Endre Brunstad | University of Bergen (original) (raw)

Papers by Endre Brunstad

Research paper thumbnail of Nynorsk under press. Folkerøystingar om opplæringsspråk i bergensområdet på 2000-talet

Annales Societatis Scientarium Færoensis Supplementum 68, 2017

In Norway, nearly half of all referendums have been about which written language that should be a... more In Norway, nearly half of all referendums have been about which written language that should be applied in the primary school, Nynorsk or Bokmål. This article deals with four language referendums held in the 2000s in areas around Bergen. Two of the referendums were held in a suburban area within the municipality of Bergen, Åsane, while the two others were held in a municipality close to Bergen, Askøy. Traditionally, Nynorsk has been the school language of these areas. However, during the last decades, in a social context characterized by demographic changes, mobility and urbanization, Bokmål has attained a more prominent place.

The article aims at exploring how notions of language, place and identity were interconnected in the language discussion connected to the referendums. We find differences between at the one hand emotional arguments associated with the place as a ‘sence of place’, and at the other hand, arguments and practice associated with the place as a context for social interaction – as a ‘locale’. The study indicates that emotional arguments on identity could not triumph the power of local social interaction. Finally, the article discusses conditions for local language policy with reference to changes within the Norwegian Education Act. More prominence has been given to individual rights for parents, and language referendums seem to be less important. This creates new challenges, especially for those working for the promotion of Nynorsk.

The mains sources for this article are a) data from the local referendums, b) newspaper articles, c) media sources from the monitoring service of Atekst, d) data from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, e) data from Statistics Norway, f) material from The Norwegian Language Society (‘Noregs Mållag’).

Research paper thumbnail of Standard language and linguistic purism

Sociolinguistica , 2003

This paper will focus on the role of purism in conceptualising standard languages in general. Th... more This paper will focus on the role of purism in conceptualising standard languages in general.

The first part deals with the concept of purism, what kind of linguistic elements it is directed at, and the meaning of a 'pure' language. The second part discusses the concept of standard language in view of norm homogenisation and norm agencies. The third part deals with early stage of language standardisation and preconditions of purism. The fourth part is about the relationship between constitutive and regulative norms: - It is possible that certain puristic features may also be constitutive features? Finally, there will be some concluding remarks on the historisk role of purism and on the question of ethics: Is purism good or bad?

Research paper thumbnail of Globalisering og språkleg mangfald

Article from the bok "Den nye norsken. Nokre peilepunkt under globaliseringa" (Oslo 2006). The ar... more Article from the bok "Den nye norsken. Nokre peilepunkt under globaliseringa" (Oslo 2006). The article is about the concept of linguistic globalization with examples from empirical research on the localization processes of Norwegian hip-hop.

Artikkelen drøftar omgrepet globalisering, og koplar denne drøftinga til eit overordna spørsmål: Kva moglegheiter og trugsmål inneber globaliseringa i høve til det språklege mangfaldet i verda?

Mange av døme i artikkelen er henta frå norsk hipphopp. I hipphopp har det skjedd endringar, språkleg og kulturelt, som viser interessante måtar globaliseringa vert lokalisert på. I tillegg vert det henta inn eksempel som gjeld språklån, domenetap, språkdaude, språkleg revitalisering og bistandspolitikk. Materialet kjem i stor grad frå eige empirisk arbeid knytt til forskingsprosjektet "Den nye norsken", Universitetet i Bergen.

Døma frå hipphopp viser at globaliseringa ikkje treng å innebere ein eintydig overføringsprosess av kulturelle impulsar, men at det dreier seg om ein samansett vekselverknad mellom global spreiing og lokal tilpassing. Resultatet av globaliseringa er dermed ikkje gitt på førehand. Det same er tilfellet når det gjeld spørsmål om språkdaude vs. språkleg revitalisering.

Research paper thumbnail of Pene piker sier ikke «døvetolk»

Språknytt, 2014

De fleste tenker seg om en ekstra gang når de skal sette ord på sensitive temaer som fysiske trek... more De fleste tenker seg om en ekstra gang når de skal sette ord på sensitive temaer som fysiske trekk, seksuell orientering og religiøs og etnisk tilhørighet. Skal man si «dyslektisk» eller «ordblind», «homofil» eller «skeiv»? Og er det greit å bruke «sigøyner», «keivhendt» og «dødfødt»?

