Aleksandar Glavinov | Univerzitet Goce Delcev (original) (raw)
Papers by Aleksandar Glavinov
Losses of life from natural or anthropogenic disasters are a confirmation of a country's read... more Losses of life from natural or anthropogenic disasters are a confirmation of a country's readiness to deal with unpredictable threats that affect socio-economic and security stability of the state. Macedonia faces a series of weaknesses in the disaster management system. It is especially important to emphasize the influence of party policies in setting up non-professional staff in key positions, requiring skills and abilities to deal with emergencies. Unplanned urbanization, air pollution, victims from floods, a large number victims of road accidents, problems with hazardous waste, epidemics, epizootics, etc. are the many collected unresolved issues affecting the quality of life in the country. Prevention and preparedness are key phases of disaster management, which are perceived as disaster risk management with a multi-sectoral approach. Each Government up to now, was not adequate dedicate to this burning issue, not taking into account that only an one larger-scale incident, if...
In the era of globalization, crime is a worldwide problem and threat. There is no country in the ... more In the era of globalization, crime is a worldwide problem and threat. There is no country in the world which could be privileged and protected against the problems initiated by terrorism and organized crime. These two evils could endanger the country’s security from the outside or inside. Organized crime, as a form of danger to the internal security of a country, spreads around as an octopus and reaches the neighbouring countries. It spreads wider and becomes a threat for all the countries, which are part of the contemporary international community. Terrorism as an extended hand of organized crime, being politically motivated, is a reality we all live in and it is a worldwide threat. Its main pattern is to create a feeling of instability and insecurity within the individual as well as within the country. The aim of this paper is to describe the main characteristics of these modern evils, to stress their connection and networking and at the same time to point out the correlation betw...
In the last period on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia particular in eastern part as a ... more In the last period on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia particular in eastern part as a result of heavy rains flood occurred on a wider scale. All government institutions and Ministries timely participated in the procedures to deal with floods. The results of those floods are tremendous material damage and one causality. According to the Coordinating Body for dealing with floods (in which participate Steering Committee, Assessment Group, Headquarters and Regional Headquarters) all partner institutions were maximum mutually coordinated and in line with their responsibilities took all measures to deal with floods in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. After the occurrence of the elementary and other natural hazards/disasters (flooding) assessments are organized. The assessment is carried out according to the "single methodology for the assessment of damages caused by natural and other disasters". As a damage from natural and other disasters consider losse...
Изработката на Физибилити студијата за изградба на панорамско – трамвајска линија Цареви Кули во ... more Изработката на Физибилити студијата за изградба на панорамско – трамвајска линија Цареви Кули во Струмица е една од активностите за реализација на проектот панорамско трамвајска линија Цареви Кули, кој е дел од Проектот „Грантова шема за подршка на Југоисточниот регион“ финансиски подржан од Програмата за регионален економски развој на ГИЗ-РЕД, односно GIZ-RED, Deutshe Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Regional and local economic development in Macedonia (RED), а во имплементација на Центарот за развој на Јуоисточниот плански регион. Проектот финансиски е подржан и од Општина Струмица која е партнер во реализација на проектот. Археолошкиот локалитет Цреви Кули се наоѓа во непосредна близина на Струмица на западната страна од градот. Овој историски локалитет е лоциран на рид со надморска височина од 410 - 440 метри што е 154 до 184 метри над надморската височина на која се наоѓа градскиот урбан простор (н.в. од 256 метри). Локалитетот сведочи за древноста и истор...
Usually, the main issues being discussed today refer to different political, economic, security, ... more Usually, the main issues being discussed today refer to different political, economic, security, cultural, confessional and other situations in the world, which are making the world civilization more global on a daily basis, tightly related, transparent and accessible for the most of the citizens. Globalization is more present into the political, economic, social and security segment and it is only a matter of dynamics and volume according to which it will be carried out. Reforms and globalizations have enormously influenced the security processes in the world, Europe, Balkans and the Republic of Macedonia.This kind of processes in some parts of the world have contributed to assure peace. The issues of economic integration of Europe and enlargement of European Union, present one of the most successful peace projects in the world history, which help the human kind to construct a foundation for resources and intellectual potential for providing higher level of regional and internation...
