Nurul Putrie Utami | Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta) (original) (raw)
Papers by Nurul Putrie Utami
Jurnal Abdi Insani
Desa Somongari adalah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo yang memilik... more Desa Somongari adalah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo yang memiliki sumber penghasilan dari hasil perkebunan durian dan manggis. Namun, tiga tahun terakhir ini hasil perkebunan tidak begitu menggembirakan menyebabkan penurunan penghasilan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas kewirausahaan dari masyarakat melalui kelompok wanita tani yang dibentuk sebelumnya. Lahan pekarangan masyarakat di Desa Somongari umumnya ditanami berbagai jenis pisang dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk olahan pangan. Kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan dilakukan adalah mengolah produk keripik pisang coklat dan menghitung harga pokok produksi dan nilai jual karena masyakarat masih belum bisa menghitung secara tepat harga jual produk makanan sehingga penentuan harga jual terkadang belum tepat. Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Suka Karya Makmur. Media pelatihan berupa slide presenta...
Indonesia Berdaya
Organic agricultural products such as fresh vegetables is a product that is easily damaged and ca... more Organic agricultural products such as fresh vegetables is a product that is easily damaged and can cause losses if not utilized properly. Food processing is a way to increase the storage capacity of organic agricultural products. Instead of increasing storability of food, processing food products is also a choice to develop marketing of agricultural products. Therefore, the organic farming women as the members of the SKM (Suka Karya Makmur) Vegetable House Group was given training in the processing of organic agricultural products in the form of vegetable noodles, spinach chips, and vegetable sticks. The training activities were carried out using demonstration and simulation methods which were attended by 35 people. The team provides a demonstration with examples and then the participants simulate the processing of food products independently. Evaluation of activities is carried out by providing pre-test and post-test, observation, and interviews of participants. The result of this ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2020
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Nov 21, 2020
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the cessation of implementing the Integrated Healthcare Cen... more The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the cessation of implementing the Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) program in Wonokromo 1, Wonokromo, Pleret Bantul. In contrast, the early period of life, including infancy and children, is a critical period of body and brain growth. Any nutritional problems could lead to serious nutritional problems and low intelligence. Therefore, this service program aims to optimize posyandu activities by arranging the training for cadres to support toddlers’ growth in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The training included anthropometric measurements and analysis of growth charts for children under five for posyandu’s cadres. This activity was attended by 15 posyandu cadres and delivered by using discussion, simulation, and demonstration methods. It was found that the cadres still made some mistakes in measuring weight, body length, height, and head circumference, so they were given a demonstration of the correct measurement methods. The cadres are also tr...
Background : Obesity has been increasing worldwide and causes some degenerative disease. It will ... more Background : Obesity has been increasing worldwide and causes some degenerative disease. It will get worse if obesity is occurred in adolescence, so it should be prevented by controlling risk factors for obesity. Some studies reveal that sleep is one of the risk factors being overweight and obesity. Lack of sleep changes the body's hormonal regulation that increases appetite resulting in increased of energy intake that can lead to obesity. Objective : To determine the relationship between sleep patterns with energy intake and obesity in junior high school adolescents. Method : This study is an observational research with case-control design. The population in this study were adolescents aged 11-15 years in four junior high schools at Yogyakarta City. 120 students, which are 60 obese students (cases) and 60 non-obese students (control), were chosen with proportionate random sampling method. Data such as sleep duration and sleep quality was obtained from questionnaires of sleep ha...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016
AJAD : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Somongari Village was an organic farming location. Perishable vegetables require special handling... more Somongari Village was an organic farming location. Perishable vegetables require special handling to increase shelf life. There was a need for training which is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of the member of Kelompok Rumah Sayur SKM (Suka Karya Makmur), increase the selling benefit, and the shelf life of organic vegetables products. The training activities were processing vegetables from agricultural products into bittermelon chips, eggplant chips, tomato sauce, and chili sauce. The training began with product processing through food processing videos demonstration and then practiced it independently. Evaluation of the results of this activity was carried out in writing, verbally, direct observation of the process, and evaluation of the food products made. The result of this training is an increase in knowledge of participants and from verbal interactions and direct observation, it could be seen that the training materials can be understood and can be practiced well ...
