Maria del Mar Castro Garcia | Universidad de Granada (original) (raw)
Papers by Maria del Mar Castro Garcia
Spal 29.1, 2020
Lacipo es una ciudad romana de modestas dimen-siones que se extiende sobre un cerro que controla ... more Lacipo es una ciudad romana de modestas dimen-siones que se extiende sobre un cerro que controla el valle del río Genal-Guadiaro, próximo al litoral mediterráneo, en la provincia Baetica. Entre los restos arqueológicos que se conservan, destaca un conjunto de estructuras hidráulicas di-seminadas por el propio cerro y por el territorio circundante. El examen detallado de estas construcciones permite conocer los métodos de gestión del agua empleados en este centro ur-bano, reconstruyendo el sistema de abastecimiento de aguas desde su captación, conducción, distribución, almacenaje y sus posteriores usos. Este análisis demuestra cómo el agua era un recurso necesario y valioso para la ciudad, y que para garantizar su abundancia los habitantes de Lacipo no dudaron en captar manantiales de calidad en las proximidades y con-ducirlos diversos kilómetros para poder desarrollar las activi-dades públicas y privadas propias de una civitas romana. Abstract: Lacipo is a small Roman town situated on a hill that overlooks the fluvial valley of Genal-Guadiaro, next to the Mediterranean coast, in the province of Baetica. In amongst the archaeological remains that are conserved on the site, a group of hydraulic structures are particularly notable. They are scattered around the hill and the surrounding countryside. Examination of these constructions has allowed us to study the urban water resources management, through the reconstruction of the water supply system: collecting , carrying, storing, distributing, and the subsequent usage. The analysis shows that water was a necessary and valuable resource for the city in order to guarantee it. The inhabitants of Lacipo did not hesitate to collect quality spring water from the surrounding area and transport it over several kilometres to be able to develop the public and private activities of a Roman civitas. Palabras clave: Baetica, ciclo del agua, hidráulica, cisterna, acueducto, civitas.
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 2020
The LiguSTAR project studies a transformed watery environment, the ancient lacus Ligustinus. The ... more The LiguSTAR project studies a transformed watery environment, the ancient lacus Ligustinus. The Ligustinus was the paleo-estuary of the Baetis flumen, currently named the Guadalquivir River (Southern Spain). At present, it is a radically transformed landscape due to intensive sedimentation and other geomorphological dynamics. Yet the estuary banks were highly populated during the Roman period. Important urban sites controlled the surrounding rural settlements, which were dedicated to farming activities. In addition, the lacus enabled connections with maritime routes for the export of surplus goods. Nowadays this spatial configuration is difficult to reconstruct, especially the settlement patterns related to the villae exploitation system. The LiguSTAR has devised a methodology applicable to the study of the paleo-banks by combining geomorphological, archaeological, and other historical information data with geophysical survey and UAV flight applications. In this paper, we present the state of the art, the hypotheses, the methodology, and the initial fieldwork results from the LiguSTAR Project.
Índice Histórico Español, 2019
This paper provides an historical overview of the interest in Roman hydraulics in Spain. The impr... more This paper provides an historical overview of the interest in Roman hydraulics in Spain. The impressive Roman infrastructures for the collection, distribution, storage, and drainage of water have produced admiration during the successive historical ages. In addition, in some cases these constructions were reused, repaired and reconstructed due to their functionality. After the late modern period, studies on Roman hydraulics focused on the aqueducts. However, since the 1990s, and especially in the 21st century, the historiography has reached a broader scope as a result of increased social attention on the preservation and enhancement of water resources. Consequently, the topics have become numerous, and they are not just focused on constructions and their technical solutions, but also on water management and usages in different spaces. Thus, we analyse the evolution of this historiographic trend in the country, considering it as a relevant contribution to the creation of a common water culture.
Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(... more Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(Col·lecció Instrumenta ; 68) Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índexs Recull d'investigacions realitzades dins el projecte HAR2016-77724-P -RIPARIA 2, La interacción histórica sociedad-medio ambiente: humedales y espacios lacustres de la Bética romana
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 2014
The environmental concept of riparia (Naiman et al. 2005) is applied by historians to human relat... more The environmental concept of riparia (Naiman et al. 2005) is applied by historians to human relationships with floodplains and coastal wetlands in the past and the environmental characteristics of these transitional spaces generate specific socio-natural systems (Hermon and Watelet 2014). Wetlands can be studied from a variety of perspectives, ranging from the occupation and settlement of a territory, its production and tax function, its relationship with possible lines of communication, its perception as part of a marginal landscape, or its importance a cultural, geographical and political boundary (Lagóstena 2014; Castro et al. 2014).
Our research group has undertaken a project that aims to study the territorial articulation of these spaces in the area of the Hispania Ulterior Baetica province. Fuente de Piedra Lagoon is the most important wetland in Andalusia (Spain), and presents historical elements that characterise this entity as an essential structure of a territory that has been susceptible to exploitation in Roman times. The analysis of its settlement and paths of communication, the function of this space as a confinium (municipal boundary) of several civic communities and economic exploitation aimed at the production of salt have allowed us to explore the role of this riparian area in Roman times, the constitution of its social representation and its historical conceptualisation.
