Ljupco Mihajlov | Univerzitet Goce Delcev (original) (raw)
Papers by Ljupco Mihajlov
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, May 26, 2017
Research on Cd contamination of soybean in fields and health risk are scarce. Under field conditi... more Research on Cd contamination of soybean in fields and health risk are scarce. Under field conditions, Cd concentration in soybean grain was found to be higher than that of corn in the experiment of comparing the Cd enrichment factor among wheat, rice, soybean, and corn when Cd concentration with 0.5 mg kg-1 or 1.5 mg kg-1 was added to soil [1]. In another field determination experiment, soybean Cd concentrations ranged from 1.08 to 1.71 mg kg-1 when soil Cd concentration was from 2.91 to 218 mg kg-1. The results indicated that grain Cd rice was equal to that in soybean [2]. Furthermore, the differences in cadmium uptake between plant species and cultivars of oat, wheat, soybean, beans, sunflower, cucumber, corn, leaf mustard, radish, cabbage, rape, sweet potato, carrot, and lettuce were compared using a nutrient solution experiment. They found that Cd concentration in beans was higher than that in food parts of oat and wheat [3]. Obviously, the enrichment of soybean to Cd was not very
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Sustainable food production for steadily growing world's population under the conditions of incre... more Sustainable food production for steadily growing world's population under the conditions of increasing environmental stress and soil pollution is a challenge that calls for optimization of farmland resource management. Soybean (Glycine max. L. Merr) as one of the world's most important protein crops can play a leading role in addressing global food security provided it fulfills safety requirements, in particular with respect to Cd level. The aim of this comparative study was elaborating efficient methods for the selection of soybean cultivars assuring safe Cd contents for food/feed purposes. The pot culture experiment was conducted using 15 soybean cultivars grown in soil moderately polluted with Cd (1.98 mg kg À1), and in unpolluted soil (0.15 mg Cd kg À1) as a control. The evaluation was based on the novel Cd concentration/ load trend analysis in plant tissues, Seed Accumulation Factors SAF n and Cd load balance. The soybean demonstrated fundamentally different response of the same cultivars to low and moderate Cd concentrations in soil. In cultivars grown in unpolluted soil, besides genetically determined detoxification factors, important seed protective role played Cd accumulation in stem, leaves and root (Seed Accumulation Factor SAF n <0.5, Cd load reduction in bean by 25e82%). In the moderately polluted soil, the most essential effect on Cd accumulation in seed exerted a plant genotype determining Cd flux and translocation from soil to shoot via root (Enrichment Factor EF < 1), while seed protection by accumulating Cd in other plant tissues was weak, declining or none (SAF n >0.5 up to >1, whereas Cd load in bean ranged from À23 to þ11% related to mean value in shoot). Root to shoot flux rate was found to be a decisive factor in Cd enrichment in soybean seed at the elevated soil pollution with Cd. The efficient screening for safe Cd content in soybean should be thus based on EF and Cd concentrations in shoot at the actual target soil pollution level.
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2015
Aims: The objective of this paper is to present the soil and weather conditions, applied producti... more Aims: The objective of this paper is to present the soil and weather conditions, applied production technology and to demonstrate the economic viability of irrigated and organically grown Mint (Mentha piperita). Methodology: The obtained yield results are in reference to the open field growing conditions. In order to present the results in clear and understandable manner, standard methods for cost calculation were applied, usual for organic plant production. In order to obtain comparable results, the processed data in this paper are from the two-year production trials (2009 and 2010), of a newestablished mint plantation planted in October 2008, in the region of Ovche Pole-central part of the Republic of Macedonia. Results: In the first year of utilization (2009), two cuttings were performed yielding 3500 kg/ha of Original Research Article
The main aim of this research was to determine the content of macro-and microelements in barley g... more The main aim of this research was to determine the content of macro-and microelements in barley genotypes, with different origin and spike morphology grown under agroecological conditions in the Republic of North Macedonia. The field experiments were conducted during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 on the research fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, "Goce Delchev" University, in Ovče Pole. The trials were arranged as randomized complete block design with three replications for each genotype. 30 winter barley genotypes with different origin were used as an experimental material.