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 2019
Stress in work staff influenced simple sugar and sodium intakeBackground: Stress is a condition t... more Stress in work staff influenced simple sugar and sodium intakeBackground: Stress is a condition that occurs to individual experiences a burden of a problem that can not solve there for lead to an unspecific response from the body. One of the causes of stress is the load of work. Stress caused by work could lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Change of behavior during stress like eating behavior cause of changing appetite on the individual.Objective: This research was aimed to analyze simple glucose and sodium intake during stress in staff.Method: This was a cross-sectional research design. A total of 125 subjects were chosen by purposive random sampling. The subject was the educational staff of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Data was collected as identity, nutrition intake used the Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ), and stress level used Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) questionnaire. The statistical test used the Chi-Square test.Results: Th...
Journal of Food and Culinary, 2019
Es krim merupakan produk olahan pangan beku yang biasa dikonsumsi sebagai makanan selingan (desse... more Es krim merupakan produk olahan pangan beku yang biasa dikonsumsi sebagai makanan selingan (dessert) dengan bahan utama dalam pembuatannya seperti lemak, bahan kering tanpa lemak (BKTL), bahan pemanis, pengemulsi dan bahan penstabil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ubi jalar terhadap sifat organoleptik es krim serta untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap es krim ubi jalar. Perlakuan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah perbandingan pemberian ubi jalar yang berbeda warna dengan formula sebagai berikut : B1= penambahan ubi jalar 0%, B2= penambahan ubi jalar ungu 7,5% tehadap 1000 ml susu cair, B3=penambahan ubi ungu 15% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair, B4= penambahan ubi jalar ungu 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair, B5= penambahan ubi jalar kuning 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair dan B6= penambahan ubi jalar putih 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang dinilai oleh 22 orang panelis semi terlati...
Somongari Village, located in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, is well-known as a produ... more Somongari Village, located in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, is well-known as a producer of durian and mangosteen fruits. The income of Somongari Villagers depends on this commodity, however because of durian and mangosteen can only be harvested during a specific season, the villager plans to build vegetable houses for their daily needs. Based on the data obtained through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with representatives of the villager and farmer group, the villager had not used organic fertilizers and pesticides. The practicality and fast yield of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides are the reasons villagers use them more. In contrast, the application of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides can hurt the environment and human health. Therefore, education was carried out for the Somongari villagers to increase the knowledge and awareness of environmental sustainability and health, primarily due to inorganic fertilizer and pesticide impact. The method used in this event ...
Community Empowerment, 2021
Somongari Village residents are currently promoting the cultivation of catfish and chicken to mak... more Somongari Village residents are currently promoting the cultivation of catfish and chicken to make up for their daily side dishes during the pandemic. An alternative feed for these animals that is both high in protein and easy to cultivate is the maggot. The purpose of this training is to teach the residents of Somongari Village how to independently breed BSF maggots and save on feed expenditure. This training is carried out in three stages namely: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The methods used in delivering the material are lectures, demonstrations, and direct practice. Meanwhile, leaflets serve as the media. The results showed that as many as 85.71% of the training participants experienced an increased understanding of maggot cultivation. This activity increased the knowledge and skills of Somongari Village residents in cultivating BSF maggots for daily animal feed purposes.
GEMASSIKA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Gunungkidul merupakan kabupaten yang terdapat di Yogyakarta dan memiliki tingkat kecukupan gizi y... more Gunungkidul merupakan kabupaten yang terdapat di Yogyakarta dan memiliki tingkat kecukupan gizi yang rendah. Banyak kasus tentang kekurangan gizi yang terjadi di beberapa kecamatan di Gunungkidul. Rendahnya angka kekurangan gizi tersebut diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat penderita anemia di Gunungkidul, salah satunya di Kecamatan Ngawen. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan pemeriksaan gizi kepada siswa dan guru SMK Muhammadiyah di Kecamatan Ngawen. Kegiatan dilakukan selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi tentang kecukupan gizi dan anemia, baik dari segi penjelasan ataupun cara penanggulangan. Kegiatan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi guru dan siswa SMK. Pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan TB (tinggi badan), BB (berat badan), HB (hemoglobin), tekanan darah, kolesterol, asam urat dan glukosa. Untuk siswa dilakukan pemeriksaan TB, BB, HB dan tekanan darah, sedangkan untuk guru semua pemeriksaan ...
Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 2020
This study aims to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition measu... more This study aims to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition measurement with the risk of hypertension among office workers. Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional study in office workers population in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The subjects of the study were 125 persons (72 males and 53 females) aged 20-60 years. The measurement of anthropometry was using an electronic digital scale for weight, microtoise for height, and meter line for waist circumference. In analysing body composition such as total body fat and visceral fat, we were using Bioelectrical Impendence Analyzer (BIA) Body Composition Monitor Omron Karada Scan HBF-375. Blood pressure was measured by an automatic blood pressure monitor OMRON HEM-7120. Hypertension was classified if the blood pressure of systolic ≥140 and diastolic ≥90. The association between risk factors variables and hypertension status was analysed by chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of hypertension was found 18.6% in male and 13.21% in female. All risk factors were similar between male and female (p>0.05). Body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHtR), and total body fat were not statistically significant with hypertension status (p>0.05). The statistically significant risk factors of hypertension only found in waist circumference and visceral fat (p=0.036; p=0.002). Results of multivariate analysis, visceral fat remains significant in predicting hypertension, with 4.87 times higher risk of having hypertension in workers if having high visceral fat (95% CI 1.722-13.7831) Applications/Originality/Value: This study shows that the prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension among workers were high. Thus, controlling modifiable risk factors is very important. Maintain the waist circumference and visceral fat in normal range with proper healthy lifestyle were needed especially in office workers.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Jurnal Dunia Gizi
Background; obesity has been increasing throughout the world that also will impact to the increas... more Background; obesity has been increasing throughout the world that also will impact to the increasing of non communicable disase realated to obesity. Obesity which is occurred since adolescence can worsen the problem because it will carry over until adult so it was necessary to prevent obesity by controlling the obesity risk factor. Some studies reveal that increasing obesity was emerged because of high screen time. Too much screen time can increase exposure of unhealthy snack and increase sedentary activity that was obesity risk factor. Objectives; to determine the relationship of screen time and obesity in adolescent in Junior High School in Yogyakarta. Material and Method; the type of research used was observational with a case control study approach. This research was conducted in 4 junior high schools in the city of Yogyakarta. The sample of this study was 120 students aged 12-15 years consisting of 60 students in the case group and 60 students in the control group selected by the proportionate random sampling method which then matched age and sex. Results; in this study it was found that there was a significant relationship between screen time of more than 2 hours/day and the risk of obesity in adolescent junior high school in Yogyakarta City (p=0.019) with an Odds Ratio of 2.6 (1.160-5.750). Higher screen time is significantly associated with a higher level of energy intake (p=0.037) with a Prevalence Ratio of 1.3 (1.025-1.638). Conclusion; it was found that there was a relationship between screen time and obesity in adolescent junior high school in Yogyakarta City.
Jurnal Abdi Insani
Desa Somongari adalah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo yang memilik... more Desa Somongari adalah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo yang memiliki sumber penghasilan dari hasil perkebunan durian dan manggis. Namun, tiga tahun terakhir ini hasil perkebunan tidak begitu menggembirakan menyebabkan penurunan penghasilan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas kewirausahaan dari masyarakat melalui kelompok wanita tani yang dibentuk sebelumnya. Lahan pekarangan masyarakat di Desa Somongari umumnya ditanami berbagai jenis pisang dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk olahan pangan. Kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan dilakukan adalah mengolah produk keripik pisang coklat dan menghitung harga pokok produksi dan nilai jual karena masyakarat masih belum bisa menghitung secara tepat harga jual produk makanan sehingga penentuan harga jual terkadang belum tepat. Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Suka Karya Makmur. Media pelatihan berupa slide presenta...
Indonesia Berdaya
Organic agricultural products such as fresh vegetables is a product that is easily damaged and ca... more Organic agricultural products such as fresh vegetables is a product that is easily damaged and can cause losses if not utilized properly. Food processing is a way to increase the storage capacity of organic agricultural products. Instead of increasing storability of food, processing food products is also a choice to develop marketing of agricultural products. Therefore, the organic farming women as the members of the SKM (Suka Karya Makmur) Vegetable House Group was given training in the processing of organic agricultural products in the form of vegetable noodles, spinach chips, and vegetable sticks. The training activities were carried out using demonstration and simulation methods which were attended by 35 people. The team provides a demonstration with examples and then the participants simulate the processing of food products independently. Evaluation of activities is carried out by providing pre-test and post-test, observation, and interviews of participants. The result of this ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2020
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Nov 21, 2020
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the cessation of implementing the Integrated Healthcare Cen... more The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the cessation of implementing the Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) program in Wonokromo 1, Wonokromo, Pleret Bantul. In contrast, the early period of life, including infancy and children, is a critical period of body and brain growth. Any nutritional problems could lead to serious nutritional problems and low intelligence. Therefore, this service program aims to optimize posyandu activities by arranging the training for cadres to support toddlers’ growth in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The training included anthropometric measurements and analysis of growth charts for children under five for posyandu’s cadres. This activity was attended by 15 posyandu cadres and delivered by using discussion, simulation, and demonstration methods. It was found that the cadres still made some mistakes in measuring weight, body length, height, and head circumference, so they were given a demonstration of the correct measurement methods. The cadres are also tr...
