Ivo Hajnal | University of Innsbruck (original) (raw)
Videos by Ivo Hajnal
1. The Syntactical Interpretation of Mycenaean Tablets 2. The Left Periphery of the Mycenaean cl... more 1. The Syntactical Interpretation of Mycenaean Tablets
2. The Left Periphery of the Mycenaean clause
The lecture addresses the question of whether and how language arose in the course of human evolu... more The lecture addresses the question of whether and how language arose in the course of human evolution.
His target audience was students in their last year of high school.
Papers by Ivo Hajnal
The 'Tyrrhenic question': why a prompt solution is hardly to be expected. The genealogical affili... more The 'Tyrrhenic question': why a prompt solution is hardly to be expected. The genealogical affiliation of the Tyrrhenian language family (Etruscan, Lemnian, Rhaetic) is unclear-and will probably remain so for the time being, as both linguistic and archaeogenetic data allow different scenarios. As far as the linguistic data are concerned, the agglutinative nominal inflection does, at first glance, clearly separate the Tyrrhenian languages from the fusional inflectional type of Indo-European languages. But as it turns out, an agglutinative inflection may well have emerged from a fusional type. The archaeogenetic data, for their part, cannot be combined into a coherent overall picture. Thus, all hypotheses formulated so far concerning the prehistory of the Tyrrhenians remain conceivable-although the theory that the Tyrrhenian languages originated in Anatolia now seems less likely.
Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics , 2024
It is uncontested that Indo-European immigrants encountered autochthonous languages upon their ar... more It is uncontested that Indo-European immigrants encountered autochthonous languages upon their arrival in Greece as well as later in the Aegean world. The influence of pre-Greek languages on Greek manifests itself primarily in the vocabulary. It is mainly cultural terms that are borrowed, while there are no borrowed functional words. There is thus a scenario of ‘cultural borrowing’ between early Greek and the pre-Greek languages.
Macht in Unternehmen, 2012
Kaum ein Begriff ist so diskreditiert wie der der Macht. Sie wird mit Missbrauch, Willkur und Irr... more Kaum ein Begriff ist so diskreditiert wie der der Macht. Sie wird mit Missbrauch, Willkur und Irrationalitat verbunden, allein das Streben danach gilt als verdachtig. Dabei ist die regulierende und gestaltende Funktion der Macht fur und in Organisationen aus dem Blick geraten, aber auch die Frage nach den Ursprungen und den Regulativen von Macht. Das Buch untersucht diese Thematik aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener Disziplinen und von "Praktikern der Macht" aus Unternehmen und Politik.
Indogermanische Forschungen
Información del artículo Definite nominale Determination im Indogermanischen.
Diachrone Zugänglichkeit als Prozess, 2014
Page 1. Ivo Hajnal Die Tafeln aus Theben und ihre Bedeutung für die griechische Dialektologie ¶ 1... more Page 1. Ivo Hajnal Die Tafeln aus Theben und ihre Bedeutung für die griechische Dialektologie ¶ 1: Einleitung Nach längerer Wartezeit liegen die Neufunde von Theben in publizierter Form vor1. Hatten erste Informationen über den Fund und die Texte an-...
125 Jahre Indogermanistik Graz, 2000
Olivier, J.-P.(Hg.), Mykenaïka. Actes du IXe Colloque …, 1990
Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics
The Political Geography of Western Anatolia, 2022
What relationships existed in prehistoric times between the southeastern part of the Balkan Penin... more What relationships existed in prehistoric times between the southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and northwest Asia Minor? This question is the focus of this interdisciplinary contribution. The answer is important in two ways: on the one hand, we could obtain more precise evidence of when and how speakers of Indo-European idioms came to Asia Minor; on the other hand we could shed more light on the prehistory of the Troas. Current findings from archeology, archaeogenetics and linguistics lead to the following conclusions: close cultural contacts existed between Eastern Thrace or the southeastern Balkans and northwestern Anatolia in the Late Neolithic (c. 6000 BCE) and in the Chalcolithic/Eneolithic period (c. 5800-4000 BCE). However, no Indo-European groups appear to have been involved in these contacts. They therefore must have reached Anatolia via the Caucasus. An immigration of speakers of Indo-European idioms via the Balkans did not take place until the Late Bronze Age, when the Phrygians reached Asia Minor. Incidentally, these become manifest in the epigraphic documents earlier than previously assumed.