Paisajes productivos y redes comerciales en el Imperio Romano / Productive Landscapes and Trade Networks in the Roman Empire., 2019
Models are idealized representations of our assumptions. Here we deal with a Roman agrarian conte... more Models are idealized representations of our assumptions. Here we deal with a Roman agrarian context in a specific delineated geographical area. However, the re-creation of rural settlement is secondary to the analysis of an agrarian formula, which is our principal goal. Focus on this modelling enables us to study the possibilities of the implantation of a Roman vine training system (the uinea iugata), dealing with the ideal self-sufficiency and the limitations in a simulated historical context. The starting point is a ratio given by Columella in order to supply osier-willow and reeds for the iuga in the vineyards, as bindings and cross-rails . Other training systems could be adopted as well as other species, but advantages in productivity and the suitability of raw materials were related to this ratio. The main motivation would come from the viticulture itself as a lucrative activity.
The Punic tradition of vineyard without supports would be opposite to the Italian influence in the training of vines, a cultural difference attested by Varro and Columella . Actually, Columella’s De Re Rustica and our study area are related. Columella was from Gades, a city with a remarkable Punic background but well integrated into the Roman world, as evidenced by its municipality. On the other hand, Italian migration is possibly linked to the promotion of the neighbouring city of Hasta Regia as a Roman colony. Columella’s work compiles data from several previous agronomists, from different periods and provenances. For example, the ratio riparia/uinea was taken from Iulius Aticus’ work. In that sense, it is convenient to research which parts of his general schemes could have been effectively performed in a specific Roman region or other.
On this occasion, we have expanded the geographical framework from preceding issues , from the original 73 archaeological sites to the current 225 sites. The goal is to improve the comparative analysis of Roman sites and zones with new different geographical and civic contexts.
Las cisternas son el principal medio de aprovisionamiento de agua en las ciudades romanas en much... more Las cisternas son el principal medio de aprovisionamiento de agua en las ciudades romanas en muchos casos. La historiografía ha identificado la existencia de un verdadero modelo de gestión del agua que emplea únicamente estas construcciones, o bien que las utiliza en conjunción con otros medios, como el aprovechamiento de aguas subterráneas mediante pozos. Partiendo desde una conceptualización teórica del término latino cisterna, realizamos un recorrido en la identificación de este modelo en casos específicos de Hispania como marco general del estudio, y en la provincia Ulterior Baetica como marco particular.
Water storage cisterns are the main source of water supply in roman cities in many cases. Their existence has been identificated as a water management model which employs these hydraulic infrastructures exclusively, or together with others forms as groundwater extraction by wells. Starting to a theoretical conceptualization of the latin term cisterna, we carry out a review to identify this model in specific cases in Hispania as general spatial framework, and in Hispania Ulterior Baetica province as particular framework.
The adoption, development and evolution of water management systems in roman towns is analysed in... more The adoption, development and evolution of water management systems in roman towns is analysed in the Ulterior Baetica province. The examination of a rich and varied reality is carried out through a series of representative cases of study, which allow us to understand the complexity in the implantation process of water management practices in the city life. In this work, we aims to analyse the relationship between the society and the environment through the management of natural resources, mainly the water, since an integrated perspective, attending of multiple factors that participated in this process: climatic, geographical, cultural, economic, political, and in the field of social representations.
La adopción, desarrollo y evolución de sistemas de gestión del agua en las ciudades romanas es estudiado en el ámbito de la provincia Ulterior Baetica. El examen de la amplia y variada realidad bética se realiza a través de una serie de casos representativos de estudio que permitan considerar la complejidad del proceso de implantación de prácticas de gestión hídrica para el desarrollo de la vida ciudadana. En este trabajo ha sido considerado el análisis de la relación de la sociedad y el medio ambiente a través de la gestión de sus recursos naturales, y concretamente el agua, desde una perspectiva integrada, atendiendo a los múltiples factores que intervienen en este proceso: climáticos, geográficos, culturales, económicos, políticos, y desde el ámbito de las representaciones sociales.
L. Lagóstena (Ed.), Lacus autem idem et stagnus, ubi inmensa aqua convenit. Estudios históricos sobre humedales en la Bética (II) , 2016
The terms lacus and stagnum refer as natural spaces relative to water environment, in particular ... more The terms lacus and stagnum refer as natural spaces relative to water environment, in
particular to wetlands. These concepts, which original and most widespread meaning
has a geographic character, is extended to express artificial elements in a process of
denaturation. We proceed to analyse these terms in the written and epigraphical latin
sources to trace the meanings and to be able to define them in its conception as artificial
forms that in its origin arise to the imitation of nature.
TRAC 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual. Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference., 2015
Riparia as environmental concept is applied to human's relationship with the riverbanks and shore... more Riparia as environmental concept is applied to human's relationship with the riverbanks and shorelines spaces from historic times. The environmental characteristics of these transitional spaces generate a certain socio-natural systems. Wetlands are representative of Riparia, and are subject to different perceptions, ranging from the occupation and settlement of the territory, to their production or tax function, in relation to the possibilities of communication, to their perception as part of the marginal and not ordered landscape, or under the consideration to their importance as cultural, geographical and political boundary limits. Our research group has undertaken a project that aims to study the territorial articulation of these spaces in the area of the Hispania Vlterior Baetica province. Fuente de Piedra Lagoon is the most important wetlands of Andalusia (Spain), and presents historical elements that allow to characterize this entity as an essential structure of the territory that has been susceptible of exploitation in Roman times. The analysis of its settlement, the function of this space as confinium of the civic communities Urgapa and Singilia Barba, the economic exploitation aimed at the production of salt, or the analysis of the communication paths, has allowed us to understand the role of this area in Roman times.