Background : Obesity has been increasing worldwide and causes some degenerative disease. It will ... more Background : Obesity has been increasing worldwide and causes some degenerative disease. It will get worse if obesity is occurred in adolescence, so it should be prevented by controlling risk factors for obesity. Some studies reveal that sleep is one of the risk factors being overweight and obesity. Lack of sleep changes the body's hormonal regulation that increases appetite resulting in increased of energy intake that can lead to obesity. Objective : To determine the relationship between sleep patterns with energy intake and obesity in junior high school adolescents. Method : This study is an observational research with case-control design. The population in this study were adolescents aged 11-15 years in four junior high schools at Yogyakarta City. 120 students, which are 60 obese students (cases) and 60 non-obese students (control), were chosen with proportionate random sampling method. Data such as sleep duration and sleep quality was obtained from questionnaires of sleep ha...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016
AJAD : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Somongari Village was an organic farming location. Perishable vegetables require special handling... more Somongari Village was an organic farming location. Perishable vegetables require special handling to increase shelf life. There was a need for training which is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of the member of Kelompok Rumah Sayur SKM (Suka Karya Makmur), increase the selling benefit, and the shelf life of organic vegetables products. The training activities were processing vegetables from agricultural products into bittermelon chips, eggplant chips, tomato sauce, and chili sauce. The training began with product processing through food processing videos demonstration and then practiced it independently. Evaluation of the results of this activity was carried out in writing, verbally, direct observation of the process, and evaluation of the food products made. The result of this training is an increase in knowledge of participants and from verbal interactions and direct observation, it could be seen that the training materials can be understood and can be practiced well ...
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 2019
Stress in work staff influenced simple sugar and sodium intakeBackground: Stress is a condition t... more Stress in work staff influenced simple sugar and sodium intakeBackground: Stress is a condition that occurs to individual experiences a burden of a problem that can not solve there for lead to an unspecific response from the body. One of the causes of stress is the load of work. Stress caused by work could lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Change of behavior during stress like eating behavior cause of changing appetite on the individual.Objective: This research was aimed to analyze simple glucose and sodium intake during stress in staff.Method: This was a cross-sectional research design. A total of 125 subjects were chosen by purposive random sampling. The subject was the educational staff of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Data was collected as identity, nutrition intake used the Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ), and stress level used Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) questionnaire. The statistical test used the Chi-Square test.Results: Th...
Journal of Food and Culinary, 2019
Es krim merupakan produk olahan pangan beku yang biasa dikonsumsi sebagai makanan selingan (desse... more Es krim merupakan produk olahan pangan beku yang biasa dikonsumsi sebagai makanan selingan (dessert) dengan bahan utama dalam pembuatannya seperti lemak, bahan kering tanpa lemak (BKTL), bahan pemanis, pengemulsi dan bahan penstabil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ubi jalar terhadap sifat organoleptik es krim serta untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap es krim ubi jalar. Perlakuan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah perbandingan pemberian ubi jalar yang berbeda warna dengan formula sebagai berikut : B1= penambahan ubi jalar 0%, B2= penambahan ubi jalar ungu 7,5% tehadap 1000 ml susu cair, B3=penambahan ubi ungu 15% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair, B4= penambahan ubi jalar ungu 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair, B5= penambahan ubi jalar kuning 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair dan B6= penambahan ubi jalar putih 22,5% terhadap 1000 ml susu cair. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang dinilai oleh 22 orang panelis semi terlati...
Somongari Village, located in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, is well-known as a produ... more Somongari Village, located in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, is well-known as a producer of durian and mangosteen fruits. The income of Somongari Villagers depends on this commodity, however because of durian and mangosteen can only be harvested during a specific season, the villager plans to build vegetable houses for their daily needs. Based on the data obtained through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with representatives of the villager and farmer group, the villager had not used organic fertilizers and pesticides. The practicality and fast yield of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides are the reasons villagers use them more. In contrast, the application of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides can hurt the environment and human health. Therefore, education was carried out for the Somongari villagers to increase the knowledge and awareness of environmental sustainability and health, primarily due to inorganic fertilizer and pesticide impact. The method used in this event ...