Research paper thumbnail of Rom for språk – ein introduksjon

This introduction article briefly surveys the different articles in the book «Rom for språk. Nye ... more This introduction article briefly surveys the different articles in the book «Rom for språk. Nye innsikter i språkleg mangfald», published by Novus forlag 2015. The article demonstrates how the articles, from various perspectives, contribute to shed light on the overall question in the present book project: how multilingualism can be a positive factor for society and individuals. The articles to be discussed are organized in three sections in which multilingualism is explored from different perspectives. The articles in the first section discuss multilingualism from a political perspective, the articles in the second sections explore cognitive effects and aspects of multilingual development, and finally, the articles in the last section address multilingualism from the perspective of various multilin- ual practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Arkaismar i nynorsken

An “archaism” in this context means a word deemed obsolete or typical of an older period in langu... more An “archaism” in this context means a word deemed obsolete or typical of an older period in language history, while being out of tune in present-day usage.

Nynorsk has a tradition of purism, especially directed against words of Danish and German stock which are dominant in Bokmål and also common in dialectal speech, even the speech of many Nynorsk users. They are often (attempted) replaced with alternative coinages of genuine Nynorsk stock, sometimes with success, sometimes not. Purism has in the most recent decades been controversial among Nynorsk users, and it has been lessened to a considerable degree. As a result, many of the words formerly coined to replace Dano-German loanwords, have themselves been branded as “archaisms”, a result of a purism which is now by many regarded as exaggerated. Such words may still, however, be used to obtain particular stylistic effects.

This article purports to discuss archaisms in Nynorsk in a general linguistic background, and to show some of the stylistic functions archaisms may have. The general phenomenon of archaims is placed in a style-historical perspective, and lines are drawn back to Roman and Greek antiquity. The question of how one can define and delimit archaisms in Nynorsk is discussed, and the function and scope of archaizaton in Nynorsk is treated (Nynorsk was after all codified as a means to bridge the historical gap between Old Norse and modern Norwegian dialectal speech). The article, thus, is intended to clarify some linguistic concepts based on examples from Nynorsk.

The article also discusses various views among Nynorsk users concerning archaization, and what relations there are between these views and the minority position Nynorsk has in relation to Bokmål. Based on this, the article gives some consequences for the teaching in Nynorsk in schools.

The empirical basis of the article is of various kinds: expressions of opinions by different Nynorsk users, and some literary texts: Jon Fosse’s novel Andvake (2007), Nils Rune Langeland’s essay collection Noreg ‘Norway’ (208), Eilev Groven Myhren’s Nynorsk translation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (2006), and Liv Hatle’s translation of short stories by the Finnish-Estonian author Aino Kallas (2001).

Research paper thumbnail of Nordisk purisme

The article deals with linguistic purism in the different Nordic language communities

Research paper thumbnail of Nordisk purisme

The article deals with linguistic purism in the different Nordic language communities

Research paper thumbnail of Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice In Rural and Urban Norway

Languages of Global Hip Hop, Jan 1, 2010

Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice in Rural and Urban Norway Linguistic Endre Brunstad, Unn Røynelan... more Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice in Rural and Urban Norway Linguistic Endre Brunstad, Unn Røyneland and Toril Opsahl 9 1 Introduction Several studies have made connections between hip hop and globalization (Mitchell, 2001; Klein, 2003; Androutsopoulos and Scholz, 2003; Penny- ...

Research paper thumbnail of Språkverdiar

Research paper thumbnail of Kva er god nynorsk språkføring?

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket: Om purisme i dansk, svensk, færøysk og norsk

Prosjektet har som hovudmål å arbeide ut ei forståing av purisme som historisk-ideologisk og sosi... more Prosjektet har som hovudmål å arbeide ut ei forståing av purisme som historisk-ideologisk og sosiolingvistisk fenomen, og å vinne teoretisk innsikt om purisme som element i språknormering. Overordna problemstillingar: Kva plass har purismen hatt i ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nasjonalisme som språkpolitisk ideologi: Om nynorsk, frisisk og færøysk målreising

This study provides an analysis of the role of nationalism within Norwegian, Frisian and Faroese ... more This study provides an analysis of the role of nationalism within Norwegian, Frisian and Faroese language planning.