Borau L., Borlenghi A. (Éd.) Aquae ductus. Actualité de la recherche en France et en Espagne, Collection Suppléments Aquitania , 2015
Dans le processus de construction et de consolidation du territoire romain de la province Hispani... more Dans le processus de construction et de consolidation du territoire romain de la province Hispania Ulterior-Baetica, l’introduction de nouveaux systèmes de gestion des ressources naturelles et précisément de l’eau est un aspect historique fondamental qui mérite d’être examiné de façon globale. Ce processus peut être analysé en appliquant le concept de “gestion intégrée” et en tenant compte des rapports et des variables qui interviennent, qu’elles soient environnementales, sociales, économique, juridique, etc. et qui sont le résultat de la mise en pratique de connaissances et de techniques provenant de Rome, mais aussi de particularités provinciales et indigènes. L’abondance des sources relatives à cet aspect historique nous a conduit à appliquer une méthodologie de gestion et de systématisation des données dans un SIG.
Located in the southern province Baetica, Lagoon of La Janda and the old estuary of the Barbate R... more Located in the southern province Baetica, Lagoon of La Janda and the old estuary of the Barbate River are vulnerable environments in which it has been developing a specific interaction with the societies that inhabit it from Prehistory. As precedent, the characteristics of the territory occupation in the
III-I millennium are indicated. Then we analyse the articulation of space in Roman Times, resulting from its inclusion in a complex political-administrative system. The integrated and synchronic riparian space analysis, we provide insights into how is the process of its configuration, their uses and its exploitation, and this perception in Antiquity.
A. García, Jesús García, A. Maximiano, J. Ríos-Garaizar (Eds.) DEBATING SPATIAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Landscape and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology Santander, June 8 th – 9 th , 2012, 2014
From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodolog... more From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodological principles to propose the geographical demarcation of provincial boundaries.
Once the different historical proposals had been mapped, we proposed a buffer as an analysis tool. From the resulting proposal we have developed several study cases relating to the road
network, the citizen territories and the provincial limes. The combination of various historical sources, the historiography and GIS applications proves its worth in the process of rethinking
the provincial boundaries.
Ella Hermon and Anne Watelet (dir.) Riparia, un patrimoine culturel La gestion intégrée des bords de l’eau, 2014
This communication aims at applying the concept of riparia to a precise geographical framework wi... more This communication aims at applying the concept of riparia to a precise geographical framework within the Roman
Empire. The Roman province of Hispania Ulterior-Baetica shows intense land use, some of which is on wetland, more
specifically on paludal and estuarial environments. The interaction between society and environment on marshlands will
be studied based on data from archaeology, literature and environmental studies, using the case study of the lagoon of
La Janda and the estuary of the Barbate River. Located in the south of the province of Baetica (currently Andalusia,
Spain), it reveals a strong relationship with the Strait of Gibraltar. The integrated management of the lagoon will be
analyzed using an economic, communal and cultural point of view.
Cette communication vise à appliquer le concept de riparia à un cadre géographique précis de
l'ensemble de l'Empire romain. La province romaine d’Hispanie Ultérieure-Bétique présente
une intense occupation et certains usages des milieux humides, et plus concrètement des milieux
palustres et d’estuaire. En s'appuyant sur les données archéologiques, littéraires et
environnementales, on tentera de faire un apport à la connaissance de l'interaction sociétéenvironnement
naturel de ces milieux à l'époque romaine à partir de l'étude d'un cas concret, la
l’étage de La Janda et l’Estuaire de la rivière de Barbate, située au sud de la province de Bétique
(Andalousie actuelle, Espagne) et qui présente une fort rapport avec le Détroit de Gibraltar. On
réalisera aussi l'analyse de la gestion intégrée de ce milieu depuis une approche économique,
communautaire et culturelle.
López-Geta, J. A. et al. (eds.) El Agua en Andalucía. Retos y avances en el inicio del milenio, Tomo I, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Serie Hidrogeologías y aguas subterráneas 30, Madrid, 2012, pp. 647-656.
Tecnologías de información geográfica y análisis arqueológico del territorio. Actas del V Simposio Internacional de Arqueología de Mérida. Anejos Archivo Español de Arqueología, Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida. CSIC. Junta de Extremadura. Consorcio de Mérida. Mérida, 2011., 2011
Conroy, J.-F. et al.(dirs.) Actes du XI Colloque International Étudiant du Département d’histoire de l’Université Laval. 1-3 février 2011. Québec, 2012, 2012
We propose a thesis within the framework of this 11 th International Conference of the Graduate S... more We propose a thesis within the framework of this 11 th International Conference of the Graduate Student Association of the History Department of Université Laval from the fields of ancient history, environmental history and the protection of historical and archaeological heritage of water management in the Roman province of " Hispania Baetica ". The main purpose of this paper is the exposure of our research into water management and the interactions between society and the environment in the Roman Empire, specifically in the Roman province of Andalusia (Spain). Moreover, we intend to present a methodological proposal that combines historical, archaeological and geographical data from the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, as a method of remote exploration of ancient aqueducts. Research on historic aqueducts faces specific problems because of certain characteristics inherent in their morphology. This adds to the difficulty of implementing protection measures and also for their preservation by government. In this paper, we will present the principles of our doctoral research by de ning the problem, establishing the objectives and stating our methodology. Subsequently, within the scope of our research, we would like to apply our methodology to the existing knowledge and boundaries of one of the most important elements of hydraulic heritage, namely aqueducts. Ancient aqueducts, due to their morphology and structural characteristics, present di culties in de ning them precisely, with the consequent problems around establishing a protection and conversation regime by government agencies. To overcome this issue of de nition, we propose to use a remote sensing technique to gather the complete shape of aqueducts through the use of GIS methodologies. To validate this approach, we applied this technique to a real case, namely a stretch of the Roman aqueduct in Cadiz; we therefore present the initial results of this methodology for scrutiny. ese preliminary results are given in this paper to reveal the problems we encountered.