Community Empowerment, 2021
Somongari Village residents are currently promoting the cultivation of catfish and chicken to mak... more Somongari Village residents are currently promoting the cultivation of catfish and chicken to make up for their daily side dishes during the pandemic. An alternative feed for these animals that is both high in protein and easy to cultivate is the maggot. The purpose of this training is to teach the residents of Somongari Village how to independently breed BSF maggots and save on feed expenditure. This training is carried out in three stages namely: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The methods used in delivering the material are lectures, demonstrations, and direct practice. Meanwhile, leaflets serve as the media. The results showed that as many as 85.71% of the training participants experienced an increased understanding of maggot cultivation. This activity increased the knowledge and skills of Somongari Village residents in cultivating BSF maggots for daily animal feed purposes.
GEMASSIKA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Gunungkidul merupakan kabupaten yang terdapat di Yogyakarta dan memiliki tingkat kecukupan gizi y... more Gunungkidul merupakan kabupaten yang terdapat di Yogyakarta dan memiliki tingkat kecukupan gizi yang rendah. Banyak kasus tentang kekurangan gizi yang terjadi di beberapa kecamatan di Gunungkidul. Rendahnya angka kekurangan gizi tersebut diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat penderita anemia di Gunungkidul, salah satunya di Kecamatan Ngawen. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan pemeriksaan gizi kepada siswa dan guru SMK Muhammadiyah di Kecamatan Ngawen. Kegiatan dilakukan selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi tentang kecukupan gizi dan anemia, baik dari segi penjelasan ataupun cara penanggulangan. Kegiatan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi guru dan siswa SMK. Pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan TB (tinggi badan), BB (berat badan), HB (hemoglobin), tekanan darah, kolesterol, asam urat dan glukosa. Untuk siswa dilakukan pemeriksaan TB, BB, HB dan tekanan darah, sedangkan untuk guru semua pemeriksaan ...
Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 2020
This study aims to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition measu... more This study aims to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition measurement with the risk of hypertension among office workers. Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional study in office workers population in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The subjects of the study were 125 persons (72 males and 53 females) aged 20-60 years. The measurement of anthropometry was using an electronic digital scale for weight, microtoise for height, and meter line for waist circumference. In analysing body composition such as total body fat and visceral fat, we were using Bioelectrical Impendence Analyzer (BIA) Body Composition Monitor Omron Karada Scan HBF-375. Blood pressure was measured by an automatic blood pressure monitor OMRON HEM-7120. Hypertension was classified if the blood pressure of systolic ≥140 and diastolic ≥90. The association between risk factors variables and hypertension status was analysed by chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of hypertension was found 18.6% in male and 13.21% in female. All risk factors were similar between male and female (p>0.05). Body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHtR), and total body fat were not statistically significant with hypertension status (p>0.05). The statistically significant risk factors of hypertension only found in waist circumference and visceral fat (p=0.036; p=0.002). Results of multivariate analysis, visceral fat remains significant in predicting hypertension, with 4.87 times higher risk of having hypertension in workers if having high visceral fat (95% CI 1.722-13.7831) Applications/Originality/Value: This study shows that the prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension among workers were high. Thus, controlling modifiable risk factors is very important. Maintain the waist circumference and visceral fat in normal range with proper healthy lifestyle were needed especially in office workers.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Jurnal Dunia Gizi
Background; obesity has been increasing throughout the world that also will impact to the increas... more Background; obesity has been increasing throughout the world that also will impact to the increasing of non communicable disase realated to obesity. Obesity which is occurred since adolescence can worsen the problem because it will carry over until adult so it was necessary to prevent obesity by controlling the obesity risk factor. Some studies reveal that increasing obesity was emerged because of high screen time. Too much screen time can increase exposure of unhealthy snack and increase sedentary activity that was obesity risk factor. Objectives; to determine the relationship of screen time and obesity in adolescent in Junior High School in Yogyakarta. Material and Method; the type of research used was observational with a case control study approach. This research was conducted in 4 junior high schools in the city of Yogyakarta. The sample of this study was 120 students aged 12-15 years consisting of 60 students in the case group and 60 students in the control group selected by the proportionate random sampling method which then matched age and sex. Results; in this study it was found that there was a significant relationship between screen time of more than 2 hours/day and the risk of obesity in adolescent junior high school in Yogyakarta City (p=0.019) with an Odds Ratio of 2.6 (1.160-5.750). Higher screen time is significantly associated with a higher level of energy intake (p=0.037) with a Prevalence Ratio of 1.3 (1.025-1.638). Conclusion; it was found that there was a relationship between screen time and obesity in adolescent junior high school in Yogyakarta City.