии -Пловдив Извършено е анкетно проучване върху организираното хранене на деца на възраст от 0-3 години. Анализирана е информация за различни аспекти на храненето на децата в едно детското заведение. Установени са положителни тенденции, относно режима на хранене, както и наличие на доверие към избраната институция. Отразено е влиянието на рекламата на хранителни продукти при избора на храни за ежедневна консумация в тази възрастова група.
Разработен е състав и са направени реологични и микробиологични изследвания на два нови емулсионн... more Разработен е състав и са направени реологични и микробиологични изследвания на два нови емулсионни продукта с елда -тип майонеза и тип дресинг-сос. Направена е структурно-механична характеристика и е проучено реологичното поведение на продуктите. Определена е динамиката на микробиологичните промени при съхранение. Резултатите определят качеството и безопасността на изследваните продукти и са основа за технологичното им производство.
A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20... more A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20 D buckwheat. The effect of extrusion conditions and the impact of major technological factors -extrude concentration, temperature and velocity gradient -on the rheological behavior of buckwheat extrudate was investigated. The mathematical models for the influence of factors on their viscosity was proposed. The data could be used for technological solutions to create food products surveyed extrudates.
Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, w... more Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, widely used worldwide in human nutrition. In the current research, pectic polysaccharide has been isolated from celery tubers by ultrasound-assisted extraction with an aqueous ammonium oxalate. The obtained pectin has been characterized as highly methoxylated (HM) with degree of esterification (DE) 75 % and anhydrouronic acid content (AUАC) 57 %, respectively. Furthermore, the rheological properties of this pectic polysaccharide have been investigated. The effect of pectin concentration - 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 and 1% and oil phase 30, 40 and 50 % on dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions have been evaluated. It has been found that isolated pectic polysaccharide from celery tubers influence significantly on the rheological behavior of the emulsion and they characterized as non-Newtonians fluids. Because of the impressive emulsion stabilization properties of celery pectin as dietar...
Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparatio... more Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparation of 50% (w/w) model O/W emulsion has been investigated. The rheological properties, dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions were studied in the current research. The obtained results revealed that from all tested soluble fibers, inulin with a degree of polymerization (DP) 25 incorporated in the emulsion gave the most stable emulsion compositions characterizing with the highest degree of dispersibility.
Etude des caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et... more Etude des caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et sarrasin avec maltitol Résumé L'influence d'édulcorant maltitol cristallin et sous forme du sirop, sur les caractéristiques de dispersion et des propriétés rhéologiques des dressings de cacao et sarrasin a été étudiée. Une comparaison des propriétés physico-chimiques des dressings avec maltitol et des dressings avec sucre a été effectuée. Les caractéristiques rhéologiques et de dispersion ont été déterminées. Les possibilités d'application d'édulcorant maltitol dans la production des dressings ont été discutées. Abstract The influence of bulk sweetener crystalline maltitol and in the form of syrup on the dispersion characteristics and rheological properties of the dressings with cocoa and buckwheat has been studied. A comparison of the physicochemical properties of the dressings with maltitol and dressings with sugar has been made. Rheology properties and dispersion char...
50 years FoodRDI International Scientific-Practical Conference " "F Fo oo od d, , T Te ... more 50 years FoodRDI International Scientific-Practical Conference " "F Fo oo od d, , T Te ec ch hn no ol lo og gi ie es s & & H He ea al lt th h" " Проведени са изследвания върху дисперзитета на М/В емулсии с 30 и 50% маслена фаза слънчогледово масло и дисперсна среда – елдена суспензия, с концентрация на елдено брашно във водната среда 5, 10, 15 %. Анализирани са основни техни параметри, характеризиращи дисперзитета им. Показано е влиянието на елденото брашно върху основни показатели на емулсиите – среден диаметър на частиците d ср (μm), медианен диаметър, степен на дисперсност D (μm -1), Sauter диаметър (d 32) и плътност на разпределението. Изведени са регресионни уравнения от типа d ср. = а -b.C e , описващи зависимостта на средния диаметър (d ср) на маслените глобули в дисперсната фаза от концентрацията на елдена суспензия (C (e)). Ключови думи: емулсии, дисперзитет, елда This studies have been conducted on dispersity of O/ W-emulsions with 30 and 50% sunflower ...
Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparatio... more Тhe influence of the degree of polymerization of inulin prebiotic formulas used in the preparation of 50% (w/w) model O/W emulsion has been investigated. The rheological properties, dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions were studied in the current research. The obtained results revealed that from all tested soluble fibers, inulin with a degree of polymerization (DP) 25 incorporated in the emulsion gave the most stable emulsion compositions characterizing with the highest degree of dispersibility.