Spal 29.1, 2020
Lacipo es una ciudad romana de modestas dimen-siones que se extiende sobre un cerro que controla ... more Lacipo es una ciudad romana de modestas dimen-siones que se extiende sobre un cerro que controla el valle del río Genal-Guadiaro, próximo al litoral mediterráneo, en la provincia Baetica. Entre los restos arqueológicos que se conservan, destaca un conjunto de estructuras hidráulicas di-seminadas por el propio cerro y por el territorio circundante. El examen detallado de estas construcciones permite conocer los métodos de gestión del agua empleados en este centro ur-bano, reconstruyendo el sistema de abastecimiento de aguas desde su captación, conducción, distribución, almacenaje y sus posteriores usos. Este análisis demuestra cómo el agua era un recurso necesario y valioso para la ciudad, y que para garantizar su abundancia los habitantes de Lacipo no dudaron en captar manantiales de calidad en las proximidades y con-ducirlos diversos kilómetros para poder desarrollar las activi-dades públicas y privadas propias de una civitas romana. Abstract: Lacipo is a small Roman town situated on a hill that overlooks the fluvial valley of Genal-Guadiaro, next to the Mediterranean coast, in the province of Baetica. In amongst the archaeological remains that are conserved on the site, a group of hydraulic structures are particularly notable. They are scattered around the hill and the surrounding countryside. Examination of these constructions has allowed us to study the urban water resources management, through the reconstruction of the water supply system: collecting , carrying, storing, distributing, and the subsequent usage. The analysis shows that water was a necessary and valuable resource for the city in order to guarantee it. The inhabitants of Lacipo did not hesitate to collect quality spring water from the surrounding area and transport it over several kilometres to be able to develop the public and private activities of a Roman civitas. Palabras clave: Baetica, ciclo del agua, hidráulica, cisterna, acueducto, civitas.
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 2020
The LiguSTAR project studies a transformed watery environment, the ancient lacus Ligustinus. The ... more The LiguSTAR project studies a transformed watery environment, the ancient lacus Ligustinus. The Ligustinus was the paleo-estuary of the Baetis flumen, currently named the Guadalquivir River (Southern Spain). At present, it is a radically transformed landscape due to intensive sedimentation and other geomorphological dynamics. Yet the estuary banks were highly populated during the Roman period. Important urban sites controlled the surrounding rural settlements, which were dedicated to farming activities. In addition, the lacus enabled connections with maritime routes for the export of surplus goods. Nowadays this spatial configuration is difficult to reconstruct, especially the settlement patterns related to the villae exploitation system. The LiguSTAR has devised a methodology applicable to the study of the paleo-banks by combining geomorphological, archaeological, and other historical information data with geophysical survey and UAV flight applications. In this paper, we present the state of the art, the hypotheses, the methodology, and the initial fieldwork results from the LiguSTAR Project.
Índice Histórico Español, 2019
This paper provides an historical overview of the interest in Roman hydraulics in Spain. The impr... more This paper provides an historical overview of the interest in Roman hydraulics in Spain. The impressive Roman infrastructures for the collection, distribution, storage, and drainage of water have produced admiration during the successive historical ages. In addition, in some cases these constructions were reused, repaired and reconstructed due to their functionality. After the late modern period, studies on Roman hydraulics focused on the aqueducts. However, since the 1990s, and especially in the 21st century, the historiography has reached a broader scope as a result of increased social attention on the preservation and enhancement of water resources. Consequently, the topics have become numerous, and they are not just focused on constructions and their technical solutions, but also on water management and usages in different spaces. Thus, we analyse the evolution of this historiographic trend in the country, considering it as a relevant contribution to the creation of a common water culture.
Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(... more Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(Col·lecció Instrumenta ; 68) Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índexs Recull d'investigacions realitzades dins el projecte HAR2016-77724-P -RIPARIA 2, La interacción histórica sociedad-medio ambiente: humedales y espacios lacustres de la Bética romana
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 2014
The environmental concept of riparia (Naiman et al. 2005) is applied by historians to human relat... more The environmental concept of riparia (Naiman et al. 2005) is applied by historians to human relationships with floodplains and coastal wetlands in the past and the environmental characteristics of these transitional spaces generate specific socio-natural systems (Hermon and Watelet 2014). Wetlands can be studied from a variety of perspectives, ranging from the occupation and settlement of a territory, its production and tax function, its relationship with possible lines of communication, its perception as part of a marginal landscape, or its importance a cultural, geographical and political boundary (Lagóstena 2014; Castro et al. 2014).