1. The Syntactical Interpretation of Mycenaean Tablets 2. The Left Periphery of the Mycenaean cl... more 1. The Syntactical Interpretation of Mycenaean Tablets
2. The Left Periphery of the Mycenaean clause
The lecture addresses the question of whether and how language arose in the course of human evolu... more The lecture addresses the question of whether and how language arose in the course of human evolution.
His target audience was students in their last year of high school.
The 'Tyrrhenic question': why a prompt solution is hardly to be expected. The genealogical affili... more The 'Tyrrhenic question': why a prompt solution is hardly to be expected. The genealogical affiliation of the Tyrrhenian language family (Etruscan, Lemnian, Rhaetic) is unclear-and will probably remain so for the time being, as both linguistic and archaeogenetic data allow different scenarios. As far as the linguistic data are concerned, the agglutinative nominal inflection does, at first glance, clearly separate the Tyrrhenian languages from the fusional inflectional type of Indo-European languages. But as it turns out, an agglutinative inflection may well have emerged from a fusional type. The archaeogenetic data, for their part, cannot be combined into a coherent overall picture. Thus, all hypotheses formulated so far concerning the prehistory of the Tyrrhenians remain conceivable-although the theory that the Tyrrhenian languages originated in Anatolia now seems less likely.
Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics , 2024
It is uncontested that Indo-European immigrants encountered autochthonous languages upon their ar... more It is uncontested that Indo-European immigrants encountered autochthonous languages upon their arrival in Greece as well as later in the Aegean world. The influence of pre-Greek languages on Greek manifests itself primarily in the vocabulary. It is mainly cultural terms that are borrowed, while there are no borrowed functional words. There is thus a scenario of ‘cultural borrowing’ between early Greek and the pre-Greek languages.
Macht in Unternehmen, 2012
Kaum ein Begriff ist so diskreditiert wie der der Macht. Sie wird mit Missbrauch, Willkur und Irr... more Kaum ein Begriff ist so diskreditiert wie der der Macht. Sie wird mit Missbrauch, Willkur und Irrationalitat verbunden, allein das Streben danach gilt als verdachtig. Dabei ist die regulierende und gestaltende Funktion der Macht fur und in Organisationen aus dem Blick geraten, aber auch die Frage nach den Ursprungen und den Regulativen von Macht. Das Buch untersucht diese Thematik aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener Disziplinen und von "Praktikern der Macht" aus Unternehmen und Politik.
Indogermanische Forschungen
Información del artículo Definite nominale Determination im Indogermanischen.
Diachrone Zugänglichkeit als Prozess, 2014
Page 1. Ivo Hajnal Die Tafeln aus Theben und ihre Bedeutung für die griechische Dialektologie ¶ 1... more Page 1. Ivo Hajnal Die Tafeln aus Theben und ihre Bedeutung für die griechische Dialektologie ¶ 1: Einleitung Nach längerer Wartezeit liegen die Neufunde von Theben in publizierter Form vor1. Hatten erste Informationen über den Fund und die Texte an-...
125 Jahre Indogermanistik Graz, 2000
Olivier, J.-P.(Hg.), Mykenaïka. Actes du IXe Colloque …, 1990
Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics
The Political Geography of Western Anatolia, 2022
What relationships existed in prehistoric times between the southeastern part of the Balkan Penin... more What relationships existed in prehistoric times between the southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and northwest Asia Minor? This question is the focus of this interdisciplinary contribution. The answer is important in two ways: on the one hand, we could obtain more precise evidence of when and how speakers of Indo-European idioms came to Asia Minor; on the other hand we could shed more light on the prehistory of the Troas. Current findings from archeology, archaeogenetics and linguistics lead to the following conclusions: close cultural contacts existed between Eastern Thrace or the southeastern Balkans and northwestern Anatolia in the Late Neolithic (c. 6000 BCE) and in the Chalcolithic/Eneolithic period (c. 5800-4000 BCE). However, no Indo-European groups appear to have been involved in these contacts. They therefore must have reached Anatolia via the Caucasus. An immigration of speakers of Indo-European idioms via the Balkans did not take place until the Late Bronze Age, when the Phrygians reached Asia Minor. Incidentally, these become manifest in the epigraphic documents earlier than previously assumed.
