Martin Biersack | Universidad de Granada (original) (raw)
Papers on Spanish America/Migration History by Martin Biersack
Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, 2024
Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, ed. with Martin... more Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, ed. with Martin Biersack and Klemens Kaps (Vienna, Mandelbaum 2024), Expansion, Interaktion, Akkulturation – Globalhistorische Skizzen 43. Open Access: (ISBN: 9783991360292). //
Spanien betrachtete seine überseeischen Territorien und Küsten als exklusiven Besitz, den es vor dem Einfluss seiner maritimen Konkurrenten Portugal, Frankreich, den Niederlanden und England abzuschirmen galt. Diese Exklusivität betraf im Wesentlichen den Handel (›Amerikamonopol‹) und die Migration (nur Kastilier), aber auch die Religion (nur Katholizismus) und den Wissenstransfer (Zensur). Diesem Ausschließlichkeitsanspruch stand eine Praxis transimperialer Verflechtung gegenüber, die die Wirksamkeit der Monopole unterlief. So gelangten unerlaubte Waren, ausländische und andersgläubige Kaufleute und Siedler ebenso nach Hispanoamerika und auf die Philippinen wie systemkritische Bücher und Ideen. Der Sammelband untersucht die Funktionsweise des spanischen ›Monopols‹, ausgehend von der Wechselwirkung zwischen normativen Vorstellungen und den Praktiken der betroffenen Akteure. Damit bietet er einerseits einen thematischen Überblick und andererseits einen durch das aktuelle Interesse an Globalgeschichte geschärften Blick auf das weltweit erste globale Handelssystem.
Historia Mexicana, 73 (3), 2024
Testimonio del expediente, fols. 3v.-7v. 3 Testimonio del expediente, fol. 3r.
Frankfurt/M.: Campus Verlag (=Historische Studien, Vol. 82), 2023
The explicit ban on foreigners to travel or settle in America was distinctive of the Spanish colo... more The explicit ban on foreigners to travel or settle in America was distinctive of the Spanish colonial rule. Nevertheless, many immigrants of non-Spanish origin lived there. The ambiguity between an exclusive norm and an integrative reality is all but unsurprising in the early modern period. However, I provide a much more surprising interpretation: a legal system that considered the exclusion of non-Spanish immigrants as essential, yet at the same time offered legal protection to the immigrants. Thus, rather than preventing immigration, the colonial legal system ultimately fostered the integration of foreign immigrants into the colonial society. The toleration and integration of the foreigners was made possible by a legal framework that channelled conflicts around the question of belonging into a limbo without necessarily resolving them. An indefinite nationality and an unclear right to stay were common, whereas the legal definition of subjecthood and the right to stay were an exception. Through ambiguity and vagueness, it was possible for the colonial rule to integrate conflicting normative concepts, like inclusion and exclusion or toleration and expulsion, and manipulate them according to a concrete situation.
Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina, nº 15, 2015.
El obje tivo del presente artículo es estudiar a los franceses en el Virreinato el ... more El obje
tivo del presente artículo es estudiar a los franceses en el Virreinato el Río de la Plata desde la óptica de las autoridades coloniales. Se analiza la documentación del gobierno superior, del Cabildo y de la
justicia para deducir quiénes eran y cómo fueron vistos y tratados los franceses por los vecinos y por las instituciones coloniales. Hasta al comienzo de la Revolución Francesa la imagen de aquellos era sobre todo, positiva y casi no se conservan en el archivo colonial registros
sobre conflictos causados por este grupo en el virreinato. Con la Revolución, no obstante, los franceses se convirtieron en sospechosos y fueron objetivo de medidas de vigilancia, castigo y expulsión.
Viaggiatori. Circolazioni, scambi ed esilio, 2017
The present article reconstructs the utilitarian approach to migration by the Spanish colonial ru... more The present article reconstructs the utilitarian approach to migration by the Spanish colonial rule during the Bourbon period from 1700 to 1808. It analyses debates about the usefulness of foreigners, how their utility was examined, competence conflicts, and finally, which other criteria intervened in the toleration of useful foreigners. The question of their admission was a complex negotiation between many actors which aimed to conduct migration towards their own interests. The article is based mainly on original and unpublished sources from archives in Spanish America (Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sucre, Havana, Santa Fe and Córdoba in Argentina), Archivo de Indias in Seville and the Spanish National Archive in Madrid.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Latin American History, 2022
The Laws of the Indies forbade non-Spaniards from settling in the Spanish territories of America.... more The Laws of the Indies forbade non-Spaniards from settling in the Spanish territories of America. Nevertheless, foreign immigration to the provinces of the Río de la Plata, with its capital, Buenos Aires, was frequent and fostered by trans-imperial trade relations. Owing to the proximity of Brazil, the Portuguese were the most numerous foreign migrant group during the whole colonial period, although migrants from other European nations also came to the Río de la Plata. In the mid-17th century, there was a small Dutch presence. British, French, and particularly Italian immigration increased particularly during the 18th century.
Until the appointment of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata in 1776, the Cabildo of Buenos Aires largely controlled the migration regime in Buenos Aires. Its position toward foreign presence was one of tolerance. However, when merchants with monopolist interests gained control of the Cabildo during the second half of the 18th century, the Cabildo urged the governors and viceroys to expel foreigners and reduce trade with them. Montevideo, where merchants of Portuguese origin were more influential than in Buenos Aires, remained more tolerant toward foreigners until the end of the colonial period.
After the North American and French revolutions, foreigners—especially the French—were suspected of being supporters of republican ideas or independence, and their residence was seen as a problem in terms of security. The perception of foreigners as a security threat had a deep impact on the colonial migration regime because foreigners were being surveilled and expelled to Spain. In the last decade of colonial rule in Buenos Aires, the conflict between monopolist merchants in the Cabildo and landholders (hacendados), who favored free trade with foreigners, put the colonial order under pressure. The Spanish government was unable to resolve this conflict, and hence the question of free trade undermined viceregal power and ultimately led to its final removal.
Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, 3, 2023
›Foreigner‹ is a relational, not an essentialist category. In any specific context, a person is c... more ›Foreigner‹ is a relational, not an essentialist category. In any specific context,
a person is categorized as a foreigner to indicate their nonbelonging. The
category of foreigner (extranjero) was of particular importance in colonial
Hispano‐America because the laws prohibited extranjeros from residing there. Nevertheless, there were many migrants of non‐Hispanic origin living in
Hispano‐America. Tension between the de facto tolerance and the de jure exclusion resulted in numerous conflicts around those people whose residence as foreigners was questioned. However, it was difficult for the colonial authorities to determine who should be treated as a foreigner and who as a Spaniard. This article analyses both the practices of the colonial administration when identifying people’s national belonging and the strategies of the non‐Spanish migrants in avoiding being discriminated against and categorized as extranjero. For this, the starting point is to determine those situations in which the category extranjero was activated so that a personʹs national belonging became relevant.
Parallelgesellschaften: Instrumentalisierungen und Inszenierungen in Politik, Kultur und Literatur. Romanische Studien, Beiheft 8. Eds. Martin Biersack, Teresa Hiergeist, and Benjamin Loy. München 2019.
Eine Reflexion über parallele Sozialitäten¹ und deren Repräsentationsformen, die insbesondere den... more Eine Reflexion über parallele Sozialitäten¹ und deren Repräsentationsformen, die insbesondere den gleichermaßen prominenten wie problematischen Begriff der ‚Parallelgesellschaft'² umfasst, kommt ohne einige grundlegende Überlegungen zu Formen der Vergemeinschaftung und ihren Dynamiken in historischen wie gegenwärtigen politischen Kontexten nicht aus. Zwei Traditionen haben ideengeschichtlich die Vorstellungen von den Ursachen humaner Gemeinschaftsbildung grundlegend geprägt: Der aristotelischen Auffassung vom Menschen als zoon politikón im Sinne eines genuin "gemeinschaftsbildenden" Wesens³, wie sie von so unterschiedlichen ¹ Deren literatur-und kulturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchung in breiterem Umfang widmet sich seit Anfang 2018 auch das DFG-Netzwerk ‚Paragesellschaften: parallele und alternative Sozialformationen in den Gegenwartsliteraturen und -kulturen', ² Der Begriff ‚Parallelgesellschaft' taucht in Deutschland in den 90er Jahren erstmals auf, wo ihn Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Joachim Müller und Helmut Schröder im Rahmen einer Studie zu türkischen Jugendlichen verwenden. Darin verweisen sie auf die Möglichkeit einer gefährlichen Entwicklung, "wenn eine weitgehend enttraditionalisierte, säkularisierte und funktional differenzierte Mehrheitsgesellschaft in Konfrontation mit retraditionalisierten, religiöspolitisch ausgerichteten Teilgruppen einer sich entwickelnden Parallelgesellschaft von Minderheiten geriete", Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Joachim Müller und Helmut Schröder, Verlockender Fundamentalismus: türkische Jugendliche in Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1997), 192. Der Gestus der Studie neigt zwar einerseits zu einer (Über-)Betonung kultureller Differenz, nimmt dabei aber zugleich einige Problemstellungen vorweg, deren Ausprägungen in den vergangenen Jahren zweifellos eher an Bedeutung gewonnen als verloren haben. Vgl. zu einer kritischen Lektüre des Textes auch Jan Fuhse: "Parallelgesellschaften, ethnische Gemeinschaften oder migrantische Milieus?", in Die Form des Milieus: zum Verhältnis von gesellschaftlicher Differenzierung und Formen der Vergemeinschaftung, hrsg. von Peter Isenböck, Linda Nell und Joachim Renn (Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2014), 189-204. ³ Vgl. Aristoteles: Politik (Müchen: dtv, 2003).
Revista de la Inquisición: (intolerancia y derechos humanos), 2016
The article reinterprets the decline of the Inquisition of Lima in the context of royalist politi... more The article reinterprets the decline
of the Inquisition of Lima in the context of royalist
politics, including ceremonial acts and questions
of protocol that so far have not been taken into
consideration by scholars in this way. The decline
of the Inquisition in Peru was due to economic
problems and lack of support from the king
and his alter ego, the viceroy, who subsequently
reduced the competencies of the Holy Office.
However, the royal will to diminish the influence
that the Inquisition had on politics and society had
to be imposed. The king and the viceroy could not
reduce the authority of the Holy Office by mere
administrative acts or laws. They had to communicate
this publicly in order to make the devaluation
of the Inquisition known within society. In this
regard, symbolic acts, rumours or even insults
were as crucial as laws or executive decisions
in order to combat the Inquisition and make it
almost disappear.
Colonial Latin American Review, 2016
Due to the crisis caused by the Napoleonic occupation of Spain in 1808 and the general fear of in... more Due to the crisis caused by the Napoleonic occupation of Spain in 1808 and the general fear of independence movements, fostered by French and Portuguese agents, the government of the last viceroy of Buenos Aires, Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, by the end of 1809 decided the expulsion of foreigners from the Viceroyalty of the River Plate. In order to control and expel the foreigners in an efficient way, the government introduced new measures and institutions of surveillance. While so far a foreigner had been accepted as a neighbour (vecino) by integration, and the marriage to a local woman protected from expulsion, this social practice now lost its significance. Instead, the political conduct and notably the foreigner's nation now became crucial to his acceptance. This process can be understood in the wider sense of the Atlantic history framework as an attempt of the Spanish Metropolis to regain control over a region were transimperial networks were very active. This article is based on original documents mainly from the Argentinean National Archive in Buenos Aires and on edited
Revista de Indias, 2016
During eighteenth century, the surveillance of foreigners depended mainly on the cooperation of n... more During eighteenth century, the surveillance of foreigners depended mainly on the cooperation of neighbours by denunciation. This informal vigilance, where the government only acted in case of conflict, was finally replaced by an institutionalized, clandestine, and permanent control. The article is based on documentation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, published and so far unknown sources from the Archivo General de la Nación Argentina. The most relevant sources are royal decrees, edicts and government orders, especially registration of foreigners, and Cabildo proceedings.