Our research group has undertaken a project that aims to study the territorial articulation of these spaces in the area of the Hispania Ulterior Baetica province. Fuente de Piedra Lagoon is the most important wetland in Andalusia (Spain), and presents historical elements that characterise this entity as an essential structure of a territory that has been susceptible to exploitation in Roman times. The analysis of its settlement and paths of communication, the function of this space as a confinium (municipal boundary) of several civic communities and economic exploitation aimed at the production of salt have allowed us to explore the role of this riparian area in Roman times, the constitution of its social representation and its historical conceptualisation.
Paisajes productivos y redes comerciales en el Imperio Romano / Productive Landscapes and Trade Networks in the Roman Empire., 2019
Models are idealized representations of our assumptions. Here we deal with a Roman agrarian conte... more Models are idealized representations of our assumptions. Here we deal with a Roman agrarian context in a specific delineated geographical area. However, the re-creation of rural settlement is secondary to the analysis of an agrarian formula, which is our principal goal. Focus on this modelling enables us to study the possibilities of the implantation of a Roman vine training system (the uinea iugata), dealing with the ideal self-sufficiency and the limitations in a simulated historical context. The starting point is a ratio given by Columella in order to supply osier-willow and reeds for the iuga in the vineyards, as bindings and cross-rails . Other training systems could be adopted as well as other species, but advantages in productivity and the suitability of raw materials were related to this ratio. The main motivation would come from the viticulture itself as a lucrative activity.
The Punic tradition of vineyard without supports would be opposite to the Italian influence in the training of vines, a cultural difference attested by Varro and Columella . Actually, Columella’s De Re Rustica and our study area are related. Columella was from Gades, a city with a remarkable Punic background but well integrated into the Roman world, as evidenced by its municipality. On the other hand, Italian migration is possibly linked to the promotion of the neighbouring city of Hasta Regia as a Roman colony. Columella’s work compiles data from several previous agronomists, from different periods and provenances. For example, the ratio riparia/uinea was taken from Iulius Aticus’ work. In that sense, it is convenient to research which parts of his general schemes could have been effectively performed in a specific Roman region or other.
On this occasion, we have expanded the geographical framework from preceding issues , from the original 73 archaeological sites to the current 225 sites. The goal is to improve the comparative analysis of Roman sites and zones with new different geographical and civic contexts.
Las cisternas son el principal medio de aprovisionamiento de agua en las ciudades romanas en much... more Las cisternas son el principal medio de aprovisionamiento de agua en las ciudades romanas en muchos casos. La historiografía ha identificado la existencia de un verdadero modelo de gestión del agua que emplea únicamente estas construcciones, o bien que las utiliza en conjunción con otros medios, como el aprovechamiento de aguas subterráneas mediante pozos. Partiendo desde una conceptualización teórica del término latino cisterna, realizamos un recorrido en la identificación de este modelo en casos específicos de Hispania como marco general del estudio, y en la provincia Ulterior Baetica como marco particular.
Water storage cisterns are the main source of water supply in roman cities in many cases. Their existence has been identificated as a water management model which employs these hydraulic infrastructures exclusively, or together with others forms as groundwater extraction by wells. Starting to a theoretical conceptualization of the latin term cisterna, we carry out a review to identify this model in specific cases in Hispania as general spatial framework, and in Hispania Ulterior Baetica province as particular framework.
The adoption, development and evolution of water management systems in roman towns is analysed in... more The adoption, development and evolution of water management systems in roman towns is analysed in the Ulterior Baetica province. The examination of a rich and varied reality is carried out through a series of representative cases of study, which allow us to understand the complexity in the implantation process of water management practices in the city life. In this work, we aims to analyse the relationship between the society and the environment through the management of natural resources, mainly the water, since an integrated perspective, attending of multiple factors that participated in this process: climatic, geographical, cultural, economic, political, and in the field of social representations.
La adopción, desarrollo y evolución de sistemas de gestión del agua en las ciudades romanas es estudiado en el ámbito de la provincia Ulterior Baetica. El examen de la amplia y variada realidad bética se realiza a través de una serie de casos representativos de estudio que permitan considerar la complejidad del proceso de implantación de prácticas de gestión hídrica para el desarrollo de la vida ciudadana. En este trabajo ha sido considerado el análisis de la relación de la sociedad y el medio ambiente a través de la gestión de sus recursos naturales, y concretamente el agua, desde una perspectiva integrada, atendiendo a los múltiples factores que intervienen en este proceso: climáticos, geográficos, culturales, económicos, políticos, y desde el ámbito de las representaciones sociales.
L. Lagóstena (Ed.), Lacus autem idem et stagnus, ubi inmensa aqua convenit. Estudios históricos sobre humedales en la Bética (II) , 2016
The terms lacus and stagnum refer as natural spaces relative to water environment, in particular ... more The terms lacus and stagnum refer as natural spaces relative to water environment, in
particular to wetlands. These concepts, which original and most widespread meaning
has a geographic character, is extended to express artificial elements in a process of
denaturation. We proceed to analyse these terms in the written and epigraphical latin
sources to trace the meanings and to be able to define them in its conception as artificial
forms that in its origin arise to the imitation of nature.