In this work we explore a deep learning-based dialogue system that generates sarcastic and humoro... more In this work we explore a deep learning-based dialogue system that generates sarcastic and humorous responses from a conversation design perspective. We trained a seq2seq model on a carefully curated dataset of 3000 question-answering pairs, the core of our mean, grumpy, sarcastic chatbot. We show that end-to-end systems learn patterns very quickly from small datasets and thus, are able to transfer simple linguistic structures representing abstract concepts to unseen settings. We also deploy our LSTM-based encoder-decoder model in the browser, where users can directly interact with the chatbot. Human raters evaluated linguistic quality, creativity and human-like traits, revealing the system's strengths, limitations and potential for future research.
A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire
The epic poetry of Homer is considered a classic example of oral poetry. However, the term "oral ... more The epic poetry of Homer is considered a classic example of oral poetry. However, the term "oral poetry" is ambiguous in literary history. It encompasses the oral recitation of memorized verse as well as the production of a stand-up performance during oral recitation that adheres solely to predetermined thematic structures or material. In the latter case of direct oral production, the poet must necessarily adhere to the guidelines that apply to the production of natural language. From a discourse-pragmatic point of view, these are, for example, the organization of speech into clear 'idea units' and 'intonational units' – which, according to current research, applies to Homeric poetry. A further requirement can be added from a syntactic point of view: In the case of extemporaneous production, the poetic performance must in any case respect the phase boundaries that, according to generative ideas, control the output of natural language. Samples from the Iliad prove that Homeric verse fully meets this requirement. This supports the view that Homeric poetry can be described as oral in a narrow sense.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Über die Mumie vom Tisenjoch ist 25 Jahre nach ihrer Entdeckung erf... more Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Über die Mumie vom Tisenjoch ist 25 Jahre nach ihrer Entdeckung erfreulich viel bekannt. So hat der Eismann "Ötzi" grob zwischen 3'370 und 3'100v.Chr. und damit in der Kupfersteinzeit gelebt. In seiner Epoche werden die tiefer gelegenen Weiden nördlich wie südlich des Alpenhauptkamms bereits zur Weidewirtschaft genutzt. Und seine DNA deutet auf Laktose-Intoleranz.
Die 1970er und 1980er Jahre waren in der deutschsprachigen Indogermanistik von einer Dominanz der... more Die 1970er und 1980er Jahre waren in der deutschsprachigen Indogermanistik von einer Dominanz der ‚Erlanger Schule' geprägt. Nach deren Credo stand im Zentrum unseres Fachs die Rekonstruktion der indogermanischen Grundsprache -und diese durfte einzig nach der vergleichenden Methode erfolgen. Dementsprechend gross war daher etwa die Ablehnung der so genannten ‚Glottaltheorie' von Hopper beziehungsweise Gamkrelidze/Iwanow. Deren Theorie postulierte anhand typologischer Erwägungen bekanntlich, dass hinter den rekonstruierten stimmhaften Plosivlauten *b, d, g in Wahrheit glottalisierte Plosive *p', t', g' stünden -also Phoneme, die sich nirgendwo vergleichend rekonstruieren liessen.