The use of renewable energy sources is a priority in every country in the wake of the 21st centur... more The use of renewable energy sources is a priority in every country in the wake of the 21st century, part of the backbone of energy supply security and a key precondition for further development, especially in the economy, but also for society as a whole. The uses of renewable energy sources contributes to energy independence and reduce energy dependence and aims to reduce the risks associated with energy dependence. The scientific conception of exploration of the issues in the paper title "Utilization of renewable energy sources to prevent an energy crisis in the country," grew out of two strategic interests of the Republic of Macedonia, the strategic interest in providing diverse energy at an economically reasonable price, and the strategic interest in promoting energy efficiency and reducing overall energy imports, which directly reduces the possibility of an energy crisis. By utilizing renewable energy sources Macedonia reduces the risk of a possible energy crisis and c...
Pursuant to the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, researchers, analysts as well as expe... more Pursuant to the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, researchers, analysts as well as experts in politics have defined this event as a war. However, Al Qaeda is not a state, but a non-state actor, i.e. a global terrorist organization. Despite the fact that the state, deemed the sanctuary of this terrorist organization is considered guilty of the attacks, the main goal was to destroy non-state enemies. In other words, the most powerful country in the world began a defensive war against a non-state armed group. During a short period, the American government described the global post-con�ict environment as an area where the USA is expected to intervene in �ghting non-conventional and asymmetric enemies. In their opinion, such enemies represent a great, even strategic threat jeopardizing security which is why the USA announced a global anti-terrorist war. Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, there is still a lack of consensual agreement regarding the current status of Al Qaeda. Whil...
Како и во повеќето Европски земји, така и во Република Северна Македонија, присутна е тенденцијат... more Како и во повеќето Европски земји, така и во Република Северна Македонија, присутна е тенденцијата на се почеста изведба на кружни крстосници и реконструкција на класични крстосници во кружни. Многубројните истражувања покажале дека со преминување во современи кружни крстосници значително се намалува бројот на сообраќајните незгоди, се подобрува заштитата на животната средина, како и нејзино естетско обликување. Во овој труд направена е анализа и проценка за оправданост и изведба на кружен тек во градот Берово на одредена локација по јасно дефинирани критеруми. Оправданоста за прифаќање и донесување на оваа одлука представува цел на истражувањето, односно основен чекор за понатамошно преминување во постапка и почеток за изрaботка на проектна документација за кружната крстосница. Процесот на планирање и донесување одлука за оправданост на изведба e разработен по методологијата за анализа на функционалните критериуми, просторно урбанистичките критериуми, критериумите за сообраќајот во...
Eleven years after the tragic events of September 11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden the world... more Eleven years after the tragic events of September 11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden the world began to believe that the latter marked strategic defeat and the end of Al Qaeda. During the past year the intelligence agencies announced that the current structure of Al Qaeda does not have a hierarchy in its structure and that it had been decentralized, without clear center of gravitation. At first glance, this news may have seemed encouraging and positive. But the reality is different. The number of terrorist attacks carried out by Al Qaeda after the death of their leader has risen in 8% as compared to the previous year. Al Qaeda has used the Arab Spring and created thus the largest shelters and operational bases throughout the Arab world that it had been striving earlier to create for more than one decade. After almost two years from the beginning of the Arab revolution and the decapitation of Al Qaeda, the global Islamic movement became bigger and stronger. The dissatisfaction fro...
Целта на истражувњето е да го прикаже значењето на екстерните транспортни трошоци во анализата тр... more Целта на истражувњето е да го прикаже значењето на екстерните транспортни трошоци во анализата трошоци-користи (СВА). Во СВА се обрнува поголемо внимание за пресметка на директните трошоци и бенефити кои се предизвикани или ќе бидат предизвикани од градбата на некој инфраструктурен објект. Екстерните трошоци и нивното кванитифицирање значајно влијаат на резултатите кои се добиваат со СВА, а со тоа и директно влијаат на показателите на исплатливост на идната планирана инвестиција. Во овој труд се разгледани екстерните трошоци на транспортот, нивното значење и нивната монетарна вредност. Користени се референтни документи кои се користат во државите од Европската Унија како и студии и анализи “трошоци-користи” кои беа реализирани за проекти од транспортната инфраструктура во Република Македонија во изминатите десетина години. Овие проучувања овозможуваат да се дефинира методологија за процена на екстерните транспортни трошоци за примена во анализите “трошоци-користи” од проектите за тр...