RESUMEN: Los comerciantes extranjeros estaban legalmente excluidos del comercio hispano-americano... more RESUMEN: Los comerciantes extranjeros estaban legalmente excluidos del comercio hispano-americano. No obstante, su presencia y actividad fue tolerada largamente por las oligarquías coloniales y por la administración colonial en Indias. El camino predilecto para evitar una posible expulsión fue la integración local vía el matrimonio. En algunos casos los comerciantes casados con españolas pudieron formalizar su integración cuando obtenían una carta de naturaleza. Este artículo presenta con el instrumento jurídico de la apelación otro mecanismo que fue practicado por extranjeros para evitar una orden de expulsión. Se analizan cuatro casos de comerciantes, activos en Chile (Juan Albano Pereira), Lima (Joseph Valois), Habana (Felipe Allwood) y Buenos Aires (Joaquín Dacosta Bastos) que muestran como finalmente las apelaciones fueron controladas por los gobernadores y virreyes. Este instrumento les permitía adaptar las leyes restrictivas para tolerar de facto a aquellos comerciantes cuya presencia por su visibilidad no se podía disimular, y tampoco se podía tolerar de iure porque eran extranjeros y no casados con españolas. // ABSTRACT: Foreign merchants were legally excluded from trade with Spanish America. However, their presence and activity were largely tolerated by the colonial oligarchies and by the colonial administration in the Indies. The best way to avoid the menace of expulsion was the local integration via marriage. In some cases, merchants who married to...
Papers on Humanism in Spain by Martin Biersack
Reformation & Renaissance Review, 2019
This article re-evaluates the role and impact of Italian humanism in Spain, where scholars traine... more This article re-evaluates the role and impact of Italian humanism in Spain, where scholars trained in Italy occupied the most important teaching posts of Latin in universities and schools from the 1470s. As a result, within one or two generations the entire educational system in Spain had been transformed by humanism. By reconstructing what humanism meant for different groups in society, its successes, as well as its limitations, are explained. Latin was important for the academic and governing elites. Additionally, humanism provided them with a cultural code, which – primarily in its aesthetic dimension – enabled them to differentiate themselves from others. However, the humanists’ aspiration to be on a par with nobles and equal in authority to lawyers and theologians was rejected. Noble blood, traditional legal attitudes and religious orthodoxy stood firm against a culture based on classical language and letters. Theologians in particular rejected the humanists’ interest in pagan mythology.
eHumanista, 2009
El reto: los españoles ante la idea de un renacer de la Roma antigua
(= Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania, Bd. 4), 2010
Español La tesis trata de la introducción de la cultura renacentista italiana en la España/Casti... more Español
La tesis trata de la introducción de la cultura renacentista italiana en la España/Castilla de los Reyes Católicos. Se aplica el concepto de la transferencia cultural. Este concepto fue elaborado por franceses y alemanes en los años ochenta del siglo veinte y se aplica desde el año 2000 a la historia medieval y moderna. El enfoque de la tesis es multidisciplinar, utilizando un concepto amplio de lo que es la cultura renacentista, incluyendo la pedagogía, la literatura, teología y arquitectura. Los principales focos analizados son Granada y la Corte real, desde los cuales se estudia la condiciones, transformaciones y resultados de la recepción de la cultura renacentista italiana en España. Se describe los caminos que sirvieron para introducir la cultura renacentista, empezando con el punto de partida en Italia, siguiendo el camino hacia España para concluir en la reconstrucción de como se integró allí.
Los temas tratados son la presencia de la obra de Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola en España, el platonismo renacentista en España, bibliotecas de la nobleza, historia de la educación a finales de la Edad media y principios de la Edad moderna en España con especial atención a los pensamientos pedagógicos y religiosos medievales como condiciones para la recepción del renacimiento italiano, el mecenazgo noble, los Mendoza granadinos, Hernando de Talavera y la pre-reforma española, los humanistas Pedro Mártir de Anglería y Hernán Núñez de Toledo.
The subject of the thesis is the introduction of Italian Renaissance culture in Castilla/Spain during the reign of the Catholic Kings. The method applied is the cultural transfer concept, elaborated by French and German researchers of literature, and applied since around 2000 to Medieval and Early Modern history. The focus of the thesis is cross-disciplinary, using a wide-range concept of Renaissance culture including, pedagogy, literature, theology and architecture. Focusing on the Royal Court and Granada I analyzed the conditions, transformations and results of the reception of Italian Renaissance culture in Spain by describing the path Italian Renaissance culture took, starting from the point of cultural contact between Spaniards and Italians, following the way it transferred to Spain and regarding finally its integration in the Spanish context.
Matters concerned by this research project include the presence of the work and philosophy of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in Spain, Renaissance Platonism in Spain, Spanish noble libraries, education history of late medieval and early modern Spain with special attention to the medieval pedagogic and religious beliefs as conditions for the reception of Italian humanism, noble artistic and intellectual sponsorship, the Mendoza family of Granada, Hernando de Talavera and the pre-reformation of Spain, and the humanists Petrus Martyr Anglerius and Hernán Núñez de Toledo.