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015
The aim of this paper is to analyze the environmental influence over the yield and yield componen... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the environmental influence over the yield and yield components in two row winter barley varieties. The experiment work was conducted during the period of 2012-2014 on the research fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, in two different locations in the Republic of Macedonia, as follows: Ovche Pole and Strumica. As far as material is concerned 21 genotypes were used with Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian origin. Generally, genotype NS 525 indicated highest yield (5549 kg/ha) as compared to the rest of the genotypes while the lowest grain yield was obtained by genotypes Obzor (3443 kg/ha) and Imeon (3272 kg/ha) for the period of study and for the both locations together. The research had proved that the influence of year i.e. weather conditions in the period of study is the strongest over yield. By yield and yield components, most distant, form one hand, are genotypes Hit and Izvor compare to genotypes Ladreya and Odisej. For Ovche Pole location, the highest influence to the grain yield has the traits: number of productive tillers per plant and grain weight per plant, while for Strumica location these are the grain weight per plant and plant height. Genotypes Emon, Lardeya, Kuber, Odisej and Asparuh stand out as the most suitable genotypes for growing in conditions in Ovche Pole location, while for Strumica location the genotypes NS 525, NS 565, Asparuh, Sajra, Rex and Zlatko, are most appropriate. Mentioned genotypes can be introduced in the production of barley or to be chosen as the most suitable varieties for new parents in any future breeding process, in order to get the new high yielding varieties suitable for cultivation in the regions examined.
The volatile composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from flowers, ... more The volatile composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from flowers, leaves and whole plant of Mentha Arvensis L. organically planed from the territory of Macedonia were object of this study. The essential oils from dried and powdered plant materials were isolated by hydro-distillation using Clevenger-type apparatus.51,51 The composition of three essential oils was identified by GC-MS and quantified by GC-FID. 51,51 Fifty-five components were identified and quantified in the three essential oils isolated from the flowers, leaves and whole Mentha plant. The most abundant component in all three oils was menthol with 35.64%, 32.47% and 52.53% respectively. The second most dominant component in the three essential oils was isomenthone with 20.38%, 15.97% and 8.42% respectively. All other components were in quantity less than 8%. The antioxidant activity of essential oil from whole Mentha plant was determined against ABTS radical with value of 1.58 TE mg/L of ...
Прирачник за органско производство на домат.Упатството за работа е наменето за сите чинители кои ... more Прирачник за органско производство на домат.Упатството за работа е наменето за сите чинители кои учествуваат во процесот на производство на домати.организирано според принципите на органското земјоделско производство. За советниците, претставува корисен извор на информации, а за земјоделците точни напатствија за тоа на што треба да посветат посебно внимание за да се стекнат со сертификат за органски производ.Земјоделското производство кое се потпира на неупотреба на хемиски средства (од синтетичко потекло), или попознато како органско земјоделство ги вклучува сите техники на земјоделското производство кои применуваат начин на добивање здрава храна, истовремено зачувувајќи ја човековата околина. Како клуч за успешно производство, овие техники на производство своја потпора црпат од природната плодност на почвата. Преку разбирањето и почитувањето на природните можности на растенијата, животните и земјиштето, истото се стреми кон постигнување што е можно поголем квалитет, врз база на по...
Cadmium (Cd) is an important toxic heavy metal and the warning of health risks from Cd pollution ... more Cadmium (Cd) is an important toxic heavy metal and the warning of health risks from Cd pollution were issued initially in the ‘70s. Increased concentrations of Cd in agricultural soils are known to come from human activities, such as the application of phosphate fertilizer, sewage sludge, wastewater, pesticides, mining and smelting of metalliferous ores with high Cd content, and traffic. Although there are many reports on Cd contamination in agricultural soils, most of the investigations are concentrated in the vicinity of the mine sites. But concerning point is certainly dealing with the problem of cadmium soil pollution. Remediation has been improved as most effective for soil pollution. Recently phytoremediation has been improved as one of the most convenient techniques for remediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils. The main purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of soybean varieties for phytoremediation of agricultural soils with higher content...