The main aim of FIRElinks is to power synergistic collaborations between European research groups... more The main aim of FIRElinks is to power synergistic collaborations between European research groups and stakeholders with the objective to synthesise the existing knowledge and expertise, and to define a concerted research agenda which promotes an integrated approach to create fire-resilient landscapes, taking into account biological, biochemical and-physical, but also socio-economic, historical, geographical, sociological, perception and policy constraints. This is an urgent societal need due to expected further intensification and geographical spreading of wildfire regimes under Global Change
Third International Conference “Transport for Today’s Society “, 2021
– The objective of this paper is to present the assessment of external transport costs in Republi... more – The objective of this paper is to present the assessment of external transport costs in Republic of North Macedonia from air pollution. Externality is a cost or benefit that is transferred and affects other parties that are not directly related to the project, but they are not financially compensated. The approach for evaluation of monetary values of transport air pollution is based of estimation of these costs in relevant EU studies. Keywords – External costs of transport, air pollution
Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death... more Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death of thousands of people every year. It is interesting that counterterrorism does the same, maybe even more. In order the number of the innocent victims to be as lower as possible, there is a tendency by authorized counterterrorism institutions to use drones in counterrorism activities. We could notice that use of drones didn't decrease the number of death or injured innocent people and even that their number is still relаtively very high. Based on that, there is a dilemma: should be drones used as counterrorism tool or not?! Key words: artificial intelligence, drones, modern operations, terroris
People migration is a phenomenon which has significantly contributed to the development of the hu... more People migration is a phenomenon which has significantly contributed to the development of the human civilization. On the other hand, military clashes and terrorism in recent times are the main reasons for people migrating not only from one state to another, but from one continent to another. The so-called "Arab spring" at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century has caused hundreds of thousands of people from Africa and Asia to seek a better life in Europe and America. At the same time, terrorism successfully uses people's migration to infiltrate deeply in the territory of its military and political opponents in Europe and America, creating preconditions for transferring its activities deeply to the territory of Europe and America. In this way, the symbiosis of the migration of people and terrorist organizations originating in the north of Africa and the Asian Middle East are becoming a major security challenge for Western civilization, and therefore Sou...
The European continent and the world have faced the most massive migrant crisis since the end of ... more The European continent and the world have faced the most massive migrant crisis since the end of World War II. In order to see the consequences, it is necessary to analyze the reasons caused by the migration crisis. The reasons are numerous: social, economic, continuous conflicts and war primarily in the countries of the Middle East, organized crime, religious extremism, terrorism and many others. The beginning of the migrant crisis is associated with revolutions which arose in 2011 in the Middle East, known as the "Arab Spring" and intensified with the wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. The European Union and Southeast Europe faced a number of challenges which required urgent measures for protecting these countries from the migrant crisis. The war in Syria began in 2011 and even then a large number of Syrian people moved to some nearby states and camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Egypt. The consequences of the migration crisis most affected the security of ...
The continued growth of traffic and the need to provide greater flight efficiency makes it necess... more The continued growth of traffic and the need to provide greater flight efficiency makes it necessary to optimize available airspace. Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Concept was introduced through publication of the ICAO PBN Manual (Doc 9613) in 2008 and the implementation goals were defined by Regulation (EU) 2018/1048 laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning PBN. PBN concept allows definition of both lateral and vertical navigation in a manner that is no longer constrained by the geometry of ground-based radio navigation aids such as VOR/DME/NDB. The geographical scope of the PBN Implementation Plan of the Republic of North Macedonia is Skopje FIR, introducing PBN approaches for both airports in Skopje and Ohrid. As seen by the SWOT analyze, the implementation will have significant benefits as: fuel savings, increased safety, time savings and predictability of defined routes flow and simplified ground NAV infrastructure, with almost no weak poi...
The project aims at restoring the normal social and economic life of over 7977 people. It propose... more The project aims at restoring the normal social and economic life of over 7977 people. It proposes a complex decision of the problems with high waters in two of the worst affected municipalities - Karbinci and Strumiani. The project includes as a main activity the corection of river Kozjachka in Karbinci and river Shashka in Strumiani that has been destroyed and threatens the health of citizens in the both Municipalities. The project envisages the construction works in both municipalities and supervisions of the sites. The project was developed on the basis of preliminary studies and analyzes the status of the two watercourses. Realization of the project will ensure the safety and health of the population in the target region. The main project result will be the raised safety of local population from Strumyani and Karbinci from natural disasters and prevented flooding for the main settlements of the two municipalities. Project outputs are related to prevention of flood disasters in ...