Scientia valescit. Zur Institutionalisierung von kulturellem Wissen in romanischem Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, München: Verlag Martin Meidenbauer, 2009, S. 157-170 (=Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania, 2), 2009
Chronica Nova, 2008
El estudio de gramática de Granada es uno de los tempranos ejemplos de una escuela exclusivamente... more El estudio de gramática de Granada es uno de los tempranos ejemplos de una escuela exclusivamente municipal en el reino de Castilla que funcionaba ya desde el año 1508 bajo el control y la dotación de la ciudad. Los estatutos del estudio nos presentan una escuela donde se enseñaba las studia humanitatis, y donde, tanto la lógica como la instrucción religiosa, quedaban relegadas a un segundo lugar. La cátedra fue regentada hasta 1522 por el bachiller Gonzalo Hernández, quien en 1523 tras su destitución, originaría un prolongado pleito contra la ciudad de Granada. Dicho pleito, no solamente nos ofrece una valiosa información acerca del funcionamiento del estudio sino que, además, nos aclara en algo la poco conocida situación de la enseñanza en Granada en el primer cuarto del siglo XVI. Uno de los testigos del pleito, el bachiller Gabriel de Olmeto, podría haber sido profesor tanto de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza como de Fray Luis de Granada. La historia del estudio de gramática termina con su incorporación a la nueva universidad de Granada. Palabras clave: Humanismo, Escuelas de latín, Granada
Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 2014
“… it is all the more dangerous to know them”. The Controversial Reception of Florentine Renaissa... more “… it is all the more dangerous to know them”. The Controversial Reception of Florentine Renaissance Platonism by Spanish Humanists (1486 – c. 1530)
Florentine Renaissance Platonism represented syncretistic, eclectic philosophical thinking, which provided humanists a useful justification for their dedication to pagan philosophy and mythological poetry; furthermore it also challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. So far it is unknown how Florentine Platonism came to Spain and was received by the Spaniards, although it is presumed that it had a strong influence on Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Mystic. Towards the end of the 15th century, works of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola had already been circulated in Spain and were discussed amongst scholars. Humanist teaching at universities and Latin schools provided the environment for the diffusion of these texts. However, the influence of Neo-Platonist thinking did not happen without controversy. At the court of the Catholic Kings, humanists such as Pietro Martire d'Anghiera had to defend their Platonism against orthodox clerics. This controversy was not only about the implementation of mythological writings in the classroom by humanist teachers, but mainly about the authority of theology to interpret religious truth.
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Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2015
Cuadernos de la Alhambra, 2007
El mecenazgo del II Marqués de Mondéjar The Marquis of Mondéjar as a patron Biersack, Martin * Fe... more El mecenazgo del II Marqués de Mondéjar The Marquis of Mondéjar as a patron Biersack, Martin * Fecha de terminación del trabajo: septiembre de 2006. Fecha de aceptación por la revista: septiembre de 2007. BIBLID [0210-962-X(2007); 38; 43-60]
Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, 2024
Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, ed. with Martin... more Das Amerika-Monopol: Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit des spanischen Kolonialhandels, ed. with Martin Biersack and Klemens Kaps (Vienna, Mandelbaum 2024), Expansion, Interaktion, Akkulturation – Globalhistorische Skizzen 43. Open Access: (ISBN: 9783991360292). //
Spanien betrachtete seine überseeischen Territorien und Küsten als exklusiven Besitz, den es vor dem Einfluss seiner maritimen Konkurrenten Portugal, Frankreich, den Niederlanden und England abzuschirmen galt. Diese Exklusivität betraf im Wesentlichen den Handel (›Amerikamonopol‹) und die Migration (nur Kastilier), aber auch die Religion (nur Katholizismus) und den Wissenstransfer (Zensur). Diesem Ausschließlichkeitsanspruch stand eine Praxis transimperialer Verflechtung gegenüber, die die Wirksamkeit der Monopole unterlief. So gelangten unerlaubte Waren, ausländische und andersgläubige Kaufleute und Siedler ebenso nach Hispanoamerika und auf die Philippinen wie systemkritische Bücher und Ideen. Der Sammelband untersucht die Funktionsweise des spanischen ›Monopols‹, ausgehend von der Wechselwirkung zwischen normativen Vorstellungen und den Praktiken der betroffenen Akteure. Damit bietet er einerseits einen thematischen Überblick und andererseits einen durch das aktuelle Interesse an Globalgeschichte geschärften Blick auf das weltweit erste globale Handelssystem.
Historia Mexicana, 73 (3), 2024
Testimonio del expediente, fols. 3v.-7v. 3 Testimonio del expediente, fol. 3r.
Frankfurt/M.: Campus Verlag (=Historische Studien, Vol. 82), 2023
The explicit ban on foreigners to travel or settle in America was distinctive of the Spanish colo... more The explicit ban on foreigners to travel or settle in America was distinctive of the Spanish colonial rule. Nevertheless, many immigrants of non-Spanish origin lived there. The ambiguity between an exclusive norm and an integrative reality is all but unsurprising in the early modern period. However, I provide a much more surprising interpretation: a legal system that considered the exclusion of non-Spanish immigrants as essential, yet at the same time offered legal protection to the immigrants. Thus, rather than preventing immigration, the colonial legal system ultimately fostered the integration of foreign immigrants into the colonial society. The toleration and integration of the foreigners was made possible by a legal framework that channelled conflicts around the question of belonging into a limbo without necessarily resolving them. An indefinite nationality and an unclear right to stay were common, whereas the legal definition of subjecthood and the right to stay were an exception. Through ambiguity and vagueness, it was possible for the colonial rule to integrate conflicting normative concepts, like inclusion and exclusion or toleration and expulsion, and manipulate them according to a concrete situation.
Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina, nº 15, 2015.
El obje tivo del presente artículo es estudiar a los franceses en el Virreinato el ... more El obje
tivo del presente artículo es estudiar a los franceses en el Virreinato el Río de la Plata desde la óptica de las autoridades coloniales. Se analiza la documentación del gobierno superior, del Cabildo y de la
justicia para deducir quiénes eran y cómo fueron vistos y tratados los franceses por los vecinos y por las instituciones coloniales. Hasta al comienzo de la Revolución Francesa la imagen de aquellos era sobre todo, positiva y casi no se conservan en el archivo colonial registros
sobre conflictos causados por este grupo en el virreinato. Con la Revolución, no obstante, los franceses se convirtieron en sospechosos y fueron objetivo de medidas de vigilancia, castigo y expulsión.
Viaggiatori. Circolazioni, scambi ed esilio, 2017
The present article reconstructs the utilitarian approach to migration by the Spanish colonial ru... more The present article reconstructs the utilitarian approach to migration by the Spanish colonial rule during the Bourbon period from 1700 to 1808. It analyses debates about the usefulness of foreigners, how their utility was examined, competence conflicts, and finally, which other criteria intervened in the toleration of useful foreigners. The question of their admission was a complex negotiation between many actors which aimed to conduct migration towards their own interests. The article is based mainly on original and unpublished sources from archives in Spanish America (Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sucre, Havana, Santa Fe and Córdoba in Argentina), Archivo de Indias in Seville and the Spanish National Archive in Madrid.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Latin American History, 2022
The Laws of the Indies forbade non-Spaniards from settling in the Spanish territories of America.... more The Laws of the Indies forbade non-Spaniards from settling in the Spanish territories of America. Nevertheless, foreign immigration to the provinces of the Río de la Plata, with its capital, Buenos Aires, was frequent and fostered by trans-imperial trade relations. Owing to the proximity of Brazil, the Portuguese were the most numerous foreign migrant group during the whole colonial period, although migrants from other European nations also came to the Río de la Plata. In the mid-17th century, there was a small Dutch presence. British, French, and particularly Italian immigration increased particularly during the 18th century.