A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20... more A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20 D buckwheat. The effect of extrusion conditions and the impact of major technological factors – extrude concentration, temperature and velocity gradient – on the rheological behavior of buckwheat extrudate was investigated. The mathematical models for the influence of factors on their viscosity was proposed. The data could be used for technological solutions to create food products surveyed extrudates.
Isolation of Pectic Polysaccharides from Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) and Their Application in Food Emulsions, 2014
Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, w... more Celery (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum D. C.) is rich source of biologically active substances, widely used worldwide in human nutrition. In the current research, pectic polysaccharide has been isolated from celery tubers by ultrasound-assisted extraction with an aqueous ammonium oxalate. The obtained pectin has been characterized as highly methoxylated (HM) with degree of esterification (DE) 75 % and anhydrouronic acid content (AUАC) 57 %, respectively. Furthermore, the
rheological properties of this pectic polysaccharide have been investigated. The effect of pectin concentrati on – 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 and 1 % and oil phase 30, 40 and 50 % on dispersibility and stability of the resulting emulsions have been evaluated. It has been found that isolated pectic polysaccharide from celery tubers influence significantly on the rheological behavior of the emulsion
and they characterized as non-Newtonians fluids. Because of the impressive emulsion stabilization properties of celery pectin as dietary fiber, we recommend its application for preparation of food emulsion with improved nutritional value and health benefits.
Направено е проучване върху реологичните свойства на моделни М/В емулсионни системи с елдено браш... more Направено е проучване върху реологичните свойства на моделни М/В емулсионни системи с елдено брашо (ЕБ). Установено е влиянието на брашното и маслена фазата (МФ) върху основни реологични характеристики. Структурният вискозитет (η стр ) нараства с увеличаване на брашното, по-интензивно при пониските стойности на скоростен градиент (D). По-изразено е повишаването на η стр при началните увеличения на брашното. Влиянието на МФ е слабо изразено при по-ниските концентрации на ЕБ (5%); малко по-силно е при по-високите (10-20%). Показано е влиянието на количеството ЕБ и МФ върху реологичния типповишаването засилва ненютоновия характер към неидеално пластично тяло. За изчисляване вискозитета на М/В емулсиите, в зависимост от концентрацията на ЕБ и обем на МФ, са предложени уравнения.
The study conducted on the feeding of children aged 3 to 7 years in the spring -summer period of ... more The study conducted on the feeding of children aged 3 to 7 years in the spring -summer period of 2013. Parents of children attending different kindergartens in Plovdiv and the region were interviewed. The attitude of respondents to key issues concerning the diet of children and consumption of major food groups in kindergartens and at home has been studied. Comparative analysis were made.
Международна научно-практическа конференция " "Х Хр ра ан ни и, , т те ех хн но ол ло ог ги ии и ... more Международна научно-практическа конференция " "Х Хр ра ан ни и, , т те ех хн но ол ло ог ги ии и и и з зд др ра ав ве е" ", , 2 ПРОУЧВАНЕ НА ОРГАНИЗИРАНОТО ХРАНЕНЕ НА ДЕЦА ОТ 0 -3 ГОДИНИ И. В. Петрова, М. А. Чамова Университет по хранителни технологии -Пловдив Извършено е анкетно проучване върху организираното хранене на деца на възраст от 0-3 години. Анализирана е информация за различни аспекти на храненето на децата в едно детското заведение. Установени са положителни тенденции, относно режима на хранене, както и наличие на доверие към избраната институция. Отразено е влиянието на рекламата на хранителни продукти при избора на храни за ежедневна консумация в тази възрастова група.
Разработен е състав и са направени реологични и микробиологични изследвания на два нови емулсионн... more Разработен е състав и са направени реологични и микробиологични изследвания на два нови емулсионни продукта с елда -тип майонеза и тип дресинг-сос. Направена е структурно-механична характеристика и е проучено реологичното поведение на продуктите. Определена е динамиката на микробиологичните промени при съхранение. Резултатите определят качеството и безопасността на изследваните продукти и са основа за технологичното им производство.
A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20... more A survey was made on the rheological behavior of extruded on a single-screw extruder Brabender 20 D buckwheat. The effect of extrusion conditions and the impact of major technological factors -extrude concentration, temperature and velocity gradient -on the rheological behavior of buckwheat extrudate was investigated. The mathematical models for the influence of factors on their viscosity was proposed. The data could be used for technological solutions to create food products surveyed extrudates.