In this paper e- learning in the Republic of Macedonia will be explained, with special accent put... more In this paper e- learning in the Republic of Macedonia will be explained, with special accent put on the opportunities that could be offered. Also, it explains advantages of elearning, and its implementation in the infrastructure of the universities in Republic of Macedonia, based on experience taken from world class universities. The paper uses information and data collected from users that are using this type of learning. Objectives of elearning will be presented, also with questions „What is e-learning and what are its benеfits?“. Furthermore, reasons why e-learning is so effective and what benefits users have are also included. Based on these presented facts, we can conclude that e-learning is much more effective from everyday traveling to our universities, because you can save your time and your financial resources, man gets more desire for maximum exploitation on information and data that is accessable 24 hours in a day
The Balkan is constantly latent unsecure region in Europe. Permanent conflict processes between t... more The Balkan is constantly latent unsecure region in Europe. Permanent conflict processes between the countries of the region, historically move in the spectrum of the phase of the escalation of violence to phases of constant latency, but almost never in conflict resolution phase. As a result of persistent and latent conflicts at best, the Balkan is a region that is constantly able to export instability. Long-standing conflict between Greece and Macedonia has a permanent impact on regional security. As a result of long-term failure to Greek- Macedonian conflict process and the absurdity of this whole conflict, it affects the emergence of new political-economic conflicts in the region. This paper will attempt to briefly present the impacts that Greek-Macedonian conflict has on achieving regional security. Through maintaining the conflict process and causing exclusion of the region in the European security space can export constant instability. This instability is particularly true of t...
This paper aims to support transnational cooperation for integral spatial connection of RM with i... more This paper aims to support transnational cooperation for integral spatial connection of RM with its environment. By the use of the multi-criteria analyses many alternatives could be examined in accordance with many objectives and neutral criteria, analysis of their usefulness and recommendations for selection of the most realistic alternative in the decision making process of the existing and planned road infrastructure from the aspect of the spatial security organization of the territory of RM. For the decision making process to carry out the projects for the needs of spatial organization of the RM for the security, should reduce the negative influence of the existing territorial conditions over the national and international security and improve the connections with the SEE countries. The methods of multi-criteria decision making identify the best compromised solution to overcome the modern security threats and risks, to elevate strategic security environment and to position the R...
Losses of life from natural or anthropogenic disasters are a confirmation of a country's read... more Losses of life from natural or anthropogenic disasters are a confirmation of a country's readiness to deal with unpredictable threats that affect socio-economic and security stability of the state. Macedonia faces a series of weaknesses in the disaster management system. It is especially important to emphasize the influence of party policies in setting up non-professional staff in key positions, requiring skills and abilities to deal with emergencies. Unplanned urbanization, air pollution, victims from floods, a large number victims of road accidents, problems with hazardous waste, epidemics, epizootics, etc. are the many collected unresolved issues affecting the quality of life in the country. Prevention and preparedness are key phases of disaster management, which are perceived as disaster risk management with a multi-sectoral approach. Each Government up to now, was not adequate dedicate to this burning issue, not taking into account that only an one larger-scale incident, if...
In the era of globalization, crime is a worldwide problem and threat. There is no country in the ... more In the era of globalization, crime is a worldwide problem and threat. There is no country in the world which could be privileged and protected against the problems initiated by terrorism and organized crime. These two evils could endanger the country’s security from the outside or inside. Organized crime, as a form of danger to the internal security of a country, spreads around as an octopus and reaches the neighbouring countries. It spreads wider and becomes a threat for all the countries, which are part of the contemporary international community. Terrorism as an extended hand of organized crime, being politically motivated, is a reality we all live in and it is a worldwide threat. Its main pattern is to create a feeling of instability and insecurity within the individual as well as within the country. The aim of this paper is to describe the main characteristics of these modern evils, to stress their connection and networking and at the same time to point out the correlation betw...
In the last period on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia particular in eastern part as a ... more In the last period on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia particular in eastern part as a result of heavy rains flood occurred on a wider scale. All government institutions and Ministries timely participated in the procedures to deal with floods. The results of those floods are tremendous material damage and one causality. According to the Coordinating Body for dealing with floods (in which participate Steering Committee, Assessment Group, Headquarters and Regional Headquarters) all partner institutions were maximum mutually coordinated and in line with their responsibilities took all measures to deal with floods in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. After the occurrence of the elementary and other natural hazards/disasters (flooding) assessments are organized. The assessment is carried out according to the "single methodology for the assessment of damages caused by natural and other disasters". As a damage from natural and other disasters consider losse...