ка во Република Македонија и претставува основен извор на приходи за население- то од овој регион... more ка во Република Македонија и претставува основен извор на приходи за население- то од овој регион. Сепак, зависноста од временските услови во голема мера придонесува земјоделски- те семејства, од време на време да трпат огромни штети. Така, во 2014 година, градот направи големи штети на околу 3.000 ha, оставајќи голем број семејства во големи финансиски проблеми. Големи штети предизвикаа и касните пролетни мразеви во 2016 и 2017 година, кои исто така направија пустош низ преспанските овоштарници. Во редовно родна година, се добиваат околу 100.000 тони јаболко, од кои околу 20% отпаѓа на т.н. индустриско јаболко. Од овие количества, најголемиот дел завршуваат на пазарот надвор од Република Македонија, а дел се продава на локалните пазари ширум државата. Треба да се напомене дека само 1/3 од родот спаѓа во т.н. I класа и добива соодветна цена, додека останатите количества се предмет на договор со откупувачите, во кои земјоделците редовно остануваат изманипулирани, односно им се откупе...
The reduction of arable land and the increase of contaminated soil due to industrialization and m... more The reduction of arable land and the increase of contaminated soil due to industrialization and mining occupies the attention of scientists in finding solutions for soil utilization. The use of plants to accumulate heavy metals (HM) from the soil has been recognized as the most economically- and ecologically-friendly alternative. Different plants have different potential to uptake HM. The ability to take up and tolerate metals varies between and within species as well as between metals. Most of the data in the literature focused on hyperaccumulating properties of plant and not paying enough attention to excluders - plants with low accumulating abilities tolerant to high concentrations of HM in soil. Although promising, phytoremediation using natural hyperaccumulators has not achieved its predicted potential as a commercial technology due to the physical limitations of the natural hyperaccumulators like their slow grow, low-biomass production, specific ecology, and climate requirement...
Pomegranates are valuable fruits due to the high level of anthocynanins in juice and phenolic com... more Pomegranates are valuable fruits due to the high level of anthocynanins in juice and phenolic compounds responsible for antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel. Significant amounts of phenolic acids, vitamin C and other polyphenolics are responsible for health benefits of the consumers. The objects of our study was the impact of variety on the quality of pomegranates grown in the region of Macedonia. More precisely, morphological parameters for fruits and chemical characteristics of pomegranate juice were significantly affected to the variety of pomegranates. Morphological parameters, in particular fruit weight, fruit height, equatorial and calix diameter favorited “Hicaz” variety in comparison to autochthonous “Karamustafa” variety of pomegranates. Furthermore, the pH value of fruit juice, the level of phenolic acid and percentage of glucose and fructose indicate significant differences between varieties. The quantity of anthocyanins (537 mg/L), catechins (50 mg/L) and total phe...
Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 2017
Издавачки совет Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјан... more Издавачки совет Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Проф. д-р Рубин Гулабоски М-р Ристо Костуранов Редакциски одбор Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Проф. д-р Верица Илиева Проф. д-р Љупчо Михајлов Проф. д-р Рубин Гулабоски Доц. д-р Душан Спасов Одговорен уредник Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Главен уредник Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Администратор Доц. д-р Емилија Костадиновска Јазично уредување Даница Гавриловска-Атанасовска (македонски јазик) Биљана Иванова (англиски јазик
Иновациите во земјоделството во претходните 4–5 децении, генерално се поттикнувани од аспект на в... more Иновациите во земјоделството во претходните 4–5 децении, генерално се поттикнувани од аспект на високите приноси и профитот на фармите, што резултира со високи приходи, но исто така и со голем број на негативни странични ефекти врз животната околина. Во 1991 година во Европската Унијабеше усвоена Регулатива на Советот бр. 2092/91 (EECNo. 2092/91). Првите почетоци на органското земјоделско производство во Република Македонија се бележат кон крајот на `90 години од минатиот век. Во април 2004 година Собранието го усвои Законот за органско земјоделско производство (Службен весник бр. 16/2004), додека при крајот на 2009 завршени се активностите за усогласување на Законот за органско земјоделско производство со новата регулатива на Заеднцата (834/2007) и Собранието на Р.М. го усвои новиот Закон (Сл.весник на РМ 146/09).
Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 2018
Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that concerns every part of the pla... more Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that concerns every part of the planet Earth. From this global environmental pollution framework doesn’t deviate neither Macedonia nor China. Many studies have been conducted in order to monitor the content of heavy metals in different parts of the biosphere of the two countries. The significantly worrying data were obtained in both cases; indicates the presence of higher content of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Tl and Zn) in soils in Macedonia (Stafilov et al., 2014) and China (Wang et al., 2003). Furthermore, special importance is given on the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil and their bioaccumulation of different plant species used in the human dietary. Therefore, the main purpose of this project is, based on the predetermined data on contaminated areas to: 1) determine the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil 2) to determine their bioaccumulation in different types of plant foods that are planted...
The aim of this study was to make a comparative assessment of Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton var... more The aim of this study was to make a comparative assessment of Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties under climatic and soil conditions of Strumitsa, Macedonia regarding seed cotton yield, fiber length and lint percentage, and to found which were the best for this region. The trials were carried out in Agrarian faculty in Strumitsa to "Gotse Delchev"University, Shtip by applying the technology for cotton growing in Macedonia. In a complex evaluation (based on the average data) the Bulgarian varieties "Helius", "Natalia" and "Vega" appeared to be the best for the conditions of Strumitsa, Macedonia. The variety "Helius" in seed cotton yield significantly exceeded the Macedonian varieties "5136" and "5140"- by 24.6-27.0% and the standard "Чирпан-539"-by 27.7%. The variety "Natalia" surpassed the Macedonian varieties by 19.5-21.8%, the variety "Vega"- by 15.8-18.0% and both varieties w...
In general most of the Macedonian farmers are uneducated and use fertilizers and pesticides spont... more In general most of the Macedonian farmers are uneducated and use fertilizers and pesticides spontaneously, what often results in inadequate production in means of quality and quantity. On the other hand, according to the EU regulations, the farmers will be required to follow approved production principles or will be facing possibilities to be penalized for applying amounts of fertilizer without performing soil analysis, or for applying certain pesticide which holds no permit to be applied over certain crop. This project aims to produce critical number of experts, OER and on-line tools that will provide service and expertise to professionals (advisors), farmers and rural community in order to increase the quantity and quality of their agricultural production, yet to be aware for the necessity for environmental protection as well. Groups of extension specialists in plant production and plant protection, along with organic farmers will be exposed to the foreign experiences in applying ...
Wheat and barley in the Republic of Macedonia are grown on the area of approximately 200 000 ha w... more Wheat and barley in the Republic of Macedonia are grown on the area of approximately 200 000 ha with the yield of 3 000 kg/ha and 5 000 kg/ha, respectively. The most important regions are Kumanovo, Bitola, Skopje, Probishtip, Kochani, St. Nikole and Shtip. The importance of seed without seed health control results with the introduction of many new diseases on barley and wheat in the Republic of Macedonia. Some of them are detect and identified in the Laboratory of plant and environmental protection in the agriculture faculty in Stip. The most important are: Tapesia yallundae Wallwork & Spooner with its anamorphic stage Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton causer of the disease “eyespot” on barley. Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) Davis causer of the disease “leaf scald” of barley; Cochliobolus sativus (Ito.K Septoria tritici Rob ex Desm and its teliomorphic stage Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel.) Schroter causer of “septoria leaf blotch” on wheat. The health conditi...