TRAC 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual. Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference., 2015
Riparia as environmental concept is applied to human's relationship with the riverbanks and shore... more Riparia as environmental concept is applied to human's relationship with the riverbanks and shorelines spaces from historic times. The environmental characteristics of these transitional spaces generate a certain socio-natural systems. Wetlands are representative of Riparia, and are subject to different perceptions, ranging from the occupation and settlement of the territory, to their production or tax function, in relation to the possibilities of communication, to their perception as part of the marginal and not ordered landscape, or under the consideration to their importance as cultural, geographical and political boundary limits. Our research group has undertaken a project that aims to study the territorial articulation of these spaces in the area of the Hispania Vlterior Baetica province. Fuente de Piedra Lagoon is the most important wetlands of Andalusia (Spain), and presents historical elements that allow to characterize this entity as an essential structure of the territory that has been susceptible of exploitation in Roman times. The analysis of its settlement, the function of this space as confinium of the civic communities Urgapa and Singilia Barba, the economic exploitation aimed at the production of salt, or the analysis of the communication paths, has allowed us to understand the role of this area in Roman times.
Borau L., Borlenghi A. (Éd.) Aquae ductus. Actualité de la recherche en France et en Espagne, Collection Suppléments Aquitania , 2015
Dans le processus de construction et de consolidation du territoire romain de la province Hispani... more Dans le processus de construction et de consolidation du territoire romain de la province Hispania Ulterior-Baetica, l’introduction de nouveaux systèmes de gestion des ressources naturelles et précisément de l’eau est un aspect historique fondamental qui mérite d’être examiné de façon globale. Ce processus peut être analysé en appliquant le concept de “gestion intégrée” et en tenant compte des rapports et des variables qui interviennent, qu’elles soient environnementales, sociales, économique, juridique, etc. et qui sont le résultat de la mise en pratique de connaissances et de techniques provenant de Rome, mais aussi de particularités provinciales et indigènes. L’abondance des sources relatives à cet aspect historique nous a conduit à appliquer une méthodologie de gestion et de systématisation des données dans un SIG.
Located in the southern province Baetica, Lagoon of La Janda and the old estuary of the Barbate R... more Located in the southern province Baetica, Lagoon of La Janda and the old estuary of the Barbate River are vulnerable environments in which it has been developing a specific interaction with the societies that inhabit it from Prehistory. As precedent, the characteristics of the territory occupation in the
III-I millennium are indicated. Then we analyse the articulation of space in Roman Times, resulting from its inclusion in a complex political-administrative system. The integrated and synchronic riparian space analysis, we provide insights into how is the process of its configuration, their uses and its exploitation, and this perception in Antiquity.
A. García, Jesús García, A. Maximiano, J. Ríos-Garaizar (Eds.) DEBATING SPATIAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Landscape and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology Santander, June 8 th – 9 th , 2012, 2014
From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodolog... more From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodological principles to propose the geographical demarcation of provincial boundaries.
Once the different historical proposals had been mapped, we proposed a buffer as an analysis tool. From the resulting proposal we have developed several study cases relating to the road
network, the citizen territories and the provincial limes. The combination of various historical sources, the historiography and GIS applications proves its worth in the process of rethinking
the provincial boundaries.
Ella Hermon and Anne Watelet (dir.) Riparia, un patrimoine culturel La gestion intégrée des bords de l’eau, 2014
This communication aims at applying the concept of riparia to a precise geographical framework wi... more This communication aims at applying the concept of riparia to a precise geographical framework within the Roman
Empire. The Roman province of Hispania Ulterior-Baetica shows intense land use, some of which is on wetland, more
specifically on paludal and estuarial environments. The interaction between society and environment on marshlands will
be studied based on data from archaeology, literature and environmental studies, using the case study of the lagoon of
La Janda and the estuary of the Barbate River. Located in the south of the province of Baetica (currently Andalusia,
Spain), it reveals a strong relationship with the Strait of Gibraltar. The integrated management of the lagoon will be
analyzed using an economic, communal and cultural point of view.
Cette communication vise à appliquer le concept de riparia à un cadre géographique précis de
l'ensemble de l'Empire romain. La province romaine d’Hispanie Ultérieure-Bétique présente
une intense occupation et certains usages des milieux humides, et plus concrètement des milieux
palustres et d’estuaire. En s'appuyant sur les données archéologiques, littéraires et
environnementales, on tentera de faire un apport à la connaissance de l'interaction sociétéenvironnement
naturel de ces milieux à l'époque romaine à partir de l'étude d'un cas concret, la
l’étage de La Janda et l’Estuaire de la rivière de Barbate, située au sud de la province de Bétique
(Andalousie actuelle, Espagne) et qui présente une fort rapport avec le Détroit de Gibraltar. On
réalisera aussi l'analyse de la gestion intégrée de ce milieu depuis une approche économique,
communautaire et culturelle.
López-Geta, J. A. et al. (eds.) El Agua en Andalucía. Retos y avances en el inicio del milenio, Tomo I, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Serie Hidrogeologías y aguas subterráneas 30, Madrid, 2012, pp. 647-656.