Изработката на Физибилити студијата за изградба на панорамско – трамвајска линија Цареви Кули во ... more Изработката на Физибилити студијата за изградба на панорамско – трамвајска линија Цареви Кули во Струмица е една од активностите за реализација на проектот панорамско трамвајска линија Цареви Кули, кој е дел од Проектот „Грантова шема за подршка на Југоисточниот регион“ финансиски подржан од Програмата за регионален економски развој на ГИЗ-РЕД, односно GIZ-RED, Deutshe Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Regional and local economic development in Macedonia (RED), а во имплементација на Центарот за развој на Јуоисточниот плански регион. Проектот финансиски е подржан и од Општина Струмица која е партнер во реализација на проектот. Археолошкиот локалитет Цреви Кули се наоѓа во непосредна близина на Струмица на западната страна од градот. Овој историски локалитет е лоциран на рид со надморска височина од 410 - 440 метри што е 154 до 184 метри над надморската височина на која се наоѓа градскиот урбан простор (н.в. од 256 метри). Локалитетот сведочи за древноста и истор...
Usually, the main issues being discussed today refer to different political, economic, security, ... more Usually, the main issues being discussed today refer to different political, economic, security, cultural, confessional and other situations in the world, which are making the world civilization more global on a daily basis, tightly related, transparent and accessible for the most of the citizens. Globalization is more present into the political, economic, social and security segment and it is only a matter of dynamics and volume according to which it will be carried out. Reforms and globalizations have enormously influenced the security processes in the world, Europe, Balkans and the Republic of Macedonia.This kind of processes in some parts of the world have contributed to assure peace. The issues of economic integration of Europe and enlargement of European Union, present one of the most successful peace projects in the world history, which help the human kind to construct a foundation for resources and intellectual potential for providing higher level of regional and internation...
The use of renewable energy sources is a priority in every country in the wake of the 21st centur... more The use of renewable energy sources is a priority in every country in the wake of the 21st century, part of the backbone of energy supply security and a key precondition for further development, especially in the economy, but also for society as a whole. The uses of renewable energy sources contributes to energy independence and reduce energy dependence and aims to reduce the risks associated with energy dependence. The scientific conception of exploration of the issues in the paper title "Utilization of renewable energy sources to prevent an energy crisis in the country," grew out of two strategic interests of the Republic of Macedonia, the strategic interest in providing diverse energy at an economically reasonable price, and the strategic interest in promoting energy efficiency and reducing overall energy imports, which directly reduces the possibility of an energy crisis. By utilizing renewable energy sources Macedonia reduces the risk of a possible energy crisis and c...
Pursuant to the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, researchers, analysts as well as expe... more Pursuant to the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, researchers, analysts as well as experts in politics have defined this event as a war. However, Al Qaeda is not a state, but a non-state actor, i.e. a global terrorist organization. Despite the fact that the state, deemed the sanctuary of this terrorist organization is considered guilty of the attacks, the main goal was to destroy non-state enemies. In other words, the most powerful country in the world began a defensive war against a non-state armed group. During a short period, the American government described the global post-con�ict environment as an area where the USA is expected to intervene in �ghting non-conventional and asymmetric enemies. In their opinion, such enemies represent a great, even strategic threat jeopardizing security which is why the USA announced a global anti-terrorist war. Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, there is still a lack of consensual agreement regarding the current status of Al Qaeda. Whil...
Како и во повеќето Европски земји, така и во Република Северна Македонија, присутна е тенденцијат... more Како и во повеќето Европски земји, така и во Република Северна Македонија, присутна е тенденцијата на се почеста изведба на кружни крстосници и реконструкција на класични крстосници во кружни. Многубројните истражувања покажале дека со преминување во современи кружни крстосници значително се намалува бројот на сообраќајните незгоди, се подобрува заштитата на животната средина, како и нејзино естетско обликување. Во овој труд направена е анализа и проценка за оправданост и изведба на кружен тек во градот Берово на одредена локација по јасно дефинирани критеруми. Оправданоста за прифаќање и донесување на оваа одлука представува цел на истражувањето, односно основен чекор за понатамошно преминување во постапка и почеток за изрaботка на проектна документација за кружната крстосница. Процесот на планирање и донесување одлука за оправданост на изведба e разработен по методологијата за анализа на функционалните критериуми, просторно урбанистичките критериуми, критериумите за сообраќајот во...