There are hectares and hectares of cultivated land almost without human intervention on one hand ... more There are hectares and hectares of cultivated land almost without human intervention on one hand and farmers who see their activity replaced by automatisms, robots or artificial intelligence on the other. As always, there are those who see this evolution as a threat and others who see it as a challenge and an unprecedented opportunity. This revealed the digital evolution and the perspectives of technological innovation in several areas, particularly in the integration of new technologies in agribusiness. Agricultural biotechnology (double haploids), growth of equipment (NFT, drone), novel farming systems (urban gardens, seaweed use) and bioenergy (crop waste) will be discussed as linking current actors in agriculture with start-ups that enhance the capabilities of current operators.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, May 26, 2017
Research on Cd contamination of soybean in fields and health risk are scarce. Under field conditi... more Research on Cd contamination of soybean in fields and health risk are scarce. Under field conditions, Cd concentration in soybean grain was found to be higher than that of corn in the experiment of comparing the Cd enrichment factor among wheat, rice, soybean, and corn when Cd concentration with 0.5 mg kg-1 or 1.5 mg kg-1 was added to soil [1]. In another field determination experiment, soybean Cd concentrations ranged from 1.08 to 1.71 mg kg-1 when soil Cd concentration was from 2.91 to 218 mg kg-1. The results indicated that grain Cd rice was equal to that in soybean [2]. Furthermore, the differences in cadmium uptake between plant species and cultivars of oat, wheat, soybean, beans, sunflower, cucumber, corn, leaf mustard, radish, cabbage, rape, sweet potato, carrot, and lettuce were compared using a nutrient solution experiment. They found that Cd concentration in beans was higher than that in food parts of oat and wheat [3]. Obviously, the enrichment of soybean to Cd was not very
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Sustainable food production for steadily growing world's population under the conditions of incre... more Sustainable food production for steadily growing world's population under the conditions of increasing environmental stress and soil pollution is a challenge that calls for optimization of farmland resource management. Soybean (Glycine max. L. Merr) as one of the world's most important protein crops can play a leading role in addressing global food security provided it fulfills safety requirements, in particular with respect to Cd level. The aim of this comparative study was elaborating efficient methods for the selection of soybean cultivars assuring safe Cd contents for food/feed purposes. The pot culture experiment was conducted using 15 soybean cultivars grown in soil moderately polluted with Cd (1.98 mg kg À1), and in unpolluted soil (0.15 mg Cd kg À1) as a control. The evaluation was based on the novel Cd concentration/ load trend analysis in plant tissues, Seed Accumulation Factors SAF n and Cd load balance. The soybean demonstrated fundamentally different response of the same cultivars to low and moderate Cd concentrations in soil. In cultivars grown in unpolluted soil, besides genetically determined detoxification factors, important seed protective role played Cd accumulation in stem, leaves and root (Seed Accumulation Factor SAF n <0.5, Cd load reduction in bean by 25e82%). In the moderately polluted soil, the most essential effect on Cd accumulation in seed exerted a plant genotype determining Cd flux and translocation from soil to shoot via root (Enrichment Factor EF < 1), while seed protection by accumulating Cd in other plant tissues was weak, declining or none (SAF n >0.5 up to >1, whereas Cd load in bean ranged from À23 to þ11% related to mean value in shoot). Root to shoot flux rate was found to be a decisive factor in Cd enrichment in soybean seed at the elevated soil pollution with Cd. The efficient screening for safe Cd content in soybean should be thus based on EF and Cd concentrations in shoot at the actual target soil pollution level.
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2015
Aims: The objective of this paper is to present the soil and weather conditions, applied producti... more Aims: The objective of this paper is to present the soil and weather conditions, applied production technology and to demonstrate the economic viability of irrigated and organically grown Mint (Mentha piperita). Methodology: The obtained yield results are in reference to the open field growing conditions. In order to present the results in clear and understandable manner, standard methods for cost calculation were applied, usual for organic plant production. In order to obtain comparable results, the processed data in this paper are from the two-year production trials (2009 and 2010), of a newestablished mint plantation planted in October 2008, in the region of Ovche Pole-central part of the Republic of Macedonia. Results: In the first year of utilization (2009), two cuttings were performed yielding 3500 kg/ha of Original Research Article
The main aim of this research was to determine the content of macro-and microelements in barley g... more The main aim of this research was to determine the content of macro-and microelements in barley genotypes, with different origin and spike morphology grown under agroecological conditions in the Republic of North Macedonia. The field experiments were conducted during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 on the research fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, "Goce Delchev" University, in Ovče Pole. The trials were arranged as randomized complete block design with three replications for each genotype. 30 winter barley genotypes with different origin were used as an experimental material.