Tecnologías de información geográfica y análisis arqueológico del territorio. Actas del V Simposio Internacional de Arqueología de Mérida. Anejos Archivo Español de Arqueología, Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida. CSIC. Junta de Extremadura. Consorcio de Mérida. Mérida, 2011., 2011
Conroy, J.-F. et al.(dirs.) Actes du XI Colloque International Étudiant du Département d’histoire de l’Université Laval. 1-3 février 2011. Québec, 2012, 2012
We propose a thesis within the framework of this 11 th International Conference of the Graduate S... more We propose a thesis within the framework of this 11 th International Conference of the Graduate Student Association of the History Department of Université Laval from the fields of ancient history, environmental history and the protection of historical and archaeological heritage of water management in the Roman province of " Hispania Baetica ". The main purpose of this paper is the exposure of our research into water management and the interactions between society and the environment in the Roman Empire, specifically in the Roman province of Andalusia (Spain). Moreover, we intend to present a methodological proposal that combines historical, archaeological and geographical data from the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, as a method of remote exploration of ancient aqueducts. Research on historic aqueducts faces specific problems because of certain characteristics inherent in their morphology. This adds to the difficulty of implementing protection measures and also for their preservation by government. In this paper, we will present the principles of our doctoral research by de ning the problem, establishing the objectives and stating our methodology. Subsequently, within the scope of our research, we would like to apply our methodology to the existing knowledge and boundaries of one of the most important elements of hydraulic heritage, namely aqueducts. Ancient aqueducts, due to their morphology and structural characteristics, present di culties in de ning them precisely, with the consequent problems around establishing a protection and conversation regime by government agencies. To overcome this issue of de nition, we propose to use a remote sensing technique to gather the complete shape of aqueducts through the use of GIS methodologies. To validate this approach, we applied this technique to a real case, namely a stretch of the Roman aqueduct in Cadiz; we therefore present the initial results of this methodology for scrutiny. ese preliminary results are given in this paper to reveal the problems we encountered.
Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2019
coord.), Caura. Arqueología en el estuario del Guadalquivir, Spal Monografías Arqueología XXVI, E... more coord.), Caura. Arqueología en el estuario del Guadalquivir, Spal Monografías Arqueología XXVI, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla 2018, 461 pp. ISBN 978-84-472-1949 Caura es el nombre latino de la actual Coria del Río (Sevilla). El dominio del paleoestuario del Betis justifica su original posición estratégica desde la Edad del Cobre sobre un cabezo del Aljarafe a orillas del Guadalquivir. A partir de este momento comienza a desarrollarse como núcleo urbano durante distintas fases cronológicas y culturales, perviviendo hasta a la actualidad.
PRADOS MARTÍNEZ, Fernando; JIMÉNEZ VIALÁS, Helena (eds.). La muerte en Baelo Claudia. Necrópolis ... more PRADOS MARTÍNEZ, Fernando; JIMÉNEZ VIALÁS, Helena (eds.). La muerte en Baelo Claudia. Necrópolis y ritual en el confín del Imperio. Prólogo, José REMESAL RODRÍGUEZ. Cádiz-Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Publicacions de la Universitat d'Alacant, 2015. Serie Arqueología. Anejo a la revista Lucentum, 21. 223 págs. [21 x 29].
ANDREU PINTADO, Javier (ed.). La ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) entre la his... more ANDREU PINTADO, Javier (ed.). La ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) entre la historia, la arqueología y la historiografía. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2012. Caesaraugusta, 82. 440 págs.
TRAC 2020 SESSION Dark Landscapes: Research Strategies in Remote Sensing and Modelling The Roman ... more TRAC 2020 SESSION Dark Landscapes: Research Strategies in Remote Sensing and Modelling The Roman sites were closely related to their sourrounding areas and resources. The study of the physical structures used for the territorial or urbanistic management and the economic factors that generated the aforementioned interconnections are still a challenge for current research. The resulting issues can be likened to the cases of the dark matter and dark energy in cosmology, as similarly we can barely detect the full evidence and explain the forces beyond the more visible part of the archaeological record. Fortunately, barriers in both spheres of investigation are being removed with the help of new technologies in remote sensing and computational science. We find here a strategical way of better dealing with 'big/messy data' from the archaeological record, within the framework of the Complex systems theory. The study of emerging data properties from a holistic approach offers understanding of the archaeological continuum, as proposed by the 'Empty' Mediterranean Landscape theoretical perspective. The goal of this session is to bring together researchers in both non-invasive survey as well as economic modelling, in order to call attention to the complementarity of their respectives insights. Remote sensing provides evidence of structures (e.g., terraces, roads, pits, channels, etc). Modelling poses relevant questions about the related historical processes (e.g., exploitation of resources, distribution of sites, transport networks, etc.). The combination of both perspectives are expected to ease the selection of study zones and concentrate the focus on finding specific types of structures to test hypotheses and theories on Roman settlement patterns., 2016
This research focuses on the analysis of water management in the cities of Roman province Hispani... more This research focuses on the analysis of water management in the cities of Roman province Hispania Ulterior Baetica, through a representative selection of case studies. The time frame is established from the early contact of Romans with this territory in 218 BC, to the eminent transformation of the Roman Empire in 212 AD. Our main objective is to study the interaction between society and environment, through the management of their natural resources. We will apply the modern concept of integrated water management, from a holistic approach that will allow us to understand the management practices from economic, political, administrative and legal dimensions so as the expression of their social representations.
The thesis is divided into three chapters, which from general to particular support the final interpretation. First, we will analyse the post-classical perception of water management and use in Roman times. We recognize the first interests that have led to identify the aqueducts as the first subject of study. In the consolidation of the historiography of water in the Roman period, research lines are diversified towards treating different aspects involved in water management practices.