Eleven years after the tragic events of September 11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden the world... more Eleven years after the tragic events of September 11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden the world began to believe that the latter marked strategic defeat and the end of Al Qaeda. During the past year the intelligence agencies announced that the current structure of Al Qaeda does not have a hierarchy in its structure and that it had been decentralized, without clear center of gravitation. At first glance, this news may have seemed encouraging and positive. But the reality is different. The number of terrorist attacks carried out by Al Qaeda after the death of their leader has risen in 8% as compared to the previous year. Al Qaeda has used the Arab Spring and created thus the largest shelters and operational bases throughout the Arab world that it had been striving earlier to create for more than one decade. After almost two years from the beginning of the Arab revolution and the decapitation of Al Qaeda, the global Islamic movement became bigger and stronger. The dissatisfaction fro...
Целта на истражувњето е да го прикаже значењето на екстерните транспортни трошоци во анализата тр... more Целта на истражувњето е да го прикаже значењето на екстерните транспортни трошоци во анализата трошоци-користи (СВА). Во СВА се обрнува поголемо внимание за пресметка на директните трошоци и бенефити кои се предизвикани или ќе бидат предизвикани од градбата на некој инфраструктурен објект. Екстерните трошоци и нивното кванитифицирање значајно влијаат на резултатите кои се добиваат со СВА, а со тоа и директно влијаат на показателите на исплатливост на идната планирана инвестиција. Во овој труд се разгледани екстерните трошоци на транспортот, нивното значење и нивната монетарна вредност. Користени се референтни документи кои се користат во државите од Европската Унија како и студии и анализи “трошоци-користи” кои беа реализирани за проекти од транспортната инфраструктура во Република Македонија во изминатите десетина години. Овие проучувања овозможуваат да се дефинира методологија за процена на екстерните транспортни трошоци за примена во анализите “трошоци-користи” од проектите за тр...
The main aim of FIRElinks is to power synergistic collaborations between European research groups... more The main aim of FIRElinks is to power synergistic collaborations between European research groups and stakeholders with the objective to synthesise the existing knowledge and expertise, and to define a concerted research agenda which promotes an integrated approach to create fire-resilient landscapes, taking into account biological, biochemical and-physical, but also socio-economic, historical, geographical, sociological, perception and policy constraints. This is an urgent societal need due to expected further intensification and geographical spreading of wildfire regimes under Global Change
Third International Conference “Transport for Today’s Society “, 2021
– The objective of this paper is to present the assessment of external transport costs in Republi... more – The objective of this paper is to present the assessment of external transport costs in Republic of North Macedonia from air pollution. Externality is a cost or benefit that is transferred and affects other parties that are not directly related to the project, but they are not financially compensated. The approach for evaluation of monetary values of transport air pollution is based of estimation of these costs in relevant EU studies. Keywords – External costs of transport, air pollution
Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death... more Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death of thousands of people every year. It is interesting that counterterrorism does the same, maybe even more. In order the number of the innocent victims to be as lower as possible, there is a tendency by authorized counterterrorism institutions to use drones in counterrorism activities. We could notice that use of drones didn't decrease the number of death or injured innocent people and even that their number is still relаtively very high. Based on that, there is a dilemma: should be drones used as counterrorism tool or not?! Key words: artificial intelligence, drones, modern operations, terroris
People migration is a phenomenon which has significantly contributed to the development of the hu... more People migration is a phenomenon which has significantly contributed to the development of the human civilization. On the other hand, military clashes and terrorism in recent times are the main reasons for people migrating not only from one state to another, but from one continent to another. The so-called "Arab spring" at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century has caused hundreds of thousands of people from Africa and Asia to seek a better life in Europe and America. At the same time, terrorism successfully uses people's migration to infiltrate deeply in the territory of its military and political opponents in Europe and America, creating preconditions for transferring its activities deeply to the territory of Europe and America. In this way, the symbiosis of the migration of people and terrorist organizations originating in the north of Africa and the Asian Middle East are becoming a major security challenge for Western civilization, and therefore Sou...