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015
The aim of this paper is to analyze the environmental influence over the yield and yield componen... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the environmental influence over the yield and yield components in two row winter barley varieties. The experiment work was conducted during the period of 2012-2014 on the research fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, in two different locations in the Republic of Macedonia, as follows: Ovche Pole and Strumica. As far as material is concerned 21 genotypes were used with Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian origin. Generally, genotype NS 525 indicated highest yield (5549 kg/ha) as compared to the rest of the genotypes while the lowest grain yield was obtained by genotypes Obzor (3443 kg/ha) and Imeon (3272 kg/ha) for the period of study and for the both locations together. The research had proved that the influence of year i.e. weather conditions in the period of study is the strongest over yield. By yield and yield components, most distant, form one hand, are genotypes Hit and Izvor compare to genotypes Ladreya and Odisej. For Ovche Pole location, the highest influence to the grain yield has the traits: number of productive tillers per plant and grain weight per plant, while for Strumica location these are the grain weight per plant and plant height. Genotypes Emon, Lardeya, Kuber, Odisej and Asparuh stand out as the most suitable genotypes for growing in conditions in Ovche Pole location, while for Strumica location the genotypes NS 525, NS 565, Asparuh, Sajra, Rex and Zlatko, are most appropriate. Mentioned genotypes can be introduced in the production of barley or to be chosen as the most suitable varieties for new parents in any future breeding process, in order to get the new high yielding varieties suitable for cultivation in the regions examined.
The volatile composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from flowers, ... more The volatile composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from flowers, leaves and whole plant of Mentha Arvensis L. organically planed from the territory of Macedonia were object of this study. The essential oils from dried and powdered plant materials were isolated by hydro-distillation using Clevenger-type apparatus.51,51 The composition of three essential oils was identified by GC-MS and quantified by GC-FID. 51,51 Fifty-five components were identified and quantified in the three essential oils isolated from the flowers, leaves and whole Mentha plant. The most abundant component in all three oils was menthol with 35.64%, 32.47% and 52.53% respectively. The second most dominant component in the three essential oils was isomenthone with 20.38%, 15.97% and 8.42% respectively. All other components were in quantity less than 8%. The antioxidant activity of essential oil from whole Mentha plant was determined against ABTS radical with value of 1.58 TE mg/L of ...
Прирачник за органско производство на домат.Упатството за работа е наменето за сите чинители кои ... more Прирачник за органско производство на домат.Упатството за работа е наменето за сите чинители кои учествуваат во процесот на производство на домати.организирано според принципите на органското земјоделско производство. За советниците, претставува корисен извор на информации, а за земјоделците точни напатствија за тоа на што треба да посветат посебно внимание за да се стекнат со сертификат за органски производ.Земјоделското производство кое се потпира на неупотреба на хемиски средства (од синтетичко потекло), или попознато како органско земјоделство ги вклучува сите техники на земјоделското производство кои применуваат начин на добивање здрава храна, истовремено зачувувајќи ја човековата околина. Како клуч за успешно производство, овие техники на производство своја потпора црпат од природната плодност на почвата. Преку разбирањето и почитувањето на природните можности на растенијата, животните и земјиштето, истото се стреми кон постигнување што е можно поголем квалитет, врз база на по...
Cadmium (Cd) is an important toxic heavy metal and the warning of health risks from Cd pollution ... more Cadmium (Cd) is an important toxic heavy metal and the warning of health risks from Cd pollution were issued initially in the ‘70s. Increased concentrations of Cd in agricultural soils are known to come from human activities, such as the application of phosphate fertilizer, sewage sludge, wastewater, pesticides, mining and smelting of metalliferous ores with high Cd content, and traffic. Although there are many reports on Cd contamination in agricultural soils, most of the investigations are concentrated in the vicinity of the mine sites. But concerning point is certainly dealing with the problem of cadmium soil pollution. Remediation has been improved as most effective for soil pollution. Recently phytoremediation has been improved as one of the most convenient techniques for remediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils. The main purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of soybean varieties for phytoremediation of agricultural soils with higher content...