Research attends diverse sources, generating reliable models of water management in the Roman Empire, define the different realities in provincial cities thoughout the Mediterranean. These models serve to define the cases studies in the Baetica province.
In the second chapter, we aim to identify a common culture of water in the Roman times by exploring ancient literary and epigraphic sources. We will examine Latin and Greek hydraulic terms. Due to current indeterminacy of the vocabulary employed to designate certain hydraulic infrastructures, which integrate models of water management in Ancient times, we will define them for their proper application in the subsequent examination of Betic cases.
Finally, in the last and main chapter we analyse the integrated water management in Baetica through a selection of cities, which represent the province. These cities are inserted in diverse environments: Baetis riverside, meadows, countryside, valleys, coast, presierra or sierra, all of them with different climates. Additionally, they represent various civic statuses and a different degree of population and cultural integration in the province as well as in the imperial administrative structure. Each city has a strategic, economic and territorial role in the province: administrative capital, pathway node, river or maritime port, control of the mining, oil, and fish saltery production, etc. The method used in this analysis attempts to be as uniform as possible. First, we will examine the natural environment, the historical and historiographical context, continuing with the description of sources that testify water management practices -placed in their urban and rural territorium- to conclud an interpretive analysis of urban water cycle. The last objective we aim to achieve is the resolution of the formulated hypothesis: When did the cities of Hispania Ulterior Baetica take on roman water management practices? Did these practices correspond with a common roman culture of water? How did the previous cultural heritage -oriental and Greek- take part in this management? We argue to determine if the adoption of a roman water management system in Baetica was a uniform process, or that it depended on the degree of urban community integration in the provincial and imperial ensemble. We attempt to understand who was the promoter, what were their interest and until when these practices developed. The answer to these questions enables us to inscribe a general reflexion about the relationship between the centre and the peripheries, in regards to the management of a common and necessary resource, water.
Water is a resource of vital importance for humans, requiring efficient management and planning s... more Water is a resource of vital importance for humans, requiring efficient management and planning strategies for its use and control. Therefore, in Antiquity, hydraulic constructions were built to collect water from various sources (groundwater, rainwater or surface water) or to divert its flow. Likewise, although aqueducts, particularly in Roman times, allowed a greater supply in terms of water quality and quantity, it did not eliminate the practice of water catchment, which continued to be employed for a complementary use or with a storage strategy (to accumulate surplus or to avoid water shortages). We are referring to wells, cisterns, reservoirs, water channelling. These archaeological structures survived over time and were frequently reused, making certain dating difficult. In some cases, the typology of these structures is the result of the cultural influences of each community and its adaptation to the natural environment, otherwise a choice influenced by water law.
In this session we emphasize the importance of hydraulic infrastructures in the ancient world, with a particular focus on Europe and the Mediterranean region from Iron Age to Late Antiquity, both as exclusive or complementary means of water supply for human settlements, and also as a method of draining and evacuating water. Papers can present topographic, structural or volumetric analyses of these facilities, as well as their hydrogeological and environmental contextualisation. Contributions addressing methodological aspects focused on the research and archaeological record of these structures are also welcome, including remote sensing techniques for their detection, and GIS analysis. We also accept studies related to the historical background of these hydraulic constructions and their relationship to the cultural evolution of the ancient communities, as well as their role in water planning strategies.
Extended deadline: Sunday 23 rd February 6th Landscape Archaeology Conference. LAC 2020. SESSION ... more Extended deadline: Sunday 23 rd February 6th Landscape Archaeology Conference. LAC 2020. SESSION 18: Data, Assumptions, and Demonstrations. A Dialogue between 3D-GIS, Modelling and Remote Sensing in Strategic Landscape Research. Territorial studies have traditionally focused on archaeological sites and their immediate surroundings. However, other archaeological approaches consider the historical landscape as a continuum, including spaces between sites, known as "Empty Spaces". This perspective is essential in understanding how the archaeological record reveals the landscape complexity in the social, economic and environmental context. This context involves field systems, communication and trade networks, and artisanal agricultural foci, in addition to domestic and civic settlements. The increase of spatial scales is a challenge for researchers because they have to confront with a large amount of data from more dispersed and less defined archaeological evidences. Currently, technological advances and an entirely new range of data sources have created unprecedented opportunities. The newest computational sciences and remote sensing techniques enable the integration of information across progressively larger areas of open landscapes. However, the management of these technologies and data, necessitates highly qualified and time-consuming work from the investigators. Consequently, the available time to formulate hypotheses and design research strategies is reduced. The combination of new techniques to implement research strategies is proposed here as a methodological approach to carry out archaeological landscape studies. A dialogue between 3D-GIS, modelling, and remote sensing is initiated in this session in order to design research strategies. Firstly, we will discuss the management of geographical and archaeological databases, and their visualization through 3D-GIS. Secondly, we propose modelling as a technique to predict settlement patterns and to test the logic of our assumptions. Finally, the remote sensing at the large scale is an optimal approach to investigate the space as a whole, or to demonstrate or refute our hypotheses by surveying selected zones.
Session. Data, Assumptions, and Demonstrations. A Dialogue between 3D-GIS, Modelling and Remote S... more Session. Data, Assumptions, and Demonstrations. A Dialogue between 3D-GIS, Modelling and Remote Sensing in Strategic Landscape Research.
This call for paper closes February 14th 2020