Until the appointment of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata in 1776, the Cabildo of Buenos Aires largely controlled the migration regime in Buenos Aires. Its position toward foreign presence was one of tolerance. However, when merchants with monopolist interests gained control of the Cabildo during the second half of the 18th century, the Cabildo urged the governors and viceroys to expel foreigners and reduce trade with them. Montevideo, where merchants of Portuguese origin were more influential than in Buenos Aires, remained more tolerant toward foreigners until the end of the colonial period.
After the North American and French revolutions, foreigners—especially the French—were suspected of being supporters of republican ideas or independence, and their residence was seen as a problem in terms of security. The perception of foreigners as a security threat had a deep impact on the colonial migration regime because foreigners were being surveilled and expelled to Spain. In the last decade of colonial rule in Buenos Aires, the conflict between monopolist merchants in the Cabildo and landholders (hacendados), who favored free trade with foreigners, put the colonial order under pressure. The Spanish government was unable to resolve this conflict, and hence the question of free trade undermined viceregal power and ultimately led to its final removal.
Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, 3, 2023
›Foreigner‹ is a relational, not an essentialist category. In any specific context, a person is c... more ›Foreigner‹ is a relational, not an essentialist category. In any specific context,
a person is categorized as a foreigner to indicate their nonbelonging. The
category of foreigner (extranjero) was of particular importance in colonial
Hispano‐America because the laws prohibited extranjeros from residing there. Nevertheless, there were many migrants of non‐Hispanic origin living in
Hispano‐America. Tension between the de facto tolerance and the de jure exclusion resulted in numerous conflicts around those people whose residence as foreigners was questioned. However, it was difficult for the colonial authorities to determine who should be treated as a foreigner and who as a Spaniard. This article analyses both the practices of the colonial administration when identifying people’s national belonging and the strategies of the non‐Spanish migrants in avoiding being discriminated against and categorized as extranjero. For this, the starting point is to determine those situations in which the category extranjero was activated so that a personʹs national belonging became relevant.
Parallelgesellschaften: Instrumentalisierungen und Inszenierungen in Politik, Kultur und Literatur. Romanische Studien, Beiheft 8. Eds. Martin Biersack, Teresa Hiergeist, and Benjamin Loy. München 2019.
Eine Reflexion über parallele Sozialitäten¹ und deren Repräsentationsformen, die insbesondere den... more Eine Reflexion über parallele Sozialitäten¹ und deren Repräsentationsformen, die insbesondere den gleichermaßen prominenten wie problematischen Begriff der ‚Parallelgesellschaft'² umfasst, kommt ohne einige grundlegende Überlegungen zu Formen der Vergemeinschaftung und ihren Dynamiken in historischen wie gegenwärtigen politischen Kontexten nicht aus. Zwei Traditionen haben ideengeschichtlich die Vorstellungen von den Ursachen humaner Gemeinschaftsbildung grundlegend geprägt: Der aristotelischen Auffassung vom Menschen als zoon politikón im Sinne eines genuin "gemeinschaftsbildenden" Wesens³, wie sie von so unterschiedlichen ¹ Deren literatur-und kulturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchung in breiterem Umfang widmet sich seit Anfang 2018 auch das DFG-Netzwerk ‚Paragesellschaften: parallele und alternative Sozialformationen in den Gegenwartsliteraturen und -kulturen', ² Der Begriff ‚Parallelgesellschaft' taucht in Deutschland in den 90er Jahren erstmals auf, wo ihn Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Joachim Müller und Helmut Schröder im Rahmen einer Studie zu türkischen Jugendlichen verwenden. Darin verweisen sie auf die Möglichkeit einer gefährlichen Entwicklung, "wenn eine weitgehend enttraditionalisierte, säkularisierte und funktional differenzierte Mehrheitsgesellschaft in Konfrontation mit retraditionalisierten, religiöspolitisch ausgerichteten Teilgruppen einer sich entwickelnden Parallelgesellschaft von Minderheiten geriete", Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Joachim Müller und Helmut Schröder, Verlockender Fundamentalismus: türkische Jugendliche in Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1997), 192. Der Gestus der Studie neigt zwar einerseits zu einer (Über-)Betonung kultureller Differenz, nimmt dabei aber zugleich einige Problemstellungen vorweg, deren Ausprägungen in den vergangenen Jahren zweifellos eher an Bedeutung gewonnen als verloren haben. Vgl. zu einer kritischen Lektüre des Textes auch Jan Fuhse: "Parallelgesellschaften, ethnische Gemeinschaften oder migrantische Milieus?", in Die Form des Milieus: zum Verhältnis von gesellschaftlicher Differenzierung und Formen der Vergemeinschaftung, hrsg. von Peter Isenböck, Linda Nell und Joachim Renn (Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2014), 189-204. ³ Vgl. Aristoteles: Politik (Müchen: dtv, 2003).
Revista de la Inquisición: (intolerancia y derechos humanos), 2016
The article reinterprets the decline of the Inquisition of Lima in the context of royalist politi... more The article reinterprets the decline
of the Inquisition of Lima in the context of royalist
politics, including ceremonial acts and questions
of protocol that so far have not been taken into
consideration by scholars in this way. The decline
of the Inquisition in Peru was due to economic
problems and lack of support from the king
and his alter ego, the viceroy, who subsequently
reduced the competencies of the Holy Office.
However, the royal will to diminish the influence
that the Inquisition had on politics and society had
to be imposed. The king and the viceroy could not
reduce the authority of the Holy Office by mere
administrative acts or laws. They had to communicate
this publicly in order to make the devaluation
of the Inquisition known within society. In this
regard, symbolic acts, rumours or even insults
were as crucial as laws or executive decisions
in order to combat the Inquisition and make it
almost disappear.