Archaische Verwaltungstexte zwischen Mündlichkeit, Schriftlichkeit und Kontext: das Beispiel der ... more Archaische Verwaltungstexte zwischen Mündlichkeit, Schriftlichkeit und Kontext: das Beispiel der mykenischen Linear B-Tafeln IVO HAJNAL Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Dieser Workshop befasst sich mit dem Sprachbewusstsein beziehungsweise dem metalinguistischen Textverständnis im Vorderen Orient. (→ Slide 2) Dabei steht gemäss dem ‚Meeting proposal' eine Hypothese zur Diskussion: Das metalinguistische Verständnis ist direkt von der Weiterentwicklung der Schriftpraxis abhängig. In den Worten des proposal: "The hypothesis … is that advances in metalinguistic awareness can only occur in tandem with an increasingly detailed system of metalinguistic notation." Dieser Beitrag will diese Hypothese anhand eines Fallbeispiels prüfen: der mykenischen Kultur und ihrer Schrift, der sogenannten Linearschrift B. (→ Slide 3) Zwar sind die frühgriechischen Mykener nicht direkt dem vorderasiatischen Kulturkreis beziehungsweise dem Vorderen Orient zuzuordnen, sondern gehören der ägäischen Welt an. Doch passen sie aus zwei Gründen in den Kontext dieses Workshops: • Erstens sind Mykener neben dem griechischen Festland und Kreta auch in Vorderasien präsent. So lassen sich mykenische Kolonisten in den Epochen LH IIIA bis LH IIIC (ca. 1390 bis 1100 v. Chr.) in einer Zone von Milet bis nach Bodrum/Halikarnass nachweisen. • Zweitens bestehen deutliche Parallelen in der Praxis der Verwaltung zwischen mykenischen und vorderasiatischen Palastzentren.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, der Titel meines Vortrages unterscheidet sich nicht wesentlich vom... more Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, der Titel meines Vortrages unterscheidet sich nicht wesentlich vom Titel eines Referats, welches mein Landsmann Eduard Schwyzer im November des Jahres 1934 dem Berliner "Sprachwissenschaftlichen Abendı darbot und das in der Folge zwei Jahre später veröffentlicht wurde. Schwyzer betitelte seine damaligen Ausführungen, wie Sie 1. des Handouts entnehmen können, mit "Die nominale Determination in den indogermanischen Sprachenı. Seine Arbeit blieb bis heute die einzige, welche ausschliesslich diesem Thema gewidmet ist.
The Greek language has a special position among the ancient Indo-European languages. When we work... more The Greek language has a special position among the ancient Indo-European languages. When we work with archaic Greek inscriptions or the earliest poetry it becomes apparent that the Greek language is in no way homogenous. Rather than being an unity
The heading "Coming of the Greeks" has been the focus of numerous scholarly discussions since J.B... more The heading "Coming of the Greeks" has been the focus of numerous scholarly discussions since J.B. Haley and C.W. Blegen-building on 19 th-century studies (cf. Kretschmer 1896, 401-409)-published their papers on supposedly non-Greek place names nearly 100 years ago (Haley 1928, Blegen 1928). From a linguistic perspective, "Coming of the Greeks" refers to the question under what circumstances the Greek language separated from the Indo-European family and later reached Greek soil. For Haley 1928 and Blegen 1928, place names of Anatolian origin on the Greek mainland and in the Aegean Sea were evidence of a homogeneous pre-Greek cultural layer. This layer, according to Blegen, was overlaid in the Early Helladic period at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC by "the earliest form of Hellenic culture" (Blegen 1928, 154).
Meine in den letzten Monaten gesammelten Gedanken zum Kalašma-Text … Rein provisorisch!
Hajnal&Risch, Grammatik des mykenischen Griechisch, Vol. 1, 2006
At his death in 1988, the Zurich Indo-Europeanist Ernst Risch left behind preliminary work on a g... more At his death in 1988, the Zurich Indo-Europeanist Ernst Risch left behind preliminary work on a grammar of Mycenaean Greek. This preliminary work included a general introduction and parts of the phonology. Within the framework of an Athena project of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Ivo Hajnal secured, updated and supplemented Ernst Risch's original manuscripts from 1996-1998. It is planned to finalise the manuscript taking into account the latest findings.