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket. Eit riss av purisme-omgrepet

Sandoy, Helge, Randi Brodersen og Endre Brunstad ( …, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Språknormer som forskingsobjekt

… språknormomgrepet og språknormforskinga. I: Randi B …, Jan 1, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Pingle

Om eit nyord i norsk. I: Nordiske studier i leksikografi, …, Jan 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Svart engelsk

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket

Research paper thumbnail of Nynorsk under press. Folkerøystingar om opplæringsspråk i bergensområdet på 2000-talet

Annales Societatis Scientarium Færoensis Supplementum 68, 2017

In Norway, nearly half of all referendums have been about which written language that should be a... more In Norway, nearly half of all referendums have been about which written language that should be applied in the primary school, Nynorsk or Bokmål. This article deals with four language referendums held in the 2000s in areas around Bergen. Two of the referendums were held in a suburban area within the municipality of Bergen, Åsane, while the two others were held in a municipality close to Bergen, Askøy. Traditionally, Nynorsk has been the school language of these areas. However, during the last decades, in a social context characterized by demographic changes, mobility and urbanization, Bokmål has attained a more prominent place.

The article aims at exploring how notions of language, place and identity were interconnected in the language discussion connected to the referendums. We find differences between at the one hand emotional arguments associated with the place as a ‘sence of place’, and at the other hand, arguments and practice associated with the place as a context for social interaction – as a ‘locale’. The study indicates that emotional arguments on identity could not triumph the power of local social interaction. Finally, the article discusses conditions for local language policy with reference to changes within the Norwegian Education Act. More prominence has been given to individual rights for parents, and language referendums seem to be less important. This creates new challenges, especially for those working for the promotion of Nynorsk.

The mains sources for this article are a) data from the local referendums, b) newspaper articles, c) media sources from the monitoring service of Atekst, d) data from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, e) data from Statistics Norway, f) material from The Norwegian Language Society (‘Noregs Mållag’).

Research paper thumbnail of Standard language and linguistic purism

Sociolinguistica , 2003

This paper will focus on the role of purism in conceptualising standard languages in general. Th... more This paper will focus on the role of purism in conceptualising standard languages in general.

The first part deals with the concept of purism, what kind of linguistic elements it is directed at, and the meaning of a 'pure' language. The second part discusses the concept of standard language in view of norm homogenisation and norm agencies. The third part deals with early stage of language standardisation and preconditions of purism. The fourth part is about the relationship between constitutive and regulative norms: - It is possible that certain puristic features may also be constitutive features? Finally, there will be some concluding remarks on the historisk role of purism and on the question of ethics: Is purism good or bad?

Research paper thumbnail of Globalisering og språkleg mangfald

Article from the bok "Den nye norsken. Nokre peilepunkt under globaliseringa" (Oslo 2006). The ar... more Article from the bok "Den nye norsken. Nokre peilepunkt under globaliseringa" (Oslo 2006). The article is about the concept of linguistic globalization with examples from empirical research on the localization processes of Norwegian hip-hop.

Artikkelen drøftar omgrepet globalisering, og koplar denne drøftinga til eit overordna spørsmål: Kva moglegheiter og trugsmål inneber globaliseringa i høve til det språklege mangfaldet i verda?

Mange av døme i artikkelen er henta frå norsk hipphopp. I hipphopp har det skjedd endringar, språkleg og kulturelt, som viser interessante måtar globaliseringa vert lokalisert på. I tillegg vert det henta inn eksempel som gjeld språklån, domenetap, språkdaude, språkleg revitalisering og bistandspolitikk. Materialet kjem i stor grad frå eige empirisk arbeid knytt til forskingsprosjektet "Den nye norsken", Universitetet i Bergen.

Døma frå hipphopp viser at globaliseringa ikkje treng å innebere ein eintydig overføringsprosess av kulturelle impulsar, men at det dreier seg om ein samansett vekselverknad mellom global spreiing og lokal tilpassing. Resultatet av globaliseringa er dermed ikkje gitt på førehand. Det same er tilfellet når det gjeld spørsmål om språkdaude vs. språkleg revitalisering.

Research paper thumbnail of Pene piker sier ikke «døvetolk»

Språknytt, 2014

De fleste tenker seg om en ekstra gang når de skal sette ord på sensitive temaer som fysiske trek... more De fleste tenker seg om en ekstra gang når de skal sette ord på sensitive temaer som fysiske trekk, seksuell orientering og religiøs og etnisk tilhørighet. Skal man si «dyslektisk» eller «ordblind», «homofil» eller «skeiv»? Og er det greit å bruke «sigøyner», «keivhendt» og «dødfødt»?