Colonial Latin American Review, 2016
Due to the crisis caused by the Napoleonic occupation of Spain in 1808 and the general fear of in... more Due to the crisis caused by the Napoleonic occupation of Spain in 1808 and the general fear of independence movements, fostered by French and Portuguese agents, the government of the last viceroy of Buenos Aires, Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, by the end of 1809 decided the expulsion of foreigners from the Viceroyalty of the River Plate. In order to control and expel the foreigners in an efficient way, the government introduced new measures and institutions of surveillance. While so far a foreigner had been accepted as a neighbour (vecino) by integration, and the marriage to a local woman protected from expulsion, this social practice now lost its significance. Instead, the political conduct and notably the foreigner's nation now became crucial to his acceptance. This process can be understood in the wider sense of the Atlantic history framework as an attempt of the Spanish Metropolis to regain control over a region were transimperial networks were very active. This article is based on original documents mainly from the Argentinean National Archive in Buenos Aires and on edited
Revista de Indias, 2016
During eighteenth century, the surveillance of foreigners depended mainly on the cooperation of n... more During eighteenth century, the surveillance of foreigners depended mainly on the cooperation of neighbours by denunciation. This informal vigilance, where the government only acted in case of conflict, was finally replaced by an institutionalized, clandestine, and permanent control. The article is based on documentation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, published and so far unknown sources from the Archivo General de la Nación Argentina. The most relevant sources are royal decrees, edicts and government orders, especially registration of foreigners, and Cabildo proceedings.
RESUMEN: Los comerciantes extranjeros estaban legalmente excluidos del comercio hispano-americano... more RESUMEN: Los comerciantes extranjeros estaban legalmente excluidos del comercio hispano-americano. No obstante, su presencia y actividad fue tolerada largamente por las oligarquías coloniales y por la administración colonial en Indias. El camino predilecto para evitar una posible expulsión fue la integración local vía el matrimonio. En algunos casos los comerciantes casados con españolas pudieron formalizar su integración cuando obtenían una carta de naturaleza. Este artículo presenta con el instrumento jurídico de la apelación otro mecanismo que fue practicado por extranjeros para evitar una orden de expulsión. Se analizan cuatro casos de comerciantes, activos en Chile (Juan Albano Pereira), Lima (Joseph Valois), Habana (Felipe Allwood) y Buenos Aires (Joaquín Dacosta Bastos) que muestran como finalmente las apelaciones fueron controladas por los gobernadores y virreyes. Este instrumento les permitía adaptar las leyes restrictivas para tolerar de facto a aquellos comerciantes cuya presencia por su visibilidad no se podía disimular, y tampoco se podía tolerar de iure porque eran extranjeros y no casados con españolas. // ABSTRACT: Foreign merchants were legally excluded from trade with Spanish America. However, their presence and activity were largely tolerated by the colonial oligarchies and by the colonial administration in the Indies. The best way to avoid the menace of expulsion was the local integration via marriage. In some cases, merchants who married to...
Reformation & Renaissance Review, 2019
This article re-evaluates the role and impact of Italian humanism in Spain, where scholars traine... more This article re-evaluates the role and impact of Italian humanism in Spain, where scholars trained in Italy occupied the most important teaching posts of Latin in universities and schools from the 1470s. As a result, within one or two generations the entire educational system in Spain had been transformed by humanism. By reconstructing what humanism meant for different groups in society, its successes, as well as its limitations, are explained. Latin was important for the academic and governing elites. Additionally, humanism provided them with a cultural code, which – primarily in its aesthetic dimension – enabled them to differentiate themselves from others. However, the humanists’ aspiration to be on a par with nobles and equal in authority to lawyers and theologians was rejected. Noble blood, traditional legal attitudes and religious orthodoxy stood firm against a culture based on classical language and letters. Theologians in particular rejected the humanists’ interest in pagan mythology.
eHumanista, 2009
El reto: los españoles ante la idea de un renacer de la Roma antigua
(= Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania, Bd. 4), 2010
Español La tesis trata de la introducción de la cultura renacentista italiana en la España/Casti... more Español
La tesis trata de la introducción de la cultura renacentista italiana en la España/Castilla de los Reyes Católicos. Se aplica el concepto de la transferencia cultural. Este concepto fue elaborado por franceses y alemanes en los años ochenta del siglo veinte y se aplica desde el año 2000 a la historia medieval y moderna. El enfoque de la tesis es multidisciplinar, utilizando un concepto amplio de lo que es la cultura renacentista, incluyendo la pedagogía, la literatura, teología y arquitectura. Los principales focos analizados son Granada y la Corte real, desde los cuales se estudia la condiciones, transformaciones y resultados de la recepción de la cultura renacentista italiana en España. Se describe los caminos que sirvieron para introducir la cultura renacentista, empezando con el punto de partida en Italia, siguiendo el camino hacia España para concluir en la reconstrucción de como se integró allí.
Los temas tratados son la presencia de la obra de Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola en España, el platonismo renacentista en España, bibliotecas de la nobleza, historia de la educación a finales de la Edad media y principios de la Edad moderna en España con especial atención a los pensamientos pedagógicos y religiosos medievales como condiciones para la recepción del renacimiento italiano, el mecenazgo noble, los Mendoza granadinos, Hernando de Talavera y la pre-reforma española, los humanistas Pedro Mártir de Anglería y Hernán Núñez de Toledo.
The subject of the thesis is the introduction of Italian Renaissance culture in Castilla/Spain during the reign of the Catholic Kings. The method applied is the cultural transfer concept, elaborated by French and German researchers of literature, and applied since around 2000 to Medieval and Early Modern history. The focus of the thesis is cross-disciplinary, using a wide-range concept of Renaissance culture including, pedagogy, literature, theology and architecture. Focusing on the Royal Court and Granada I analyzed the conditions, transformations and results of the reception of Italian Renaissance culture in Spain by describing the path Italian Renaissance culture took, starting from the point of cultural contact between Spaniards and Italians, following the way it transferred to Spain and regarding finally its integration in the Spanish context.