The European continent and the world have faced the most massive migrant crisis since the end of ... more The European continent and the world have faced the most massive migrant crisis since the end of World War II. In order to see the consequences, it is necessary to analyze the reasons caused by the migration crisis. The reasons are numerous: social, economic, continuous conflicts and war primarily in the countries of the Middle East, organized crime, religious extremism, terrorism and many others. The beginning of the migrant crisis is associated with revolutions which arose in 2011 in the Middle East, known as the "Arab Spring" and intensified with the wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. The European Union and Southeast Europe faced a number of challenges which required urgent measures for protecting these countries from the migrant crisis. The war in Syria began in 2011 and even then a large number of Syrian people moved to some nearby states and camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Egypt. The consequences of the migration crisis most affected the security of ...
The continued growth of traffic and the need to provide greater flight efficiency makes it necess... more The continued growth of traffic and the need to provide greater flight efficiency makes it necessary to optimize available airspace. Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Concept was introduced through publication of the ICAO PBN Manual (Doc 9613) in 2008 and the implementation goals were defined by Regulation (EU) 2018/1048 laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning PBN. PBN concept allows definition of both lateral and vertical navigation in a manner that is no longer constrained by the geometry of ground-based radio navigation aids such as VOR/DME/NDB. The geographical scope of the PBN Implementation Plan of the Republic of North Macedonia is Skopje FIR, introducing PBN approaches for both airports in Skopje and Ohrid. As seen by the SWOT analyze, the implementation will have significant benefits as: fuel savings, increased safety, time savings and predictability of defined routes flow and simplified ground NAV infrastructure, with almost no weak poi...
The project aims at restoring the normal social and economic life of over 7977 people. It propose... more The project aims at restoring the normal social and economic life of over 7977 people. It proposes a complex decision of the problems with high waters in two of the worst affected municipalities - Karbinci and Strumiani. The project includes as a main activity the corection of river Kozjachka in Karbinci and river Shashka in Strumiani that has been destroyed and threatens the health of citizens in the both Municipalities. The project envisages the construction works in both municipalities and supervisions of the sites. The project was developed on the basis of preliminary studies and analyzes the status of the two watercourses. Realization of the project will ensure the safety and health of the population in the target region. The main project result will be the raised safety of local population from Strumyani and Karbinci from natural disasters and prevented flooding for the main settlements of the two municipalities. Project outputs are related to prevention of flood disasters in ...
In this paper e- learning in the Republic of Macedonia will be explained, with special accent put... more In this paper e- learning in the Republic of Macedonia will be explained, with special accent put on the opportunities that could be offered. Also, it explains advantages of elearning, and its implementation in the infrastructure of the universities in Republic of Macedonia, based on experience taken from world class universities. The paper uses information and data collected from users that are using this type of learning. Objectives of elearning will be presented, also with questions „What is e-learning and what are its benеfits?“. Furthermore, reasons why e-learning is so effective and what benefits users have are also included. Based on these presented facts, we can conclude that e-learning is much more effective from everyday traveling to our universities, because you can save your time and your financial resources, man gets more desire for maximum exploitation on information and data that is accessable 24 hours in a day
The Balkan is constantly latent unsecure region in Europe. Permanent conflict processes between t... more The Balkan is constantly latent unsecure region in Europe. Permanent conflict processes between the countries of the region, historically move in the spectrum of the phase of the escalation of violence to phases of constant latency, but almost never in conflict resolution phase. As a result of persistent and latent conflicts at best, the Balkan is a region that is constantly able to export instability. Long-standing conflict between Greece and Macedonia has a permanent impact on regional security. As a result of long-term failure to Greek- Macedonian conflict process and the absurdity of this whole conflict, it affects the emergence of new political-economic conflicts in the region. This paper will attempt to briefly present the impacts that Greek-Macedonian conflict has on achieving regional security. Through maintaining the conflict process and causing exclusion of the region in the European security space can export constant instability. This instability is particularly true of t...
This paper aims to support transnational cooperation for integral spatial connection of RM with i... more This paper aims to support transnational cooperation for integral spatial connection of RM with its environment. By the use of the multi-criteria analyses many alternatives could be examined in accordance with many objectives and neutral criteria, analysis of their usefulness and recommendations for selection of the most realistic alternative in the decision making process of the existing and planned road infrastructure from the aspect of the spatial security organization of the territory of RM. For the decision making process to carry out the projects for the needs of spatial organization of the RM for the security, should reduce the negative influence of the existing territorial conditions over the national and international security and improve the connections with the SEE countries. The methods of multi-criteria decision making identify the best compromised solution to overcome the modern security threats and risks, to elevate strategic security environment and to position the R...