Research paper thumbnail of Rom for språk – ein introduksjon

This introduction article briefly surveys the different articles in the book «Rom for språk. Nye ... more This introduction article briefly surveys the different articles in the book «Rom for språk. Nye innsikter i språkleg mangfald», published by Novus forlag 2015. The article demonstrates how the articles, from various perspectives, contribute to shed light on the overall question in the present book project: how multilingualism can be a positive factor for society and individuals. The articles to be discussed are organized in three sections in which multilingualism is explored from different perspectives. The articles in the first section discuss multilingualism from a political perspective, the articles in the second sections explore cognitive effects and aspects of multilingual development, and finally, the articles in the last section address multilingualism from the perspective of various multilin- ual practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Arkaismar i nynorsken

An “archaism” in this context means a word deemed obsolete or typical of an older period in langu... more An “archaism” in this context means a word deemed obsolete or typical of an older period in language history, while being out of tune in present-day usage.

Nynorsk has a tradition of purism, especially directed against words of Danish and German stock which are dominant in Bokmål and also common in dialectal speech, even the speech of many Nynorsk users. They are often (attempted) replaced with alternative coinages of genuine Nynorsk stock, sometimes with success, sometimes not. Purism has in the most recent decades been controversial among Nynorsk users, and it has been lessened to a considerable degree. As a result, many of the words formerly coined to replace Dano-German loanwords, have themselves been branded as “archaisms”, a result of a purism which is now by many regarded as exaggerated. Such words may still, however, be used to obtain particular stylistic effects.

This article purports to discuss archaisms in Nynorsk in a general linguistic background, and to show some of the stylistic functions archaisms may have. The general phenomenon of archaims is placed in a style-historical perspective, and lines are drawn back to Roman and Greek antiquity. The question of how one can define and delimit archaisms in Nynorsk is discussed, and the function and scope of archaizaton in Nynorsk is treated (Nynorsk was after all codified as a means to bridge the historical gap between Old Norse and modern Norwegian dialectal speech). The article, thus, is intended to clarify some linguistic concepts based on examples from Nynorsk.

The article also discusses various views among Nynorsk users concerning archaization, and what relations there are between these views and the minority position Nynorsk has in relation to Bokmål. Based on this, the article gives some consequences for the teaching in Nynorsk in schools.

The empirical basis of the article is of various kinds: expressions of opinions by different Nynorsk users, and some literary texts: Jon Fosse’s novel Andvake (2007), Nils Rune Langeland’s essay collection Noreg ‘Norway’ (208), Eilev Groven Myhren’s Nynorsk translation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (2006), and Liv Hatle’s translation of short stories by the Finnish-Estonian author Aino Kallas (2001).

Research paper thumbnail of Nordisk purisme

The article deals with linguistic purism in the different Nordic language communities

Research paper thumbnail of Nordisk purisme

The article deals with linguistic purism in the different Nordic language communities

Research paper thumbnail of Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice In Rural and Urban Norway

Languages of Global Hip Hop, Jan 1, 2010

Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice in Rural and Urban Norway Linguistic Endre Brunstad, Unn Røynelan... more Hip Hop, Ethnicity and Practice in Rural and Urban Norway Linguistic Endre Brunstad, Unn Røyneland and Toril Opsahl 9 1 Introduction Several studies have made connections between hip hop and globalization (Mitchell, 2001; Klein, 2003; Androutsopoulos and Scholz, 2003; Penny- ...

Research paper thumbnail of Språkverdiar

Research paper thumbnail of Kva er god nynorsk språkføring?

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket: Om purisme i dansk, svensk, færøysk og norsk

Prosjektet har som hovudmål å arbeide ut ei forståing av purisme som historisk-ideologisk og sosi... more Prosjektet har som hovudmål å arbeide ut ei forståing av purisme som historisk-ideologisk og sosiolingvistisk fenomen, og å vinne teoretisk innsikt om purisme som element i språknormering. Overordna problemstillingar: Kva plass har purismen hatt i ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nasjonalisme som språkpolitisk ideologi: Om nynorsk, frisisk og færøysk målreising

This study provides an analysis of the role of nationalism within Norwegian, Frisian and Faroese ... more This study provides an analysis of the role of nationalism within Norwegian, Frisian and Faroese language planning.

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket. Eit riss av purisme-omgrepet

Sandoy, Helge, Randi Brodersen og Endre Brunstad ( …, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Språknormer som forskingsobjekt

… språknormomgrepet og språknormforskinga. I: Randi B …, Jan 1, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Pingle

Om eit nyord i norsk. I: Nordiske studier i leksikografi, …, Jan 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Svart engelsk

Research paper thumbnail of Det reine språket