Matters concerned by this research project include the presence of the work and philosophy of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in Spain, Renaissance Platonism in Spain, Spanish noble libraries, education history of late medieval and early modern Spain with special attention to the medieval pedagogic and religious beliefs as conditions for the reception of Italian humanism, noble artistic and intellectual sponsorship, the Mendoza family of Granada, Hernando de Talavera and the pre-reformation of Spain, and the humanists Petrus Martyr Anglerius and Hernán Núñez de Toledo.
Scientia valescit. Zur Institutionalisierung von kulturellem Wissen in romanischem Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, München: Verlag Martin Meidenbauer, 2009, S. 157-170 (=Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania, 2), 2009
Chronica Nova, 2008
El estudio de gramática de Granada es uno de los tempranos ejemplos de una escuela exclusivamente... more El estudio de gramática de Granada es uno de los tempranos ejemplos de una escuela exclusivamente municipal en el reino de Castilla que funcionaba ya desde el año 1508 bajo el control y la dotación de la ciudad. Los estatutos del estudio nos presentan una escuela donde se enseñaba las studia humanitatis, y donde, tanto la lógica como la instrucción religiosa, quedaban relegadas a un segundo lugar. La cátedra fue regentada hasta 1522 por el bachiller Gonzalo Hernández, quien en 1523 tras su destitución, originaría un prolongado pleito contra la ciudad de Granada. Dicho pleito, no solamente nos ofrece una valiosa información acerca del funcionamiento del estudio sino que, además, nos aclara en algo la poco conocida situación de la enseñanza en Granada en el primer cuarto del siglo XVI. Uno de los testigos del pleito, el bachiller Gabriel de Olmeto, podría haber sido profesor tanto de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza como de Fray Luis de Granada. La historia del estudio de gramática termina con su incorporación a la nueva universidad de Granada. Palabras clave: Humanismo, Escuelas de latín, Granada
Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 2014
“… it is all the more dangerous to know them”. The Controversial Reception of Florentine Renaissa... more “… it is all the more dangerous to know them”. The Controversial Reception of Florentine Renaissance Platonism by Spanish Humanists (1486 – c. 1530)
Florentine Renaissance Platonism represented syncretistic, eclectic philosophical thinking, which provided humanists a useful justification for their dedication to pagan philosophy and mythological poetry; furthermore it also challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. So far it is unknown how Florentine Platonism came to Spain and was received by the Spaniards, although it is presumed that it had a strong influence on Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Mystic. Towards the end of the 15th century, works of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola had already been circulated in Spain and were discussed amongst scholars. Humanist teaching at universities and Latin schools provided the environment for the diffusion of these texts. However, the influence of Neo-Platonist thinking did not happen without controversy. At the court of the Catholic Kings, humanists such as Pietro Martire d'Anghiera had to defend their Platonism against orthodox clerics. This controversy was not only about the implementation of mythological writings in the classroom by humanist teachers, but mainly about the authority of theology to interpret religious truth.
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Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2015
Cuadernos de la Alhambra, 2007
El mecenazgo del II Marqués de Mondéjar The Marquis of Mondéjar as a patron Biersack, Martin * Fe... more El mecenazgo del II Marqués de Mondéjar The Marquis of Mondéjar as a patron Biersack, Martin * Fecha de terminación del trabajo: septiembre de 2006. Fecha de aceptación por la revista: septiembre de 2007. BIBLID [0210-962-X(2007); 38; 43-60]
Bulletin Hispanique, 2009
Juan Rodríguez de Pisa is the author of «Curia Pisana», the irst treaty dealing with how to run ... more Juan Rodríguez de Pisa is the author of «Curia Pisana», the irst treaty dealing with
how to run Castilian towns. He was also the irst to translate into Spanish one of Pic de
la Mirandole’s texts. his article aims at reconstructing a biography of Juan Rodríguez’s,
at commenting upon the irst reactions to Pic de la Mirandole’s work in Spain, as well as
at presenting an analysis of the translation of the «Duodecim Regulae».
in: Handlungsräume: Facetten politischer Kommunikation in der frühen Neuzeit ; Festschrift für Albrecht P. Luttenberger zum 65. Geburtstag Hederer, Franz • König, Christian • Marth, Katrin Nina • Milz, Christina [ed.]. - München (2011) , pp. 41-56., 2011
eHumanista, 2017
The aim of the following essay is to present the Duke of Frías, Pedro Fernández de... more The aim of the following essay is to present the Duke of Frías, Pedro Fernández de Velasco, as author of this Relación. So far, the Duke is known to be author of two chronicles, one about the history of the Castilian kings and another about the history of his own family. However, Pedro Fernández de Velasco not only was chronicler of long past deeds, he also testified the history of his present time in which he was engaged as a principle actor. But why did a Spanish ristocrat take up the pen to fix his deeds on paper? What did he expect to gain from his chronicle? In order to answer this question, the Relación
is placed in the context of other testimonies of Spanish noblemen contemporary to the Duke of Frías who devoted themselves to historiography, too. A detailed study of the Relación is not offered here, thus this is already given in Ana Díaz Medina’s edition of the text.
In: Handeln und Verhandeln Beiträge zum 22. Forum Junge Romanistik, hg. v. Dagmar Schmelzer; Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf; Johanna Wolf; Antonia Kienberger; Elisabeth Bauer, S. 163-176., 2007
"El comentario al Laberinto de la fortuna de Juan de Mena (1499/1505) y la traducción de la Hist... more "El comentario al Laberinto de la fortuna de Juan de Mena (1499/1505) y la traducción de la
Historia Bohemica de Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1509) por Hernán Núñez de Toledo son dos
obras literarias que se encuentran a medio camino entre el humanismo vernáculo castellano y
el humanismo erudito-filológico: Con la búsqueda de manuscritos para reconstruir un texto
fidedigno, el afán por la realización de una traducción exacta y el comentario filológico y
erudito que trasluce ampliamente sus conocimientos sobre el mundo greco-romano, Hernán
Núñez de Toledo demuestra una gran familiaridad con los preceptos del humanismo italiano.