Dear colleagues Since the decipherment of the Mycenaean Linear B texts in the 1950s, it has been ... more Dear colleagues Since the decipherment of the Mycenaean Linear B texts in the 1950s, it has been imperative that an account of the Greek Dark Ages includes linguistic analysis. Therefore, I thank you for the invitation. I am pleased to give you today an overview of the linguistic situation prevailing in mainland Greece after the end of the Mycenaean palaces. (1) Before doing so, however, I would like to make two preliminary remarks. (2) My first remark concerns the concept of 'Dark Ages'. From an archaeological point of view, the centuries following the end of the Mycenaean palaces until the beginning of the Greek city-states are much more transparent today than they were in the 1960s or 1970s. From a current perspective, the Dark Ages only consist of a short period between the end of the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of the Sub-Mycenaean period. From a linguistic point of view, the period of the Dark Ages lasts much longer. If we leave aside the earliest post-Mycenaean testimony-the Cyprian dialect inscription ICS 18g, which can be dated around 1,050-950 BC-there are over 400 years between the last Mycenaean inscriptions from Pylos from the transitional period of LH IIIB2 and LH IIIC1 (1210-1190 BC) and the earliest Archaic alphabetic inscriptions from the 8 th century BC. In contrast to other scientific disciplines, the linguistic database has hardly improved since the discovery in the mid-1950s that an early Greek dialect is concealed behind the texts in Linear B. This leads to my second remark: Do not expect me to provide you today with substantially new insights. The only thing I will present to you is an overall scenario. This scenario is largely based on known linguistic data, but it also considers sociolinguistic and archaeological findings. It is, moreover, limited to developments in mainland Greece since the majority of the developments in the Aegean and Asia Minor derive from it. (3) In the more than 400 years that are 'dark' from a linguistic point of view, the Greek linguistic landscape changes significantly. Map 1 first shows the starting position: those ten sites on the Greek mainland where Mycenaean records in Linear B with administrative function (i.e. tablets, nodulae, sealings) have been found until today. Let us connect these sites and their surrounding regions. We then arrive at the area where at the end of the Bronze Age respectively at the end of the Mycenaean period a Southern Greek dialect may have been spoken (I hope you notice my careful choice of words). (4) The following map 2 illustrates the situation 450 years later: The comparison makes clear how much the Southern Greek dialect area has been reduced within four decades; respectively how much the Northern Greek dialect expands in the dark centuries, which is represented in historical time by the Doric, Northwestern Greek and probably Aeolic dialects. (5) However, the presentation on both maps is highly simplified and raises fundamental questions. In the context of map 1, which illustrates the initial situation towards the end of the Mycenaean period and at the beginning of the Dark Ages, respectively, the following two questions arise: First question: Can the Southern Greek dialectal area in the second millennium BC be directly extrapolated from the distribution of Mycenaean tablets or other administrative records?-The assumption that the language area in the wider surroundings of the Mycenaean palaces uniformly speaks a Southern Greek dialect is at least premature and must be justified. Which gives rise to doubts: Outside the sites mentioned in map 1 and 2, there are far few traces of administrative Mycenaean influence. Thus, the conditions in large areas of Achaea,
Theme: Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans and landscapes The political geo... more Theme: Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans and landscapes The political geography of western Anatolia in the LBA, and the region's interaction with its neighbours, in particular the Balkan Whilst we know of numerous Late Bronze Age (c. 1700-1200 BC) sites, including a number of very sizable ones, in western Anatolia, remarkably little archaeological fieldwork has focused on uncovering these settlements and establishing their role visa -vis their surroundings. Contemporary texts similarly indicate that the region was of a major political and military importance, and that individual states and federations may have ultimately challenged Hittite hegemony over Anatolia. Yet most text books largely ignore the region's importance, and consider it as a conflict zone between the two great powers to its west (Mycenaean Greece) and east (Hatti). This session invites presentations that aim to redress this situation. We are particularly interested in papers where evidence from various relevant disciplines, including archaeology, philology, linguistics, and geology/geo-archaeology are combined and compared. The session aims to contextualize the role of western Anatolia during the LBA and the interactions with its neighbours (including Greece, central Anatolia, the Levant, Egypt, Cyprus, and the Balkan), by inviting papers discussing fieldwork results as well as new interpretations of available archaeological and philological evidence. The session aims to present western Anatolia not simply as buffer zone between other regions and states, but as a region with its own socio-political and cultural developments, that was fully integrated in the LBA world. Proposals for papers may be submitted here: https://submissions.e-a-a.org/eaa2019/