Biljana Popeska | Univerzitet Goce Delcev (original) (raw)

Biljana Popeska

PhD in kinesiology and pedagogy. Interested in physical education, physical activity and motivation for physical activity at all ages, motor development in children, physical activity in leisure time, holistic approach in children development, sport pedagogy.
Address: Stip, Štip, Macedonia



Papers by Biljana Popeska



Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Implementation of Brain Breaks in the Classroom and Effects on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in a Macedonian School Setting.", "sup"=>{"__content__"=>"®"}}

International journal of environmental research and public health, May 31, 2018

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Brain Break activities on interest and mo... more The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Brain Break activities on interest and motivation for physical activity among schoolchildren and the contribution of such activities on learning for health and holistic development. The study sample was comprised of 283 participants, primary school students from 3rd to 5th grades from two public schools in the Republic of Macedonia. Six experimental and six control groups were included in the study. Interventions in classroom settings-based Brain Break video exercises were introduced in the experimental group during a period of three months. Students' attitudes toward physical activity were tested using a self-report survey instrument entitled "Attitudes toward Physical Activity Scale (APAS)" before and after intervention. Applied factor analyses were completed and the results of these analysis support APAS validity and the successful use of this application in the measurement of the learning experience, self-awar...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' interest for sport and recreation at Goce Delcev University -Stip, depending the selected Faculty

Implementation of sport in university curricula is an important issue considering its importance ... more Implementation of sport in university curricula is an important issue considering its importance in creating a fully developed personality and its impact on participation in sport and physical activity during the entire life. Therefore, At Goce Delcev " University-Stip, Macedonia, sport is implemented as obligatory university course, realized in the first academic year at all faculties within the University. Considering the fact that course Sport and recreation is realized as unified curricula at all Faculties, we were interested in possible differences in students preferences toward sport activities and realization of sport and recreation course based on a selected faculty of study – humanities, technical sciences, natural sciences and arts. The research was realized on a sample of 670 respondents, full time students in the first academic year at thirteen faculties at " Goce Delcev " University. Students' opinions for Sport and recreation were determined using a closed form of questionnaire. Obtained results were processed using basic descriptive statistics parameters and comparative statistics (Chi-square test). The obtained results suggest on differences related to selection of current and preferred activities, number of weekly classes for sport, theoretic lectures. Obtained results suggest the directions and possibilities for future interventions in current course and its design according to the students' interests and needs..

Research paper thumbnail of Numeric and Structural Differences in Motor Tests for Evaluation at Same Motor Abilities Implemented to the Children at 6 and 7 Years Old Children

Research paper thumbnail of Нумерички и структурни разлики во моторни тестови за проценка на снага, применети кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Мерење и вреднување на репетативната снага и статичката сила кај децата на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Аеробикот како средство за остварување на целите и задачите на часот по физичко образование, спорт и спортски активности

Research paper thumbnail of Примена на елементи од структурата на телесната вежба при одредување на оптеретувањето на часот по аеробик со хетерогени групи

Research paper thumbnail of Development changes in motor space at 6 and 7 years old children

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in strength performances between groups of 7-year-old male Macedonian students with different levels of explosive strength abilities

Research paper thumbnail of Утврдување на валидноста на некои тестови за проценка на статичката силина кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Релации на моторните тестови за проценка на координација со моторни тестови за проценка на други моторни способности кај деца од 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Холистичкиот пристап во воспитно образовната работа со децата анализиран од аспект на физичкото воспитание

Research paper thumbnail of Ставовите на наставникот и личните афинитети – детерминанти за ефикасна реализација на физичкото воспитание

Research paper thumbnail of Компаративна анализа на разликите на аритметичките средини на моторичките тестови меѓу ученици и ученички од 5 одделение

Research paper thumbnail of Компаративна анализа на разликите во аритметичките средини на антропометриските мерки меѓу ученици и ученички на 11 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Значењето на подвижните игри за детскиот развој

Research paper thumbnail of Заблуди за физичкото образование во одделенската настава

Research paper thumbnail of Соодветни активности на развојните можности на децата во предучилишна возраст кои имаат влијание врз нивниот севкупен фитнес статус

Research paper thumbnail of Што ни се случува?



Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Implementation of Brain Breaks in the Classroom and Effects on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in a Macedonian School Setting.", "sup"=>{"__content__"=>"®"}}

International journal of environmental research and public health, May 31, 2018

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Brain Break activities on interest and mo... more The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Brain Break activities on interest and motivation for physical activity among schoolchildren and the contribution of such activities on learning for health and holistic development. The study sample was comprised of 283 participants, primary school students from 3rd to 5th grades from two public schools in the Republic of Macedonia. Six experimental and six control groups were included in the study. Interventions in classroom settings-based Brain Break video exercises were introduced in the experimental group during a period of three months. Students' attitudes toward physical activity were tested using a self-report survey instrument entitled "Attitudes toward Physical Activity Scale (APAS)" before and after intervention. Applied factor analyses were completed and the results of these analysis support APAS validity and the successful use of this application in the measurement of the learning experience, self-awar...

Research paper thumbnail of Students' interest for sport and recreation at Goce Delcev University -Stip, depending the selected Faculty

Implementation of sport in university curricula is an important issue considering its importance ... more Implementation of sport in university curricula is an important issue considering its importance in creating a fully developed personality and its impact on participation in sport and physical activity during the entire life. Therefore, At Goce Delcev " University-Stip, Macedonia, sport is implemented as obligatory university course, realized in the first academic year at all faculties within the University. Considering the fact that course Sport and recreation is realized as unified curricula at all Faculties, we were interested in possible differences in students preferences toward sport activities and realization of sport and recreation course based on a selected faculty of study – humanities, technical sciences, natural sciences and arts. The research was realized on a sample of 670 respondents, full time students in the first academic year at thirteen faculties at " Goce Delcev " University. Students' opinions for Sport and recreation were determined using a closed form of questionnaire. Obtained results were processed using basic descriptive statistics parameters and comparative statistics (Chi-square test). The obtained results suggest on differences related to selection of current and preferred activities, number of weekly classes for sport, theoretic lectures. Obtained results suggest the directions and possibilities for future interventions in current course and its design according to the students' interests and needs..

Research paper thumbnail of Numeric and Structural Differences in Motor Tests for Evaluation at Same Motor Abilities Implemented to the Children at 6 and 7 Years Old Children

Research paper thumbnail of Нумерички и структурни разлики во моторни тестови за проценка на снага, применети кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Мерење и вреднување на репетативната снага и статичката сила кај децата на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Аеробикот како средство за остварување на целите и задачите на часот по физичко образование, спорт и спортски активности

Research paper thumbnail of Примена на елементи од структурата на телесната вежба при одредување на оптеретувањето на часот по аеробик со хетерогени групи

Research paper thumbnail of Development changes in motor space at 6 and 7 years old children

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in strength performances between groups of 7-year-old male Macedonian students with different levels of explosive strength abilities

Research paper thumbnail of Утврдување на валидноста на некои тестови за проценка на статичката силина кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Релации на моторните тестови за проценка на координација со моторни тестови за проценка на други моторни способности кај деца од 7 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Холистичкиот пристап во воспитно образовната работа со децата анализиран од аспект на физичкото воспитание

Research paper thumbnail of Ставовите на наставникот и личните афинитети – детерминанти за ефикасна реализација на физичкото воспитание

Research paper thumbnail of Компаративна анализа на разликите на аритметичките средини на моторичките тестови меѓу ученици и ученички од 5 одделение

Research paper thumbnail of Компаративна анализа на разликите во аритметичките средини на антропометриските мерки меѓу ученици и ученички на 11 годишна возраст

Research paper thumbnail of Значењето на подвижните игри за детскиот развој

Research paper thumbnail of Заблуди за физичкото образование во одделенската настава

Research paper thumbnail of Соодветни активности на развојните можности на децата во предучилишна возраст кои имаат влијание врз нивниот севкупен фитнес статус

Research paper thumbnail of Што ни се случува?

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