No obstante, la postura adoptada por Hernán Núñez en ambas obras, denota una actitud hacia
el humanismo que no va a excluir ni a los legados de la escolástica medieval ni a la filosofía
árabe. Influido, probablemente, por Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Hernán Núñez opta por
un humanismo no clasicista sino ecléctico, con una clara preferencia de lo ético frente a lo
Parallelgesellschaften: Instrumentalisierungen und Inszenierungen in Politik, Kultur und Literatur., 2019
Die literatur-, kultur- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge des Bandes gehen von der Tatsac... more Die literatur-, kultur- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge des Bandes gehen von der Tatsache aus, dass die Kohäsion von Gesellschaften und Gemeinschaften nicht aus präzedenten Eigenschaften ableitbar ist, sondern mittels Sprache, Normen, Symbolen und Performanzen konstruiert wird. Der Band intendiert ein Verständnis von „parallelen Sozialitäten“, das Strukturen gesellschaftlicher Abspaltung nicht notwendig negativ interpretiert. Ihre progressiven und emanzipatorischen Potenziale werden genauso in den Blick, ohne dabei ihre teils problematischen Dimensionen in der Gegenwart als Elemente einer ‚Gesellschaft der Singularitäten‘ (Reckwitz) außer Acht zu lassen. Anhand der Beiträge wird sichtbar, dass es sich bei solchen Singularisierungstendenzen nicht notwendig um ein Spezifikum der Gegenwartsgesellschaft oder ein Indiz des Verfalls handelt. Vielmehr haben in sämtlichen Epochen und Kulturen gesellschaftliche Kleingruppen existiert, die sich in Abgrenzung zur institutionell und narrativ legitimierten ‚(Mehrheits-)Gesellschaft‘ verstanden und verhalten haben und als solche stets Eingang in die kulturellen (und künstlerischen) Aushandlungsprozesse ihrer Zeit fanden.
La vida cotidiana en el mundo hispánico: (siglos XVI-XVIII), coord. por Manuel Peña Díaz, 2012, ISBN 978-84-15289-35-7 , págs. 29-42, 2012
Julio 2008 en Granada. Fue el último día de mi estancia de investigación, después de haber pasado... more Julio 2008 en Granada. Fue el último día de mi estancia de investigación, después de haber pasado bastante tiempo en esta ciudad. Por casualidad, fui a una exposición de fotografía en el centro cultural de la Universidad, en la Casa de Porras. Allí ví una exposición sorprendente con el título Estudiantes en cuerpo y alma de un fotógrafo, para mi desconocido, llamado Marcos Corzo. Trató de describir con sus fotografías que es la vida cotidiana de un estudiante en Granada, en las palabras del propio Marcos Corzo: "[… ] exponiendo una lista de emociones y miradas capaces de encontrar un vínculo entre el espectáculo de la realidad y la magia de la creación; una comunión entre la belleza y la reflexión, entre la mirada y la impresión. El fotógrafo, que merodea por escenarios emocionales ofrece imágenes para el ensueño, para la evocación, para la hermosura y la exaltación […]". 1 También yo había sido estudiante en Granada, a finales de los noventa, con el intercambio Erasmus y posteriormente con el doctorado. Y precisamente en mi último dia en Granada ví la fotografía de un letrero donde solo se leía: Aula 12, y abajo como explicación: en el Centro de Lenguas modernas. En otra foto se veían estudiantes subiendo las escaleras de la facultad de ciencias, en otra un piso compartido cualquiera, y en otra, una parada de autobus en la Gran Via con estudiantes y sus carpetas, esperando. Por casualidad, esa era también mi parada diaria, y la vida que vi retratada durante años también fue la mía. ¿Por qué recuerdo tan bien esa exposición? ¿Por qué me emocionó tanto, a pesar de su sencillez? O, mejor: ¿Por qué el fotógrafo se decidió a hacer una exposición con motivos tan normales que todos pueden ver cada día en la misma ciudad en vivo? Creo que estaba en la misma condición que yo. Quizá fue un estudiante que estaba acabando la carrera, y con eso se dio cuenta de algo fundamental: lo que pierde definitivamente no es la ciencia, o la Alhambra o los amigos, sino la vida cotidiana del estudiante. Y es allí donde se percibe la vida cotidiana: solo aparece en momentos especiales, quizá extremos, donde lo normal y diario se ve alterado o desaparece por completo. Nace la nostalgia, tan ligada a la vida cotidiana para los espectatores.
Renaissance Quarterly, 2009
The ERC research project SUSPICIO-Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the S... more The ERC research project SUSPICIO-Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the Spanish Empire at the University of Granada is inviting proposals for a workshop on the culture of suspicion in the age of the Atlantic Revolutions between ca. 1770 and 1830.
Workshop date: 27th and 28th of March
Place: Carmen de la Victoria (University of Granada)
Deadline for Proposals: 10th of January
The research project SUSPICIO “Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the Span... more The research project SUSPICIO “Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the Spanish Empire,” funded by the European Research Council, is inviting applications for two PhD positions (f/m/d) from January 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter at the University of Granada. The position is being offered for a duration of 3 years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year.
The research project SUSPICIO “Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the Span... more The research project SUSPICIO “Creating Suspects. Security Politics and Colonial Rule in the Spanish Empire,” funded by the European Research Council, is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research position (f/m/d) from October 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter at the University of Granada. The position is being offered for a duration of 3.5 years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year.
Estimadas/os colegas: Nos resulta grato informarles sobre la publicación del nuevo número de Maga... more Estimadas/os colegas: Nos resulta grato informarles sobre la publicación del nuevo número de Magallánica. Revista de Historia Moderna. Para su consulta, pueden dirigirse al siguiente vínculo. Agradecemos a los autores, evaluadores y lectores por el apoyo constante a nuestra iniciativa. Esperamos que el número sea de su agrado. A continuación de este mensaje, pueden visualizar su índice. Un cordial saludo, Comité editorial Dear colleagues: We are very pleased to inform you about the publication of the new issue of Magallánica. Revista de Historia Moderna. For your query, you can go to the following link. We thank the authors, evaluators and readers for the constant support to our initiative.