ка во Република Македонија и претставува основен извор на приходи за население- то од овој регион... more ка во Република Македонија и претставува основен извор на приходи за население- то од овој регион. Сепак, зависноста од временските услови во голема мера придонесува земјоделски- те семејства, од време на време да трпат огромни штети. Така, во 2014 година, градот направи големи штети на околу 3.000 ha, оставајќи голем број семејства во големи финансиски проблеми. Големи штети предизвикаа и касните пролетни мразеви во 2016 и 2017 година, кои исто така направија пустош низ преспанските овоштарници. Во редовно родна година, се добиваат околу 100.000 тони јаболко, од кои околу 20% отпаѓа на т.н. индустриско јаболко. Од овие количества, најголемиот дел завршуваат на пазарот надвор од Република Македонија, а дел се продава на локалните пазари ширум државата. Треба да се напомене дека само 1/3 од родот спаѓа во т.н. I класа и добива соодветна цена, додека останатите количества се предмет на договор со откупувачите, во кои земјоделците редовно остануваат изманипулирани, односно им се откупе...
The reduction of arable land and the increase of contaminated soil due to industrialization and m... more The reduction of arable land and the increase of contaminated soil due to industrialization and mining occupies the attention of scientists in finding solutions for soil utilization. The use of plants to accumulate heavy metals (HM) from the soil has been recognized as the most economically- and ecologically-friendly alternative. Different plants have different potential to uptake HM. The ability to take up and tolerate metals varies between and within species as well as between metals. Most of the data in the literature focused on hyperaccumulating properties of plant and not paying enough attention to excluders - plants with low accumulating abilities tolerant to high concentrations of HM in soil. Although promising, phytoremediation using natural hyperaccumulators has not achieved its predicted potential as a commercial technology due to the physical limitations of the natural hyperaccumulators like their slow grow, low-biomass production, specific ecology, and climate requirement...
Pomegranates are valuable fruits due to the high level of anthocynanins in juice and phenolic com... more Pomegranates are valuable fruits due to the high level of anthocynanins in juice and phenolic compounds responsible for antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel. Significant amounts of phenolic acids, vitamin C and other polyphenolics are responsible for health benefits of the consumers. The objects of our study was the impact of variety on the quality of pomegranates grown in the region of Macedonia. More precisely, morphological parameters for fruits and chemical characteristics of pomegranate juice were significantly affected to the variety of pomegranates. Morphological parameters, in particular fruit weight, fruit height, equatorial and calix diameter favorited “Hicaz” variety in comparison to autochthonous “Karamustafa” variety of pomegranates. Furthermore, the pH value of fruit juice, the level of phenolic acid and percentage of glucose and fructose indicate significant differences between varieties. The quantity of anthocyanins (537 mg/L), catechins (50 mg/L) and total phe...
Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 2017
Издавачки совет Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјан... more Издавачки совет Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Проф. д-р Рубин Гулабоски М-р Ристо Костуранов Редакциски одбор Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Илија Каров Проф. д-р Блажо Боев Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Проф. д-р Верица Илиева Проф. д-р Љупчо Михајлов Проф. д-р Рубин Гулабоски Доц. д-р Душан Спасов Одговорен уредник Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Главен уредник Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Администратор Доц. д-р Емилија Костадиновска Јазично уредување Даница Гавриловска-Атанасовска (македонски јазик) Биљана Иванова (англиски јазик
Иновациите во земјоделството во претходните 4–5 децении, генерално се поттикнувани од аспект на в... more Иновациите во земјоделството во претходните 4–5 децении, генерално се поттикнувани од аспект на високите приноси и профитот на фармите, што резултира со високи приходи, но исто така и со голем број на негативни странични ефекти врз животната околина. Во 1991 година во Европската Унијабеше усвоена Регулатива на Советот бр. 2092/91 (EECNo. 2092/91). Првите почетоци на органското земјоделско производство во Република Македонија се бележат кон крајот на `90 години од минатиот век. Во април 2004 година Собранието го усвои Законот за органско земјоделско производство (Службен весник бр. 16/2004), додека при крајот на 2009 завршени се активностите за усогласување на Законот за органско земјоделско производство со новата регулатива на Заеднцата (834/2007) и Собранието на Р.М. го усвои новиот Закон (Сл.весник на РМ 146/09).
Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 2018
Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that concerns every part of the pla... more Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that concerns every part of the planet Earth. From this global environmental pollution framework doesn’t deviate neither Macedonia nor China. Many studies have been conducted in order to monitor the content of heavy metals in different parts of the biosphere of the two countries. The significantly worrying data were obtained in both cases; indicates the presence of higher content of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Tl and Zn) in soils in Macedonia (Stafilov et al., 2014) and China (Wang et al., 2003). Furthermore, special importance is given on the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil and their bioaccumulation of different plant species used in the human dietary. Therefore, the main purpose of this project is, based on the predetermined data on contaminated areas to: 1) determine the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil 2) to determine their bioaccumulation in different types of plant foods that are planted...
The aim of this study was to make a comparative assessment of Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton var... more The aim of this study was to make a comparative assessment of Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties under climatic and soil conditions of Strumitsa, Macedonia regarding seed cotton yield, fiber length and lint percentage, and to found which were the best for this region. The trials were carried out in Agrarian faculty in Strumitsa to "Gotse Delchev"University, Shtip by applying the technology for cotton growing in Macedonia. In a complex evaluation (based on the average data) the Bulgarian varieties "Helius", "Natalia" and "Vega" appeared to be the best for the conditions of Strumitsa, Macedonia. The variety "Helius" in seed cotton yield significantly exceeded the Macedonian varieties "5136" and "5140"- by 24.6-27.0% and the standard "Чирпан-539"-by 27.7%. The variety "Natalia" surpassed the Macedonian varieties by 19.5-21.8%, the variety "Vega"- by 15.8-18.0% and both varieties w...
In general most of the Macedonian farmers are uneducated and use fertilizers and pesticides spont... more In general most of the Macedonian farmers are uneducated and use fertilizers and pesticides spontaneously, what often results in inadequate production in means of quality and quantity. On the other hand, according to the EU regulations, the farmers will be required to follow approved production principles or will be facing possibilities to be penalized for applying amounts of fertilizer without performing soil analysis, or for applying certain pesticide which holds no permit to be applied over certain crop. This project aims to produce critical number of experts, OER and on-line tools that will provide service and expertise to professionals (advisors), farmers and rural community in order to increase the quantity and quality of their agricultural production, yet to be aware for the necessity for environmental protection as well. Groups of extension specialists in plant production and plant protection, along with organic farmers will be exposed to the foreign experiences in applying ...
Wheat and barley in the Republic of Macedonia are grown on the area of approximately 200 000 ha w... more Wheat and barley in the Republic of Macedonia are grown on the area of approximately 200 000 ha with the yield of 3 000 kg/ha and 5 000 kg/ha, respectively. The most important regions are Kumanovo, Bitola, Skopje, Probishtip, Kochani, St. Nikole and Shtip. The importance of seed without seed health control results with the introduction of many new diseases on barley and wheat in the Republic of Macedonia. Some of them are detect and identified in the Laboratory of plant and environmental protection in the agriculture faculty in Stip. The most important are: Tapesia yallundae Wallwork & Spooner with its anamorphic stage Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton causer of the disease “eyespot” on barley. Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) Davis causer of the disease “leaf scald” of barley; Cochliobolus sativus (Ito.K Septoria tritici Rob ex Desm and its teliomorphic stage Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel.) Schroter causer of “septoria leaf blotch” on wheat. The health conditi...
There are hectares and hectares of cultivated land almost without human intervention on one hand ... more There are hectares and hectares of cultivated land almost without human intervention on one hand and farmers who see their activity replaced by automatisms, robots or artificial intelligence on the other. As always, there are those who see this evolution as a threat and others who see it as a challenge and an unprecedented opportunity. This revealed the digital evolution and the perspectives of technological innovation in several areas, particularly in the integration of new technologies in agribusiness. Agricultural biotechnology (double haploids), growth of equipment (NFT, drone), novel farming systems (urban gardens, seaweed use) and bioenergy (crop waste) will be discussed as linking current actors in agriculture with start-ups that enhance the capabilities of current operators.